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Beat Bobby Flay - General Discussion

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I missed the beginning of the sliders episode.  Who is this woman who keeps saying she is making a roomulaid?????  She keeps repeating it and they keep it in the editing....do they hate her?  This Lisa lady is odd.

also odd...Katie lee ex Joel.  LOL

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I figured the guy who’d never handled a mango in his life (?!*) was a goner, but then the other one declared he was just going to slice his and I hurt my eyeballs rolling them.  What an idiot the first round loser was in his choice.

*There are plenty of ingredients you could hand me and I wouldn’t be familiar with them, but I’m a home cook, not a professional; I don’t expect chefs to know about every food item under the sun, but, whether he uses it in any of his dishes, it’s mind-boggling to me that someone who prepares food for a living would be wholly unfamiliar with something as common as mango.

A fried oyster po’ boy, in any form, sounds like heaven, so I enjoyed round two, though.

“A shot of bourbon, Chef?  Are you a drinker?”
“I’m from New Orleans.”


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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I figured the guy who’d never handled a mango in his life (?!*) was a goner, but then the other one declared he was just going to slice his and I hurt my eyeballs rolling them.  What an idiot the first round loser was in his choice.

I know! How stupid was this guy? And they they showed his exit interview, "I may have been over confident" You think???

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Usually the judges demand that the ingredient in question be the "star" of the dish.  Mango didn't seem to be the focus in the second guy's dish whereas it was in the loser's dish.  However, just slicing a mango and putting it on the plate certainly doesn't qualify as cooking.  I was glad that the second guy won.  He was really cute when he beat Bobby too.  I wanted one of his po' boys.  Bobby's sandwich didn't look very good to me and it seemed unwieldy.

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I'm watching the episode where Bobby & the chef are making shrimp tacos, & during the show someone mentioned that the chef contestant (no idea what his name is) brought the tortillas from home. So now I wonder if the chefs bring all their ingredients with them & the show only supplies Bobby's ingredients.

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someone mentioned that the chef contestant (no idea what his name is) brought the tortillas from home.

I wondered about that too.  Obviously, they would have to have been pre-made even if he made them himself which seems contradictory to what I'd thought was one of the premises of the program.  OTOH I think I remember Bobby (on some other episode) cutting up and deep-frying tortillas he didn't make during the show to use as chips.  Maybe chefs have always been allowed to bring stuff which might explain why there are sometimes rather obscure ingredients in that little pantry.  I've always assumed that someone from the show buys needed ingredients downstairs in Chelsea Market.  

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50 episodes of Beat Bobby Flay.  

Wow!!!  That must be exhausting.  Bobby must have almost unlimited stores of energy because he always has numerous irons in the fire.  BBF is very consistently in the top ten or fifteen shows as rated by number of viewers so I understand why they're making more but 50 sounds extreme.

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They must be trying to make Buddy Valestro happen on Food Network because he was one of the judges tonight, with Alex. Oh, and they made sure to include a bit where two random audience members just so happened to be fans of his and wanted a picture with him. He was as obnoxious here as he was on the competition show with Duff and didn't have much to add as far as commentary went, and this was a dessert/pastry episode. 

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On 5/6/2019 at 1:25 AM, GaT said:

'm watching the episode where Bobby & the chef are making shrimp tacos, & during the show someone mentioned that the chef contestant (no idea what his name is) brought the tortillas from home.

It also included the great Sara Moulton as a judge.  For me, she will always be the original face of Food Network.  In the early 90s, I had very basic cable, but when I visited my parents, they had Cooking Live on every night, and I thought it was great.  I couldn't wait for my cable system to upgrade our programming.  Ah, the days of stand and stir...

They must have different rules for different shows.  On Chopped, Jacques Torres was chopped for bringing his own cocoa nibs.  Consistency, for the viewers' sakes, would be nice.

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I watched a few repeats tonight, and found myself swinging from one extreme to another: 

In a key lime pie showdown, Bobby's win prompted one of my few "WTactualF?" reactions to such an outcome.  They both had crust issues, Bobby's more visible as he was slower getting his done and thus when he removed the pies at least one started falling apart.  Yet one of the judges specifically praised the texture of his crust.  Huh?  I felt affronted on the challenger's behalf.

Then in a bulgogi challenge, I was rooting, heartily, for Bobby to win (he did) from the moment the challenger opened his mouth.  I don't dislike Bobby, but in a (seemingly) close competition I generally root for him to lose just because he wins so often.  But this time I didn't even care what food was presented, the challenger was such an arrogant dickhead I wanted him to go down in flames.

There was also a white pizza with clams challenge that left me absolutely drooling - I would love to eat either pizza.

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The fish and chips challenge was interesting, where Bobby was being challenged by someone whose wife had lost in the final round a few years ago.  Bobby doesn't normally engage too much in the smack talk the challengers throw at him (he mostly just volleys with the judges he knows), but this time he - without much provocation - told the challenger, "I'll tell you what; if I beat you, I'll make us some apple fritters," referring to the dish the challenger's wife had lost with.  I wonder if there was more of the "she was robbed/how'd he pull that off" commentary we didn't see leading up to that, because it stood out to me as something Bobby doesn't often do to those he doesn't know.

Also, I now want fish and chips.  It's not my favorite, and I'll only eat thin-cut fries (because I hate potatoes, so I only like fries if they're so thin and crispy they just taste like oil and salt and serve as vessels for the ranch dressing I dip them in), but I like it every once in a while and now I'm craving it.  Both tartar sauces and fish looked good (I wouldn't eat Bobby's chips).

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10 hours ago, Bastet said:

Also, I now want fish and chips.

Heh. The only time I ever want fish and chips is when I watch it featured on a cooking show. All crispy and fried, and the chips frequently matched with vinegar which is something I never do at home but do actually like.

But when I'm actually at a restaurant that has fish and chips, I'm always like, Nah. Too greasy.

I watched the episode where the husband and wife from Louisiana competed against each other, and their special ingredient was honeydew melon. The idea of blackened honeydew still intrigues me. 

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Why is that Katie Lee woman so awful? Can she even cook? She is REALLY REALLY awful! She prances around making b@tchy airhead comments. She's not even cute or intense (Giada who I like) or amusingly odd like the other lady with the red hair (cooks lots of fatty food with mayo and stuff but is fairly soothing). She's just blooming awful. I prefer Rachel Ray and that is saying a lot!!!!!!

Sorry for the very non Bobby Flay rant. I quite like Bobby and watch this show a fair bit but it is AWFUL whenever that ghastly Katie Lee woman is on.

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On 6/22/2019 at 6:11 AM, Mellowyellow said:

Why is that Katie Lee woman so awful? Can she even cook? She is REALLY REALLY awful!

She's a cookbook author & has been involved with a lot of restaurants & food related shows including being the original host of Top Chef. Also, (nothing to do with food) she was also married to Billy Joel for a year. I don't like her.

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No one, absolutely none of the guest hosts who select opponents for Bobby is as awful as "I want to reach through the tv and smack the shit outta her" Sunny Anderson. Every time she appears, I cringe. She seems to get louder and more obnoxious each time. And I get nauseous whenever she gets all up in his space being flirtatious. Blech! No matter which Food Network show she appears on, she always needs to be the absolute center of attention. Every. Single. Time.

Can you tell that I can't stand her? 😊

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It was interesting to hear everyone on about how ballsy it was for Mark Peel to opt for a cocktail rather than cooking anything with passion fruit, given they've had someone previously not only do serve just a cocktail, but win the first round with it.  Granted, that person didn't aim to only present a cocktail, he ran out of time and that's all that was ready, but his planned dish was only the cocktail with nuts and candied fruit.

With that said, we all agreed that cocoa nibs cocktail winning was bullshit, so that odd precedent notwithstanding, it was indeed an odd choice.  And it's not like there was a great deal of technique to Peel's drink, plus it didn't truly make passion fruit the star - dark rum was prominent.  Dumb. 

I've been to his restaurant - a concept that gave me pause, because seafood isn't normally something I trust a "fast casual" restaurant to do, but it works - and used to go to his original restaurant frequently.  (I also know - as just an acquaintance - Nancy Silverton, his ex-wife with whom he partnered in both Campanile and a pretty good bakery [I think they met during their time at Spago, Wolfgang Puck's flagship restaurant].)  He's synonymous with "California cuisine" and has talent and pedigree.  I was surprised to see him falter that way. 

Both clam rolls looked tasty, but I was still sort of mulling over round one and didn't fully focus on specifics.

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That's interesting, Bastet.  ^^^^  I wasn't familiar with him at all and I wondered what he was thinking, especially after one of the judges pointed out that he wasn't doing any cooking.  I thought the cocoa nibs guy was a pre-determined winner when I saw that show.  This one - not sure.

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Aside from maybe minor tweaks to the coating there's very little you can do to make a real (not "clam strip") clam roll better, aside from piling on more clams and making sure there is plenty of tartar sauce.  Round brioche bun, chilis in the tartar sauce?  Just no.  And did Bobby even shuck real live clams?  We saw the challenger doing it, but I don't remember Flay doing so.  It's time consuming, sloppy and a real pain in the ass, and I'll bet he had them done for him ahead of time.

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As soon as I see Katie Lee, I change the channel. On top of her not knowing how to cook, and if she actually does you would think we'd see her do it once of twice instead of presenting a partially or completely completed dish and giving clearly scripted commentary about the dish, I have hearing loss and her voice is intolerable to me. 

Sunny is hit or miss. Sometimes I can watch and just mute when I see her mouth open to yell "BOOOBBBBEEEE!" and others I turn as soon as I see her because I'm just not in the mood. I won't watch when his girlfriend is on either. I gave her two chances and she was horribly obnoxious both times. The second time I think she irritated Bobby, too.

There have been many times where Bobby said he only won a pastry challenge because the challenger went so far off the mark of traditional that the judges didn't see it as what it was supposed to be or they weren't able to pull off the dish in the allotted time because they tried to do too much. Yet, challengers continue to make both mistakes.

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I can't stand Katie Lee and her awful voice and flirty ways.  I used to like Sunny when she acted like a normal person instead of an attention-seeking screaming idiot.  If one of them is on without the other, I'll watch the show and try to tune them out.  If they're on together, I change the channel.  I agree about Bobby's girlfriend too.  She's really annoying.

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Wow.  I mentioned during Mark Peel’s appearance (in which he lost in the first round with a passion fruit cocktail [only the cocktail, and not a great one at that, so an odd choice for him to put forward]) that – in addition to being surprised by his boneheaded move since he’s got major cred as one of the top go-to chefs for California cuisine and some good restaurants under his belt - I know his second ex-wife, Nancy Silverton (a similarly-accomplished chef and restaurateur in Los Angeles), as an acquaintance.  Which means not enough to know what happened with their marriage and divorce, but after seeing Peel’s third wife on tonight's episode, I hope Silverton left him.  Because if he left her in favor of taking up with this twit, yikes.

I mean, sure -- ha ha that she got further than Peel despite not even being a chef, but she's ... not good.  And annoying.  She can't pronounce "chipotle" (to be fair, neither can Bobby) or Alton, or discern the difference between a frittata and a pizza, or generally behave like an adult (again, to be fair, she's not alone in that).  I do love tomato bacon jam, but challenging Bobby Flay to a sandwich throwdown and then veering so far off course was not wise.  Her sandwich wouldn't be bad, I'm sure, but it was never going to beat anything Bobby came up with. 

I hardly ever say this about a woman, but she got on this show because of her husband - her connection to Prawn is in name only; she is a home cook - and, while I don't think he's the reason she progressed to round two, I'm irked by her.  I'm sure other challengers have made the first cut based partially on reasons that have nothing to do with culinary prowess.  This just happens to be one of the few in which I have the slightest personal interest and it stands out.

Edited by Bastet
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17 hours ago, Bastet said:

she is a home cook - and, while I don't think he's the reason she progressed to round two, I'm irked by her. 

This was the only time I can remember the competitor aufed in the first round openly complaining that it was a bad decision.  Usually they say something self-effacing about something they screwed up to lose.

Didn't know any of the back story you've shared, but man, was she a twit.  You're supposed to root for the challenger, but this was one where I was on Team Bobby, all the way.

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I don't know where else to put this, but did anyone else catch the new series where Bobby Flay and his daughter Sophie take each other to their favorite (Insert Food Item) places in New York? The first episode was tacos. 

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16 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I don't know where else to put this, but did anyone else catch the new series where Bobby Flay and his daughter Sophie take each other to their favorite (Insert Food Item) places in New York?

Yes, but I can't remember the name of it to create a topic/request a forum (I think it falls under the former, but I haven't read anything about it to know for sure), so if you can, go for it!

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47 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Yes, but I can't remember the name of it to create a topic/request a forum (I think it falls under the former, but I haven't read anything about it to know for sure), so if you can, go for it!

Eh, the first episode I saw it wasn't that great. Sophie seemed to be either parroting what her dad said but in different words or just agreeing with whatever he said, I wasn't too impressed with her on her own. The only interesting thing about this show is the few glimpses of Bobby in regular-dad-guy mode.

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On 8/25/2019 at 8:40 PM, LexieLily said:

Eh, the first episode I saw it wasn't that great. Sophie seemed to be either parroting what her dad said but in different words or just agreeing with whatever he said, I wasn't too impressed with her on her own. The only interesting thing about this show is the few glimpses of Bobby in regular-dad-guy mode.

I respectfully completely disagree, actually. I was impressed that she was very comfortable and articulate on camera. I think it has potential.

Edited by jcbrown
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On 8/22/2019 at 10:13 PM, Bastet said:

I mean, sure -- ha ha that she got further than Peel despite not even being a chef, but she's ... not good.  And annoying.  She can't pronounce "chipotle" (to be fair, neither can Bobby) or Alton, or discern the difference between a frittata and a pizza, or generally behave like an adult (again, to be fair, she's not alone in that).  I do love tomato bacon jam, but challenging Bobby Flay to a sandwich throwdown and then veering so far off course was not wise.  Her sandwich wouldn't be bad, I'm sure, but it was never going to beat anything Bobby came up with. 

She really was awful. She also couldn't pronounce "Taleggio" (teh-LAH-zheeo" it is not). She seemed like a real twit. I was glad she challenged Bobby with something she was never going to win with.

Edited by jcbrown
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Good gods, I'm only watching during breaks in the football game, and just that was enough to confirm my impression of Ree Drummond as someone I just can't stand to watch.  I've never watched her show, because it's clearly not my style of food, but I've seen bits when watching something before or after on FN, and she comes across as a demented clown whose smile actually creeps me out.  (I'd feel bad about that, but the little I've read about her indicates she's not my kind of person, either, so whatever.)  I hesitate to even watch the repeat, she bugs me so irrationally, but I'm off tomorrow, so I think I'll have an extra drink or two and go for it.  We'll see.

If Alex - who I like to imagine is no happier sitting beside her than I am watching her, but reality is she could have easily refused so I'm projecting - gives Ree that famous stink eye of hers at any point, though, it would be one of my favorite episodes.

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I don't care for Ree Drummond either.  I don't know if it's her voice or her chirpy affect.  Probably both.  At least, she seems to have toned down the heavy black eye makeup and too pale foundation.

OTOH I'm enjoying Bobby's show with his daughter.  Sophie comes across as bright, articulate and unaffected plus she has a sense of humor.  Very pretty too.  The show is largely unscripted and I'm getting a kick out of watching them interact.

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I don't know if the Carrie Baird episode was new - my program guide listed it as such, yet simultaneously listed a 2018 air date - but it was new to me.  I really enjoyed her on Top Chef; she progressed far, and frequently made food I wanted to reach through my TV and eat.

That familiarity meant I was rooting for her from jump, but when Lamar took up the "Queen of Toast" theme to dismiss her, I was all in.  Trash talking is a recurring theme, but if you bother to learn anything about your competitor, you learn she blew the minds of judges - and her competitors out of the water - by winning a late-round Top Chef challenge with "fancy toast" and her variations on it thus became famous.

On many other match-ups, I'd have been rooting for Lamar, as his dish also looked delicious, but I'm glad hers was even more tasty and creative than the guy who dissed her (even if prompted).

(Seth Meyers entertains me in general, and his "Are you the king of anything?" response and "I think you're the king of being sensitive" further endeared me to him.)

I was a bit nervous for her against Bobby when she chose a dish with flavors in his wheelhouse. 

Huevos rancheros is a dish I grew up eating a modified version of when my mom made it as I hate egg yolk and beans; mine was egg white only, yum, but also missing a big ingredient as she didn't substitute anything for the beans in mine.  I never bothered to make it as an adult.  So I was excited by Carrie's chorizo - and a green sauce rather than red, as that's my general preference - but if you omit the yolks from both and the beans from his, I'd happily devour either one.  I was glad to see hers come out ahead.

Edited by Bastet
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I don't know if Carrie's episode was new or not.  I had a vague feeling that I'd seen it before but I wasn't sure.  In any event, I liked her on Top Chef and I was glad she won.  

In the first round, I didn't think either chef made the bacon the "star" of their dish.  I was surprised that Michael Symon didn't say anything.

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On 9/12/2019 at 10:30 PM, Bastet said:

you learn she blew the minds of judges - and her competitors out of the water - by winning a late-round Top Chef challenge with "fancy toast" and her variations on it thus became famous.

It's so typical of Food Network and its apparent fear of anything TC-related that they left out the reason Carrie is known, not just to her customers, but to so many as the Queen of Toast.

Normally, I roll my eyes at the non-chef judges on this show, but Seth Meyers was great.  I laughed during his "talk show" segment with Bobby, and I never laugh.

Damn, Sara Moulton got old.  She was the reason I wanted to watch FN in the first place.  It sucked when they cancelled Cooking Live.

Surprised Carrie won with the amount of criticism aired.  Usually the judges say the challenger's dish is wonderful, and they lose anyway.

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My program guide had two episodes – both of which I watched as reruns - with tonight as original air dates, which makes no sense, but they were both new to me, so here I am:

For the one in the usual new slot, I don’t hate anchovies, but I’m not excited by them, either – I like them as a flavor enhancer, but wouldn’t know how to make them the star of a dish without being a fishy salt bomb.  So I was curious to see what the contestants came up with in Bobby's challenge.  I missed part of the preparation, but based on what I saw and the judging, I’d have liked to try both first-round dishes.

Second round I also missed chunks of the preparation, but both agnolotti dishes made me hungry (except Bobby’s dish including eggplant, but I could have rolled with that as just one ingredient).

It seems Carson’s old man glasses are supposed to be transformed into cool when combined with his fashion-forward suit, but I just found him to look ridiculous.

With respect to the black rice episode that aired afterward, I love olives, and both first-round dishes looked good except for raisins, a crime against grapes, in the winner’s dish, but I hate overly-salted dishes, so I bet I’d have agreed with them.

I’m not a rice fan (it’s filler not worth it other than with soupy dishes like curry, and cauliflower “rice” is a better option these days, for my taste), so the round two dishes didn’t do it for me at first glance, but all the seafood in the challenger’s dish had me drooling.  Bummer to see him lose.

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On 9/26/2019 at 11:03 PM, Bastet said:

My program guide had two episodes – both of which I watched as reruns - with tonight as original air dates, which makes no sense, but they were both new to me, so here I am:

For the one in the usual new slot, I don’t hate anchovies, but I’m not excited by them, either – I like them as a flavor enhancer, but wouldn’t know how to make them the star of a dish without being a fishy salt bomb.  So I was curious to see what the contestants came up with in Bobby's challenge.  I missed part of the preparation, but based on what I saw and the judging, I’d have liked to try both first-round dishes.

Second round I also missed chunks of the preparation, but both agnolotti dishes made me hungry (except Bobby’s dish including eggplant, but I could have rolled with that as just one ingredient).

It seems Carson’s old man glasses are supposed to be transformed into cool when combined with his fashion-forward suit, but I just found him to look ridiculous.

With respect to the black rice episode that aired afterward, I love olives, and both first-round dishes looked good except for raisins, a crime against grapes, in the winner’s dish, but I hate overly-salted dishes, so I bet I’d have agreed with them.

I’m not a rice fan (it’s filler not worth it other than with soupy dishes like curry, and cauliflower “rice” is a better option these days, for my taste), so the round two dishes didn’t do it for me at first glance, but all the seafood in the challenger’s dish had me drooling.  Bummer to see him lose.

In the anchovy episode, I thought Anne looked positively Trumpian, she was so orange. Oompa Loompa is not a good look, Anne. Add that to her cockatiel hair and it's just a lot of look.

Neither episode did much for me, actually. I did love seeing the episode with Carrie last week or whenever it was, however.

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11 hours ago, jcbrown said:

Neither episode did much for me, actually. I did love seeing the episode with Carrie last week or whenever it was, however.

Same here. Although I will say that now if I see black rice on a menu, the odds are much higher that I will give it a try. 

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I'm cross-posting this in multiple threads, apologies, but I think it's that important:

Tom Colicchio is out front in publicizing that the need to feed our nation's children during the COVID-19 crisis is even more critical than it quietly is every "normal" day. With schools closing because of the pandemic, millions of kids in the U.S. will lose their primary source of nutrition. https://www.sheknows.com/parenting/articles/2174246/coronavirus-children-school-lunch/

Not only that, millions of people, especially in the service industry, are going to lose their incomes and may be faced with going hungry.

If you can afford to, please donate to your local food bank. You can save lives with a $5 donation.

Edited by Ashforth
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OMG, the episode airing right now is the one where cocoa nibs were the required ingredient in the first round and the chef who moved on to round two was the moron who didn't get any of his food done (which was already only supposed to be something like candied nuts), so only served a cocktail with a dusting of cocoa nibs around the rim of the glass - because you could taste the cocoa more in his "dish".

Now, yes, the other chef chose ingredients - e.g. lamb - that were almost guaranteed to mean cocoa was not the primary flavor, but he made good food and got it done under the time constraints; why on earth would you instead - when round two doesn't have any "make Bobby's ingredient the star of your dish" requirement, just that they make the best overall version of a dish of their own choosing - pick the guy who can't do anything more in twenty minutes than make a drink?

And, indeed, the challenger loses.  But Bobby wins that flourless chocolate cake challenge with an absolute textural and visual mess of a cake that looks worse than something out of an Easy-Bake Oven, because it's more chocolate-y than the challenger's.

This has to be the most WTF episode of the entire series.  I do not believe the first round winner is predetermined, but if I had to judge based on this episode alone, I'd instead align with those who do.

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I've been sort of binging this over the past couple of weeks.  I'm in the middle of season 11 right now.  (It's nice background TV). Despite being an Iron Chef, and owning several successful restaurants, I think Bobby is often underrated so I think it's fun watching him cook outside of the Southwest flavors, when called for.    I've seen a huge range in quality/skills of competitors, which I can understand in the beginning when the show is new and no one knew what it was, but as we go it seems more glaring. 

I actually like her*, but I am getting tired of Katie Lee for some reason.  I don't even think she's been on the most, among the various "friends".  It's not horrible or anything, I'm just tired of seeing her.  (*yes, I even liked her as the "Katie LeeBot" host of the first season of Top Chef).

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11 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

I think Bobby is often underrated so I think it's fun watching him cook outside of the Southwest flavors, when called for.

What I think is important that comes through in this show is that he ALWAYS leads with taste. Over and over again in this show he wins because his food tastes good. Nothing more or less than that. 


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Michael Voltaggio was a judge on the recent episode and he had his hair bleached blond.  I liked it.  I thought he looked healthier and less surly than he has in a long time which made me happy for him.

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Oh my, I seriously hate the challenger in a season one episode that just aired, where some total dickhead finished up his first-round eggplant dish with a couple of minutes to go and went over to his challenger's station to hover behind her like a psycho and proceeded to make obnoxious, dismissive gestures as the round ended.

Then he chose "a burger" as his signature dish.  Against Bobby Flay.  I know it's season one, but come the entirety of hell on.  I disturbed my cat cheering when his dudebro ass lost.

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Does anyone know who the woman who was guest judge along with Katie Lee in the two against one (what wound up being the lumberjack breakfast challenge) episode is?  She's blonde and looks and sounds like an annoying teenager, but I missed her introduction and she looks familiar; a Google search is not helping me because my program guide put up info for an entirely different episode, so I have nothing to go on but "lumberjack breakfast" or "two against one" and it's not happening.

I'd never heard of a lumberjack breakfast, but I am not much of a breakfast person and could definitely never eat that much food before afternoon.  Both dishes looked way too carb heavy to me, but that's just personal preference.  Well, wishing the challengers used just half a slice of that giant bread is personal preference; finding Bobby's waffles AND potatoes excessive, that I stand by.  The flavors in the "Culinary Caribbean Queen" team's dish sounded better, and I think if they hadn't burnt the sugar they'd have won.

It was a nice story the challenger who'd worked as one of Bobby's sous chefs related, about him coming up and introducing himself, "Hi, I'm Bobby".  It's a simple thing, but I can see why she took note of it, as a lot of people that famous wouldn't bother naming themselves.

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6 hours ago, Bastet said:

Does anyone know who the woman who was guest judge along with Katie Lee in the two against one (what wound up being the lumberjack breakfast challenge) episode is?  She's blonde and looks and sounds like an annoying teenager, but I missed her introduction and she looks familiar; a Google search is not helping me because my program guide put up info for an entirely different episode, so I have nothing to go on but "lumberjack breakfast" or "two against one" and it's not happening.

I'd never heard of a lumberjack breakfast, but I am not much of a breakfast person and could definitely never eat that much food before afternoon.  Both dishes looked way too carb heavy to me, but that's just personal preference.  Well, wishing the challengers used just half a slice of that giant bread is personal preference; finding Bobby's waffles AND potatoes excessive, that I stand by.  The flavors in the "Culinary Caribbean Queen" team's dish sounded better, and I think if they hadn't burnt the sugar they'd have won.

It was a nice story the challenger who'd worked as one of Bobby's sous chefs related, about him coming up and introducing himself, "Hi, I'm Bobby".  It's a simple thing, but I can see why she took note of it, as a lot of people that famous wouldn't bother naming themselves.

I googled "Beat Bobby Flay Episodes" and came up with this: https://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/beat-bobby-flay/episodes/double-trouble

The woman whose identity you seek is apparently Heidi Gardner, an actress and comedian who is a cast member of Saturday Night Live. I am not familiar with her, either.

The Lumberjack Breakfast used to be a thing at Jojo's restaurants in Houston in the Eighties, and I'm pretty sure that Denny's and maybe IHOP have had versions of it. For me and my crowd, Jojo's was where we went after the clubs closed at 2 am because it was open all night, and carb loading was a pretty good thing when you had been drinking all night. Yes, we drove drunk 😞 Maybe not as drunk after filling our bellies with carbs and coffee. As far as I know, none of us ever killed anyone. We were lucky.

Denny's still has a Lumberjack Slam breakfast.

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12 hours ago, Bastet said:

The flavors in the "Culinary Caribbean Queen" team's dish sounded better, and I think if they hadn't burnt the sugar they'd have won.

I kind of doubt it because what they presented didn't really meet the criteria for lumberjack breakfast which has numerous components like Bobby's did.  The syrup they made did sound good though.  

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