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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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There's a shot of people turning around looking stunned so I assume that's when Carly stumbles in.  You know Carls wouldn't let something trivial like a car wreck stop her, in this, possible her greatest moment of triumph.


And if Kiki does hit Carly's car, I hope that's FINALLY the moment where Carly declares full-on war on Kiki.

  • Love 9

With the show now being surpassed by Days, it extremely ill-advised to delay the lyin Liez reveal for very long. And Uncle Frank is just stupid enough to think delaying it some more will keep folks tuned in. I swear, aside from S2 of Sleepy Hollow, I don't think I've seen showrunners so far out of touch with their audience or what makes good storytelling. And the SH showrunners fucked up pretty damn bad with StruggleWitch. Yay for Uncle Frank?

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Stepping out of lurkdom to vent my disgust over these possible spoilers. Originally, I had hope with all that was coming out--GF on a long term contract, FH signing a new contract and getting a house, KM making a brief return to hopefully clean up the mess that Ron made with her character, TR making a brief visit--and I was giving serious consideration to not waiting at least a week to watch a show and not fast forwarding through the commercials. I was even going to suffer through the never-ending Sonny scenes. However, this latest drek--the possibility that Jake/Jason understands all of Liz's lies, that he goes out of town for more than a month so that there's no movement on this God-awful storyline, etc--has me reconsidering. I might still watch the show on the same day, but I will definitely fast forward through all the commercials and Sonny scenes so that my viewing doesn't count in their all important C+3 ratings. Stupid show!

And if Kiki does hit Carly's car, I hope that's FINALLY the moment where Carly declares full-on war on Kiki.

I don't think Carly has ever cared enough about Kiki and her behavior to do that. Kiki left Morgan for Michael, and when she did hurt the favorite son, it was to protect CarSon's secret. The most I would expect is for Carly to rant that Kiki is reckless/worthless/whatever just like her mom. This sounds like a lazy, switched around redux of the storyline where Jason's drunk mom hit Jason's then-ex, Sam, with her car. 

If anyone covers for Kiki, it will surely be Francs and Neens, her super awesome pseudo-parents!  #barf


Or, if Morgan and Kiki get back together, it'll be a ticking time  bomb between them.  "How could you leave my mother for dead?!?!"


Speaking of Franco, since the show desperately wants us to forget about him being a SERIAL KILLER, I wonder if there will be any reaction from him to Jason being alive.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Nah. Gentle, lady whisperer Franco will probably have either no scenes with The Jason Morgan or A Scene of Being "Bullied" to solidify his non Franco life. Or they'll deFranco him even more. Seriously, why even call him Franco? Just say he's not so we can all move on.

Though, I do think Roger would've made a great AJ recast. Instead of Nina/Franco, we could be watching AJ/Nikki.

I was not sure where to put this since it involves the spoiler that Robin is returning.  But could someone explain to me, who in PC knows that Robin was looking for Jason? The reason I ask is that is Liz or Nikolas knew Robin was looking for Jason, their not telling people that Jason is alive means they are knowingly allowing her to be kept hostage.  I think I have heard Liz say that Robin is in Paris, so is that where everyone believes she is?Isn't it weird she hasn't been in contact in over a year?

IIRC, on-screen, the only people who have talked about Robin having been trying to revive an undead Jason are Patrick, Anna, and Sam.  They all think that Jason died prior to Robin "leaving" Crichton-Clark.


I think it's ridiculous we'll probably be expected to buy Nikolas doesn't know, considering he was in league with Helena and is supposedly having her monitored in exile on Cassadine Island.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I think if she hadn't been Patrick would've been pissed enough that it would be mentioned onscreen - but RC tended to be sloppy about important details so we don't really know for sure

Unless they retcon it, as in someone in a future episode claims to have spoken to Robin this entire time, it hasn't happened.

  • Love 1

i think we learned Robin has been skyping Emma - either from Emma or from RC's Twitter


I think that was while she was at Crichton-Clark, not since she's been in Helena's custody.


I actually read an interesting fictional thriller lately about a woman who basically masqueraded as another woman online for months and was able, through e-mails and social media, to make it look like this woman was in a completely different place than she was.  It's too bad little touches like that couldn't have been dropped in, it would have made Patrick and Anna et. al look less dumb.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Soooo....no one has talked to Robin since Sept 2014 even though they think she is in Paris or whatever and they don't think that's weird? And Anna and Patrick know she put herself in danger and don't care they haven't heard from her in over a year??? Wow.

Yup. And that's why this story and the way it's been written has been frustrating.

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Liz and Nik know Jason is alive but don't know about Robin


I'm willing to bet that Nik knows about Robin, and it will come out after the reveal, solidifying his role as a true villain. I know, I know - he and Robin are friends, but her release from captivity would have led to the Jason reveal and ruined his plans for ELQ. The same reason he took out a hit on what's-her-name is the same reason he hasn't released Robin. 

  • Love 3

Soooo....no one has talked to Robin since Sept 2014 even though they think she is in Paris or whatever and they don't think that's weird? And Anna and Patrick know she put herself in danger and don't care they haven't heard from her in over a year??? Wow.


The last time we saw Robin talk to Patrick and Anna, she - at Helena's urging - spun some story that she left Crichton-Clark after Jason died and that she felt "broken" and was moving to Paris and was going to send Patrick divorce papers.  So while Patrick and Anna don't look great for not questioning this more, they at least thought she was out of immediate danger (Patrick was worried she was still in Crichton-Clark when it imploded, no?).

Edited by TeeVee329
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Ugh…so not excited for this damn story line to drag on even more. Fucking IIC.


And it's a fucking secret being revealed! It's November! SPILL. Actually this should have been done with ages ago, but hey.


But it's so pathetic that this show cannot even get the timing and drama of a reveal right! They're going to draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag it out 'til, truly, no one even gives half a shit anymore. Judging by the ratings, a lot are already there.

  • Love 5

I think seeing Robin will make Jason's memories return. He kind of laid the foundation for that today when he said that someone's voice will make him remember. I believe that's why they couldn't have him remember Robin on the bridge today.

I just don't trust this show and haven't for years, so much so that I see Robin coming back to see Patrick/Emma crying over Sam and Jason still with no memories.

magazine spoilers via another poster


11/9: Nik blindsided
11/11: Nina looks for a job
11/5: Val has interesting day at work
11/6: Anna talks to Paul
11/16: Nik comes clean
11/17: Nina has bad day at work
11/18: Spin back to help friend
11/19: Hayden comes close to finding out one of Nik's secrets
11/20: Nathan investigates a crime
11/9: Avery/Sonny fight dirty
11/10: custody situation gets uglier
11/17: CarSon fight
11/19: Carly worries about Morgan
11/20: Morgan out of control; someone unexpected helps Sonny with his recovery


oh, great. Because Morgan is so much fun when he's a douche bi-polar.


RPW [dude who plays Dillon] talks about reveal. He feels guilty about how he revealed the truth. He is totally in love with Lulu and thought Lulu would want him if she knew about Vante. Dillon tries to apologize to Lulu and tells her Dante doesn't deserve her. She goes off on him and he realizes she still loves Dante and it won't happen for Dillon. Then Lulu does something crazy


Why are they writing Dillon like a teenager? Dante and Lulu weren't going steady senior year Dillon! They were married!

  • Love 5

Yup. And that's why this story and the way it's been written has been frustrating.

Where the story really went wrong as when Faison told Anna and Patrick was in danger and he knew where she really was, and then they totally ignored it. At the time, I think Ron was toying with Faison having Anna under some sort of mind control. At least that's how Fin & Anders player it IMHO.

  • Love 1

Why is this show so keen on revisionist history? In this case, Dillon and Lulu? They were a hot-minute fling with a baby and then AN ABORTION (in case we missed JMB's Lulu yell it before).


As Elsa would say: Let. It. Go.


They're not saying he's still in love with her from that time though or that he's been in love all along. He said it's a thing that happened in the past couple of months.

They're not saying he's still in love with her from that time though or that he's been in love all along. He said it's a thing that happened in the past couple of months.


Yeah, but the way it has played since his arrival, the words don't match how the writers have (mis)handled this whole thing.

  • Love 3

I don't agree with this. It sounds like the actors owe the viewers and are obligated to return to this shitshow, just because the writers aren't able to write the characters that are no longer on this show, decently. JJ has found success in prime time. I am happy for him.  He returned when Luke left because Geary was his mentor and they are good friends.  Kimberly keeps returning because she loves the cast and crew and does it for the fans, although I have to wonder about the last, because as a diehard Robin fan, I HATE what happens and is done to Robin in her past two returns. They don't have to do anything. If there is a need for Lucky, then recast the character; and I say this as someone who loves JJ and for me he is the ONLY Lucky. And now I'll wear my hypocrite hat and say I won't buy or accept a Robin recast. Not that I'll be watching once she's gone after her next return next month.




Now, if this show had good writers and runners who actually cared about its history, characters and success? I'd be first in line wanting my favorites to come back. But it doesn't, so that's why I don't want them back. I'm happy that Tristan is coming back for a visit, because that way, they can't fuck up his character. Or at least I hope they won't.  I want the RobertFucking!Scorpio of 2012 and 2013. 


But that's just me.  and my two cents, for whatever it's worth.

I'm not saying the actors owe us or the show anything.

I am saying that it would great if the actors could occasionally appear, and pointing out that other performers in other mediums appear to balance multiple projects, yet in the soap world it seems like an all or nothing situation regardless of contractual status.

I'm not saying the actors owe us or the show anything.

I am saying that it would great if the actors could occasionally appear, and pointing out that other performers in other mediums appear to balance multiple projects, yet in the soap world it seems like an all or nothing situation regardless of contractual status.


Probably because, fair or not, soaps in the mainstream acting world are still looked down upon. Probably even more so with four left. Add in the pace of taping and methods (block taping), and it would make visits very difficult if not impossible.

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I'm surprised Dillon showing the footage on purpose is going to be common knowledge so quickly.  I thought we'd see Lulu leaning on Dillon's shoulder while he flashes back to his fight with Valerie.


11/11: Nina looks for a job


Oh gaaaaawwwwddddd, I can't even imagine what garbage they're going to do here.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Oh gaaaaawwwwddddd, I can't even imagine what garbage they're going to do here.


They'll probably give her a job at the hospital and then it will be "What? You whiny bitches wanted more stuff in the hospital.  Now we've given you Sonny's hospitalization and Nina working there.  Two of our biggest stars focused on the hospital!  Is there no pleasing you people?" 

  • Love 6

They'll probably give her a job at the hospital and then it will be "What? You whiny bitches wanted more stuff in the hospital.  Now we've given you Sonny's hospitalization and Nina working there.  Two of our biggest stars focused on the hospital!  Is there no pleasing you people?" 


I'm surprised they haven't shoved Franco back into the hospital as the "beloved" art therapist.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Where the story really went wrong as when Faison told Anna and Patrick was in danger and he knew where she really was, and then they totally ignored it. At the time, I think Ron was toying with Faison having Anna under some sort of mind control. At least that's how Fin & Anders player it IMHO.

Yup. And it's too late. There's just nothing these writers can do at this point to make it better. And they don't want to, clearly. Robin doesn't have a "right" to be mad. And Patrick and Anna and Co. are perfect.

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