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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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I think Batman V. Superman will do well in theater, maybe not Avengers or Guardians level but well enough just because it's Batman and Superman. I just don't think it will be good, they are trying to jam too much into one movie. With the Avengers we met most if not all of them prior to seeing them team up. I mean met them in their current incarnations not from comics (which does seem to be DC's go to answer, but that means nothing to people that haven't read the comics).


Dark v. Angst is going to try to introduce a bunch of them in one 2 hour movie. Are we really going to get enough of a feel for them to want to see their solo movies? 


The only DC movie out of their line up I want to kind of see is Suicide Squad. I don't feel they will be able to do Wonder Woman justice especially since she now looks like some Xena rip off and played by an actress that does not physically match the role. While with the Marvel line up, I'm looking forward to almost all of them, Deadpool most of all. Yet another Spideman reboot might be the only one I'll pass on, only because I've seen enough Spiderman movies in the last 10 years. 

The Barry/Iris stuff was so heavy handed last night that I figured there were two possibilities.  They're either saying no shipper bullshit, West-Allen is end game, deal with it!  Or they're putting it out there and then are going to rip the rug out and alter the future but surprise killing Iris or something.

No way will they ever kill Iris. There's already a contingent of fans who screams "Racist!" at everyone who admits to disliking her for whatever reason, I can't even imagine what will happen if she gets killed off, I expect death threats and worse.

And thing is, I actually do like Iris... But I LOATHE the so-called "WestAllen". It may be not as toxic as Oliver/Laurel, but it's just as awful to watch. 


My main problem with the DC/WB movies is they keep hiring directors and writers I hate [Nolan, Snyder, Goyer], whose work I have never enjoyed, even prior to the superhero movies. Snyder, in particular, screams COMPLETE HACK to me so loudly, I barely understand how people keep giving him money to continue being a hack.

And on top of that, I don't agree with these guys' vision for these characters. And none of them has ever in their lives written/directed a decent fictional woman, so it started out bad and turned out worse for me as a viewer.

Funnily, the only reason I've watched The Dark Knight trilogy is because Nolan was the director, and I like his other movies. I really don't care about Batman or really, most DC characters. I do agree he's not great with women, but I think he's slowly getting better, Catwoman was probably the best thing about the third installment.

Edited by FurryFury
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This morning, I was listening to a replay of last night's "Derek and Romaine" show on Sirius OutQ radio. The hosts started out talking about Age of Ultron and then mentioned AoS, particularly the addition of Luke Mitchell and how hot he is. The male host then said how hot he thought Robbie Amell was, and how (on the show) he dates "the drippy girl with no personality." He relented and said Caitlin's okay, "but she's no Felicity Smoak!" And then he and the female gushed about Felicity for the next few minutes -- how much they love her, how hot she is, how her milkshake brings all the superheroes to her yard. LOL. I didn't realize either of them even watched Arrow, so it was a lot of fun to hear them suddenly talking about Felicity.

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Speaking of Agents of SHIELD, if this might interest any of you: this latest episode of the show directly sets up Avengers: Age of Ultron. Like, the last couple of scenes on the SHIELD episode actively set up the opening scene of the movie.

I watched the movie before the episode [movie opened here last week], and it would have been more fun if I could have seen it in the proper order, so. Heads up!

Edited by dancingnancy
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Another thing I noticed is that Marvel tries to stay true to the character lookswise when casting (the actor may not work out but they do look the part), while DC is trying to go off the wall with their casting, Jessie Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Ben Affleck as Batman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. 


None of the actors scream this is the part for them. I'll give them a chance, because I liked Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. But none of them are the actors that look like the part they are supposed to be playing. They had to change Aquaman to fit Jason Momoa, which might turn out okay since Aquaman was the joke of the DC Heroes. 

The male host then said how hot he thought Robbie Amell was, and how (on the show) he dates "the drippy girl with no personality."


As if Ronnie had any personality.


They had to change Aquaman to fit Jason Momoa, which might turn out okay since Aquaman was the joke of the DC Heroes.


I don't know anything about Aquaman (other than he's the butt of the superhero jokes), but a comic book fan I know was furious about Momoa's casting. She said that Aquaman being blond was a plot point in the comics or something.

As if Ronnie had any personality.


I don't know anything about Aquaman (other than he's the butt of the superhero jokes), but a comic book fan I know was furious about Momoa's casting. She said that Aquaman being blond was a plot point in the comics or something.


Edited by Lokiberry

I just realized that the guy from Daredevil was in that Stardust movie.  I really need to watch that movie, it's been sitting on my shelf for years.  


Stardust was so much better than I thought it would be. I watched it a couple years ago and was completely charmed. Reminded me a bit of The Princess Bride.

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Actually my friends and I didn't enjoy AoU much compared to Marvel's other offerings at all. Too much of set-up and not enough Story-line for us. 

I didn't care for it that much either. It wasn't bad, but it certainly didn't live up to the hype. I was also unhappy with Black Widow's storyline.

I've not watched Daredevil yet, and I won't be able to see it until it's released on DVD, but Charlie Cox (Matt Murdock) was on Seth Myers about a month ago and talked about the role.  Hee, I found the following funny.


When Cox first landed the role many people shared their opinion, and Cox's mother sent him an opinion from the internet that he found humorous. "I don't know this guy, but I don't like his face," Cox recalled.
I had a friend of mine - the audition was the next day - I was thinking I just got to learn these lines. And he said, ‘I think — isn’t Daredevil blind?’ And I said — and I didn’t have time for this — and I was like, ‘No, dude, I’m pretty sure they would have told me if the guy was blind.’ I had to email them back, 'Is Daredevil blind?' And then the email back, 2 minutes later said, 'Oh yeah and he's blind.'
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Finally watched the latest "Flash". I think I'm only waiting for them to get rid of Tom Cavanaugh, and then I'm out. I can't stand Iris-Barry "fated" romance (I can't stand all fated romances on principle, unless they are in the background, like Snow and David on Once Upon A Time), I really dislike how villainous Wells/Eobard turned out to be (he's one step away from muahaha-ing), I'm sick of Joe's overprotective attitude to Iris and I'm starting to like Barry less and less with each episode. I feel like the show has squandered all its potential.

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Don't know if they'll post it online, but Scarlett Johansson hosted snl tonight & there was a funny skit about how marvel comics gets girls. They essentially made black widows life into a rom com superhero chick flick. It's funny. It also pretty sad & ironic commentary on gender roles. Sad when snl can make a trailer that's supposed to be funny, but its believable that some brass might actually wonder why it hasn't been done before.

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I liked Age of Ultron.  It's not the romp that the first Avengers was but I found Ultron compelling and entertaining and really enjoyed the interplay between the team.  It was a dense movie though, I feel like there's so much I missed as it flew by and a friend who went with me to see it (his second time) said he enjoyed it an awful lot more the second time.   As much as they packed into the movie, I also felt like there could have been more time spent with the characters when they are all doing some individual introspection.   There were questions raised and stories hinted at that didn't seem finished which I guess is what will keep me coming back for more.  

  • Love 2

I liked Age of Ultron.  It's not the romp that the first Avengers was but I found Ultron compelling and entertaining and really enjoyed the interplay between the team.  It was a dense movie though, I feel like there's so much I missed as it flew by and a friend who went with me to see it (his second time) said he enjoyed it an awful lot more the second time.   As much as they packed into the movie, I also felt like there could have been more time spent with the characters when they are all doing some individual introspection.   There were questions raised and stories hinted at that didn't seem finished which I guess is what will keep me coming back for more.  

so it's better than the first? cause honestly I quit the first one like 15 minutes in, it just felt boring.

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As much as they packed into the movie, I also felt like there could have been more time spent with the characters when they are all doing some individual introspection.   There were questions raised and stories hinted at that didn't seem finished which I guess is what will keep me coming back for more.

I read an interview where Joss Whedon said his original cut was over three hours, and they had to cut quite a bit to get it down to what it is. I'm wondering if they'll consider releasing a Director's Cut version this time - they didn't want to with the last movie.

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I saw that interview too--he said it was almost 3.5 hours long. I haven't even seen this yet but I already wish I could watch the director's cut instead, because I guarantee the stuff that got cut is the character stuff I would have cared about the most. But I doubt they would release a director's cut, because if they don't release that material, they can use it (the content, not actual footage) for future movies.

Edited by Carrie Ann
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I read an interview where Joss Whedon said his original cut was over three hours, and they had to cut quite a bit to get it down to what it is. I'm wondering if they'll consider releasing a Director's Cut version this time - they didn't want to with the last movie.

I would happily consider watching a director's cut version if it will make it watchable.


BTW.. has anyone seen the new Suicide Squad movie poster with all the characters?


Can we talk about the fact that while the men are per usual super dressed and look somewhat classy while the women, per usual, show skin (to some degree) Also, that awful, awful Harley Quinn outfit?! I know her outfit these fast few years are greatly different than her B:TAS one- which i'm okay with a modernized version of it, but... why is my wacky Harley looks like a street corner hooker? I mean if you're gonna have her wear skimpy at least make it look like she's an high class hooker.

Katana's outfit is the coolest out of the three women outfits, from what I can tell- the third female (whose name I don't know) looks just as skimpy.


i'm just so freakin tired of this over sexualization of women in anything comic related (and don't get me started on the new Target Avengers ad running on TV, which seems to have all the male Avengers - minus Hawkeye- but no Black Widow!!!);  I wonder if Gail Simone has seen it and what her opinion of the outfit is. I can't imagine she's thrilled about it.

I was actually somewhat eager for this movie, I was fine with their take on The Joker, was lukewarm about Deadshot Wild Wild West outfit. But now? meh, the feminist woman in me just can't take this bullshit anymore.

Edited by foreverevolving
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so it's better than the first? cause honestly I quit the first one like 15 minutes in, it just felt boring.

The first 15 minutes of the first Avenger's movie is the most boring part of that movie, I agree about that.  Give it another chance if you can someday.


I would honestly say the first movie is better but that this one is still good, just not great.  (I bet the 3.5 hour original cut was great.:(  Sigh)  That said, it was highly watchable IMO and I'm looking forward to seeing it again to catch the nuances that went past me. 


I did have one complaint that still is bugging me, and that is someone sucked them into doing the washed out color tone like in the Dark Knight movies so two seconds into the movie and I was disappointed. 

Harley was so much better before they removed two thirds of her clothes and most of her personality. I believe she's made a resurgence in her Palmiotti/Conner book (hell, everything those two produce is great). But it looks like this movie has embraced the 'whored up cheerleader on acid' look that the Arkham games created. Shame.


Ah, what does it matter anyway? It'll be the same grimdark shit as the rest of DC's movies. I bet they even manage to make Harley maudlin and miserable. While I assume Will Smith's agent will ensure he has the lion's share of screen-time and the best dialogue.

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I didn't realize Katana was going to be in this. I wonder what that means for Tatsu's future on Arrow. I'd hoped that we might see more of her next season if Rila's pilot didn't get picked up.

As for the movie.....sorry, not interested at all. :(

Edited by Starfish35

Oh Suicide Squad...I had hopes for you too.  Not a lot of hope, of course, but some hope nonetheless and these costumes and behind the scenes pics have destroyed it for me.


Joker looks like a tatted up joke.  Seriously, he looks more like Vanilla Ice on a bender than the Joker.  I can't watch that.


And now we have Harley, whose costume looks like a hooker who decided to shop at a very, very bad thrift store.  And bought the stuff that was on sale.  The thing is, that I can slightly see what they were going for with Harley's costume and it just doesn't work at all.


I get that they switched from her classic jester costume, I don't like it but I get that.  And of course it would have been hard to translate said costume to the big screen, but seriously it's all sorts of insane and fucked up.


Seriously, in a film that can afford Will Smith's 5 million dollar salary they couldn't have thrown a few more dollars to the costume department?  Arrow does fantastic work on a relatively modest budget.

For the record, if you wanted to see a sexy but workable costume for Dr. Quinzel, I'm linking this photo which I think would have worked just fine and definitely better.



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What's with the cotton candy hair? I know I said DC needs to add some color to their movies, that's not what I meant. 


With the pic Delphi posted of HQ, I would've been okay with that outfit. What they went for was some kind of thrift store Lady Gaga ripoff. 

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I wish they would cover Harley up a bit.  I have a step-daughter who has seen her on cartoons and wants her as an action figure and I'm all like, when I find one with enough cloths, sure.


I avoided this thread until I saw Age of Ultron and I have to say that I liked it a lot.  I found the Banner/Natasha pairing odd, but I still like the movie.  I can see how they are trying to setup Infinity Wars as well and loved the little clues I noticed about movies to come.  I will have to see if I catch more on the second viewing.  But it made me laugh and connect with even the newest characters - and at least there is another female Avenger now!

Have the people who make these movies realized yet that women go too?  And that lots of men fighting and one woman very sexily clothed, or unclothed, is not a reason to watch?


The Avenbers really needs another female on the team because Natasha is getting passed around as LI from Hawkeye to Captain America to The Hulk and it's not attractive.


I wonder if SA feels a pang when he sees that The Suicide Squad is filming in his home town and The Arrow isn't there to be in the movie.

I've never seen Natasha as a love interest for anyone until Age of Ultron. She had great chemistry with Hawkeye in the first Avengers, but I don't think anything explicitly pointed to them being interested in each other romantically in that movie, beyond Johansson and Renner working well together. There's even the whole 'Love is for children. I owe him a debt' bit of dialogue. I never thought she was interested in Steve either, and she spends basically all of The Winter Solider trying to set him up.


But I agree with your general point about seeing more women included in superhero movies (and movies in general to be honest).

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I loved Natasha's relationship with both Clint and Steve, because you can see either as 'shippy, or just friendly, but it's not the main point. There's more going on for her in both relationships. There's the job, the mission at hand, and there's solid development in both pairings. Clint gave her an opportunity to leave a terrible life and to join SHIELD, so she owes him a lot, and her arc in Winter Soldier is huuuge, because here's the guy who's the symbol of all that is good and righteous, and he's choosing to TRUST HER. It's something priceless for Natasha.

In Ultron she's the Hulk's mommy who puts him to sleep after every mission and she really really wants to date Bruce because? I have no idea why. Steve had to say something about it, then Clint's wife had to mention it too, it was all tell instead of show. I could barely watch the Nat/Bruce scenes because I was feeling way too much secondhand embarrassment for the plain bad writing.

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I have seen cartoons were Natasha was paired with both Clint and Steve.  But a quick check on wiki says she also was married to Red Guardian and had a relationship with Matt Murdock and Bucky (when he was Captain America) so they have some room to play with her "ships".


The stranger thing is to think of Banner with anyone but Betty when in many comic iterations they are married.  I mean I can find other love interests for him, but they were pairings with Hulk.  So honestly, I found that odd - especially since like dancingnancy says - it's kind of all tell, not show.

  • Love 1

Have the people who make these movies realized yet that women go too?  And that lots of men fighting and one woman very sexily clothed, or unclothed, is not a reason to watch?


The Avenbers really needs another female on the team because Natasha is getting passed around as LI from Hawkeye to Captain America to The Hulk and it's not attractive.


I wonder if SA feels a pang when he sees that The Suicide Squad is filming in his home town and The Arrow isn't there to be in the movie.

I just watched Age of Ultron earlier today they did add another Woman: Scarlet Witch


I have seen cartoons were Natasha was paired with both Clint and Steve. But a quick check on wiki says she also was married to Red Guardian and had a relationship with Matt Murdock and Bucky (when he was Captain America) so they have some room to play with her "ships".

The stranger thing is to think of Banner with anyone but Betty when in many comic iterations they are married. I mean I can find other love interests for him, but they were pairings with Hulk. So honestly, I found that odd - especially since like dancingnancy says - it's kind of all tell, not show.

My problem goes beyond that, even, because they legit reduced Natasha to love interest. It's not the who, it's that Natasha didn't have anything else to do other than mommy the Hulk, thirst for Bruce, and then get kidnapped by the monologuing robot so she could be saved by the dude. Damseling 101, WTF, JOSS? If they had done the same thing with Nat/Somebody Else, I'd still find it gross. I ended up going back and watching the movie a second time, and it ended up being my mistake, because all I could see was that this script plainly ignores lots of the characters development that happened in IM3 and Cap 2, but *especially for Natasha*. Edited by dancingnancy
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Most shows usually have awesome premieres and finales, Smallville comes to mind with that. But Gotham, wow was that worst first season 1 finale I have ever seen. The editing was awful, they barely even looked like they closed the scene before going to the next one. It's like they had their end scenes then just wanted to get there so badly they didn't care about finishing the whole storyline. 


With Age of Ultron, I heard the Black Widow capture scene was added because of ScarJo's pregnancy, to give her less work to do. They may have had more planned for her. Scarlet Witch should be able to play with the boys team, she's more powerful than any of them. 

Edited by Sakura12

Most shows usually have awesome premieres and finales, Smallville comes to mind with that. But Gotham, wow was that worst first season 1 finale I have ever seen. The editing was awful, they barely even looked like they closed the scene before going to the next one. It's like they had their end scenes then just wanted to get there so badly they didn't care about finishing the whole storyline. 


With Age of Ultron, I heard the Black Widow capture scene was added because of ScarJo's pregnancy, to give her less work to do. They may have had more planned for her. Scarlet Witch should be able to play with the boys team, she's more powerful than any of them. 

I actually loved Gotham's finale. I was sitting there the whole time saying, "The fuck?! The Fuck?!? THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!?!". I love it when a show loses it's shit like that: with bullets and dead mobsters, and (trust me) audience pleasing chick fights, and meglomaniacs busting out all over.


It was epic.

Edited by Lokiberry
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It was definitely, "Da Fuck is going on?" kind of finale. But nothing made coherent sense it was just a balls to wall, everything goes ending. I suppose I shouldn't have expected more, the whole show has been like that.


I will say Inara should not be a Psychologist, she is terrible at figuring out when people have turned. First her husband on Homeland and now crazy Barbara.  Speaking of her, who knew that worst character in the beginning of the season would end up the as the most fun one. 

Edited by Sakura12

Interesting review of Avengers: Age of Ultron (BIG SPOILERS! warning if you haven't seen the movie - which I haven't yet, plus some nice animated gifs)...


“You didn’t see that coming?”
May 4, 2015 Kerry



Edited by tv echo
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