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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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On 3/2/2017 at 1:49 PM, Oracle42 said:

I still can't believe that was a paid position. He did grafitti art and terrible art installations. He wasn't in any way qualified to volunteer, how was he a full-time staff member??

And since GH is apparently OK with hiring international terrorists and SERIAL KILLERS, can I please have Matt back on staff? 


It isn't even like the art even calmed him down. He made the murders a part of it art. 

Like I mentioned beforehand, in the type of art therapy I volunteer at, not only did I do 20 hours of training, but I had to clear a background check. One of the rules is that I don't associate with any of the families outside of the therapy and he pretty much stalked Elizabeth to get her to date him. Remember when Johnny couldn't get a job as an orderly because of his criminal past?


He called Jelly ballsy for putting those characters together, but said they have an interesting dynamic

3 hours ago, Asp Burger said:


Eh. Too much like Liric for me (smarmy "dark" guy, Elizabeth as the "redemption" he could lose if he gives in to his base impulses)...and I hated that.

BH tries hard to make every pairing work, but sometimes it's just mission impossible, and she has had some bad ones. This isn't her worst, though. The Jacob Young Lucky was painful.  



Nah. JY's Lucky was equally as bad, and at least the excuse was Liz had an incredibly successful pairing with the previous Lucky. The chem between RoHo and ReHe is not good enough to warrant this pairing.

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On February 1, 2017 at 5:03 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Yeah, we know Julian was behind that hospital = condos scheme and I assume that was also on Olivia J.'s orders.

Likely OJ will play into TQ's exit storyline...bump her off, make condos. Seems simple enough, right?

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How long can pregnant Robin stay locked up with shirtless Griffin in the GH basement before Anna comes to their rescue? Since Olivia had no knowledge of Griffin's existence it is unlikely we will get retcon on Anna's miscarriage to make him her and Duke's lost child. 

Didn't see the Oscar Jessup wanting to buy GH spin into a 'let's play in the basement with some old toys and turn Olivia Jerome into a completely desperate whack job' storyline about cloning hair.  

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On 3/5/2017 at 0:07 PM, Asp Burger said:


Eh. Too much like Liric for me (smarmy "dark" guy, Elizabeth as the "redemption" he could lose if he gives in to his base impulses)...and I hated that.

It's also too much like Franco/Carly and Franco/Nina. We literally just got off this ride. 

At least Ric's relationship with Alexis was completely different. Franco/Anyone has just been a sad attempt to recreate Todd/Blair without the writing, pacing or chemistry

Edited by Oracle42
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I loved the idea of Ric and Alexis and the chemistry of the actors; it sometimes had shades of a great Tracy/Hepburn thing. But Ric was kind of a boorish chauvinist to her instantly, and then of course he reverted back to scum. It was a waste, but I'd never go back there even though they still have great chemistry.

Edited by jsbt
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Rick Hearst was so good as Ric, and they had to ruin him by making him slobber over Sonny. I was really hoping he'd have gotten past that, but of course, everyone has to be obsessed with Sonny. Ugh. Such a waste of a really good actor and a character with potential. TFGH.

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nicholas bloom @nicholasbloom1

is jax returning soon?


Frank Valentini ✔@valentinifrank

YES! And it will be a HUGE payoff for Nelle, Carly, and Sonny. #GH #askGH

This sort of thing still gives me an eye twitch, despite the fb incident with IR. (Can't get into it because it's about politics, but he was pretty jerk-y no matter where one stands on that, imo.)

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What a fantastic example of a mother and a co-parent she is. *sigh*


Liz and Franco decide to dig into what happened to Jake on Cassadine Island, but Liz doesn't want to tell Jason about it. #GH #Friz

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To be fair, Jason is dealing with a very sick wife and a newborn daughter. It's not like he's going to spend hours away from them to help Elizabeth. Plus, he's got Danny to deal with. I think. Danny is still around, right?

Edited by dubbel zout
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31 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Liz and Franco decide to dig into what happened to Jake on Cassadine Island,

Way to handle this in a timely manner, Liz. #eyeroll

And I guess Cameron and Aiden will continue picking themselves up from school activities?

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

To be fair, Jason is dealing with a very sick wife and a newborn daughter. It's not like he's going to spend hours away from them to help Elizabeth. Plus, he's got Danny to deal with. I think. Danny is still around, right?

Danny got a full ride to Princeton.  We'll see him at Christmas.

So what's the timeframe for Jason blowing yet another gasket that Franco is helping Elizabeth with Jake?  It's been a couple months so they'll have to bring that trope out again, complete with teeth baring by Billy.

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1 hour ago, LexieLily said:

What a fantastic example of a mother and a co-parent she is. *sigh*

I think this is a bit of damned if she does, damned if she doesn't situation. If she told Jason there would be cries about how she's trying to cling to Jason. It would come off as better if she were investigating this with anyone besides Franco. Laura or Hayden, pretty much anyone.

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

In other news from FV, "Griffin gets a surprising love interest." hmm.


Or maybe he HAS been possessed by Duke and starts asking Anna to tango?!?!

But I guess whatever the show pretended might happen with Liz has been scrapped.  Did the Friz fanatics scare you off, Frank?

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30 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:


Or maybe he HAS been possessed by Duke and starts asking Anna to tango?!?!

But I guess whatever the show pretended might happen with Liz has been scrapped.  Did the Friz fanatics scare you off, Frank?

I think it was more the other way around. Growing support for Griffin/Liz probably would have threatened Friz.

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17 minutes ago, stlbf said:

Not by the end of NL's god awful stint.

Think her as Umily. I do! Amber Tamblyn's Emily is the real Emily. I had my issues with AT's Emily, considering how far up Jason's ass she was, especially in regards to Michael, but AT was a better actress and we watched her grow up. 

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WTF is the point of naming her Emily if they're going to call her Scout? Screw Jelly, I hate the name Scout, for multiple reasons, some of which I can't even articulate because I don't know myself. Emily isn't great either, but at least there's reasoning for it.

Oh well, at least Avery got the last good girl name. I wanted Sam's daughter to have a kickass unisex name, but Scout just reminds me of a dog. Period. I blame Danny.

I shouldn't be ranting about a) something that really doesn't matter that much and b) now that Sam finally has a daughter after 13 years who cares what her name is, but yeah, sorry. It's just like in Mr. Mom when the neighbor says, "you're doing it wrong".

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10 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

Oh well, at least Avery got the last good girl name. I wanted Sam's daughter to have a kickass unisex name, but Scout just reminds me of a dog. Period. I blame Danny.


Well, the fact that they let a 4 year old name their kid the name he wanted for a dog speaks volumes about them.

(No one tell me Scout is from "To Kill a Mockingbird," as I know that.  That's not where the name came from in this story, though.)

If they were going to name her Emily, they should call her some form of that (Emmie, Em, etc).  I've no problem with Jason wanting his kid named after his beloved sister, as Sam got to name Danny after her adored brother, so bygones.

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14 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

(No one tell me Scout is from "To Kill a Mockingbird," as I know that.  That's not where the name came from in this story, though.)

Oh, I thought it was based on TKAMD. I thought I read something about Molly telling Danny about it or something. Maybe that was a fanwank lol. I skip almost all Jason/Sam related scenes so I don't know.

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Apparently Valentin "ties up loose ends with Nora" on the 22nd. Is that supposed to imply blackmail or some underhanded scheme or is the custody verdict in that quickly? 

Or maybe Nora is supposed to be Nina and Valentin double-crosses Nina like Laura said he would.

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28 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I thought I read something about Molly telling Danny about it

That's a scene I'd have loved to have seen: "See, Danny, a young girl named Scout is trying to wrap her head around the racially charged rape case her dad is working on...."

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I just get tired of everybody naming kids after everyone most people I know in real life name there kid a name they like and there middle name might be after someone.

I think Emma and Aiden was the only ones not named after someone.Also the show has a habit of giving girls the worse names on this show.

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23 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Apparently Valentin "ties up loose ends with Nora" on the 22nd. Is that supposed to imply blackmail or some underhanded scheme or is the custody verdict in that quickly? 

Two weeks of screen time for this custody battle is more than enough, IMO.

I am curious what exactly Nora's motivation was for taking this case, she hasn't said so yet on-screen.

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Well, I wish JE well, but it's definitely a blow for the show. JE is one of the few who brought it each and every single scene. (aside from a few bad tics, like overly yelling.)

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Reading spoilers online that Olivia J. forces Ava to lure Julian into a trap and then kidnaps Alexis.  I mean, I guess I'm looking forward to Tonja Walker and Maura West having scenes.  Otherwise, that sounds kinda snoozy.

Edited by TeeVee329
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