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S28.E11: Havoc To Wreak

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The real shame of Tasha's boot is that we'll never hear from her again. As a smart, strong woman she might as well have been snuffed out in Week 1 or 2 for the amount of recognition she'll receive.

At the finale, whether they win or not, all Probst's attentions will be on Spencer (for dodging the bullet So. Many. Times.) and Tony (for his awesome strategery). 

Tasha and any of the females booted before her will get between 0 and 4 seconds of screen time. J'Tia might get slightly more time when Jeff calls her out for being so useless.  Morgan's DDD's will get more screen time than her face.  Sarah and Jefra...take a lot of selfies back stage 'cos Jeff won't talk to loser! females!.  As for Trish and Kass, they may get up to 30 seconds each, but only to reinforce how awesome Spencer/Tony outwitted them...(even if - Gods of Misogyny forbid! - one of them makes it to F3).



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Tony is not getting Morgan or Sarah.



But I think you have to consider the alternatives.


I don't think either of them would, under any circumstances, vote for Kass.  And in a choice between Tony and Spencer, both Morgan and Sarah strike me as  "brawns over brains" people.


I don't typically follow the exit interviews, so I can't speak to, or attempt to interpret, comments made in them.  But I just have this feeling that Tony will have a way of talking his through to Sarah and getting her to believe that his backstabbing her was "part of the game" and that she should keep their bond as fellow cops.  And from what I saw of her in the game, I just think she's gullible and malleable enough to do that.


Also, I think the idea that people will not vote for finalists who blind-sided them is overrated.  I believe that some people feel that if the person who blindsided them goes on to win, it somehow softens the blow of their blindside.  It's like when your team gets beat in an early round of the playoffs by the team that ultimately wins the championship.  You can console yourself by saying that "no one could beat them" or "it was just their year", etc.  But if the team that beats your team ends up getting beat, you end up feeling crappy about why your team couldn't be the one to beat them.

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But I think you have to consider the alternatives.

I don't think either of them would, under any circumstances, vote for Kass.  And in a choice between Tony and Spencer, both Morgan and Sarah strike me as  "brawns over brains" people.



I have considered the alternatives. As I stated above, without Spencer in the final, I think Tony has an excellent chance of winning. And I absolutely think many juries have been able to look past people who blindsided them or they didn't love and vote for them for playing the best game. Which is why I do think even with Spencer in the finale, I can see LJ, Trish if she is on the jury, definitely Kass if she is there, voting for Tony over him.


I acknowledge that you said you didn't watch the exit interviews but I think those are important because it gives you a sense of where the individual's head is at and their thoughts on the game and I think that can be a major indication of who they would vote for. Because as it is what is there really to go on to conclude that Morgan and Sarah would vote brawn over brains, especially Morgan. I can't remember anything Morgan said or did during the game that makes me think she would certainly go for brawns over brains. 


I will give that Sarah may be tricky because she and Tony at one point had been close but while I can see her appreciating some of his gameplay, there are things he did she thought was not necessary, particularly the lies about not being a cop and then swearing on his badge. Also, I very much can see someone like Sarah appreciating someone who scraped and clawed their way to the end like Spencer will have to do. And once again, judging by her post-show comments, I firmly believe that Morgan will not vote for anyone but Spencer if he is in the Final 3 or 2. 

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Gummo . . . I don't think Kass is vile. She's just stupid, at least in terms of gameplay. In terms of the "Brains" tribe, the only one that's remaining for me is Spencer. Also, I don't think there's a "Fan Favorite" award anymore, so we can't give Tasha $100K, even if she deserved it for bringing class to a den of stupidity and classlessness.

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That gets Spencer: Jeremiah, Tasha, Kass

I think Tony gets: Sarah, Morgan, LJ, Woo/Trish (whoever gets booted at F4).


But I think you have to consider the alternatives.

I don't think either of them would, under any circumstances, vote for Kass.  And in a choice between Tony and Spencer, both Morgan and Sarah strike me as  "brawns over brains" people.


I don't think you need to follow the exit interviews to see that Morgan and Sarah are going to vote for Spenser over Tony




1) They were in the same alliance.Spenser could have voted Sarah out instead of Alexis but he kept Sarah. Keep in mind that he did that at a time when the Brawn tribe had three members on the other tribe and the brains only two. So Sara was automatically the swing vote if a merge happened. Sarah is well aware of that, she mentioned being kept over Alexis in her interviews.


2) Sarah did the whole swear on your badge thing with Tony and Tony was happily chanting Final Five when Sarah was not in that group. She knew that she was not in the alliance any more. She knows that Tony was pressuring her in his normal hyper way to flip. She wasn't happy with him then, she wasn't going to be voting for Tony over the guy who helped keep her in the game and was working with her.




1) Same alliance. Spenser could have voted her out over Alexis but didn't. Spenser worked with her and was trying to flip Kass to keep her.

2) Tony called her many names and I believe said to her personally "Are you going to lay there like a pillow" during the water talk. She is aware that Tony and Trish and Kass did not like her work ethic. I doubt she appreciated the way they spoke to her and treated her around camp.


Tony has played hard, but so has Spenser. They are more likely to vote on personal relationships then they are beauty, brain, or brawn. Morgan always smiles when Spenser walks into tribal and was excited to see that he had immunity. Morgan, Sarah and Jeremiah all smile and look happy whenever someone from their alliance is voted out. The four on the jury are solid Spenser votes if he makes it to the final. He only needs to find one more to win against any of them. Against Kass and Woo he has a unanimous decision. Against Trish he loves a few votes. Against Tony I think he can find it from LJ who will espect his game play and be upset with Tony for the blindside.

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Tony deserves to win.


But I hope hope hope they get him out before final 3 and Spencer wins.


Tasha was my favourite. I enjoyed Kass's interactions with Tony, but she can never be trusted. She gives too much hope to the viewers and then takes it all away. She thinks it'll help her in the end, but it won't with the group of people she's with. The only person who can make a huge move is Spencer.

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Gummo . . . I don't think Kass is vile. She's just stupid, at least in terms of gameplay. In terms of the "Brains" tribe, the only one that's remaining for me is Spencer. Also, I don't think there's a "Fan Favorite" award anymore, so we can't give Tasha $100K, even if she deserved it for bringing class to a den of stupidity and classlessness.

and even if there was a 'Player of the Season' prize of any sort, the viewing audience has been force-fed so much of Tony's antics that he'd land the prize by default.

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I forgot about Tony's "Final 5" chant and how that pissed off Sarah. I still think she might look past "swearing on you badge" as gameplay the way other people look past "swearing on my mother/children/etc". But we'll see soon enough.

As far as Morgan, I just get the sense that she's shallower than a puddle. She doesn't strike me as the type to respect intelligence. But if her exit interviews suggest otherwise it's certainly possible I'm misreading her. It wouldn't be the first time!

I would definitely like to see Spencer and Tony in the FTC because with all the goat-carrying and under-the-radar strategies, it's seems like it's been a long time since we've had 2 finalists with strong arguments based on active moves for why they should win.

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I'm not convinced that Kass/Woo/Tony would end with Tony winning. The jury seems incredibly bitter, especially LJ, Jefra and Sarah. Just look at their faces when they come out. Jeremiah is probably not particularly bitter, but he will have several days with the others talking smack about Tony. I think Kass/Woo/Tony could give Woo the win.

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Alright, so voting off Tasha was the smart move. It was probably the one Probst would've wanted, since he told her that she was one off on the puzzle.

I actually thought that was nice of him. If I were in the same position as Tasha, I'd be wondering where I went wrong, too. I can see how some people wouldn't appreciate it and certainly don't know how Tasha felt about it, but I'm willing to give Jeff the benefit of the doubt with this one.


Woo cannot win this game. He is a nice guy and was great with the kids. I think he is pretty non-confrontational though. He is not going to get involved in the Tony/Kass crap, he is not going to go to bat for a specific plan, he is going to go with the flow. I would want to have him with me if I was being robbed because he would kick ass but he does not have the personality to play and win Survivor. He has made no moves nad has no real interest in making moves.

It's possible if the jury really hate Tony, and it's a Woo-Tony-Kass final (or a Woo-Trish-Kass final—I don't know if he's more popular with the jury than Trish is, but he might be), then Woo might be able to edge out Tony, depending on whether the jury likes Woo better than they like or respect Tony. I have no intuition for how people on the jury feel about Tony—I suspect LJ and Jefra feel like they got burned, but they may be in the minority. Also, Woo voted them out as well, so it's not like he'd be the go-to alternative for them. I agree he has the wrong personality for Survivor, though he does have some of the raw ingredients for a good player—athletic, likeable, and what could be a good poker face (see: Spencer's frustration with him for just agreeing with everything all the time). He just can't lie convincingly and is easily swayed. This comment


And whoever ends the speech with "so Woo, you will vote for me right because it just makes the most sense..." That vote will be locked up.

is right on the money.


Why has there never been any discussion of voting off Kass?  She certainly can't be relied on to vote with her alliance and she's absolutely odious.  I love her idea of going to final tribal with Tony so she can get all the votes since the jury will all hate Tony.  She seems to think they'd rather vote for her!  Not gonna happen.  If those two make it to final tribal, then whoever is with them wins.

You've answered your own question there. Kass cannot beat anyone left in the game. She's not getting votes from Sarah, Morgan, Jeremiah, or Tasha. I don't think LJ or Jefra have compelling reasons to vote for her over Trish, Woo, or Spencer (and she'll be in the Final 3 with at least one of them, if she makes it that far). I also don't imagine that anyone left in the game will vote for her to win either.


Spencer and Tasha should have played both sides. Spencer should have listened to Kass, said nothing or even agreed but then go to Tony and say that Kass is thinking of voting him out because she doesn't think he has the idol and wants to call his bluff. This is Tony. That would have gotten a reaction out of him for sure. Then he would have likely shifted his paranoia onto Kass and even if he didn't believe and tried to confront her, she's so unpleasant and pissy, she likely would have gotten all defensive and they go at it again. And while they were going at it, Spencer should have worked on Woo and convinced him to vote for Kass and he and Tasha do the same. 


That way, if that works, Kass gets 3 votes, Trish votes Tasha as originally planned and who knows what the two nutters, Tony and Kass do, while they're both pissed off at each other. And an even better case scenario, Tony paranoid enough, at least plays the normal idol, thereby flushing out at least one. 

I agree with most of this, but once Tony got the super-powered idol, he was never going to play the normal one first. The special idol lets him see the votes first and then decide whether or not to play it. I'm sure he figured out that the optimal strategy is to hang on to both idols and then wait until there is a majority of votes against him and then pull out the super-powered idol. That way, he still has another idol to play (up until F5, at least). Yes, he might end up wasting it (although he won't because F5 is upon us—now he can use his normal idol to guarantee the alliancemate of his choice goes to F4 and use the the special one to save himself, if need be), but planning on using the special one first gets him further in the game with both idols than playing the normal one first, since he might play it when he could have held onto it longer. So in the scenario described, Tony votes for Kass and she goes home, but no idols are flushed. Still, it would have been a better move for Tasha and Spencer.


One thing I've missed this season are reward challenges where the winner picks people to enjoy the prize with them. I really enjoyed the strategy (or lack thereof) that went into choosing who would join a player. It was great for accidentally exposing a person's pecking order and for making others resentful and/or paranoid. This season, people have been put into teams—which I don't mind; I just wish it wasn't for every challenge—and so that element of the game isn't present. Given how loose some of the alliances have been this season, it could have shaken up the game in really interesting ways.

Edited by Hera
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what would be awesome would be that at a critical juncture, Kass decides that because SHE doesn't like Spencer, (she talks so much crap about him), she'll throw her lot in with him to get him to F3.  


Unlikely though.  They had a plan and they followed it.  I think Tony got to Woo, and all the "I'm in" stuff from Woo was coached by Tony and we didn't see the coaching to preserve the suspense.  TC suspense is everything to the editors. 


I would imagine Spencer and Kass go next, in either order.   Trish will get a few votes, but I don't see any Tony hate from the players, just frustration.

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Tony is manic, emotionally unbalanced (in terms of the game, not mental health. Perhaps "ungrounded" is better") and makes poor decisions (despite them working out for him). BUT, he is a savvy player... I think he knows Kass has nothing but contempt from the jury and will take her over Trish. He'll stab Trish in the back before Kass. 

If it's a F2, then Woo actually stands a chance. Long shot, but not as long as Spencer. Who, I think, will win this if he lands a spot in the final (whether its 2 or 3). 

As to Morgan, if Spencer is in the end then he gets her vote over Tony. For one stupid reason - he's closer to her in age. She's in that shallow phase of life where youth spring eternal and she'll never be one of those "old" people. I don't think it's a brains vs. brawn argument so much as a young vs. old argument. She'll vote for whoever is younger FIRST and who was better SECOND (which is why if Woo and Spencer end at the end she'll go with Spencer because both are close to her in age, but she can rationalize it by truthfully saying that Spencer played the better game). 


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According to Dalton over at EW, Jefra told him that they all knew Tony had two HIIs because he showed them (although they didn't necessarily know that one had special powers).


It occurs to me that, if Tony wins Individual Immunity this week, and decides to hand over his two HIIs to others, we could be looking at a F4 TC with 3 of the 4 players having immunity.


As far as whether it's a F2 or F3 this year, didn't we hear someone (Kass, maybe?) say that the HIIs had to be played by F5?  I thought the rule was that you can't use the HII to get to the FTC (i.e. not past F5 with a 3-person FTC, but F4 with a 2-person FTC).  Maybe I'm misremembering that.


But if whoever mentioned F5 being the last HII-eligible TC got that from the actual rules, rather than just an assumption, that suggests a F3.  Of course it's possible they switched things up on the fly when Lindsay quit.

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I don't know why it's so unbelievable to think Morgan would vote for Spencer simply because she would think he played the better game and yes, that she likes him. Morgan spent no real time with Tony. They were never in the same tribe and she was the second voted off after the merge. And she was voted off surrounded by a cloud of "you're lazy, annoying, etc". She has no bond with Tony. So sure, she might acknowledge the things he was doing but Spencer is someone she had an alliance with, probably did establish some kind of friendship with and if he gets to the end would have basically clawed and crawled his way there. I don't think her vote would be surprising in the least and certainly don't think it will be because Tony's "old". 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Eh, YMMV obviously. It just seems that with her attitude towards older folks that it would make sense she'd do the same with Tony that she did with Trish. 

FWIW, I don't think it's "unbelievable" so much as a little more than just good game play. Frankly I don't see her as having the priority of good game play first (although the fact that she likes him more than Tony would probably have more to do with it than who played the best game). When it comes down to it, Morgan does like Spencer more, but I think part of that is simply the fact that she prefers people her own age. 

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According to Dalton over at EW, Jefra told him that they all knew Tony had two HIIs because he showed them (although they didn't necessarily know that one had special powers).


It occurs to me that, if Tony wins Individual Immunity this week, and decides to hand over his two HIIs to others, we could be looking at a F4 TC with 3 of the 4 players having immunity.


The SHIIT can not be given to another player. If he has immunity for the last tribal it can be used (hopefully top 5) he could give away his regular HII and his necklace, assuming they can still do that.....don't remember that happening in awhile....but not the SHIIT.

Regardless of final 2 or 3 I really hope top 5 is the last chance to play HII.

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Poor Woo.  He's just not cut out for a game that includes strategy and deception.  It--- (his speech and demeanor and simple decisions) were kinda funny at first but now that we know more -I don't want to run him down at all.   It's like making fun of someone because they're short.  He just doesn't have the capacity.

That said- Spenser should have given him two things to help him carry out their plan: 1) Choice on who's name to write down.  It helps him have ownership.   and  Tony is a very tough guy for someone like Woo to oppose -especially in a stressed environment like this.  2) A DAMN SCRIPT!!  Spencer should have crafted a complete and believable message for Woo (listening/empathizing with Woo along the way to fine tune and personalize the story-help make it in Woo's words) Then should have practiced it over and over and roll-played questions from "Tony" or "Trish".  After all that the outcome may have well been the same but at least you'd give yourself a fighting chance.  Not a smart move on Spenser's part to send Woo back to the "slaughter of new jersey paranoid hyper cop scrutiny!"

Edited by Kazootie
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Yeah that's how I think things really fell apart for them was not giving Woo some "coaching" on what to say. Another crack in the plan showed when Tasha chose to "play it cool" though her head was supposed to be on the chopping block. Those two errors foiled their collective plan pretty much.

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The SHIIT can not be given to another player. If he has immunity for the last tribal it can be used (hopefully top 5) he could give away his regular HII and his necklace, assuming they can still do that.....don't remember that happening in awhile....but not the SHIIT.


I was wondering about giving away the immunity necklace.  Could that have been done after the vote but before the votes are read, like the HII?  If so Spencer should have given it to Tasha.  I'm thinking probably it isn't allowed, or perhaps Spencer thought it was in his best interest to get rid of Tasha too?

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I believe the immunity necklace has to ne given to someone before the voting begins. The HII can be transfered after voting but before votes are read. The SHIIT can be played after the votes are read but cannot be transfered.


I don't think they had time to coach Woo. Woo wasn't looking all that certain about the idea when they were at the school. It was on the walk back that he said he had thought it over and he was in. Kass even had a talking head about how she could believe Woo because he gave it a good amount of time before deciding to work with them. Spenser knew that he couldn't pressure Woo, that would be bad. He and Kass dropped it when Woo said he would think about it.


I am half surprised that Tony didn't turn on Kass when he knew she would work to get him out. Tony and Trish were concerned that Kass and Spenser would turn Woo. Neither Tony or Trish trust Kass, for good reason. I am thinking that their final three is Tony, Trish, and Kass. Because normally Tony votes out people he thinks might write his name down and Kass and he flat out had it out. He knew Kass might flip and would probably try and get Woo to go with her.


I am sure Trish and Tony know that Kass cannot win and probably won't get any votes. Trish thinks Tony is a goat and Tony knows that he can beat Trish based on his more aggressive play. Woo is screwed and he doesn't even know it. I am sure both Trish and Tony are counting on Woo's vote. Why Trish would have Woo's vote when Woo has worked two blindsides with Tony, I have no idea.

Edited by ProfCrash
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I believe the immunity necklace has to ne given to someone before the voting begins. The HII can be transfered after voting but before votes are read. The SHIIT can be played after the votes are read but cannot be transfered.



I think this is correct.  We haven't heard Probst ask the holder of the Immunity Necklace if they want to keep it or give it away in awhile.  But my recollection is that he'd ask before the voting, and if they said no, he'd say "you can't vote for xyz", and then start the voting.

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I don't think Woo's bad lying really had anything to do with the outcome today.  It was all Kass not realizing she is playing for 2nd place at best.  When she made her decision, there was nothing Woo could do but vote with her, because they were going to split the votes.  Voting for Tony after that would have done nothing but put him straight on the bottom.  If he had told Spencer and Tasha about Kass's change of heart (and there apparently wasn't much time, since he said that he and Kass talked right before tribal council) and they didn't split their votes, the best they could do was tie for rocks--again, to save Tasha, who has been dominating the challenges and would certainly beat Woo at the end.  So once again I don't think the Designated Idiot was wrong or stupid but exactly the opposite.  Also, I was happy he got to go on the reward, because he was perfect for it.


Tasha is a nice person, good at challenges, but she blew it this week talking about how everyone hates Tony.  She should have done what Spencer tried to do a few tribals ago and tell Kass that nobody could beat him.  Maybe Tasha, like those of us at home, found it hard to believe that Kass thinks she has any chance to win?


Since there was a mention of a Final 2 tonight, I'm inclined to believe it could be one.  How many episodes are left?  I feel like there are usually two eliminations in the finale, right?

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How does Tony want to play the next Tribal Council?  He should keep the toilet paper idol a secret, using it if he needs to, and taking home a super souvenir if he doesn’t.  He’ll probably wear the “regular” HII to tribal, swerving everyone by giving it to someone else when Jeff says, “If anyone... .”  But who does he give it to?  Kass, who despite what she thinks, is the true goat this season?  Trish, his longest serving ally?  And really, will Tony make what we think is “the big move,” that’s in his best interests, or will he make one that makes sense only in Tony-land?


1. Spencer (2)  [Or, he’s fifth.]  I’m just going off of editing.  Tony is a camera hog, finding idols will do that - as will building “spy shacks,” but I don’t think he’s getting a winners edit.  Once the HII’s are no longer in play, Tony is in big, big, trouble; and while Spencer keeps, like Cassandra of Greek myth, telling the rest of the players the truth at tribal councils - they just don’t seem to listen. BUT, I think they just might at F4.


2. Tony (1)  Of course, if Spenser gets booted at F5, I can see Trish staying loyal to Tony (providing Tony doesn’t have immunity,) and potentially threatening a rock-draw tie breaker if Tony is in danger.  At which point either Kass or Woo switches their vote.


3. Kass (3)  You switched away from the 3 way split because you think Tony is your R.Hantz? Bwah-ha-ha-ha!  Tony is obnoxious and over-the-top, but he isn’t pursuing a scorched earth policy.  And while he has “back stabbed” some of the jury, I think he can still make a play for their votes.  You on the other hand, have a toxic personality, and can only point to betraying your merge alliance as your “big strategic move.”  And most of them will be on the jury.  Good luck with that.


4. Trish (4) I’m sure that Tony would have come around to wondering if Spenser and Kass had “gotten to Woo,” on his own; but I think it’s telling that they showed you bringing it up to him in this episode. 


5. Woo (5)  Yeah, you and Kass stuck with the alliance, but Tony knows something was up.  Considering you’re a greater immunity threat than Tony ... you could be a target.


GONE Tasha (6)  Not a surprise, if you didn’t win immunity you were going to be a target.  And Kass totally misread the room.  (That being said, you probably should have scurried around - just to keep up appearances.)

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Kass is delusional in thinking Tony is her goat, but at least she demonstrates that she has her own mind and HAS a strategy.  Trish seems to just be there.  She does, however, continue to be very perceptive.  She nailed it in the hut with Tony when she said "we'll know Woo is lying if he says they didn't talk strategy".

I am certain that an awful lot of conversations of this kind have not made it to the show.  Trish is the Natale White of this season - like Natale she is letting a "big personality" do her heavy lifting for her while she plays a superior social game and like Natalie we aren't seeing a lot of what she does.   I don't know that Trish thinks of Tony as her goat, but Tony might well think of Trish as his goat, which would be a mistake. 


Trish is in trouble. She really looks like Tony's puppy dog. He votes against their alliance and Trish is fine with it. She even tells him why he did it when commanded to after tribal. They didn't even have another pow wow to  explain to Tony that he has tot alk to her before doing anything like blindsiding Jefra.

I'm beginning to think it's because she wasn't actually surprised.  You see all this little things between Trish and Tony, like pointing out to Tony that he should check with Woo about strategy talk at the reward, or her telling him about his fight with Kass, "if you can, let it go."  Also she seems to be working both Tony and Kass beautifully in a similar way - with flattery and encouraging their  paranoia.


The two I think most likely to win if they make it to the end are Trish and Spencer.  Juries don't vote for the person they like the most, they vote for the person they hate the least.  Tony's best shot is with Kass and Woo.  Then he wins for sure. 

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I am not sure if this is the spot for this, if not, I will remove it....


Interesting Twitter war. Makes me despise Russell even more.


Russell Hantz ‏@russellhantz  · 21h 
@UncleCliffy30 you know when you're watching collage basketball and you see a great athlete but you know he will never make it in the pros?!


Clifford Robinson ‏@UncleCliffy30  · 21h 
You see it all the time @russellhantz. I great college player doesn't always make a great pro.


Russell Hantz ‏@russellhantz  · 21h 
@UncleCliffy30 my point is that's what I see in @tony_vlachos he will never be a pro !!!! :)


Tony Vlachos
‏@tony_vlachos   @russellhantz Lol..I always thought that your social skills was your only flaw in survivor..apparently so is your judgement! #flawed #teamtv


Russell Hantz ‏@russellhantz  · 19h 
@tony_vlachos my physical skill was pretty good too!! you'll find out when I knock you on your ass one day!!!!!


Tony Vlachos ‏@tony_vlachos  · 19h 
@russellhantz Listen, talk all the trash you want....but don't play yourself by crossing lines!  #JustDONT


Tony Vlachos ‏@tony_vlachos  · 19h 
@russellhantz I was keeping it friendly...I strongly suggest you do the same !


Russell Hantz ‏@russellhantz  · 19h 
@tony_vlachos I love crossing lines big boy!!! Don't get me confused my friend!!!


Russell Hantz ‏@russellhantz  · 19h 
@tony_vlachos wtf are you going to do arrest me!!!?  Please bitch


Tony Vlachos ‏@tony_vlachos  · 19h 

@russellhantz Youre doing a good job of being confused all on your own! I see you can't play nice with others, so you can play all alone now


Russell Hantz ‏@russellhantz  · 19h 
@tony_vlachos look at the good side of things if you win this season you can buy a lot of donuts!!! YAY!!!


Tony Vlachos ‏@tony_vlachos  · 19h 
@russellhantz Oh damn....so you think I have a shot at winning?  About time you recognize!  Are you ready to pass over your thrown? #TEAMTV


Luke mccarley ‏@LukeMcCarley  · 19h 
@tony_vlachos @russellhantz what thrown he never won


Tony Vlachos ‏@tony_vlachos  · 19h 
@LukeMcCarley In his mind he did...lol


Russell Hantz ‏@russellhantz  · 19h 
@tony_vlachos I do think that ! It's easy to be a bunch of amateurs!! #You think you could handle me or Rob! #talkaboutdelusionsofgrandeur


Tony Vlachos ‏@tony_vlachos  · 19h 
@russellhantz Ok mini-ME....I gotta go now...it was fun chatting! Don't forget to root for #teamtv  Thanks!  #OutWithTheOldAndInWithTheNew


Holly  ‏@hollyann1220  · 18h 
@tony_vlachos @russellhantz tony is playing a great game. There's a reason survivor doesn't want you back. You're nothing but a bully


Russell Hantz ‏@russellhantz  · 18h 

@hollyann1220 @tony_vlachos f*** you bitch! (of course, Russell didn't use ***)

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Wow, Russell is pathetic (and why is he bringing Rob in his drama who by the way has been nothing but positive about Tony on twitter). And it's the stupid comments like "he's the new Russell Hantz" that makes him think he's so important. The game is over dude, get a life. And this is one reason I always liked people like Rob and others who when they say they separated the game and their real life, you knew they meant it. They were able to play the game and leave all that stuff on the island and move on. It's the people who are still bitter and pissy and throwing words long after the show is over that I really can't stand. Tony may drive me crazy on the show, but I think he has played a very good game.

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5. Woo (5)  Yeah, you and Kass stuck with the alliance, but Tony knows something was up.  Considering you’re a greater immunity threat than Tony ... you could be a target.


The only real immunity showing by Woo was one that catered to his balance from martial arts and his wearing special shoes and everyone else being barefoot... I think Woo is a sideline social threat as everybody loves a Dude but I don't think that means people would vote for him.

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Ahh Russell, upset that someone is playing a loud game better the he did.

For Trish to be Natalie, Tony has to be Russell and he is not. Trish played a good game. She engineered Cliff's ouster, built her alliance of five and turned Kass to make the six. She has tried to clean up Tony's messes but really didn't have much to do. She had to keep Jefra for one vote. Woo was a part of the blindside, Kass could careless, Spenser and Tasha were happy it wasn't them. Not much work.

Trish has played a good social game but she is in Tony's shadow and is seen as a follower.

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If Trish did win I would call this the worst-edited season since Samoa.  It's been "all Tony & Spencer, all the time" since LJ went at least.  No screen time for ladies when these dudes are on the scene!  Even though Spencer should be edited as comically hapless because he's never ever in the driver's seat and is only still there by chance and the whims of others.  They show him trying things, which is nice, but almost everybody who gets voted out in Survivor has plenty of trying-stuff footage on the editing room floor, I'm sure.


They have shown us Trish working, but only when it was necessary to understand what was going on.  I would love it if she won, but I can't see it editingwise.

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Trish has played a good social game but she is in Tony's shadow and is seen as a follower.

By the audience watching at home, yes, absolutely.  But I'm not sure the other Survivors see her that way.  We shall see soon enough.

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If I were playing this game, I think I would HATE to be stranded with either Kass or Tony, let alone both of them!


Kass's strategy of sowing chaos randomly is going to backfire and end her at the bottom of the heap at Final Tribal, assuming she makes it that far. [My current guess for F3 is Tony, KAss, and Spencer- no-one will take Woo or Trish with them to Final, since they've really done nothing to piss off the voters.]


Woo has been a real disappointment this season, in particular; while he's likable, he really doesn't bring anything to the game. He's been fair to middling at both the social game and the challenges. And While Trish has done less than Woo, I thnk she's reading people exceptionally well. 

Edited by ShadowDenizen
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Trish has done less than Woo


????? At the merge, the plan of Tony and all the dudes was 'flip Sarah, and plan B use our idols'.  Absolute fail on both counts; the merge TC would have been the most disastrous ever in the history of Survivor for their alliance: both idols burned and Jefra gone home anyway.  It was Trish and Trish only who saved them all and determined the entire character of the post-merge by flipping Kass.


Woo has just gone along with whatever Tony said every time.  Nothing wrong with that, he's still there and still in it; if Tony turns out to be the Ox some people think he is, Woo could very possibly take it as a less obnoxious alternative.  But has he done more than Trish?  No way.

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no-one will take Woo or Trish with them to Final, since they've really done nothing to piss off the voters.]



Playing the under-the-radar, or anyone-but-me strategies (which are distinct, if related, in my mind) is a tricky thing.  Sandra was able to pull it off.  Twice.


But playing anyone-but-me while antagonizing alliance after alliance, the way Kass had, is a recipe for disaster, imo.


Likewise, if under-the-radar is construed as riding-coattails, at least the coattail of someone's who's playing the game, I don't think that person gets any votes for not pissing anyone off.  


I do think it's possible for a coattail rider to get votes if they're perceived as having ridden a goat who didn't realize they were a goat (i.e. a Russell).  


But, ultimately, I still maintain that each juror will cast the vote that makes them feel the best about themselves and their own place in the game.  Rewarding someone who's perceived as having done nothing strategic (i.e. Woo) is not something that I think will do that for most jurors.  It's possible that Trish gets rewarded if she's been doing more than we've seen (and I agree with Kimber that flipping Kass was (as ol' Joe Biden would say), a big fucking deal).  


As far as Tony, I guess the ultimate question is whether he's perceived more as a Russell or as a Todd (from China).  I realize that China is widely regarded as an awful season.  But I think it stands for the proposition that someone who's portrayed to us a villainy villain who villains his way through the game is not always perceived that way, even by the people he's stabbed in the back.

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