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Naked and Afraid XL - General Discussion

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My rambling thoughts:

I'm totally with Amber. I didn't see her being a dictator. She rarely flat-out told Trish and Jen what to do. She usually asked in what I think was a bit passive -- "When you get a chance, could you guys..." or "I would really like us to work on the roof today" and not "You need to work on the roof today". Trish interpreted anything Amber asked as being told what to do. Trish waved off camp essential tasks (roof and firewood) in favor of "I'm doing this thing right now." She took offense at being asked to do priority essential tasks, like the roof, because they took away from spending four or five days making her Amazonian Serta and a net that wasn't even *completely* needed. I mean, Amber was having no issues finding bait and catching fish, so the net could clearly wait at least a little bit.

In last night's episode, Amber continued working on getting materials for the dock (after a needed rest). Trish and Jen, who started working on that project with her, would not return with her to finish the job, because...net? Amber seemed a little irked about that, so she asked if they'd get some firewood, when they got a chance, while she was finishing the tree tasks. Trish said something like, "When we see it, we'll get it," as if wood would be wandering through their camp. Gathering wood is a proactive task, and it's a necessary survival task. The net? Not so much right now, as mentioned above. Amber sounded frustrated, and I don't blame her. Trish is purposely waving off Amber's requests, because she doesn't like the way Amber communicates. Fine. Differences in communication style happen, but they can be worked out if someone initiates a conversation about it. Rather than try to work it out, though, Trish just flat-out refused to do anything but the secondary tasks she's decided to take on for herself, and then she tells the camera how she feels about the way Amber communicates. Suck it, Trish. It's day 11. If you have a problem with Amber and how she communicates, be a grownup talk it out with her. Communication is a two-way street.

Why did Jen need to help with the net? She could very well have taken care of firewood and cordage, and it would a fair division of labor -- Amber was finishing up with the trees, and Trish was making her crappy net. The only things left were firewood and cordage, both of which were needed, and Jen could have taken on those tasks.

At one point Amber asked if either of them could fish, because she was exhausted after the physical labor involved in her tasks. Neither Jen nor Trish would do so. Amber went ahead and went fishing. I hope she ate all of the one fish she caught. Yep, she was a bit passive-aggressive when she returned with the fish. I'm not saying I agree with that, but I understand where it came from. Speaking of fish, have we seen anyone other than Amber bring fish back to camp? I think the others have brought back small things they've foraged, but I can't remember.

As for being the leader? I have a feeling that production told each of the "Legends" on each team that they'd be "mentoring" the other two members of their teams, due to their respective N&A experience. For example, Steven, Amber, and Gary all had THs in which they talked about teaching the other members of their teams this or that or the other things. This is *not* strictly an Amber thing. As a matter of fact, she's given her teammates props for being badasses in their own rights. I don't think what she's asking of the other two members of her team is outrageous, especially in comparison with the tasks they decided to take on. Those tasks - bed and net - are fine, but they're not survival priorities. Trish's bed could wait, as she clearly had a sleeping surface already. Working to waterproof the roof would have taken a day or so, and Trish could return to her bed project after helping to assure they had a dry shelter. They are taking on a challenge in an environment that literally has "rain" in its name. The shelter roof should have taken priority over refining a bed and making a net that is not their primary method for catching fish. The roof should not be worked on nearly two weeks into the challenge. As a matter of fact, if they'd have taken care of the roof in the first couple of days, they'd have a dry shelter, and Trish could continue working on her bed and net afterward.

Edited by Captain Asshat
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Something I’ve been wondering about Trish - she’s not going to come right out and say it I’m sure but maybe this is an age thing.  Trish is older than Amber and some people have a problem with taking advice or “orders” from someone younger.  We’re not seeing everything going on so perhaps Amber has mentioned the roof, firewood, etc thing so many times that by the time she brings it up and it’s the time it’s aired for all viewers to see it is coming off as bossy to some.  

This thing with Trish is sort of reminiscent of the teaming of Shane/Alana/Dani from the first XL when Shane got bullied out and left when Jeff/EJ came along.  I don’t think Amber is going to leave for another group until an official merge but I’m guessing if Trish were paired with one of the other legends there’s a chance she’d pull the same garbage with her self centric tasks, who knows about the trash talk.  

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3 hours ago, Captain Asshat said:

Differences in communication style happen, but they can be worked out if someone initiates a conversation about it. Rather than try to work it out, though, Trish just flat-out refused to do anything but the secondary tasks she's decided to take on for herself, and then she tells the camera how she feels about the way Amber communicates. Suck it, Trish. It's day 11. If you have a problem with Amber and how she communicates, be a grownup talk it out with her. Communication is a two-way street.

Yes, Exactly! The whole problem is lack of communication. Amber Does have an annoying air of a confident girl scout leader, provider and direction giver of the group. Her intentions are good, but her delivery is rejected as being dictatorial. I can see that Ambers “teacher” efforts can be a bit much at times. They are not complete greenhorns that need to be taught about being out in nature and the dangers therein.

The way to deal with the resentment about that, growing with the other two is not to be childishly defiant and obstinate like Trish is, but to talk it out like adults. Bring it to the table. Tell Amber her delivery is sometimes off-putting instead of cowardly refusing to communicate this to her. Refusing to contribute to the camps needs as a way to display dissatisfaction and biting off your nose to spite your face like a bratty child, is being stupid and setting back real survival necessities.

Trish and Jen want Amber to be a mind reader, because they are too cowardly to bring up their grievances with Ambers style of communication, which is “suggestions” for helping in what is needed to get the job of GROUP survival, done more easily.

26 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

This thing with Trish is sort of reminiscent of the teaming of Shane/Alana/Dani from the first XL when Shane got bullied out and left when Jeff/EJ came along.  I don’t think Amber is going to leave for another group until an official merge but I’m guessing if Trish were paired with one of the other legends there’s a chance she’d pull the same garbage with her self centric tasks, who knows about the trash talk.  

I agree. It is exactly like what Shane went through with the cackling bullies. Nay sayer to all he is, was, and did. 

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19 hours ago, madmax said:

Amber appointed Amber leader.

Yeah, I'm on Trish's side.  Amber is a dictator, telling everyone what to do and how to do it.  She did that to an extent on the last XL that she didn't finish, but the guys basically did what they wanted anyway, and of course, she ragged on them for it.  It's a team, not a dictatorship.  Discussing what needs to be done for the day, not telling them what needs to be done, is a better way to go.  That's a team.

Glad Dan and Waz found each other.  Hope the bird trap works, but the thought of eating a vulture?  😬

I have full faith that Steven will finish, with or without a partner.

I think Amber is just feeling her Legend-itis. its new maybe she'll climb down on her own, or Julie might have to have a talk.  Another thing is she has suffered something everytime she's tried to do an XL and might be feeling her strongest this time.  P.s. i can totally see Steven walking out of the jungle at the end of 60 looking all Grizzly Adams hah with all due respect of course.

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Amber, Trish and Jen are the only group left, although Waz and Dan were just guided to consolidation.

Can't help but wonder if other groups were still together Amber, Trish and Jen would be getting less air time.

Found it amusing that Steve told the camera crew he was alone.  Yeah except for the camera crew and access to a medic, you're all alone.  Seems Steve learned some lessons in self-aggrandizement from creepy Jeff.

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5 hours ago, ForumLou said:

I think Amber is just feeling her Legend-itis. its new maybe she'll climb down on her own, or Julie might have to have a talk.  Another thing is she has suffered something everytime she's tried to do an XL and might be feeling her strongest this time.  P.s. i can totally see Steven walking out of the jungle at the end of 60 looking all Grizzly Adams hah with all due respect of course.

That's a good take.

If Amber had completed more than one challenge (she's only completed one 40 day challenge; she tapped or was medically tapped from EVERY OTHER CHALLENGE), then maybe she'd be a legend.  Her "I've had 70-something days on challenges was a little bit of bullshit.  Maybe Trish and Jen would listen if she had completed more challenges.  Maybe I'd have some more respect for her, not that anyone gives a crap about what I think.

Edited by madmax
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Lol madmax. I give a crap what you think. I’ve been rewatching, because I wasn’t paying full attention the fist time, so I went back to take a lookie see.

I notice that Amber talks to the girls like they are third graders and she is their teacher. She plays it to the hilt for the cameras and just the way she talks to the other two, she talks down to them, like shes humoring and instructing 3rd graders on a field trip. Is she a  grade school teacher?

Anyway, shes extremely annoying. The way she talks to people and the words she chooses to use. Very condescending. Practically everything out of her mouth is punchable after you’ve had enough. Handing herself a gold medal for teaching Jen how to fish. I think Jen would have been able to figure it out if she had to on her own. 
The shelter looked beautiful with woven door. A lot of work went into that shelter and I know she didn’t do that by herself.

Something happened in between last week and this weeks episode. A definite unspoken change in vibe between the girls in that group. I think Ambers style of Sheena queen of the jungle and her playing the cameras, acting like shes the star of her own show with the others as her supporting role characters, finally got to Trish and Jen. Yeah... I’m seeing it.

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Oh boy Dan. That deep puncture looks like it hurts and is going to be hurting more a bit later on. I hope they gave him an antibiotic shot to try and head an infection off.I would have never taken that risk he did, since being its only self defense, those anteater nails are bound to be used to fight for its life. 

Amber is doing the I did this and I did that, show. I set a line over here, I set a line over there, I set a line over There, and I set a line over THERE. Not just, theres a line here, there and over there. Ok. Gotta get all the I me’s in, describing every sainted move she makes. 

All credit for everything goes to Amber. We get it that it is only you who are setting the lines and making sure the world knows that it is you, St. Savior, of a team in the jungle. No one dare try to do it themselves, or just do it too, or ask to set a line themselves. Ya know,,, put a fish head on a hook and put it in the water and drape the line over a branch or stick and tie the end of the line to a solid object. Like one of those trees or something. 

The I, me show, might start looking like a Naked and afraid team of past XL seasons. I’ve never seen any other time when one person is blatantly acting like and Believing they are the leader and every little thing has to be done their way. Also though she doesn’t tell people what to do directly, she “suggests” quite often what she wants the others to be doing. After her instructions on how to do it, of course. 

Most people who do this show aren’t complete city slicker greenhorns, and have above simpleton intelligence and know how. I’m sure at the very least, they’ve watched tv shows that showed scenes of people hunting and catching fish, lashing poles, and gain some kind of clue how to do it.

I forget... did Amber bring the hooks or something? 

The expert in her should have checked those freshly cut wood logs for good buoyancy before building the whole raft that cant even stay afloat with one persons weight on it.

Oh boy, looks like the girls are the ones who will be blessed with Jeff’s presence on their “journey”. What a bummer for them! I feel sorry for Trish and Jen the most. This is going to be interesting seeing how Amber deals with this scene stealing, loud blustering obnoxious intrusion into her personal self promotion show.  Now that I’ve seen Amber in action, I can’t unsee it. 

I’m glad Steven didn’t get Jeff. He’s been through enough punishment, with being alone and not having enough food. He certainly wouldn’t feel alone anymore if Jeff walked into his camp. It would be like having 10 whole new idiots added in, all at once! 

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9 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

OMG, what did the women do to deserve being stuck with Jeff?

I couldn’t watch them killing that poor anteater. 😢

Yeah, I don’t see that teaming working out too well.  Granted he’s a fisherman and will probably catch plenty for the team but I’m thinking Amber’s not going to take his joining the group too well going forward.  I am interested in how well he’ll get along with Trish.  

About Trish and that stupid net it seems she abandoned it since she was going in to the water to get a fish during last night’s episode.  

Poor Steven - those caiman eggs didn’t seem to work out for him later.  I hope with EJ joining him they’ll be able to actually catch a caiman.  

Loved the swing that Dan and Waz built and how well they’re working together.  I’m concerned for Dan and that injury from catching the anteater.  I was almost expecting a tap out.   I had a hard time watching them catch it too.  I am excited for the teaming with Matt, they can only get stronger. 

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15 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

One thing I wondered when watching the cringey segments with Amber/Trish/Jen is if it were Suz Ahn with her over explaining things instead of Amber would things be better or worse.  

It would be worse, so much worse. If Trish thinks Amber is telling her what to do, she would absolutely flip if Su-Zahn was there, was actually dictating tasks, and doing so as if Trish is a child.

Edited by Captain Asshat
Because "as" and "is" are not the same.
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I'm actually glad the girls got stuck with Jeff.  I wanna see the showdown between Mr. I've Done More Days Than Anyone Unless You Count the Day in the Med Tent and Ms. I Call Myself a Legend Even Though I've Only Completed One Full Challenge.

Sucks for Steven that his eggs went bad.  But damn, if he doesn't keep trying.  He and EJ should do well.

Waz and Dan have someone that knows how to use a bow!!!  That puncture was nasty.  No way that isn't getting infected.  I really hope they did give him antibiotics, at least to keep it from getting too bad.

Why weren't the female team and Waz & Dan smoking the extra meat?  Amber should know how, she knows everything else.

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I'm glad the women's team was seemingly able to work out their differences. Amber should know Jeff, right? At the very least, they should *all* know Jeff by reputation. I hope that he comes in and realizes the team needs someone to help pitch in, considering this team (blow ups aside) has been able to secure protein in the form of fish and two caiman. They don't always pull in enough fish, but that's where Jeff's contribution can help. Tasks that I see them needing immediately are:

  • Expanding the shelter to make adequate room for a fourth.
  • Combining Jeff's and Amber's fishing skills to feed one more mouth. I don't like the man, but he does have fishing skills. And, really, if they keep pulling in caiman and their "6 lbs of protein", they should be fine, at least until the inevitable need to leave that spot.*
  • Utilizing Jeff's "I ate just before insertion" energy to help complete the dock/raft.

*I'm wondering, though, if the women's spot will be the final merge destination, because they're creating the most significant dock, and I'm pretty sure I remember Amber saying she'd use it for her extraction on Day 60. The dock/raft looks like it would be substantial enough to carry all the survivalists leaving on Day 60. (And my guess is that the "Legends" arriving on Day 21 means they're leaving on what would be their 40 and Steven and Amber's 60 day mark).

I'm happy Steven is teaming with EJ. They'll work together well, and I'll bet EJ convinces Steven to move to another site, because those resources can barely house and feed Steven, much less Steven and EJ. I'll further bet that they will not move to another independent site. They will "accidentally stumble upon" one of the other groups.

Dan and Waz each have a bow that they, admittedly, could use some lessons with, and in comes Matt with his bow and skills with that bow. This should be fantastic. That said, I hope Dan's wound does not get horribly infected. That's how Matt got taken out of his first XL. If Dan's hand gets worse, and he tries to stubbornly tough it out, Matt would be the only one, given his own experience with infection, who could convince Dan to tap in that situation. I want them all to get to their respective goals, though. I really enjoy Dan and Waz. 

Edited by Captain Asshat
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10 hours ago, Captain Asshat said:

*I'm wondering, though, if the women's spot will be the final merge destination, because they're creating the most significant dock, and I'm pretty sure I remember Amber saying she'd use it for her extraction on Day 60. The dock/raft looks like it would be substantial enough to carry all the survivalists leaving on Day 60. (And my guess is that the "Legends" arriving on Day 21 means they're leaving on what would be their 40 and Steven and Amber's 60 day mark).

I think they will all have to make a trek to another location.  Steven has talked about staying where he was for 60 days and both can't be true.  

I think the dock/raft needs more work to be able to carry everyone.  It barely held Amber; they were going to add another log for the other ladies.  If it has to carry more, it needs a few more logs.  Waz and EJ are big guys - actually, all three new survivors looked like they did the smart thing and packed on some weight before being dropped in the jungle.

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It may be interesting to see how well the "fresh" legends handle integrating with people who have been beaten down by the Amazon Forest for 21 days.

This entire "Legend" designation is real BS, and damages both the Legends and the regular folk.  Matt can probably handle it with the most aplomb, but EJ and creepy Jeff, not so much.  Let's see, Legends Gary and Kaila lasted how long?  

Edited by Liberty
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12 hours ago, madmax said:

I think the dock/raft needs more work to be able to carry everyone.  It barely held Amber; they were going to add another log for the other ladies.  If it has to carry more, it needs a few more logs.  Waz and EJ are big guys - actually, all three new survivors looked like they did the smart thing and packed on some weight before being dropped in the jungle.

That dock/raft absolutely needs more work. My line of thought was that, as more survivalists randomly show up, there are more hands to build it, plus they'll know how many, at most, it will have to support. Also? There's the potential for more drama as too many "Legends" will want to engineer the thing.

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4 hours ago, Captain Asshat said:

That dock/raft absolutely needs more work. My line of thought was that, as more survivalists randomly show up, there are more hands to build it, plus they'll know how many, at most, it will have to support. Also? There's the potential for more drama as too many "Legends" will want to engineer the thing.

If they are unsure how to build it, Amber will be more than happy to tell them how. And if they are sure ow to build it, Amber will be more than happy to tell them how.

  • LOL 5
22 hours ago, Liberty said:

It may be interesting to see how well the "fresh" legends handle integrating with people who have been beaten down by the Amazon Forest for 21 days.

This entire "Legend" designation is real BS, and damages both the Legends and the regular folk.  Matt can probably handle it with the most aplomb, but EJ and creepy Jeff, not so much.  Let's see, Legends Gary and Kaila lasted how long?  

But Jeff will be the first one to tell you he's a legend and has done more days than anyone else.

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1 hour ago, djlynch said:

I don't know how many more days he has than Matt and Stephen, but I kind of hope that he taps early and one of them can pass him by making it to the end.

I’d think amongst the 3 of them total days done would be close already if their regular Naked and Afraid appearances are included.  Plus Steven did that 14 day challenge in Alaska which in my opinion is a pretty impressive thing to accomplish.  

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I looked things up on Wikipedia and worked it out. Before he got there, Jeff was at 181 days. Steven was on his 170th day when the others arrived, and had passed EJ (163), Matt (162), and Laura Zerra (156) while he was there to take second overall. Gary came in at 143 days, so he could have been in this conversation had he been smarter about not standing below trees with poison sap while cutting them.

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Sure looks like Jeff picked up on Ambers number right away. She sure was quick to gossip about, and put down Trish and Jen as soon as she and Jeff were out of ear shot. Thats not nice.

Surprisingly Jeff is being very astute and picking up on the social vibes immediately. He is not bumming me out at all. He’s being good. I am hoping he sticks around and the puking from the environmental change doesn’t take him down too far or fast.

Amber with her, “Can you clean the fish Trish?”                                                                    Like a mother dealing out the menial chores. What the heck is the big deal about cleaning the fish yourself after catching them Amber? Ohhh, thats right. She caught those minnows and is beneath actually cleaning them. There was absolutely no reason she couldn’t just clean the fish instead of trying to assert her authority over the puny minnow haul. She can’t seem to help herself from trying to dole out all the little, less fun tasks, she wants the underlings to do for her on command. Like right now! Hup to it! 

She wants everyone’s indebtedness for any food she brings in, with the hooks only she has and lords over. I cant wait for Jeff to encourage her to use her hooks in any place she personally didn’t decide upon.

Amber would raise rebellious kids if she had any with that constant attitude of do-as-I-say. Now.
Always testing her authority over other people. Kids don’t do well with being backed into a corner constantly. I could see her with her arms crossed, glaring and tapping her foot at her kid, like a cartoon strict mom forcing her child to jump through the hoop she just required of them. Now.

Steven is showing weight loss. I sure hope he and EJ get a meal before they hike out. 

Matt, Waz and Dan are a good threesome. Dan looked like he was starting to fade a bit there at the end of the episode and I hope it has nothing to do with his hand becoming infected, though it was surprising we didn’t hear one peep of ouch come from him while using his hand. 

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2 hours ago, Liberty said:

Wonder if this behavior comes from her military background

I was wondering the same thing too - I’m guessing probably.  By now you’d think maybe Amber should realize she should adjust a bit with Trish?

Jeff seems like he’s stirring the pot than trying to be a mediator.  He says he wants to take Trish and Jen under his wing - what makes him think he’ll do any better?  He wants to catch a big eel so he’ll need help, who’s going to put down their weaving or sign making long enough to do that, lol. Trish told Jeff she caught 3 fish “just like that” the other day while Amber is out all day fishing.  Okay, so why isn’t she out there catching the treasure trove of fish?  She doesn’t consider the food sources are drying up like the other camps have noted.  Idiot. 

I’m concerned for both Dan and Steven, they both don’t look so good with the weight loss.  I hope Steven and EJ find Dan/Waz/Matt to team up. I want to see more of the men and how well they’re working together, not this cringey women not getting along drama garbage.  

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Ironic that the three Jedi masters have come in and not really contributed much.  They were going to be like the food masters, but none of them has brought in a bite.

I hope Jeff gets pulled (he can't stop himself from stirring shit if it's to his own advantage) . . . after Amber has gone off to start her own camp.  Trish will wish she had fish to clean.

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I think what we are seeing with the women's group is the scriptwriter's plot.  Amber is difficult, Jeff spreads the gossip, Amber gets pissed, and leaves.  Maybe to meet up with Steven and EJ.  I think the conflict is just a plot line. (Not that being a PITA doesn't come easily to Amber)

Also, the new people said they were called when so many tapped out the first week.  I think the plan was for them to show up all along.  All three have packed on too many pounds to be last minute additions to the show.

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Great Comments on this most recent episode!

I think EJ is accomplishing less than Steven, and he's only a couple of days in.  "I'm just here to help", 'so let's move to a new location'.  Yeah EJ, the most deadly frog in the universe.  EJ is an overweight old man, and in his last XL challenge was good at supervising his team.

On a technical note, I think what EJ referred to as turkeys, where different birds in the water than the birds pictured in the trees.

Laura Zerra has been in unique N & A series with Jeff, Steven and EJ.   

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7 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Jeff isn’t being good. He’s stirring the 💩. I hope he has to tap out. 

Nope, Jeff is not being good. He’s stirring it up for sure. Normally I’d be mad at his actions, ... but there’s just something about these circumstances with Amber that, for the very first time, I am enjoying his presence in the jungle. 

I think Amber thought he’d be on her “side” concerning Trish and Jens “non compliance”. Surely he would see that she’s right and they are wrong. The way they don’t want to follow her orders after she spends ALL DAY away from the water boiling and wood gathering, while she slogs away the hrs, fishing. Fishing is fun! I love to fish, and there is many a person who leaves the homestead and family behind while they go off fishin! All day! Its an addicting sport, and I know Amber enjoys it.

She acts as if its a great burden for her to fish, “providing for the little womenfolk” back home who are cooking and cleaning and doing all the boring tasks.

The nerve she had in asking Trish to clean the fish, like Trish has nothing better to do than make a sign, after shes been back at the fort all day doing the stuff Amber doesn’t want to do. 

Its the way Amber says things to Trish and Jen. Who died and made her the boss of them? Along with the acting like she’s taught them everything they know and how condescendingly proud she is of her little students. Her animated team spirit comes off as very fake when she praises anything “her girls” accomplish. Its all just another way to pat herself on the back for being such a good teacher of these ignorant babes in the woods. Akkkk! She is definitely acting like this is HER survival show and they are there to be her little background helpers.  

Yeah, I’m loving Jeff siding with the little background helpers. It seems to me he was told about the way Amber is bumming out the other 2 before he got there. 

Go ahead Jeff! Take her down a notch or two. I’m here for it, even if it is Jeff.

I do think from the preview though, that he is not going to last too long, this time around.

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It's hard to choose between Jeff and Amber.  I don't like them both equally.

But Jeff really is stirring the shit.  "She told me you guys don't like to boil water."  Would a true leader share that info?  Nope.  He just wants them to side with him and force Amber out, which I really wouldn't mind, but then we'd be stuck with Mr. I Live For This!!!!

Steven is looking pretty gaunt.  I hope they find some protein fast.  EJ, dude, you need to learn to hit something with the blow gun before you worry about poison for the tips.

Great ending for Waz, Matt and Dan.  Hopefully they can continue to get scores.  And Matt finds his aim.

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1 hour ago, riverblue22 said:

I think what we are seeing with the women's group is the scriptwriter's plot.  Amber is difficult, Jeff spreads the gossip, Amber gets pissed, and leaves.  Maybe to meet up with Steven and EJ.  I think the conflict is just a plot line. (Not that being a PITA doesn't come easily to Amber)

I’m not sure if what’s going on with the women’s group started out script generated or not but I’m certain once they planned to send in the 3 legends they couldn’t help but send Jeff to a still intact team that wasn’t getting along … just to pour gas on the fire.  IMO I think Steven should have gotten more than one person for help despite the fact he’s completed a 60 day challenge already as well as others, just to make the camps 3-3-3.  

7 minutes ago, madmax said:

It's hard to choose between Jeff and Amber.  I don't like them both equally.

But Jeff really is stirring the shit.  "She told me you guys don't like to boil water."  Would a true leader share that info?  Nope.  He just wants them to side with him and force Amber out, which I really wouldn't mind, but then we'd be stuck with Mr. I Live For This!!!!

I’ve never been much of a fan of Amber but I don’t hate her either.  I would like to see her get 60 days though (maybe we won’t see her again & see someone else?) but how well does she think she knows Jeff that she could tell him something that could blow back in her face, especially someone who has pulled garbage before to antagonize people?  As far as Jeff the showboater is concerned if he does what he was “hired” to do for this XL and is done for good with this show I’ll be okay with that.  Time for some new regular cast here.  

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