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Continuity, Nitpicks, Unanswered Questions and Timeline Headaches: When Did That Honeycrisp Apple Come From

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Magic bean was the obvious way for him to travel, but if they knew he was traveling by bean portal, he wouldn't have needed to know where Emma was.


You could twist it and have it make sense if you think about it through Neal's point of view. Neal didn't know how Hook would find a way to The Land Without Magic, but he banked on him being the best person for finding Emma. It sounds like Neal wrote down a vague location of where Emma might be in his letter, and if Hook happened to find a portal to our world where he couldn't control where he landed, then a general location clue would have helped big time. But as it turned out, Neal's hint that Emma was in New York wasn't necessary because Hook traveled via magic bean.

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I thought Ingrid astrally projected herself while in the circle Rumple locked her into to try to warn Emma what Rumple was up to,


I was referring to Ingrid saying nothing about what she knew of Rumple's nefarious plan before she sacrificed herself after expressing her supposedly deep love and caring for Elsa and Emma. 

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Most of the things they set up don't play out the way they set it up in the first place. Ingrid didn't even try to warn Emma of Rumple--either when she astrally projected herself, or when she sacrificed herself. Hook tells Rumple that Emma told him about a conversation he had actually been a witness to. There's no way Zelena could have known Marian's identity from following Emma and Hook around, and yet that's what she tells Rumple. It's like they never go back to look at what they actually wrote when they pay it off. They go for the ball park estimate than strict accuracy. Or maybe they don't plan the payoff when they set something up, and then change their minds about their original idea. It seems to happen a lot. I bet we put way more thought in trying to figure things out.

Edited by Rumsy4
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Marian is especially glaring because she refused to tell Emma her name for fear of retaliation against her family.  Zelena evaporated the poor woman into thin air, it's not like I can be all "well she took her form, so she took her memories too."


The dialogue with Zelena and Gold in the hospital would have worked so well if they had just said that Zelena had no idea who the person Emma and Hook were bringing back with them and when she found out who the woman really was because of Robin's outburst, that's when she really started her planning.  Zelena already knew who Robin and Roland were.  

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So I was thinking about Maleficent.  Okay, she didn't make any attempt at following Snow and Charming after they ran away with the Egg, even though she could poof or turn into a dragon.  So that could have happened because... hmmm... anyway, moving on... so after the egg was dropped into the portal, why didn't Maleficent continue to pursue Snow and Charming to find out what happened to her baby?  It's not like Snowing were living at a secret location.  She had already made everyone fall asleep at the castle multiple times.


And why didn't Snow and Charming seek out the Apprentice again to ask for advice about the Dark Curse?   I suppose this could happen off-screen but still.  Why didn't the Apprentice make a door and go after Lily right away?  Why didn't he open a door for Emma to escape the Curse?  Why wasn't he alarmed in Season 2 when Cora was trying to find the Dagger?  

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Why didn't the Apprentice make a door and go after Lily right away?


Because Merlin basically told him not to.  


Everything else, knowing how powerful Merlin is and that the Apprentice apparently had carte blanche in doing a whole bunch of things like going to Lily when she was like 15-16, it's hard to reconcile that there was no other solution ever.


I'm thinking that Blue was taking her own instructions from Merlin himself (which reminds me I need to watch that scene with Blue after she is released from the hat).


Also, anything that happens this season, I'll hashtag #MerlinsFault, #MerlinDidIt, #BecauseMerlinSaidSo.

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To me, Blue was trying to use her own way to get rid of the Dark One problem that Merlin created by attempting to have Rumple go to the Land Without Magic.  So I would find it really interesting if there had been an antagonistic relationship between Blue and Merlin with fundamental disagreement in the past about how to handle "darkness".  I doubt we'd get any of that, though.

Edited by Camera One
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To me, Blue was trying to use her own way to get rid of the Dark One problem that Merlin created by attempting to have Rumple go to the Land Without Magic.  So I would find it really interesting if there had been an antagonistic relationship between Blue and Merlin with fundamental disagreement in the past about how to handle "darkness".  I doubt we'd get any of that, though.


The last magic bean ever!  Even though we know the giants were still growing them, because you know, James...


Blue seemed to know who the Sorcerer was, so we'll see if she has a role in any of this, but she should.  Blue is a stickler for rules, I wouldn't be surprised if Merlin told her to do things and she just never questioned them because...RULES!

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Blue seemed to know who the Sorcerer was, so we'll see if she has a role in any of this, but she should.  Blue is a stickler for rules, I wouldn't be surprised if Merlin told her to do things and she just never questioned them because...RULES!

Blue would be a potentially interesting character if they actually played into how shady she is. I'd like to see what she was doing to "out-puppeteer" Rumple in the grand scheme of things and what role Merlin had in EF's chronicles. Writing her as just a straight-up, useless goody-goody fairy is not nearly as fascinating. I want to see who that freaking Black Fairy is and what all got her expelled.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I know the show is intentionally vague about these things, but how old are we supposed to think David and Mary Margaret are? I always get the sense they've been together awhile and are around Emma's age, because it's weird enough already that they are contemporaries and it would be even weirder if they were younger than her, but the flashbacks make it seem like not a lot of time has passed. I mean, Snow's father is killed and she's cast out. She had to be what, 18-21? How old could she have been that her father wouldn't have started talking of arranging a marriage for her? Or maybe he was more liberal and left her alone about that stuff? Then she became a bandit - again how long could this have been? A year? Once she met David it seemed like fight scene, ring, fight scene, back together, wedding and getting pregnant on the honeymoon. Then 9 months later, curse and they weren't together for 28 years. So in their minds, was their relationship only something like a year old by the time the curse was broken? Are they something like 24 while Emma's around 30?

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Snow and Charming are the same age as Emma. This was stated explicitly on the way to Neverland. They are intenionally vague about the time line in fairytale land but it is canon that Belle was with Rumple when Snow was a bandit and met Regina disguised as Wlma. Then Belle was captured and held captive by Regina for at least three years, as indicated by the tick marks on the cell wall, when Hook found her in the tower. Snow met Charming at some point while Belle was captive but probably at least two years before Regina cast her curse.

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Snow and Charming are the same age as Emma. This was stated explicitly on the way to Neverland. They are intenionally vague about the time line in fairytale land but it is canon that Belle was with Rumple when Snow was a bandit and met Regina disguised as Wlma. Then Belle was captured and held captive by Regina for at least three years, as indicated by the tick marks on the cell wall, when Hook found her in the tower. Snow met Charming at some point while Belle was captive but probably at least two years before Regina cast her curse.


Snow met Charming before Belle was held captive by Regina as per Snow Drifts. And as for the 'same age', it can still indicate within a few years of each other, not exact.


babyPhat, I've always gone on the assumption that Snow was Bandit!Snow for a few years at least. She's still very Princess!Snow when she first meets Red and the next time we see her she's a master archer and a hero amongst the villagers and knows some trolls.

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They might look to be the same age, but Snow and Charming have been alive about 30 years longer then Emma. Although since Charming was in a coma for half his life, he is probably the closest to Emma's actual mental age. Add in Hook and Rumple, and the whole physical versus mental age thing on this show is pretty crazy and a becomes a bit irrelevant.

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I think trying to figure out the age of the characters is a bit of a waste of time.  28 years of curse where time did not move, where a woman (Ashley) was pregnant and ready to pop for the length of a curse...Roland should be older than Emma.  I don't even count the time Hook and Neal spent in Neverland.  Rumple is the only one who is centuries old and even then, his ass was cursed, so really, who knows!

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I don't know that you can say that Charming is less mentally mature than the owner denizens of the town. When you're trapped in a time loop do you actually grow as a person or are you just stuck basically reliving the same week or day forever with no chance of changing who you are as a person.

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I don't know that you can say that Charming is less mentally mature than the owner denizens of the town. When you're trapped in a time loop do you actually grow as a person or are you just stuck basically reliving the same week or day forever with no chance of changing who you are as a person.

I don't think you can say that either.  Everyone spent every day the same way with no change.  The day that passed was the day they were going to repeat the next day, so there is no character growth for anyone.  David didn't miss out on much during his beauty sleep.  These people did nothing with their lives.  Mary Margaret apologized every morning to Regina for bumping into her and Archie walked with Pongo and saluted Regina and Graham drove by in his cruiser while Gold was walking across the street.  


Everyone lived 28 years of nothingness.  It's 28 years that have passed in real time, but in Storybrooke, it's basically one day.  Waking up from the curse, what's Mary Margaret's last memories?  Giving birth to Emma, saying goodbye to Emma, finding David half dead and Regina showing up.  It must be jarring as hell to know that 28 years have gone by and you haven't lived a single day of it until time started moving again.

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That's one of the stupid things about the Curse, and Regina realized that soon enough. Regina didn't really get to enjoy the suffering of her victims, because they were blissfully unaware of everything. It was only when Time started moving again did the real conflict start.

Edited by Rumsy4
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Speaking of the characters' ages, one thing that has bugged me recently is the way they keep aging Regina/Lana's appearance down to make her look the same age as Emma and Snow. (And with the way the costume department keeps putting poor Ginny in frumpy clothes, she sometimes looks older than Regina.) Isn't Regina supposed to be around a decade or more older than Snow and Emma? In the first season, you could actually kind of tell there was an age gap between them because of Regina's short Mayor Mills haircut and the pant suits, but they've since let her grow her hair out long and put her in more youthful clothing. I'm not saying women can't look hot and youthful at...well, whatever age Regina is supposed to be...but I feel like continuity was compromised in favor of ABC wanting to make Regina look more youthful for the same reason they always want to push for more cleavage.

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My headcanon is that Regina magically keeps her youthful glow, which is why there doesn't appear to be what should be an age gap between her and Snow and Emma. I feel like they age her up when she's in full Evil Queen regalia, in part because they pull her hair back so tight it looks like she had a really bad face-lift.

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Maybe they dress her younger, but I don't ever feel like the show is trying to imply they are the same age. I've always thought it was obvious Regina was older than the others. Maybe it's the fact that she seems to lord her knowledge and snide remarks over everyone, like Anjelica in Rugrats.


And I don't think the townspeople are any more or less mature for living 28 years in the curse, I assume it was all like a haze. Although it's annoying that the show seemed to contradict itself - in one flashback it seemed very repetitive, but it obviously wasn't completely like that. There had to be some motion of things happening, or why bothering to bring Henry into therapy with Dr. Hopper? Wouldn't every appointment have been the doctor introducing himself to Henry? And those appointments are the WORST. Ugh, can you imagine going through your family's medical history every week, over and over again? Also, Mary Margaret had some awareness at least that Henry was sad, as she brought him the book to cheer him up.

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I think the writers might say that the changes came about only when it came to Henry since he was changing and aging.  Henry allowed Archie to break out of his routine of just walking Pongo, and it gave Mary Margaret an actual changing student.  Henry was a product of "The Savior", so it makes sense that the Curse would need to work around him.  But any relation that was outside of Henry stayed the same (Granny and Red being angry at one another).


Though in some ways, Owen and his dad also would have caused changes in everyone's day (eg. Graham's daily duties, the mechanic fixing a new car, etc.), so maybe Henry wasn't special in that way.

Edited by Camera One
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My headcanon would be that the citizens only remembered interactions with Regina, Henry and other outsiders. (Owen, Kurt, etc.) Everything else was groundhog day. 

Something that kind of bothered me... In 1983, Regina wants Owen to move to Storybrooke because of the "hole in her heart". It was apparent she couldn't stand being alone for even a week. However, she doesn't act on these feelings again for another 18 years. Archie mentioned Owen in 2001 like it happened just the other week. Why would Regina wait that long to find another kid to adopt? If she couldn't handle one week, how did she sit through another 18 years?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I always wondered what the hell Regina's plans for Owen/Kurt were. Those are people who've lived in the real world and know that a woman can't be nine months pregnant for 28 years. Even if things change when they're interacting with people, things like Ashley's pregnancy would be really obvious. You take a baby and raise it in that situation and you can pull off the idea that things are normal because that's how it's always been. You can make him think he's crazy when he's older if he asks questions. You can't pull that off with Owen & Kurt. They'd know within months if not weeks that Storybrooke is not normal. Then what? What if Regina had succeeded in catching Owen before he left town, he's going to be screaming about being kidnapped and about his missing father. He'd fight and be extremely upset. He's not going to be some happy kid who loves Regina. What was the plan?

Edited by KAOS Agent
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I think trying to figure out the age of the characters is a bit of a waste of time.  28 years of curse where time did not move, where a woman (Ashley) was pregnant and ready to pop for the length of a curse...Roland should be older than Emma.  I don't even count the time Hook and Neal spent in Neverland.  Rumple is the only one who is centuries old and even then, his ass was cursed, so really, who knows!


Not quite.  The Blue Fairy (or as she was originally known, the Reul Ghorm) is actually the oldest resident of Storybrooke.  Although very little of her backstory has been revealed, when Baelfire first met her and she gave him the magic bean that took him to our world, he had been told that she had been around for longer than anyone in the Enchanted Forest could remember.  So she is at least a few hundred years older than Rumple.

Edited by legaleagle53
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Not quite.  The Blue Fairy (or as she was originally known, the Reul Ghorm) is actually the oldest resident of Storybrooke.  Although very little of her backstory has been revealed, when Baelfire first met her and she gave him the magic bean that took him to our world, he had been told that she had been around for longer than anyone in the Enchanted Forest could remember.  So she is at least a few hundred years older than Rumple.


I've totally forgotten about Shady.


It's odd that she was/is this huge player and she never got a backstory.  Even freakin' Tiny who was on for 2 episodes had a backstory.

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I wonder how Rumple got Cruella's husband arrested.  I imagine that was another one of his activities during those 6 weeks, since it was too much of a coincidence that they'd visit right when Cruella had just lost almost everything.  I wish they had Henry teaching Rumple how to use the internet or something in 4A during the whole Operation Pointless thing at Gold's shop.  Though it's unlikely he would have been able to teach him how to impersonate a Harvard professor via email.  Ursula could afford a good internet connection?  How did he even find Ursula and Cruella in the first place?  


Why did Ursula and Cruella have a falling out?  Ursula spent 28 years working a minimum wage job?  

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Actually, a better question is how did they get the internet in Storybrooke? Isn't this a town that's supposed to be stuck in the 80s or something? Henry found a PI online who found Emma for him. They're apparently still on dial-up given that scene of Emma trying to upload the video surveillance of Ursula and Cruella stealing from Gold's shop, but the wifi on her iPhone works fantastic!

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They're apparently still on dial-up given that scene of Emma trying to upload the video surveillance of Ursula and Cruella stealing from Gold's shop, but the wifi on her iPhone works fantastic!

How was Emma able to use a satellite map in 3x19 to find Henry? I thought Storybrooke was invisible to the rest of the world. If it's on the map, that means people are able to find it and Rumple would have been able to show Ursula and Cruella where it was.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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How was Emma able to use a satellite map in 3x19 to find Henry? I thought Storybrooke was invisible to the rest of the world.


Or when she tried to track Regina after the whole Pinocchio debacle in 4x14. She kept tapping on her phone before she realized Regina left her Blackberry behind. 


Oh this is such fun! More please!

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Who gave Robin Hood his cell phone and programmed all our favorite friends into his Contact List?  Can't be Regina, or she would realize she didn't need to hire Emma to track Robin down.


How was Rumple able to get a phone signal in the deep dank dragon-lair basement of the library?  Verizon built a tower there?

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Actually, a better question is how did they get the internet in Storybrooke? Isn't this a town that's supposed to be stuck in the 80s or something? Henry found a PI online who found Emma for him. They're apparently still on dial-up given that scene of Emma trying to upload the video surveillance of Ursula and Cruella stealing from Gold's shop, but the wifi on her iPhone works fantastic!

I think they get technology as it is considered standard in the area around them--hence the season 1 flip-phones and the dial-up internet.  As soon as a certain percentage of the population near them has, for example, teleporters, they'd get teleporters?


How was Emma able to use a satellite map in 3x19 to find Henry? I thought Storybrooke was invisible to the rest of the world. If it's on the map, that means people are able to find it and Rumple would have been able to show Ursula and Cruella where it was.

Emma's magic?


Who gave Robin Hood his cell phone and programmed all our favorite friends into his Contact List?  Can't be Regina, or she would realize she didn't need to hire Emma to track Robin down.

Zelena, in order torment them?  

One of the Merry Men? (Or Woman?  We didn't see Mulan, but she seemed pretty smart?)

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From the writers thread:

For some reason, the totally mortal Gold starts to feel the magical poison, but someone does not bleed out from having a gigantic hook plunged into his heart, lasting long enough for Neal to find the magic, invisible ship in one of the world's busiest posts (how?) and sailing it to a place where there is magic

Oh wow, I never thought of that. Even if the hook missed the heart, that should still have been a very serious injury, with a lot of bleeding at best and very likely of the sort that might end up with a collapsed lung. I might buy the poison slowing the bleeding, but keeping air from escaping the chest cavity? That was a long time for Gold to last before he could do any magical healing. The wound alone should have killed him. The poison was just insurance and Hook's way of making sure that a simple bit of magical healing wouldn't save him. Finding the invisible ship in New York is another mystery. Plus there's that ongoing issue that the writers don't seem to understand how a ship like that works because there's no way that one man could sail a non-powered sailing ship that size into New York and into any berth along the seashore. It would take people moving sails around. Then was Neal really an experienced enough sailor to pull away from a berth in a busy harbor with only Emma and Henry -- not experienced sailors -- as crew? We saw Hook teaching him port and starboard, but that's not enough to pull off that kind of stunt.

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there's that ongoing issue that the writers don't seem to understand how a ship like that works because there's no way that one man could sail a non-powered sailing ship that size into New York and into any berth along the seashore. It would take people moving sails around. Then was Neal really an experienced enough sailor to pull away from a berth in a busy harbor with only Emma and Henry -- not experienced sailors -- as crew? We saw Hook teaching him port and starboard, but that's not enough to pull off that kind of stunt.

My headcanon is that everyone from the Jewel of the Realm crew that died in Neverland have been haunting the Jolly Roger ever since and making the riggings move on their own. Or maybe Hook had a Whedonesque psychic waif belowdecks who became incorporeal and then ensouled the Jolly like River Tam (pretended to do) with Serenity. Magic! And this animating force recognizes Big Baelfire. Or maybe the "enchanted wood" of the Jolly Roger really does everything, and the background of the Navy doing the ropes and such was all just for show or out of habit? Magiiic...

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My headcannon is that the Jolly Roger has a sense of awareness and considers Hook to be her Captain and in some respects she is an extension of him.  Therefore, she assists with sailing and it is not as difficult as it would be with a non-enchanted ship. This is also why Neil and Henry can sail her with minimal knowledge - she knows that Hook has strong feelings for them and as a result she assists them (again my headcannon and not show cannon) becasue he would want her to help them.  Liam and Blackbeard needed a crew because though everyone else called them captain, she did not consider them her "Captain" and she is not connected to them.

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Finding the invisible ship in New York is another mystery.


And Hook navigating his way in New York even though it's basically the first time he ventures out in the LwM. Storybrooke isn't NYC and Main St isn't Broadway!


About the JR, I've always equated it to Argo from Jason and the Argonauts. I'm almost certain this is where the writers got their idea for the ship made of enchanted wood. 

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To surprise the Dark One, you need temporary extraordinary ability to appear out of nowhere with no logical explanation.  Hook did it in 2B when he suddenly came out of nowhere to stab Rumple, and Belle did it in 4A when she was suddenly atop the clock tower just in time to stop Rumple from crushing the heart.  We'll probably find out both Hook and Belle ate a stash of Popeye's magic spinach.

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Oh wow, I never thought of that. Even if the hook missed the heart, that should still have been a very serious injury, with a lot of bleeding at best and very likely of the sort that might end up with a collapsed lung. I might buy the poison slowing the bleeding, but keeping air from escaping the chest cavity? That was a long time for Gold to last before he could do any magical healing. The wound alone should have killed him.


It becomes almost laughable when you consider they went out of their way in "Tiny" to show that Gold was bloodied when he attacked a flimsy toilet cover holder in the airport bathroom.  But Hook jams a jagged piece of metal in his chest with his full weight, and Neal comes away with a couple of drops of blood on his fingertips. They clean up most of the blood with a napkin.




Then was Neal really an experienced enough sailor to pull away from a berth in a busy harbor with only Emma and Henry -- not experienced sailors -- as crew? We saw Hook teaching him port and starboard, but that's not enough to pull off that kind of stunt.


Finding it should be an even bigger problem. Emma isn't really up on using magic without some major guidance at this point. Neal doesn't use magic at all. Gold is powerless and can't rig up a finding aid. I'm not entirely up on NYC waterways, but there are dozens of possible places to anchor. Yet they seem to have found it right away.


I can almost wank the idea that a magical ship goes where you tell it to go, but they want it both ways: someone at the wheel, steering the ship, talking about navigational tools, but acting at the same time like it's essentially on auto-pilot. In that sense, Nealfire knowing his port from his starboard or Hook knowing how to use a sextant is almost trivia...interesting but useless information. From what we saw, there's no reason that Emma or Henry couldn't have captained the JR without Neal. 


Another (minor) puzzler from The Queen is Dead:  Why does Emma go with Neal to get Tamara's car? It's not like he doesn't know how to drive.


The obvious plot reason is so Emma can meet Tamara. Fine. But where is Henry? I looked at the scene on YouTube: he's not with them. So he's presumably back at the apartment.


If the whole idea is that they need to rush to get a car because Gold is on the verge of death, why would they leave Henry alone with Gold in the apartment? Right after Emma saw Gold grab him and blame him for this current misfortune? In the same building where Hook is tied up in the basement and Gold is powerless to defend himself, much less Henry?


I understand that Emma and Neal are new to parenting, but c'mon.   


Bonus (minor) puzzler from In the Name of the Brother: how did Emma and Snowing happen to show up in the squad car - how many times has Emma even used the squad car? - to the Town Line right after Greg's accident/Belle's shooting?


The only people there were Rumpel, Belle, Greg and Hook. Nobody knew they were there, and the Town Line is somewhat isolated. Hook doesn't have a phone yet, Greg was unconscious, Belle was hysterical. Gold was able to handle Belle's wounds himself, and couldn't care less if Greg and Hook died.


So who called it in?

Edited by Amerilla
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My headcannon is that the Jolly Roger has a sense of awareness and considers Hook to be her Captain and in some respects she is an extension of him.

So basically, she wanted to see the realms, so she stole a navigator and ran away to become a pirate ship.


When Rumple located Bae in New York, I wonder if he got a street address, a map plot, or longitude/latitude. A street address should have meant nothing to Hook, since I doubt they use street addresses in his world, at least, probably not like in modern New York. But if Rumple marked the spot on a map that he conveniently left lying around or if he wrote the longitude/latitude on a notepad and only tore off the top part, then I could imagine Hook being able to do the pencil on the page underneath trick and plotting from there. Or maybe Hook got his hook enchanted to home in on the Dark One (ooh, could come in handy now!). But it would have been nice to see at least part of the process. It is a lot like both Belle and Emma getting to the clock tower when they had no reason to think that Rumple would be doing something right that very minute. That's very much skipping from A to T. At least throw in a B and then maybe an M so we have some dots to connect.

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how did Emma and Snowing happen to show up in the squad car - how many times has Emma even used the squad car? - to the Town Line right after Greg's accident/Belle's shooting?

I was wondering about that, myself, the last time I watched the episode. I can think of two possibilities that are as big a stretch as going straight from realizing that Rumple lied to knowing that there was an immediate crisis in the clock tower.


One is that after Belle let Archie go, he warned them about Belle being alone on Hook's ship, but they didn't get there until after Rumple and Belle had left, and they then followed Hook. Though I'm not sure why they would have followed him instead of just arresting him, since Archie being held prisoner on his ship would have been enough to arrest him on. And it wouldn't explain why they showed up after the shooting, since they had a car and Hook was on foot, unless there was somehow some shortcut through the woods he could take on foot while they had to go the long way around in the car.


The other possibility is that someone was keeping watch on the town line (wasn't that mentioned earlier in the season once they realized the effects of crossing it?), and when Rumple and Hook showed up there, the lookout figured the Dark One and a pirate were way above his pay grade for dealing with, so he called it in rather than acting on it.


But then we also have the question of how Hook got there at just the right moment to get Belle across the town line (and I don't recall how he knew about the town line). I don't think Rumple and Belle said anything while they were on the ship about where they were going next, so it seems unlikely that he could have beat them there and then ambushed them. But if he was following them, it's another case of them being in a car and knowing where they were going and him being on foot and a total stranger in town. Now I'm picturing him lying flat on Rumple's trunk or clinging to the rear bumper.


Basically, we seem to have a massive cluster of coincidences. Hook just happened to stumble across Rumple and Belle while they were standing at the town line, and that just happened to be the moment when Greg drove into town, and David and Emma just happened to arrive in the squad car a split second later.

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I'm confused about something. Robin tells Regina that a job he did inadvertently led to Marian's death, but when Sidney showed Regina who Marian was, she was being sentenced to death for helping hide Snow or speaking out at Regina or something. 

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When Regina was using Belle's heart as leverage against Rumple, why didn't she take it with her? It seems like that would be safer. She wouldn't need magic to sustain it since Graham's heart worked perfectly fine. It just feels strange to not expect the Dark One to do drastic things to get it back.


It's an eerie callback to Skin Deep when she had Moe steal the chipped cup, now that I think about it.

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Maybe Graham's heart would have died if she took it out of Storybrooke?

Storybrooke didn't have magic at the time, so it was pretty much LWM.


Also, Rumple used magic dust to clear the protection spell guarding Henry in 4x10. If he had that, why did he need Will to go through the window to get Belle's heart? It's not like he needed to cover his tracks, as he stood right in front of Maleficent while he did it. Maybe he just didn't want to get his hands dirty in a magic fight with Maleficent? 


I still find that Will being able to bypass the spell from the other side as dumb.

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