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S06.E06: Move-Ins

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I don’t think Jephte is a bad guy but he is so ill suited to this type of show.  I’m at a loss as to why he was ever selected and it was a cruel decision to select him for any woman on this show especially Shawniece.  I worry that because of the constant rejection and almost disdain Jephte shows towards Shawniece that she lose some of her spark and sunny disposition. It’s hard to not have that kind of rejection affect you and how you behave in your next relationship. She deserved better from the show and the experts.  I also can’t understand why the experts haven’t stepped in again.


Ryan gives off a creepy serial killer vibe.  It’s just all too polished and rehearsed.  I don’t think he really is a killer but he has that weird vibe that would set off alarm bells in my head.  That boy ain’t right.


Jaclyn seems very sweet and hopeful about everything.  I can’t understand why she had to go through her old boxes.  She said she hadn’t been down there in over a year so why would she need to go down there before moving in with her new husband?  If she hasn’t needed anything down there in over a year it doesn’t seem like she’ll need it in the next couple months.  Seems like producer motivation which just seems cruel. It’s like because she told Ryan the producers feel like it’s open season on exploiting her boyfriend’s death in its entirety.  It just seems unnecessarily hurtful to Jaclyn and this guy’s family.  


I like Jon and Molly and I think they’ll stay together at the end but I’m not sure they’ll actually stay married for the long run.  They seem to get a long and like each other but I haven’t seen anything deep developing yet.  It’s still very new so who knows what will happen.  I hope they’ll get there but Molly needs to communicate with him.  It hasn’t sat well with me that she kind of blindsided him with her criticism on the honeymoon by telling the experts first about what she didn’t like.  She should’ve found a way to tell him to tone it down a little bit.  Hopefully they’ll learn to openly communicate with each other first.

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17 hours ago, qtpye said:

I already see Jon and Shawniece signed up for Married at First Sight, Second Chances, since it seems like both their partners are duds.

I hope not!  Right now I like them both :)


12 hours ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

1)  If you've never lost someone who was integral to your life and whom you did not expect to pass so soon (i.e. elderly parents and grandparents are different), then I ask you to please not weigh in on how long grief "should" be or how it should manifest or when you get rid of the "stuff" or when someone should start dating.  You don't get it.  You think you do, but you don't.  Empathy is not the same as "getting it."  I know you mean well, but please just stop.  I'm a widow of 4 years duration (27-year marriage) and while I have "moved on", I am not dating and have no desire to do so.  You cannot lose that bond without it impacting you.  This journey is different for everyone; please respect that, whether it is Jaclyn or anyone else.

2)  I was thinking about this show last night (because after the lights go out and you live alone and you have just retired and are still figuring out what you're going to do with the life you'd planned to spend with your husband there's nothing to do but randomly think about stuff).  These are people who have had "no luck" with relationships and dating conventionally.  In the conventional model, you meet someone.  You spend time together.  You get to know the person.  You take the time to see how you click.  If it works over some period of time, you may get married.  If it doesn't, you break up.  These people are circumventing the process by doing meet/marry as the first date/get acquainted.  But what makes these people think that the things about themselves which have made it difficult to connect are going to magically go away just because they've had a white dress and a tux and a catered party?  Jephte probably is diffident with every woman he meets, and he's not so much of a financial prize that women are willing to put up with it.  Shawniece is clingy.  Jaclyn is still grieving and it shows.  Ryan takes his romance queues from old rom-com movies.  Molly is used to being treated like a goddess because she's pretty, thin, blond and has thigh-gap.  Jon?  I don't know what the deal is with Jon.  He seems like an OK guy, but he IS somewhat immature and is probably a lunkhead in the romance department.  Women probably think he's looking for a fun-buddy.  Those things which have gotten in the way of connecting successfully through dating don't change just because they are now "married."

I'm sorry for your loss and I respect what you are saying.  So I will say it like this:  having dated one asshole who was a lot of fun but played the "dead wife" card when he wanted to take advantage of my good nature/treat me like shit, I myself would NOT be married to anyone who thought he was bringing a uhaul of his dead wife's possessions wherever we went.

Towards your second point - I think this is where this show messes itself up by picking such young people.  Are any of them even out of their 20s?  Lots of people haven't found "the one" in their 20s.  It's hard to believe that they've "tried everything" and are in this for the "right reasons" (hee).  Part of it has to just be wanting to be on TV, and getting a keeper of a spouse would be gravy.  I met my husband when I was 39 and at that point I might have been up for trying something like this (with REAL experts who wanted to do a good job - not this fake shitshow) but in my 20s I still had hope :). I'm not including Jaclyn in this because she is a special case with a unique story, but the rest of them (in all seasons) were on this show for more than "love".  Once again IMO.  Having older people would make the show more real and interesting, I think.  And some of them might have issues that are the reason they are still single, other people just don't get lucky.  I know when my friend set Mr. P and me up on our first date, he asked her what was wrong with me that I was still single.  He admitted it after a few dates and I said, "Well what's wrong with you?"  He did not have an answer but had the grace to look ashamed :)

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20 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

Hmm... Does the show contribute to the apartment budgets? They were all around $2k. 

Jon is fiiine! 

& he makes me laugh through my tv! Molly, girl, if you don't want him--- can I have him? He gave up his job (which was dumb) & his beloved cat (which had to be hard) for her. She's playing things very cool (something I wish Shawniece could do), but I think she does like him. I think she's just setting a foundation to be wearing the pants in their relationship.

Molly's posture makes my back hurt just looking at her. I find myself stretching & arching my back whenever they show her body from the side.

Shawniece & Jepthe.


On what planet do they make an equally yoked couple?! She's extroverted; he's introverted. She budgets; he does not. She's clean; he's messy. She's affectionate; he's reserved. He wanted an Instagram model-looking woman (which I interpret as more artifice); she mostly goes with a clean face & natural hair.

It breaks my heart watching him recoil from the slightest physical gesture from her. He "welcomed" her to his home with dirty bedsheets & dirty clothes strewn about. Gross. I would have refused to sleep there or at least asked for some clean bedsheets to make up the bed. I don't know how she's put up with his bad treatment so far... I would be out!

Free Shawniece! 


I'm so glad you touched on the Instagram model because I nearly jumped off my chair the first time I read about it. I think Shawniece could be an Instagram model. She's cute, she knows how to do up her face & hair, dress boldly, etc. She's basically a cute chameleon.  But I also think she's what an Instagram model looks like in real life and Jephthe is probably inexperienced dealing with all the different facets of a real woman.  

Shawniece has a sweetness about her and she's nurturing. I'm rooting for her to have someone who appreciates her for how she is. She toned down her behavior and maybe some of her initial behavior has to do with her confidence and what she's used to.  

I like Jon. I don't think Molly is as pretty as he thinks she is. But I'm not married to her lol. She seems stuffy, too. 

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On 2/6/2018 at 10:29 PM, Neurochick said:

I think the problem is that some people don’t know the correct terminology is “late boyfriend.”  I see it more as ignorance than disrespect.

However, Jephte is disrespecting Shawnice.  Like I said, Jephte doesn’t like Shawnice because she’s not Rihanna.  If she looked like Rihanna, everything would be great for Jephte.

Ummm not so sure about that. I get the distinct feeling that he is gay and still in the closet and was hoping that marrying a female would help him overcome this, but all it has done is made him feel trapped.  You watch, He will come out before the season is over. 

On 2/6/2018 at 11:50 PM, 2727 said:

Now even Shawniece's mom is crying! Every season I end up feeling so badly for at least one of the cast who ends up getting shit on by their spouse.

The editors must have thrown in the previews for the rest of the season

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because viewers were getting too annoyed at Jephte. Even if he somehow ends up pulling it together after he and Shawniece have sex, I'd have a hard time forgetting his initial revulsion if I was her.

The mom kind of aggravated me. She gave her daughter very little comfort and basically told hr to "buck up."

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On 2/7/2018 at 1:43 PM, Adeejay said:

I don't think Shawniece is working with a full deck either.  After seeing her on “Unfiltered” I am starting to see her in a different light.  She giddily used the phrase “my huzzbin” 27 times.  She seems to be one of those women that like to announce to the world that they have a husband.  I hate to break it to her, but based on what we’ve seen so far, Jep isn’t her husband or appears to have any deserve to be.  Here’s hoping it’s all a smoke screen and that “her huzzbin” had a remarkable change of heart.

Yep, I said this at the beginning of that little fiasco. As soon as the ring was on she started moving in FAST, using phrases like, "well you're married now", so you can't so and so. Really pressuring him with different statements like that.  No time at all to adjust. I think she is one of those girls that want to be married for the sake of being married, and that is why she keeps letting him berate her and treat her so bad. It is not HIM she wants, it is a marriage she wants. ANd saying ti was HIS idea for the lapdance, I am sure that didn't start things off very well. 

Don't get me wrong, I cannot stand Jepthe either. 

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On 2/7/2018 at 1:55 PM, Gobears said:

Sadly, society socializes women to put the needs and wants of others ahead of themselves. Molly expressed that she sets aside money every month for her hair and nails and that she was uncomfortable/allergic to cats, and I see commenters on other message boards calling her names like "selfish bitch". Basically, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. 

I knew Molly was going to take grief for those statements. But you have to remember, these people are young adults, used to living by themselves, doing what they want with their money, etc. None of them have learned to "share" yet, or learned to think of anybody but themselves yet. 

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On 2/8/2018 at 8:19 AM, qtpye said:

If Jephte was even a little bit interested in Shawnice, he would be acting like a whole different person.  I have notices when he is not around her, he can be pretty chill an laid back.  He is a quiet sort, but can be charming.  For example the way he acted around the guys compared to Shawnice in his Honeymoon.

I can not blame him for disliking his match, but I can blame him for acting like a jerk to her...he can at least be civil.  He knew what he signed up for and at this point he is probably just showing up for the pay check and because he has contractual obligations, otherwise he would be gone.

I feel bad for Shawnice...she seemed to really believe in the process.  She was very protective of him during unfiltered, so who knows, maybe these two crazy kids work out.

For some reason, I get the feeling that Molly is really not feeling Jon.  It's funny, Jon has really grown on me, but I really do not know what about him is making her a bit sour.  She seemed to have no issue with him being temporarily unemployed, so I really do not know what he did, besides joke around too much on his Honeymoon.

Ryan reminds me of a guy I dated.  This guy was all about making grand gestures and saying lines straight out of a bad romantic comedy, but when it came down to actually knowing me, he seemed to have a short attention span.  It like he had memorized the superficial qualities of romance, but did not really know how to connect with a woman.

I think the reason Molly doesnt like John (tho she says she finds him very attractive) is because maybe John didnt give her 24 hour round the clock attention or something on their honeymoon. She strikes me as the type that unless she gets that from you, then you are not worth her time. Spoiled princess syndrome. 

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6 hours ago, seniorpatriot said:

Ummm not so sure about that. I get the distinct feeling that he is gay and still in the closet and was hoping that marrying a female would help him overcome this, but all it has done is made him feel trapped.  You watch, He will come out before the season is over. 

The mom kind of aggravated me. She gave her daughter very little comfort and basically told hr to "buck up."

Ding, ding, ding, ding.  WOW!  I think you are on to something there about Jep.  You just reminded me about something.  In my late teens, I met a gorgeous guy.  We went out a few times .. He even brought me to his house to meet his family.  BUT, we never "made out" .. Just a quick peck on the cheek .  One night we were in the car and he kissed me quick, then all of a sudden said he had to go home to go to the bathroom.   Then I knew.  Turns out he was gay and probably trying to " find himself".  Now that you mention it, you might be right.  Jep actually recoils from her when she is near him.

Edited by Gem 10
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18 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Ding, ding, ding, ding.  WOW!  I think you are on to something there about Jep.  You just reminded me about something.  In my late teens, I met a gorgeous guy.  We went out a few times .. He even brought me to his house to meet his family.  BUT, we never "made out" .. Just a quick peck on the cheek .  One night we were in the car and he kissed me quick, then all of a sudden said he had to go home to go to the bathroom.   Then I knew.  Turns out he was gay and probably trying to " find himself".  Now that you mention it, you might be right.  Jep actually recoils from her when she is near him.

Yep, and what healthy young male recoils when a hot woman is wearing nearly nothing in front of him like on the waterfall.

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The pencil is a friend who helps you be your best self when it come to posting...correct spelling, adding even more clever snarks...

Or treat the pencil like Jephte does Shawniece...you know it's there but ignore...

The heart is not on your posts... since you can't like your own self... but the tally and heart is on the right lower corner of others' boxes.

On a related note... Shawniece must be back to liking herself( hello, pocket rocket) since she is getting nothing from Jephte...if you get my drift...

Edited by humbleopinion
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7 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

On a related note... Shawniece must be back to liking herself( hello, pocket rocket) since she is getting nothing from Jephte...if you get my drift...

I was quite surprised when she showed him her bedroom she didn't say 'this is where all the battery powered magic happens'.

Edited by gonecrackers
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6 hours ago, seniorpatriot said:

Ummm not so sure about that. I get the distinct feeling that he is gay and still in the closet and was hoping that marrying a female would help him overcome this, but all it has done is made him feel trapped.  You watch, He will come out before the season is over. 

You may have something there, however, I think if she looked like either Rihanna or Beyonce, he'd be very interested, if you get my drift.

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

The pencil is a friend who helps you be your best self when it come to posting...correct spelling, adding even more clever snarks...

Or treat the pencil like Jephte does Shawniece...you know it's there but ignore...

The heart is not on your posts... since you can't like your own self... but the tally and heart is on the right lower corner of others' boxes.

On a related note... Shawniece must be back to liking herself( hello, pocket rocket) since she is getting nothing from Jephte...if you get my drift...

Thanks so much.  Hmmm, writer or professor?

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On 2/7/2018 at 9:03 PM, Gem 10 said:

In defense for Molly, you could say "well, she's quiet and reserved and shy.  But when you think about it, she's not quiet and shy to request doing something about the cat situation, have her parking spot, getting hair & nails done, having lots of closet space or else she will freak out and take it out on him.  Also, she said he can figure out the financials.  I could see her being spoiled growing up and getting her way.  I haven't heard him expressing his wants and needs.  It's nice that she wants the $21OO dollar apartment when her contribution is $700.  I'm hoping Jon gets a job soon .. MAYBE then she'll have sex with him.

Shouldn't both partners be giving 50% each? 

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On 2/11/2018 at 10:27 AM, seniorpatriot said:

Ummm not so sure about that. I get the distinct feeling that he is gay and still in the closet and was hoping that marrying a female would help him overcome this, but all it has done is made him feel trapped.  You watch, He will come out before the season is over. 

You may be right in the first half - but no guy in his 20s who teaches in a public school (and is this awkward about EVERYTHING) is going to come out on tv :)

On 2/11/2018 at 10:59 AM, seniorpatriot said:

I knew Molly was going to take grief for those statements. But you have to remember, these people are young adults, used to living by themselves, doing what they want with their money, etc. None of them have learned to "share" yet, or learned to think of anybody but themselves yet. 

Yes - also horrible editing.  She seemed very memememe but that's all we got to see.  Furthermore she did say in a TH that she would choose to be poor in other areas to keep up with her hair and nails.  I have the same relationship with my nails so I get that :)

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Heads up!

No new episode tonight...Holster your snark weapons of mass destruction...

You'll have to wait another week to see...

Jephte reject Shawniece....(in your best Forrest Gump voice)...AGAIN...

Molly deny Jonathan sexy time...(anyone notice he is wearing a t shirt and gym shorts to bed...he must feel awfully constricted...his boys are used to being free and out there...how can he sleep with them all bunched up?)

Ryan put his foot in his mouth...

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1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

Heads up!

No new episode tonight...Holster your snark weapons of mass destruction...

You'll have to wait another week to see...

Jephte reject Shawniece....(in your best Forrest Gump voice)...AGAIN...

Molly deny Jonathan sexy time...(anyone notice he is wearing a t shirt and gym shorts to bed...he must feel awfully constricted...his boys are used to being free and out there...how can he sleep with them all bunched up?)

Ryan put his foot in his mouth...

Yes, I couldn't find it on my schedule to DVR today, but when I searched, it showed it being broadcast on Wednesday. Weirdness. 

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37 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

 Wednesday 2/14 episode is a repeat of episode 6...to enjoy once again...

I could swear that it showed a new episode Friends and Inlaws. And a new episode with Jamie, et. al., but I bet I read it wrong.  Thanks for the update!

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On 2/7/2018 at 1:55 PM, Gobears said:

Sadly, society socializes women to put the needs and wants of others ahead of themselves. Molly expressed that she sets aside money every month for her hair and nails and that she was uncomfortable/allergic to cats, and I see commenters on other message boards calling her names like "selfish bitch". Basically, you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. 

I agree unfortunately. Entering a partnership like marriage, if there are any specific "musts", it is important to speak up to your partner rather than likely take a swallow and go along with something that goes totally against your grain, and then likely build resentment later on. Besides - I honestly don't think that Jon would want Molly to skip out on hair and nail appointments. He doesn't seem like the type who is into the all-natural, earthy, makeup-free look. Sonya put up with Nick's dogs from the Miami season even though she was afraid of them, and it didn't make Nick want her any more, in fact he definitely loved his dogs a lot and would have put them before Sonia in a second (not that that's a bad or unusual thing, I guess that Jon just feels cool with taking a hopefully brief separation from his cat.)

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1 hour ago, Lily247 said:

I agree unfortunately. Entering a partnership like marriage, if there are any specific "musts", it is important to speak up to your partner rather than likely take a swallow and go along with something that goes totally against your grain, and then likely build resentment later on. Besides - I honestly don't think that Jon would want Molly to skip out on hair and nail appointments. He doesn't seem like the type who is into the all-natural, earthy, makeup-free look. Sonya put up with Nick's dogs from the Miami season even though she was afraid of them, and it didn't make Nick want her any more, in fact he definitely loved his dogs a lot and would have put them before Sonia in a second (not that that's a bad or unusual thing, I guess that Jon just feels cool with taking a hopefully brief separation from his cat.)

It's amazing what you are willing to sacrifice if you want to be with somebody, compared to someone who you barely tolerate.  I guess there is a unknown factor of chemistry and certainly, the experts are not great at predicting who has it and who does not.  Nick and Sonya stayed together and later got divorced, but I never believed he was really into her, though he acted a lot nicer than Jephte.

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Personally I would not give up a loved pet for someone I don't know to be long-term, but then again I wouldn't let teevee people 'experts' who clearly could care less about allergies/fears etc. when it comes to animals, match me with anyone.

Regarding Molly's lifetime supply of pancake makeup nails/hair budget, it was the way she said it  - she'll 'freak out' if that's not accommodated, as if Jon will be an obstacle to her beauty routine for some odd reason. The extra dramatic flair wasn't quite necessary.

Side note on Molly - since cameras add 10lbs is she a stick figure in real life?

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Ummm not so sure about that. I get the distinct feeling that he is gay and still in the closet and was hoping that marrying a female would help him overcome this, but all it has done is made him feel trapped.  You watch, He will come out before the season is over. 

I feel like if Jephte came on this show for a beard, he would be going out of his way to be affectionate to her on camera to keep up appearances.  In fact, it might have been better for Shawniece, because she is dying for any affection from him.  That is what she is really craving, not the sex.  I think that he is just not attracted to her at all and wanted a Rhianna or Beyonce clone.

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Shawnice and Jephte are giving me flashbacks of Nick and Sonia. Where Sonia was all in and Nick just like Jephte was as cold and distant as Siberia. Hopefully their marriage does not end as painfully and as ugly as Nick and Sonia.

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On 2/16/2018 at 10:13 AM, gonecrackers said:

Regarding Molly's lifetime supply of pancake makeup nails/hair budget, it was the way she said it  - she'll 'freak out' if that's not accommodated, as if Jon will be an obstacle to her beauty routine for some odd reason. The extra dramatic flair wasn't quite necessary.

I was okay with that, even though I'm not a hair or nails person at all. She budgets for it, and she seemed to have a good handle on her finances. It shouldn't be a source of conflict--at least I hope note. 


52 minutes ago, spunky said:

Shawnice and Jephte are giving me flashbacks of Nick and Sonia. Where Sonia was all in and Nick just like Jephte was as cold and distant as Siberia. Hopefully their marriage does not end as painfully and as ugly as Nick and Sonia.

I didn't see that season. But Shawniece deserves at least decency from the man who agreed to marry her sight-unseen. If Jepthe's having buyer's remorse, that's his issue, and he needs to be honest with her about how he feels. Stop lying if you know you're never going to love and want to be with her. And besides the lap dance at the reception, Shawniece has done nothing to warrant his level of nastiness other than to exist. That is some cold shit right there. 

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16 hours ago, topanga said:

I was okay with that, even though I'm not a hair or nails person at all. She budgets for it, and she seemed to have a good handle on her finances. It shouldn't be a source of conflict--at least I hope note. 

Of course.

And I think Jon enjoys gazing at her impeccably done, always clothed self, & would not dream of interfering with that part of the budget. However, by the overly emphatic delivery Molly seemed to be anticipating conflict, thus warning him accordingly.

Noticeably absent was any concern for Jon's kitty or loss thereof for her sake- just an 'Oh good!' exclamation when told Dawn was gone. They may save money with less A/C use what with his new wife's frosty demeanor chilling the room.

Bundle up for winter, though, Jon; no more sleeping au naturel.

The alpha of the relationship has been well established.

Edited by gonecrackers
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In case you havent had time to watch your recorded version of last night's show, spoiler is in this post. 

Last night's episode..Shawniece and Jeptha finally did it?? Wonder what brought that on, with Jep saying he was ignoring her because he didnt want to have sex with her too soon?  I don't buy it. He could have at least been KINDER to her. Molly still not feeling it with Jon?? The word she used was "disconnected." 

I personally think Jon is beautiful inside and out. He is trying very hard to do what makes her happy. What the hell do you want Molly???????

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On 2/18/2018 at 7:23 PM, topanga said:

I was okay with that, even though I'm not a hair or nails person at all. She budgets for it, and she seemed to have a good handle on her finances. It shouldn't be a source of conflict--at least I hope note. 


I didn't see that season. But Shawniece deserves at least decency from the man who agreed to marry her sight-unseen. If Jepthe's having buyer's remorse, that's his issue, and he needs to be honest with her about how he feels. Stop lying if you know you're never going to love and want to be with her. And besides the lap dance at the reception, Shawniece has done nothing to warrant his level of nastiness other than to exist. That is some cold shit right there. 

I agree with you 100%. I would have already left him because of his behavior.

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