Lisin May 14, 2014 Share May 14, 2014 Carlos Valdes! 2 Link to comment
CabotCove August 22, 2014 Share August 22, 2014 I cant wait to see more of this character, he is the funniest. 2 Link to comment
madhacker September 10, 2014 Share September 10, 2014 I just had the most awesome casting idea!! When they do a Cisco back story episode they must cast America Ferrera (from Ugly Betty). Just because they're s an eerie resemblance between the two of them. Just my opinion she could easily pass as Cisco's older sister. The only other thing I'm insisting on in the next year: when they have the Arrow/Flash crossovers they must have Cisco and Felicity have some serious geek bonding scenes. 2 Link to comment
BkWurm1 October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 (edited) I think Cisco could easily become a favorite on this show. He's just so happy with what he does. What does he care if his career isn't going anywhere?. He still gets to make the cool toys. Edited October 8, 2014 by BkWurm1 3 Link to comment
Actionmage October 8, 2014 Share October 8, 2014 I want to see plenty of geeking out scenes between Barry and Cisco. They seem like dorks who could get into all sorts of technobabble discussion if Caitlin and Dr. Wells aren't around. I am not aware if I have seen Carlos Valdes in anything, so I am off to IMDb! 1 Link to comment
Trini October 9, 2014 Share October 9, 2014 (edited) He looks so young, and it's weirding me out a little that resembles Taylor Lautner. But anyway, I like his enthusiasm! Edited October 10, 2014 by Trini 2 Link to comment
FurryFury October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 (edited) I liked this guy the least of all the cast (yes, even Iris). There was, like, zero characterization of him, and I already have Fitz as a generic lab geek who builds gadgets (although now he's stopped being so generic, finally). I didn't like the actor, too. There's still time to give him some edge or anything to make him stand out. I don't really care what. Make him gay, make him secretly evil, make him a time traveler, I don't care, just do something. Edited October 10, 2014 by FurryFury Link to comment
slayer2 October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I'm a fan of this character, it's going to be nice to have a more light-hearted superhero show on my roster and this dude has good comedic timing. 2 Link to comment
bettername2come October 10, 2014 Share October 10, 2014 I'm not a fan yet, but I have a feeling I will be before long. I tend to like the sidekicks, although the actor and character are pretty generic at this point. I do find it hilarious that he decided to play "Pokerface" for the comatose patient. And that Barry posted his love of "Pokerface" on Facebook. Link to comment
Trini October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 Still liking this character/actor and it's great to have someone for comedy relief. 2 Link to comment
ban1o October 16, 2014 Share October 16, 2014 I like Cisco but I don't think a comic relief is needed that much on this show since the tone is pretty light. I hope he gets more development/characterization. 1 Link to comment
Actionmage October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 I think we got more of that characterization tonight, ban1o! The fact that Cisco was trying to be pro-active between Slade/Slade's people and the folks changed by the explosion is a good indicator of how much of a gadgeteer badass he can be! I think that may be where his naming things comes from. Things need names so folks know what they are using. Cisco is just applying it to villains and Barry just now. I also hope that if Wells gets too intense and handsy again, that Cisco goes ahead and makes some quiet modifications to everyday things for his own safety. Wells was making me tense. 3 Link to comment
bettername2come November 29, 2014 Share November 29, 2014 I just discovered that Carlos Valdes was a musician for Team Starkid (best known for A Very Potter Musical). I like him a lot more now. 2 Link to comment
Actionmage December 3, 2014 Share December 3, 2014 After Oliver's verbal eyeroll over the naming of the villains, I want Cisco to be the one to christen Boomerang! I think Diggle enjoyed him and is a future bet-mate if there is another team-up/crossover. Mr. Valdes helps make the show a joy to watch! 2 Link to comment
bettername2come January 29, 2015 Share January 29, 2015 Cisco's become my favorite character on the series after Barry. I basically cheered when Wells complimented him, I yelled at him for running straight towards explosions for the second time in two weeks. I appreciate how even though he is the comic relief, he's also shown other good qualities, while still having flaws. He owns up to his mistakes. He's a supportive friend. He's clearly having a good time doing what he does. He builds protective gear for cops, firefighters and superheroes. And one time, dude shot Deathstroke! 5 Link to comment
bettername2come February 11, 2015 Share February 11, 2015 Clearly someone in the promo department agrees with me: 4 Link to comment
Trini February 19, 2015 Share February 19, 2015 I really liked how "Fallout" showed that Cisco/Caitlyn/Ronnie were and are friends. But I'm disappointed that they didn't show his reaction to yet another Flash suit getting destroyed. 2 Link to comment
Actionmage February 23, 2015 Share February 23, 2015 The previews have me concerned about Cisco. Then again, I've been wondering when Wells could lose it on Cisco since the cold gun reveal. Wells, looked at one way, was totally correct about not letting a work superior know about weaponized projects. Also, while being prepared in case Barry was not a good dude, is smart, again, letting someone else up the Chain of Command know what's handy is a good thing. Yet, looking at Wells as the audience has come to know him, that would have been worse, imo. Wells doesn't need more weaponized toys to play with, especially as he can effortlessly wind up his new Barry and aim him at whomever. My man Cisco, though, was hired because he's smart. Looking at Hartley as Wells-by-proxy, Hartley is an obviously brilliant mind that has trouble thinking outside the delineations he has set. Cisco, as Wells-by-proxy, is the lighter, goofier, non-linear creativity that (supposedly) Wells is supposed to have. The man agreed on the movies Cisco short-handed to Joe and found Ghostbusters humorous. ( MMV, of course, but it was to show Harrison can appreciate a lighter piece of entertainment .) Det. West has sent our Cisco into what scientists do: hunt for the whys and the Truths. Add in a new friendship with Barry, and you have another layer of investment for getting this second speedster's real identity. I just feel it is going to go horribly right and stay horrible before things get better and he better not be damaged! 2 Link to comment
bettername2come February 24, 2015 Share February 24, 2015 The previews have me concerned about Cisco. Then again, I've been wondering when Wells could lose it on Cisco since the cold gun reveal. Part of the reason I like Cisco as much as I do is that all of my protective instincts kicked on in that episode with Wells getting all creepy threatening and grabbing Cisco's arm. Add in the fact that Cisco is walking towards Wells as he's Reverse Flashing and I feel certain that at some point it the next episode Cisco's going to get knocked unconscious. Again. I'm assuming/hoping that Wells won't seriously hurt him because Cisco is important to the future in his own right. Also, I've decided to take Wells' comment of "I look forward to seeing you accept your Nobel" as future Cisco really does have one. In other news, I broke down and ordered the Vibe comic along with the Flashpoint comic. 2 Link to comment
Actionmage February 24, 2015 Share February 24, 2015 Carlos makes Cisco infinitely huggable and lovable. Please, let us know what you think about the Vibe comics. 3 Link to comment
bettername2come March 1, 2015 Share March 1, 2015 Carlos makes Cisco infinitely huggable and lovable. Please, let us know what you think about the Vibe comics. I really liked it. Vibe didn't feel like our Cisco, although there were similarities. There were several things about Vibe and his powers that could make for interesting storylines (and tie into future storylines they've hinted at). I don't want to spoil anything for those who are interested in reading it (unless anyone's got a specific question), but I have so many ideas for what it could mean for both series if they did decide to incorporate his comic story. 2 Link to comment
CabotCove March 3, 2015 Share March 3, 2015 Carlos makes Cisco infinitely huggable and lovable. ITA He is definitely a great guy. Link to comment
MarkHB March 4, 2015 Share March 4, 2015 So, TPTB have given Cisco his own blog on Tumblr. Not sure how show-canon it is intended to be, but it at least tells us that the folks in the Pipeline are being fed. It's linked to from the official show Tumblr and I think I saw some tweets pointing to it from the show Twitter account, so it's at least a level above fanfic. 1 Link to comment
Actionmage March 11, 2015 Share March 11, 2015 That blog needs someone who understands the character or Carlos himself possibly. The entry on Peek-A-Boo was...icky. The picture of a terrified Shawna with hearts drawn on it? Talk of giving her a teddy bear, when he knows she's a) in a relationship and b) an unwilling prisoner in their illegal jail? And this gem: So girls like food. Got it. Why haven’t I figured this out sooner?! This could have saved me so many lost comics. Because Cisco doesn't see any women in his life that enjoy food, even though his mom cooks excellent food. Yeah. New writer, please, so that we get the voice of the character we enjoy. As long as they're paying someone to write this , ya know? 1 Link to comment
MarkHB March 11, 2015 Share March 11, 2015 I hadn't gone back to it since I posted it; I see there's now a rather cursory entry for the Cold Gun as well. Link to comment
Actionmage March 11, 2015 Share March 11, 2015 Please. don't think that I'm angry at you for linking to the blog, Mark HB! I am glad that someone has noticed that Cisco is popular and enjoyed. It's just that the writing seems so very off from the character we've seen. I had the tv on for background noise the other day and I heard the Cisco ad. Since I am not on my local CW just a whole lot, I hope that the Cisco ad is still getting some love. It's a fun spot! Link to comment
bettername2come March 18, 2015 Share March 18, 2015 So if anyone sees the shattered pieces of my heart on the floor, try not to step on them. Sweet, smiley Cisco crying may be the saddest thing I've ever seen. I did not know Carlos Valdes had that in him. He just goes through so many emotions in that few minute span. 8 Link to comment
Actionmage March 18, 2015 Share March 18, 2015 The tears killed me. I'm over by Cisco. 1 Link to comment
driedfruit March 18, 2015 Share March 18, 2015 I knew somebody was going to be killed, but I had no idea it was gonna be Cisco. I would've been furious if it was for real though. And he's a fan of Keaton! 1 Link to comment
Trini March 18, 2015 Share March 18, 2015 Ciscito, nooooo! (even though I know they'll reverse it somehow) :( 1 Link to comment
tennisgurl March 18, 2015 Share March 18, 2015 Oh my poor, poor Cisco. Kudos to Carlos, that was a fantastic performance, even if it broke my heart. The tears! Oh the tears! 5 Link to comment
Lokiberry March 18, 2015 Share March 18, 2015 It's really surprised me how much I've come to love Cisco, because I didn't in his first appearance, last year, on Arrow. He's funny, brilliant, loyal, brave, and I just want to see him interact with everyone on the show. He's the Flash's Felicity, without the drama of having to ship him with the lead. Unless you want to; I'm not here to judge. I love him the way he is, but I can't wait for him to get powers. He'll be like a little kid with a cool new toy. 8 Link to comment
Morrigan2575 March 18, 2015 Share March 18, 2015 Cisco crying right before Wells killed him broke my heart. Great scene. 5 Link to comment
Sakura12 March 18, 2015 Share March 18, 2015 Major acting props to Carlos Valdes,that scene was intense and heartbreaking. 4 Link to comment
phoenics March 18, 2015 Share March 18, 2015 I have to agree on that scene with Wells... literally crushed me. Just crushed me. I'm so glad the time travel erased that - when Wells held up his vibrating hand and Cisco knew what was coming... just agony. I was a mess. 2 Link to comment
bettername2come March 19, 2015 Share March 19, 2015 I've rewatched that scene a lot now (one of the dangers of making a fanvideo) and I just keep finding new things I like. Like how curious, geeky Cisco can't resist walking towards Reverse Flash as he does the speed mirage. Or the way Cisco stays calm and offers to help Wells get home, and the real breakdown doesn't start until that doesn't work. And then he looks down at the floor and avoids eye contact until Wells says he's fond of him. 3 Link to comment
AmandaPanda March 31, 2015 Share March 31, 2015 If you're ever interested in seeing some of Carlos' original work from when he was in college, I highly recommend checking out the musical "Me and My Dick" on YouTube. Carlos helped write the majority of the music and plays bass in the orchestra. He's a member of Team StarKid, which is the musical theater company responsible for "A Very Potter Musical" and several other really fantastic shows. It's the same theater company that Darren Criss from Glee helped found with lots of other people who were at University of Michigan in 2009. 2 Link to comment
CabotCove April 4, 2015 Share April 4, 2015 If you're ever interested in seeing some of Carlos' original work from when he was in college, I highly recommend checking out the musical "Me and My Dick" on YouTube. LOL, thats quite the title alright. Carlos helped write the majority of the music and plays bass in the orchestra. He's a member of Team StarKid, which is the musical theater company responsible for "A Very Potter Musical" and several other really fantastic shows. It's the same theater company that Darren Criss from Glee helped found with lots of other people who were at University of Michigan in 2009. Sounds like he had quite the journey to Hollywood stardom. Thanks for the info, will check it out. Link to comment
bettername2come April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Poor Cisco. He just wants to go to karaoke and instead gets ambushed with information and has to talk about his murder dreams. Also, he died. Again. On the plus side, maybe powers? And he got to make a new friend. And guest on Arrow. 4 Link to comment
tennisgurl April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I swear, I got so freaking excited seeing him for five seconds on Arrow. That`s how much I love Cisco. He can even make me like Ray! That`s practically a superpower in and of itself! So, they have now established in the most recent Arrow episode that Meta humans can exist without being exposed to the explosion? Foreshadowing Cisco`s eventual powers? 3 Link to comment
bettername2come April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 But Cisco was exposed to the explosion right? He and Caitlin were right next to it when it blew. 2 Link to comment
phoenics April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 But Cisco was exposed to the explosion right? He and Caitlin were right next to it when it blew. Weren't they protected somehow? I remember Ronnie did something to protect them all, right? It was everyone outside that was affected. Though it would be kinda cool if THAT's how Cisco got his powers and maybe even Caitlin - it's just happening more slowly because they were slightly protected. Though that wouldn't explain Wells. 1 Link to comment
bettername2come April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 Weren't they protected somehow? I remember Ronnie did something to protect them all, right? It was everyone outside that was affected. Though it would be kinda cool if THAT's how Cisco got his powers and maybe even Caitlin - it's just happening more slowly because they were slightly protected. Though that wouldn't explain Wells. Duh! I totally forgot that part. Although now that I think about it, I wouldn't put it past Wells to have sabotaged it so Caitlin and Cisco were exposed too. It's just a little too coincidental that all three people who work for Wells are meta in the comics. Link to comment
Trini April 16, 2015 Share April 16, 2015 I swear, I got so freaking excited seeing him for five seconds on Arrow. That`s how much I love Cisco. He can even make me like Ray! That`s practically a superpower in and of itself! So, they have now established in the most recent Arrow episode that Meta humans can exist without being exposed to the explosion? Foreshadowing Cisco`s eventual powers? Answering in the Speculation thread. 1 Link to comment
tennisgurl April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 Truly, Cisco`s greatest power? Making literally everyone likable by sharing the screen with them! 4 Link to comment
phoenics April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 Truly, Cisco`s greatest power? Making literally everyone likable by sharing the screen with them! I don't have the issues with Laurel that others have - BUT I loved their scene... KC was beaming in that scene with Cisco... so good. Although I preferred the way he said "I love you" in the promo than how they aired it in the show. 4 Link to comment
bettername2come April 22, 2015 Share April 22, 2015 The promo take was so much better. I liked Laurel's initial reaction to having a fanboy, but I don't like her asking my man Cisco for favors when she barely knows him. I liked his line about how he's been working on sound stuff lately anyway. 2 Link to comment
Actionmage May 6, 2015 Share May 6, 2015 I think the writers believe that this is The Walking Dead and confused Cisco with Glenn. Glenn was proven to be fast and good at being a lure/raider. Cisco, while a brave dude, has been voluntold, primarily by Barry and Joe. It may have been under the guise of ' the plan needs you to [X] or it all falls apart, but as we saw last week, the plans haven't necessarily been sterling from the jump. Plus the ' oh really?' look Joe shot Cisco, like Cisco was Iris or someone he actually has any say over , got me so... flipping mad! I know, there has to be danger and conflict, to degrees, in order to keep viewers watching. To have Joe, who's still lying to his fellow cops and bosses, put a civilian- no matter his involvement in things- in danger from an unknown is negligence and / or endangering civilians. Cisco is still a civilian. He also came up with tech than mostly keeps telepaths out of your head! How is it better that he is in the sewers, Joe? Link to comment
quarks May 6, 2015 Share May 6, 2015 How is it better that he is in the sewers, Joe? It let Cisco tell a Jurassic Park joke. That probably wasn't part of Joe's plan, but it did make things better for ME. 1 Link to comment
Actionmage May 6, 2015 Share May 6, 2015 I am one of the folks who didn't think Cisco went overboard with the movie questions, so I get having the non-metahuman gadgeteer in the sewers for funny moments. Carlos is just hitting home runs, imo, as Cisco, but even more than Caitlyn, Cisco has been put in the life-threatening situations this season. Barry doesn't seem to care that Cisco, as Wells bait, has to relive what Cisco now knows was a real death at the hand of his idolized mentor and boss. Not saying that Cisco needs kid glove treatment, but maybe scale back the need to put the trapper-keeper of the group in dangerous situations that the hero puts Cisco in. Maybe this goes back to think smarter, not harder? Link to comment
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