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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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14 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Just found all this out & it cracks me up. How in the heck are Swaggy & Fessy even getting 2k for a pick up game of basketball? WTF?

From Swaggy's point of view,because he planned the whole event, he should give himself 2k (+the 8k that's being reimbursed to him and Bayleigh...and her parents) plus another 1k for winning the basketball game. 

Fessy gets 2k because he was the talent, I guess. 

But fuck Kevin being cancer-free, since that meant that Swaggy had to "sacrifice" the other $800 to another charity for people who actually still have cancer. 

God, I hate Swaggy more and more I read about this situation, and I didn't like him to begin with. 

The biggest thing here is that Swaggy is selfish. He shouldn't have changed it to a charity event if his whole thing was making money for himself. He should have only allowed donations for Kevin instead of being a dumbass and changing the entire event to become a fundraiser. Boy had no plans in giving up his initial plan to make a few thousand dollars. My theory is that he only changed it to become a fundraiser to make it seem like he was being a good person by helping his BB Alumni out, but it was masking for him really scamming all of his fans for a few thousand dollars so that he could show Bayleigh's parents that he CAN make money and he isn't mooching off of her family (spoiler: he still is mooching off of her family's money). 

He got in way over his head and he's paying the price for it. He was nowhere near prepared to plan an event like this, especially once it became a fundraiser. It doesn't sound like Swaggy even knows how a fundraiser works. Hint: it's not something where you make a profit for yourself and your fiancee, buddy. It's to raise money for someone else.

  • Love 9

JC...the voice of reason. Wait...what? 


15 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I watched the entire video earlier and it's glorious.

Also, another update. Haleigh has unfollowed Bayleigh. I read that her father actually had cancer when she was a teen so Haleigh is likely none too pleased about the things Swayleigh has said, such as this gem: "Here's the problem....Kevin is cancer-free" as a response to Swaggy's tweet about the majority of the proceeds going to Kevin and why this isn't the case anymore. Yes, that is a direct quote.


Yeah, that quote (and this whole mess) is NOT a good look for Swaggy. 

  • Love 3
21 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Been following this since last night. Swaggy deleted his video but some other page reviewed his side of the story and his receipts and made this gem!


I have no idea who this guy is, but I'm adding him to my Festivus card list. It's hard to pinpoint a favorite moment, so I'm voting for the Breaking Bad clip. Every time Swaggy displays his utter lack of math, you hear from Jesse: "Yeah, Mr White! Yeah, science!!" Let's just say, if he were playing that from a tape, the fucking tape would have had a hole in it by the halfway point.

  • Love 2

Copied over from the CBB2 Media thread:

17 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

I am HERE to tell you, you have no idea how gud it is. Pour some wine and settle in!

I have scanned, decided this drama is worthy of the good wine, and now it's time to dive in.

The Hive/Foutté motto: "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose" or, Y'all, we're still messy as fuck and always will be. 

Edited by Callaphera
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I'm only part of the way through all of this because I needed to stop and carb load to make the distance in this drama but the funniest thing to me? Is Bayleigh throwing Fessy under the bus on Twitter when the whole Haleigh/Bayleigh unfriending news broke. Because you know that Fessy is sitting at home, scratching his head and asking Haleigh "WHO FLIPPED?!"

The only thing missing is Haleigh and Scottie in a hammock, talking for FIVE HOURS.

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7 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Wait, there is a BB Cruise? I don't think I would ever pay to get stuck on a ship with McCrae, Swaggy, etc. If I'm ever paying big bucks for a cruise, I'd want it reality tv star Free, lol.

Depends. Do I get to toss them overboard as part of the ticket cost? Can I also slip the captain an extra fifty to not deploy the lifeboats? And can we be in shark infested water? I might be in then.

  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Depends. Do I get to toss them overboard as part of the ticket cost? Can I also slip the captain an extra fifty to not deploy the lifeboats? And can we be in shark infested water? I might be in then.

Also, did Swaggy plan this BB cruise himself? Because then this would be an Overwhelming No from me.

  • Love 5

I'm almost giddy that Swaggy dug himself into this hole.  Now I know that Kevin himself has posted that he's 'cancer free' so I'll give Swaggy a little bit of leeway there, being young, probably never having experienced someone close to him dealing with being in remission.... but holy crap Swaggy - you can't promote something and then change your mind after the fact - especially when your fundraiser beneficiary is a well loved house guest!


My friend's husband was diagnosed with Leukemia almost 3 years ago. A couple days after their 2nd kid was born. Luckily for him treatment was very successful but he obviously had to quit his job... they had to move at one point for a certain treatment for 3+ months (they met other couples during this same treatment and some of them were not so lucky and didn't make it). Their kids had to live with different family members over the course of a year.  Her husband still has lingering issues from the cancer and the treatments and was unable to work for the past 2 years after being in remission.  His disability payments were cut off at the end of 2018 because they said he did not qualify. Hes still awaiting approval from insurance to go in for another treatment to help with major side affects he's still having. And next week he starts a new full time job, that he was essentially forced to get, that will probably wear him the 'eff out and make him sick (because if he does too much he gets sick, and for days).

So FUCK YOU Swaggy!

  • Love 7
On 2/5/2019 at 12:14 AM, HartofDixie said:

The Hive is supposed to be going on a cruise soon. 

Will Swaggy be forced to get a job after all this? He’s not really getting Instagram ads, low YouTube numbers, couldn’t even get a sponsor for his event. I just can’t imagine him getting chosen over others to go on BB again/The Amazing Race or MTV.

At least Bay is teaching yoga.

Bay’s parents probably paid for that ring and house. Gang Gang!



  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, gunderda said:

So I've seen a lawyer reach out to people on reddit and twitter - this could get really interesting!

IANAL, but if...

  1. ...Scraggy promoted the event as a “fundraiser”...
  2. ...people financially supported the event due to the fundraising premise, and...
  3. ...after the fact, Scraggy is now trying to claim the event was never a fundraiser at all...

...then might not everybody who financially supported the event as a fundraiser have grounds for one hell of a dandy misrepresentation lawsuit?

And that’s just on the civil side of the courts - wonder if the Bunco Squad might not start taking an interest in this as well...?

  • Love 2

FYI - from the eventbrite.com page for the event:

As our Big Brother family knows, Kevin Schlehuber, who competed on season 19 of Big Brother, is battling prostate cancer. 

We know Kevin is a not only fighter with a strong family to support him. Through his extended Big Brother family we want to come together to help in anyway we can. So we have decided to dedicate this friendly game as a fundraiser to support Kevin.

THAT seems pretty fucking definitive.  :P

  • Love 3
40 minutes ago, Nashville said:

IANAL, but if...

  1. ...Scraggy promoted the event as a “fundraiser”...
  2. ...people financially supported the event due to the fundraising premise, and...
  3. ...after the fact, Scraggy is now trying to claim the event was never a fundraiser at all...

...then might not everybody who financially supported the event as a fundraiser have grounds for one hell of a dandy misrepresentation lawsuit?

And that’s just on the civil side of the courts - wonder if the Bunco Squad might not start taking an interest in this as well...?

So back to my friend i mentioned above a bit....... we decided we wanted to do a garage sale and all the sales would go to them. It was then suggested that they hold it at their church. Which I thought the great - the church was willing to let us gather stuff and have their congregation shop at the sale.  Church people even helped organize and run it the day of. However I learned after the event that the money made from sales was not given to my friend's family right away.  It had to go into some church fund that is used to help families like my friend. I was SOOOOO irritated. I gave a ton of stuff to sell, I asked a bunch of friends to give stuff as well. I had some friends give some really nice items.  

Thankfully at the time my friend's family was the only one requesting money from that account so they did get it all but I would have been really REALLY mad if it wouldn't have gone that way because that is not how it was portrayed to me.  Not to mention everything marketing the sale was said the proceeds were to help my friends family with medical expenses. 


and I have no idea what IANAL is.. lol 

I have no doubt that they sold out of tickets because Kevin's cause was added to the marketing. No one cares that much about Swaggy and Fessy.  Plus reading through the reddit comments Swaggy even asked people to donate separately for Kevin. 

5 minutes ago, xKHANx said:

In other news....

I was flipping channels Sunday and came across this Pro-Am bowling tourney...



were they bowling.....?  How bizarre lol

ok forgot that Tyler was a bowler - but still bizarre.

Edited by gunderda
  • Love 1

I dunno. You wanna talk damning?

"Sold out in person." "Live PPV in 8 countries." "Swaggy C shirts sold out."
Kevin? A cheque of $500 or $800 dollars.

Also damning? 

"He knows he's getting majority of it." 

I had to scroll back into November to get that tweet from Swaggy's Twitter feed. I have officially reached my limit of looking at pictures of Bayleigh scowling at the camera in an attempt to look "sexy".


15 minutes ago, gunderda said:

and I have no idea what IANAL is.. lol 

IANAL = I Am Not A Lawyer

  • Love 6

Aw, shit.

IIRC Swaggy said he collected “around $19K” in gross revenue; he may want to nail down exactly how much “around” he’s talking, because he may be in for a world of hurt.

What the Google Lawyer in me was able to dig out:

  1. In Florida, obtaining property (including money) under false/fraudulent pretenses is a form of larceny.
  2. Florida law doesn’t maintain separate larceny statutes; they are folded into general theft law, with the charge (and associated penalties) based according to the value of the property in question.
  3. Fraud perpetrated via communications media (including the internet) falls under the Florida Communications Fraud Act, which dictates each “communication” (read: each individual fraudulent post) constitutes a separate charge.
  4. The relevant charges and penalties are as follows:
  • Petit theft = value under $300; 2nd degree misdemeanor; imprisonment up to 60 days; fine of up to $500.
  • 3rd degree grand theft = value between $300 and $20K; 3rd degree felony; imprisonment up to 5 years; fine of up to $5,000.
  • 2nd degree grand theft = value between $20K and $100K; 2nd degree felony; imprisonment up to 15 years; fine of up to $10,000.

...and that’s per charge.

So if this does end up going anywhere near the Florida criminal court system, Chris better be praying to Sweet God and Sonny Jesus that his “around $19K” figure doesn’t slop over into the $20K-and-above bracket - the difference could be a decade or more of his life.

i don’t even like the kid, but that’s a helluva lot of weight for a fuckin’ stupid shill.

  • Love 4
56 minutes ago, gunderda said:

So back to my friend i mentioned above a bit....... we decided we wanted to do a garage sale and all the sales would go to them. It was then suggested that they hold it at their church. Which I thought the great - the church was willing to let us gather stuff and have their congregation shop at the sale.  Church people even helped organize and run it the day of. However I learned after the event that the money made from sales was not given to my friend's family right away.  It had to go into some church fund that is used to help families like my friend. I was SOOOOO irritated. I gave a ton of stuff to sell, I asked a bunch of friends to give stuff as well. I had some friends give some really nice items.  

Thankfully at the time my friend's family was the only one requesting money from that account so they did get it all but I would have been really REALLY mad if it wouldn't have gone that way because that is not how it was portrayed to me.  Not to mention everything marketing the sale was said the proceeds were to help my friends family with medical expenses. 


and I have no idea what IANAL is.. lol 

I have no doubt that they sold out of tickets because Kevin's cause was added to the marketing. No one cares that much about Swaggy and Fessy.  Plus reading through the reddit comments Swaggy even asked people to donate separately for Kevin. 

were they bowling.....?  How bizarre lol

ok forgot that Tyler was a bowler - but still bizarre.

Tyler participated in a charity bowling event that aired on Super Bowl Sunday. Angela was a last minute sub.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

I dunno. You wanna talk damning?

"Sold out in person." "Live PPV in 8 countries." "Swaggy C shirts sold out."
Kevin? A cheque of $500 or $800 dollars.

Also damning? 

"He knows he's getting majority of it." 

I had to scroll back into November to get that tweet from Swaggy's Twitter feed. I have officially reached my limit of looking at pictures of Bayleigh scowling at the camera in an attempt to look "sexy".


IANAL = I Am Not A Lawyer

Per that exposed video that pay per view had a free option yet he went with the paid version. The “sold out shirts” were not there and he’s supposed to be giving refunds. They weren’t even selling merch at the event!

2 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

Per that exposed video that pay per view had a free option yet he went with the paid version. The “sold out shirts” were not there and he’s supposed to be giving refunds. They weren’t even selling merch at the event!



Bayleigh's parents must be so fucking proud of their future son-in-law.

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I have a question about the airfare deal.... So Swaggy and Kevin both agree that Kevin's flight was paid for - but then Kevin gets to the airport and needs a different seat because he needs easier access to the bathroom. So did he have to pay for a new flight entirely?  And if he did, then what happened to the money Swaggy allegedly spent for the original flight? Because usually flights aren't refundable. 

On 2/7/2019 at 12:24 AM, Lady Calypso said:

Although I think Fessy did this because Haleigh asked him to, the fact that he did and didn't make a big deal gains Fessy a HUGE amount of respect from me. 

Me too. Although to be honest I always thought Fessy and Haleigh were basically two decent people. They weren't good game players and I know Level 6 was a popular alliance but their actions outside the house speak for themselves: they're not perfect, but their not dickheads either. And in the BB alumni world, that's already an achievement.

  • Love 5
On 2/7/2019 at 6:39 AM, gunderda said:

I have a question about the airfare deal.... So Swaggy and Kevin both agree that Kevin's flight was paid for - but then Kevin gets to the airport and needs a different seat because he needs easier access to the bathroom. So did he have to pay for a new flight entirely?  And if he did, then what happened to the money Swaggy allegedly spent for the original flight? Because usually flights aren't refundable. 

What I was hear elsewhere was that they used Bayleigh's super duper awesome flight attendant discount to buy Kevin's ticket... but it was actually for Cancun with a layover in Florida where the event was taking place? And the ticket was in Scammy C's name anyway? So even if Kevin could have used it, he couldn't have checked a bag because his bag would be in Cancun and his body would be in Florida? Apparently it was talked about in the All The Fixins podcast (iTunes link because it doesn't seem to be up on their website yet, it's the special one listed at the top with Matt Hoffman as the guest). So...?

Also I don't know if this was linked but here's an overall "what the fuck happened" type article from Soap Dirt here: https://soapdirt.com/big-brother-swaggy-kevin-cancer-doesnt-deserve-fundraiser-money/

Pay close attention to this last paragraph of the article, particularly the bolded: 


But for a fundraising event, people paying and donating have the right to know their money wound up in the right hands. There seems to be a lot of miscommunication surrounding this entire situation. Bayleigh concluded harshly saying: “I don’t know if we’ll ever try to do anything nice again.”

Like, I think you actually have to try doing something nice to start with? Scamming people doesn't count. But I sure hope you enjoyed that AirB&B with the 11 bedrooms that you paid for with the money you made off the event, Bayleigh. I hope the Instagram photos (because there are always Instagram photos) were worth it. 

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Like, I think you actually have to try doing something nice to start with? Scamming people doesn't count. But I sure hope you enjoyed that AirB&B with the 11 bedrooms that you paid for with the money you made off the event, Bayleigh. I hope the Instagram photos (because there are always Instagram photos) were worth it. 

Yeah, god forbid you try to do something "nice" again by scamming people and taking thousands of dollars for yourselves. 

If I was giving them the benefit of the doubt before for making a mistake with the event stuff, I'm taking it back now. Screw both of these selfish scammy assholes. 

  • Love 4

That weird flight thing is called "skiplagging" and it's a breach of ticket contract with the airline (all airlines). It's not super rare to do it - there are websites dedicated to finding great skiplag deals - but you have to know wtf you're doing. Rule #1 is, carry on only.

That's why there was the weird exchange with Scottie where he was telling S&B the check in agent wanted $500 to check his bag. That same screencap Pres Dumbfuck included a tiny piece of a skiplag website. I assume the S&B braintrust bought Scottie the skiplag ticket, but didn't bother to tell him anything about it aside from, "Just leave the airport when you land in Orlando." 

  • Love 2
On 2/5/2019 at 7:53 PM, IndyMischa said:

I have no idea who this guy is, but I'm adding him to my Festivus card list. It's hard to pinpoint a favorite moment, so I'm voting for the Breaking Bad clip. Every time Swaggy displays his utter lack of math, you hear from Jesse: "Yeah, Mr White! Yeah, science!!" Let's just say, if he were playing that from a tape, the fucking tape would have had a hole in it by the halfway point.

Yeah, I have no idea who he is either, but his absolute hate for Swaggy is glorious. I don't know what Swaggy has done to piss him off to begin with (besides being the douche that is Swaggy), but I've literally been listening to his YouTube breakdown, or rather beat down, for an hour and a half and I'm not turning it off till it ends!

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

That weird flight thing is called "skiplagging" and it's a breach of ticket contract with the airline (all airlines). It's not super rare to do it - there are websites dedicated to finding great skiplag deals - but you have to know wtf you're doing. Rule #1 is, carry on only.

That's why there was the weird exchange with Scottie where he was telling S&B the check in agent wanted $500 to check his bag. That same screencap Pres Dumbfuck included a tiny piece of a skiplag website. I assume the S&B braintrust bought Scottie the skiplag ticket, but didn't bother to tell him anything about it aside from, "Just leave the airport when you land in Orlando." 

Huh. I don't fly out of the country much so I've never heard of that.

I wish Kevin would have just been like "Fuck y'all" and continued on to vacation in Cancun instead of ending up in this disaster. I mean, Cancun versus having to be near Swaggy and Bayleigh... not that hard of a choice for me. 

Edited by Callaphera
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Article on “The Hive” Cruise.


If you missed out on the Swaggy video before he deleted it it’s posted on another site. 


“Here’s the problem Kevin became cancer free”

That Metro guy is already on his 3rd Swaggy exposed party video! Latest is that Omar never got the $1650 and Swaggy has a go fund me charity page and Swayleigh still has their housewarming registry up. 



  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Huh. I don't fly out of the country much so I've never heard of that.

It works (assuming you get away with it) for domestic flights too. I'm not condoning the practice - and it's useless for my overpacking, high maintenance self anyway - but it's an easy way to save cash if you can work within the rules. Quirks of flight pricing can be really crazy. 

33 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I wish Kevin would have just been like "Fuck y'all" and continued on to vacation in Cancun instead of ending up in this disaster. I mean, Cancun versus having to be near Swaggy and Bayleigh... not that hard of a choice for me. 

One billion percent. 

  • Love 1
35 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

Okay so I got married on the super cheap and there was no real party to speak of - eleven of us went to our favourite Italian restaurant where you get a ballpoint pen for eating your whole plate because huuuge portions (my brother-in-law was the hero that night) and I totally walked down the streets in my wedding dress and veil and did the Queenly wave to anyone that honked at us - and even though we said no gifts, we got cash and a handmade quilt and some gag gifts because that's my mom. But toilet paper? Paper towel? Jergen's lotion? 

I guess most couples are already out and living on their own and established unlike these fools but still: "In lieu of a fondue set or an actual wrapped gift, we ask that you buy us Bounty paper towel and weights off our registry."? 


That was totally worth turning on my VPN to look at the registry.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Okay so I got married on the super cheap and there was no real party to speak of - eleven of us went to our favourite Italian restaurant where you get a ballpoint pen for eating your whole plate because huuuge portions (my brother-in-law was the hero that night) and I totally walked down the streets in my wedding dress and veil and did the Queenly wave to anyone that honked at us - and even though we said no gifts, we got cash and a handmade quilt and some gag gifts because that's my mom. But toilet paper? Paper towel? Jergen's lotion? 

I guess most couples are already out and living on their own and established unlike these fools but still: "In lieu of a fondue set or an actual wrapped gift, we ask that you buy us Bounty paper towel and weights off our registry."? 


That was totally worth turning on my VPN to look at the registry.

They "bought" a house.

He posted this earlier.  Why are you bragging about taking 13 vacations in 2 months?  At least he's smart enough to stay off Twitter!

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

There is no fucking way they could afford that house. They're totes squatting. Or they just pulled up to a rando house in her parents neighbourhood and posed in front of that sign. I refuse to believe otherwise. 

Seeing as the real estate name on that sign is Bayleigh's mother.....it's definitely a house bought by her parents. I am willing to bet they pay very little. 

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