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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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43 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Correct me if I am wrong, but if a bank is robbed insurance covers the collateral right?  I don't understand this whole Kaitlyn's dad vault story.


42 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Confirmed: Kaitlyn has Raven's Disease. Now three people in the whole world have it. You're not so special anymore, Raven.

 For me these two comments came out of the blue. Can someone explain either of them? Bank vault? Ravens disease?

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6 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:


6 hours ago, Neveragain said:

I'm sorry but I disagree. We don't walk in each other's shoes so you have no idea what people are up against, yes, even white people. And yes I am including socioeconomically.   

I'm sure the mods don't want us going around and around on this, but it would be odd to conflate the (misguided) idea that white people, as a demographic , are materially affected by bigotry; versus the obvious truth that white people can be poor. 

Edited 6 hours ago by Auntie Velvet.


I agree about the mods, but I owe it to my family to say this:  My niece is white, as is her first child.  Her second two children are white and Hispanic.  There are no white people in their Brooklyn neighborhood but them. Literally none.  Her daughter is the only white child in a very big and crowded elementary school.  She is picked on and bullied all the time, for being white.  Don't tell me that white people are not materially affected by bigotry.  It sickens me what she goes through, and should sicken you as well.   It amazes me that people can say there's no such thing as reverse racism. 

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1 minute ago, Neveragain said:

I agree about the mods, but I owe it to my family to say this:  My niece is white, as is her first child.  Her second two children are white and Hispanic.  There are no white people in their Brooklyn neighborhood but them. Literally none.  Her daughter is the only white child in a very big and crowded elementary school.  She is picked on and bullied all the time, for being white.  Don't tell me that white people are not materially affected by bigotry.  It sickens me what she goes through, and should sicken you as well.   It amazes me that people can say there's no such thing as reverse racism. 

I believe I said "as a demographic." Of course there are exceptions that prove the rule. I'm glad you honored your family with the example, but I'm not interested in continuing the discussion. 

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56 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Rockstar: "I'm going to focus on the positive."

Two minutes later.

Rockstar: "Ugh, that Brett is a rich, white man. How dare he?"

I really wish I thought that were (at minimum) a paraphrase. If wishes were fishes....

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21 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

For me these two comments came out of the blue. Can someone explain either of them? Bank vault? Ravens disease?

Kaitlyn has been telling this story for the past 12-ish hours about how her dad (grandfather? I swear, I've heard it both ways) had put everything of value that they owned into a bank vault that was - gasp - broken into and everything was stolen and now they have nothing, so now she wants to win it for her dad. Because apparently there's no such thing as a bank having insurance against things like theft. 

I said she had Raven's Disease (it was one of the TWO - COUNT THEM, TWO - fatal diseases that Raven had) because Raven's Disease is essentially "making up things and lying out of your ass". Well, Raven would have us believe that it's an actual for real disease that she's dying of that only she and only other family in Switzerland had. I think it was the one that she was diagnosed with over Skype and regular post mail to her "doctor" in Switzerland. 


18 minutes ago, Neveragain said:

I agree about the mods, but I owe it to my family to say this:  My niece is white, as is her first child.  Her second two children are white and Hispanic.  There are no white people in their Brooklyn neighborhood but them. Literally none.  Her daughter is the only white child in a very big and crowded elementary school.  She is picked on and bullied all the time, for being white.  Don't tell me that white people are not materially affected by bigotry.  It sickens me what she goes through, and should sicken you as well.   It amazes me that people can say there's no such thing as reverse racism. 

So the Rockstar joke? Was because she jumped up and cried whispered racism about Kaitlyn putting Swaggy up for eviction and she considers herself very "woke" about things such as that. (Racism did not factor into Kaitlyn's nomination.) But she didn't jump to defend two women who were being slut shamed. Hence me joking about her "woke" alarm not activating for the two white women, because she's only "woke" about racial issues and will continually rage about Brett the Evil White Man. I guess sexism and misogyny hasn't come across Rockstar's Tumblr dash yet. I'm sorry if my joke was unclear. I'd be happy to continue the discussion via PM to avoid clogging up the thread. When I was writing that post, I intended it to be 100% sarcasm. And a little bit of me putting on my Judgey Pants because Rockstar is my Bitch Eating Crackers (although Sam's slut shaming sure knocked Rockstar out of the #1 spot) and I very much do not like anyone who lets misogyny and sexism just fly by like that, but especially a "woke" woman who prides herself on being so sensitive and with it.

God, all those finger quotes about "woke".

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Kaitlyn has been telling this story for the past 12-ish hours about how her dad had put everything of value that they owned into a bank vault that was - gasp - broken into and everything was stolen and now they have nothing, so now she wants to win it for her dad. Because apparently there's no such thing as a bank having insurance against things like theft. 

I said she had Raven's Disease (it was one of the TWO - COUNT THEM, TWO - fatal diseases that Raven had) because Raven's Disease is essentially "making up things and lying out of your ass". Well, Raven would have us believe that it's an actual for real disease that she's dying of that only she and only other family in Switzerland had. I think it was the one that she was diagnosed with over Skype and regular post mail to her "doctor" in Switzerland. 


So the Rockstar joke? Was because she jumped up and cried whispered racism about Kaitlyn putting Swaggy up for eviction and she considers herself very "woke" about things such as that. (Racism did not factor into Kaitlyn's nomination.) But she didn't jump to defend two women who were being slut shamed. Hence me joking about her "woke" alarm not activating for the two white women, because she's only "woke" about racial issues and will continually rage about Brett the Evil White Man. I guess sexism and misogyny hasn't come across Rockstar's Tumblr dash yet. I'm sorry if my joke was unclear. I'd be happy to continue the discussion via PM to avoid clogging up the thread. When I was writing that post, I intended it to be 100% sarcasm. And a little bit of me putting on my Judgey Pants because Rockstar is my Bitch Eating Crackers (although Sam's slut shaming sure knocked Rockstar out of the #1 spot) and I very much do not like anyone who lets misogyny and sexism just fly by like that, but especially a "woke" woman who prides herself on being so sensitive and with it.

God, all those finger quotes about "woke".

Rockstar definitely has murky motivations! 

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32 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

 For me these two comments came out of the blue. Can someone explain either of them? Bank vault? Ravens disease?

Kaitlyn says she is going to give most of the money to her father who lost most of money due to his bank being robbed.

Raven's disease is referring to a house guest last year who lied uncontrollably about the most insane things

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1 minute ago, RagePaige said:

Raven's disease is referring to a house guest last year who lied uncontrollably about the most insane things

Are you telling me that your spine can't be inverted and epidurals put in backwards? Noooo, say it ain't so.

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4 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Kaitlyn says she is going to give most of the money to her father who lost most of money due to his bank being robbed.

Raven's disease is referring to a house guest last year who lied uncontrollably about the most insane things

Thanks guys. I  remember Raven's insanity from last year but I wasn't sure what the connection was with this year's cast.   I like it.

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15 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

So the Rockstar joke? Was because she jumped up and cried whispered racism about Kaitlyn putting Swaggy up for eviction and she considers herself very "woke" about things such as that. (Racism did not factor into Kaitlyn's nomination.) But she didn't jump to defend two women who were being slut shamed. Hence me joking about her "woke" alarm not activating for the two white women, because she's only "woke" about racial issues and will continually rage about Brett the Evil White Man. I guess sexism and misogyny hasn't come across Rockstar's Tumblr dash yet. I'm sorry if my joke was unclear. I'd be happy to continue the discussion via PM to avoid clogging up the thread. When I was writing that post, I intended it to be 100% sarcasm. And a little bit of me putting on my Judgey Pants because Rockstar is my Bitch Eating Crackers (although Sam's slut shaming sure knocked Rockstar out of the #1 spot) and I very much do not like anyone who lets misogyny and sexism just fly by like that, but especially a "woke" woman who prides herself on being so sensitive and with it.

i get this one hundred percent.  I knew you were being sarcastic but I thought it was you feeling that way towards white people, who are still feeling breathing human beings lol and I needed to object. But when I was corrected and told you were talking about rockstars comments, I deleted my own.  Thanks for explaining what she said, bc as I mentioned I hadn't seen it.  She is so awful!

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Just now, Neveragain said:

i get this one hundred percent.  I knew you were being sarcastic but I thought it was you feeling that way towards white people, who are still feeling breathing human beings lol and I needed to object. But when I was corrected and told you were talking about rockstars comments, I deleted my own.  Thanks for explaining what she said, bc as I mentioned I hadn't seen it.  She is so awful!

Not a problem. This thread can move very fast and I don't always add background to my posts when it's something happening on the fly and is just reactionary to the live feeds at the time. Glad we could clear up the confusion. Hang around for awhile. We usually have booze and cookies and it's a good time for all. Except for the HGs that we roast on a regular basis. 

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30 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Glad we could clear up the confusion. Hang around for awhile. We usually have booze and cookies and it's a good time for all. Except for the HGs that we roast on a regular basis. 

Booze and cookies??? I'm in!!  Tonight's a perfect night for it too, it's pouring here in Jersey

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8 hours ago, Nashville said:

From Joker’s:

Sat 11:23 AM PT Haleigh says if she gets a chance later in the game she'll backdoor Kaitlyn and say "Kaitlyn, I'm going to take a page out of your book and backdoor one of my friends. Take a seat." Rockstar adds that she'll wear a Swaggy C shirt.

Just an idle question here: why do you think HGs insist on living in the past?  Chris’ utility in the game ceased the moment he walked out the Front Door and said, “Hi, Julie”.  Is there some value in revenge play I’m missing? Or is it simply a flimsy premise to keep the remnants of the old alliance cohesive, while simultaneously providing a plausible common ground for targeting a former ally?  

Me, I’ve always considered revenge counterproductive - especially in a game like BB, where alliances are by necessity fluid in nature.

One of the qualities I like about Tyler is that he is all about moving forward. He knew he was losing a member of S6 and was already planning the next step. Cool head on his shoulders.

Edited by missyb
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Every time I see Pablo the Fucking Pool Floaty in one of the old episodes, I still feel an irrational need to go get one of my sewing needles and deflate the fucking thing.

Fuck you, Paul. Two time loooooser.




Edited by Callaphera
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The only good thing about watching Paul episodes is picturing him losing at the end of the season -- TWICE!  That always makes me smile.

Edited by leocadia
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Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! Need some wine now.

ETA: The least Sam better do is not tell anyone about the power until Faysal makes his choice! I am selfish and deserve this entertainment!

Edited by kellog010
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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I said she had Raven's Disease (it was one of the TWO - COUNT THEM, TWO - fatal diseases that Raven had) because Raven's Disease is essentially "making up things and lying out of your ass". Well, Raven would have us believe that it's an actual for real disease that she's dying of that only she and only other family in Switzerland had. I think it was the one that she was diagnosed with over Skype and regular post mail to her "doctor" in Switzerland. 

If there is but one thing I regret, it's that I wasn't posting here last year to experience Raven with you all.


I cannot WAIT for the "Fessy won veto" drama that's going to unfurl!!!!

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Fessy won a memory Comp!! Even better!

ETA: Rockstar still calling Brett a bully. Telling Fessy about her conversation about Sam hating bully's.

Edited by kellog010
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Can anyone guess what Rockstar is talking about? 


I think she thinks Brett is going to be the replacement nominee.

Faysal to Rockstar: "You're definitely not going up."

Edited by Callaphera
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Rockstar is pushing Faysal to try to get Sam to put Brett up as a replacement nom.  I'd love it if she does, Brett gets voted out, and then comes right back due to the default use of Sam's power.  But in order for it to have the maximum effect, Sam would have to forego telling them all about the power situation this week.

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Just now, zorak said:

Rockstar told Faysal she thinks he should use it to pull Haleigh down.  Yes, please do that!

Pull Haleigh down, Rockstar goes up on the block with Kaitlyn. I need this to happen (preferably without them knowing about the power).

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Did Kaitlyn just say she threw it to him?  Did I hear that right?

Yup. LOL

ETA: It sounds like Rachel Reilly might have hosted the comp?

Edited by Callaphera
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Sam told Tyler last night that she’d definitely tell the two nominees after the veto ceremony about the power. I hope they keep it to themselves so the rest of the house won’t know about it until the last minute on Thursday night.

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2 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Sam told Tyler last night that she’d definitely tell the two nominees after the veto ceremony about the power. I hope they keep it to themselves so the rest of the house won’t know about it until the last minute on Thursday night.

I believe Kaycee and Angela know the truth about the power. Hopefully they keep mum too.

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Bayleigh to Rockstar about pitching her Brett as replacement nom plan: "Talk to her. I don't think it's going to work. I mean, try your hardest but I don't think it'll work."

Edited by Callaphera
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5 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I swear Sam is going to go all Michelle Duggar on the house soon and there will be lectures to "keep sweet." And instructions to yell "Nike" every time a girl wears a loose-fitting t-shirt.

Well, at least that would be entertaining in a train wreck sort of way.

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Bayliegh is the queen of under the radar sass.

Rockstar - "There is a clear rich white bully in this house running unopposed"

Bayliegh - "I think there are multiple bullies running around this house" as she rolls her eyes



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Hay asks Sam if she can go up and check on Fessy. Sam says NO ! I I told him he can have some time to himself. Even I am not going in there. Bay at first looks shocked and then says I think that was a good call.

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Oh, God. Angela bare-handing that stick of butter to grease the pan.


Rockstar: "Do you value honesty?"
Sam: "I do."
Rockstar: "Me too."

I can't wait for the pitch, even though I know exactly what it's going to be because with Rockstar: 87th verse, same as the first.


Rockstar: "You said a few bullies. Did you mean three-"
Bayleigh: "No. Just the two."
Rockstar: "Okay, because I was worried that one had slipped me by."

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44 minutes ago, zorak said:

Faysal appears to have won the veto!

Big Brother Season 20:  The Season That Just Keeps Giving


23 minutes ago, TimWil said:

Sam told Tyler last night that she’d definitely tell the two nominees after the veto ceremony about the power. I hope they keep it to themselves so the rest of the house won’t know about it until the last minute on Thursday night.

I think production wants this more than you do as in I would NOT be surprised if the diary room has told Sam NOT to make that announcement. 

The only people that know Sam's power did NOT expire last eviction and will activate automatically on Thursday are Sam and the two people she told directly --Tyler and Kaycee who both promised her not to tell anyone.  But then Kaycee told Angela and said not to tell anyone.  But then Angela told Brett and said not to tell anyone.  Hahaha.

But so far the leak hasn't made it's way to the other side of the house and the current nominees. And I am darn sure production sees a great "moment" of live TV drama for Thursday if they can keep Sam shut up about it.  They sure as hell don't want this screwed up and are probably threatening to take away Sam's cigarettes if she makes an announcement about it like she planned.  Julie wants to be at the center of things announcing this surprise on national TV so shut the hell up, Sam.

Edited by green
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JC is in the storage room with Haleigh, trying to tell her that he's going to work on getting Faysal to not use the veto.  He is trying to convince her that she is safe and that Kaitlyn would go in that scenario.  It's his opinion that Rockstar will be the replacement if Haleigh comes off and he tells her that he doesn't think Kaitlyn would leave if Rockstar is on the block with her.  I get his logic, but I'd like to see his reaction if he was on the block and someone tried to convince him it was in the house's best interest that he stay there.

Haleigh is not sure she has Brett or Tyler's vote against Kait.

Also, it seems like JC really thinks he's a power player here...like he has some sort of control over what Faysal does...I haven't seen any indication of that, but I haven't really watched the feeds much up until this weekend.

Edited by leocadia
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18 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Rockstar: "You said a few bullies. Did you mean three-"
Bayleigh: "No. Just the two."
Rockstar: "Okay, because I was worried that one had slipped me by."

That's gold, Jerry! Gold!

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Faysal winning veto is exactly what we needed to keep this week from being boring af. This, plus Sam's utterly unnecessary bout of Aunt Bitchery, are feed-watcher gifts. And I, for one, greatly appreciate said gifts!! 

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This season continues its awesomeness! Poor Fessy, he’s going to be miserable right up to the veto ceremony. If he uses it on either one, do you think Rockstar would go up? She’d be “booted” over either one. I kind of want him not to use it, assuring each person they’re safe. Who do you think would “go” in that situation? Who would L6 vote out?

Edited by Katesus7
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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Not a problem. This thread can move very fast and I don't always add background to my posts when it's something happening on the fly and is just reactionary to the live feeds at the time. Glad we could clear up the confusion. Hang around for awhile. We usually have booze and cookies and it's a good time for all. Except for the HGs that we roast on a regular basis. 

Yep. My previous post had been in response to the one about RS claiming to be 100% white. My fault for not using the Reply function but pretty much anything that comes out of RS's mouth annoys the crap out of me and emotion supercedes logic. Mind you, this is just from reading what she says and not even suffering through the audio. 

There have been a few occasions when what I'm reading has sounded too irresistible not to witness myself and I've gotten the free trial for the live feeds. Can't remember specific fights at the moment but all the seasons blur together to a large extent. If I had been reading the thread Thursday night, that would have been one of those instances!

Edited by Scout Finch
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