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S03.E06: Broke From The Box

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J tries to make his relationship with Nicky work as he faces pressure from Smurf to clean up loose ends; Craig gathers the boys to defend the Cody's reputation in town when outsiders move in on their territory; Billy gives Deran an idea for a job.

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This show is so difficult to watch.  Smurf's imprisonment, Nicki's downward spiral and Lena's awful upbringing is unbearable.

Meanwhile the boys keep on robbing and beating with impunity.

This show needs to be left at the ER door.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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Yup. They jumped the shark... too many glaring holes and they haven't learned their lessons. Those Brazilian surfers will wreck them. Stop focusing on nikki/mia, ruining the show.

I starting to feel sorry for J, kid needs to check himself, and Nikki is an idiot. Oh boy!

Also I noticed Lisco/wells aren't involved this season... what happened? The writing is really bad.

Edited by Gsallo
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3 minutes ago, anonymiss said:

Good riddance Nicki. Now I just want them to be rid of Lena (at least her camera time) and do some exciting jobs like they used to do. Smurf's story is DOAthei

The direction this season is bad, I find myself not caring. Baz's death meant nothing? And Smurf is in trouble.

I thought it'd be WAR this season but their inflicting their own dumb problems thanks to Craig and that idiot billy.

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Man, its depressing to see Billy constantly shooting up all the time...ok, we get it...he's an addict. The gay outline is a bit confusing for me anyway. Why would Billy ask a gay son to help him to do a job? Most dads would never think of asking their gay son to do so. Also, I don't buy that Deran, being Gay, is all man in everything else....fighting, robbery and etc. I see why the writers are trying to keep up with the times, but getting caught up in a mixture of too many story lines in one show. This show is running out of steam.

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5 minutes ago, Novel8 said:

Man, its depressing to see Billy constantly shooting up all the time...ok, we get it...he's an addict. The gay outline is a bit confusing for me anyway. Why would Billy ask a gay son to help him to do a job? Most dads would never think of asking their gay son to do so. Also, I don't buy that Deran, being Gay, is all man in everything else....fighting, robbery and etc. I see why the writers are trying to keep up with the times, but getting caught up in a mixture of too many story lines in one show. This show is running out of steam.

Wow this post seems like a time warp and "gay" means what it used to in popular culture when Smurf and women also would not be part of a crew or combatants.

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Most Dad's would not think to ask a gay son to do a job? So Most Dad's would not think their gay son was capable, yeah maybe 15-20 years ago people were that stupid. Daren having manly attribute has nothing to do with what gender he loves, yet another thing people believed back in the day, but in this day in age people know differently, if not they are living in the uneducated past.

Billy has an agenda whether it be getting to know his son or usurping Pope and Smurf and is using Daren to do so,

I am not missing Baz at all, I'm enjoying seeing Pope deal with Lena (I'm still think he could be her biological father) and I am more into the show with Smurf in jail than before. I don't see it running out of steam, I see it becoming more than a heist of the week and I'm so glad it has been renewed for next season.

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The direction this season is bad, I find myself not caring. Baz's death meant nothing? And Smurf is in trouble.

I can't believe we're already six episodes in because it just doesn't seem like much has happened this season. 

I'm loathe to agree with Nicky on anything but she was right, J should just cash in and bolt. Smurf is making a big mistake trying to threaten him, he's her only lifeline. Without him, she's toast. 

I'm not sure what exactly she expects J to do - find all of Javier's crew and kill them? Or just the ones that were written on her hand? Where's he supposed to look if they aren't still at that location out in the desert?

I guess Nicky will live and that's too bad. The show could easily lose the character.

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Poor Lena. I know Pope is trying but geez. At this point she needs more than a doctor to talk to. Like a safe environment with "normal" people.

Heh at Deran and Linc eyeballing each other at the beach. They are no longer uncharted territory with each other so what was that all about? Dang but Linc is gorgeous, even more so in the sun.

What's the deal with Smurf's face? I know she's supposed to be having a rough time in prison but it's looking like melting plastic to me.

Why would you trust a heist plan formulated by a deadbeat addicted to heroin? Deran, leave the nostalgic hopes alone. Your daddy is the definition of a lifetime loser.

I might finally be convinced J isn't some kind of undercover agent. He seems to be getting completely overwhelmed with no one to turn to that he can trust.

Pope took Lena on a job. Seriously? They're going to get that poor little girl killed and none of really care.

Nicky shot herself. Good grief, she is literally too stupid to live. (Well, apparently not yet since she appeared in the previews for the next episode.)

J is a bad breaker-upper. Really bad.

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Nikki is just such a liability, and like I’ve said before, drags the show down. Die dammit! But I don’t think we’ll be so lucky....

I was cracking up on how Craig was concerned about the boy who got slapped. I loved that Craig seemed genuinely concerned but was laughing on how he was busting on him about being home schooled and working in a juice shop. Sometimes, there is some really funny subtle dialogue. 

A few episodes I laughed out loud when Mia said to J that he never laughed at her jokes. J deadpanned told her she just wasn’t funny. Lol. 

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Is it wrong to admit I enjoyed seeing the Codys take out the Brazilian guys? But yeah, it probably won't end there.

So J dumps Nicky at the ER and is having second thoughts about Smurf.  If he wasn't hardcore already, he sure is now.

I was a bit disturbed by seeing how much Denis Leary has aged. Okay, maybe it's personal, since I did go to school with him (Emerson College '79). Then again, that weathered burnout look does fit the character he's playing. 

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2 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Nicky shot herself. Good grief, she is literally too stupid to live. (Well, apparently not yet since she appeared in the previews for the next episode.)

She’s useless. 

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21 minutes ago, arachne said:

Is it wrong to admit I enjoyed seeing the Codys take out the Brazilian guys? But yeah, it probably won't end there.

So J dumps Nicky at the ER and is having second thoughts about Smurf.  If he wasn't hardcore already, he sure is now.

I was a bit disturbed by seeing how much Denis Leary has aged. Okay, maybe it's personal, since I did go to school with him (Emerson College '79). Then again, that weathered burnout look does fit the character he's playing. 

It makes you think that the Brazilians, Asians and Mexicans will all trip over themselves and kill each other by accident when they go after the Cody boys.


Hopefully Nikki has found her bottom.

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I'm enjoying Nikki's storyline because it's showing a pretty realistic view of the collateral damage of the Cody lifestyle. In fact, I think that's one of the show's greatest strengths. This could easily be The Fast and the Furious: the Tv Show (or Point Break for the older people on the forum), but it never flinches away from the ugly underbelly of a crew of bank robbers. 

That being said at some point Nikki does have to go. Either by walking away because she realizes how terrible the Codys are or by dying. If she recommits after this and becomes a valuable member to the family, I call bullshit. 

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I never knew how much I was watching for Baz/Speedman until he was gone. I used to look forward to the show and watch it when it aired. Now I find myself leaving it on the DVR for days. 

Edited by I-Kare
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5 hours ago, arachne said:

So J dumps Nicky at the ER and is having second thoughts about Smurf.  If he wasn't hardcore already, he sure is now.

But he hasn't gained an ounce of brains.  It's a reasonable assumption that an ER would have CC cameras on the door.  As soon as the docs inside find out that she's on heroin and gunshot, the police will be involved, and they'll look at the CC footage.  Maybe he'll be recognized, maybe not.  If he is, it's search warrant time.

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4 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

But he hasn't gained an ounce of brains.  It's a reasonable assumption that an ER would have CC cameras on the door.  As soon as the docs inside find out that she's on heroin and gunshot, the police will be involved, and they'll look at the CC footage.  Maybe he'll be recognized, maybe not.  If he is, it's search warrant time.

Going back to the writer issues. It did bug me in an earlier episode that we see the Cody home being repeatedly search and suddenly they just open a safe at home to pull out the assault weapons, no longer was Pope guarding with a shotgun was sexy enough I guess. As if the cops would not look in that safe as their first order of business during a search.

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11 hours ago, loki567 said:

I'm enjoying Nikki's storyline because it's showing a pretty realistic view of the collateral damage of the Cody lifestyle. In fact, I think that's one of the show's greatest strengths. This could easily be The Fast and the Furious: the Tv Show (or Point Break for the older people on the forum), but it never flinches away from the ugly underbelly of a crew of bank robbers. 

Agree. I think hers is the most realistic storyline. And though she makes some frustratingly dumb choices she’s not unintelligent. Frankly I find Craig’s idiotic antics more annoying. 

The writing this season is not as tight for sure, and yet with Smurf in jail and Baz dead it’s not surprising that the Codys would be adrift. I just don’t think the writers are portraying that with much intention. 

I wish Mia would go away. The actress is not remotely convincing as a badass. But I suppose she’ll be around until we found out why she shot  Baz. 

I wonder what the endgame is? Does J wind up taking over, taking off, or end up dead? I find his dilemma engrossing and I wish they’d spend more time on it and show us a bit more of his interior life. Finn Cole plays it so close to the chest (which worked really well for season 1) it makes me wonder if the writers have a clue. 

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7 hours ago, solea said:


I wish Mia would go away. The actress is not remotely convincing as a badass. But I suppose she’ll be around until we found out why she shot  Baz. 


Yeah, why did she shoot BAZ? Maybe the twist is she's a relative of Cath, but seeing as they want us to believe smurf put a hit out out on her son...its too predictable?

Rewatching the hosptal scene, J is a loose cannon, he looks really stressed.

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20 hours ago, Raja said:

Hopefully Nikki has found her bottom.

I don't think she could find her bottom with a search warrant.


I keep thinking that somehow she's going to be the agent of the Codys' downfall.  She knows way too much - would they really just let her walk away if she wanted to?  And now that she's been left at the hospital with a gunshot wound and heroin in her system, there are going to be a lot of questions asked.  How will she answer them? Will she turn on the Codys, or will she try to stonewall and end up rousing even more suspicions?

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Sometimes I'm not sure why I keep watching this show, there is a word for it, when you don't want to, but you keep doing it, hate watching, feel the same way about walking dead after they killed glenn.  I think for some reason watching it from the start, your commited or have too much time invested to quit.

I sort of feel for pope till I remember he is a cold blooded murderer! Catherine was struggling to live, he could have stopped but continued suffocating her. It's just hard, sometimes to watch when you know these things, with everything else going on.

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Poor Lena. I know Pope is trying but geez. At this point she needs more than a doctor to talk to. Like a safe environment with "normal" people.

I had to laugh when Pope was trying to tell her if people ask her these kinds of questions she's supposed to say she's happy and everything is fine. Who the hell is going to believe that? Have you met this kid? She is quite literally the world's saddest child. It's almost a running gag at this point. Every time I see her I say to myself "Here she is, the saddest child in the world."


I never knew how much I was watching for Baz/Speedman until he was gone. I used to look forward to the show and watch it when it aired. Now I find myself leaving it on the DVR for days. 

I still watch live and I'm still invested, but I'm not watching every episode twice like I used to do in the first two seasons. It's definitely lost something this season besides just Speedman. 

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1 minute ago, iMonrey said:

She is quite literally the world's saddest child.

When she gets a bit older maybe she can hook up with little Louie from Chicago Fire.

I had a good laugh when Pope was telling Lena that she needed to see a doctor. (Paraphrasing) "But I'm not sick."  "These doctors just talk to you, to find out what's wrong in your life"  "Have you ever talked to these doctors?" "Um, yes."  "Did it work?"  "Um, no."

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This season has definitely started slowly.  It seems as though the writers have no consistent idea where they are taking us. The trailers are deliberately misleading, scenes seemingly edited out from earlier episodes suddenly show up to clarify what happened, the shooting scene is redone, apparently to stop viewer speculation about who killed Baz, Lucy and Marco have made off with the treasure and apparently are not to be challenged by the Cody's... It feels as though edits are actually occurring from week to week.

There have been a couple of interesting heists.  The car theft was fun to watch and the robbery of the pill mill was hilarious and entertaining, though one should not think too much about details of either incident.  

Now we are to imagine that J, who was nearly drowned by Javi's gang last season, is going to take off on his own to track them down at Smurf's insistence.  At this point it would seem he could ask for assistance from the uncles, but of course he will not do so.  He asks for help to lose an old lady with Alzheimer's, but will track down a violent criminal gang without help. 

Wonder why J was so conscientious about doing all that math if all he wanted in life was to head a small town crime family.

Someone above suggested Scott Speedman had left the show in the lurch.  Did seem last season that he would have to survive long enough to tell someone, Pope probably, where he had hidden the rest of the jewels, etc., he had found in Smurf's storage unit, thus setting up a conflict for Season Three. I don't know if the writers originally planned  to have had Smurf hire the killer and then have the Codys blame Marco or not, but that might've been interesting, too. This show seemed so well planned and written the previous two seasons, the scripts this show are all the more disappointing.

Edited by lazylou
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On 7/4/2018 at 5:35 AM, Novel8 said:

Man, its depressing to see Billy constantly shooting up all the time...ok, we get it...he's an addict. The gay outline is a bit confusing for me anyway. Why would Billy ask a gay son to help him to do a job? Most dads would never think of asking their gay son to do so. Also, I don't buy that Deran, being Gay, is all man in everything else....fighting, robbery and etc. I see why the writers are trying to keep up with the times, but getting caught up in a mixture of too many story lines in one show. This show is running out of steam.


Actually, my dad never asked me to "do a job" with him either.  I guess I now know why.  Man, straight sons just get all the quality time.

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scenes seemingly edited out from earlier episodes suddenly show up to clarify what happened,

I meant to mention that too. I can't remember the specifics but in the "previously" segment they showed a scene that was definitely not in the previous episode. 

We're six episodes into a thirteen episode season . . . it feels like we should have a stronger narrative at this point where the whole season is going. Everything feels very scattered and undefined. Maybe that's deliberate - maybe it's meant to show how the Codys all fall apart without Smurf, but it's not particularly interesting at this point. 

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Lucy/Marco finally make an appearance in the 7th episode... Remember when everyone thought Marco was the shooter?!

Saw some theories but I hope is linked with Javier somehow, maybe revenge on Smurf BC there is still no direct explaination of connection.

On 7/6/2018 at 5:20 PM, Pink-n-Green said:

I think people are giving up too easily on this show.  I think there will be great things in store for J as the season progresses.  His face might change expression and everything.

J will be the last man standing. Pretty predictable season considering the potential arcs that the writers wasted, all to jam Nikki's storyline down our throats.

Pope is the reason I watch...  Brothers in arm, right? instead seems like they're making dumb decision after another. Add billy who is nothing but a drug addict, Deran should just let him get into trouble and leave him in jail.

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