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The Flash in the Media

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Another interview with Chris Klein from TV Insider: https://www.tvinsider.com/727140/the-flash-chris-klein-cicada-season-5-villain/


Because he's the villain, you don't get to do a lot of the fun interaction stuff when they're all sitting around S.T.A.R. Labs. Have you got to at least hang with them off camera? 

It is two separate worlds. There's their world where they're chasing the villain, and then there's the villain's world where he's getting chased and doing damage. They kind of exist during the day, and then the villain, especially a villain like Cicada, exists much more during the night hours. But because of our early run-ins, we have had the opportunity to be together on set a whole bunch more than what they've told me is typical of a villain/Team Flash relationship. So, that's been fun. Everybody's really welcomed me with open arms on the set, it's a fantastic group of folks. Everybody from Todd Helbing, who runs the show, all the way down to all the crew members up here in Vancouver, British Columbia. Everybody's been really fantastic to me and I'm just really, really excited for the opportunity to be on this show.

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And another Kiana Madeira interview: https://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/dc-entertainment/277298/the-flash-who-is-spin


“The new version of Spin is very relevant to the time we live in today because she is a young, aspiring, social media influencer who uses social as an opportunity to make herself famous,” Madeira says.

This is a pretty profound departure from the decidedly “old media” version of the character from the comics. The comic book version of Spin used TV news to prey on the population’s fears and insecurities, and then used those feelings to manipulate characters.

That isn’t how the new character works, though. “I would say she manipulates the superheroes to fit her own narrative as to what she thinks would make great news,” Madeira says. “It's not necessarily playing on their insecurities, but it's more of just fitting a narrative that she thinks will be entertaining to people in the news.”

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4 hours ago, ruby24 said:

I'm sure he is. They get a big raise after the show's been on a while. 

And Candice mentioned in an interview recently that she didn't have to fight to get them to pay her what she thought she was worth. 

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6 hours ago, Trini said:

Not sure if this is just a still from the episode, or an unreleased promo shot:


But anyway, yay! to father-daughter crimefighting teams!

Wow, in an interesting coincidence, tonight's Black Lightning also


... had a superpowered daughter move out of her parent's home!

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From : https://tvline.com/2018/10/31/flash-season-5-spoilers-jesse-martin-medical-leave-joe-west-absence/


My husband and I watch The Flash and we’ve noticed that Jesse L. Martin has been sitting down in all of his scenes. Are we crazy or is he injured? –Rachel
No, you are not crazy but perceptive – though this week we did see Joe leaning in a doorway at the CCPD. I’m hearing that Martin suffered a back injury over the hiatus. In fact, a studio rep confirms for TVLine that the actor will be taking a medical leave from the CW hit, adding: “We wish him a full and speedy recovery and look forward to his return as Detective Joe West.” (It’s unclear at this time exactly when and for how long Joe’s absence will be felt on screen, but sources tell me it will be addressed at some point.)

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Hartley Sawyer interview: http://openthetrunk.com/hartley-sawyer/


TrunkSpace: What has the long-term character journey been like for you, getting to see him grow and develop between Season 4 and Season 5?

Sawyer: It’s been great. One of my goals was always to humanize him whenever possible. He’s always going to be a bit of a walking Tex Avery cartoon, but when that “mask” is taken away, we get the Ralph he really is – the one that Sue comes to know and love in the comics. Barry Allen was Ralph’s mirror in Season 4, reminding him of who he really is. He’s all heart.

TrunkSpace: We get to see a lot more of the detective side of Ralph this season, which is a part of his persona that the readers of the comic always enjoyed. How has it been exploring that side of things and having a different focus this year?

Sawyer: We’ve done some of it, and there is a lot more to come. Tom’s new Wells, Sherloque, plays into that quite a bit. The detective side of Ralph is easily one of the parts of him I enjoy the most.

TrunkSpace: How has appearing on the show impacted your career the most? Has getting the opportunity to play Elongated Man opened up new doors that weren’t available prior to slipping into his elongated skin?

Sawyer: It’s a great role on a great show. It’s sheer joy for me and I’m very lucky. It’s rare in acting to get a great role on a show that has fans this passionate and this wonderful. I’m loving the ride.

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Danielle P. interview, mainly about her new TV movie, but talks about The Flash a little:


International Business Times: This is your first Hallmark movie in a few years. What made you decide on “Christmas Joy” for your return to the network?

Danielle Panabaker: Our summers are so short. We only have about nine weeks off, and, so, often times I’ve made the decision not to work over my hiatus. Last year, I got married, so I didn’t take anything else on, but this year, I wanted to work, and I wanted to do something that felt somewhat different from “The Flash.” And this was a really nice opportunity to have some fun.

IBT: What was it like getting back to it?

Panabaker: It was great. “The Flash” is its own beast, and because it’s so consuming — we film 10 months a year — it was nice to take a step out of that…and shake it up and be somebody different for a little while.

IBT: Was it easy to jump in as a new character after playing Caitlin on “The Flash” for so long?

Panabaker: For me, it was. When they sent me the script… I was really happy to see something that felt like an exciting challenge. And it was nice to get to do something different.

With a television show, you sort of never know what’s coming because it’s constantly changing and evolving, even episode to episode. When you do a movie, you know what the beginning, middle and end are. So, there’s some fun in that.

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Variety's 'Remote Controlled' podcast:


On this week’s episode, Variety‘s Debra Birnbaum talks with CW stars Caity Lotz and Candice Patton about their website SheThority. Lotz stars as Sara Lance — aka White Canary — on “Legends of Tomorrow.” Patton plays Iris West on another of the network’s DC Comics-inspired superhero dramas, “The Flash.”


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Interview with Troy James - 'Troy James Previews The Flash’s Rag Doll'


“It was a blast,” he said of what it was like to play a villain whose abilities are actually possessed by the actor himself. “It actually just felt like an extension of myself as normal, if I were an evil supervillain who didn’t care about other people.”

“As you know, it looks like a three piece suit, but it’s actually a onesie,” James told us about the Rag Doll costume we see in the episode. “But it is super comfortable. It feels like a comfy pair of pajamas. I really give thanks to Kate Main for creating that for me. For me, it’s a Troy-proof suit. I say that because I’ve ripped so many pairs of pants! But this was a fantastic costume, and the mask was awesome! I love the hair. I like that it kind of does stay true to the comics with the red hair and white mask. It looks scary,” he enthused.


While we usually see Rag Doll with a mask on, we will see Troy himself without it at one point of the episode — if you pay close attention. “There’s a sneak peek of me without the mask, but you need to have an eagle eye to spot that out,” he teased, ...

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7 hours ago, phoenics said:

Can we buy that lunchbox?!  I want it!  I WANT IT!!! 

Who is the speedster above Nora?  That is a speedster, right?  Nevermind - it's Ralph.

Lord Mesa did a similar lunch box for the Arrow cast and crew for their 100th episode. I think it’s a special commission and isn’t sold publicly.

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Wow! Iris got some awesome kudos from Newsweek

"Iris is pretty much the best person ever (in case you didn't know already). In tonight’s Iris-centric episode of The Flash, she dives off a building with the key to save a falling Barry, who is wearing a power dampening bracelet. It was incredible, and the highlight of the episode by far. "

"Iris throwing herself off a building to save Barry from Rag Doll will make “All Doll’d Up” one of the most memorable moments in Flash history. "

"But all that doesn't really matter because the episode made time for Iris' perspective and the season is better off for it. "

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Honorable mention for Candice in TVLine's Performer of the week:


It was the worst of times, and then the best of times for The Flash‘s Iris this week, and Candice Patton gave us a front row seat on that roller coaster of emotions. First, there was her quiet reaction to Nora’s outburst about Iris not supporting her, now or ever; you just felt the gut punch the insta-mother sustained. Later, Patton dimmed the light in her eyes as Iris opened up to Barry, communicating a painful dejection. “I love our daughter with all my heart, but she hates me, because I turn my back on her…. I’ve already become [the person she hates], and I didn’t have a choice.” Luckily, Iris’ badass saving of Barry’s life opened Nora’s eyes, paving the way for amends. “I want you to live your life. And I want you to be a part of mine,” Iris told her daughter, warmly. “No secrets and lies, just us, being who we are today.”


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Grodd "crossover":


The CW’s Legacies welcomed two unlikely visitors on Thursday’s episode when MG’s nightmares were haunted by The Flash‘s Gorilla Grodd and Scream‘s stab-happy villain Ghostface. But how did these unexpected icons make their way to Mystic Falls, you ask?

“We wanted MG to have a nightmare about a monster from the comic books he was reading, so we asked [Greg Berlanti] and [the DC universe] if we could ‘borrow’ Grodd,” series creator Julie Plec explained Friday on Twitter. “They were VERY gracious. The first TVDU-DCU crossover!” ...

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The optics of this picture are bad; why didn't the big wigs split their positions between both sides of the cast?

And a certain fandom has already latched on to the fact that Grant, Carlos, and DP are standing together as the "heart of the Flash". 


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2 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I doubt they put as much thought into positioning as the fandom does who will find the tiniest thing to exploit.

Yeah, for instance, Grant is tall, but I’d think they’d still find a way to get him closer to the cake. 

It’d be nice to have a Westallen/Flash family picture, but I think what we’ve been seeing on screen is a bigger indicator of what’s important to the show.

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My main concern is that one of the big wigs (Todd, Greg, or the CW president)  should have stood next to the leading lady of the Flash, too.


Here's a gorgeous pic of what would be a beautiful couple if only:


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