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Roswell, New Mexico: In the Media

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I think if you knew of and paid attention to Tyler since Pretty Little Liars, then you knew but to those who maybe don't follow entertainment gossip closely and maybe only knew of him casually, it was new.

To be honest, as someone who stopped watching Pretty Little Liars by like Season 4, and didn't really pay much attention to the cast's off screen life, it was news to me though not surprising.

7 minutes ago, izzybee said:

I can't tell if she spills so much about Michael/Alex because she wants to placate their fans or if she really just can't help herself. Why would you set up a relationship (Michael/Maria) and then pretty much say they're not going to last and Michael will end up back with Alex even if it makes no sense for the story?

I think she can't help herself. I think she stans the character of Michael plus seems to think LGBT needs more representation than a Black woman (or Brown man). How do you "accidentally" sideline a character for almost the whole run? I recall her posting a Michael & Alex banner on her twitter at one point, which annoyed me because it reminded me too much of Plec regarding Delena, Guggenheim towards Olicity, and RAS of Riverdale about Bughead. IMO, showrunners should enjoy their work but should not be fangirls/fanboys nor shippers because the myopia becomes problematic quickly with stories & the writing.

Carina has blown so much smoke up her own ass about how woke she is when she really isn't. This show is a mess due to her blindspots and shipper fangirl approach. 

Another article: 

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19 minutes ago, izzybee said:

I can't tell if she spills so much about Michael/Alex because she wants to placate their fans or if she really just can't help herself. Why would you set up a relationship (Michael/Maria) and then pretty much say they're not going to last and Michael will end up back with Alex even if it makes no sense for the story?

No, it's because she's in love with Alex/Michael and makes it clear what her preferences are. Michael Vlamis has done the exact same thing; subtly trash Michael/Maria while praising Alex/Michael as some newfound progressive relationship that has NEVER EVER been explored on TV before. It seems like both live in a world where television hasn't had gay relationships before. Yes, I do believe that LGBTQ relationships need to continue on television after being nonexistent for so long, but....it's not that rare nowadays. Again, that's better compared to a decade ago, but this Alex/Michael stuff is NOT groundbreaking like Carina or Michael say that it is. 

And, quite frankly, treating them like some special couple BECAUSE they're gay....isn't that more offensive? Shouldn't they be treated like any other relationship instead of praising them like the couple is life changing for all fans? Carina and Michael have the Alex/Michael stuff on such a high pedestal that I'm not surprised that I'm hating it even more now. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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@Lady Calypso They also don't seem to get intersectionality. They act like Maria being Black doesn't also come with representation issues, both for her character alone and in being part of an interracial relationship. Maria does not have privilege.

Also, I fully agree with you about CAD & MV acting as if LGBT relationships are as uncommon on TV now as they were 10-15 years ago. This one isn't even well-written yet they still want a standing ovation for it while embracing misogynoir. 

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They're not doing anything groundbreaking on this show that isn't being done elsewhere and better.  They just want pats on the back for their "progressive" thinking and stories that actually really aren't.  Maybe they had intentions of doing something good, but they never delivered.  They only succeeded in being problematic.

6 minutes ago, izzybee said:

Not to gossip but I've heard rumors that Carina used to write Sam/Dean slash fanfiction back as a Supernatural fangirl and if that's true then the root of her messiness regarding m/m relationships is pretty apparent.

I've heard this too and it certainly wouldn't be surprising.  I remember her days of being a massive Supernatural fangirl and I couldn't stand her.  Her behavior came off as childish and the worst of fandom (oh wait, her behavior hasn't changed much...) 

11 minutes ago, izzybee said:

I'll never downplay the importance of lgbt relationships on television because even if they are more prominent now than ten years ago, many of them are poorly written if not entirely problematic. Roswell is just another show with underdeveloped m/m relationships who get screen time for the sake of appearing diverse and drawing in the rabid shipper fanbases.

My intention is not to downplay it per se but to highlight how grandly CAD and MV see themselves regarding Michael/Alex while simultaneously dismissing or marginalizing a Black woman to do it. That is an issue that isn't being brought to their attention. I am tired of seeing showrunners screw over Black women on shows, whether it be not writing for them or writing badly for them. Black women aren't less important... although CAD & MV would tell you otherwise.

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I haven't chimed in on this forum before, but I felt compelled to after reading Carina's self-serving, short-sighted, even somewhat offensive interview(s). To be totally honest, I've always thought that she's a pretty nasty piece of work, and the more that she says about this show and about Maria (and Michael/Alex in comparison), the more that feeling is solidified. 

The one and only thing about which she seems to care is attention - not even necessarily for the show, but for herself. She saw that some gay relationships on other shows were popular and getting buzz, so she decided to be "edgy" and "different" and "progressive" and try her hand at it so that people could tell her how great she is. The problem is that Michael and Heather happen to have pretty great chemistry (some, including myself, think it's superior chemistry), and I think she recognized that, hence why she "accidentally sidelined" Heather for a vast majority of the season. 

Plus, her words about Maria and M&M show that she doesn't care at all about that portion of the fandom (and she likely thinks the already vile ship wars are funny). Peculiar stance for the person in charge of a show that isn't exactly a ratings juggernaut to take.

I also have to say that I feel terrible for Heather. She does really well with the material she's given, she has great chemistry with Michael, there are fans who are responding well to this incarnation of M&M . . . yet she has to deal with a showrunner who treats her like an afterthought or even a burden (in terms of being an obstacle to the story she really wants to tell), essentially states outright that M&M isn't anything important and will soon be over, and  Vlamis goes on and on about his clear preference for pairings. Everything about this situation is really gross to me and has some subtext and undertones that are truly awful.

Edited by weathered1
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I am a Malex fan but the way this show treats Maria is wrong. I mean basically setting her up to be the placeholder while Michael gets his shit together is just gross. Not to mention she still doesn't know anything about aliens. 

I really dont get why there had to be a triangle that involves a black character and a gay man. From the start Malex were portrayed as meant to be so why do this dumb triangle that no one likes. And already know the outcome.

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8 hours ago, weathered1 said:

The problem is that Michael and Heather happen to have pretty great chemistry (some, including myself, think it's superior chemistry), and I think she recognized that, hence why she "accidentally sidelined" Heather for a vast majority of the season

I totally buy this because "accidentally" excluding someone for most of the season seems like it takes a lot effort. The buck stops with Carina and she made the effort to marginalize Maria.

She is just talking put of both sides of her mouth at this point. The more I think about Carina's interviews and behavior, the more I want this show to be canceled.

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2 hours ago, backhometome said:

I really dont get why there had to be a triangle that involves a black character and a gay man. From the start Malex were portrayed as meant to be so why do this dumb triangle that no one likes. And already know the outcome.

Yea really. If Carina decided she wanted Michael/Alex then all she had to do was never do anything with Michael/Maria. Sure, they were a ship on the original/books so fans might be pissed about it, but what she's doing now will piss them off much more. And in the end it will also piss off rational Michael/Alex fans and any fans who don't give a shit about either ship. She's such an idiot.

This is why I try not to seek out interviews/tweets/anything from showrunners. They legitimately all suck and hearing how they view their show pretty much always ruins the show lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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5 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:

I totally buy this because "accidentally" excluding someone for most of the season seems like it takes a lot effort. The buck stops with Carina and she made the effort to marginalize Maria.

She is just talking put of both sides of her mouth at this point. The more I think about Carina's interviews and behavior, the more I want this show to be canceled.

Eh, in cases like this I think it’s someone not being very good at their job. It was too much for her to juggle and something had to give. It’s not at all surprising that a WOC would be the victim. Next season if they have more Maria I expect to see Alex sidelined more. He already ended this season off to the side being sad and rejected, imo. Totally a coincidence. Not at all the black woman and gay man being further down on the totem pole. 

It’s just a really badly written show with certain people predictably falling through the cracks. It’s not protecting a ship. You don’t make a love triangle and want to protect a ship. It’s one of the ways incompetence is manifesting.

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3 minutes ago, amazinglybored said:

Eh, in cases like this I think it’s someone not being very good at their job.

I buy this too cause she's not a very good showrunner with how S1 played out but I don't think it was "accidental." It would not have been hard to integrate Maria in to the main story and give her story but Carina focused on other things instead. It seems like more work to keep Maria out of the loop considering how many people are in the know. (Someone brought up how Barry on The Flash going around quickly revealing his real identity to anyone he came in contact with but hid it from Iris a long time for *reasons*... Carina is pulling that same bull where pretty much everyone knows but Maria & it's stupid). And for the most part when people brought Maria's sidelining to her attention on twitter, she didn't really respond. (Her twitter feed is also good for seeing where her mind is with this show). Plus, she is a protege of Julie Plec, who is legendary for her anti-Blackness regarding Bonnie Bennett. Carina's interview was cringe-worthy and completely unbelievable to me about "accidentally" sidelining Maria. I think she was trying to have it both ways considering how quick she is to undermine Maria and Maria/Michael. Why does she feel so compelled to denigrate Maria's value? It's fine if others accept Carina's faux-apology that Maria's marginalization was "accidental" but I do not. 

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2 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

I think she was trying to have it both ways considering how quick she is to undermine Maria and Maria/Michael. Why does she feel so compelled to denigrate Maria's value? It's fine if others accept Carina's faux-apology that Maria's marginalization was "accidental" but I do not. 

I can't say I blame you given how eager she was to clarify that Michael doesn't love Maria the way he loves Alex. Well, that's...great for Maria. However weirdly Carina may write Max and Liz sometimes, Liz is clearly the sun, moon, and stars to him. It's not fair that Maria is back-up material, or somewhere safe and easy.

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20 minutes ago, amazinglybored said:

It’s just a really badly written show with certain people predictably falling through the cracks. It’s not protecting a ship. You don’t make a love triangle and want to protect a ship. It’s one of the ways incompetence is manifesting.

I agree with you on this. She's patting herself for being so progressive about her stories, and in particular this triangle, while making comments that undercut it actually being progressive (or entertaining). It's her trying to have it all but it's all empty cause she contradicts or undermines it all the more she continues blathering about it. Looking at the end of the series and reading her comments in this EW interview https://ew.com/tv/2019/02/12/roswell-new-mexico-creator-personal-experiences-show-influence/ ... she whiffed big time on a lot of things.

Edited by Chick2Chic
fixed something.
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34 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

I have no faith in Carina as a showrunner and I know she'll over Maria hard, so I think I'll pass on S2

True that. Carina is proving to be a newbie showrunner with all of these mistakes. I was hoping for her to learn for next season about showrunning, but if she didn't learn anything from her mentors like Plec (and Plec isn't well known for being a great showrunner either....but definitely better than Carina, as it turns out), then we may be shit out of luck for season 2. And unfortunately, I see Roswell lasting for a few seasons so....we're merely witnessing a new showrunner learning how to do her job. It's been a while since I've seen this, so it's jarring and scary.

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

True that. Carina is proving to be a newbie showrunner with all of these mistakes. I was hoping for her to learn for next season about showrunning, but if she didn't learn anything from her mentors like Plec

Plec had the help of a better showrunner the first two seasons of TVD to help her out before she began her fumbling. And when she did fumble, it was really bad.  I get the feeling that's why half the TVD cast is like "never again!" when it comes to guest starring on any spinoff of hers. I wouldn't mind Carina being a newbie if it was just the some stumbling and struggles with arcs or unevenness with tone or story but her writing for that triangle as she pats herself on the back, her banishing / sidelining Maria for most of the season while also undermining Maria interviews, Noah being a stereotypical evil Brown man, her seeming to displace her Latina lead with a ship she seems to equally fetish & coddle, and it's just ... offensive. 

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22 minutes ago, Chick2Chic said:

I buy this too cause she's not a very good showrunner with how S1 played out but I don't think it was "accidental." It would not have been hard to integrate Maria in to the main story and give her story but Carina focused on other things instead. It seems like more work to keep Maria out of the loop considering how many people are in the know. (Someone brought up how Barry on The Flash going around quickly revealing his real identity to anyone he came in contact with but hid it from Iris a long time for *reasons*... Carina is pulling that same bull where pretty much everyone knows but Maria & it's stupid). And for the most part when people brought Maria's sidelining to her attention on twitter, she didn't really respond. (Her twitter feed is also good for seeing where her mind is with this show). Plus, she is a protege of Julie Plec, who is legendary for her anti-Blackness regarding Bonnie Bennett. Carina's interview was cringe-worthy and completely unbelievable to me about "accidentally" sidelining Maria. I think she was trying to have it both ways considering how quick she is to undermine Maria and Maria/Michael. Why does she feel so compelled to denigrate Maria's value? It's fine if others accept Carina's faux-apology that Maria's marginalization was "accidental" but I do not. 

Let me put it like this. I don’t think it was accidental that the black woman got sidelined. I think the genesis of anyone getting sidelined was pure incompetence (and not caring about the black woman. That’s not something I’d really argue against with this dreck) and nothing related to shipping. They crammed a lot of story into 13 episodes and with Carina’s end result I think there would always be characters getting ignored. Characters with stories had them done at warp speed and shallowly. That it was Maria is “oh of course, that’s who got pushed aside. Shocking.” Noah was also underdeveloped af. 🤔

I don’t think keeping Maria removed was harder than not either. They just didn’t use the character most of the time. It’s like Liz’s dad not knowing or Noah before the “big” reveal. Barely use a character and it’s easy to keep them out of things. It would have been hard for that group to give her her own story or integrate her in because a bad show runner with bad writers will struggle with things like that. The comedy factor is that everyone else found out in that time. Liz found out, Kyle found out, Alex found out, blonde cop I liked but can’t remember the name of found out, Jesse Manes knew, Maria’s mother alluded to something, that brother of Alex’s knew and Noah knew... and Rosa must know now? Before the psychic character. Lmao. It’s a special kind of show.

A better show (with more time?) would have used her supposed psychic ability and mother to have her start questioning things. The bar and friends being weird would have factored in. It shouldn’t be a Herculean task but this show struggled with showing how much time had passed... instead, I bet her finding out and her reaction are a hook in season 2.

It looks like some revisionist history is going on right now, tbh. They know one ship got a lot of attention and there’s been backlash. They’re trying to pivot to keep people interested. Hence, trying to downplay the hookup at the end and saying Maria will have a bigger role next season. I’m guessing next season they’ll stick with Maria and Michael for awhile and that will be most of her role while Alex is off being sad and gay without much story. Proceed to be confused about people still not being happy. Switch back to Michael and Alex around the halfway point. Remain confused.

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2 hours ago, amazinglybored said:

Let me put it like this. I don’t think it was accidental that the black woman got sidelined. I think the genesis of anyone getting sidelined was pure incompetence (and not caring about the black woman. That’s not something I’d really argue against with this dreck) and nothing related to shipping.

You should check out Carina's twitter sometimes. I thought it was also fairly obvious in her interviews that she's a shipper more than a showrunner as well as who the show puts in the spotlight to give interviews (It's not Jeanine or Nathan). Obviously mileage varies and I'm just a lot more cynical about Carina's motives than some others based on what I've observed from her. 

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I'm super pumped it was renewed. I know it sucks and has loads of issues, but I enjoy watching it. I assume it'll eventually go the way all the CW shows have for me in recent years and start boring me or enraging me so much that I just can't watch, but for now I like watching it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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20 hours ago, izzybee said:


Carina says a lot here. Notably that the Michael/Maria/Alex triangle is far from over 🙄 and she also acknowledges that Maria was sidelined and hopes to put her at the center of the mythology in season 2.

I can't tell if she spills so much about Michael/Alex because she wants to placate their fans or if she really just can't help herself. Why would you set up a relationship (Michael/Maria) and then pretty much say they're not going to last and Michael will end up back with Alex even if it makes no sense for the story?

Exactly.  She's just SO determined to show her preference that it really irritates me.  I just feel doomed shipping Michael&Maria and I fear for Maria's safety with the fandom.  Carina is just SO problematic to me.

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1 hour ago, Chick2Chic said:

You should check out Carina's twitter sometimes. I thought it was also fairly obvious in her interviews that she's a shipper more than a showrunner as well as who the show puts in the spotlight to give interviews (It's not Jeanine or Nathan). Obviously mileage varies and I'm just a lot more cynical about Carina's motives than some others based on what I've observed from her. 

I briefly looked at it and quickly reached the point of thinking someone needed to keep her off Twitter. No showrunner should ever have to be that present on god damned twitter explaining, defending and deflecting. They can’t even tell in the show, she has to take to twitter. It’s not that I don’t think she’s into shipping; she’s a CWbot like that. It’s that I think Maria’s neglect wasn’t to protect another ship. It was incompetence and the black woman being a big victim of that because of course. Something had to give because everything is a mess and it was predictable who got hit by it. It was probably too many characters and storylines for a good showrunner to condense into 13 episodes. 

If anything, it’s probable that Carina initially tried to build up both sides of her triangle. It sounds just awful execution and not being able to overcome the black woman being more likely to be passed over.

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Noooooo. I am so not into Rosa. And if they are going to do this, they BETTER acknowledge Rosa is not a misunderstood saint, any more than she was a murderous cartoon villain. Rosa was legit terrible to Liz a lot, and the one time Liz tried to mention that Rosa's addiction was awful for her, Arturo shut her down and insisted she learn to forgive. Decent advice when the person has been dead ten years, but now the fact that she's not a good sister should be acknowledged. The "armor" talk was not some lovely revelation - it was terrible advice from a troubled girl. 

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Count me in as not wanting Rosa (the character, not against the actress herself) back on the show.  The canvas is crowded enough, to begin with.  Secondly, how does a 19 year old fit in with the older crowd now? And the character of Maria was given the shaft this season- with another full time cast member, I don't see her screen time increasing.

This makes me les likely to watch the show closely (if at all) this fall, or whenever it comes back.

How exactly is everyone going to explain an alive teenaged Rosa? Is she going to be introduced as an identical cousin?

On 4/24/2019 at 2:47 PM, Lady Calypso said:

And unfortunately, I see Roswell lasting for a few seasons so....we're merely witnessing a new showrunner learning how to do her job. It's been a while since I've seen this, so it's jarring and scary.

Carina gives me serious Marti Noxon era Buffy flashbacks (complete with talking like a teenaged girl when you're way over 30) and using their show to serve their own needs. Like whereas Marti was using Buffy to vent her own 20-something angst stories, Carina is using this show for her slashfic desires. Although really, if we're going to go there, they should hook up Alex and Kyle instead. It'd be hot.

I'll probably watch season 2 but they really need to reign her in. Has the CW even looked at what Carina's Twitter is like?

Edited by methodwriter85
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A blog called Stop it, Show! did a blog on how much they really don't like Max Evans:

The Alien Christian Grey: How Roswell NM Built A Love Story around emotional abuse

I don't think I really agree with this, but I know there were posters here who did. I did think this part was funny:


Also, and this is kind of tangential, but it’s also Very Max: He says, “After everything that we have been through,” but at this point he and Liz haven’t really been through that much? They were lab partners who were into each other a decade ago, and then like two days ago he saved her life and told her he was an alien. That’s it. This whole long, tangled history they have together is all in Max’s head. But whatever, as long as it’s true in The World According to Max, I guess we’ll go with it.


Edited by methodwriter85
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On 4/26/2019 at 1:46 PM, methodwriter85 said:

How exactly is everyone going to explain an alive teenaged Rosa? Is she going to be introduced as an identical cousin?

That's a great idea (the I-Know-An-Alien-Club introducing Rosa as a cousin of Liz). I can imagine Maria questioning it though. 
I do think Jeanine Mason and Amber Midthunder do look like they could be sisters, and definitely like half-sisters (if only one has an extraterrestrial father). 
So, great casting that warrants giving Amber Midthunder a continuing role, but I do not trust the writers to do it right.

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On 5/9/2019 at 10:00 PM, methodwriter85 said:

A blog called Stop it, Show! did a blog on how much they really don't like Max Evans:

The Alien Christian Grey: How Roswell NM Built A Love Story around emotional abuse

I don't think I really agree with this, but I know there were posters here who did. I did think this part was funny:


I saw that article and I wholeheartedly agree with every single word.  They basically said what I did and noticed from day 1.  I get that there's flawed characters, but Max is more than just flawed, he's got massive issues that are absolutely abusive.

Interesting that HH & MV are going to a fest together instead of TB & MV (esp considering who Carina really cares about). Hope that MV has stopped shading Maria as if she's some privileged White women when the anti-Blackness towards the character on & off the show has shown otherwise as he's been doing when folks ask him about Maria.

Here's hoping someone asks about Maria's marginalization and the brown folks stereotypes at ATX 

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6 hours ago, izzybee said:

I have to wait until 2020 to hate-watch the second season? I’m guessing it’ll take Arrow’s spot after it’s series finale.

Carina linked to a spoiler-ish description of season 2. She said they haven’t assembled the writers rooom, but it gives some insight into her plans. And of course Alex and Maria are only mentioned in relation to Michael rme.

Oh, this is going to be spectacular. I can picture her saying, “he cries so pretty” about Michael. All that matters. Then her Twitter defenses of her woke show really not being good about that.

In the end it’s going to be about who is more hate worthy out of him and Max. Max started strong but I think Michael will take it in the long run. I have faith in them to really pile on the angst fueled bad behaviour that never gets called out with Michael. Deputy creeper can’t beat that.

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8 hours ago, KittenPokerCheater said:

Wait, what??  The whole show?  

What about undocumented immigrants?  And pro-non-binary and gay characters?  And minority characters?


IKR?  I'm assuming that she means the aliens' experience is standing in for Islamaphobia but without that clarification, she's diminishing the challenges of the human characters.

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