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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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So many things seemed so wrong with this episode. Am I the only one who thought that Brianna lived on her own. It seemed to me that when Matt visited her, and supposedly stayed with her that it was at her place. How did her parents not meet him when he was shown at the door of her parents house?


Terra still does not get that what she did was wrong at the Open Mike night. True Brianna will have disappointments following her dream but one of her "friends" sabotaged her first time out singing in public and doesn't see how that would hurt her?


Elena wanting a bigger butt when to me she's perfect. She'll stand out more as a little person with an enlarged butt. And I thought it funny - the girl who is unfamiliar with a lot of American phrases ect.. knew what an ex date party was without having questions about it?


Now I know that a lot of people will be coming down on Christy for bringing Leila to that party - I wouldn't have done it - but I can see where she thought it would be nice for Leila to see some old friends and meet some new people. Joe could have been a bigger person and just told them he was uncomfortable with her being there but then I think Joe was more worried with what Leila might divulge about him. He's as much a trouble maker as Christy or Terra.


And househunting - come on a realtor talks to a couple first to see what kind of property they want and she definitely wouldn't go showing them homes with stairs the first day out. Tracy seemed completely unreal too - 99.9% of houses are not built or lived in by people with either disablitilites or dwarfism and have to be remodeled to accomadate them. We see her using stepstools in the apt so why the big deal about counter heights and stoves. Most houses for sale don't come with appliances and you have to purchase your own.

didn't watch it yet (except for last 5 minutes), but why would married folks remain at an ex-date party longer than to introduce an ex-date?  And, then be affronted because one of their ex-dates is there?  Presumably an ex-date party consists of attendee's ex-dates?  So who did these married folks bring as their ex-dates?


 I just re-read the summary above, so now I know why Terra and Joe stayed.   However, being as Terra destroyed the party that Christy and Todd gave, I can't get all that upset at Christy and Todd returning the favor. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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When Tracy & her husband were looking for a home I felt so bad for him. He has to take so much effort to walk but never complains. She complains about everything. Unless you are a little person you will never understand how many things we take for granted. But, she should not expect a home to be built to suit her needs unless she modifies it herself or buys it from another little person. 


Elena....she does not need a bigger but, she looks awesome & unique for a little woman. Giving herself a larger butt will make her look more like all the others. I can't believe her husband didn't put up more of an effort to assure her she's fine the way she is. Any surgery is dangerous & one on a little person is even more dangerous. 


I know Chrissy can be crazy, but I like her. Terra to me is the mean one of the group & very jealous of anyone else who has love or gets attention.

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I like Lila. Perfect timing when she asked "who is the father" upon finding out Terra is pregnant. My guess us she's an actress/comedian. BTW, Terra did look stupid with that thing around her head. Those cheap ass extensions don't help.

Any man who refers to an ex, even a one night stand as a ho or bitch is bad news. Joe is an ass and probably a scumbag.

Eric looks like Dean Cain. Traci hit the jackpot with him, though him fighting with Todd gives me pause.

Was poor Preston trying to design a golf course when Elena was babbling about her butt? Has she seen Terra waddling with that ginormous dumper, and why would that be her ideal?

I like Christy, too. She's totally playing a role, and she's good at it. I found her quite pretty in her talking heads.

I assume the whole "Tracy looks for a house" thing was meant as educational tv for non little people, to show all the things that need to be taken into consideration.  I found that sort of thing really helpful in Little People, Big World -- it was fascinating to me that it was ILLEGAL for them to make certain modifications, like lower railings on their deck, because the codes are written for the safety of average height people.  So their own safety must be jeopardized in order to meet code!  


I'm house hunting with my older mom -- stairs are out of the question.  If a realtor took us to a house with a second floor, we wouldn't be getting out of the car, let alone walk inside, express dismay that there were stairs, then climb the stairs to look around.  So everything in those scenes was acting, as far as I was concerned.  Plus, you're looking at a half million dollar house... you're not going to buy or not buy based on the position of the knobs on a $500 stove.


These folks all seem to make a pretty good living, don't they?  

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I also wondered if Christy and Todd going to the adoption counselor was producer driven?  They lost interest pretty quickly.


Todd is a puzzle.  Last year, she was practically dragging him to the altar, and now he appears extremely devoted.


Memo to Joe:  when your ex shows up and you put on your sunglasses, it makes it look like you're still interested.  Plus stupid.

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I'm not a big fan of Terra and Joe.. I think they are self centered and immature.  But, Lyla screams crazy stage 5 clinger to me.  Being as she is an alcoholic I totally buy that she was drunk texting Joe inappropriately a bunch of times... and she looked absolutely shocked and upset finding out Terra is pregnant.  Again, no big fan of Joe and Terra (especially Joe's disrespectful language regarding Lyla) but just imagine if it was your husband or boyfriend.  My husband has a crazy ex who has been trying to get his attention for almost 2 years now.  He has blocked her in every way possible, yet she still tries, and uses mutual friends to attempt to get to him.  If she showed up at an event knowing he would be there, we would both be very frustrated and annoyed.  But rather than act out the way Terra and Joe did, we would simply leave. 

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I'm not a big fan of Terra and Joe.. I think they are self centered and immature.  But, Lyla screams crazy stage 5 clinger to me.  Being as she is an alcoholic I totally buy that she was drunk texting Joe inappropriately a bunch of times... and she looked absolutely shocked and upset finding out Terra is pregnant.  

She did.  I don't think that was fake at all. 

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I have to say, it made me chuckle when Leila dismissed Tara and Joe at the party with a wave of her hand by saying, "it's a little chilly over here".

Yeah and then that idiot Tracy says, "I'm not cold."

I'm sure she knew what Leila was saying, why pipe up with that?

Also, 100% Joe freaked out because he's hiding something. He seemed waayyy over the top upset.

  • Love 2

I'm not a big fan of Terra and Joe.. I think they are self centered and immature.  But, Lyla screams crazy stage 5 clinger to me.  Being as she is an alcoholic I totally buy that she was drunk texting Joe inappropriately a bunch of times... and she looked absolutely shocked and upset finding out Terra is pregnant.  Again, no big fan of Joe and Terra (especially Joe's disrespectful language regarding Lyla) but just imagine if it was your husband or boyfriend.  My husband has a crazy ex who has been trying to get his attention for almost 2 years now.  He has blocked her in every way possible, yet she still tries, and uses mutual friends to attempt to get to him.  If she showed up at an event knowing he would be there, we would both be very frustrated and annoyed.  But rather than act out the way Terra and Joe did, we would simply leave. 



Yeah and then that idiot Tracy says, "I'm not cold."

I'm sure she knew what Leila was saying, why pipe up with that?

Also, 100% Joe freaked out because he's hiding something. He seemed waayyy over the top upset.


Well, Leila/Layla/Lila whatever did kinda look like a brokedown bitch, and acted more than a little obsessed.  I'd be avoiding her, too.


How cool was the takedown of Todd, just from a size perspective?  Eric's got some skillz!  :-)

  • Love 3

See - I didn't see Leila as crazy but funny as heck telling about Joe's wing wang! We have no idea how long she's been sober - but she's known Joe for years - since 13 yrs old. - they were pen pals and dated before. He was on the outs with Terra when they went out the last time ( if she was so crazy - why did he look her up again?) and I'm sure his behavior was because he knows how extremely jealous Terra is. In fact - until she got pregnant, Joe, I'm sure was fooling around when he's doing gigs out of town and that's probably why Terra has so little self confidence. Joe looks like a party boy and one who abhors responsibility - we'll see if he grows up when this baby arrives. I personally don't think either of them at this point in their lives are great role models.


As far as Leila's expression when she asked who Terra was pregnant by - I thought that perhaps she was going to say Joe was sterile and maybe she is under that impression from him - who knows - hence the shocked look. Being she knew Terra and Joe are a couple - I assumed she'd know the baby was his or maybe she was insinuating that Terra plays around.


I have to say after watching Joe, Eric and Todd this episode - like Roloff - these guys seem to have more of a problem with walking and their hips than the little women do. Eric is so bow legged, Joe is so pigeon toed and Todd needs to loose that weight or his problems are only going to get worse a lot faster.


As far as Leila's expression when she asked who Terra was pregnant by - I thought that perhaps she was going to say Joe was sterile and maybe she is under that impression from him - who knows - hence the shocked look. Being she knew Terra and Joe are a couple - I assumed she'd know the baby was his or maybe she was insinuating that Terra plays around.



I'd say either theory is plausible.  I had just assumed she was implying that Terra gets around.

  • Love 3

See - I didn't see Leila as crazy but funny as heck telling about Joe's wing wang! We have no idea how long she's been sober - but she's known Joe for years - since 13 yrs old. - they were pen pals and dated before. He was on the outs with Terra when they went out the last time ( if she was so crazy - why did he look her up again?) and I'm sure his behavior was because he knows how extremely jealous Terra is. In fact - until she got pregnant, Joe, I'm sure was fooling around when he's doing gigs out of town and that's probably why Terra has so little self confidence. Joe looks like a party boy and one who abhors responsibility - we'll see if he grows up when this baby arrives. I personally don't think either of them at this point in their lives are great role models.


As far as Leila's expression when she asked who Terra was pregnant by - I thought that perhaps she was going to say Joe was sterile and maybe she is under that impression from him - who knows - hence the shocked look. Being she knew Terra and Joe are a couple - I assumed she'd know the baby was his or maybe she was insinuating that Terra plays around.


I have to say after watching Joe, Eric and Todd this episode - like Roloff - these guys seem to have more of a problem with walking and their hips than the little women do. Eric is so bow legged, Joe is so pigeon toed and Todd needs to loose that weight or his problems are only going to get worse a lot faster.


Well it was mentioned that her sobriety is very recent.  And I think she may have even indicated about 6 months.. although I could be wrong.  Alcoholics tend to engage in destructive and obsessive behavior and drunk texting over and over again is exactly the type of behavior that an alcoholic would engage in.  Anyway, I read her as very hung up on Joe.  She brought up Joe in the conversation with Christy and Brianna, she mentioned that she was in love with him and had known him since 13, and she didn't seem totally honest about the text(s) message she had sent him... to me anyway.  It seemed as though she was trying to ask questions nonchalantly, but in reality was probing for information and a way to find a situation to see him.

Well, Leila/Layla/Lila whatever did kinda look like a brokedown bitch, and acted more than a little obsessed.  I'd be avoiding her, too.


How cool was the takedown of Todd, just from a size perspective?  Eric's got some skillz!  :-)


I thought she was acting obsessed too.. totally agree!

Edited by GracieK
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I bet Joe was texting her back though, which is why he was so quick to put on sunglasses and slander her and call her out of her name. The fella doth protest too much; he may not have real feelings for her but I bet every time he was in the NY/NJ/PA they were hooking up. He's not a good man and has no interest in Terra beyond the baby. I think he'll be a good dad, but still the same awful boyfriend. I hope Terra isn't the type of woman to become jealous of her child because the father loves the kid more. I can just see her dangling the baby in front of him, threatening to leave with it and stuff like that to get him to do right by her. I see a custody battle on the horizon.

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I hope the adoption agency watches this show, because if they do they would not give a baby to Todd and Christy. Todd is the first to respond to every situation with violence - the recent party, the beach, etc. What makes it worse is he's always doing it on behalf of Christy, supposedly, and in every case it's some shit she started - bringing an unwanted ex-girlfriend to start trouble because she was mad, asking Elena out to lunch to grill her about knowing about Terra's pregnancy first and then running to tell Traci. Right now, this does not look like a healthy situation to put a baby in, not until Todd smartens up and realizes his wife is a trouble starting bitch and he shouldn't be fighting over what she starts. He should be apologizing for her behavior. In the is last fight, he not only pushed Christy (in her chair), he pushed Tonya, and he knocked Traci over. How is that okay? Sure Joe was egging him on, but that's where a real man excuses himself and leaves with his family to keep things from escalating. At that point even Christy was trying to hold him back and he didn't listen.

Edited by Zanne
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Ah - but without these type of situations - would we be watching no! I actually think Todd and Christy will be very loving parents. I don't condone violence but everyone has their tipping point and Joe making comments that definitely could be heard in that small area was cruising for a fight - again tho - the producers know what the viewing public wants and they're probably best of friends and slapped each other on the back and grabbed a beer after the producers called "cut"

OK, now I've watched the whole thing,  I think the ex-party was a mistake in the first place.  You shouldn't single out one woman and just bring a bunch of ex-dates for her to mingle with.  You should make it a party with as many of your single friends of both genders as you can.  Less pressure for Tonya, and lots more fun for everyone else.  


It is obvious that Leila really cares for Joe.  Meanwhile he talks trash about her at the top of his lungs - an obvious sign that he's afraid of getting caught in something.  Otherwise, he would have just said - the dating part was a very short term thing, didn't work out. Terra (as Todd said at the other party) is no lady.  She has the mouth of a sailor.

I'm really tired of the concentration on these people's sex life.  I don't need to know Joe's size. 

The house hunting was silly.  The realtor should have taken one look at Eric, and crossed off all the multi-story houses off her list.   I'd be finding me a new realtor. 

Glad to see Christy carefully tell Brianna to slow down with Matt. 

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I don't know, my gut is telling me that Lila is the worst kind of stealth bitch, the "butter wouldn't melt in my mouth" variety.  She knows exactly what buttons to push, and stays sweet, calm, and collected while she does it.  Meanwhile, you (as the one whose buttons are being pushed) get more and more worked up, until you're screaming irrationally and she's sitting there all, "What?  Was it something I said?" with an innocent quizzical look on her face.  You just can't win arguments with that kind of person, because you always come off looking like the lunatic.  Frankly, I think I'd rather be confronted with Christy's or Terra's brand of in-your-face bitchiness. 

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So many things seemed so wrong with this episode. Am I the only one who thought that Brianna lived on her own. It seemed to me that when Matt visited her, and supposedly stayed with her that it was at her place. How did her parents not meet him when he was shown at the door of her parents house?

I'm pretty sure she said it was a home her parents owned. I don't think they all live there together.

Poor Erik is so bow-legged. I can't imagine it's easy to walk. But it sure looked like he showed Todd who was boss.

I can't even imagine Toddy & Christy as parents. Christy is a nasty piece of work imo. I think she took Lila to the party for the sole purpose of causing trouble. Did she even bring a fella to meet Tonya?

I agree with the poster who said Joe is a douche. I've thought that since day 1. I get the feeling Terra isn't going to be able to count on him for anything.

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A sloppy seconds party that Tonya didn't know about. I don't blame her at all for being underwhelmed and looking uncomfortable when it was revealed to her.


I'm guessing it was producer driven. Get them all there, just so we can have Joe and Terra be uncomfortable with crazy eyes there. I wonder if they were banking on a fight to break out. 

I don't know if Christy had a troublemaking purpose by bringing Lila but the fact that she didn't ask Terra if it's okay to bring her makes me suspicious.

Brianna who I normally like made me shake my head, that whole conversation at the table with Christy/Todd/Lila about how she and Todd can hang out without issue. They obviously don't know the history behind Joe and Lila and I don't think her version is entirely accurate. Also didn't Brianna and Todd just go on like 2 dates, a totally different situation. I also remember some initial discomfort in season 1 on Brianna's part given her history with Todd, also wasn't Christy upset with Todd for talking to Brianna too much at a party in the beginning ? Yet she brings Joe's ex and didn't think to ask first if it's okay.

Never heard if an ex date party but I would be upset if my friend gave me one as a surprise.

Edited by bluvelvet
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After Tonya's "Used-Date Party" ends in a nasty brawl, the women try to pick up the shattered pieces of their friendship. Christy, Briana and Lila bring the girls together for a fun 5k race, only to insult Terra and Tonya, igniting another blow-up. Lila throws a cocktail party to make peace, but gets a frosty reception from everyone.


I don't know if Christy had a troublemaking purpose by bringing Lila but the fact that she didn't ask Terra if it's okay to bring her makes me suspicious.

Brianna who I normally like made me shake my head, that whole conversation at the table with Christy/Todd/Lila about how she and Todd can hang out without issue. They obviously don't know the history behind Joe and Lila and I don't think her version is entirely accurate. Also didn't Brianna and Todd just go on like 2 dates, a totally different situation. I also remember some initial discomfort in season 1 on Brianna's part given her history with Todd, also wasn't Christy upset with Todd for talking to Brianna too much at a party in the beginning ? Yet she brings Joe's ex and didn't think to ask first if it's okay.

I think you're right. I'm remembering Christy getting her panties in a bunch and she might have even dragged Todd out of the party. Todd and Briana must have "dated" over the internet. He moved out to LA to be with Christy so I don't know when he would have been able to date Briana.

I am hoping someone can answer my question here about Briana's new boyfriend because it's been driving me nuts.  Does anyone remember when MTV did a True Life special "I'm a Little Person" back in 2002?  Terra was one of the little people featured, but also in that episode was a blonde little person named Robyn.  Robyn was dating a guy the she met online and they showed her flying somewhere to go visit him.  I could almost swear that guy is the same person as Briana's boyfriend.  I looked all over the Internet for the full episode or his name, but I can't find it.  I just remember him looking a lot like this guy.  I tried asking Terra through Twitter, but got no response.  Personally, I don't question average sized guys dating little people, but if this is the same guy, I would HIGHLY question it.  It would send a red flag up for me that he has a fetish (and not to mention, he just so happens to date two little people who are on TV??). Suspect...

The "Used Date" party was one of the shittiest concepts I've ever heard.  If I was Tonya, I'd not only be incredibly insulted, but totally creeped out as well.  I mean, it's basically saying to her, "Here, have my sloppy seconds!" or "He sucked and wasn't good enough for me, but hey, maybe you're good enough for his crap instead."  No, thank you, bitches. 

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Right off the bat - I'm disgusted that Joe thinks he's " all that bad" but then backs off when confronted due to his actions and Eric has to step in. I was also upset that Eric kept up with the Todd going after Terra angle when that wasn't the case and meanwhile - his wife, who just had a miscarriage, is the one who ends up on the ground - but he isn't defending her.


And Terra's comment about she's scared if Christy comes at her was laughable. Again, she thinks she's the queen bee - telling everyone what to do - but scared if her actions would make Christy come after her. Christy speaks her mind - but I don't see her coming after Terra physically and I don't think she plans on coming after her vocally - she wants everyone to get along.


Tonya calling the 3 girls heifers before the start of the race and at the end was uncalled for - she's no skinny mini. And Terra calling Leila a Ho was downright rude - but maybe she and Joe do belong together as they don't think before they speak. We have no idea what was actually in the texts, but as I've said before - we also don't know what Joe's relationship was with Leila before - obviously it was intimate - but there is always 2 sides to the story.


Would have been fine without the operation being shown. Even though I've been in the medical field for years and have seen hundreds of operations - this one is disgusting and I prefer not to watch them.


Tonya use to be one of my favorites but after tonite's episode, especially how she acted at Leila's house, I dislike her as much as I do Terra. And for being so prim and proper and following the rules, Tracy's acceptance of what they do makes me dislike her.


I loved the ending and hoped it was sincere but after looking at the promos - Tonya  is disloked even more - if someone called her a monkey the ACLU would be involved but it's OK to call someone else that.

  • Love 4

In Tonya's defense, I think there are some cultural/vernacular mistranslations going on here. Calling someone a heifer does not at all imply anything about their weight or looks, instead it speaks more to the underhanded, sneaky way theyre doing things. "Trifling heifer" isn't calling someone an "unimportant fat person", its calling them an dishonest, shady person. In regards to the "monkey-ass" comment, again has nothing to do with looks, has everything to do with behavior. It refers to someone who acts goofy all the time, dumb and oblivious to whats going on. She's uses Ebonics/AAVE a lot, and unless you're familiar with that type of vernacular there's a lot that can be lost in translation. It seems like she's really comfortable with her friend group in that she doesn't codeswitch (speak a more standard english) when she's with them; I know I speak a totally different way with friends who are not familiar with my cultural background than family and ones that are.

It would be different if Lila called Tonya a monkey, because it has been used as a derogatory term for black people for ages in regards to their looks, and being "less evolved". If you can't see how thats different and much worse than being called goofy or dumb, well...

Tonya needs to stop coming to bat for Terra, really they all do. She is a grown up woman capable of taking care of herself. Speaking of that is it just me or is she doing alot of moderate to high risk activities during pregnancy? Running or even power walking a 5K when your body is not used to that level of activity is not usually advised during pregnancy, and I KNOW ziplining is not.

Elena's doctor sounded really uninformed to me. "Hmm, I didnt know there was going to be all this fibrous tissue, could it be because she's little?" I feel like a surgeon worth their salt wouldve already researched your condition before you going back into their OR, and wouldve known this already. I would never let him operate on me, so this had the opposite effect on advertising his services.

Traci and Eric's house is really nice, happy grandpa is settling in nicely. Seems a little pushy, I hope him and Traci get along. I do think that Eric was in the wrong for fighting Joe's battle for him, but I get the vibe that he's not a Todd fan by any means and was waiting for him to try something.

It annoys me greatly how Christy doesn't see how similar she and Terra are. As much as a control freak crap-stirrer Terra is, Christy is just as much one with a dose of manipulativeness added in. Floored on how she acts oblivious and innocuous to everything going on, she thrives on causing discord between these women and then saying how crazy they are and just how insane they must be as she smirks in the corner. I just do not like her or Todd at all they aggravate me so much.

Briana, boring as ever. Hope she has more scenes with Leana, she makes my ovaries hurt, SO CUTE.

  • Love 10

Elena's doctor sounded really uninformed to me. "Hmm, I didnt know there was going to be all this fibrous tissue, could it be because she's little?" I feel like a surgeon worth their salt wouldve already researched your condition before you going back into their OR, and wouldve known this already. I would never let him operate on me, so this had the opposite effect on advertising his services.

I was thinking the same thing. And there's something about him I don't like. I still don't understand why Elena wanted the operation. All the women's bottom halves look terrible to me. Afterwards when she felt stupid for going through with it I was nodding like crazy. She rushes into things way too fast.

Once again Christy proves to me what a shit-stirrer she is. When they were sitting at the table and she was saying how she didn't think bringing Lila would be a such a problem made me want to bonk her on the head.

Why does Lila have a place in LA if she lives out East?

I really liked Traci & Erik's new house. They all seem to have very nice places. The sale appeared to go through pretty fast. I guess it was reality series time.

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Chacha - I didn't hear the word trifling and TY for explaining the different connotations for the sayings - unfortunately, as witnessed by other show followers on various forums - the bulk of us are not familiar with these different connotations and take them in the venicular that we are familiar with. Tonya may need to think before she speaks.


And I agree with you - the doctor seemed not to know his trade. Before doing the surgery - it would have been in his best interest to consult with another surgeon, who has done the surgery on a little person. That didn't instill confidence.


I also agree about Terra and doing too much. It stress enough on her body without doing things which may be out of the norm. I did think it was nice that Tonya's daughter stayed with Terra during the rather than running ahead like her mom did and leaving Terra alone.

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Tessa- She didn't say trifling I just meant that as an example, to be clear. "Trifling heifer" is a pretty common euphemism, but "heifer" on its own stands as the same thing.

As for the manner she speaks, I think thats pretty unfair to say she should "think before she speaks", insinuating that she should change the way she grew up speaking and feels comfortable speaking to placate reality show viewers. I don't think we would say the same for the the kids on Jersey Shore, they used plenty of slang that someone who isn't Italian-American might not understand. Or a reality show based in the UK, there's plenty of terms used over there that a general American has a completely different connotation for. Like I stated above, if her friends understand what she is saying, that's really all that matters. Google and "Urban Dictionary" exists for everyone else ;).

  • Love 6

Well it's not a common euphemism in my neck of the woods. And yes - she should think before she speaks even if it means changing the way she grew up speaking as she is now subject to the opinions of millions of viewers who are not familiar with her speech patterns. It only makes her look bad if they can't understand her euphemisms. There should be no reason for me or anyone else to google " heifer " for it's meaning when the vast majority of people take it to mean fat in a demeaning way.

  • Love 6

I disagree, it makes those millions of viewers seem pretty ignorant and narrow minded for being so unfamiliar with and unwilling to comprehend the way millions of their fellow Americans speak. Again, its reality television: this is not a role where she needs to be completely understood and transparent to the audience. It would not be reality if she had to behave and speak a certain way that was not native to the way she normally conducts herself.

Its like saying Elena needs to speak in an American accent because she's hard to understand, that's an invalid criticism because she's not acting in a role playing an American little woman, she's being herself, accent and all.

And just because a group is the "majority" does NOT mean they are somehow entitled to other groups bending over backwards to placate them. Don't like slang? Don't watch Tonya's parts, there are 4 other women showcased on LWLA. But its preposterous to insist that Tonya should be someone who she is not for your viewership.

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I don't buy for one minute that Tonya meant Lila was underhanded and sneaky when she called her a heifer.  Tonya continued to mock Lila by saying she would need an Olympic weight lifter to pick her up.  She was making fun of her weight, and Tonya of all people shouldn't be making fun of anyone's weight.  


And just for the record, there are many in that "majority" group who do bend over backwards to placate others.  We live in a society that has determined the phrase "peanut butter and jelly sandwiches" is somehow racist.   

  • Love 4

I think her calling her a heifer and then picking on her for her weight existed in two different scenes and contexts, no? IIRC, she called Lila a heifer at the pancake breakfast, when Terra was calling Lila a ho (which is worse IMO) for calling and texting Joe. Why would Tonya bring up her weight when the argument is about Lila being sneaky and underhanded trying to get with a guy who's in a relationship?

She did insult her weight at the party though (and that was a good point @wickedtuna, why does Lila have a house in LA if she lives in NY? I smell show rental); Lila said she wanted a strong guy, little or average, who could pick her up. Thats when Tonya made the Mr. Universe quip. Two entirely conversations and contexts, but thats just my opinion.

Was she wrong for calling her out of her name, fighting a battle that wasn't really hers to fight? Definitely, but lets not act like she's just the meanest bully on the show-- Christy and Terra are tied for that.

ETA the heifer scene was right before the breakfast, and she called Briana, Lila, and Christy that. Why would she call Briana fat, when she's much smaller than her? But her calling all 3 of them sneaky and underhanded for the way they brought Lila into the group, getting Terra those f'ed up costumes, makes sense.

Edited by ChaChaSlide
  • Love 5

I disagree, it makes those millions of viewers seem pretty ignorant and narrow minded for being so unfamiliar with and unwilling to comprehend the way millions of their fellow Americans speak.

A heifer is a cow, so I believe she was making fun of her weight (inexplicably). If there are other meanings for this word, that may be but I can't keep up with all of that. Words have meanings for a reason, right?

She's acting childish and laughing with that idiot Terra. These women are sad.

I don't think Tracy's house is nice, I actually think it looks like shit. It looks like a college rental quite frankly. Hope she fixes it up a little.

I do like her father-in-law, especially when he is messing with her.

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^^... As i've pointed out, words can have different meanings and connotations. For instance the f*a*g word here in America is a HORRIBLE slur for gay people, while in the UK its a pretty innocuous word, slang for a cigarette. The word "can", off the top of my head there are at least 3 different nouns and 1 verb all sharing that same word. Its the nature of the english language. Not sure what else to say that hasn't been stated.

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You can quibble all you want about languages and euphemisms. I'm not ignorant nor narrow minded. I go out of my way to help others. You don't feel like Tonya should change her ways - but the rest of us should to accomodate her?


Back on topic - Leila may very well be in LA for a month for a project she's doing on a film or video - or the producers wanted to add her for a month to see if she'd be a good fit for the show. Ot seems reasonable that she'd be set up in temporary housing rather than a hotel.


Tracy and Eric do have a lot to do with the house but I guess that's to be expected with any new home. I'm sure she and production will have it as nice as the condo. Eric's dad was much older than I imagined. I thought he looked more like his grandfather at first. I think he will definitely get under Tracy's skin - again another addition to add to the drama.

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She wasn't talking to any of us so what is there to change? If she was addressing us, the audience, maybe I would get the hypercriticism, but she wasn't. Conversely, you don't have to do anything for her because this is a reality tv show that you'll watch anyways for the 4 other women's stories, if not for hers.

I'm all for snarking, but hating on a character because you don't get the way she speaks?

ITA with them trying Lila for fit for the show, or seeing if she'll get a bit of buzz on her own... To me it seems like, with the titling they might eventually try for spinoffs, like "Little Women: NY" or "Little Women: Atlanta".

Once they get everything customized and refitted it will be a great home for Traci, Erik, Grandpa and future little ones. The backyard was HUGE

Edited by ChaChaSlide
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