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S14.E06: Week 6: Richmond, Virginia

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I found Chris to be so taxing and exhausting, I wondered why he stayed around for so long. He kept arguing with her. Who wants to be around that?  They are barely dating. Not fun.

None of these guys have any sort of personality except maybe Jason a little.  I want to like Wills but I just can't muster up any enthusiasm for him or anyone else.   Leo is nice but both his hair and his strong face together are TOO MUCH.  I feel like there needs to be a smaller face with the hair or short hair with the strong face.  It reminds me of how Raven had too much hair and too much makeup.  

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On 03/07/2018 at 9:32 PM, LuvMyShows said:

I would imagine her reason for insisting on "walking him out" was more about her safety, since it was her place and they were downstairs.  If they had been in a public place, like a restaurant, I doubt she would have insisted.  But in this case, given the state he was in, I definitely think she did the right thing.   

But there were probably at least three other people in the room.  She was in no danger.  It was just a strange choice.  

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On 7/2/2018 at 9:10 PM, Mabinogia said:

Garrett is all about Garrett. I think he thinks he's being considerate to Becca, but all his concerns were about him not getting his time with her, not much of it was about Becca as a person. IDK the things he was saying came off as "honey, I got you this dress for you, but it's really because I want you to look pretty for me." 

Wills is still my boy. The guy who I don't know seems nice. And picture throwing guy, Connor? with the glasses? is looking good in comparison to the asshat duo that is Chris and Lincoln or the smarm factory that is Colton and Garrett. 

Becca, honey, if you think you have a group of great guys, you need to get out more, and to less seedy bars because, you've got maybe three okay to maybe good guys and a bunch of jerks. 

She didn't mount Leo. He's a dead man walking. 

I almost fell over laughing when Garrett pitched his hissy fit about Chris upsetting Becca so much that she didn't want to talk to anyone else. He actually said "I was going to open up tonight, but now the night's ruined." Like he was following the Bachelor agenda down to the day and today's schedule had "open up to Becca" on it. Just oozes sincerity, doesn't it? 

I still like Wills too. He must be getting a crick in his neck from staring at the ceiling while the other idiots make fools of themselves fighting. 

Jason's emerging as a dark horse for me, but he seems young somehow. Is he one of the younger guys or does he just look it? In any case, he seems like a good guy. 

That date with Leo was awkward all the way around. He seems like a cool guy, but there is zero chemistry between them. I was surprised he even got a one-on-one, he seemed like classic group date filler until mid-late in the game where he'd quietly get cut in a rose ceremony. He doesn't seem dramatic or offensive enough to warrant a storyline exit, but they seem like strangers together. He's gamely trying to pretend he's into her, but I think he's here for the ride and possibly the TV exposure. He's got striking looks, he could be an actor.


It was interesting that she saw it as a sign of respect. Personally, if I'd been dumped I wouldn't want to be walked out. I would want you to respect me enough to leave me alone now that you've dumped me. But I'm sure the producers/mind controllers have them convinced it is respectful to follow the dumpy out of the house, maybe make sure they don't take anything on the way? lol This show lives in this weird little bubble of propriety that makes little sense in the real world.

 I can't believe it doesn't happen more. I'd be off like a shot if I got dumped like that, I would never take the slow walk with the person who just dumped me and then hug at the car. 

I'm guessing she pushed for it only because she's supposed to do it, I'm sure she couldn't wait to put some distance between herself and that guy.

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7 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

He actually said "I was going to open up tonight, but now the night's ruined." Like he was following the Bachelor agenda down to the day and today's schedule had "open up to Becca" on it. Just oozes sincerity, doesn't it? 

I had forgotten he said that. Seriously, I think he does have a manual he's following. He and Colton seem to be playing the game more than any of the others. Well, Jean Blanc Ralphio (I just read all the Vulture recaps, brilliant stuff, and that name will forever more be his name for me) tried to follow the Step By Step Guide to Winning the Bachelorette but I think he skipped a chapter because he was advancing too quickly. The fool!

Poor Garrett though. Now he's going to have to rally himself up all over again to open up. But really, who schedules "opening up" to a person? Isn't that usually something that should just kind of happen on it's own, when the time is right. Was he planning on sitting down with her and diving into his opening up speech that I'm now 100% sure he rehearsed in the mirror earlier that day? Or did he have a whole skit planned? Start talking about topic A which will lead to topic B which will be a natural segue into "opening up". And what does that even mean? Is he secretly an alien in a human suit and he's going to unzip for her for the first time?

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44 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

 I can't believe it doesn't happen more. I'd be off like a shot if I got dumped like that, I would never take the slow walk with the person who just dumped me and then hug at the car. 

I'm guessing she pushed for it only because she's supposed to do it, I'm sure she couldn't wait to put some distance between herself and that guy.

There have been one or two bachelors who have refused the walk out in the past, when they're down to the final few guys. I remember one getting really hot about it and pretty much telling the b-ette to step off, he could walk himself out. So those are drah-matic exits too. Either way works for TPTB I guess. Pitch a fit, you get to walk alone. Walk with the rejector and TPTB hopes for some great sound bites.

39 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

He and Colton seem to be playing the game more than any of the others.

These are two guys who have obviously seen this show before. Yes, there is a format and script, and if you don't "open yourself up to love" by HT week, you are toast. Plus you have to say "I am falling in love with you" by then too, or you are homeward bound.

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On 7/3/2018 at 10:32 PM, LuvMyShows said:

I would imagine her reason for insisting on "walking him out" was more about her safety, since it was her place and they were downstairs.  If they had been in a public place, like a restaurant, I doubt she would have insisted.  But in this case, given the state he was in, I definitely think she did the right thing.   

I saw it very differently - and FWIW, I loved it - I believe she was asserting herself to show that she was in control of the situation.  After all, Chris had been acting like he was in control of all kinds of stuff since Vegas: "You owe me like 50000 kisses", The whole trying to cut in while she was talking to Wills, the later refusal to get up when Wills returned, the whole, breaking protocol and getting extra time after the date.  He was asserting himself as the person in control of their interactions.  He even did it when he told her how she should feel about things their in her hotel room.  So I LOVED that she shut him down, asserted herself, and made it clear who was in control and who was the lead.  LOVED it.  Who cares if he lost a little dignity.  He was an ass. I think it was good for Becca to step up, shut him down and resume control of her season.  Especially since his Vegas rose was clearly producer driven, I LOVED IT.  

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1 hour ago, fib said:

So I LOVED that she shut him down, asserted herself, and made it clear who was in control and who was the lead.  LOVED it.  Who cares if he lost a little dignity.  He was an ass. I think it was good for Becca to step up, shut him down and resume control of her season.  Especially since his Vegas rose was clearly producer driven, I LOVED IT.  

When you put it that way...I love it too!!!! And that makes sense. He is definitely an alpha male type who thinks he can steamroll his way over anyone. Insisting she walk him out even if he doesn't want her too is payback for his insisting he get more time with her even though she clearly didn't want to. Go Becca! And thanks @fib for that interpretation.

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I don't see that Becca has had 5 minutes of being in control.  She's been manipulated, swayed, directed and guided since her first moments on screen, because she allows that.  With Chris, she kept looking off to the side, as if to make sure she was really supposed to insist on "walking him out".   To me, that was NOT a woman in control of anything. 

This is the woman that kept telling Arie during the dumping episode to go away, she didn't want to talk to him, he needed to leave, etc.   SHE wanted to be left alone after being humiliated, but when Chris wanted the same thing, he was denied.  I give Chris very little credit, even with the social media apology, but he had the right to leave the way he wanted.  

Edited by leighdear
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A little delayed, but let’s do the damn thing!

Poe Unhappy Hour is the greatest idea ever. Jason pulls a new twist by giving his dad’s sob story told in third-person rather than his own sob story—but it was enough to get  Becca to give her sob story, so a rose is imminent. Jason “has all the best characters.” Does he do impressions or something? 

George Washington and Abe Lincoln weren’t “buddies”; this all seems pretty suspect. “Becelection 2018”?!? This George Washington is making up all kinds of crazy stuff. Now they have the governor of Virginia asking debate questions?!? What is happening in this world?!? Doesn’t he have more important things to do? As always, the spectator reaction shots were the best part of the segment. I can’t imagine what else was going on in that town square to cause all of these women to get the vapors, falling out of their chairs and cringing, but we know it wasn’t what happened at the podiums.

Becca is shocked that the guys were going back and forth debating at THE DEBATE. Wasn’t that the whole purpose to explain why you’re the right choice and the other guys weren’t? The guys are just as worked up about it. This season is WAY too heavy-handed on the Wrong Reasons over stupid sh!t—and don’t even realize all the REAL Wrong Reasons stuff about these guys as blown up in the media. Are we supposed to care that Becca told Garrett that Chris told Becca something but it was really that Lincoln told Becca that Connor is scared of Chris—BUUUT Connor and Chris are bros? And now Becca’s having an emotional breakdown and doesn’t even know a quarter of this sh!t. Shut the f— up, all of you!

Oh, no! Wills is proclaiming he’s falling in love. Too soon! Too soon! This is usually the kiss of death.

... Second night and third attempt trying to make it through Leo’s date without falling asleep. Doesn’t bode well... 

I stayed awake this time. Cute that Leo “feels gleeful” around her. Aw, man, now Becca HAS to give Leo a rose to circumvent his daddy issues and poor self-esteem.

The plot thickens, Connor HAS turned his feelings about Chris. They’re no longer bros.

“Lincoln is a monster! He eats 12 eggs a day. His. Cholesterol. Must. Be. Six. Thousand!” Oh, Crazy Chris! Chris is EXHAUSTING!! I’m shocked that she kept him around for this long, producer interference aside. Soon out the door with Crazy Chris are the floor pooper/assaulter/flat-earther and the angry/jealous frame thrower. Good riddance to you all! 

Edited by JenE4
Lest I forget Lincoln is also a flat-earther!
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On 7/3/2018 at 6:19 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

I think Jason is the best-looking of the remaining (I like his Guido look, and as I'm of Sicilian heritage,  I'm allowed to say that! ?), but Jeez Louise, the OTT reaction to seeing his buddies! NOT ready for marriage, IMO.

What got me was I think both of them were saying they thought it would be so great to merge their two groups of friends.  So I assume that whichever one moves will also talk his/her friends into moving as well.   


On 7/3/2018 at 7:14 PM, deSchenke said:

Dear God, this was a horrible and boring episode.  Richmond, VA, - really?  I've always known it as the tobacco "capital of the world" so expected the gang to be learning to roll cigarettes.

I think they would have enjoyed that more than a constant history lesson.  We know how young people love history.

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Leo is Mayor of Friendzone at this point.  That said, I enjoy him and want him to stick around.  Like, even if he gets kicked off, can he still just come along on all of the dates so we can get more of his calming personality and insights? 


Wills needs to wake up.  Literally. 


I could see Jason and Becca as a real-life couple.  A generically-attractive, nondescript couple that goes on to produce bland progeny with terrible hair.  But still, that's something. 


I haven't been able to tell Connor and Blake apart for weeks, so I'm glad there's only one of them left. 

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