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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Her character was written off Y&R (and apparently she wasn't real happy about the way it happened.)

Jean Passanante takes Cady with her to every job like those of us with desk jobs take our favorite family photo to put on our desks.


When Jean when to ATWT, she brought Cady over from AMC.


When she went to Y&R, she brought Cady there.


Once Pratt took over, he cut Cady.  So now she's available and JP just go the head writer's gig at GH.


I hope this stays in the rumor camp.  We have Tracy, Alexis, Anna, Laura, Ava, Carly, Olivia, Nina, Hayden, and Sam (ok, she's knocking on the door of 40 but still) on contract.  Then we already Madeline, Dr. O., Monica and Bobbie on recurring.  There's no more room at this inn.

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A month long murder mystery?  Way to tell us not to bother to tune in for 4 weeks.


Damn, any answer other than everyone in that preview

did it, Murder on the Orient Express style, 

and that they all get locked up and go to jail will be disappointing.  And I'm not even joking about that.  Out of that entire preview, Carly and Morgan are the least offensive characters, and the only two that belong on this show.  

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We resent RC/FV too!  The hospital staff of a show called General HOSPITAL consists of one doctor and one nurse who do nothing but mention the sainted hit man every other sentence.


I'm not necessarily defending Ron and Frank, but the lack of hospital staff characters on a show called General HOSPITAL certainly did not start with their regime.

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A month? Seriously? Do they think he'll be more interesting in death than he was in life? Well, it wouldn't be tough to reach that low ass bar, so maybe.

Not only that. Do they realize how many people are murderers or attempted murderers on this show? He'll it's easier to name the non murderers. So many folks have been brought back from the dead that deaths don't have any lasting affect. Finally, wveryone knows that no one actually pays for being a murderer unless they are a doctor.

GH doesn't need a murder mystery, we need a culling.

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Jean Passanante takes Cady with her to every job like those of us with desk jobs take our favorite family photo to put on our desks.


When Jean when to ATWT, she brought Cady over from AMC.


When she went to Y&R, she brought Cady there.


Once Pratt took over, he cut Cady.  So now she's available and JP just go the head writer's gig at GH.


I hope this stays in the rumor camp.  We have Tracy, Alexis, Anna, Laura, Ava, Carly, Olivia, Nina, Hayden, and Sam (ok, she's knocking on the door of 40 but still) on contract.  Then we already Madeline, Dr. O., Monica and Bobbie on recurring.  There's no more room at this inn.


The bad ideas just keep rolling in, don't they?

Now I was a big Dixie and Dixie/Tad fan on AMC, so much so that I didn't care that she was brought back from the dead more often and more ridiculously than any character other than Jack Deveraux on DOOL.  Especially when AMC was on it's way out, having her back eased a bit of the bitterness over how the show and her character had been trashed for so long.


But NO to her on GH, and NO to Jenny Eckart too.  She was pretty awful on Y&R IMO for one thing, and for another, there are plenty of women of a certain age now onscreen.  Does the show really need more, considering how poorly the ones already there are faring?  


I don't begrudge anyone a job - except for Howarth at the moment - but I do resent showrunners using their power to disregard the show they're CURRENTLY working for to fulfill whatever wishlist they had for another job.

Edited by boes
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Not only that. Do they realize how many people are murderers or attempted murderers on this show?


I can't believe that the one person we know didn't do it - and who is apparently the hero here - is Franco, the SERIAL KILLER, who spent last week cracking wise about the SERIAL KILLING he's done.



Edited by TeeVee329
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I can't believe that the one person we know didn't do it - and who is apparently the hero here - is Franco, the SERIAL KILLER, who spent last week cracking wise about the SERIAL KILLING he's done.



Well, you've just answered the question #HowLowCanItGo from a substantive standpoint.


I fear Frank will triple (or are we at quadruple now?) down on Nina and Franco and force the new writers to continue writing for them.  The fact that the show runners can't see they are dead wood sucking the life out of this show actually saddens me.

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It'd be awesome if, allowed to dispatch with Franco, something like this happened:


Nina: But why, Franco, why did you kill Silas?!?!


Franco: ...because I'm a [bleep]-ing SERIAL KILLER.


(Franco is hauled off-screen in handcuffs)


(Nina collapses in tears and is hauled off in the opposite direction in a straightjacket)

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So, the show expects me to spend a month's worth of caring who killed Silas when the Moobster who killed AJ was walking around free about 5 minutes after getting to jail?  Yeah. I'll get right on giving a fuck, show. 

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Ah, two of the best back-to-back episodes of a TV show ever.  Based on his behavior of late, I can see them trying to go there with Morgan, or via Ulkis' possible spoiler, but I, too, am unenthused.  They wouldn't do it justice.


Well, that, and I don't particularly want an "excuse" for Morgan's attitude. Can't they just let him be a douche? A fun one. Whatever the male version of a vixen is.

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I'm fine with Morgan being bipolar, if that comes to pass. If the rumors are true about them wanting to recast BC because they're sick of his antics, I think it'd be a shame because as ridiculous a person as he is, I think he could do well with better writing. I won't cry many tears if he goes, though.

Edited by jsbt
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I think there is a legitimately interesting story to tell about Bipolar Sex Pup Morgan going on a wacky rampage of supremely ill-advised behavior for months at a time (feel free to write actual Bryan Craig Instagram quotes into the show), culminating in some horrible incident a la A.J. and Jason's accident. I think that's organic character-driven material, with families and history. But I don't have much faith in any of these writers telling said story.

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The wig is probably gonna get Tony Geary's windowpane in the credits.

Tony, Sean, and Michael all need to taken out.

And Brytni, Rob, and Rebecca all need to be added.

Although this opening is worlds better than that misogynistic, seizure inducing clusterfuck, and the middle school-esque PowerPoint opening, I still wish they'd go back to the Faces of the Heart opening. Hell, I'd settle for just that music being used. The 'sci-fi mixed with police drama' music they use now is ridonkulously bad. In all fairness, its not as bad as the music on the two credits Jill did.

Edited by Tiger
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Tony, Sean, and Michael all need to taken out.

And Brytni, Rob, and Rebecca all need to be added.


:narrows eyes:


I think they should get rid of headshots altogether. Unless they're going to add the actors' names, it seems kinda pointless to me. There's just too much turnover to make it worth it.

Edited by ulkis
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I'm fine with Morgan being bipolar, if that comes to pass. If the rumors are true about them wanting to recast BC because they're sick of his antics, I think it'd be a shame because as ridiculous a person as he is, I think he could do well with better writing. I won't cry many tears if he goes, though.


Some of BC's posts on social media are stupid and obnoxious but nothing worthy of getting fired over.

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Some of BC's posts on social media are stupid and obnoxious but nothing worthy of getting fired over.

Allegedly, and perhaps @jsbt and/or others are privy to information I am not, he's been causing problems on set for months.

I use to really want Freddie Smith as a recast Morgan, but he's the National Marketing Director for that toxic face cream Bry-dog is shilling, so no.

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I would kill to have a decent version of FOTH back as well as a similar opening. Just fire a few more people. Rebecca Budig does not need to be on contract, either.

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ulkis, you of all people should know that's Sonny and Dante's thing.


I'm willing to let Morgan share! Okay, the yankees? Young Morgan used to dream that all of the boychildren would get to go with Sonny.


We're probably lucky they didn't turn the credits into Nicholas Bechtel dancing for 10 seconds as "General Hospital" flashes on the screen.

Edited by ulkis
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I'm fine with Morgan being bipolar, if that comes to pass. If the rumors are true about them wanting to recast BC because they're sick of his antics, I think it'd be a shame because as ridiculous a person as he is, I think he could do well with better writing. I won't cry many tears if he goes, though.


I actually think there's potential for really good story there - I mean, if we had good writers. I've been expecting one of Sonny's 10,000 spawn to end up being bipolar - I was very afraid Guza was teasing it as Kristina.


At least there's an actual genetic link with bipolar disorder - unlike the fuckin DID clusterfuck they saddled Jess/Tess/Mess/Bess with

Edited by Oracle42
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Her hair was SO blonde before. Dyeing it that dark can't be good.

Adding color is much gentler than taking it away. Denise's hair is dark enough she might need a double process to get it back to blonde, and that's really damaging, not to mention time-consuming. You have to strip the existing color and then add the new one.


They should have tried changing the wardrobe, too, though.


She's wearing a dress Ava wore. I wonder if Julian gave her access to Ava's closet and said, "Have at it!"

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I mean, the wig is terrible.  But maybe the audience could have bought into it a little more if the writing had showed Ava struggling to maintain a separate personality or Kiki et. al having trouble or taking their time to accept her into their lives.  But nope, they skipped all of that.  So all there is is Ava in a bad wig.

Edited by TeeVee329
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God, those spoilers have waaaaaaay too much Nina. And Franco. And har, har! Look! Patrick is giving Jake a pep talk and the lowdown on Sam and Liz! Ouch! The irony anvil of Jake (hopefully) stealing Sam from Patrick hurts, y'all!


And speaking of Nina, I give no fucks that she is trying to save SERIAL KILLER. And I give no fucks that Ava is being threatened by the loon. A story with three loser characters - none of whom have history beyond a few years - is one of the MANY things wrong with this show.


Boring or fuckery. Take your pick.

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The tension between Brad and Lucas comes to a head.


...two weeks later.


I did notice the spoiler sheet has dropped the Denise act, referring to her just as Ava now.  But it doesn't sound like the bombshell she drops is her being Ava since she's still trying to get Franco to keep quiet (oh that poor SERIAL KILLER, how these wimmin make him suffer!).

Edited by TeeVee329
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I'm pretty sure Valerie's "new steps" are moving out of Wyndemere, cause that was spoiled elsewhere. So Nik can conveniently move some new booty in.

Hayden, no doubt. Meet the new fuck buddy, same as the old fuck buddy.

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I mean, the wig is terrible.  But maybe the audience could have bought into it a little more if the writing had showed Ava struggling to maintain a separate personality or Kiki et. al having trouble or taking their time to accept her into their lives.  But nope, they skipped all of that.  So all there is is Ava in a bad wig.

Hey, Ava struggles! She struggles to keep Morgan's penis outside her body. That totally counts.

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I guess the thing in common Paul and Dillon will have, is that their first wives/loves died? Georgie by murder, and I believe Paul's first wife, Susan's mother, had ovarian cancer or something? I still think Hayden is going to turn out to be Susan for some reason. They will want to tie her to some family if they're going to keep her, and unless she's Jimmy Lee's kid, she isn't going to be a Q, and I doubt she's a Spencer or Cassadine.


I might actually watch those scenes, I like the father/son vibe I saw with those two.

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Later, Patrick gives Jake a history lesson regarding Sam and Liz’s rivalry.

How did I miss this!? I loooove when characters who know nothing about a situation try to enlighten someone else about it.


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