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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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21 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

What do you think their problem is with the mics this season? Just old hardware? 

Nah, the old mics worked better than this.  

I’m guessing TPTB decided to upgrade all the HG mics, but got cheap on the hardware.

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7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

And holy shit, the audio is horrible on the feeds right now. And you can't even crank it up because JC sings every five minutes and Fish are twice as loud as the feeds when the audio is good. But no problem with the mics near the foosball table, because God forbid we should miss every hit on the plastic ball.


The ants are a tradition in the BB house. Even the cleanest HGs haven't been able to stop the annual invasion. This house is actually somewhat neat compared to past years.

I cannot recall who said it, but back during Vanessa's season someone made what might have been my all-time favorite quote about the ants.  I am paraphrasing here but it was, "This just in, Vanessa has just made a final 40,000 deal with the ants!"

4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

LOL, I'm willing to bet that doesn't work well.

I do think one of them is getting evicted by early jury.

I think so as well.  My bet is it will be Angela.  

I get this strong Lisa (from season three) vibe from Rachel, and no it is not a crazy Kaitlyn sort of vibe.  I honestly would not be shocked if she wins the entire show.  


4 hours ago, zorak said:

Kaitlyn just told Rockstar that she will shit bricks if Brett stays.  Well, she better get that Preparation H ready.

I'm pretty sure one of the other girls (maybe Haleigh?) didn't know either.

I once worked with someone who had never heard of Richard Nixon, so yeah nothing shocks me when it comes to who people may or may not know.

The whole Kurt Cobain thing had me thinking about something I found funny.  A few months ago I was on one of the bait and click sites. The topic which I clicked on was celebrities who look like each other. The usual suspects were there like Amy Adams looking similar to Isla Fisher, Will Ferrell looking like Chad Smith (The RHCP drummer).

Then there was the golden one. Now I am not sure if this was supposed to be or joke or not but they had a picture of the drummer from Nirvana next to a picture of the lead singer of the Foo Fighters and said that they lookalike.

I sat there for a couple of seconds in awe of this stupidity or joke. The reason why the drummer of Nirvana and the lead singer of the Foo Fighters lookalike is because...well...uh...it is the same damn person! Dave Grohl was the drummer of Nirvana and is the lead singer of the Foo Fighters!

Like I said, I am not sure it that was meant to be a joke or if some moron thought they were two different people.

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11 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Nah, the old mics worked better than this.  

I’m guessing TPTB decided to upgrade all the HG mics, but got cheap on the hardware.

Not saying you're wrong (because you can never bet against the cheapness of this show), but wouldn't that be hilariously absurd? Upgrading the mics and getting WORSE mics than their OLD ones? Fuck the heck?

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3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Not saying you're wrong (because you can never bet against the cheapness of this show), but wouldn't that be hilariously absurd? Upgrading the mics and getting WORSE mics than their OLD ones? Fuck the heck?

I can just hear some production assistant protesting, “But we got a GREAT DEAL on these...!!!”  :D

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Simply put, you should just not say the word. I mean, come on. Don't be a moron.

And, once again, someone says something stupid and then gets defensive about it. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Having publicly proven that I know jack about both microphones and rock wall safety, I should probably promise not to yap on when I don't know wtf I'm talking about. But it's a long summer, so.... :D

Can't deal with JC right now. Why????! 

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Why do people not know when to shut their mouths?

I just read the whole context of what happened and although I think JC wasn't saying it maliciously, apparently he argued with Bayleigh for a while about it, which makes it worse. 

Bayleigh has also said offensive things toward JC but will likely not be getting a TMZ article out of it either. Either way, both are wrong for immediately jumping to defensive mode. Stop that.

Poor Sam, in the meantime, is still up, making slop ice cream but is in deep thought in the bathroom. She seems to be crying. Someone wake up in that damn house and give her a hug! 

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11 hours ago, zorak said:

Dude, noooooo!


Brett hug.png

who is this????

10 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

What's a good pizza?  I've been liking Digornio but I'm willing to upgrade.

well if I want GOOD pizza then I just order carry out (and oddly from our local gas station because they make AMAZZINNGGG pizza)

however for frozen it might be considered a downgrade in terms of brand but I think it's a major upgrade in taste.  I always buy Jacks (if i want something similar to a real pizza) or if I want something awful but delicious I get totinos party pizzas.   I don't try too many frozen pizzas above the $2.50 range. 

6 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Then there was the golden one. Now I am not sure if this was supposed to be or joke or not but they had a picture of the drummer from Nirvana next to a picture of the lead singer of the Foo Fighters and said that they lookalike.

I sat there for a couple of seconds in awe of this stupidity or joke. The reason why the drummer of Nirvana and the lead singer of the Foo Fighters lookalike is because...well...uh...it is the same damn person! Dave Grohl was the drummer of Nirvana and is the lead singer of the Foo Fighters!

That's hilarious and even more so because I just recently learned this fact.  I was watching something on tv about Dave Grohl. I wasn't a Nirvana fan (and I think I was still really young when they were big) so I don't feel stupid not knowing that he was in Nirvana. 

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2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

who is this????

It's Brett on top of Kaitlyn.  They weren't kissing or anything but this was in the middle of their conversation last night where Kaitlyn was wanting an apology, etc.  He rolled over and was giving her a smothery kind of hug.

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53 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Wow Fessi last night... That was creepy

Are you referring to this?  One hand is caressing a sleeping Haleigh and the other hand is doing something under his own covers.  Because even if he wasn't fapping under the covers, it's plenty creepy that he was caressing Haleigh's bare back while she was sleeping.


Faysal night.png

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6 hours ago, Nashville said:

Nah, the old mics worked better than this.  

I’m guessing TPTB decided to upgrade all the HG mics, but got cheap on the hardware.

It would appear they misunderstand the meaning of "upgrade".

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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Poor Sam, in the meantime, is still up, making slop ice cream but is in deep thought in the bathroom. She seems to be crying. Someone wake up in that damn house and give her a hug! 

I'll go!

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10 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

What's a good pizza?  I've been liking Digornio but I'm willing to upgrade.

Individual tastes vary, but on the frozen pizza side of things I always kinda liked Red Baron.

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10 hours ago, gunderda said:

I wonder if necklace mics only work if you have boom mics to go along with them. 

I'm always wondering why they can't get mics like they have on Naked and Afraid. It's a necklace that is apparently waterproof and they wear it all of time time, no fiddling with wires.

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8 hours ago, Nashville said:
10 hours ago, zorak said:

I'm not sure if Rockstar's brain was short circuiting or if she was having a "hit" à la Kaitlyn, but she was looking like this for more than a few seconds.


Rockstar stare.png

Damn if she don't look like this lady in one of my fave Bond flicks, Live and Let Die....



Old Lady.jpg

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4 minutes ago, willgracefan said:

I'm always wondering why they can't get mics like they have on Naked and Afraid. It's a necklace that is apparently waterproof and they wear it all of time time, no fiddling with wires.

I thought the same thing, but someone posted that those are bluetooth connected to a specific camera, which would be a nightmare (if even possible) to try to manage in the BB house.

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I still think, for entertainment value that Sam should use her power tomorrow night. If she knew what Scottie was thinking about her now, I bet she would use it. 
She is nobodies target. She would never get evicted unless she was up against S6 and they were in power. Tyler selfishly wants the power for his safety while sitting on a power. And thats okay, but he does have protection. He's not really hoping the does not use it for her sake.
Last night Brett was talking with Tyler and said, isnt this why we saved her ? 
There is one more day for Sam to contemplate about it. 
I guess I just want to see extra drama Thursday night. Lets see what the DR can do to her mind!

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7 minutes ago, missyb said:

I still think, for entertainment value that Sam should use her power tomorrow night. If she knew what Scottie was thinking about her now, I bet she would use it. 
She is nobodies target. She would never get evicted unless she was up against S6 and they were in power. Tyler selfishly wants the power for his safety while sitting on a power. And thats okay, but he does have protection. He's not really hoping the does not use it for her sake.
Last night Brett was talking with Tyler and said, isnt this why we saved her ? 
There is one more day for Sam to contemplate about it. 
I guess I just want to see extra drama Thursday night. Lets see what the DR can do to her mind!

ITA, especially the bold. But to be fair, I am an L6 fan, so I'm not even remotely impartial or logical about it!

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8 hours ago, Nashville said:

You realize Angela was 2 when Kurt died, right?  :)

Yea, but it's not like Nirvana/him just dropped out of pop culture. It's insane to me to not know him. She didn't know about Nirvana either! It does make sense for Angela though since she just seems so, I don't know, lifeless.

37 minutes ago, dolphincorn said:

Don't they wear necklace-style mics on BB Canada?

Yep, so they obviously can work for BB. They must just cost more and BBUS is obviously cheap as hell.

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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Bayleigh has also said offensive things toward JC but will likely not be getting a TMZ article out of it either

THIS. There is no excuse for what JC said, but Bayleigh doesn't get a pass for using offensive words at him, either. 



Yea, but it's not like Nirvana/him just dropped out of pop culture. It's insane to me to not know him. She didn't know about Nirvana either! It does make sense for Angela though since she just seems so, I don't know, lifeless.

i wasn't alive when Buddy Holly died, but I'm certainly aware of him and what happened. I guess some people follow pop culture and news events or whatever more than others.  I heard Winston say he no idea what Flash Dance was and that shocked me.

Edited by vb68
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1 hour ago, vb68 said:

i wasn't alive when Buddy Holly died,

Dayum.  I feel OLD! I can remember a time from my childhood when there wasn't an Elvis!  Then I remember a time when my parents forbid me listening to him.  Sigh........

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

I'd say she's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs were it not for the fact that it's a box of Fruit Loops.


Sam ceral box.png

What in the??! Did she have a massive breakout? Is she crying again? Or just generally lost her mind for the moment?

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1 minute ago, IndyMischa said:

What in the??! Did she have a massive breakout? Is she crying again? Or just generally lost her mind for the moment?

I'm going to go with the lost her mind option.

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8 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

What in the??! Did she have a massive breakout? Is she crying again? Or just generally lost her mind for the moment?

She said she didn't go to bed until 4:30 and she hasn't really been sleeping.  she said she's been taking naps. The HN beds must not be comfortable for her. But she's still trying to create tasty slop creations!

I think it's a bummer for them that they don't get extra food like past season's have nots have gotten.

speaking of sleeping... did BB give up on the no napping rule? Kaitlyn, JC, and Brett are all sleeping right now. 

oh wait maybe my feeds were behind. we're having some wifi issues in my office so my feeds cut on and off. 

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LOL. RS and Bay are up in the loft. I guess they were talking about Kaitlyn and RS said I want to meet Joe. Bay said she didn't. What would she say? Are you pkay ? RS: Whens the wedding. Then to fish !

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4 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

Not unless a particular kind happened to be an "extra food of the week." Are they eating fruit?? #scandal!

Sam is currently cutting up grapes and putting it in a gallon milk jug.  Prior to doing so she asked the other have nots what fruit she could use (in whatever she's making) so other people would stay out of it.

So I'm not entirely sure what she's doing or if it's something for the have nots. 

Maybe she's trying to make bootleg wine? lol

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6 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Sam is currently cutting up grapes and putting it in a gallon milk jug.  Prior to doing so she asked the other have nots what fruit she could use (in whatever she's making) so other people would stay out of it.

So I'm not entirely sure what she's doing or if it's something for the have nots. 

Maybe she's trying to make bootleg wine? lol

She's trying to make alcohol, essentially (moonshine, most likely). Production doesn't seem to have caught on yet, so shhhh. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Yep, she's trying to make wine!

It's probably going to disappear during the HOH lockdown or comp tomorrow lol 

It's funny because Bayleigh, a while ago, was talking to Scottie and said that she is convinced Sam is a scientist. And now, here she is, trying to make alcohol!

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8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I just read the whole context of what happened and although I think JC wasn't saying it maliciously, apparently he argued with Bayleigh for a while about it, which makes it worse. 

I was just about to go to bed because we had gotten 45 minutes of Fish after he dropped the N word and I figured that when the feeds came back, they'd all be in the beds like nothing happened. Nope! They argued during the Fish and were still arguing when the feeds came back but of course, we didn't get to see any of that. We could, however, hear all the arguing when the house microphones would pick them up and when someone would wander by to go to the bathroom. Over an hour of arguing with us able to pick up like, every third word of it or something. All you could really hear was Bayleigh telling JC that it's okay to be wrong, you don't always have to be right. They made up and left the lounge around the post-fight one hour mark.

JC was called the DR after the initial word drop. He seemed really salty about it, though whether it's because he was called out on it or because he didn't see the problem, I wasn't sure (he was giving a post fight recap to Brett but I was barely awake at that point). 

You're right in that he didn't seem to mean it maliciously, but he also seemed to think that it was fair to use if she was going to use the word midget? I got where he was coming from but he could have stopped after "being called fag instead of gay" and everything would have been fine. But again nope! JC doubled down. I did like how Bayleigh immediately tried to shut him down and if it had been any other HG this season, they probably would have stopped but not JC. He likes to push things. 

On the whole, I really wish JC hadn't been casted. Like, he's given us "funny" moments (yatus, the Minion video pre-season) but it's frustrating to watch the feeds with him in the house because he blatantly breaks Production's rules, he sasses them back in a not-funny way, pretends that he can't understand why he's not allowed to sing or do stupid shit in the house, pretty much refused to sleep in the HN beds, and creates moments like this. Maybe he's used to getting away with shit like that (my best friend is about the same height as him and yeah, she can get away with a lot of shit because people look at her and don't see a 4'10" 35 year old woman but a child) but it's a little different when cameras and microphones are on you 24/7.

Of course, I expect - now that I'm ranting and writing up long posts about how much I dislike JC - that he's going to make it deep in the game but he won't entertain me in the same way that someone like Kaitlyn getting deep in the game would. 

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Sam is now trying to make playing cards.  I'm sure she'll get yelled at once she starts drawing on them with something.

Rockstar and Angela talking about an all girl alliance. 

Nevermind, she decided to not do cards.

Rockstar is now telling sam something about the all girl alliance. 

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