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The People's Court - General Discussion

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No love for the bearded lady case? Was that a beard on her face? Anyway, she's one of those people who can't be bothered to park straight and dings the crap out of the plaintiff's car. But then the plaintiff is one of those who becomes president of his condo board and promptly abuses his power. I was rooting for both of them to lose, but the video evidence sealed it. I was bothered that the plaintiff claimed he cleans and dusts his car every day. I hate when people lie to make a case better. Dude, you were going to win anyway. There's no need to lie.

The defendant lied too, but I can at least understand her lying. She claimed he'd never complained to her about the dings to her car. I find that hard to believe. She also claimed she had to turn wide because there was no space behind her when that clearly wasn't the case.

I have a gorgeous car, and I'm meticulous about it. You will rarely see my car dirty. It's three years old but looks like it did the day I bought it new. I worked really hard and drove a lot of beaters on my way to earning my dream car. And even I don't dust and shine my car every day!

Can someone explain to me what happened in the case of the siblings living together but not paying rent? They explained why their grandmother refused to sleep in a bed after her husband died, but i didn't understand. MM indicated it was Cuban thing, maybe? I also don't understand why people insist on making death threats by email and text. Do these folks not understand that once it's in writing it never goes away and can come back to haunt them?

Not a beard but extremely deep Marionette Lines due to 20 pounds of pudge on her face. 



She embodied my pet peeve of someone who drives a car that they can't drive - for whatever ego reason you have for driving your huge car - if you can't park it or corner - get off the road!! I had a parking space next to a lady like that - it was her right to bang the hell out of my car every day on the basis that she was a senior with a slight disability. 



I don't know why MM did not advise the person who was death threatened to lay charges - when latent hostility becomes blatant it is a sign that real violence is on the horizon. 

She embodied my pet peeve of someone who drives a car that they can't drive - for whatever ego reason you have for driving your huge car - if you can't park it or corner - get off the road!! I had a parking space next to a lady like that - it was her right to bang the hell out of my car every day on the basis that she was a senior with a slight disability. 


Now Oinky, you must not have been paying attention:  the front of her car was r-e-a-l-l-y long.

Edited by goodogcarl
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Your honor, please help me recoup money I spent on my stolen dog! Priceless.

I'm glad MM wasn't able to reach the previous owners. I'm not a fan of uprooting pets and moving them from house to house. And I do believe the dog thief was acting in the dog's best interest . I'd hate to think of Pepper being returned to the family that neglected and abused him.

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HILARIOUS episode today!  Doofus teenager sues his ex-girlfriend for $25, for a bootleg copy he made of a Drake CD! Both teenagers were totally clueless over the concept of theft, royalties, etc.  Girlfriend didn't want to pay him because the quality of the bootleg CD was not good.

What was even sadder was his stupid mother sitting there grinning like the village idiot. It's no wonder so many of these kids have no common sense. His mama didn't tell him it's not a good idea to sue for something you did that was illegal? If I'd even considered doing something so stupid as a child, my mother would've knocked some damn sense into me.

Edited by teebax
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I'm sure the thinking of all parties went something like this: "It doesn't matter that I am stealing an artist's work, because they have plenty of money anyway and I don't and therefore they owe me something free."

It seems to be a very common justification for theft of any type; intellectual property or physical property.

What was up with the defendant in yesterday's roommate-security deposit case? He rented the plaintiff  a room but apparently never wanted him to use it. I was also a bit curious (and suspicious) of the business he was running out of the place; he seemed to be under the impression that as long as his landlord was ok with it, it was legal. The whole thing was strange.

What was up with the defendant in yesterday's roommate-security deposit case? He rented the plaintiff  a room but apparently never wanted him to use it. I was also a bit curious (and suspicious) of the business he was running out of the place; he seemed to be under the impression that as long as his landlord was ok with it, it was legal. The whole thing was strange.

He was another one of those people who thinks the law doesn't apply to him. He must have been a nightmare to live with. He was using the school schedule as a convenient excuse for his bad behavior.

Listen, have you heard about this defendant that backed into the plaintiff? Listen she told him to use his body shop and listen she's a single mom and all this that just moved and listen she just wants to tell the truth.


Frankly I'm surprised the Judge didn't roast her over the constant "Listens". 

It was certainly bothering me! I thought her, "I love you," or whatever she said at the beginning to MM was really cute, though.


Frankly I'm surprised the Judge didn't roast her over the constant "Listens".

Not only that, but the hands in the pockets posture would have gotten a talking to from JJ. Plus this woman was caught in a direct lie, saying that she had insurance at the time of the accident, then a minute or so later admitting that the insurance was suspended at that time. Surprised JM let that one slip by without a comment.

Edited by DoctorK

Did anyone else get the creepy-crawlies when Mr. Robert Chriscolo strolled into the courtroom?  Dude was scary - from the freaky laser contact lenses, red face, Marine haircut, head and finger tattoos, it all made for a nightmarish appearance.  He must be an old biker or something, but he needs to tone it down.  

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Creepy eyes was spooky, and very suspect in that he can't seem to stay out of trouble.

Did he say he had some kind of employment service? It would be a cold day in hell before I'd give him my personal info & SS#!


Yes.  Totally creepy and who thinks it is okay to wear contacts like that to court.  He is lucky that it was the People's Court and not Judge Judy or he would have been outside on his butt immediately.  

Can someone tell me how today's first case ended?  It was a lawyer suing his client.  The defendant was wearing weird contacts and a bright red shirt.  Our local station had all sorts of problems with color (everthing was blue and orange) then clipped the case ending.  Thanks


Lawyer won.  Creepy devil guy lost.  Creepy devil guy actually wrote the lawyer a letter when he sent him a bill and said he was trying to set up a payment plan of some sort.  

The last time I purchased a CD it was less than $15.  So to copy a CD (costing 50 cents or so for the blank) and selling for $25 each, quite a tidy profit.

Lol, where were these teenagers from, circa 1999.  First of all who the hell makes bootleg cd's anymore.  Wouldn't you just go to iTunes and buy the album or just purchase each individual song for a hell of a lot less than $15 or $25. Or just you know buy the actual album for $10.  Hell, you can go to youtube and listen to the individual song or sometimes the whole album is there in sequence. 


Also what McDonalds are these teenagers hanging out at and "playing cards" every Saturday, and why is the plaintiff's mom accompanying him there.  He looks like he is at least 15-17 years old.


This whole case was bizarre.

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Did anyone else get the creepy-crawlies when Mr. Robert Chriscolo strolled into the courtroom?  Dude was scary - from the freaky laser contact lenses, red face, Marine haircut, head and finger tattoos, it all made for a nightmarish appearance.  He must be an old biker or something, but he needs to tone it down.  

It stopped me right in my tracks. Let's not forget the goatee dyed black and the fact that he was wearing TWO watches.

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Wow! Yesterday's landlady/roommate/boarding house woman was nuts! She had crazy eyes & I don't doubt for a minute that she could've pulled the mice stunt. And poor thing, those were some freakishly large and low-hanging boobs! I don't know how she could stand up.

I thought she was completely insane and completely capable of that mice stunt (just typing that gives me the willies; I hate mice). That just seems like such a crazy thing for a person to make up that it almost has to be true, know what I mean? And Judge Judy would have had a field day with the six degrees of separation of hearsay crazy landlady presented about the defendant having a gun at the house. I absolutely believe the landlady wasn't living there at all.

Man, my cable service BLOWS!  It looks like I don't get MM at all anymore!  Feh!

Are you sure it just wasn't moved? My local channel seems to move TPC every new season. It was on a 4, and then it started coming on at 3. This season it's on at noon.

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I forgot to post this, sorry teebax. I actually get ONE hour of TPC at 10 am (I didn't know because I usually watch KLG and Hoda) Guess I will have to DVR one or the other now.  They DID however, opt to give us TWO hours of Paternity Court, and TMZ (Yuck!) and one hour of something called Right This Minute, a clip-show.  The whole schedule is awful now.

Did anyone else get the creepy-crawlies when Mr. Robert Chriscolo strolled into the courtroom?


After listening to that creep, I understand completely why the lawyer said he would never let him in his car. But Mr. Creepy Contacts and Dyed Goatee really isn't as fearsome as he probably thinks he is since his crimes seem to center around petty shoplifting and beating on women. Gross.

Also, the "he hardly knew her!" thing is nasty as hell.


That's part of the reason for my hatred of Levin. "Copper....jumper...freezer...HE HARDLY KNEW 'ER!!" Pig...


One time he even started with "LIQUOR???...He hardly..." then started sniggering like a school girl as did his pack of morons outside the door.Yeah, don't like that one, do you, you shyster?


Love the fact that he constantly makes these nasty, degrading "jokes" only about women, but  when one time a litigant made a disparaging remark about homosexuals, Levin had a hissy fit, pouting and saying , "I'm GLAD he lost that case." Doesn't like it when the the nasty remarks hit him I guess.


That joke has probably been around since the days Vaudeville and I bet it wasn't even funny then.



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There aren't enough WTF's for Friday's first case. I don't even know where to begin with it, really. Did the defendant really think MM would believe that the plaintiff was living with her and paying her $500 a month, but not for rent, it was to teach his girlfriend how to give oral sex. And naturally, these abled-bodied adults were doing all of this in government housing.

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That case was really annoying. I don't like cases where the litigants can't tell their story in a way that makes sense, whether it's a true story or not. I mean, even if the woman was really a sex counselor/teacher of some sort — which I totally don't believe — charging a monthly fee to teach that skill makes no sense. At. all.


"You're making it sound like I'm a prostitute!" No, ma'am. You're making it sound that way.

Edited by Gilmel
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There aren't enough WTF's for Friday's first case. I don't even know where to begin with it, really. Did the defendant really think MM would believe that the plaintiff was living with her and paying her $500 a month, but not for rent, it was to teach his girlfriend how to give oral sex. And naturally, these abled-bodied adults were doing all of this in government housing.


I thought MM eyes were gonna fall out of her head.


Anyone else but me also watch Franklin and Bash?  I think that woman needs to hire them...since there was an episode where one of the lawyer's mom was arrested for being a prostitute, however she said she was a sexual surrogate and she would teach people how to have better sexual relationships.  I said out loud as this episode was playing....SHE'S A SEX SURROGATE and LOL'ed!  

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Frankly I'm surprised the Judge didn't roast her over the constant "Listens".

All I kept thinking of was the video that circulated a couple of months ago with the little boy trying to get a cupcake saying "Listen Linda. . . . leeeeesen Leeenda"



Did anyone else get the creepy-crawlies when Mr. Robert Chriscolo strolled into the courtroom?  Dude was scary - from the freaky laser contact lenses, red face, Marine haircut, head and finger tattoos, it all made for a nightmarish appearance.  He must be an old biker or something, but he needs to tone it down.


Oh yes, the mega creepy crawlies.  I got called several years back for jury duty for a murder case - they called about 200 people and started eliminating us. I got down to the final 24 and was dismissed - so like any normal nosy person I went home and googled the case. One of the guys that testified during the trial had two screws in his head, one on either side back from his temples - he used them when not in court to PUT ON HIS HORNS - I am so not kidding - that's what Freaky Contact Wearing Tattoo Headed Dude reminded me of. 

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To quote so many of the people who are interviewed in the hallway about their feelings about the outcome of the case:  "It is what it is."

I am on a mission to ban this expression. Unfortunately, my petition has only been signed by me. 


Seriously, I can't stand this phrase and want to punch anyone in the face who says it. I work in a white-collar sweatshop, and I can't tell you how many times I hear this expression. It's like nails on a chalkboard. And then suddenly it went from the boardroom to the "court" room, and now every other litigant says it during the hallterview. Ugh!

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OMG, the $19 lawsuit today!  She didn't sue over the other lady stealing half of her vodka, just for the $19 she had in her coat, and the defendant claiming that she kicked the plaintiff out of her house because she was wearing Depends and was peeing on her chair.  The plaintiff claims she called the police, the defendant claims the police were never called,.


Not to mention whatever it was that the defendant's witness, "Cowboy", was wearing.


"We drinks."  "See ya!"

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