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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Sam says that everything that is not healthy they're not going to throw it away but rather put it in the center of the table.  Now she's asking Tyler what started him on the path of clean eating.

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39 minutes ago, atomic said:


Dammit - Fessy actually made me like him, if only for 3/4 of a second.


24 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 Needless to say I hate this theme with the passion of a thousand burning nuns.

Light ‘em up!  Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em!  :D

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I have to say, Fessy handled the conversation very well. And his refusal to "pinky swear" and remind her he already gave her a pinky swear was well done. Good job Fessy. And his last look at the camera, classic.

I think his last look at the camera shows he's not totally unaware. But then again, it was with Sam, who's transparent.

And as I said, I like Sam. I just think the DR room medics need to up her benzos.

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4 hours ago, Neveragain said:

While I agree that Hayleigh’s mixed signals are confusing Fessy, I stop and think of my own daughter who is Hayleigh’s age.  Then I rage at Fessy that idgaf how mixed her signals are, she’s young and unsure of things and you are older and more experienced and get the FK away from her!!!!!!!!   It makes me so crazy! She has shown him enough times that while she has feelings for him she doesn’t want a showmance, especially when her family is watching.  Fessy: no means no and maybe means no, only yes means yes.  And yesterday’s yes might be today’s no and you have to respect that every time.  Grrrr I just want to pop through that screen and push him away from her!! I guess Hayleigh is bringing out the lion mom in me

Given that momma lion’s been brought out, how would you respond to him expecting praise for refusing to accept her no (he told her early on he thought her dad would be impressed by it)?


1 hour ago, TheGapper said:


I thought the notion was a pipe dream when I mentioned it yesterday. Watching it try to become real has me wondering how many people are actively working to manifest (™️Chakra Con) that scenario (and by actively manifest, I mean posting here and reddit while laughing at the stupidity of FUF).


1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh man...I think the downside to Sam pitching this is that she has no idea that Fessy and Haleigh are a legit showmance.

Brett was emphatic in telling her last night that Haleigh and the Giant are an item and delineated how they think they’re keeping it a secret. She argued with him about it, said Hails is using the Giant to cover her feels/relationship with Tyler, etc. She’s so convinced the “subliminals” she’s receiving are real, there’s no room for the truth. Hee. 


1 hour ago, Christi said:

Omg...we are going end up with

 a Sam and JC final 2

Bite your tongue. Related: NOOOOOOOOO


47 minutes ago, NailedIt said:

Fessy please pinky promise. 

When she slunk up to HOH while everyone else cleaned, he told her he doesn’t do pinky promises and, refusing to accept his no, badgered him til she got one. 


22 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 Needless to say I hate this theme with the passion of a thousand burning nuns.

Memories. Cheers to TWOP and seasons of continued fun here. ?

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Angela talking to Scottie in the backyard.  Scottie told her that Haleigh does not like Angela.  This surprised Angela.  Before he said that, Angela had said that she and Haleigh had been on good terms before Scottie did something that put Angela in danger a little bit.  Scottie told her that Rockstar and Haleigh never liked Angela.

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I really don't get why Scottie is laughing and bragging about how he poured out every liquid on the floor and broke a glass.  I wouldn't find it endearing at all and here is again talking to Angela about how he did that yesterday

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3 minutes ago, cork dork said:

Omg...we are going end up with

 a Sam and JC final 2

That would be funny as hell, to me.


3 minutes ago, cork dork said:

Memories. Cheers to TWOP and seasons of continued fun here.

I just wish the 'God is in the tub' would be finally retired. Even Alli herself said back on TWoP that she regretted making that joke, because she was sick of hearing it repeated.

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1 minute ago, mikewho said:

I just wish the 'God is in the tub' would be finally retired. Even Alli herself said back on TWoP that she regretted making that joke, because she was sick of hearing it repeated.

Sorry, but someone can pry that one out of my cold dead hands. It gets repeated a lot because it's useful af! 

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Big Brother Access #BB20 

7m7 minutes ago 
Angela told Scottie that she honestly believes that Haleigh has his best interest at heart. She said that he may get between Fessy and her at times, but she thinks Haleigh has his best interest in mind. #BB2

Angela needs to remember that she is the cold hearted soulless one.

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12 minutes ago, zorak said:

I really don't get why Scottie is laughing and bragging about how he poured out every liquid on the floor and broke a glass.  I wouldn't find it endearing at all and here is again talking to Angela about how he did that yesterday

Very odd.  He thinks he is getting respect, I suppose.  I don't remember this comp being this destructive before James took it to another level.  Am I just forgetting?  

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2 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

“Pinky swear” will be my go to way to get people to do what I want.

Nah.  Just tell them you'll quit smoking if they do what you want.  How could anyone turn down an offer like that?

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3 minutes ago, Wings said:

Scottie is telling Tyler and Angela that he has a F2 deal with Hayleigh.  Scottie is actually considering Fess might put Hay up?  Could he be that stupid.  

Is Scottie or Fessy the "he" at the end? Unlike Sam, Scottie's not necessarily stupid for doing a Hail Mary. (Sam's tactic this morning was more like, "What the hail, Mary?") Plus, the only reason Brett and Scottie were his picks in the first place is because of his paranoia over Hayleigh. So, there's an outside chance it would work.  

Edited by Auntie Velvet
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Angela tells Scottie she doesn't understand why he picked Haleigh to play in the veto.  His response:  "I knew I could beat her and I'm still in the middle of the exact my revenge plan."  Say what now?

Edited by zorak
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Kaycee is asking Scottie what exactly he plans on saying in his veto speech tomorrow.  He says he definitely plans on bringing up the all girls alliance.  Also that he has a final 2 with Haleigh and that she has thrown Faysal's name under the bus.  He says that's the big bomb that will be dropped because Faysal is unaware of this.  He says everyone in the house knows about Scottie's final 2 with Haleigh.  

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I guess Sam will be watching Tyler sleep this week since they are both Have Nots. I'm so tired of the whole Have Not thing. 

ETA: JC too? Oh, my poor Tyler.

Edited by CrazyDog
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If I were Sam, I’d tell Fessy that Hayley is playing both Fessy and Scottie.  Hayley has final two deals with Scottie and latches on to whoever is in power.  

It might not work but will make him more paranoid.  

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5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I do want to clarify that Sam's cricket is just "gone". As far as I know, they never found it so it may not be dead. 

There is a possibly live fucking cricket in the house? Aw, HELL naw. 

2 hours ago, zorak said:

Faysal:  "Why are you pressuring me?  I don't like pressure."

HOLY SHIT. HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT. See how you like it, asshole. Maybe it'll teach you something.

...I can't believe I stayed up to watch Will They or Won't They last night in the HoH and slept in and missed this. I said it once, I'll say it again: Blessed be the 'clippers, may the videos open.

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1 minute ago, Wings said:

I had to step away for a bit, who knows about Sam trying to get a pinky swear from Fess to nominate Hay?  

Someone posted a video a page back. It's riveting. She was INSISTENT. INSISTENT. As insistent as he is trying to have sex with Haleigh and she was not taking NO for an answer, to the point of him confessing he doesn't like to be pressured. Comedy gold.

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3 minutes ago, Wings said:

HNs has played out.  Time to eliminate that and house destruction with OTEV.  No hurling, spilling or scattering food.  Just find the damn tiles.

What, and make BB more respectable? That would break tradition. The main fun I get out of it is the train-wreck aspect.

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Sam was in the storage room with Faysal.  It was very brief.  It sounded like she was saying something about Haleigh never volunteering to go on slop.  Then Sam gave him a little shove almost like, "See?"  Then I think he said something about how he hadn't had any time to think about her proposal.

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3 minutes ago, Wings said:

I had to step away for a bit, who knows about Sam trying to get a pinky swear from Fess to nominate Hay?  

I don't think he's told anyone yet, besides hinting to Tyler that he's gotten some crazy pitches, as Haleigh and JC just got up, and he's been in the DR. I have stuff to do but really want to see Haleigh's reaction. 

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1 hour ago, dizzyd said:

This is pure gold. Anyone else think she's a production pawn and is being fed what to say and do to give us all this amazing stuff that we didn't even dream of to make up for last year's disaster?

No.  Sam is someone who is legitimately around the twist as the Brits would say.  Period.

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2 hours ago, Sandycat said:

Sam isn’t giving up and Fessy looks like he wants to run! 


2 hours ago, zorak said:

Faysal:  "Why are you pressuring me?  I don't like pressure."

Well, now he knows how it feels!

57 minutes ago, zorak said:

I really don't get why Scottie is laughing and bragging about how he poured out every liquid on the floor and broke a glass.  I wouldn't find it endearing at all and here is again talking to Angela about how he did that yesterday

I was indifferent to Scottie, but now I actively dislike him. 

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8 minutes ago, TheGapper said:

Someone posted a video a page back. It's riveting. She was INSISTENT. INSISTENT. As insistent as he is trying to have sex with Haleigh and she was not taking NO for an answer, to the point of him confessing he doesn't like to be pressured. Comedy gold.

Yes, I know.  I watched and posted as it was going on.  I asked who knows she did that. 

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