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Good Witch - General Discussion

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Here's what I have: (Sorry for any redundancy, I'm on the road and this was done on the fly)

The Good Witch

The Good Witch's Garden

The Good Witch's Gift

The Good Witch's Family

The Good Witch's Charm

The Good Witch's Destiny

The Good Witch's Wonder

Season One

The Good Witch's Halloween

Season Two

When did "The Secrets of Grey House" come out?

Edited by Jacks-Son

Fortunately, Amazon had "Secrets of Grey House" available and I was able to watch it. I was surprised to see they managed to snag Teryl Rothery to play Martha's nemesis, Meredith.  Ms. Rothery is a SciFi favorite as she has been in a few series like "Stargate: SG-1" and "Kyle XY". Amazon showed the episode out of sequence. If you bought a season 3 pass, it would have been the last episode on the list when it actually should have been the first.

The movie, while a bit cheesy, managed to answer some questions (like when did Cassie and Sam begin to date) but it did leave me with some puzzles to figure out. One was already mentioned by @treeofdreams, who actually owned Grey House originally?  I too thought it belonged to Cassie's family. What the heck happened to the hole in the wall and was it between Stephanie's diner and Abigail's flower shop? Did Abigail really try to date three guys at the same time and expect to keep juggling so they never knew? I laughed when Abigail asked why they weren't going to fight over her and one of them said, "Why bother!". These writers must have an weird view of romance if they thought that up. And who, in their right mind, would show a woman that he loved, an engagement ring, berate her slightly for not figuring it out that he was proposing; all the while claiming that he wanted to do things right. Then proceeds to put the ring on her finger, never actually proposes, and never even waits for her to say "Yes". That was one of the least romantic proposals I've ever seen. 

However, watching the movie makes me want to rewatch the season in the proper sequence. Although I don't know if I can take a second helping of "Martha".

On 6/7/2017 at 4:43 PM, seasons said:

I think I missed it somewhere slong the line, but what happened to the awesome lake house Sam was going to buy?


For some reason in this latest episode, I really noticed CB's neck scar. Never noticed it before. Ever. Had to Google and it turns out she beat thyroid cancer when she was19 or so. She had said she is rightfully proud of the scar. Good for her.

i noticed a while back and had to google it too. i thought it was that line you get when the neck fat prevents the entire skin surface from getting tan. But she is not overweight so i was wondering what the heck it was. Glad she is ok now.

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No complaints about last night's episode.  I guess I thought the painter would be revealed as being blind or something the way he was squinting at everyone.  I still don't get the point of painting scenes in to the future.  Especially since all of the scenes seemed to magically happen right after he finished them.  So how is everyone fighting in the last one, but it doesn't happen right after they look at it?  I'm hoping it will just be a plot hole.  Also, how does this town have a festival every week?

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On 6/10/2017 at 1:44 AM, Jacks-Son said:

Amazon showed the episode out of sequence. If you bought a season 3 pass, it would have been the last episode on the list when it actually should have been the first.

Yeah, they made me mad with the Halloween episode.  Despite all my complaints, I buy the seasons on Amazon at the start of each new season.  They didn't bother to include the Halloween special with the first season.  It wasn't until several episodes into Season 2 that it showed up on my Season 1 episodes list.  I thought they did better with Secrets of Grey House, because at least it was available at the end of Season Two, if I recall correctly.  Amazon really ticked me off about this though.

29 minutes ago, allhailkingjack said:

The painter served literally no purpose except to stress out Cassie and Sam about the future of their relationship. Usually people are noticeably improved after a stay at Grey House, but this guy could barely squeak out a "Good to meet you" at the end.

He seemed annoyed to be there, why didn't he just leave?  It's like the cook a couple of weeks ago completely rearranging the kitchen.  Why are this season's guests so rude?  And Cassie really doesn't care.

17 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

Why are this season's guests so rude?  And Cassie really doesn't care.

That's nothing to the fact that Martha walked out of Cassie's store with an ENTIRE BAG of ginger candies and Sam and Cassie JUST STOOD THERE. I can't even...I'm starting to wonder if she even charges people to stay at Grey House.

3 hours ago, Cowgirl said:

They didn't bother to include the Halloween special with the first season.  It wasn't until several episodes into Season 2 that it showed up on my Season 1 episodes list.  I thought they did better with Secrets of Grey House, because at least it was available at the end of Season Two, if I recall correctly.  Amazon really ticked me off about this though.

It showed up on season 1 AFTER you were watching season 2? How does that happen? I don't know if "Secrets" was part of the season pass of S2. I did a search on Amazon, and it gave me S3. S3 is the only season/episodes  I'm watching live. I acquired all the movies and saw them in sequence. Also, I saw S1 & S2 on either Hulu/Amazon or Hallmark On Demand. I didn't see "Secrets" until a few days ago.

Oh man, I bet that you were kind of wondering what was going on at the beginning of this season. (Not that you couldn't figure it out.)  I suppose it could be a stand-alone episode, but I can't remember.  I'll have to watch it again.

Yep, I kept checking Amazon for the Halloween special but it never showed up until well into the next season.  I was grumpy about that. 

I think I am itching to do a re-watch of the first movie again soon.  Like you, I've acquired all the movies. 

1 hour ago, Cowgirl said:

Yep, I kept checking Amazon for the Halloween special but it never showed up until well into the next season.

Unfortunately, that only works if you are aware that there is a missing episode/movie. I had no idea there was an episode (elongated as it was) that aired. I knew nothing about "Secrets of GH" until @treeofdreams posted the list and I checked it against my list.

p.s. @Cowgirl, OT, if you're interested, I have a recommendation of an Australian series called, "800 Words" for you. It's another "sort of" family Dramedy about a man whose wife died and left him and his two teens to try to live on without her. They lived in Australia and subsequently moved to New Zealand and all the hilarity that ensues. Again, small town (REALLY small town) where everybody knows everyone else's business. Dad is pursued by four ladies who vie for his attention, and his daughter is pursued by all the local boys. Geek son also seeks love. I actually learned a lot about Australia and New Zealand. There is no lack of diversity as half the citizens are New Zealand Maori (who are seemingly far better treated than Australian aboriginals) and the other half Caucasian. If you have an Acorn TV subscription (British TV) you can watch there. Otherwise, you'll have to acquire the series another way. Series 3 should begin airing sometime in the Fall.

Edited by Jacks-Son
11 hours ago, Cowgirl said:

Ooooh sounds GOOD Jacks-Son!  I think I would love that.  Unfortunately, I don't have an Acorn subscription, which is weird, because I love British T.V.!  I'll have to try to find this series somewhere.  Thanks for the recommendation!

Happy to pass on the recommendation.

BTW, Amazon offers a 14 day free trial for Acorn TV. Sign up, then cancel and pay nothing.

Edited by Jacks-Son

Another weird episode. I don't get the point of the artist in the story. (The artist was played by another actor who was in "Reign")  He said he had a showing the next week or something and really needed to get some work done. How does painting a series of somehow future scenes help him wth his art show? I get that he learned to come out of his shell by being around Cassie and her Scoobies, but why was he in a funk to begin with? Again, the writers just throw something out there with no explanations or anything. How was he able to predict future scenes? Was it him or was it the brush?  I see by his IMDB page that he will appear in another GW episode.  At least there was a tiny mystery, but there was no surprise to the cause. As soon as the listless guy mentioned he was laying in pipes for water, I knew the case revolved around him.

Did everybody get as nervous as I did, when Abigail started intimating that something bad could happen to the captain? All of that was just to make us think that Grace was subliminally affecting the captain's health.  Grace doesn't seem to be the type of person who would even think to do something like that, yet Abigail has no qualms suggesting it. For such a beautiful woman on the surface, there really is an ugliness inside. I could easily imagine that Abigail would do something to Grace's competition. And what was that Abigail comment to Grace about being more powerful than she thinks?

Wow, Martha couldn't be more irritating if she tried.

Edited by Jacks-Son
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On 15-6-2017 at 3:45 AM, Jacks-Son said:

WOW, am I glad I mentioned "800 Words". I just logged into my Acorn TV account through my Roku box and discovered that series 2B is available and I've got an additional 6 episodes to watch. Cool! Series 1 had only 8 episodes and now series 2 has 14 episodes.

Series 2 of 800 Words has 16 episodes. The first 8 aired from August to October 2016 and the last 8 aired from January to March 2017.

1 minute ago, paulvdb said:

Series 2 of 800 Words has 16 episodes. The first 8 aired from August to October 2016 and the last 8 aired from January to March 2017.

Thanks, I found that out yesterday when I went to Yahoo7's web site. My Acorn TV account hasn't updated the last two episodes yet. I watched 9-14 yesterday and am anxiously awaiting the last two. I can't remember if I watched them live last year or not. I have a VPN account that let's me watch live TV in most countries as long as I set my VPN to that country. Doesn't work with British TV because they have that TV tax, but I can watch Australian TV.  



I AM sort of pissed at how the writers blew up everyone's relationship. I WAS hoping that George ends up with Katie, but now I don't see how that's possible without him appearing to be a Man-Ho.  I like Fiona, but I thought George and Katie made a nicer couple.

BTW, how did you manage to watch the last two episodes? 


@paulvdb, Since you managed to clue me into the fact that the last two episodes have aired, I've decided not to wait until Acorn TV adds them to their listings and went "back channel" to "acquire" them on my own. ;-)

Thanks for the heads  up!  Now, the only series I need to "acquire" is "Poldark" series 3, which began airing on BBC One earlier this week.

On 6/2/2017 at 9:03 AM, msrachelj said:

There's a lot of bad acting on this show.

 And it's so sickly sweet, (has it always been so bad? I thought it was better, maybe that was just the the specials before the series) such a perfect town, everyone is pretty damn well off, beautiful homes, clothes, businesses, this is a part of America I am not a part of and while yes, it may be nice to look at as an escape, it also infuriates me, I will rest my case. 

No diversity , everyone is vanilla. Even the "magic" is blah.

Gilmore Girls town was idylic also but for some reason it worked. 

 I want to delete it off my dvr, but like Sleepyhollow, I have a compulsion to watch to the bitter end. 

Sometimes you want bland. Sometimes you want vanilla. Not everything has to be coarse and violent and nasty.

I used to enjoy Hawaii Five O for the beautiful scenery. But every episode they beat suspects, display mangled corpses and shot about fifty people. Shows like Criminal Minds and the Various Law and Orders bring filth and degradation into your living room. Who needs that in their life?

Sometimes you just want to visit Hallmark town.

  • Love 8

I don't know why, but lately CB's line readings have been making me want to crawl out of my skin. The cadences, inflections, the very rise and fall of her voice are all hideously unvarying no matter what the scene calls for. It wasn't like this in the movies or during the first season, and I guess I had enough goodwill left over not to notice it in the second season. Thankfully, there's more than one way to "visit Hallmark town," as was so aptly stated above. 

  • Love 1

Ugh, this episode had too much Martha in it for me. I guess the person who was surprised also was me. Martha's usurpation of the party planning had me dreading the whole evening. I was surprised when it did not go as planned. Thankfully!  I didn't even notice if Martha was at the gathering, and I don't want to look back and see if she was.

  • Love 1

in the episode with the artist, what is going on there? something eerie in that paintbrush cassie gave him.  cassie just gives away stuff from her store to potential customers. this happens all the time. and the customers just take it in stride, say thanks and walk out.

i think if that happened to me , i'd be thinking "what the hell is going on here". she gave the young man a bag full of "magic" mushrooms! i bust out laughing!! he probably couldn't wait to get home and eat them, i mean make tea of out them!!!! 

i knew the source of the mystery illness was gas as soon as the guy said he dug up a pipe in his backyard. 

stepford sure is a pretty area though i wouldn't want to live there.

What the heck??? This was such a weird episode. Everyone was decidedly rude. (except Cassie, of course) Abigail was rude to begin with until Cassie arranged for her to meet Pavla, who was playing hide & seek. Then Abigail showed she actually has a heart and made a difference. Did Sam's sister really need to tell Cassie that Sam wasn't interested in marriage? Now we have more contrived drama. I actually felt bad for Martha as she got a taste of her own medicine from her son's future mother-in-law.  Is that actually the same actor who played her son in earlier episodes? Wasn't he sort of lazy and wanted to live off of mom & dad's money? 

What's with all the snow in the episode and all the Christmas commercials?

  • Love 1

I thought Abigail was especially rude when she asked Cassie if she was running the place now.  You live there rent free, I assume Abigail! Do your cousin a favor!  One thing I dislike is that, if this show is all about family (well, at least it's one of the themes), Cassie and Abigail never show each other any affection.  I realize their past is troubled, but it's been years ladies.  I guess Cassie was nice enough to give Abigail the earrings and to arrange it so she could make a difference, but I'd like to see their relationship deepen.  I do like the character development they've been doing with Abigail lately though.

Unlike some posters, I love Martha, and agree with Jacks-son that it was fun to see her get a taste of her own medicine.  I too was trying to figure out if it was the same actor playing her son, but with shorter hair.  I tend to think it was, but am too lazy to go IMDB it. I also keep wondering at the fact that they seem to ignore that he had a brother.  

So, let's see... the vanished characters include George's wife Gail, Martha's son, Grace's season 1 friend, Derrick's last girlfriend, and Laurie.  Their absences have been described in varying degrees from no mention to slight explanation. Am I missing anyone? The one that bothers me the most is Gail.  I don't think they said one thing about how or why she left. 

I liked Sam's sister.  I also like how Sam now sometimes doesn't even have to comment on things -- he just makes a facial expression, such as when Cassie knows it's him coming in a room.

Gee, they finally had Nick spend time with the girl who is actually supposed to be his girlfriend. I thought we were going to have to add her to my list of disappeared characters, above. 

I sound so snarky, but I really love this show.  It's one of my happy things in the week!

Edited by Cowgirl
  • Love 1
20 hours ago, Cowgirl said:

Gee, they finally had Nick spend time with the girl who is actually supposed to be his girlfriend. I thought we were going to have to add her to my list of disappeared characters, above.

I was actually thinking the same thing. And when Grace said that Nick and Courtney were spending so much time together I was thinking that Nick only spends time with Grace. I had actually been wondering if maybe they broke up off-screen because Nick only ever seems to spend time with Grace.

  • Love 1

In retrospect, it appeared that Courtney was rushing Nick out of Stephanie's shop. Did anyone else get the feeling that Courtney is a bit jealous of Nick and Grace's close friendship or was she simply trying to give Grace and Noah some privacy because she knew where that relationship was headed?

Edited by Jacks-Son
8 minutes ago, luvmylabs said:

Did CB have some work done on her lips?  Botox?  I don't usually post here but her actin now seems to consist of pouting lips.  I like the actor who plays Sam.  Wonder what the deal is with Abigail's dad.


CB's upper lip has been the topic of conversation since the beginning of last season. It has improved a bit this season as perhaps the swelling has gone down. Last season it was so noticeable that fans have commented that it was distracting. I think the general assumption was that it was due to Botox injections.

With regard to Abigail's dad, it's a mystery that they've introduced this season. Perhaps to involve her more in the story? It's an ongoing storyline.

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