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Vampire Diaries In The Media

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I'm basically done with this show, but I was scrolling thru Comic-Con on Twitter and came upon a MTV Periscope of the cast. All I can say is that the show must have given Paul a decent amount of money, because - damn - he did not want to be there. Candice looked like she was holding her breath, nervous about what Paul and Ian would say. Ian was a little flippant, but Paul really was. It was kind of amusing to watch.

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I think Paul gave himself away in one of the press interviews. He basically said he loves directing but it is hard getting directing gigs on other projects if you don`t have much experience. And with directing in this Season, he will have 4 episodes under his belt so hopefully this will make a difference. So this is what TVD gives him as an incentive to stay on: directing opportunities.  

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I agree.

From the  press  I've seen with  both Ian and Paul, neither has a f*ck left to give.... And really, can you blame them?

Personally, I'm hoping good ole Matty blue eyes finds a way to burn Mystic Falls to the ground with those bunch of A-holes stuck there.


As far as the Comic Con coverage....I'm not sure if I'm spoiled by being a Veronica Mars fan, but I find myself tiring of listening to Julie Plec (or Micheal Narducci for that matter) speak as though she's writing Shakespeare and the offense she seems to take when fans don't agree.


Sigh..... not many can be Rob Thomas.

If anyone follows Tumblr or Tweeter, lately there've been some furor over Julie Plec's statement that Bonnie was planned to have been killed off at the end of Seaosn 5 but Kat Graham convinced Julie that she should stay on. 

It continues to amaze me no one has forced JP or her team to take a class on social media......

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I think Paul gave himself away in one of the press interviews. He basically said he loves directing but it is hard getting directing gigs on other projects if you don`t have much experience. And with directing in this Season, he will have 4 episodes under his belt so hopefully this will make a difference. So this is what TVD gives him as an incentive to stay on: directing opportunities.

I saw that interview. Ask Paul about directing and you get a totally different bloke. Glad they are letting him direct some more.

Personally while we didn't really learn anything new from the comic con panel, I found it easier to listen to this year. I think a combination of it being first thing on Sunday morning and being followed by Supernatural meant there was less screaming and fangirling. Also Ian didn't say that much. Michael Malarkey is hilarious and I loved him throwing shade at Enzo's S6 SL.

I didn't like Kat Graham being sat at the end. I wish they would put her in the middle but that seems to be JP 'S place whether that's to keep IS and PW under control or just because of her massive ego!

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The media has really turned around for Bamon. A few years ago, most people were wondering why Bonnie could never stay dead. Now I'm seeing lots of media news covering Bamon and asking that it happens. As a Bonnie fan, I have to wonder what changed? Was it really just Nina's leaving that made people more appreciative of what Kat Graham brought to the show? Because the Bamon chemistry has been there since season 1 and no one - outside Bonnie stans - were calling for the pairing then.

I can't speak for everybody, but I never saw the Bonnie/Damon until they were stuck together in the prison world. So for me it had nothing to do with Nina leaving.

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I saw the chemistry with Bonnie/Damon in the early seasons (as I did with Bonnie/Stefan), but never really shipped it because I'm a delicate soul who stays away from ships I don't believe will ever be canon. If I'd had more indication that the show might ever go that route? Then maybe. But I didn't see it until this season and it still may never happen, but it's too late for my heart. It wants what it wants. ;)


And good for Steven! That show seems like a good fit for him and his muscles.

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And good for Steven! That show seems like a good fit for him and his muscles.

Ha, this made me laugh out loud. It's funny because it's true! I don't watch Chicago Fire but my friend does so I am sure she will be happy to get another hot firefighter lounging about without a shirt.

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With regards to the Bonnie and Damon romantic dynamic, I have never got it. In the early days, I got the tension of the "I hate you, and I don't trust you, but I have to work with you for the greater good of our agenda, but I do this grudgingly" dynamic, and I got that they both grudgingly began to respect each others tenacity and drive and became more friendly allies, and that they wouldn't let each other die if there was another way etc, BUT, if the early S6 scenes are anything to go by, I don't like Bamon. I know this is an unpopular opinion these days, but I have never seen Damon behave more OOC than he did in that 1994 AU. The minute he was back in the real world, the real Damon returned, and I was a happy bunny.

Going forward, I am looking forwards to seeing how Damon is reacting to being Elenaless, and I am interested in seeing how the Bamon friendship develops, as long as that doesn't impact too much on the Dalaric dynamic (which is my fave and was seriously neglected last season), and the Defan dynamic, which needs to keep the momentum it was gathering last season. I have lost all hope for Denzo, since it looks likely that he will be a Lily minion, and at odds with team Defan.


I wish Steven R Mcqueen and his glorious biceps all the luck in world with his new show. That boy was made for TV.

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Vampire Diaries season 7 premiere will see a different side of Damon as he may plunge into grief after Kai put Elena in a sleep spell in season 6.
He could turn dangerous while mourning the loss of the love of his life. However, this may not mean that he would take a vow of celibacy in season 7.
TV Guide reported that the elder Salvatore brother will find Bonnie as his moral compass and the couple may indulge in sex to comfort each other.


I did read that Bonnie is getting a new Love Interest so who knows what's going on.  I never really liked Bonnie/Damon early on but I don't like Delena either.  Personally I kind of really don't like Damon so I think Bonnie deserves better.  However, I do like this odd friendship that formed between them while stuck in the prison world.

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I would too. As long as also there's Bonnie and Damon making pancakes sometimes.

Bonnie will make them pancakes the next morning when they wake up hungover. She'll also go all Mama Smash on them.

I'd watch the shit out of that.

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Dear holy hell... I simply cannot take another special snowflake baby with this franchise.
What are the chances they don't write Candice's pregnancy in?
Oh and of course back in the real world.... all the best to Candice and her family.

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If I had to make a bet, I'd say that they won't write it in. Vampires not being able to conceive has always been a pretty key reason not to want to be one, on both shows. Caroline has nothing "special" about her to create a loophole--she's not a doppelganger, she's not an original, she's not a hybrid. Hayley carried a child as a werewolf--that's in line with what we've been shown of them. They can conceive as any human/animal does. That Klaus could impregnate her--that was new, and the writers were sort of able to take advantage of the fact that we didn't know much about hybrids and Klaus hadn't been one for long enough to have slept with a bunch of (human or werewolf) women to learn that his, uh, stuff was viable again.


I mean, maybe I'm just being naive, but given that (I'm guessing based on the photo and timing of the announcement) Candice is probably due in February/March, and they only film until early-mid April, she could end up incapacitated or MIA for the last quarter of the season. They could film her scenes for the last few episodes early, before she goes on leave. There are a number of ways they can work around her pregnancy, and I think it's more likely they will than that they will write it in. Who knows? But I'm keeping my fingers crossed, because I'm definitely in the "NO MORE BABIES on my vampire shows" camp, and also because it really screws up a lot of things about their mythology if they give her a magic baby. (Unless...she's just a host for it? Somehow? I guess?)

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Congratulations Candice and Joe.

I read Carrie Ann ' s post and found myself nodding along. There was an interview at comic con where all the cast were making weird expecting jokes so I'm guessing she's at least 4 months along so February makes sense. If s7 is the last (fingers crossed ), they could kill off Caroline, have Bonnie 's curse magically transfer to her before this and then Elena wakes up. Or something. Just no magical baby, please.

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2/3 of each episode would be Alaric and Damon getting drunk, waxing poetic, and talking shit about everyone in Mystic Falls. The last 1/3 would be Bonnie making pancakes for their hungover asses. Everybody wins!

 Fanged pancakes. 

they have to have fangs. 

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I have decided that how much I enjoy TVD is related to how I feel about Damon. I watched the promo, Damon didn't annoy me so I'm in.

Two things I didn't like - not enough Bonnie and by the looks of it, Caroline being tortured AGAIN. Seriously Plec?

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Stefan? Or they could bring back someone from an earlier season. Even if it's someone who was only in one episode and we've already forgotten all about him. Or they could make Bonnie bisexual and have a female love interest for her.

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Let's not let it be Kai or Kol.  I wonder if they are going back to when Tyler was fun.  Let's face it, this could mean anything because their idea of "loves" is usually not the definition most of us use.  I just hope she gets her freak on with Damon this year.  Yowsa!

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Michael Trevino's not on the show anymore, so Tyler's out, and Christopher Wood is on a different CW show--not in the TVD-verse--so I think it's safe to say Kai is out, too. I would also say No on Kol, because he has a love interest on his own show and I doubt they're going to mess with that. 


I find Enzo so, so tiresome, so I'm not interested in that direction either, but maybe they'll fix...everything about that character?

Edited by Carrie Ann
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What about Liam? The guy who dated Elena and kissed Caroline and somehow did not die...

Alaric is out of the question because that would be incredibly inappropriate.

Enzo would be a terrible love interest for Bon Bon. I'd rather have her go for Damon instead of Pseudo Damon...

Besides I thought the last few episodes of last season were hinting towards a mama Salvatore / Enzo romance?

Ooooh how about Sarah Salvatore? That would be so unexpected and whacky that it could actually work!

Edited by raytch
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I have wanted Bonnie and Stefan to get together from the moment they were sat around the table at Elena's house talking about Salem witches. I've shipped Stefan with all the Bennett witches with the exception of Abbie. I would love this! I think it's going to be Enzo though, yawn.

I read that Julie Plec had confirmed there would be no more Sarah Salvatore which I'm kind of sad about as I liked Tristin Mays and thought her story had potential to being interesting when not weighed down with Enzo. I thought her and Matt were quite cute together too.

Wow. Can you tell I don't like Enzo? I'm not keen on romantic Bamon but Bonnie deserves better than freaking Enzo. I'm trying to think of characters that haven't died.

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Now that the girls are in college it would not be so inappropriate to date Ric.  The only one I thought really wouldn't work with him was Elena as she was almost a step-daughter.  I can see Bonnie's pragmatism getting along with Ric's pragmatism, although Caro and Ric would be a hoot.  Don't count out Alaric because he is older.  When I was twenty I dug forty-year-olds.

Edited by Goldmoon
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I saw some chemistry with Stefan/Bonnie in the early seasons too, but I don't think there's a chance they're moving away from Steroline this season. I'm bummed that it's officially not Matt, because I love him and I thought they had some solid chemistry in a few different instances (305, where Matt drowns himself in order to talk to Vicki; 502 where Matt sees Bonnie on the Other Side).

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Now that the girls are in college it would not be so inappropriate to date Ric. The only one I thought really wouldn't work with him was Elena as she was almost a step-daughter. I can see Bonnie's pragmatism getting along with Ric's pragmatism, although Caro and Ric would be a hoot. Don't count out Alaric because he is older. When I was twenty I dug forty-year-olds.

I think you're right that the age difference wouldn't be a problem (I don't think Alaric is older than mid 30s though). I think the amount of emotional baggage Alaric has would mean that Bonnie and Caroline would probably avoid dating him. I could see Alaric having a complete mid life crisis and having a fling with a 20 year old just not B or C.

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I think you're right that the age difference wouldn't be a problem (I don't think Alaric is older than mid 30s though). I think the amount of emotional baggage Alaric has would mean that Bonnie and Caroline would probably avoid dating him. I could see Alaric having a complete mid life crisis and having a fling with a 20 year old just not B or C.


Yeah that's more what I thought. The age thing is fine given that Bonnie is 21 and is perfectly capable of making her own choices. I can see Alaric with a younger girl but definitely not Bonnie/Caroline.

Then again...

When the writers say it's some "fans love", it can't be Enzo. I mean the general consensus on him is that he's been a glaring waste of screen time. Right?

So maybe it is Alaric after all, I hope it doesn't happen too fast tho, that guy has been through some serious trauma and needs to drink and talk nonsense for at least 8 episodes.

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