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The Wish List — Crimes You’d Like to See Covered on the Show

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Ooh, good topic!

I'm from South Jersey so I'm going to go with Howard Unruh, a decorated veteran of WWII,  who killed 13 people during a walk through his neighborhood in Camden in the late 40's. The incident became known as the "Walk of Death", it would make a great episode.

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Ooh, yeah, the List one would be good. That is such a weird, haunting story.

6 hours ago, bosawks said:

I'm from South Jersey so I'm going to go with Howard Unruh, a decorated veteran of WWII,  who killed 13 people during a walk through his neighborhood in Camden in the late 40's. The incident became known as the "Walk of Death", it would make a great episode.

Okay, that story sounds super creepy. I've never heard that one before. 

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On 2/7/2018 at 10:09 PM, Interrobanger said:

Anyone have a particular crime from the past that they’d like to see the show cover? I live in Indianapolis, so the shadow of Sylvia Likens still looms large (and key participants are still alive who could be talking heads).

I'm wondering if this wouldn't be too intense, as it seems like ACtR doesn't go for the really hard core stuff.  But one of the main things I like about the show that sets it apart from others is that they tend to focus on the victim/s rather than the criminal, and this case would be a good one from that angle.

I heard a few years ago (I forgot where) that they were going to tear down Gert's house, did they ever do that?  (I only use her first name because I can't spell her last without looking it up, which I don't want to do because it always makes me slightly sick).

I'd like to see the Hall-Mills murder case.  Lots of juicy stuff in that one.

Have they done Black Dahlia yet? 

The too gruesome and intense is one of the reasons that I don't think they'll ever do Albert Fish.

Edited by Sile
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On 2/8/2018 at 12:09 AM, Interrobanger said:

Anyone have a particular crime from the past that they’d like to see the show cover? I live in Indianapolis, so the shadow of Sylvia Likens still looms large (and key participants are still alive who could be talking heads).

From the first time I saw this show I've hoped they would do the Sylvia Likens case.  Kate Millett's (yes, THAT Kate Millett) book on it is one of my favorite true crime books.  If they had gotten on it before she died  maybe they could have gotten her on as a talking head.  Still wish they'd do it, especially given the current openess to not just hearing about but UNDERSTANDING the reality of this kind of abuse against teenage girls.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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1 hour ago, Carolina Girl said:

Definitely the Black Dahlia.  

The Wonderland Murders (although I wonder if that isn't a little TOO recent, happening in 1981).  

The murder of William Desmond Taylor

Yes to both but don't they tend toward solved crimes?

Oh and Thelma Todd.

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On 2/8/2018 at 1:15 PM, bosawks said:

Ooh, good topic!

I'm from South Jersey so I'm going to go with Howard Unruh, a decorated veteran of WWII,  who killed 13 people during a walk through his neighborhood in Camden in the late 40's. The incident became known as the "Walk of Death", it would make a great episode.

Howar Unruh was back in the news last month 


Some cases I would love to see covered:

Brooke Hart: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooke_Hart

Audrey Marie Hiley https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audrey_Marie_Hilley

Geza de Kaplany https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geza_de_Kaplany

Louise Peete https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Peete

The Hi-Fi Murdershttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hi-Fi_murders 

Lena Baker https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lena_Baker

Cheryl Crane https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheryl_Crane

Ronald DeFeo Jr https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_DeFeo_Jr.

Edited by Flowergirl
ACTR usualy does eight episodes a season, so I added three more to my list
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I thought of the Hi-Fi murders, too.  I've seen a dramatization of that before, and it scared me to death!  One of the most horrible murders ever.  I think Richard Chamberlain played the father in it.

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On 3/7/2018 at 9:50 PM, Flowergirl said:

Great list, Flowergirl. Most of those cases sound terrifying but the Lena Baker case was especially tragic. I had never heard of that one before......The ID show, American Monster, recently had a memorable episode about Audrey Marie Hiley. Her son was interviewed in it and you just had to feel for the poor guy.  Some clips of old family movies were shown as well. On the surface Hiley appeared as normal as normal could be. I find murderers who have that ability to deceive to be endlessly fascinating.....Come to think of it this list is probably not the best thing to read right before I go to bed. lol

Edited by Mannahatta
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1 hour ago, Mannahatta said:

Great list, Flowergirl. Most of those cases sound terrifying but the Lena Baker case was especially tragic. I had never heard of that one before......The ID show, American Monster, recently had a memorable episode about Audrey Marie Hiley. Her son was interviewed in it and you just had to feel for the poor guy.  Some clips of old family movies were shown as well. On the surface Hiley appeared as normal as normal could be. I find murderers who have that ability to deceive to be endlessly fascinating.....Come to think of it this list is probably not the best thing to read right before I go to bed. lol

I've seen a couple shows on Hiley, I didn't recognize the name until I read the link and saw the Robbi and Terri names.  I've never seen American Monster (I don't watch much ID anymore other than ACtR and Homicide Hunter), but I think one of them was Deadly Women.

Not sure that they'd do Cheryl Crane, since Stompanato wasn't a very sympathetic victim.  Crane's autobio Detour was a fantastic book.  Not sure it's in print these days, as I think I was still a teenager when I got it back when it first came out.  Speaking of coming out, she was on some talk show at the time promoting the book (I think it might have been Donahue) and somebody from the audience actually yelled out the "Adam and Steve" question.  It's really gratifying to think that we as a society have come such a long way, even though there's much farther to go.

I had no idea Geza de Kaplany was still alive!  I was wondering if they could do a show on somebody that's still alive (although he's really not in a position to complain about it) but I think that Kitty Genovese's killer just died in the last year or so and her episode was before that.

Thinking about Cheryl Crane and Lana Turner made me think of another good subject for this show, Leo Frank. (Turner's first movie role was in They Won't Forget, a very fictionalized version of the Mary Phagan/Leo Frank case).  That was definitely a crime with two innocent victims, where a tragedy was compounded.

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The Ronald DeFeo case mentioned above is interesting (especially with the pop culture connection), and one that hasn't been overdone, that I have seen anyway.

There have been a few ID shows (and other non ID shows) about the murder of the Rogers women, who were on vacation in Florida, so it's a bit overdone, but the way the case was solved was so interesting for the era the crime happened, that I'd love to see one really well-done show about it.  Really, 2 hours would be a better way to go with it.  That case forever haunts me because they were from a small town similar to where I grew up, and as such were very trusting and naive (plus, it was the late 80's, when people weren't so wary).  I saw the case on Unsolved Mysteries when I was in college, and living in the same state as the Rogers family lived, and it struck me how much Joan looked like a woman I knew growing up, and how one of the daughters looked like her daughter, and the other one looked like another childhood friend.  And that family I knew would have been trusting, and thought a friendly stranger offering them a boat ride was neat, just like the Rogers women.  One thing any the shows about them never mention is the thought that they took an afternoon boat ride with Chandler before the night ride where they were killed.  It was his MO with other people - he did it to gain their trust.  After his being put to death, Chandler was positively linked through DNA to another murder, and police believe they will find more.

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And even though it's Canadian, the story of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka is twisted, interesting, and incredibly sad (not to mention a terrible miscarriage of justice where Karla is concerned).

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11 hours ago, callie lee 29 said:

Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo is mesmerizing and very, very depressing. It's also of the times that I honestly struggle with the death penalty. Those poor girls are just heartbreaking.

Yeah, especially considering Bernardo's pre-murder rape record.  Both of the girls they abducted were heartbreaking, and I won't even go in to Karla's sister....

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Leslie Perez and Carolyn Lima.  Leslie was a transgender prostitute (they called her a drag queen hooker then) and Carolyn, her girlfriend, murdered a man during a 3-way sexual encounter back in the 1960s.  They were both sentenced to death but it was later overturned.  Leslie went on to have a gender-reassignment operation and ran for political office in Harris, County (Houston).  I read a book about her called 'Dangerous Games.'

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I don't recall ever seeing a true crime story about the murder of Denise Huber in the 1990's. She was on her way home from a concert in Orange County Ca. Got a flat tire on the 55 freeway in Newport Beach and disappeared. I dont want to spoil the outcome of this story for those who haven't read about it. Obviously she was murdered but HOW they found the PerpScumbag who killed her is fascinating. IMO

Edited by chenoa333
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14 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I don't recall ever seeing a true crime story about the murder of Denise Huber in the 1990's. She was on her way home from a concert in Orange County Ca. Got a flat tire on the 55 freeway in Newport Beach and disappeared. I dont want to spoil the outcome of this story for those who haven't read about it. Obviously she was murdered but HOW they found the PerpScumbag who killed her is fascinating. IMO


Was she the one with the Little Miss license plate? 


Or the Ryder truck?

Okay, it was bugging me and I looked it up.  The reason I remembered the Little Miss one is that is was in my state.

As for Huber, I've seen a couple different shows about her, but way back in the day, like A&E Cold Case and Forensic File days (the granddaddy of them all).  It seems that back on TWoP, there was a poster that claimed to be a cousin or something but I might be confusing that with another board. 

I still remember the actual footage they showed of the item I've spoiled it was well, I was going to say chilling but that seems inappropriate.  But I can't think of a better word at the moment, though. 

Edited by Sile
added spoiler
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9 hours ago, Sile said:

Was she the one with the Little Miss license plate? 

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Or the Ryder truck?

Okay, it was bugging me and I looked it up.  The reason I remembered the Little Miss one is that is was in my state.

As for Huber, I've seen a couple different shows about her, but way back in the day, like A&E Cold Case and Forensic File days (the granddaddy of them all).  It seems that back on TWoP, there was a poster that claimed to be a cousin or something but I might be confusing that with another board. 

I still remember the actual footage they showed of the item I've spoiled it was well, I was going to say chilling but that seems inappropriate.  But I can't think of a better word at the moment, though. 

Yes. Denise....the girl in the Ryder truck. I'll see if I can find an episode about her from Cold Case or FF on YouTube. Thanks for the info.

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On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 1:17 PM, MissAlmond said:

Bennett Bridge murder.  

I first read that and though, oh, someone got pushed off a bridge or killed on a bridge. Boy was I surprised. lol

Either of those would be really fascinating to see.

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On ‎3‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 11:32 AM, Mabinogia said:

I first read that and though, oh, someone got pushed off a bridge or killed on a bridge. Boy was I surprised. lol

I can see why you were surprised LOL.   Someone close to me who loves bridge alerted me about it.  I see ACTR is doing the Franklin Bradshaw case.  That's an interesting case; I  read both Jonathan Coleman's and Shana Alexander's versions long ago.   I wonder if I still have one of the books around somewhere.  

Edited by MissAlmond
corrected author's name
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I’d love for the show to tell the true story of the Amittyville/High Hopes murders.  The fake horror story that the couple who moved in after the murders made up is famous, but I don’t think most people are familar with the real events.  


The oldest son murdered his parents and brother and then went to work and then made a big show of being worried when no one answered when he called home from work.  Then after he found the bodies he ran to a local bar and made sure lots of witnesses saw him being devasted.   The family apparently were pretty dysfunctional and the father may have been abusive.  The son had threatened his father in the past with a rifle in front of witnesses.  The time of death is what got him in trouble.  The coroner said the family was murdered in the middle of the night.  The son claimed he saw his family members in the morning before he left for work which the coroner insisted wasn’t possible since they would have already been dead.

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I find the real Amityville murder story far more interesting than the ghost story they sold. That murder was such a mess and very twisty. It would work well for this show since there was a lot of misdirection going on. 

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There is one crime I’d like to see featured, but I don’t remember the names.  A man had serious debt problems and decided to murder his wife and children.  Then he fled, changed his name, and lived a good quiet life for several years until finally getting caught.  When he was arrested, he claimed he murdered his family to protect them from the shame of his debt.  He even said he considered suicide but that would be sinful and somehow thought killing the family was the more right thing to do.  The twist was that he was unaware that their house had an original Tiffany window that he could have sold for tons of money and gotten rid of the debt and been well off. I remember thinking his rationale was just ridiclous in his claim that suicide was more sinful than murder.   Does anyone remember the case?

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5 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

Was that John List? Who lined up their bodies and thought he was saving them. I think he murdered his mother too. 

I think it was John List and he did murder his mother. If I'm remembering right, the case was featured on America's Most Wanted and a coworker or neighbor turned him in. 

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4 minutes ago, JustS said:

I think it was John List and he did murder his mother. If I'm remembering right, the case was featured on America's Most Wanted and a coworker or neighbor turned him in. 

Yes, that's the one! Would be a good one for this show. I just love the justification that suicide is too sinful but murder is okay because he was doing it for his families sake or some nutcase reason like that. People terrify me. 

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23 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

Yes, that's the one! Would be a good one for this show. I just love the justification that suicide is too sinful but murder is okay because he was doing it for his families sake or some nutcase reason like that. People terrify me. 

Agreed. People are frightening. List had no problem justifying not committing suicide and moving cross country to start a new life. That case still creeps me out. 

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Yeah, John List would be a good one to cover on here, for sure. That is such a weird, creepy case. I remember the first time I ever heard about it, when they showed List himself after he'd been caught, it made the whole case that much more eerie, because he looked like your typical grandfatherly type. 

He remarried when he started his new life, didn't he? If he hadn't been caught after starting up his new life, I wonder if he would've killed again. I wouldn't put it past him.

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On 4/8/2018 at 10:10 AM, Luckylyn said:

There is one crime I’d like to see featured, but I don’t remember the names.  A man had serious debt problems and decided to murder his wife and children.  Then he fled, changed his name, and lived a good quiet life for several years until finally getting caught.  When he was arrested, he claimed he murdered his family to protect them from the shame of his debt.  He even said he considered suicide but that would be sinful and somehow thought killing the family was the more right thing to do.  The twist was that he was unaware that their house had an original Tiffany window that he could have sold for tons of money and gotten rid of the debt and been well off. I remember thinking his rationale was just ridiclous in his claim that suicide was more sinful than murder.   Does anyone remember the case?

If I remember it right, the Tiffany glass was the ceiling of the ballroom...which is where he laid out all of the bodies.  The house burned down years ago, but I'm assuming that the glass had already been removed.

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