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S03.E06: Les Enfants du Sang

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Man they covered a lot of ground this ep, both literally and emotionally.

Bye, Boyds. Looks like Gran'ma is the only game in town now. 

Best two laughs:

  1. The orphanage sign: "Prices Low! Make us an offer!"
  2. Dispatcher: "Sherriff, we got an emergency. A man's been spotted at the petting zoo. Sherriff: "I'm goin' to a bank robbery!" Dispatch: "It's TC." (Sherriff does a 180)
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There's material here for an entire spin-off series that explores exactly how the Sheriff ended up knowing T.C. by name. And if you wanted to see more of T.C., well...we just saw a lot more of him than I ever wanted to.

Don't ever tell the Allfather that you're hungry enough to eat a horse. Which reminds me; we have two bad guy characters, Allfather and Grandma, whose whole deal involves eating things that shouldn't be eaten. Seems like gluttony is this season's underlying theme.

Regarding the Allfather - I've decided that there's someone he reminds me of even more than Mr. Creosote or Baron Harkonnen: He's Bishop Beesley from the Jerry Cornelius stories. I expect that his meals are going to escalate. Given the nature of this show so far, I see a genuine danger that Humperdoo will get eaten. "Blood and Body of Christ", and all that.

The Children of Blood are a hilarious bargain-basement version of the Théâtre des Vampires in the Anne Rice novels...in a literal basement! The leader even wants the same thing that Armand wanted; a vampire friend who isn't one of his loser followers. And Cassidy is certainly angsty enough for the role of Louis right now.

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On that card of bank robbers to watch out for, I saw Tulip, Jody and T.C.'s picture, but I didn't see Jesse's. I am thinking because Jesse is the getaway driver, he probably never enters the bank during the heists.

Arseface says that he is still alive, does that mean that everybody in Hell is still alive if they can escape and make it back to the surface. Does that say anything about what death actually is (like just a transportation to another realm where you live forever).

T.C. and his new girlfriend Tilly make a clean getaway.

I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

Your head looks like a penis.

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11 hours ago, Sandman87 said:

Don't ever tell the Allfather that you're hungry enough to eat a horse. Which reminds me; we have two bad guy characters, Allfather and Grandma, whose whole deal involves eating things that shouldn't be eaten. Seems like gluttony is this season's underlying theme.

On this theme I would add the worse one (for me) this episode, which was the leader of The Children of Blood swallowing whole the beautiful large owl. The fact that we saw it was a real, live one a second before he started made it worse.

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Yeah, Jody apparently has plot armor to protect him from bullets or anything else that should harm a non-supernatural being.

I had to stifle laughs at the horrible SFX of the Children of Blood's leader eating that owl and greenscreen flying around with Cassidy. I'd been sure from the promo that the latter was some sort of drug-fueled trip, but no, that actually happened. WTF? Is this actually from the comic series?

Edited by Bruinsfan
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4 hours ago, Bruinsfan said:

I had to stifle laughs at the horrible SFX of the Children of Blood's leader eating that owl and greenscreen flying around with Cassidy. I'd been sure from the promo that the latter was some sort of drug-fueled trip, but no, that actually happened. WTF? Is this actually from the comic series?

No. Like most of the series, it borrows from the comic without copying it. 

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7 hours ago, WritinMan said:

It looked like Jody killed them.

This kind of bugged me, because if it was that easy for him to wipe out the Boyds defenses, why didn't he do it years ago?  Before, it was presented like they were an overwhelming force.  Although Jody did go in and get the transpoil earlier in the season.  Still, it seems kind of odd.

Maybe their forces were thinned out after fighting Tulip a few episodes ago?  Or maybe they lost some spell protection when their souls were stolen from the bank?  I don't know, doesn't really make sense.

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4 hours ago, rmontro said:

This kind of bugged me, because if it was that easy for him to wipe out the Boyds defenses, why didn't he do it years ago?

They must have let down their guard because they thought Granny was dead.

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I am officially pleased that Graham McTavsh's name appears in the credits superimposed over a woman that the Saint of Killers shoved through a wall. I think that might beat out the "Hilter" nametag.

Poor SoK. He's probably ornery because he's stuck on B-plot, and he knows that nobody will love him going after the series' resident hard-luck case. Seriously, do orphanages still exist today? Of course, Eugene winds up in one. Of course, Saint "adopts" him. And it looks like Adolf is next. Poor Eugene. He escapes hell, and it looks like Annville sunk into that.

Actually, Starr might be worse off, now that his head literally looks like a dick. And he's gotta deal with the Allfather, who comes with his own puke stick. In terms of misery, it's a race between Eugene, Starr, and that poor goat TC was chasing. I have to ask: was anybody out here humming "What's My Age Again?"

Deleted line from Eugene, as he surveys the remains of Annville: "Wow! Just like Buffy!!"

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This is the first episode I've enjoyed in a long time.  Found a lot of it derivative of other cult shows (Buffy and Anneville is one example) but for some reason overlooked all that.  

The Saint of Killers, in particular, makes me think I've walked into that series by Stephen King.

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Definitely the best episode of this season so far. I was beginning to think that the show had just lost my attention. All the different plots worked together so well. For some strange reason I have been missing Hitler, so I hope that The Saint of Killers will be looking for him next.

Missed the Buffy line, so thank you Lantern7. I knew that hole looked familiar!

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On 7/30/2018 at 11:28 AM, showme said:

How did Grandma get Sabrina? Didn't she have an army of protection? Grandma only got two stooges.

TC went after the goat, and Jody killed off all Sabrina's guards and kidnapped her per granny's orders. That was what they did to distract the cops from the bank robbery. The show was worth watching just to see TC running down that sidewalk half nude with that goat, and a shit eating grin on his face, lol. 

On 7/30/2018 at 6:59 AM, OoohMaggie said:

Did TC use a stunt double or was the gator still swinging on that thang?

I don't think the gator was on that dingleberry anymore. The blurred image was very short area,nothing swinging there. Definitely not a baby gator. 

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I'm not really seeing how Cassidy's plot has anything to do with what's going on. It was funny, but I hope the plots merge in some way. Maybe they need to turn Jesus into a vampire so everyone can drink his blood. 

I hate to tell the allfather, but nuclear war isn't going to really work because they'll be no one around for Jesus to come back to. 

Jessie needs to get the voice back soon because he's ending up in the basement a little too much. 

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9 hours ago, WalkerTalker said:

I don't think the gator was on that dingleberry anymore. The blurred image was very short area,nothing swinging there. Definitely not a baby gator. 

Maybe I was mistaken but I’m NOT going to check Lol Tulip didn’t exactly seem impressed!

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ganesh, that may be it -- you've hit on something.  Jesse is just monstrous right now (without the voice he's just a lot of bluster and blather) and his childhood makes him look like a fiend.  I think that might be my problem.  Right now, I just don't like Jesse at all and he's the "hero".  (No, he's not even a good anti-hero, because he wasn't set up that way and there really has been no life change to make him bad -- in fact, they have revealed he's been bad since childhood.)

Edited by Captanne
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10 hours ago, ganesh said:

Maybe they need to turn Jesus into a vampire so everyone can drink his blood.

Does drinking vampire blood have healing powers? I can't remember if they've established vampire blood rules on this show.

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4 hours ago, AngelKitty said:

Does drinking vampire blood have healing powers? I can't remember if they've established vampire blood rules on this show.

Oh I have no idea. Someone mentioned body and blood of christ and I just went from there. I'm trying to figure how Cassidy would factor into the main storyline. Unless he happens to run into god who gives him a mission, or he develops powers from Lestat that will help the gang later on. I'm figuring if there's some revolt coming between Starr and the Allfather, and Allfather is working with hell, with Jesse and Rudy being caught in the middle, Cassidy might be of use to them.  


4 hours ago, Superclam said:

As I and others have mentioned, the show strays so far from the comic that it's hard to see where they're going with this. 

I'm not too concerned about how it happens in the comic. I take the tv show on its own merits and just it from a tv storytelling pov. I'd rather not know how it's done in the comics tbh. 

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6 hours ago, Captanne said:

ganesh, that may be it -- you've hit on something.  Jesse is just monstrous right now (without the voice he's just a lot of bluster and blather) and his childhood makes him look like a fiend.  I think that might be my problem.  Right now, I just don't like Jesse at all and he's the "hero".  (No, he's not even a good anti-hero, because he wasn't set up that way and there really has been no life change to make him bad -- in fact, they have revealed he's been bad since childhood.)

I see Jesse as more of a grey character. He's a (reasonably) good guy that sometimes does bad things, mostly that he is forced to out of a strong survival instinct. In that family, it is kill or be killed. He is a very loyal friend though - both to Tulip and Cassidy. He has risked his own safety for both of them, especially in Angelville.

55 minutes ago, ganesh said:

Oh I have no idea. Someone mentioned body and blood of christ and I just went from there. I'm trying to figure how Cassidy would factor into the main storyline. Unless he happens to run into god who gives him a mission, or he develops powers from Lestat that will help the gang later on. I'm figuring if there's some revolt coming between Starr and the Allfather, and Allfather is working with hell, with Jesse and Rudy being caught in the middle, Cassidy might be of use to them.  


I'm not too concerned about how it happens in the comic. I take the tv show on its own merits and just it from a tv storytelling pov. I'd rather not know how it's done in the comics tbh. 

I haven't read comics for a few decades (way too expensive for what you get), so I completely agree. What works on the page never completely translates into a visual medium anyway, and I think Preacher has a great visual, kinetic flair. I am also happy to have an A plot and a B plot. Makes it more interesting. Tulip has made it perfectly clear that she has chosen Jesse over Cassidy romantically, so I think it's natural that he goes off and morosely deals with the situation by himself. I am looking forward to what troubles both parties get up to in the meantime and the new dynamics when they inevitably reconnect in the future. I would expect that Cassidy will be the saviour next time. (To save Jesse and Tulip that is, not that he will be replacing Humperdink (?) instead of Jesse). 

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Tv wise that's what I would expect from Cassidy. It's just that the show has a habit of spinning its wheels, and I don't want another year's worth of Cassidy's adventures with Lestat before they move on. 

The show hasn't shown what Jesse's motivations are either, but I don't know if he knows what they are. He's said that he thinks the voice chose him, and he does want to find god, but now that god has talked to Tulip a bunch of times, there's not much urgency. He doesn't want to be the messiah, but he's stuck with Starr for now. 

That's ok for a comic book, but there needs to be more of a narrative direction for a tv show. 

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On 8/2/2018 at 6:54 AM, Captanne said:

ganesh, that may be it -- you've hit on something.  Jesse is just monstrous right now (without the voice he's just a lot of bluster and blather) and his childhood makes him look like a fiend.  I think that might be my problem.  Right now, I just don't like Jesse at all and he's the "hero".  (No, he's not even a good anti-hero, because he wasn't set up that way and there really has been no life change to make him bad -- in fact, they have revealed he's been bad since childhood.)

Don't forget even with  Genesis he sent Arseface to hell.  He did it in anger, but he has never bothered to rectify that situation. But, he is just like everyone else, fighting his own personal demons everyday. Sometimes his better angels win, sometimes his fear wins. Fear seems to be the motivating factor in all our devilish dealings. He did not seem bad when he was with his preacher pa. Granny had Jody kill his pa. The took him back and raised him wrong. He got out when he got the chance. His torment seems to come from his time with granny, and her clan. I don't think you can blame a kid until they know right from wrong. Once he knew he got the hell out of Angelville. 

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Let's keep the comic talk out of the episode threads please.  We have a comic thread for those that want to talk comics or compare the arcs between the show and the comics. Even though the show does not treat the comics as the Bible, it is best to keep the chatter separate.

Stepping away from the lectern to leave a spot for the preacher and the good book. 

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On 8/4/2018 at 12:14 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:


Let's keep the comic talk out of the episode threads please.  We have a comic thread for those that want to talk comics or compare the arcs between the show and the comics. Even though the show does not treat the comics as the Bible, it is best to keep the chatter separate.

Stepping away from the lectern to leave a spot for the preacher and the good book. 

Thanks, but where do we find that thread? . It wasn't under C for comic books, P for preacher, and under Off Topics Comic books  under shows, or forums. I do have trouble finding stuff at times. I depend on notifications from others to get on threads most of the time.  Any help you can give me would be appreciated. 

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13 minutes ago, 1 who Knocks-Nuihc said:

where is this weeks thread?

I didn't see the new thread under Preacher. So, either one will be started tonight, or we will have to chat under Preacher Speculation I guess. Do you have any ideas?

Actually, this thread should have closed after the show last week. It is not a speculation thread. 

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On 2018-08-05 at 9:12 PM, WalkerTalker said:

Thanks, but where do we find that thread? . It wasn't under C for comic books, P for preacher, and under Off Topics Comic books  under shows, or forums. I do have trouble finding stuff at times. I depend on notifications from others to get on threads most of the time.  Any help you can give me would be appreciated. 

Pretty simple really - just click on the hyperlink. (The red underlined comic thread in Princesspurssalot's post:) 

On 2018-08-04 at 12:14 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:


Let's keep the comic talk out of the episode threads please.  We have a comic thread for those that want to talk comics or compare the arcs between the show and the comics. Even though the show does not treat the comics as the Bible, it is best to keep the chatter separate.

Stepping away from the lectern to leave a spot for the preacher and the good book. 

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