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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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On ‎10‎/‎13‎/‎2016 at 6:21 AM, bichonblitz said:

Way too much time spent on naming Terra's baby. Terra is going to make sure she remains star of the show, even if we have to endure her crying over Joe putting a stop to that rediculous name for the baby. Sigh. I guess it's either that or watching these women yell and scream at each other.

The conflict over the baby's name was pure b.s; just another storyline for Terra. 

Elena and Preston's sons are really adorable.  They look big and healthy.  I have a feeling they are going to be normal size.

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I agree with all above. And another thing that I noticed. Terra seemed a bit unhinged while in hospital. Maybe it was hormonal but at times it was as if she was on another planet. Very odd. 

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On 10/14/2016 at 7:56 PM, kassa said:

Does a 6' man need his 4' wife to protect their family? She didnt talk about feeling safe when he was away or wanting to be comfortable with her own gun because he already has one. She just kept saying SHE intends to keep her family safe. Is she just the means to get him a gun?

How long before he sleeps with it under his pillow?  Puts it to his head and cries next time she catches him cheating until she takes him back?

Pretty sure he's going to murder her.  It's just something about him that tells me that.

Or, maybe she's planning to kill him- she's taking the "ride or die" seriously.

Nothing good will come of them having a gun.

Also, Briana is full of it.  There were no death threats, she said that her family members were threatening to cut his d--k off.  Not that I condone any kind of threats, but of course no one is actually going to do that.  But they use it to pretend that they are getting threats of "bodily harm."  

9 hours ago, Lamima said:

I agree with all above. And another thing that I noticed. Terra seemed a bit unhinged while in hospital. Maybe it was hormonal but at times it was as if she was on another planet. Very odd. 

She was totally unhinged.  She's probably sleep deprived and hormonal.  She seemed off for sure.

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If he lives in California and has a conviction for domestic violence, even in another state, you should not pass the CAL-DOJ background check.  In fact, if you have current charges pending in California for domestic violence, it is custom to confiscate your guns until the criminal case is resolved.  

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Oh, I don't know much about the Dallas expansion, but I just assumed it would be the Left Cheek/Right Cheek from Atlanta moving over to Dallas, since that's where they're from and where they were said to be moving during the S2 finale.


I hope Crusty's friends aren't on Dallas; that would guarantee my not wanting to watch.

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Too bad Terra is sick a beeotch on this show.  I just can't with her. She creates drama and fights with everyone.  Then on DWTS Terra says she cannot get angry for the Latin dance.   ????!!!! 

The show is tiresome.  I Ff through a lot of  it now.

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And, while dealing with the substance of this episode seems fairly futile given its ridiculousness, the medical claim by Christy that was so dubious was not that she suffered a concussion, but that she suffered two areas of bleeding in her brain (or something like that).

1.  Presumably, she has no medical documentation to support that claim, or she would've been waving those around.  And its nearly certain she does not, because it's inconceivable that what we saw on camera would cause anything like that; and

2.  "Concussion" is a fairly general, non-specific diagnosis.  There are no definitive tests, although I'm sure with comprehensive testing, compared to pre-injury baseline results, there may be some reliable markers.  In an Emergency Room setting, a diagnosis of "concussion" is going to be based on the patient's own reports of subjective symptoms (i.e. headache, vision changes, nausea/vomiting, etc.) combined with a history of "head trauma".  The ER docs would've been taking Christy's word for what symptoms she was claiming, as well as her word that she had been "struck in the head by a glass", when what we saw was not nearly what anyone would call to mind based on that description.

Ultimately, this really is just a function of Christy flailing for a reason to still be on the show.  It's a bit odd that we hardly ever see her interacting with Todd anymore, and that her mother and her daughter appear to have taken Todd's place in the filming of any scenes not involving group get-togethers.  Is he ill?   Is he just over this bullshit?  

Elena has her own issues, but in some ways I feel like she's become a Greek Chorus for us frustrated, eye-rolling viewers.

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With Christy's Casino Night blowing up in her face, she apologizes and begs for help to fix her relationship with Terra & Briana. Meanwhile, Terra worries about meeting her Dancing With the Stars partner for the first time. Tonya invites the girls to a survivalist retreat, hoping that being isolated in the forest will force them to work together, but when the sun goes down, true feelings come out. 

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I could be misremembering, but wasn't Crusty originally screaming about suffering a contusion, which is just the $5 word for "bruise"?  Now it's a concussion?  With undated medical records that took months and months to provide that nobody cares about anymore?


Plus wasn't Crusty the one who brought Lila around to get under Terra's skin?  And Todd tried to beat up Tracy's husband?  I miss Tracy, she was semi-normal.

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Too bad Tonya lost her cool. I liked the way she started out handling Kristy's random people barging into their business. "I don't know you."

At various times during the big fight people seemed to be cracking up, so I don't know how long they were forced to draw that thing out.

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Christy needs to film with the other girls to continue getting paid. And she is the one that seems to be doing the most infomercials lately. She has been attending all these 'free' promo events like the spin class, the tallest slide in the world, the soap store etc. Guess she is lapping up all these opportunities since all the other ladies except Tonya are pregnant or caring for newborns and have no time to do this. Or her new publicist is really legit and booking her for all these promo events. The thing about being a reality star is that once you aren't on screen, your 15 minutes are almost up.  Christy needs to get back in with the original cast so she can keep on booking gigs. But a take-down girls night/fight night does not an apology make. She loved all the commotion and fighting on her behalf. She was smiling the whole time.Too bad she sicced her dogs on the wrong group of people. These are the few that were still willing to give her the benefit of doubt. 

I also found it extremely odd that Christy's new posse all were ciphers of the original cast. Is that productions' doing, a coincidence, or on purpose? And whatever her excuse, she brought them to have people on 'her side'.  She brought the black chick to check Tonya, the Latina gal to keep Jasmine in her place, and Dawn (white dwarf) was there for Terra. Except these ladies are obviously hangers-on who wish they could be on the cast and they were trying waaay to hard. Trying too hard to stir up some drama. I don't think any of them got the part. And if it was solely up to Terra, Christy would be out of a job next season. 

Tonya was lit. I love how she didn't back down to any of them. Even flashed her Little Boss knuckle rings...lol. I bet once the new girls had them contended in the restaurant, the other girls wished they could fly or slide under the table and disappear. 

Elena cracked me up when she said, "where is my Russian girl." I'm loving this new No Fucks Given Elena. She just says what's on her mind, and is done polishing turds. I have twins as well and I remember that time with absolutely no sleep for days at a time. Even with a 3rd person to help, you are still outnumbered. During the 2nd fight in the restaurant, Elena kept rolling her eyes and I'm picturing her thinking, I left my twins at home for this nonsense

Terra and Brianna were smart not to show up. They both have enough going on in their respective homes to add this crap into it. Can't believe Joe went for a gig and left Terra alone to move houses, heal from her Csectin, prep for DWTS, and deal with a newborn and toddler. She better call her nanny, and get movers that will do everything so she doesn't have to move a finger. I don't watch their show but Joe seems to always conveniently have a gig at the wrong times. If that was my hubby, I wouldn't be as stoic as Terra is. 

Yeah, it's odd that Todd is barely on the show. We've seen more of C's mom and daughter this season than we have in all 5 seasons combined. Christy seems completely off her rocker to me. Her reasoning for going nuclear does not make sense. At some point, you need to take responsibility for ones actions. But she always exacerbates issues instead of owning up to them. Christy is just burning bridges left and right. She should ask Brandi Glanville what happens to your spot when you beef with all your cast/coworkers...you get axed. 

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On October 17, 2016 at 8:13 AM, Lamima said:

I agree with all above. And another thing that I noticed. Terra seemed a bit unhinged while in hospital. Maybe it was hormonal but at times it was as if she was on another planet. Very odd. 

I think she was on pain meds. After the spinal block for the c-section wears off, the doctor probably out her on pain meds. Since she is not average size, maybe all the drugs in her system made her more loopy than usual. She did seem off to me, but I figured it was from pain meds.

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Ugh did producers say Christy you have to bring that group to the meeting?  She brings them to intro into the Dallas show?  I'm tired of the gang up on Christy when the perve of a husband of Brianna is now considered good.  Nice to see Terra talk about Dancing with the Stars.  Funny how the segment on one of the episodes was when she "didn't know what it was like to get angry".  LMAO - she couldn't get mad and didn't know how to?  She went on that show and said that BS of a line.  I say they end the LA show - all of the cast and focus on the other ones.  Let this whole group of women go - all of them.  And don't have any on the other shows too.

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Christy needs to accept her banishment from B and T--who are hateful and twisted.  

Just be friends with the others. 

But then we wouldn't have a conflict/dramatic story line.    How long is the average shelf life of reality shows?  Aren't we nearing the end of this crapola?

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Well, since the only thing that seems to happen anymore is:

1) Getting together* to shop/prepare for some forced social outing;

2) Going to the forced social outing, where the shit inevitably hits the fan; or

3) Getting together* to talk about how the shit hit the fan at the forced social outing

Yeah, I'd say the whole fucking franchise is creatively bankrupt at this point.  

(* bonus points for the senselessly relentless insistence on staging said get togethers at places with only bar-stool-height seats, forcing these little fuckers to have to scale the Empire State Building just to sit down.)

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18 hours ago, Alapaki said:

(* bonus points for the senselessly relentless insistence on staging said get togethers at places with only bar-stool-height seats, forcing these little fuckers to have to scale the Empire State Building just to sit down.)

Watching Crusty and/or Briana do this is like a gift from Baby Jesus.

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On 10/26/2016 at 10:01 PM, BodhiGurl said:

Lmao, Brianna trying to say she was asked to do Dancing with the Stars first... mmmmkay... riiigght....

Well, at least she's got her recording career to fall back on.  

Wonder how much $$ Mr. Gordy rakes in from wannabes each year?  Studio time, personal appearance fee, etc. etc.

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Well, they managed to go an episode with almost no yelling. They accomplished nothing but at least they used full sentences this time.

Watching Terra and Brianna have lunch with their husbands made me sick. If Terra can get over what Matt did, she should be able to get over Christi. None of these women are innocent.

I loved the survival instructor. I'd watch the epi again just to listen to his accent!

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I thought the same about her getting along with Matt, but there is a bit of a remove there -- Matt is an asshole, he and Terra don't get along, she thinks he's a terrible choice of spouse for Brianna... but she's accepting that it's Brianna who needs to live with the consequences, and she can help her pick up the pieces later.

Kristy, on the other hand, did file charges on her.  And while I roll my eyes at Terra's histrionic "you tried to take me away from my husband and child!" spin she puts on it, as if she faced the prospect of hard time in the pen rather than community service, it was still enough of an action to justify ending a friendship.  

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I hate to break it to Brianna, but she doesn’t have “a perfect family”. Not even close. I believe the only reason her low life husband is still with her is because of the Lifetime checks. 

Christie is no saint, but I don’t blame her for wanting to keep Terra at arm’s length. She is as fake as they come.  I can’t help but wonder why the sudden about face. 

As always, Elena is the voice of reason.  I think this franchise needs a reboot.  Keep Elena and Tonya; get rid of the others. 

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10 hours ago, kassa said:

I thought the same about her getting along with Matt, but there is a bit of a remove there -- Matt is an asshole, he and Terra don't get along, she thinks he's a terrible choice of spouse for Brianna... but she's accepting that it's Brianna who needs to live with the consequences, and she can help her pick up the pieces later.

Kristy, on the other hand, did file charges on her.  And while I roll my eyes at Terra's histrionic "you tried to take me away from my husband and child!" spin she puts on it, as if she faced the prospect of hard time in the pen rather than community service, it was still enough of an action to justify ending a friendship.  

I can see what you mean.... However, I still think Terra is "forgiving" Matt because she can't take more alienation from Briana, and yet she is taking it out on Kristy, in order to alienate HER. Domino effect. Kristy (I believe) would never have taken things things far enough to ever lead to jail time. They both had tantrums and lashed out. And if they could believe that things will never repeat itself, let it go. Matt is WAY more likely to continue to screw over Briana than Kristi will ever attempt again what she did in anger against Terra. Terra knows better than flinging so much as the finger at Kristi at this point.

I guess I just like both girls and think they have both been ridiculous, and I am waiting for them to laugh at themselves and move on. What Matt has done is so much worse. And I continue to wonder why Terra OR Kristi desire a friendship with Briana so much. I have never seen a more disloyal and stupid friend on this show. Fear of rejection (Terra, Kristi and definitely Jasmine have it) can go a long way though. They can only handle rejecting, not the other way around.

Edited by Chewy101
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That self defense class was hilarious. Not because the instruction was not solid, but because these girls barely exerted an ounce of effort, even while the guy was as padded as they come. 

So, Briana says she can't be friends with Kristi, because Kristi is a person who plays hard ball. Have you met your husband, Briana? I think Matt is thrilled to have Terra and Joe now in his corner and he will continue to be the wedge between Kristi and Briana. Kristi seems nutty, but I still think she needs to let the nuttier go.

Elena's hair looks ridiculous. Why do they have so much processing. The extensions, and fake lashes, and acrylic nails. Why can't they chill.

Sasha continues to be a classy asset to this hilarious trash show. I think Terra ended up making a decent showing, there (DWTS), right? I didn't watch - it's even more embarrassing than this show.

I like Jasmine trying to get all of the girls to get over themselves and make up, because she is usually the pot stirrer. I guess whatever gets her the air time, she is on board.

Brianna continues to be an idiot, blaming Kristi for her family doing what any loving family would do- attack the ass who snaked his way into their family. Brianna is so twisted not to see what Kristi tried to do for her. And she is so messed up to think her family is more crazy than the pervert she married. Again, this chick is no gem to be friends with. She rejects anyone who gets in the way of what she wants. And even when EVERYone was right about him, she still holds grudges. She is too cowardly to get angry at the right person.

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The men discuss the new arrivals to their families; Christy bring friends Rhonnie and Karla to be her backup when it comes time to defend herself against the rest of the women; a preview of the new series "Little Women: Dallas."

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On 11/2/2016 at 0:38 PM, kassa said:
13 hours ago, Chewy101 said:

Kristy (I believe) would never have taken things things far enough to ever lead to jail time. They both had tantrums and lashed out. And if they could believe that things will never repeat itself, let it go.

Kristy, on the other hand, did file charges on her.  And while I roll my eyes at Terra's histrionic "you tried to take me away from my husband and child!" spin she puts on it, as if she faced the prospect of hard time in the pen rather than community service, it was still enough of an action to justify ending a friendship.  

I'm not going to defend Terra, because I think all of these women are pathetic famewhores.  But it may be that the reason things escalated so harshly between Terra and Christy is that by getting the authorities involved Christy betrayed the unspoken understanding that all of this socializing, and all of these conflicts (physical and otherwise) are "for show".  

Waddling off to the D.A. financially cost Christy nothing, but conceivably did cost Terra money in that it would be absurd to not consult with an attorney when you faced with the potential for such charges.  There's no way Lifetime is going to foot that legal bill and risk appearing to have acknowledged that they sanction such violence.  

I think the reality is that Christy has been flailing around for a reason for Lifetime to keep her on the show.  Apparently she's not creative enough to come up with any shitty tchotchkes (or "activewear", as the case may be), and harping on Todd only goes so far.

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3 hours ago, Alapaki said:

I'm not going to defend Terra, because I think all of these women are pathetic famewhores.  But it may be that the reason things escalated so harshly between Terra and Christy is that by getting the authorities involved Christy betrayed the unspoken understanding that all of this socializing, and all of these conflicts (physical and otherwise) are "for show".

This is an excellent point.

Personally, I think they probably all signed waivers that catfights and brawls would be part of this show. Look how many times the men used to scuffle. Should Kristi press charges against Terra, there are probably network lawyers who would step in. I don't think it cost Terra anything. I do think it cost Kristi an adoption, though.

I think they both majorly screwed up, and almost all of these ladies have had to eat their words and their actions repeatedly. They are really dragging this on and on.

I like to imagine that they meet for dinner and laugh and complain that they wish the script would let them just get along and move on already.

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On October 26, 2016 at 7:01 PM, BodhiGurl said:

Lmao, Brianna trying to say she was asked to do Dancing with the Stars first... mmmmkay... riiigght....

I did too. Briana just had to throw some shade. Girl have several seats. Briana is so delusional and constantly thinks she is so talented when all evidence points to the contrary. She can't sing, she can't act, and she definitely can't dance. Now I'm suspecting this is her main contention with the publicist and why Briana never paid her publicist. Briana thinks she is so talented and should be getting paid appearances/acting and singing gigs, not the event marketing  & business promotion gigs that Christy and Tonya do. I still crack up when I remember how Berry Gordy told her she sucked. Ha! 

 If Briana was asked "first" for DWTS (or at all, because we know she is not habitual liar) it was probably because Terra was pregnant at the time. Terra is surprisingly doing well on the show. She scores well every dance. I know she has a professional twerking & gyrating history but she is taking the show seriously and putting in the rehearsal time. She's Making herself and LPs around the world proud. Way to represent Terra!

I find it hysterical that Briana, someone who couldn't even make it through a pregnancy without several lengthy hospitalizations and a walker thinks she is physically capable of competing and dancing well on such an active show like DWTS. Keep dreaming big there Briana. Maybe someday you will reach your dreams (if Matt hasn't offed you first).

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Why would they have asked Brianna?  Seriously -- even if they wanted somebody from the cast other than Terra, it would be the other dancer, Tonya, wouldn't it?  (Actually, for superficial reasons I bet they'd have gone with Elena, because she's quite lovely, but she's demonstrated that not only can she not dance, she won't even try, so I don't see that she would have accepted, even if offered).  

Terra is extremely vivacious and magnetic.  Like her or not, the girl has serious charisma and an obvious work ethic.   If she wasn't going to do it, I'm fairly sure they would have waited for her - why wouldn't they?  But good for her that she is knocking it out of the park in terms of surviving week after week when she was written off by so many.

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On ‎11‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 10:11 AM, kassa said:

Why would they have asked Brianna?  Seriously -- even if they wanted somebody from the cast other than Terra, it would be the other dancer, Tonya, wouldn't it?  (Actually, for superficial reasons I bet they'd have gone with Elena, because she's quite lovely, but she's demonstrated that not only can she not dance, she won't even try, so I don't see that she would have accepted, even if offered).  

Terra is extremely vivacious and magnetic.  Like her or not, the girl has serious charisma and an obvious work ethic.   If she wasn't going to do it, I'm fairly sure they would have waited for her - why wouldn't they?  But good for her that she is knocking it out of the park in terms of surviving week after week when she was written off by so many.

I don't believe Brianna and I hope this comes up at the reunion.

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Tonya appeared on DWtS Monday, and was sporting an eye patch and facial droop.  I suspected Bell's Palsy, which she apparently confirmed on Twitter.  She looks to have more than a mild case.  Hope she has minimal residuals.  Good for her for not hiding at home.

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Todd appears to have backslid seriously.  I'm very concerned for him.

Terra's husband (whose name I can never remember) actually did look pretty buzzed.

The hospital records are finally released -- wow. Talk about nothing.  "A contusion!" she and her husband crow, as if that's vindication.  For the non-medical folks out there, "contusion" is a big fancy medical word meaning... bruise. And from "followup: none" it sounds like there wasn't even an order to investigate via MRI or cat scan.  

Tonya -- you said some nasty things to Plastic.  There were plenty of insults you could have offered that weren't about the trans thing.  You did go there, and should admit it and apologize to everybody for stooping to that.  You could do that AND still maintain the high ground that you asked her to leave and she's the one who copped a personal attitude towards you first, which then escalated.  I'd say Plastic owes apologies too, but that thirsty bitch isn't worth the airtime to care whether she steps up or not.

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I was so hoping that when Brianna stuck her little nose in the air and swanned dramatically off set (with her controlling parasite), we wouldn't see her again for the rest of the reunion.*  I just cannot stand her at this point.  I fear for her children.  And does anyone really believe that Matt will not be calling Maverick an "oomph" but he's drunk or angry.  This story will end badly, and as much as I dislike Brianna, I do not want to see the fallout.

*Although it will be worth it if her claim to be the LP that DWTS truly wanted (as if) is addressed, and duly laughed at.

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