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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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I could picture Laura keeping this. If they were using the excuse that it was better not to unleash hitman killer Jason on the world. But it will probably be something lame.


Did Laura really give a crap about Jason (Morgan)?  really?  When she said "too bad Jason wasn't around to see undead Jake" I was like, ummm....weird.   I don't really care about her knowing, she doen't have a relationship with Sam (or Jason as far as I recall) so her not telling isn't as glaringly stupid as Lucky not telling.


But for fucks sake, we are totally in for one person finding out at a time.  At this rate Sam will know by the time Danny gets to High School.


And isn't it totally hospital policy to take back organs when the donor was supposed to be one dead toddler and it turns out that toddler didn't really die?  I swear I saw it in a manual somewhere.

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Did Laura really give a crap about Jason (Morgan)?  really?  When she said "too bad Jason wasn't around to see undead Jake" I was like, ummm....weird.   I don't really care about her knowing, she doen't have a relationship with Sam (or Jason as far as I recall) so her not telling isn't as glaringly stupid as Lucky not telling.


No she did not. There was the time she hated him because she thought he was partly responsible for the fire that "killed" Lucky, but obviously later they figured out Reasons, aka Helena, started the fire.


Pointless Silas 


I love it. He was on two days this week simply to listen to pointless daughter talk about her boyfriend.

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I could see Nikolas laying on the guilt thhhiiiccckkk to get Laura on side.  "Why do you think I'm like this, Mother?  You abandoned me as a child to the Cassadines!"


At this point, she should say, "yeah, cause I fuckin' hated you! And I'd do it again! Oh wait - I did! Good times, good times."

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I hope, at the very least, Laura slaps Nikolas across the chops when she finds out what he's been up to.


Oh ew, is her talk with Scotty going to be about how their sons are both THE EVUL?

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I assume Carly finds out about little Jake's undeadness and has tests run on the kidneys Joss got.  I also suspect that Carly will find out something as a result of those tests that reveals that Morgan is actually Avery's father.


Knowing Ron, she'll find out that the kidneys Joss got were made out of corn.  

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Oh ew, is her talk with Scotty going to be about how their sons are both THE EVUL?


Probably.  You know Ron is going to shove Franco into this storyline somehow.  He'll have to find out the Jason secret so he can all-knowingly start blackmailing people about it (his sole purpose on the canvas other than playing the dashing knight to crazypants Nina).

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I'm still expecting Franco to be in on the inevitable Valerie pregnancy because it seems he's been involved with the last few for absolutely no good reason.


"I'll strap Lulu to a bomb again for you!" ahaha, that Franco and his wacky hijinx.

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I'm still expecting Franco to be in on the inevitable Valerie pregnancy because it seems he's been involved with the last few for absolutely no good reason.


It gives him something else to do while trying to get the tape from Scott's office.

Edited by dubbel zout
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It gives him something else to do while trying to get the tape from Scott's office.


Perhaps he and Silas can have an argument over who gets to give advice to Kiki!

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Perhaps he and Silas can have an argument over who gets to give advice to Kiki!


And as Kiki tries to stop the argument, we pan through the window to see Dr. Obrecht - in a black turtleneck and a kicky wig - setting up a rifle on the opposite roof.


"Mein gott, I've got you in my sights now..."

Edited by TeeVee329
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I was seriously expecting Liz to say, "Honestly, I don't care," when Douchebag asked about Lucky still being in town. Becky's delivery was weird.

And LMAO that Patrick has no weird reax to Jake and he's just like, "Yeah, he's healthy! Next!" More proof he's Faison in a mask.

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So basically it works for Liz fans, Liz/Lucky fans and Jason/Liz fans who were devastated by Jake's "death", who want the kid alive more than they want a story that makes sense

Edited by Oracle42
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apparently in SID Ron said re: Jake, "when you want it to make sense, it makes sense." I'm gonna have to get SID and see if this is true.


So his new excuse is that we just don't want it enough?  That's why his show sucks?  

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apparently in SID Ron said re: Jake, "when you want it to make sense, it makes sense." I'm gonna have to get SID and see if this is true.


I'm sure most of the audience desperately wants this show to start making sense.  And yet, it really, really doesn't.  

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So his new excuse is that we just don't want it enough?  That's why his show sucks?

If I can make things happen by just wanting it enough, why aren't Franco, Kiki, Nina, insert name here, dead yet?

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Why is Jake not acting is age? I don't mind him being odd, given that he's been held on Cassadine Island, but I can't believe Helena would put up with him acting like he's 4 instead of 9. Ugh.

Wait, did the really say he was 9? Hell, he can't be 9. Aren't Spencer and the rest of the kiddie quad supposedly 10.

I guess I don't want it to make sense

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Refusing to even explain how that kid is alive and has kidneys is like saying "fuck you!" to the audience.

All the kids have been SORASed by at least a year or two at this point so who even knows. I'm sure they made babyzombieJake the same age as the rest of the awful rugrats so Emma and Joss can fight over him and Spencer can have a new reason to be a competitive asshole.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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In terms of SORASing, Jake's isn't that bad.:


Jake was born in 2007 so he should be 8.

Emma was born in November of 2008 so she should be 6 going on 7.

Spencer was born in 2006 during the monkey virus that almost killed him (damn it!) so he would be 9.

Cam should be older than the rest of the group - he was born in 2004 so he should be 11 now.

And Joss was born in October of 2009 - 5 going on 6.


Of course compared to the SORASing of EJ on Days, this is nothing. He went from baby to a full grown adult with a law degree in 9 years.



As for Ron's comments - the fact that he can't explain what happened with Jake and doesn't care to just shows how little he cares about the quality of his work and this show. Hey ABC - the guy does not give a fuck - fire him and hire someone who does.

Edited by cmahorror
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As for Ron's comments - the fact that he can't explain what happened with Jake and doesn't care to just shows how little he cares about the quality of his work and this show. Hey ABC - the guy does not give a fuck - fire him and hire someone who does.

This paragraph? I want to shoot in the head with a no ordinary, plutonium-210 laced, bullet of love, then freeze it, steal its eggs, create an embryo, implant that embryo in some beautiful & brilliant brunette, give the child to some thousand-year-old dark-magic witch to raise, and then finally stalk the post while wearing a WSB mask with the face of its dead lover!

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It also shows that he has zero respect for the fans. It's insulting. Just because people choose to watch soaps it doesn't mean you can put any half assed shit you want and expect fans to just accept it. Ratings are showing fans are smarter than RC thinks.

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I don't know if you remember/were around when it first came up, but it's old joke about how when they ask you questions in a focus group for soaps they make the questions so you can't really answer "no I hate these characters/storylines". it was like, "do you like Franco and Carly better than bears coming to eat your family?"

Welcome bears

In terms of SORASing, Jake's isn't that bad.:


Jake was born in 2007 so he should be 8.

Emma was born in November of 2008 so she should be 6 going on 7.

Spencer was born in 2006 during the monkey virus that almost killed him (damn it!) so he would be 9.

Cam should be older than the rest of the group - he was born in 2004 so he should be 11 now.

And Joss was born in October of 2009 - 5 going on 6.


Of course compared to the SORASing of EJ on Days, this is nothing. He went from baby to a full grown adult with a law degree in 9 years.



As for Ron's comments - the fact that he can't explain what happened with Jake and doesn't care to just shows how little he cares about the quality of his work and this show. Hey ABC - the guy does not give a fuck - fire him and hire someone who does.

Judging from the ratings neither do the fans .The ones left that is.

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Here is an article about Jake's return




Oh good grief.  He basically admits that he's so lazy he can't think of any explanation other than "um ... Helena!"  


We're supposed to go all warm and gooey over the fact that Jake is alive and coming home to people he doesn't even know, and who are all ruined, out of character characters at this point:

Liz (molester of a brain-damaged man), step-dad Lucky (who gives in to his undefined, asinine "darkness" and runs away from his family), Jason (an ex-hitman too brain-damaged and lazy to figure out he's Jake's dad), and step-grandpa Luke (a batshit crazy old man who nearly ran him over with a car).  Delightful.

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Ron is truly a hack and fucking moron. This article basically informs us what we know. MoRon pulls stories out of his ass and doesn't put the effort into details, specifics or true story beats. It's a running joke here but abso-fucking-lutely true.

A. Because....of course

b. Because....reasons

c. ...Helena...

d. Let me tell you....*commercial break*... and that's how it happened.

It appears he's more enthused that they found the same actor kid actor. My lack of trust and belief in his skills/ability just make me assume he and the other writers spent more time talking about getting the same actor vs telling a complete story.

Normally, kid actors are changed all the time. I'd rather have original Firestarter Cam and the cute baby Danny.

Shit like this is why I rarely watch anymore and #WhyRatingsAreSoLow

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Executing the reversal of Jake's tragic fortune required some fancy writerly footwork. "It was definitely a challenge because he was pretty dead," RC acknowledges. "We had to pull out a bag of tricks and go to our go-to person, Helena Cassadine, for help, and made it work.


Shut the fuck up. The fuck. up. This statement is a perfect example of why this show is trash.

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Here, we were able to give the audience some joy

Really? I mean, REALLY? We're going to pretend the audience as a whole was a Jake fan? Jake? A child? Who just stood there? And did nothing? But give Jason man pain? Ooooook.

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All I'll say about this confirmation of RC as uber-hack extraordinaire is...come on week 12 record-low ratings! (Not that ABC will do shit to rectify it, but it would make me feel better, anyway!)

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