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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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Matt is an inarticulate shit.


But I just wish there was someone there who could put a sentence together, and who could be heard above those screeching harpies, to ask dick-pic-chick:


1.  Why "sexting" words is apparently okay but photos are somehow over the line; 

2.  Whether she considers Elena's husband to have a "fetish" for short women/white women/eastern-European-women-in-need-of-a-greencard (and the same for the other castmembers whose husbands/boyfriends are average height or of a a different ethnicity; (because what she said there was pretty fucking offensive);

3.  If the infamous photos were sent directly to her via text, who they managed to get to Terra;


Likewise, when Tianna complained to Brianna that "all you do is listen to us", I wished someone would've pointed out how ridiculous she sounded, since her sister is a (at least chronologically) grown-ass woman who isn't obligated to do anything other than hear her out.


I wish we got an answer to what the hell Terra's husband was sitting on.  Because he was about 1 foot lower than everyone else.  That was weird.  


And finally, what sloppy production when they try to tease a "surprise guest" (presumably to keep people tuned in through the commercial), only to have the bumper-preview show us that the "surprise" guest is Tianna (who, of course, was also promo'd in the preview from last week).  They're not even trying.


Finally, Finally: I'm probably giving up on this train wreck in favor of just sticking with this Atlanta show, which shows a ton of promise.  L.A. has become, IMO, nothing more than a freakshow which still purports to be about real people living real lives.  I get the sense that the Atlanta cast are going full-freak-show from the start.  I at least appreciate the sincerity of that.

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Sounded to me that he was describing all his past jobs.  I didn't hear "I work as...." I only heard I worked..."

Yes, it sounded like his past jobs to me, too, but I still want to know what he meant by "saving kids" and "dodging bullets."  I HIGHLY doubt he's a cop or a pediatric physician. :P



3.  If the infamous photos were sent directly to her via text, who they managed to get to Terra;

I could have sworn it was said that this chick reached out to Terra and sent her the pictures because she felt Briana had a right to know what Matt was doing.  But maybe I made that up in my head?



I wish we got an answer to what the hell Terra's husband was sitting on.  Because he was about 1 foot lower than everyone else.  That was weird.  

Yes, I meant to bring that up, too.  The way all of the guys were staged was weird (some next to their woman, one behind but askew), but Joe especially.  Obviously I understand that it would be difficult to get up on a regular chair, but damn, I'm sure production could've afforded to give him a stool to get up if they could afford flying in the dick pic chick.



I rarely agree with Christy but when she told Brianna to stop with the hand gestures, I was cheering her on.  That drives me crazy too.  Especially the gesture where she snaps her hands shut in a crab-like way as she is talking.  

Can I like this a thousand times plus infinity?!  THANK YOU!  I've been meaning to bring this up for the longest time, but wasn't sure anyone would understand what I meant.  But snapping her hands shut in a "crab-like way" is exactly how I would've tried to describe it, too, and it has BUGGED THE SHIT OUT OF ME FOR FOREVER.  She does it constantly - like every other sentence - and I wish someone would just tie her arms down to her sides.  I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is annoyed as fuck with it.

Edited by LIGirl
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Whether she considers Elena's husband to have a "fetish" for short women/white women/eastern-European-women-in-need-of-a-greencard (and the same for the other castmembers whose husbands/boyfriends are average height or of a a different ethnicity; (because what she said there was pretty fucking offensive);

I think this came up at the Mexican Restaurant fight -- Briana (or Matt) asked about the average height partners and somebody (Tanya?) immediately took a poll of the table of Little Women involved with Average Height guys -- has your partner ever been involved with another little woman?  And they all said "Nope."  It happened lightning fast, like they were prepared for it.  And it kind of makes sense -- I'm sure they'd had to work that question out themselves with average height people over the years, questioning intentions, etc.  So it would be something they might have an eye out for... and Matt came up dubious.

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Brianna needs to lose the thick bangs that are only cut across about 2/3s of her forehead. This actually bothered me more than Terra's hair!

One thing I really can't stand about Elena is that, if something pisses her off at all, she gets really aggressive, and really loud, and she won't SHUT UP with her grating voice. Someone literally has to interrupt her in order to get her to stop talking. It's happened all season, and it happened at the reunion--I didn't even know what she was fighting about, or with whom; I just remember wanting her voice to stop.

Why is Elena distracting me from hating on Matt, who may quite possibly be the worst male counterpart in the history of reality TV?!? And, yes, that includes Slade and Brooks.

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I'll just be totally up front and and blunt here:  Briana is really, really the least attractive of them all (with Christy a close second because she reminds me of the muppet, Beeker, half the time - seriously, it's the similarity in their mouths!).  Honestly, I don't find many little people with achondroplasia to be good looking.  Maybe it's bad of me to say this because I'm a little person, too (I don't have achondroplasia, though), but eh, oh well.  I do think Terra is pretty, though, when she's making an effort to dress and do her hair and make up fairly conservatively, and I think Brittany COULD be prettier if she wasn't so insistent on looking like a damn over-the-top circus clown freak all of the time!  But as far as Briana is concerned, whenever I look at her, I just see Zach Roloff (from TLC's "Little People, Big World") in drag.  Sorry/not sorry.  I'm fully and without a doubt convinced that Matt is using her for fame/money and/or to fulfill a little person fetish.  And I don't say or take the latter lightly because I'm extra careful about that when it comes to dating.  (Fortunately, even though I've never dated a little person, I know none of the average height guys I have dated/been in relationships with has a fetish.)


I am an equal opportunity person (unattractive people are unattractive whether you are a minority, female/male or a little person). I agree Brianna is the most unattractive woman on the show (out of either franchise). I think that must weigh on her-- I think she knows. I think Terra is actually very attractive and I think she knows how to play to her attractive features. I also think Christy is not unattractive, I think sometimes she doesn't think about her mouth gaping open all the time but I think she is actually attractive. Even Little Boss is attractive. 


I think her lack of looks, her poor decision making and I think overall low self esteem has been impacting how she makes choices in the men she meets. I think she was desperate to be in love and be partnered up with someone. 

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Brianna needs to lose the thick bangs that are only cut across about 2/3s of her forehead. This actually bothered me more than Terra's hair!

Briana won't lose the bangs because she said during the episode where Jasmine was giving her a haircut that they cover up her large forehead.  (The large head/forehead is a very common physical trait amongst little people with achondroplasia.)

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Briana won't lose the bangs because she said during the episode where Jasmine was giving her a haircut that they cover up her large forehead.  (The large head/forehead is a very common physical trait amongst little people with achondroplasia.)

Yes, I'm aware that many women from all walks of life struggle with a high forehead. It doesn't mean she has to settle for thick bangs that are weighed straight down, especially since they don't completely cover the forehead she complains about. Clipping back half that hair would be a start. Cutting bangs so they cover the entire forehead and don't give her what amounts to what looks like a bald spot would be a running start. But how about--I don't know--a long, layered bang that sweeps across her face, rather than draping down the front like the curtain at the close of a show? Or change it up a little and just embrace the high forehead? AJ Cook is a popular actress who rocks that look.

I mean, you said it, and I agree: girlfriend ain't in danger of winning any beauty contests. So don't add insult to injury, Bri!

I don't remember liking Christie from seasons before, but the episodes I saw (about 5 leading up to the reunions) she seemed to be pretty rational.  I agreed with everyone on the Terra couch.  I think they all realize Matt is a jerk, but unfortunately certain types of women will hold on to a man for dear life, no matter how miserable they are or what anyone says.  I'm in a similar situation, it ended with me no longer talking to my sister, and she's still with the dude.  Such is life.  

So I just watched part 2 of the reunion, I am still baffled as to why we needed two parts because it seems that all they did was scream back and forth. I also ended up fast forwarding a good portion due to way too much Matt, didn't care about dick-pic chick and I totally think they were together when he sent the photos.

I don't think Matt is genuine based on what they have shown and especially based on Brianna detaching from her family with whom she was very close, but she is a grown woman who can make her own decisions. At this point, the girls should agree to just stop talking about it and if they can't do that then they should cut off the friendship on both ends. Who wants to hang out with people that you fight with all the time

Atlanta looks interesting

Edited by bluvelvet
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I don't remember liking Christie from seasons before, but the episodes I saw (about 5 leading up to the reunions) she seemed to be pretty rational.  I agreed with everyone on the Terra couch.  I think they all realize Matt is a jerk, but unfortunately certain types of women will hold on to a man for dear life, no matter how miserable they are or what anyone says.  I'm in a similar situation, it ended with me no longer talking to my sister, and she's still with the dude.  Such is life.

I had the same change of opinion with Christine. She was a lot more like able this season, as was Terra. Their maturity and friendship seemed genuine. Motherhood suit Terra.

On the other hand, Elena who I always liked was more annoying but the editing of a lot of her scenes was clunky and odd.

Most disturbing is Briana and her relationship with Matt. All signs are obvious and pointing to her being in an unhealthy relationship that at a minimum is likely verbally abusive. I always take reality shows with a grain of salt because they are hardly ever "real" but it's scary how glaring the warning signs are here. As concerning as the situation is I couldn't help but laugh when Matt described his job as a bouncer as "saving lives."

I think Briana is sometimes cute and sometimes very pretty but now that a poster said she looks like Zack Roloff I can't unsee it. Now Terra looked really odd at the reunion and needs to rethink high hairdos. Her torso is long so when she was seated on the reunion couch she towered over the other ladies and it looked like she was going to tip over.

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I think almost all the women are pretty. I think Elena is smoking hot, and quite a catch. Christy is very cute, Brianna has a nice face with a great body. Terra is very attractive. Even the one who left last year was conventionally pretty. I won't comment on the new girls because I don't like them.

I think Little Boss is the least attractive one, I just don't like her face, it's a very common one.

Why was Tara laughing when Mikaela came out? Was she laughing at her size? I wonder if Matt and Briana really were on a break.

It annoys the hell out of me how Briana almost always has her fingers under her chin. It's like she's posing.


I think several of the women were, for some reason, surprised that she showed up or maybe they were surprised that she wasn't a little person.  Even Tonya's mouth was hanging open.


When Briana's sister was walking off the the stage after her portion of the show, who was Matt talking about when he angrily whispered in Briana's ear, "I'm so done with her. I'm forever done with her"?  Was he referring to Briana's sister or Terra?


I was confused about that unclear question as well.  But, yeah, whoever he's talking about shouldn't matter that much.  With the exception of Jasmine and Brittney, she's known all of those women far longer than she's known that flat-topped skeeze-box Matt.  Ugh, that dude is childish and trifling.


Terra seemed to have a big axe to grind with Matt and it was just a game of tit-for-tat with trading insults.


There isn't enough money floating around in the U.S. economy to get Terra to board the Matt love train and for that alone she's high on my list of reality t.v. goofballs because that dude is beyond gross and trifling.  I do not want to leave it unsaid that he's trifling.


I rarely agree with Christy but when she told Brianna to stop with the hand gestures, I was cheering her on.  That drives me crazy too.  Especially the gesture where she snaps her hands shut in a crab-like way as she is talking.  


I think those gestures along with propping her chin on her hand as WickedTuna pointed out are what Brianna believes to be displays of delicately and ridiculously trifling "you do that shit gurl!" elegance and it's nothing of the sort.

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This article going around is saying a woman from Brazil is being touted as the world's most beautiful little woman... Even with the borderline too plastic looks, I still think Elena is prettier.


SO many red flags with Matt. State jobs aren't reciprocal across state lines like federal ones can be, and with all the vets in Cali, especially the San Diego area where he and Briana live, those positions are even harder to come by. He does seem like some kind of psycho, so intent on being able to isolate Briana from her family and friends. Good on her for speaking up on needing to miss him, and how she can't do that when he's up her butt all day.

Happy to see Tanya kind of take a back seat to the drama (at least so far). Hope we get to see Angelique, I wish they would focus a bit on their relationship, she's different from the other kids seeing that she's an adult. If the show continues I'm sure that will happen, especially if she goes on to marry and have kids herself. I wonder what her chances are of having a little person child, Tonya doesn't have achondroplasia, but I wonder if her form of dwarfism is inheritable as well.

Already know Terra is going to be in the middle of many fights this season because she's always in the middle of fights every season. Only castmate she hasn't fought with is Tanya. I hope Penny is alright though, she touched on her experiencing some health difficulties...

I wonder if there's going to be a Terra's Little Family season 2 this summer? I have a feeling there will be, along with a season 2 of Little Women NY. I think they're going to stagger the shows eventually to where each gets one new season a year, instead of LWLA getting a new season every six months, getting no more than a couple months reprieve from filming.


has got to be the pregnant one


I don't like Jasmine, but I will say she's the most self confident one in the cast.

I'm not sure that adopting is a good idea for Christy and Todd (well mostly Christy), but I would be lying if I said it didn't break my heart when she showed baby Chloe's box of thing. Todd wants badly to be a father again, and it breaks my heart he had to go through that. Christy is so blessed that both her kids with her ex, though they both have achondroplasia, were not double dominant.

I watched last night. Elena is a terrible actress--trying to build up drama between her and Jasmine. Elena's contact lenses looked weird, not good.

Briana and Douchebag Matt--it's happening sooner than I thought. What a bum. I bet he's trying to get her pregnant so he had a money tree forever. Despicable that Brianna was stupid enough to marry him. I bet she blames the show later on for the pressure to create a story line with him.

Christy and Briana? Shut it, then, if you don't like each other. Kind of a yawn show. Same old script. ..they do something fun and then fight. Ho hum.

Edited by Tosia
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This show has officially reached the point of HWoNJ intolerability for me.  It's not entertaining to watch harpies screech at and over each other constantly, to the extent that you can't make out what any of the them are saying.


My TV is blur of short, pudgy arm with gaudy talon-like hoochie-nails waving around.


And, I would never judge how anyone handles their grief.  But I don't understand keeping an urn of ashes and then stuffing it on the top shelf of a closet.  I really hope that's not Christy's doing.

I sort of felt that closet scene was scripted. They just had to show Christy cleaning out the closet when, "what's that?" I'm not speculating it was fake and placed there for a scene but why wasn't it brought up in the last few seasons or with her husband. I felt the banter between Christy and mom was fake and forced to get to the point on the box.

I sort of felt that closet scene was scripted. They just had to show Christy cleaning out the closet when, "what's that?" I'm not speculating it was fake and placed there for a scene but why wasn't it brought up in the last few seasons or with her husband. I felt the banter between Christy and mom was fake and forced to get to the point on the box.


Could be.  If so, I think it's disgraceful and makes me think even less of Christy than I already do (and I didn't think that was possible).


My goodness.  They're human remains!  Not a prop!

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I can kind of understand Elana's frustration about the whole mommy party thing.... I don't understand why Elana had to be discluded.


I am 100% on Elena's side in this. I was in her position, excluded from some group gathering for what seemed a ridiculous and not insurmountable reason. It makes you feel crappy. There was no reason not to invite her. If Jasmine felt Elena might not be interested, it still would have been nice to extend the invitation and allow Elena the chance to say no, thank you, rather than pointedly exclude her.

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I am 100% on Elena's side in this. I was in her position, excluded from some group gathering for what seemed a ridiculous and not insurmountable reason. It makes you feel crappy. There was no reason not to invite her. If Jasmine felt Elena might not be interested, it still would have been nice to extend the invitation and allow Elena the chance to say no, thank you, rather than pointedly exclude her.

I'm sure production had something to do with her not being invited. You know, they probably set up the party as a storyline and of course not inviting Elena would stir a whole new pot of shit.... I'm sure Jazmine didn't dream that party up herself. I don't trust reality TV one bit. 

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I bet she'll be back though. Saw the fight on TMZ; the cups were plastic and grazed the top of her cowboy hat, not even her head! I'm having a really hard time understanding how she got two brain contusions from the altercation.


Now that I know that, you're right. She'll be back. But, I wonder if it'll effect her screen time? I'm sure the producers won't take too kindly to this lawsuit. Then again, it's possible that the two of them are in this together and will use this altercation for a storyline. I'm not sure how this show works. Are they still filming while the first half of the season airs? But, yeah, how are you going to get not one but TWO brain contusions from a plastic cup? Get out of here with that, Christy!

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Matt is so gross, I almost can't watch.  He skeeves me out. 


Christy, the perm was a very bad idea, very bad.  Also as bad: Todd's terrible acting.  Especially when he gets all "emotional."


They are so stupid, they think the physical will keep them from becoming foster parents?  The state doesn't care if you have high blood pressure, they just care of you can walk/drive/get out of bed.  They are so dramatic.  I wonder if they realize that they probably won't get a baby this way, they may get a toddler or older.  I assume they have been given all of the info.  If they want a sweet, bouncing, healthy baby it is private-adoption-city!  And show me the money! 


If they do go through with the foster-to-adopt, then I do commend them.  Even if it is done this way more so because they can't afford private adoption.  That brings up the question - if you can't afford the adoption costs, how will you afford the actual baby needs?

Watched this online since I no longer anticipate or expect much from this franchise...just speed through it if nothing else better to watch


same old same old...I do think the motocross was dangerous for anyone to do, these are not young athletes, the fall Terra took was bad and could have been much worse

In my years of watching Little People on tv - Roloffs, Little Family and this ever worsening franchise - haven't we all heard about the physical strain, limitations, pains,

operations, etc etc? Now why the hell would they put these women on motocross?


IMHO the mommy party was another fake bs set up for a fight


I am so sick of Elena's schemes and posturing -a cheap makeup wholesaler/brush company lets her design eye shadow palettes..wow...they want to get their brand on tv...the launch party was them and their employees and the Little Women LA bickering gang yawn

what did she "design"? Oh this one is earth tones...this is smoky colors...wow...what an original LOL


The whole Briana thing is played out - friend has skeevy hubby you think she should leave him - you told her this how many times, back off now ..another huge yawn


This has played out a lot and now very contrived

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So, Terra has always wanted a big family. ..lots of kids? How did she plan to pay for them? Entertainment industry (ironic) doesn't care much for older, pregnant women of any size. Joe is basically disabled now cuz of his back. Reality is a bitch.

Speaking of bitches, Brianna and Matt can drive each other crazy being together all the time. I dont care.

I think Matt rigged some way to send messages as if they were from her parents. Older people dont text much, and her parents seemed like laid back hippies, not angry texters. Im not buying it. Matt is a psychopath. Brianna is stupid. Less screen time for these 2 idiots please.

Edited by Tosia
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