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The People's Court - General Discussion

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Teebax, "it is what it is" makes me want to HURL my shoe through the TV!  There are SO MANY malapropisms nowadays, I can't stand it.  No one seems to care, no one corrects these folks in real life, I guess it all comes down to "Text-speak"; condense, abbreviate, just get it out as fast as possible.  I saw the use of "cringe" as an adjective today! Gah.

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I have to say that the phrase "it is what it is" doesn't bother me. I have run across it, and used it, in situations where everything got fucked up from above, and the result was "reward the guilty and punish the innocent". When you get screwed like that, with no recourse (not that these people are necessarily in that situation) it is all that you can say. You got screwed, nothing you can do about it, get on with your life.

Edited by DoctorK
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I am on a mission to ban this expression. Unfortunately, my petition has only been signed by me. 


Seriously, I can't stand this phrase and want to punch anyone in the face who says it. I work in a white-collar sweatshop, and I can't tell you how many times I hear this expression. It's like nails on a chalkboard. And then suddenly it went from the boardroom to the "court" room, and now every other litigant says it during the hallterview. Ugh!

I'd sign that petition in a heartbeat...

The drunk ladies were just gross to me. I know it will make me sound sexist, but I can't stand to see women drunk off their asses. Yes, I drink. Yes, I'm a female. But I don't drink to the point where I'm pissing myself, forgetting where I put my money, or in need of police intervention. I'm not a fan of drunk dudes either, but there's something about drunk women that is just particularly sad and off-putting. I know alcoholism is a disease, but all parties involved seemed to think the whole thing was just so funny. I hope they don't drive in that condition.

It's a lot like the way I view women having physical fights with each other (usually over some worthless man). It's gross and not ladylike at all. And I say that as a tomboy.

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OMG, the $19 lawsuit today!  She didn't sue over the other lady stealing half of her vodka, just for the $19 she had in her coat, and the defendant claiming that she kicked the plaintiff out of her house because she was wearing Depends and was peeing on her chair.  The plaintiff claims she called the police, the defendant claims the police were never called,.


Not to mention whatever it was that the defendant's witness, "Cowboy", was wearing.


"We drinks."  "See ya!"

This is one of the greatest episodes ever.  I rarely laugh out loud at any TV, but I was screaming with laughter at this one, although I felt a bit guilty laughing at such afflicted people.

Rerun this morning that made me crazy the first time, too. Guy owns a parking lot in NYC, girl parks her car and pays in advance. Owner hauls off car and scraps it.

He brought in a law that said a vehicle parked on public property without tags or for more than 48 hrs. could be towed. No matter how many ways MM explained it, dumbass could not grasp that because property is open to the public, it does not make it public property.

Bless MM's heart, she tried and tried. He goes out in the Hallterview still spouting "the law". I swear, some people just need to STFU and get off the planet.

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I DVR my daily PC episodes so I'm behind a lot. .. but what about that defendant that impregnated the lady and then got a loan from her? I swear he was standing in front of a mirror because he was smiling his smirky "Heeeey ggurrrrrl" smile the whole time until he opened his mouth and sounded like the biggest moron on the planet. I swear he needed subtitles. I kept thinking the whole time it's a good thing I'm not a judge because I would have gotten off the bench and cuffed him in the side of the head. Of course the plaintiff is much dumber for hooking up with such an imbecile in the first place. Lady, he's not that cute. 

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Not to mention whatever it was that the defendant's witness, "Cowboy", was wearing.


Hey, Cowboy was HAWT!! Yeehaw!


I just watched the shopping cart lady and was fascinated because she appeared to be on some heavy meds and never blinked one single time in the courtroom or the hall, while talking to the Hall Clown.

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Losing the "T" is my biggest peeve about living in Utah. They've been doing it, oops, I mean they've been doing ih, for years. Button is buh-in, cotton is cah-in, butter is buh-er. I try really hard to decode the context of what they're saying (mangling) so I can guess the secret word. !!! Luckily cat is still "cat," so I feel safe in assuming that it's a geographic rather than a genetic abnormality. Bless their hearts.

Suomi, (GREAT name, btw!) this bad habit of dropping t's I THINK relates to the UK.  Folks there do it all the time, it IS cultural there.  NOT HERE, though.  It is just an affectation meant to look cool, but achieving the opposite.  One of the local newscasters here is starting to do it, I am about ready to call the station!


Zilla, I wish I could remember!  I watch 2 episodes of MM, 2 of JJ and usually another one every day!  I remember it was a man with longish hair, kind of chunky, maybe hispanic.  Sorry.

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Dropping the t's pisses me off to no end!  I teach elementary school and all of the kids do this because it's what they grow up hearing.  They get papers off of the prin-er,  I had a student named Hunter who mother always said it as Hun-er.  I go out of my way to enunciate the t because that's just how I roll and because the kids need to hear the sounds so they can speak properly.  Drives me freaking insane.

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Where I live in Canada, if there is a double 't' in the middle of the word, it isn't really emphasized. I don't think it's dropped all together, but the 't' sound isn't  a hard 't', it sort of gets caught in the back of your mouth to the point where you don't really hear it. I actually worked with a guy who really emphasizes the 't' sound in the middle of the word, and it is noticeably different from how everyone else speaks to the point where I wonder if he didn't have speech therapy as a child. So, maybe, dropping 't's is a regional thing because here, it is just how you pronounce words.


Thursday's episode featured the woman who rented the U-Haul for her niece and the niece got in an accident. The aunt who rented the truck was made out to be as much of a victim in this because of the way her niece bailed on her. But, I got the impression that the aunt wasn't exactly innocent in this. She seemed pretty shady and I don't doubt that she knew that her niece shouldn't have been driving. Plus, the announcer at the beginning of the case said that the niece "stole" the U-Haul from the aunt, so it sounds like someone's story changed at some point.

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I got a shyster vibe from the couple fighting over the broken 60" TV.  Their stories were so convoluted and rambling and they both were bad at recounting details....  They're broken up/not broken up, she's pregnant/not pregnant, they broke TWO huge TV's and destroyed TWO expensive smartphones, they're still hanging out after first TV broken.  SHUT UP!  I think this was a "payday case" - a case concocted to get some cash for big ticket items that probably they never owned.   No one had any proof, right?


I got so disgusted that I turned it before the verdict - did they get anything?

They did not.


Where I live in Canada, if there is a double 't' in the middle of the word, it isn't really emphasized. I don't think it's dropped all together, but the 't' sound isn't  a hard 't', it sort of gets caught in the back of your mouth to the point where you don't really hear it.
One of the few things I remember from a long-ago linguistics class: This is called a glottal stop. You hear some people say it in words like "bottle," "rattle," "Seattle."

This is called a glottal stop. You hear some people say it in words like "bottle," "rattle," "Seattle."


I'm in Canada also, but the only people I heard say things like Boh-ul instead of "bottle" were British.


The case with the woman renting rooms and practicing oral sex for money in her Section 8 housing had me gape-jawed, but not nearly as much as when disgusting Levin-the-shyster squeaked, "She's a cunning linguist."


Does no one notice how he drags this once classy program down to the level of his smarmy, repulsive TMZ?

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Harvey was even annoying way back when he would make the occasional cameo on Judge Wapner's PC.

I thought I was having a deja vu all over again watching the shopping cart case last week. A similar case was on several years ago where the "act of god" caused the shopping cart to go on a tear through the Stop & Shop parking lot. . Stop & Shop better take a closer look at the slope of their parking if they're going to assume liability - right, like the store will pay for every ding & dent caused by wayward wagons.

Speaking of dropping 't's whatever happened to the possessive 's'? That seems to have gotten lost too.

Two things I have inscribed on my brain - get a receipt (grab and crayon and a piece of toilet paper if need be)


And NEVER rent a car for somebody else. There's always some reason they aren't renting the car in their own name and it's shady as hell (like little Miss No License No Registration but I Gotta Go To Work). 


The pit bull guy made me laugh. He really got himself into a fix. I never did figure out how his dog got into the defendant's yard as he was beating the other dogs with the leash (although my pug was attacked and pulled right out of his collar once by a pit mix and the owner who allowed his girlfriend's daughter to walk the dog actually tried telling the judge in Dog Court that my dog was off leash)

Has anyone ever tried to write with a crayon on toilet paper? It always makes me laugh when she says this because I can only imagine the toilet paper getting torn all to heck. A soft felt pen would probably be better.




The possessive 's' seems to have gone the way of the dodo as well.

And adverbs.

Edited by Gilmel
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Has anyone ever tried to write with a crayon on toilet paper? It always makes me laugh when she says this because I can only imagine the toilet paper getting torn all to heck. A soft felt pen would probably be better.




Also in what world does MM think that crayons and toilet paper are hanging out together all the time.  Does she hang out in daycare bathrooms a lot???  


As for today's case....that poor woman who married her no good husband only to find out he never broke up with his girlfriend.  What an ass and why would he want to go on The People's Court and tell everyone that he's a lying cheating asshole?  Jeepers.  

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I never did figure out how his dog got into the defendant's yard as he was beating the other dogs with the leash

I was OK with the result of this case.  However, JM screwed the guy based on his response to "did you see the gate open". This is ambiguous. JM meant it as "did you seen the gate open (adjective)" but the plaintiff heard it as "did you see the gate open" (verb). He didn't see the gate opening, but did see the gate open after the fact. JM skewered him on his inconsistency, but she asked an ambiguous question. I think she was correct in the long run, but this annoyed the heck out of me.

As for today's case....that poor woman who married her no good husband only to find out he never broke up with his girlfriend.  What an ass and why would he want to go on The People's Court and tell everyone that he's a lying cheating asshole?  Jeepers.

That was awful. . and he just wasn't getting it. He was such a cold fish. . . And a $60,000 wedding goes down the drain. 


Also in what world does MM think that crayons and toilet paper are hanging out together all the time.  Does she hang out in daycare bathrooms a lot???

Everytime she says that, I think of those little packs of crayons provided at restaurants for kids. I guess she's trying to impress that a "contract" doesn't have to be all typed out with notaries and seals and all kinds of official stuff.

Anyone catch today's episode with Spoiled Rotten Teenager and the phone her half-brothers' mom (!) so generously allowed her and expected her to ACTUALLY PAY for?  The poor widdle thing, Judge took her phone away and gave it back to Mom.  Hallway guy was trying to make it look like she was crying over the half-brother thing; she was really crying over losing her precious phone!  Ugh.

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The only thing that stuck in my head from today's show was "fancy Applebee's dinner".

I was hoping that'd be discussed more. Fancy and Applebee's are words I don't usually put together. The courtroom audience was cracking up about that.

That ungrateful half-sister was definitely crying over the iPhone.

The defendant in the Drake concert ticket case was one of the more vile litigants I've seen on the show.

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The poor widdle thing, Judge took her phone away and gave it back to Mom.

And did it RIGHT THERE. She probably had to go home without having the ability to text anybody about what a witch Judge Marilyn was. . . I'm sure she FEELS that's cruel and unusual punishment. . . she'll be suing for pain and suffering as well as emotional distress on a future case somehow. . . . .  


The defendant in the Drake concert ticket case was one of the more vile litigants I've seen on the show.

I'm an old fashioned kind of gal so I gotta say - I hate young women cursing. Especially via text where you're trapped with your own vile disgusting words for the judge to read out. She seemed to be okay with the garbage spewing forth from her fingers but I hope her mother was watching and tore her up after the show. . . . (now get off my lawn. . . . . )

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I'm an old fashioned kind of gal so I gotta say - I hate young women cursing. Especially via text where you're trapped with your own vile disgusting words for the judge to read out. She seemed to be okay with the garbage spewing forth from her fingers but I hope her mother was watching and tore her up after the show. . . . (now get off my lawn. . . . . )

Her mother probably talks just like she does. Clearly no one taught that girl about decency, appreciation, humility, pride, or any other qualities most of us were taught. A co-worker "loaned" me a Diet Coke during one of my rare cravings for one. She told me not to worry about it, but I brought her one the next morning to replace the one I'd taken. I just don't like feeling as if I'm indebted to anyone. This girl seems like she goes around burning bridges. She's nice enough to get what she wants but then turns nasty when it comes time for repayment. 

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A co-worker "loaned" me a Diet Coke during one of my rare cravings for one. She told me not to worry about it, but I brought her one the next morning to replace the one I'd taken.

I'm glad you broughten her a DIet Coke the next day thus eliminating the "Wimpy Defense" you could have used. ("loan me a Diet Coke and I will pay you back next Thursday. . . . . )

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