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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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2 hours ago, Tosia said:

Kevin Frazier should have his own show,  not these idiots.  He is awesome, simply awesome. 

He certainly doesn't pull any punches.  I felt he was a little soft on Brianna and Matt this round.   And how does Terra always get away with her shit?

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I believe Todd when he said that Joe told him he was "high". 

I was surprised when Matt and his "oomph" returned.  Every reunion they make these grand hasty exits, only to return to the couch and/or the show with their tails between their legs.

Terra seemed unusually quiet.  She appears to be much calmer after getting the DWTS gig. I noticed that Jasmine kept trying to insert herself in the conversations without much success.  I don't believe Tanya called Plastics.  And as always, Elena was the voice of reason.   

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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

Terra seemed unusually quiet.  She appears to be much calmer after getting the DWTS gig.

I think Terra has always had to hustle but was never close to success. Being on DWTS and also doing well is probably validating in a way she's never experienced before. That might be a big part of her new calmness. I like the DWTS Terra.

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Seeing Terra on DWTS has made me wonder if she is more playing a part on Little Women and she is not so crazy in real life. I really don't want to see any more of Matt and Brianna. I can't imagine Brianna on DWTS either; she is very frail and is so little, they could never find a partner who could work well with her. I used to be on Christy's side but that goofy thing with sending people a invitation to a get together and including medical records is just nuts. It's like she wants to be friends with the others but can't help sabotaging herself. Tonya always seems the most real to me. Jasmine is a shit stirrer and Elena just seems so into herself. I also think Elena always seems sedated or something. I dont plan on watching the Dallas spin-off; watching the LA and NY folks fight it out weekly has been enough.

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I'm beyond disgusted with Terra.  Matt was in the audience tonight on Dancing with the Stars, which means Terra invited him.  I also saw Tracy and Brianna.   Elena's been there many times, but Tonya and Joe have been there every week.  Tonya still has obvious Bell's Palsy.  

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Funny how Terra lost DTWS same time at the second episode of her show.  This woman is not frail and not the "oh she can't be mean person we see on this show".  She's been a bully who got her way and only her way and in part because I think she is a producer of this show.  So whatever Terra, you are a bully on here who wants to have HER say above all else.  All anyone needs to do is watch this show and see the difference you portray.  Whatever part you are playing Terra - your role HERE on this show is disgusting.  But whatever.  None of these ladies are anything to brag about. 

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Oh my God, Brianna and death threats from her family - again.  I'm so over it.  Hand over the evidence to the police and have your family arrested.  Otherwise, I hope your entire family sues you for slander.

Get this person of this show.  I cannot bear seeing her face with nose stuck up in the air, and pervert Matt pantomiming groveling at her feet as he clutches her tiny hand in support.

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2 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

And why oh why did we have to see Christy's obnoxious posse from game night.  At least she finally admitted she did have them there to attack the others.  These two bitches can go back to the Ship of Obscurity waiting at the dock.   

I agree.   But it was most likely producer manipulation, which leads back to Terra.  So maybe "the girls" should be mad at the queen B.  

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On 13/10/2016 at 5:57 PM, lilsadone said:

I completely agree with everything said above. Round of applause for all of you!!


I have one question though unrelated to all above. Since Elena had her twins I've noticed that there has only been 1 shot of her actually holding them or engaging with them in anyway. It was last week's episode where she was complaining to her mom about the difficulty of taking care of 2 babies. 

I remember she was all worked up and sad about not being able to take the babies home with her immediately after birth. But once the babies came home we only see them with Preston, his family, her mom and basically anyone and everyone except Elena.

What's the deal with that? She seemed like she was so excited to have kids, then went right back to her only concern being her looks and figure again. I wonder if she just feels too intimidated that there are 2, so she's just keeping her distance entirely? 

Elana is so into herself it's unreal she looks like a barbie doll . No pun intended the only reason she doesn't like her birthday is because she is a year older . Much like we all will be . Get over yourself 

ps elana you have put weight on since  the twins instead of having ya bum done go to the gym !!

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On 16/07/2014 at 8:47 PM, Fostersmom said:


Oh yes, so very much. Trevore commenting on a dancer's butt, and from the sounds of it all of their butts, but Joe has basically drooled over Elena every time they are in a room together. She knows she can't trust Joe so she doesn't any Tanya to trust her guy either. 

Why would terra b worried?

who the fuck would want joe?

he thinks he's gorgeous lol a gremlin more like


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The ladies feel that Terra has changed since she began competing on "Dancing With the Stars;" Terra is blindsided when Elena demands she quit the competition; Tonya receives a concerning diagnosis.

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Hope it was OK to start this topic! I just couldn't wait to say I wonder what Brianna would do with her life if she couldn't run around dissing Christy as if she was the devil personified. "I don't want Christy around my baby." Paranoid much? "Christy has done so much to my family."  Get with it girl, she made some missteps while having concern for you. Listening to you whine at Matt about how you "gave her an inch and she takes a mile" just because she's really penitent and really misses your friendship is so grating.

I was not surprised Terra was injured while doing "Dancing with the Stars." She was really throwing everything into it and she is lucky not to have opened her incision instead of "just" having hernias.

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I'm on the fence about Brianna.  She did ask Christy to stay out of her business and Christy crossed the line more than once.  If I were having significant issues with somebody (family or not) and a friend went behind my back to convey information I had CHOSEN not to share with them, I might similarly decide that that "friend" was no longer privy to anything about me that they could pass on in future.

Now, it's silly in the context of them all being in the show together, but imagine they weren't -- you tell somebody they're dead to you and they ask if you want to have tea.  You state that you don't know why you would do this, and they act like they have no idea what you're talking about. She was willing to be civil for the sake of their mutual friends and continued contractual obligation to interact -- that was the inch.  Pretending they're just going to go hang out was the mile, and I didn't mind her saying it. 

I'm not saying that Christy was exactly wrong, depending on what she actually shared with the family -- merely the info that Briana was in the hospital? Or was there extensive speculation and Matt-bashing going on?  If I thought a friend was being abused and cutting her family out of her life because of it, I might risk the friendship over it, too.  But if I were caught out and the friendship ended by the other party, I'd have to accept it as their right.

I hope Terra's partner gives her a piece of his mind, or goes to the show's producers and notifies them so they can demand she be examined.  Who wants to be the dancer whose partner DIES during a rehearsal, or on the live show?  (I'm not saying that's his motivation -- he seemed genuinely concerned and fed up.  But it's still something HE would have to deal with.  Plus, you know, two babies at home who just might want to have their mother around.)

I like angry Elena.  She's remarkably eloquent when on a tirade, considering it's not even her native language. 

On a controversial note, when Briana was talking about Maverick's potential health issues, I couldn't help but think of the conversation in an earlier season among the ladies of whether they "hoped" their fetuses were little people or not, and only one or two of them said they hoped they were not because the potential health complications could be dire.  Others took it as a rejection of who they were as human beings.  But the intensely casual way Briana was talking about her infant possibly having SPINAL COMPRESSION horrified me.  That's agonizing pain.  I hope the talking head was filmed after they found out that he didn't.  

Edited by kassa
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So...I too am tired of Briana's hatred of Christy though they are both whack so....[shrug emoji].

Terra really bugs me. I think she is most whack of them all. I thought it was ridiculous she went to DWTS to begin with...so so so soon after a C-section (or any type of delivery for that matter). Especially when Joe wasn't all that into getting preggars so soon after Penny. I mean, really, he was pretty firmly against it from what they showed on the show. She nagged and nagged and let the tears flow and won her way. Then she goes off to dance. Personal choices. And she made the choice to have baby #2. I totally agree with Elena. Man that blonde beauty is the the voice of reason among, well, lots of whack. Not always a fan of Little Boss, but she also is a pretty good voice of reason. She bugs me when she hates someone for little to no reason (like how she was with Jasmine at first). Gotta commend her for appearing on the show with the Bell's Palsy. My dad had that when I was a kid...scary and a pain to deal with.

Edited by Lamima
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10 hours ago, kassa said:

If I thought a friend was being abused and cutting her family out of her life because of it, I might risk the friendship over it, too.  But if I were caught out and the friendship ended by the other party, I'd have to accept it as their right.

That was my take, that Christy (and ALL the girls at the time) were afraid for Brianna because Matt was keeping her virtually incommunicado. If I remember correctly, at first they didn't even know she was in the hospital, then when they were finally able to reach her, Matt was sitting by the bedside like a spider ready to pounce, allowing her only a few minutes to talk and directing what she said. I remember that I was afraid for her, even though I had barely watched the program before that. Matt was just acting scary. Then it comes out that supposedly this was all Brianna's wishes, but it didn't seem like it at the time.

As I said, I'm fairly new to this show, so I don't know what is going on with Brianna's parents. Christy knows them, so it appears there was a time in the relationship when Brianna and her parents got along, and since she appears to go on tears against people for not much reason, perhaps this is what she has done again. it sounded like Christy knew they had care and concern for their daughter, so that's why I just don't think what she did was so awful. As she said at the time, she knows how she would feel if her daughter was in possible danger and that she would be panicked not to know what was going on with her. I couldn't fault her for that.

When I was in my teens, I "ran away" to my best friend's house, convinced my mom didn't care at all about me because she wouldn't side with me about something important to me at the time. My girlfriend's mom insisted on calling my mom to let her know where I was because she knew my mom would be frantic. I didn't exactly agree at the time, but I knew my mom's friend was acting out of compassion for both my mom and I, and I didn't fault her for it. One would think that if a teen can reason through this, an adult should be able to as well.

/end rant, LOL.

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Terra irritates the heck out of me most of the time.  She always has to have her way.  She seemed to put DWTS ahead of her own health. That's just stupid.  Her doctor told her blood coming out of her boob was not normal.  But from the sounds of it she didn't get further testing for it.  I'm sure her partner was extremely upset at her for not taking care of her health issues and not letting him know. I'm glad Tonya mentioned the health issues in front of him.  I totally agreed with Elena. 

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I agree with your whole post,  Lamina. 

Although,  I wonder if Terra did have her boob checked out, and the hernias,  but didn't tell anyone, so as to create some drama for the show.  We know how DWTS turned out.  

I am loving Elena, and her family, more and more. Eloquent in a second language, as was stated above,  is awesome.

Love Little Boss' honesty and feel for her. 

Liking Jasmine alot now, and adore her loving, fun sond and hubbie.  

The others?   Yuck. 

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Are they really going to take up a chunk of this season with Terra on DWTS?  I mean, they know we know how that turned out, right?  It was, you know, televised.

What was up with Christy's voice?  Cold?  Or does she have something more serious going on?

More and more I think that Todd has refused to be involved in filming.  Christy is just reaching for some rationale to remain part of the cast.

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I know everyone loves Elena, but I think both she and Brianna were mad that Terra was on DWTS and that's why Elena had such an attitude. I was amused at Matt saying he wants to become a MMA fighter-a forty year old out of shape guy is going to fight MMA guys-sure. Brianna would never be on DWTS. She is very, very tiny for one thing and her health problems would make it hard for her train for those hours. Look how hard it was for Terra and how much they had to adjust for her height-Brianna looks to be about the height of a five year old girl, it would be impossible. These women have it in their heads that they have to succeed in the entertainment business instead of getting real, down to earth jobs.

I feel sorry for Christy and her health issues-she is not the most likable person but she has been through a lot. 

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Brianna is delusional if she thinks she has a shot at being a dancer on DWTS or a singer anywhere else.  Her audition a few seasons ago was abysmal. And yes to the above about her extreme stature not fitting in at DWTS.  Neither Brianna nor Matt work, so she better up her storyline to secure some more $.  Matt?  A joke.  He's sponging off this show $ as long as possible.  I love that Bri had to beg for tickets from Terra.  LOL.

Elena is beautiful and smart and has an awesome family.  She doesn't need DWTS.  Elena has said that she is not a very good dancer, although she was at most of the DWTS shows in the audience.  I like that she states her mind and doesn't suck up.  

Hope Christie recovers more from her stroke. 

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On 3/9/2017 at 11:43 AM, Madding crowd said:

I feel sorry for Christy and her health issues-she is not the most likable person but she has been through a lot. 

Me too.  But, Christy, when a surgeon says that you'll be the first anything ever tried in the world, that's not "awesome".  That's not good at all.

I hate Terra, but the shit that the other women were giving her for being on DWTS for, what, a whole month or two, was ridiculous, and motivated by nothing but jealousy.  

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4 hours ago, Alapaki said:

I hate Terra, but the shit that the other women were giving her for being on DWTS for, what, a whole month or two, was ridiculous, and motivated by nothing but jealousy.  

I slightly disagree; I don't think Elena was jealous; I think she was genuinely worried about Terra's health.  The others? Eh, could go either way.

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Briana worries that she might be suffering from postpartum depression; after life-threatening complications during her surgery, Christy's recovery is even harder than anticipated; Terra wishes she were back in the ballroom.

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This episode had a little of everything. Terra's self-centeredness continues unabated. I'm sorry about the pain and stress she is undergoing, but I was cracking up at little Penny and all her antics on the bed while Terra and Joe were talking.

I was not very surprised Briana expressed little sympathy for Christy. Make sure your ex-friend keeps paying on that mistake forever, girl. In the meantime, I hope you see someone about your depression before you go off the deep end.

Autumn doesn't have a clue what she is talking about. I understand she is feeling overburdened and that she and Christy don't want to have to watch Todd die. They said they were through this before? To say, however, that if he can't get himself under control, that means he doesn't love Christy is whack. His demons have nothing to do with you or your mother, Autumn. He seems like a really nice guy and I hope he is able to lose the weight and regain health. He does need to step up!

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I thought is was very cold for Autumn to say mom you have to kick him out.  I understand that's not her father but damn where is her heart?  Autumn is stupid to say if he doesn't lose weight he doesn't love you. Really?    Christy has been going around the wrong way to get Todd to try losing weight.  Putting him don't constantly does not help.  People don't gain weight just to gain weight. There could be something going on.  Todd has to want to lose weight for himself not because someone is telling him to.  Christy can sound verbally abusive at times.  Hell she's not skinny herself and could lose some weight herself.  Has christy even tried the honey let's lose weight together?  Let's go on a diet together? 

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As for Terra and Elena.  I'm glad Elena told Terra she was being stupid for putting the dancing before her health.  Poor Joe did everything the whole time she was gone.  Which I'm sure was no easy task taking care of 2 kids.  One being a a newborn. Especially since he has trouble walking.  Now because Terra always has to do things her way not caring about her health now Joe still has to do everything on his own with the kids but now has to take care of her. But I do think at this point Elena should let it go.  She warned Terra, now let the dummy suffer the consequences.  

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WTF Brianna had her tubes tied, now she wants another kid? She has got to be the dumbest woman on the planet. She's a mess. Her issues go very, very deep, she needs serious therapy. I can barely watch her anymore. Even freeloading, blood sucking Matt is getting frustrated with her. 

I think Joe probably had a nanny to help with the kids while Terra was away. 

Elena's boys are adorable. 

Obviously Todd is in some sort of depression if all he wants to do is sit up in his room all day and eat. Maybe Christy should be more concerned with that instead of constantly harping on him losing weight. Maybe he is just completely over her and wants nothing to do with her. I don't see this marriage lasting. 

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Yep, Terra and Joe have a nanny....he wasn't alone taking care of the kids,  so he had breaks and help. 

Brianna is sucking the teat of TLC dry with her craziness. Don't care.  She's a fool.

IMHO, Christie was inappropriate in talking to her daughter abt Todd.  Christie needs to talk to her mother AND get into therapy with Todd.  Christie is using Todd's weight issue for screen time, or maybe she wants him to go on Biggest Loser to get paid and lose weight,  or she wants some national diet program take him on, so he gets paid for advertising.  

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Todd is a saint for sticking around that train wreck of a household at all.

still don't get the hysteria over Terra "risking her life" to go on DWTS.  It's a short-term thing.  It's great exposure.  Hernias aren't fun.  But they aren't fatal, either.

If anything, I think this season is pulling back the curtain on how grueling and physically costly DWTS is. (although Terra was asking for it by going on so soon after a C-Section).

But Pirate McStroke Face and her Russian Sidekick needs to "stay in their own lane", as they would say.  

Brianna?  When you feel compelled to literally say "I'm not a famewhore"?  That means . . . you're almost definitely a famewhore.  Although the way Matt reacted in that store when Brianna said "don't make it worse", or something like that, was pretty revealing.  That guy's a powder keg. 

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Thought this was going to be a reality show of the girls getting together doing their fun stuff.  But all I've seen is first comes love, then comes marriage then the babies. Now everyone is a mess..

Really, they all had to have the same storylines?

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6 hours ago, silversage said:

Thought this was going to be a reality show of the girls getting together doing their fun stuff.  But all I've seen is first comes love, then comes marriage then the babies. Now everyone is a mess..

Really, they all had to have the same storylines?

Yeah, its like a typical Facebook feed...' my husband.... my kids... boo hoo'.

Edited by Lamima
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Wow. Everyone managed to be wrong in this episode. 

Briana, the idiot who says her kids are her entire life, but also wants to get back to singing. The woman who cannot carry a tune, and still wants a "career...." THIS is the woman accusing Terra of not focusing on her family and instead going after fame.

Matt (wanting the most hilarious and ridiculous hobby ever, BTW), unable to even let his wife try to find her words and express herself before he freaks out and turns things back to himself. Briana is completely insane, but so is Matt, so it is ironic when they can't relate. Or it's proof they are both nuts. Those poor kids....

Terra, the dummy who demanded she and Joe have another kid, gets what she wants and then bolts for more D-list stardom. Fine enough, except you get paid upfront for that Dancing With the Stars crap, so her constantly injuring herself was moot, if she was doing this to earn money for the family, that's one thing, but she wasn't.  She could have spared her health repeatedly, and chose not to. She endlessly has told people to chill and stop judging her, but when the time comes for another surgery, she is suddenly melodrama victim about her ailments and recovery. She even goes after Joe that he isn't taking this seriously, when he is annoyed that she caused this herself, and has been begging her to consider her health.

Joe, who leaves all the time to go on tour, KNOWS how much it thrills him, and how even though he is happy to come home, he misses performing and being on the road, but has zero empathy for Terra experiencing the same thing when she gets home from DWTS. He acts like it is a betrayal to have conflicted feelings about returning. Obviously, being the stay-at-home-whatever is a bother for him, and he resents her for having as dumb a career as he does.

I don't know that Elena is as worried for Terra's health as much as she is mad that it was time to assign a godparent for the twins and Terra wasn't around. This gig was temporary, no matter how far Terra went in it, so she was always coming back. But I think Elena gave up some things for parenthood she wished Terra had too, and it's bugging her.

Where is Todd? I know they are trashing him, and they have a point, but where on earth does he have to be, that he isn't at least sitting on the couch next to Kristi, even if he isn't helping. 

Jasmine was manipulative to take her husband for something he liked, just to rope him into taking mom in. It doesn't sound like she even needed to go through all of that. But when she said, "you're my mom, he is just going to have to deal," I think her priorities were mixed up.

Meanwhile, she is a hairdresser on leave and he isn't working at all.... Why is this baby happening?? And why is she stressing about who changes its diapers, when I want to know who is buying the diapers??

Basically, I see every side and want to shoot them all down. They are all wrong. And when did this show become all about babies. I have heard more about disgusting conditions on here than when I watch the TLC channel. 

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I haven't watched this season until the last episode, which I only watched part of. I didn't see the part where Terra wanted to be back on the DWTS.I have to agree with Elena- Terra was 3 weeks post partum when rehearsals stated. She did  risk her health.maybe she wouldn't have to be having this surgery if she had waited for a future season. Asking your health compromised dwarf husband to take care of your health compromised toddler and a newborn and a household move while you actually don't even come home at night after rehearsals is a bit much, even with help. 

I also think Elena used to spend a lot of time with Terra outside of filming the show. She said her twins were several months old, and Terra had never met them yet. That would be disappointing if they actually had a friendship and lost it as a result of Terra chasing fame. 

Yes, this season seems all about health issues and babies. It's what is really happening in their lives for a change rather than the various artificial gatherings where artificial disagreements occured simply to be filmed.  Actual reality on a reality show. Except for Matt - who is 40, out of shape with several children to support. His goal is an injury waiting to happen. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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Right on , Chewy 101! 

I think Matt choose wrestling, over any other job, because he is also a fame whore, along with his crazy wife.  

Todd needs to get away from these idiots. 

Having two very young children is trying on anyone's wits or marriage. I don't feel sorry for them though.  Don't care.  

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On 3/19/2017 at 1:30 PM, mythoughtis said:

.I have to agree with Elena- Terra was 3 weeks post partum when rehearsals stated. She did  risk her health.maybe she wouldn't have to be having this surgery if she had waited for a future season. Asking your health compromised dwarf husband to take care of your health compromised toddler and a newborn and a household move while you actually don't even come home at night after rehearsals is a bit much, even with help.

The thing is, Joe goes on tour and does the same thing to her. She and Briana have something in common in that they married people exactly like themselves, so they have to battle on who's turn it is to be the famewhore.  

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Why exactly does Joe go on tour so much? I kow he's a drummer, but is  he a great musician and is he part of a super popular band? Does he earn a decent living? Just wondering about his career since we don't see/hear much about it on the show. 

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What was up with Brianna's outfit in the talking heads? I think she is going for some femme fatale look and it doesn't work. And needing to be rushed to the hospital again? I still maintain Elena is/was jealous of Terra being on DWTS. Being concerned about your friend's health is one thing, intense anger is about something else. I think Elena is very dead behind the eyes- even with her children. Preston seems nice though.

And because I'm in a mood, Jasmine looked ridiculous lying in a hospital bed with gigantic eyelashes. Take the caterpillars off while giving birth!

Edited by Madding crowd
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3 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

And because I'm in a mood, Jasmine looked ridiculous lying in a hospital bed with gigantic eyelashes. Take the caterpillars off while giving birth!

Jasmine and her hair issues.... I can't imagine thinking looking so false and overdone is attractive. And her husband seems so laid back and down to earth. Does he even like her that way?

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3 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:
3 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I think Elena is very dead behind the eyes

I've always thought Elena was cold as ice but dead behind the eyes works.

I have a friend who came to the States after growing up in a village in Siberia. She is funny, and happy and sweet, but there is a line drawn with her as well. She has experienced enough pain in her life, that she has no tolerance for bringing it on one's self. She isn't unsympathetic by any means, but she would not empathize with self sabotage or narcissism. Anyway, she can appear cold at times, but really she isn't. She is just tough. I see Elena the same way. 

I think the thing that is so dumb about this show is that they are all exactly the same, but still point fingers. Elena had butt surgery that was completely unnecessary. They are so so vain.

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8 minutes ago, Chewy101 said:

I have a friend who came to the States after growing up in a village in Siberia. She is funny, and happy and sweet, but there is a line drawn with her as well. She has experienced enough pain in her life, that she has no tolerance for bringing it on one's self. She isn't unsympathetic by any means, but she would not empathize with self sabotage or narcissism. Anyway, she can appear cold at times, but really she isn't. She is just tough. I see Elena the same way. 

I think the thing that is so dumb about this show is that they are all exactly the same, but still point fingers. Elena had butt surgery that was completely unnecessary. They are so so vain.

I agree that Elena has always seemed to me like someone who just doesn't suffer bullshit lightly.  Someone after my own heart!

But I do think her dramatics over Terra and DWTS is overdone, and it's an example of her starting shit rather than shutting down other people when they try to start shit.  

My assumption is that it's jealousy.  But maybe there's more going on off-screen that we aren't aware of.

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1 hour ago, Alapaki said:

But I do think her dramatics over Terra and DWTS is overdone, and it's an example of her starting shit rather than shutting down other people when they try to start shit.

Terra endlessly shared about her ailments and that she was ignoring doctor recommendations, and then told people to stop offering advice. That would set me off as well. If Terra really didn't want attention for her injuries, she would have kept her mouth shut. 

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