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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Brett telling Bayleigh he's not going to have personal conversations and twist them in the game.  Bayleigh says she genuinely wished she and Brett had gotten to know each other a lot sooner.

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3 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Brett is really working on that jury vote right now

Also, Brett might suspect there will be a jury battle back. 

You should never totally burn bridges in this game.

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6 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I actually agree with JC here. Haleigh should have told Fes *and* picked him for veto. The line was already drawn the minute she put Tyler up. She half-assed it after that.

I don't disagree with the logic, but I hate JC constantly telling other people how to play the game in such a way that it benefits him.  Why should Haleigh care if her move is beneficial to JC other than a tangential connection to Fessy?  I just have zero tolerance for JC.  I would be terrible at Big Brother, lol. 

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1 minute ago, Cosmosgravitation said:

The question was which would be more likely to last longer, not more likely to win a jury vote.

Yes, but at this point the Hive (with the possible exception of Scottie) have set themselves up right proper for a royal Pagonging - which means L6/5/4 are pretty much an even wash for F6 (plus Sam and JC), and possibly even F4.  Which means there’s real close to 50% odds for half of L4 to make it to F2, which translates into something like a 20-25% chance for ANY individual L4 member to make it to F2.  So in terms of who lasts longer, the odds are fairly even across all L4 members - including Brett.  The only variable would be how cognizant the other L4 members are of how well Brett’s “poor abandoned me” routine is playing with the Hive Jury pool.

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And now Bayleigh is digging the hole deeper by explaining her power in detail to Brett.  Bayleigh the benevolent never wanted to use her power (the one that was given to her completely unsolicited due to Swaggy's eviction) but now that people have "declared war" she'd be stupid not to use it.  

So, great way to confirm to Brett that you want to put his alliance members up.

Also, she takes a moment to throw RS under the bus saying that she's "crazy" and says the most ridiculous things about people.   ( I don't think Bayleigh has the right to call anyone crazy after her meltdown.)

She also apologizes to Brett for putting him on the block and promises not to use her power on him.

Bayleigh's problem all along has been that she has these conversations with people (Rachel, Angela, Tyler) where she gives them too much info and expects them to be totally committed to her from thereon out.  She never seems to entertain the idea that people will nod and agree with you because they're playing the game.

Edited by leocadia
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49 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Brett working that jury vote. 

I don’t think he’s doing that. I fully expect him to say with a sneer to Bayleigh tomorrow night “See you in September, honey.”

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9 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Yes, but at this point the Hive (with the possible exception of Scottie) have set themselves up right proper for a royal Pagonging - which means L6/5/4 are pretty much an even wash for F6 (plus Sam and JC), and possibly even F4.  Which means there’s real close to 50% odds for half of L4 to make it to F2, which translates into something like a 20-25% chance for ANY individual L4 member to make it to F2.  So in terms of who lasts longer, the odds are fairly even across all L4 members - including Brett.  The only variable would be how cognizant the other L4 members are of how well Brett’s “poor abandoned me” routine is playing with the Hive Jury pool.

I don't agree with this thinking at all. There's not a chance in hell Tyler wants Brett anywhere near F4, and I kinda doubt he wants JC at F6. The alliance will start to splinter before then. 

But as I noted upthread, Tyler has way more allies than Brett right now. Sam and KC will never turn on him, Angela is a bit of a wild card but I doubt she will anytime before F3. I won't say Scottie will never take a shot at Tyler but it's a long ways off.

Edited by Cutty
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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Soooo... if Scraggy saw that, how fast do we think he got his plane tickets changed for a flight to Canada?  :D

He's applauding Bayleigh and loving every minute of it. And he's a big Haleigh fan now. He's proud.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

He's applauding Bayleigh and loving every minute of it. And he's a big Haleigh fan now. He's proud.

I'm not surprised- he played a horrible game inside the house- he would applaud more horrible game outside of the house. Lol. 

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Jesus Octavior Christ!  Hayleigh, did the juice in that big assed mole on the side of your head make you fucking STUPID?! 

How in the bluedilly fuck does anyone, ANYONE owe Bayleigh an apology, what with her entitled attitude last week and beyond?

I just cain’t with these people.

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10 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Soooo... if Scraggy saw that, how fast do we think he got his plane tickets changed for a flight to Canada?  :D

Nope. Proving his idiocy once again, he's tweeting about how proud he is of her. Unbelievable but true. 

Also, I'm in the car and so finally got to hear the meeting audio. Holy. Fucking. Shit. That woman has lost her everloving mind. I thought I was prepared; I was incorrect. 

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1 hour ago, leocadia said:

The sad part is that I don't think Bayleigh was outright lying.  I think she truly believes her revisionist history.  If I didn't see the same behavior all the time in my niece, I would have a hard time believing it.  She is so stuck on being the victim instead of seeing the logic behind voting out her power and rationalizing that people are treating her badly when they're really not that she thinks she is being totally truthful.  It's scary.

Bay thinks that it’s her world and we all live in it.  She is a self centered little brat and playing victim is part of her game.  It’s easy not to take responsibility for your fate when you are the victim.  I feel sorry for her.  It’s obvious her family feeds her delusions by referring to her as Queen Bayleigh.  And yes, she believes people are treating her badly because they are not kissing her ass and rolling over so she can win. The truth is she never had what it takes to win the game.  

I watched the house meeting. She embarrassed herself by screaming like a lunatic.  She came off as a toddler having a temper tantrum.   It’s obvious that she has rarely faced adversity and most people in her life just would rather roll over than deal with her.   Good for Tyler for standing his ground rather calmly. 

If she is pregnant, she is in for a rude awakening.   It’s time to take off her crown and grow up.  

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1 minute ago, SiobhanJW said:

I wonder how they are going to spin this on the edit- are they going to make Bay the victim? Or show what actually happened? 

Brett thinks they will use her bloody mouth as a cliff hanger lol 

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In other (less bombastic) news, JC/RS/Sam & Haleigh were just discussing RS's "cameltoe" in the bathroom.  The conversation then moved to labiaplasty and circumcision.  JC brought up that he was circumcised two years ago and Haleigh mentioned that it was funny how much they know about each other.  

Sam:  (speaking for all of us) I kind of wish I didn't know so much...

Yes, she sucks 90% of the time, but that was pretty funny.

Edited by leocadia
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Haleigh to JC:  I'm just trying to figure out what's happening tomorrow because it's better for all of our games if Bayleigh stays because she's already said next week she's changing noms." 

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Haleigh to JC:  I'm just trying to figure out what's happening tomorrow because it's better for all of our games if Bayleigh stays because she's already said next week she's changing noms." 

Gosh.   Hay really is stupid. Bless her heart. 

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4 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I wonder how they are going to spin this on the edit- are they going to make Bay the victim? Or show what actually happened?

If they can find an editor that can spin that meeting into her being a victim, that person should win an Emmy.  

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Haleigh to JC:  I'm just trying to figure out what's happening tomorrow because it's better for all of our games if Bayleigh stays because she's already said next week she's changing noms." 

Man, I wonder why the others would want her out?!

They are SO bad at this game.

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6 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Bay thinks that it’s her world and we all live in it.  She is a self centered little brat and playing victim is part of her game.  It’s easy not to take responsibility for your fate when you are the victim.  I feel sorry for her.  It’s obvious her family feeds her delusions by referring to her as Queen Bayleigh.  And yes, she believes people are treating her badly because they are not kissing her ass and rolling over so she can win. The truth is she never had what it takes to win the game.  

I watched the house meeting. She embarrassed herself by screaming like a lunatic.  She came off as a toddler having a temper tantrum.   It’s obvious that she has rarely faced adversity and most people in her life just would rather roll over than deal with her.   Good for Tyler for standing his ground rather calmly. 

If she is pregnant, she is in for a rude awakening.   It’s time to take off her crown and grow up.  

100% correct.

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9 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I wonder how they are going to spin this on the edit- are they going to make Bay the victim? Or show what actually happened? 

There is NO way to spin this!  I think they will show a couple of clips of Tyler treating her well stuck in there.  

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The meeting and this aftermath is one face of casting those who have not watched BB. 


Just now, Callaphera said:

Bayleigh: "I bet you they feel so dumb."
Haleigh: "They have to."

LOL forever


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4 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Bay and Haleigh now talking about how they can't believe Angela just got up and left. They can not believe she didn't immediately come to Bayleigh and apologize.

LOL They are delusional!

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I hope they show her saying Ty was shitty to her in the kitchen and then actually show him saying “Good Morning, Bailey” and her saying “Good Morning, Tyler” back.

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Bayleigh also said that she went to Angela this morning and when she told her that she'd lost a friend, Angela just replied "If that's how you feel..."  She made it sound like Angela was the devil incarnate for doing so.

Seriously, I think Angela is an uber bitch, but what exactly was she supposed to do?  Fall down prostrate in front of Baleigh and beg forgiveness?

**Actually I personally can't wait to see Angela put on the block, but that's fun for another week!

Edited by leocadia
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9 minutes ago, zorak said:

Tyler up in HOH:  "It's all Rachel's fault.  

Angela:  "Seriously.  This all comes back down to what happened with Rachel."

lol what? Poor Rachel still getting dragged.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

And somehow Sam is taking this opportunity to go on a rant up in HOH about how she knows that people have been making fun of her.

Does Sam have secret access to TWOP????

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