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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Hey! And I say this not in condemnation but just simple soap fact: Sam takes after mom Alexis now. Her kids are now not only brother and sister, but cousins! Just like Kristina and Molly with Alexis/Sonny and Alexis/Ric. Freaky.

Ought to make for an interesting Thanksgiving this year!

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I was referring to the scene where Alexis and Ric were talking in Kelly's about something, and she told him that she knew his penis was bigger than Sonny's, having slept with both of them, so he one-upped Sonny there, if nowhere else.

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Now that OGJason is coming back and there's a scriptwriter who is at least vaguely familiar with Liz, maybe she'll get a explanation for her behavior WRT Jakeson that is better than "it was my turn"

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On ‎9‎/‎21‎/‎2017 at 9:53 PM, katie9918 said:

This is why I hate ANY Jason; the Liz and Sam fan bases are once again sharpening their knives, despite the fact that any real fans of either character should want their girls far away from the brain-damaged serial killer.

I agree, but TBH, I've never understood the Sam/Liz debate anyway. I don't find either character to be all that. Certainly not worth fighting over, either a character on the show fighting for them, or fans fighting about them.

To your point, however-Jason is not a good man. Full stop. Speaking of comparisons, the Franco/Jason comparisons are equally hilarious. They are both murderers, and for the most part, are unrepentant murderers.  I would think any fan of any character would want their faves to NOT touch that with a  ten foot pole. But, that's me.  I think the only fitting end game for Jason or Franco is prison or death. Happily ever afters should not be their story-not with any woman. But then, I'm just a woman with a modicum of self respect, hoping and expecting that fictional women will have the same self respect and not kiss the butt of someone who killed for art, or someone who killed to pay the bills.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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41 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

I would think any fan of any character would want their faves to NOT touch that with a  ten foot pole.

It's been argued that people would rather see their faves with someone terrible than not see their faves at all. I hate seeing Elizabeth with the SERIAL KILLER—the writing for that couple is especially heinous—but when the alternative is barely seeing her at all, I guess I'm glad she get some attention. It's a tough one for me.

Edited by dubbel zout
added missing "I"
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9 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

It's been argued that people would rather see their faves with someone terrible than not see their faves at all. I hate seeing Elizabeth with the SERIAL KILLER—the writing for that couple is especially heinous—but when the alternative is barely seeing her at all, I guess I'm glad she get some attention. It's a tough one for me.

It works the same with the never-ending Who-Gets-Jason wars.  Fans quickly twig that whatever actress gets paired with that character automatically gets more stories and screen time, so naturally they root for their girl to be with Jason.  If this show was even remotely balanced, it wouldn't be an issue, but it isn't, so...

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1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

To be fair to the Jasebot, it's not just the screen-time - SBu has had great chemistry with a surprising number of co-stars.

It's not really surprising. It's just something a lot of people don't like to admit for some reason. Whether it's bc they have a problem with him personally or because they hate the character, I don't know. But there is not one significant actor or actress that I can think of that he's had zero chemistry with. He's had better chemistry with some more than others, but he's never had problems connecting with other actors.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I CANNOT with this Nelle promo:

Some angry thoughts...

1) If Nelle is some career black widow, wouldn't she have actually stayed in NYC until she had gotten that dead dude's money?

2) Are we supposed to forget that she came to town to target CARLY, not Michael?  And didn't Sonny offer her some big payout to leave town?  She would have taken that if all she wanted was money.

3) Chloe Lanier can make that smirky face as much as she wants, this attempt to be all, "Nelle's a bad girl, SHE'S BAD!" is beyond pathetic, especially because you know there's no way it's actually true.

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Oh, lord, what a boring promo. (Though the spider is a very good touch.) The stakes are absolutely zero here, because it's not as if she's done anything to Michael that would indicate she is some sort of black widow. Her lies have been laughable. At least ratchet up the ambiguity about 1000 percent before having Michael sic Curtis on the case.

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None of it lines up with what happened on-screen.  We saw (boring, lame, vanilla) scenes of her choosing love over her revenge on Carly, but now we're supposed to consider that that was a con?

I still think it would have made more sense if she had seduced Michael from the get-go as another way to get at Carly.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I don't know, I think it might be true. I think they may have given up on that character. My problem is she shouldn't be any threat to Michael. There's naive and a nice guy, and then there's idiotic.

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If Nelle is some kind of black widow murderess, I will literally mail the studio a check if there's a scene where Carly screeches at Michael about how he could fall in love with a murderer and he holds up a mirror all, "Wanna say that again?".

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10 hours ago, Neptune said:

SBJason is going to murder Franco after he goes on another murder emo sad spree.  Which I am not sad for because there are too many worthless characters that exist in place of ones the show needs.  If the show really had good writers, they'd make SBu the real tortured serial murderer Franco.   It sounds weird, but it's better than Jason Wins LOL

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2 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

SBJason is going to murder Franco after he goes on another murder emo sad spree.

If Sbu's return rids me of that fuckin' murderhobo, I will celebrate it no matter what else happens

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An unexpected pairing creates tensions between friends

Please, let this be anything except Sonny telling Griffin, "You're DEADTOME!" Because (1) you'd have to have been in the Himalayas for months to find Griffin/Ava unexpected at this point, whether you're a viewer or a PC resident, and (2) the Griffin/Sonny "friendship" has mostly consisted of Griffin walking in on Sonny feeling sorry for himself and offering absolution.  

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13 minutes ago, Asp Burger said:


Please, let this be anything except Sonny telling Griffin, "You're DEADTOME!" Because (1) you'd have to have been in the Himalayas for months to find Griffin/Ava unexpected at this point, whether you're a viewer or a PC resident, and (2) the Griffin/Sonny "friendship" has mostly consisted of Griffin walking in on Sonny feeling sorry for himself and offering absolution.  

My guess is that the tension between friends is Anna/Griffin, though I've forgotten what Anna has against Ava. The idea that Ava's sister murdered Duke, Griffin's father?

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2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

My guess is that the tension between friends is Anna/Griffin, though I've forgotten what Anna has against Ava. The idea that Ava's sister murdered Duke, Griffin's father?

Maaaaannnn.  We could have a dozen Jasons.  Steve Burton playing every role.  And it would still be worth it to never hear of Duke Justice again. 

13 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

If Sbu's return rids me of that fuckin' murderhobo, I will celebrate it no matter what else happens

Well, yeah.  I think if he doesn't murder him, it will be out of character.   I do think Steve Burton 's reactions to the events of the past 5 years will be worth it.  When he chooses to, his facial expressions are kinda awesome.

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7 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I'm seeing something coming where Jake sees Old Jason threatening or assaulting Franco and is traumatized, and is all "Get away from him! You're a monster!" and then Jason has to lug around the Box o' Pain.  

I'm sure it's been upgraded to a treasure chest of pain now.  The question is will Jasonx2 recognize the kid he thinks is dead?   Or the kid he thought was Franco's via rape?  I kinda want to see Jason V.1 see some people he does not know or thinks are dead.  Like, I need a scene of Monica filling him in on the events past five years.

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From the above article:  


He has Jason’s face, and he has his eyes, and people won’t know what to do

Please. They'll all default to type.  

Liz: Fainting like a Victorian damsel.   

Sam: Widening her eyes and whispering, "Oh my God, this isn't real. It's my cat poo disease. It's got to be." But you'll only know that if you have the captions on; it will all come out on one gust of breath.  

Sonny: Turning "Jason, is that really you?" into a stammerfest with twice the syllables.  

Carly: Leg-humping.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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This week on "Generally Jason So Shut Up About Other Characters":

GH PTB: My gawd, the mystery!!!  The intrigue!!!  Who is the imposter, WHO!!!

Me: ...you've made it clear from the jump who the imposter is.  You even introduced the twin retcon way earlier than in the Tale of Two Todds that you're clearly riffing on.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I think it was a smart decision to make it clear though. This show doesn't need more plotting.

Although who knows, they might come up with some bull about SB was brainwashed to think he was Jason.

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