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Supernatural DVDs, Books and Other Merchandise

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21 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

Have either of you read Lynn Zubernis's other books about Supernatural? I liked this one so much that I want to read more, but there are four more to choose from. I know each book is different, so I was wondering if you have recommendations about which one to read next.

Fandom interests me, so I tried to read "Fangasm" when it came out, but I couldn't get into it. Maybe it improved later, but I only made it through part of the first chapter before I wandered away. I very, very rarely will not finish a book I start, but this one I have never returned to. It's a good thing it was on super-special when I bought it.

8 hours ago, SueB said:

I liked Fangasm but I will admit... it's more of a personal story, squeefest.  Still, it's got a good fundamental point -- there's value in being a fan and value in not being ashamed of it.  That was my take away.

It's been a couple years, so my memory isn't clear, but I think what it was that turned me away more than anything was, as I recall, it was somewhat incoherent. Maybe the ride got smoother throughout the book, but I remember finding it incredibly frustrating to read. Like I said, I very rarely don't finish a book I started and I've read some pretty horrendous stuff at times, but every time I consider picking this book back up, I just don't have the energy. Maybe it's a style thing or something?

Edited by DittyDotDot

I read it a few years ago and enjoyed it.  Yes, it was a squeefest, and sometimes the fangirling (and a little sense of "yah-yah, I get to go behind the scenes and you don't!) was a little annoying, but I found the stories interesting enough to keep reading.  (Side note:  I lent the book to my therapist, who I'd started watching SPN back about season 6, and she also enjoyed it!)  

  • Love 1

I just finished Family Don't End with Blood. I have to second all the love for Rob and Jared's chapters. Overall the book is more powerful than I expected any fandom book to be. Rob's chapter brought tears to my eye and gave me a newfound respect for Richard Speight. Jared's chapter was exactly what I expected it to be and honest and well-written. 

  • Love 3

does anyone know anything about the 12 inch action figures that were at ComiCon?  Here's a posting of photos of the display that Quantum Mechanix had there.  I know they had figures last year of Sam and Dean last year but did the 12 inch figures ever get released?  This year there's photos of Castiel and Crowley 12 inch figure and now a Crowley plush figure.  (you can ignore the rest of the figures there in the gallery of photos from Star Trek, etc. but the bunker setting they have for the boys looks awesome)  There doesn't seem to be information anywhere about when these figures are going to be released.


does anyone know anything about these figures?

15 minutes ago, Linderhill said:

does anyone know anything about the 12 inch action figures that were at ComiCon?  Here's a posting of photos of the display that Quantum Mechanix had there.  I know they had figures last year of Sam and Dean last year but did the 12 inch figures ever get released?  This year there's photos of Castiel and Crowley 12 inch figure and now a Crowley plush figure.  (you can ignore the rest of the figures there in the gallery of photos from Star Trek, etc. but the bunker setting they have for the boys looks awesome)  There doesn't seem to be information anywhere about when these figures are going to be released.


does anyone know anything about these figures?

I've never head of these before. I'm sorry I have no information! Wow. Those are pretty amazing. They look pretty realistic.

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 1
21 hours ago, SueB said:



$24.99 each


the placement in the bunker pictures were not for sale but the figures at the above link are. 

nope, not those.  I have the smaller 6" ones already, they are figurines and not articulated.  (and the postage is cheaper on Amazon).  Here are a couple of pictures from a posting on sweetondean.  Did they not have any info about the figures at all?  I mean why go thru the expense of creating that display and not sell the figures.  QMx is selling some of the other figures that are shown in the first post I made, namely the Star Trek and Firefly figures.  I remember that last year some convention goers posted photos of the Sam and Dean smaller figures along with the 12" ones.  






  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Does anyone else own the season 6 Blu Ray? According to the box I'm supposed to get the anime episodes of All Hell Breaks Loose Parts I and II as special features, but I got the anime episode Skins and Till Death Do Us Part instead. Is it just me? 

I have the DVDs and All Hell Breaks Loose parts I and II are on it. Interesting they'd put different ones on the BlueRays.

1 minute ago, DittyDotDot said:

I have the DVDs and All Hell Breaks Loose parts I and II are on it. Interesting they'd put different ones on the BlueRays.

According to the blu ray box those are the episodes meant to be on mine also. I wonder if it was a manufacturer error or something. Thanks for confirming those are the eps meant to be on it :)

Edited by Wayward Son

Please excuse the pathetic photography first of all!  I got a selection of Supernatural pin badges from Etsy, but don't want some of them (the ones in the photo).  If any of you would like some or all of them, drop me your address, no matter where in the world, and I'll send them to you as a little present, from one family member to another.


  • Love 4

There was an iTunes released featurette today: "Into the Apocalypse: A World Without the Winchesters".

Focus: production, some setup

Interviewed: Dabb, Wanek, VFX guy (Minoche?), wardrobe person, Mark Pellegrino, Osric Chao, Brad Buckner, Eugenia Ross-Lemming

Production notes:
- Sand mine (essentially) they've converted to Apocalypse world.  Random oversized Angel blades sticking up out of the ground, buried Spanish church with the top portion still poking out of the sand as Michaels' headquarters - the idea is that the old world is buried under the sand and this arid non-life-giving existence is all that is left.

- Wardrobe: demons come from a mix of Lord of the Rings/Zombie Rob/Mad Max.  Angels in grey. Hunters in tans/browns. Emphasize on "Jesse James" look for Michael.

- Wanek really put a lot of artistry into the church with all the symbolism. Liked the shot of Lucifer hanging in an Iron Maiden in that setting.

- Writers: the world is basically an Angel vs Demon war. Humans are scavengers who have lost all humanity.

Bottom Line: Wanted a definite "other" feel to the place, it's a location they will use multiple times.

See "Spoilers" for specific comments.

  • Love 1

11 Gifts for the Obsessive Supernatural Fan





11 gifts for the obsessive Supernatural fan

If someone in your life is a serious Supernatural fan (and you've already gifted them all four covers of EW's Oct. 20-27, 2017 issue), we have just the thing for you. Click through for the best themed gifts you can buy right now, from plush figurines of Sam and Dean Winchester to the show's official coloring book.



as a follow up to my posting from last summer, I got an email from BigBadToyStore today with this link:  http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/68025

Yesterday I got an email with this link: https://www.blackopstoys.com/collections/preorders/products/preorder-qmx-supernatural-dean-winchester-1-6-scale-articulated-figure

or, direct from the source: https://mailchi.mp/quantummechanix/our-latest-q-fig-will-ragnarok-your-world-1284017?e=cd992332b4

So I guess that there was some interest shown...why yes, I did place a pre-order.

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, Linderhill said:

as a follow up to my posting from last summer, I got an email from BigBadToyStore today with this link:  http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/68025

Yesterday I got an email with this link: https://www.blackopstoys.com/collections/preorders/products/preorder-qmx-supernatural-dean-winchester-1-6-scale-articulated-figure

or, direct from the source: https://mailchi.mp/quantummechanix/our-latest-q-fig-will-ragnarok-your-world-1284017?e=cd992332b4

So I guess that there was some interest shown...why yes, I did place a pre-order.

Holy crap. That looks really good!

  • Love 1

Apparently this is from the S13 DVD. I am guessing this in the right thread for it, but just in case: spoilers.

Not my fav season but there were some good lines, for sure. "It tastes like lizard." is probably my fav. :)

https://decider.com/2018/08/30/supernatural-season-13-superlative-lines-supercut-exclusive/?utm_source=twitter_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I loved this line too, especially in the context of what was happening on screen it worked.  

Was this a Jensen ad lib?

IIRC, Jensen said that Dean going back for the leftovers was improv but the line was scripted.  

I really like the line but IMO it only works as a whole with Sam not eating the lizard and trying to make a joke about it tasting like chicken.  And the line really works because of the timing and delivery of "No...Sam....(beat)...it tastes like...lizard" along with Dean's complete annoyance with Sam in that moment. That line fueled me for a few episodes. LOL.

  • Love 4

Just watched the BTS special that came out on iTunes.  For those of you who DON'T give a shit about BTS or feel it shouldn't be discussed, please feel free to move along.  If the mods want it elsewhere, let me know:

Highlight from the 300 BTS documentary (on iTunes)

Highlight from the 300 BTS documentary (on iTunes)

WBTV released a 20 min documentary today on iTunes.  I’m sure it’ll be on the DVD release eventually.  And likely YouTube at some point (beyond my skillset).


-          Dabb & Singer: Emotional weight of the story is the boys and their dad. Everyone upping their game.

-          Misha: the writer’s on this show have a rule, which is they try not to do the same storyline twice – keeps the show fresh.

-          JDM: fans have been waitin for a long time

-          Dabb: “Lebanon” idea came up in May 2018 – town is 200-300 people, makes Sam & Dean ‘curiosities’ for whole town.  “Stand By Me”/”Amblin’” lens. Social structure for the boys.  How to make “Lebanon” a character on the show to make their family an even bigger family.

“Cass’ introduction in Season 4, the introduction of angels generally, is probably the reason this show has continued and lived as long as it has.” (direct quote from Dabb)

-          The 300 fight scene with “Season 5” fight scene, it serves a purpose to progress the fight scene (pearl had a bad bad effect).  Zachariah stood out as immediately making an impression. 

-          Singer: ‘JDM is the “sundae”, Kurt is the cherry on top.’

-          Glynn: ‘Enduring theme was a semblance of home’

-          Jensen: ‘Very human to want to have a home base.’ Direct quote “What you have is a Dean who’s very content in the life that he’s living and the path that he’s traveling.

-          On the pearl, Jensen: “He thinks it’s to get Michael out of his head when, in actuality, what his heart truly desires is for his family to be together. To touch that, or to taste that, just for a moment, is what he truly desires. Now, is it fleeting? Yeah, probably.

-          Singer/Dabb: We wanted to payoff where we left them was John was alive. … he’s there for a short amount of time, you have to make the most of every second of it.’  ‘Shoot for the moon.’

-          Dabb: “Jensen is very good friends with him, and really helped us kinda smooth the way, you know, because I mean, let’s just speak frankly, for his career, Jeffery doesn’t need to do this. " 

-          JDM/Jensen: Always an ace in the hole .. pretty cool to come back.

-          Singer: where we landed on bringing him back (from heaven, hell?) we landed on time-travel as the sweet spot of emotionality. “Every scene has emotional content.”

-          JDM: “They’re great kids. I mean I shouldn’t call them kids. They’re grown men. Umm… But they’re my kids, and I always will think of them that way, because of the show.”

-          Dabb: new JDM could deliver anything we can give him.

-          JDM: Most important is having some healing

-          Glynn: “Thematically, this season has been about identity.” (Michael saying ‘I own you’).  “Dean Winchester has always been in service of others, a lot of times to the detriment of himself.

-          Dabb: “When he sees John, I think what he says is like, ‘Okay, here’s a guy that made a lot of mistakes, understanding they do happen, everybody makes mistakes, you can like yourself anyway.’ And this moment represents kind of a real eye-opening for him when it comes to himself, when it comes to being able to accept himself, Dean Winchester, for who he is.

-          Jensen: “He realized this is where he needs to be and this I where he’s most valued and where he feels most comfortable, and that’s doing what he does, alongside his brother, fighting the good fight.

-          Jared: “I think Sam held a lot against his father, thinking he messed up ‘Oh he did this, he did that.’ But not understanding why John did those things.  – ‘Sam finally understands now that he’s grown up.

-          JDM: “We could have a 10 hour episode about John and his kids.”

-          Glynn: ‘Andrew and I had ideas but also J2 know these character inside and out and they’ve been a big part of this and they had ideas, and we incorporated all of our instincts into what eventually came to be and it grew organically’

-          Jensen: “There was subtext and there was emotion and there was tonality that I hadn’t even anticipated.”

-          Eugenie: John’s a ‘sober’ fellow, not as whimsical as the boys and feels the burden of his mission and (quietly) parenthood’

-          Dabb: “It’s not about reopening old wound. It’s about, “Okay, I’ve got this wound, I understand it, how can I move on from it? I think that’s what adulthood and maturity is.”

-          Jared: Sam sees a bit of himself in his Dad..

-          JDM: I think there is some forgiveness

-          Dabb: As soon as he sees Mary, as soon as he sees his wife, he changes.  He becomes the guy who he would have been if she had never died.

-          SamSmith: This meeting heals them.

-          Glynn: We wanted Mary to get some closure too. She still holds herself responsible for what happened to her boys, to her husband.

-          Dabb: She’s really the one who doesn’t get the full amount of closure with this character the way Sam and Dean do.

-          Jensen: Seeing that reunion (Mom & Dad), for him (Dean), is almost that sunset he always wanted to see.

-          Singer: Dean’s the one who is a little more pragmatic when he sees time has changed. (scene of him telling John about the paradox)

-          Glynn: ”That family dinner is something Dean Winchester has longed for since he was a little kid.”

-          Dabb: ‘Supernatural has been, since day one, a show about family. So it makes sense that that (dinner) would be sort of the hallmark of this very important chapter of our guys’ lives.’

-          Jensen: ‘We’re all well-aware that it is a fleeting moment, but, uh, perhaps it’s something that, that he just wanted to hold tight to for just a second.”

-          Kurt: Great tragedy. So honestly, so true.

-          Singer: (goodbye scene) ‘These guys come ready to play.  They aren’t winging it at all.’

-          SamSmith: This show is lightening in a bottle .. about the boys that have a deep/complex relationship, the whole family element, and of course, the fans.

-          Glynn: “We wanna do right by these characters, we wanna do right by their history, we wanna do right by the amazing fans of the show.”

-          AND HOLY SHIT THAT’S ME TALKING TO MISHA AT THE AUTOGRAPH DESK AT COMIC CON (I screamed out loud) … I’m in the white shirt, dark hair, big nose.

-          Amazing party

-          Misha: Pretty surreal

-          Singer: “It’s really not about fancy shots or big visual effects.  It’s just kind of this emotional boiling pot just great to watch. Wow. That’s real drama.”


Edited by SueB
fixed weird format thing, added back italics
  • Love 11
34 minutes ago, SueB said:

Just watched the BTS special that came out on iTunes.  For those of you who DON'T give a shit about BTS or feel it shouldn't be discussed, please feel free to move along.  If the mods want it elsewhere, let me know:

Highlight from the 300 BTS documentary (on iTunes)

Highlight from the 300 BTS documentary (on iTunes)

WBTV released a 20 min documentary today on iTunes.  I’m sure it’ll be on the DVD release eventually.  And likely YouTube at some point (beyond my skillset).


-          Dabb & Singer: Emotional weight of the story is the boys and their dad. Everyone upping their game.

-          Misha: the writer’s on this show have a rule, which is they try not to do the same storyline twice – keeps the show fresh.

-          JDM: fans have been waitin for a long time

-          Dabb: “Lebanon” idea came up in May 2018 – town is 200-300 people, makes Sam & Dean ‘curiosities’ for whole town.  “Stand By Me”/”Amblin’” lens. Social structure for the boys.  How to make “Lebanon” a character on the show to make their family an even bigger family.

“Cass’ introduction in Season 4, the introduction of angels generally, is probably the reason this show has continued and lived as long as it has.” (direct quote from Dabb)

-          The 300 fight scene with “Season 5” fight scene, it serves a purpose to progress the fight scene (pearl had a bad bad effect).  Zachariah stood out as immediately making an impression. 

-          Singer: ‘JDM is the “sundae”, Kurt is the cherry on top.’

-          Glynn: ‘Enduring theme was a semblance of home’

-          Jensen: ‘Very human to want to have a home base.’ Direct quote “What you have is a Dean who’s very content in the life that he’s living and the path that he’s traveling.

-          On the pearl, Jensen: “He thinks it’s to get Michael out of his head when, in actuality, what his heart truly desires is for his family to be together. To touch that, or to taste that, just for a moment, is what he truly desires. Now, is it fleeting? Yeah, probably.

-          Singer/Dabb: We wanted to payoff where we left them was John was alive. … he’s there for a short amount of time, you have to make the most of every second of it.’  ‘Shoot for the moon.’

-          Dabb: “Jensen is very good friends with him, and really helped us kinda smooth the way, you know, because I mean, let’s just speak frankly, for his career, Jeffery doesn’t need to do this. " 

-          JDM/Jensen: Always an ace in the hole .. pretty cool to come back.

-          Singer: where we landed on bringing him back (from heaven, hell?) we landed on time-travel as the sweet spot of emotionality. “Every scene has emotional content.”

-          JDM: “They’re great kids. I mean I shouldn’t call them kids. They’re grown men. Umm… But they’re my kids, and I always will think of them that way, because of the show.”

-          Dabb: new JDM could deliver anything we can give him.

-          JDM: Most important is having some healing

-          Glynn: “Thematically, this season has been about identity.” (Michael saying ‘I own you’).  “Dean Winchester has always been in service of others, a lot of times to the detriment of himself.

-          Dabb: “When he sees John, I think what he says is like, ‘Okay, here’s a guy that made a lot of mistakes, understanding they do happen, everybody makes mistakes, you can like yourself anyway.’ And this moment represents kind of a real eye-opening for him when it comes to himself, when it comes to being able to accept himself, Dean Winchester, for who he is.

-          Jensen: “He realized this is where he needs to be and this I where he’s most valued and where he feels most comfortable, and that’s doing what he does, alongside his brother, fighting the good fight.

-          Jared: “I think Sam held a lot against his father, thinking he messed up ‘Oh he did this, he did that.’ But not understanding why John did those things.  – ‘Sam finally understands now that he’s grown up.

-          JDM: “We could have a 10 hour episode about John and his kids.”

-          Glynn: ‘Andrew and I had ideas but also J2 know these character inside and out and they’ve been a big part of this and they had ideas, and we incorporated all of our instincts into what eventually came to be and it grew organically’

-          Jensen: “There was subtext and there was emotion and there was tonality that I hadn’t even anticipated.”

-          Eugenie: John’s a ‘sober’ fellow, not as whimsical as the boys and feels the burden of his mission and (quietly) parenthood’

-          Dabb: “It’s not about reopening old wound. It’s about, “Okay, I’ve got this wound, I understand it, how can I move on from it? I think that’s what adulthood and maturity is.”

-          Jared: Sam sees a bit of himself in his Dad..

-          JDM: I think there is some forgiveness

-          Dabb: As soon as he sees Mary, as soon as he sees his wife, he changes.  He becomes the guy who he would have been if she had never died.

-          SamSmith: This meeting heals them.

-          Glynn: We wanted Mary to get some closure too. She still holds herself responsible for what happened to her boys, to her husband.

-          Dabb: She’s really the one who doesn’t get the full amount of closure with this character the way Sam and Dean do.

-          Jensen: Seeing that reunion (Mom & Dad), for him (Dean), is almost that sunset he always wanted to see.

-          Singer: Dean’s the one who is a little more pragmatic when he sees time has changed. (scene of him telling John about the paradox)

-          Glynn: ”That family dinner is something Dean Winchester has longed for since he was a little kid.”

-          Dabb: ‘Supernatural has been, since day one, a show about family. So it makes sense that that (dinner) would be sort of the hallmark of this very important chapter of our guys’ lives.’

-          Jensen: ‘We’re all well-aware that it is a fleeting moment, but, uh, perhaps it’s something that, that he just wanted to hold tight to for just a second.”

-          Kurt: Great tragedy. So honestly, so true.

-          Singer: (goodbye scene) ‘These guys come ready to play.  They aren’t winging it at all.’

-          SamSmith: This show is lightening in a bottle .. about the boys that have a deep/complex relationship, the whole family element, and of course, the fans.

-          Glynn: “We wanna do right by these characters, we wanna do right by their history, we wanna do right by the amazing fans of the show.”

-          AND HOLY SHIT THAT’S ME TALKING TO MISHA AT THE AUTOGRAPH DESK AT COMIC CON (I screamed out loud) … I’m in the white shirt, dark hair, big nose.

-          Amazing party

-          Misha: Pretty surreal

-          Singer: “It’s really not about fancy shots or big visual effects.  It’s just kind of this emotional boiling pot just great to watch. Wow. That’s real drama.”


OmG that’s awesome! I know how you feel; when I saw myself in Shatner’s The Captains documentary, I flipped too- lol. Thanks for this great recap SueB! 🙂

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

I had to laugh at Misha saying they never tell the same storyline twice.  Lucifer anyone?

🤣 Seriously, that's hysterical. Rehashing storylines is literally what they do, especially this many years hence. Ah, Misha, you're adorable.

Sounds like Jensen is the one who made JDM happen for this episode. It does give me some insight into what they were thinking where Dean is concerned - or, at least, how they're justifying what happened and didn't happen.

Talking to a fan pal about it, she thinks it's sounds like Meredith probably had the first ten minutes of the episode, which was the original Lebanon script, and maybe that little end part with the teens. But after the first ten minutes, the original story goes bye-bye and Dabb reworked everything to fit in John.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 5

The new featurette is out today for those who have digital subscriptions.  I've written down some direct quotes which I consider highlights.  Note:  I skipped a lot of the Nick stuff because it is a done story and apparently his whole arc was to provide a parallel to Dean.  Dean=good, Nick= bad after angel possession. 

Please note: If you want more details, wait for the DVD to come out or someone to post on youtube. I've captured as much as I could in a reasonable time.  Full trascription would take hours.


  •  Dabb: It’s the culmination of everything since S1
  •  Scene where the sheriff (who has just been told there are monsters but they don’t tell people) says “So you make that choice for everyone?”  Followed by ERL saying: “Those are the big metaphysical statements we make on this show.” Scene of Sam telling Nick ‘you can burn’. ERL: “Your character is your fate.”
  • title card: “The Winchester Mythology: THE CHOICES WE MAKE
  •  Michael/Nick story summary by BB & ERL: The possession parallel story lines was a major theme. Nick’s story was a foil to Dean’s.  Both could have been very dramatically damaged but while Nick failed abysmally, Dean did not.  Dean takes responsibility for what happened, Nick did not.  Dean could pull himself out of his darkness with his family supporting him.  Nick choose to ignore the outstretched hand of Sam and in his isolation, combined with likely being a nobody who wanted power in the first place, he just degrades into complete darkness.  Dean Winchester doesn’t have that power.  He and Sam have ALWAYS mattered.  Dean already has an identity, Nick got it from Lucifer and hates it when Abraxis tells him that he was just a convenient nobody.  Which is what drove him to go so far. Dean is always about family and his extended family.  That family support is what allowed him to overcome the effects of the possession.
  • Scene of Sam trying to get Dean to understand he’s trapped in his own head. Poughkeepie.  Ackles: “He can trust his brother, he knows his brother’s gonna fight for his life, with his own life. And he has his mother, he has people in his corner that aren’t gonna let him go down without a fight.” Scene of Sam saying “I believe in us.”
  • Sam’s story was what people saw Jared say in the clip – play the ‘older brother’ plus offering other a path to redemption (like he himself was redeemed). 
  • Padalecki: “We’ve made decision, made mistakes, and moved on, and I feel like Sam, when he sees, whether it’s Nick or Jack or whomever, he tries to believe in the best in people, so you know Sam’s made mistakes.” Then Dabb and Berens revisit Sam’s S4 mistakes/S5 redemption as his motivation in helping people be redeemed.  But both people he tries to ‘rescue’ (Nick and Jack) wind up horribly bad. Which Berens says is unusual for Supernatural to both have it end bad. Redemption was a reasonable gamble on Sam’s part but both fail. @Awesom04000 would likely throw something thru the screen during this part of the video.
  • Berens: “This is the point that we always knew Jack was heading towards when the character was conceived. We knew he would end up there and it’s been a really interesting sort of journey figuring out when he was gonna get there. But it was actually all the more interesting to have built up ALL that equity in the character, and to realize, ‘No we’re still heading towards the story, this is still an important part of the story of Jack and the story of the Winchesters, and it became almost horribly unavoidable from a narrative perspective.
  • Cas’ story was all about Jack.  He sees Jack as still the long term hope for humanity and more important than himself – which is why he makes the deal with the Empty.  It’s also why he won’t support the Winchester’s killing Jack.
  • They didn’t want to show Mary’s dying again as a ‘gif-able’ moment, S1 scene was iconic and nothing could compare.  Instead they wanted to show the impact to Sam and Dean.  
  • The Ma’lak box solution was something Sam and Dean felt forced to do but the manipulation and it’s the consequences of that manipulation is what makes the solution so disturbing.
  • Jack, at his core, wanted to be good and wanted to be part of the family he had.  We he lost his soul, it’s not the loss of Mary he worries about, it’s the reaction of Sam and Dean.
  • Ackles: He (Dean) was very determined in the final episode to do what needed to be done, and he usually is and he usually doesn’t stop.  Had I pulled the trigger, I think that probably would’ve made Dean a little heartless and Dean’s not a heartless character. He may be tough, he may be rigid, but he’s not heartless, and I think in that scene he showed it.

Notes: Quotes are directly transcribed by me from closed captioning.  Perhaps Superwiki will do the whole job eventually.

Remainder of the summary in the spoilers thread and “the end of Supernatural” as it frames S15 and gives a fairly big hints IMO.

  • Love 2

Comments on these highlights:
- The whole point of the Michael possession was to see how Dean handles it when it's over.  And basically the writers think Dean has the strength of character and support to handle it well.  Nick, his foil, was how bad could it get if you didn't have someone like Dean going through Angel possession.
- Jack was always going to turn bad - I think they may have overinvested in Jack and found it hard, themselves, to make the turn. And of course the point was to torture the Winchester with difficult moral choices.
- Cas sees Jack as the future of the planet - which is why he was never going to give up on Jack.
- Mary's death was to torture the boys by having two losses at once (Mary and Jack).  

Theme of the season: our choices are who we are

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, SueB said:

Comments on these highlights:
- The whole point of the Michael possession was to see how Dean handles it when it's over.  And basically the writers think Dean has the strength of character and support to handle it well.  Nick, his foil, was how bad could it get if you didn't have someone like Dean going through Angel possession.
- Jack was always going to turn bad - I think they may have overinvested in Jack and found it hard, themselves, to make the turn. And of course the point was to torture the Winchester with difficult moral choices.
- Cas sees Jack as the future of the planet - which is why he was never going to give up on Jack.
- Mary's death was to torture the boys by having two losses at once (Mary and Jack).  

Theme of the season: our choices are who we are

LOL So basically theme of this season is what Dean got raked over the coals for saying to Sam at the end of Season 4 - that if he continued doing what he was doing, because he "knew what he was doing" then he would be a monster.  Which then justified Suped Up Sam beating him up and almost strangling him to death.

Dean's always ahead of the game. 🙂

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7 hours ago, SueB said:
  • Sam’s story was what people saw Jared say in the clip – play the ‘older brother’ plus offering other a path to redemption (like he himself was redeemed). 
  • Padalecki: “We’ve made decision, made mistakes, and moved on, and I feel like Sam, when he sees, whether it’s Nick or Jack or whomever, he tries to believe in the best in people, so you know Sam’s made mistakes.” Then Dabb and Berens revisit Sam’s S4 mistakes/S5 redemption as his motivation in helping people be redeemed.  But both people he tries to ‘rescue’ (Nick and Jack) wind up horribly bad. Which Berens says is unusual for Supernatural to both have it end bad. Redemption was a reasonable gamble on Sam’s part but both fail. @Awesom04000 would likely throw something thru the screen during this part of the video.
  • Berens: “This is the point that we always knew Jack was heading towards when the character was conceived. We knew he would end up there and it’s been a really interesting sort of journey figuring out when he was gonna get there.

Taking to the "Bitch vs Jerk" thread.

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