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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Cancel Franco, at least.

Roger Howarth will forever be employed as long as Frank is in charge. So cancel Frank, then Franco should follow. Alas, I think Frank will be the one to turn out the lights.

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Even just putting aside the ludicrous and disgusting storyline for a moment, ugh, Howarth literally looks like '90s Todd again, long hair, beard. It's so ridiculous and gross and dated. I don't need Whitesnake/Extreme hair back, thanks.

Edited by jsbt
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Actual grown adults thought that up and wrote it. Other grown adults acted it out and filmed it. Other grown adults edited it and now others are promoting it. All of them were paid actual money.

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I'm running out of words to describe how epically boring the spoilers are every week: 



Is Charlotte really Thermos?



Franco toys with Tom.

With a SHOCK COLLAR a character we're meant to view as a viable romantic lead is doing this.  I fuckin' hate this show.

Edited by TeeVee329
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2 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

Has Tom even done anything, besides get a little too close to Liz once since being released from jail? 

No, and that makes Franco's actions even worse.  Each time Tom has been around Elizabeth hasn't even been intentional.  They've so far been coincidental, unintentional, and accidental.  Even Franco knows that, yet he continues to act like he's doing it on purpose.

Edited by Michel
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Maxie is determined to uncover Sam’s secret

Um, what secret does Sam have?

Edit:  Jinx!  TeeVee329 beat me to it.  But, yes, seriously, what secret?  And if it's about the baby's sex, that is incredibly lame, indeed.

Edited by Fellaway
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I haven't read the article, so maybe it puts this fear to rest, but I fear that Franco's jump to throwing Rapey in a dog cage is going to be because he was sniffing around Kiki. And, then (and here's where my fear comes in), it will be reason for Liz to move past it - he was just defending the girl he briefly thought was his daughter, so, how can she hold his parental protectiveness against him?  This show would, one hundred percent, go there.  

Why do all of Liz's non-Lucky/Jason love interests have to hold people hostage?  

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And is Kiki going along with this plan, to lock a man in a cage and put a SHOCK COLLAR on him?  Is she not gonna know that part?  Can't she just make out with Dillon?

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25 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

And is Kiki going along with this plan, to lock a man in a cage and put a SHOCK COLLAR on him?  Is she not gonna know that part?  Can't she just make out with Dillon?

Don't forget, she's decided to help in order to "save the women of Port Charles".  I'm sure this will go as well as Operation Alcoholic did to "save" Avery.

Meanwhile, I read the spoilers, this one in particular:


Nina cautions Valentin to be weary of Lulu’s intentions.

And all I can think is: "weary" and "wary" are not the same thing!  How do you not know this, TV Source?!?

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If they're trying to copy 90's Todd, they're doing it all wrong.  He wore flannel, for one.  Also, he held innocent people he manipulated hostage.  So, it'd more likely be Jason or Sonny in that cage- which is why everyone liked him.  We weren't supposed to, but we did despite what we were "supposed to like".  And he'd never take the time to mess with a stupid shock collar.  He'd ruin someone psychologically because he was so screwed up psychologically.  That's actually what everyone liked so much about the character.  It's what Howarth played the best, not this wise cracking bs.  But the psychological deconstruction of the character.   There's nothing psychological about GH.  And this is a show with a lot of bipolar, brain injuries, and neurosis galore.  Literally waiting for Griffin to tell someone "A brain is not a foot" next.

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2 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Lulu should feel bad about herself and the choices she's made that have led to this.

I was going to say it's not really her fault she got kidnapped, but then, it started because Stavros spotted her when she went to search for crusty Luke, so yeah, I guess she can be faulted for deciding to search for crusty Luke.

1 hour ago, Chairperson Meow said:

If they're trying to copy 90's Todd, they're doing it all wrong.  He wore flannel, for one. 

Oh, he did. Remember all the flannel when he was dating Carly?

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26 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I was going to say it's not really her fault she got kidnapped, but then, it started because Stavros spotted her when she went to search for crusty Luke, so yeah, I guess she can be faulted for deciding to search for crusty Luke.

2 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Lulu should feel bad because she's acting like a crazy person and now someone like Nina is warning someone like Valentin to be suspicious of her. 

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20 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Lulu should feel bad because she's acting like a crazy person and now someone like Nina is warning someone like Valentin to be suspicious of her. 

Nina would be doing that regardless.

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The sad thing is, Tom at least spent decades behind bars for his crime. And while I am not sure a sexual deviant can be "rehabilitated", that's not the point. Someone who actually paid, is going to be painted as evil, to prop someone else, who has never truly paid. That seems to be a recurring, disturbing theme with this show.

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1 minute ago, Harmony233 said:

I haven't really been watching but every time I read spoilers I can't get over how bad and boring they are.Take nelle she's supposed to be this vixen but she's so dull.

So, so dull. And that's the saddest travesty of all. Some talented actors, some complex, witty, wonderful characters(I said SOME)-and just it all sounds so ever loving dullsville. But then, I've been bored with this show the past five years. I don't think I've watched 50 whole episodes in all that time.

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Are we supposed to root for Crazy Nina getting involved with this Cassadine, or rooting for her to wise up? I just dont understand what their aim is for this character.

And I have no idea what the Nelle plotline is. Can anyone give me the consensus on where this is going? I thought she was Carly's miracle kid (which is ridiculous) but didn't they just show her and Chad Duell cuddling in some promo?

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15 minutes ago, jsbt said:

And I have no idea what the Nelle plotline is. Can anyone give me the consensus on where this is going? I thought she was Carly's miracle kid (which is ridiculous) but didn't they just show her and Chad Duell cuddling in some promo?

Yeah, they've been hinting at a Michael/Nelle thing pretty hard, which means she can't be Carly's secret kid. Or AJ's, which is a pity, since having his secret kid come on for revenge against Sonny/Carly has potential. Hell, having her be Serena or Christina out to avenge Karen would be cool, but no way that's gonna happen. I don't know what they're doing.

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I mean, they're both talented but isn't that just a tad Aryan Brotherhood? Those two couldn't get blonder and whiter. Where's the story in them being together?

Edited by jsbt
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For them? Nothing. The story is all about Sonny and Carly. Which is yet another problem that we've talked about before - Michael's generation should be driving story, not supporting players in their parents' drama.

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11 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

Hell, having her be Serena or Christina out to avenge Karen would be cool, but no way that's gonna happen. I don't know what they're doing.

Hell, they don't know what they're doing! 

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We're not even sure if Nelle is gunning for Carly and Sonny separately or together. I'm all in favor of causing Sonny problems, but he had nothing to do with Joss's kidney. There are plenty of reasons to mess with Sonny, but this isn't one of them. Which is likely very deliberate so that once again, as always, Sonny can be the victim. Same with Carly, to a lesser degree.

28 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Are we supposed to root for Crazy Nina getting involved with this Cassadine, or rooting for her to wise up? I just dont understand what their aim is for this character.

I think we're supposed to root for them? They're both "misunderstood" and had terrible childhoods. I actually kind of like them together, but as LeftPhalange wrote elsewhere, Valentin does way too much whining about his terrible childhood. It's not as if the legit Cassadines grew up in a house full of puppies and rainbows. I think they'd make a good team of mild meddlers—they could go against Julian in the GH-condo story, for example, or get involved somehow with PC politics (the mayor, Jordan, a DA [whoever that is]). But focusing on Nina's baby rabies is deadly dull, and I couldn't care less about Charlotte, no matter who she ends up being. Zzzzz.

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I mean, they have chemistry but I don't care about Nina at all and actively dislike her. I don't care that this evil dude we've seen five minutes is hoodwinking her. I don't care about this baby that shouldn't exist. I like James Patrick Stuart, he's a great actor but after all that gothic mystery over Valentin among the fandom for years they just rolled this dude in overnight and he's just sort of hanging out. He jobbed to Sonny and Spencer in his first six weeks and he is clearly being set up to be responsible for Morgan - who cares.

Valentin should be terrifying and this dude, while fairly charismatic, is not. I'd keep him around for some sort of story for a bit I guess, but Nina would go. Valentin would use her and lose her and she'd go off to the kookyhouse or something. Goodbye. And he probably wouldn't be around too often either. Or be totally reconceived. I'd probably let him have the secret about Alexis and Sam - that Stavros is Sam's real father.

Edited by jsbt
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39 minutes ago, jsbt said:

I just dont understand what their aim is for this character.

This can be said of literally every single character/story imo. Sigh.

4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I think we're supposed to root for them? They're both "misunderstood" and had terrible childhoods. I actually kind of like them together, but as LeftPhalange wrote elsewhere, Valentin does way too much whining about his terrible childhood. It's not as if the legit Cassadines grew up in a house full of puppies and rainbows. I think they'd make a good team of mild meddlers—they could go against Julian in the GH-condo story, for example, or get involved somehow with PC politics (the mayor, Jordan, a DA [whoever that is]). But focusing on Nina's baby rabies is deadly dull, and I couldn't care less about Charlotte, no matter who she ends up being. Zzzzz.

I agree with all of this.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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5 minutes ago, jsbt said:

What is the GH condo story? They gave one involving GH and condos to Julian? I'm - what?

Well they had Finn/Hayden overhear that guy wanting to buy GH from Lucy and then Franco saved GH and then we found out that Julian was behind trying to buy GH to make condos. Or something. It's probably dropped now, unless they get bored with other stuff and randomly bring it back months from now.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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8 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Valentin should be terrifying and this dude, while fairly charismatic, is not. 

I think JPS is trying to go for quiet menace, and it's not coming across that way. It doesn't help that he's in a low-stakes story. 

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7 minutes ago, jsbt said:

That is so fucking boring.

This applies to all of this show's spoilers.

Just when you thought that the last batch of shit plots couldn't drag this show down any further, it is like the writers are double dog daring themselves to be even worse.

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Speaking of Valentin not being terrifying, this is the recap from ABC's sneak peek:

Stavros wanted a kid with Lulu but couldn't father a child. Helena used Daphne to get a sample from Valentin to fertilize the egg instead. Valentin was drugged by Daphne to get the sample.

Guess Helena wasn't that scared of him after all.

At least though they stated Stavros couldn't reproduce. It never made sense that everything was in working order with his revanant ass.

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If this was Ron it would be StavLu all the way!

Also, yes, Valen-teen is so formidable that Sonny and Spencer jobbed him and Helena roofied him for jizz.

Edited by jsbt
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So Charlotte is the embryo Stavros threatened to implant in Lulu at Crichton-Clark, the embryo in the thermos Helena kissed, but Valentin was the father?

...siiiggghhh.  It's all just so dumb and pointless.  Lulu didn't need this kid.  Valentin didn't need this kid.  We certainly didn't need Claudette or, apparently, deus ex Daphne.

Edited by TeeVee329
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9 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

So Charlotte is the embryo Stavros threatened to implant in Lulu at Crichton-Clark, the embryo in the thermos Helena kissed, but Valentin was the father?

...siiiggghhh.  It's all just so dumb and pointless.  Lulu didn't need this kid.  Valentin didn't need this kid.  We certainly didn't need Claudette or, apparently, deus ex Daphne.

I suppose Valentin could be lying that Helena drugged him, in order to look like he only got mixed up in it accidentally.

I wonder if they wanted Laura tied to Valentin somehow and they figured giving Lulu the kid would do it (since giving a 5 year old to Laura would be weird.)

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Here's a question - why would Helena hang on to the embryo once Stavros was dead?  She presumably viewed Valentin as bastard trash, just like Alexis.

And the timeline still doesn't work.  If Charlotte is the embryo Stavros threatened Lulu with at Crichton-Clark, even if Valentin is the father, Charlotte a) should be younger than she is and b) wouldn't have been able to have been passed off as Nathan or Griffin's.

Edited by TeeVee329
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