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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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20 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

They're probably all on break the Thanksgiving week. That'd be the easiest thing to do, right? Then they can all have their mid-winter finales the same week too.

ETA: Oh, wait. This means they'd all have two more episodes left after the crossover? Hmm. That usually doesn't happen. Yeah, maybe the other shows won't be taking a break at all right through the first week of December? They are starting a week late in October this year.

yeah I am thinking because they are starting a week later they will have to end later...we never did get an explanation for the late start.

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Pedowitz says he feels the show has hit a stride with EP Wendy Mericle. #TCA17

Hmm, singling out WM for praise makes me think that there will be a head producer shake up on Arrow this year.  MG will probably move on to another project.  

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12 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

yeah I am thinking because they are starting a week later they will have to end later...we never did get an explanation for the late start.

They usually start earlier and then there's a one week break somewhere in November...maybe this time there just won't be a break? Then it could still end at the same time.

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1 hour ago, Velocity23 said:

Oh, so it's Supergirl then Arrow, Flash and Legends.  For some reason I thought it started with Arrow.  

47 minutes ago, JenMD said:

I certainly hope not.  Not unless Barry and Iris are getting married in the Arrow ep (which I'm guessing Flash fans wouldn't want).  These shows need to keep the milestones in their respective shows.  They also need to keep in mind how these eps will all play going forward as shows are put on dvd, run in syndication, etc.  They won't always be shown together and things need to make sense down the line.


Sure, it makes sense but they've never worried about that before when they've done Crossovers.  

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2 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Oh, so it's Supergirl then Arrow, Flash and Legends.  For some reason I thought it started with Arrow.  

I think Damien Holbrook's tweet kind of gave that impression, because he said Arrow/Supergirl and Flash/Legends.

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8 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

Oh, so it's Supergirl then Arrow, Flash and Legends.  For some reason I thought it started with Arrow.  

Sure, it makes sense but they've never worried about that before when they've done Crossovers.  

I know, I know, but I wish they'd learn.  I've come to loathe the word crossover.

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I'd honestly pity anyone if their fave got married in the crossover. I'd hate it if it happened to Olicity. Like can you imagine having to share your big day, one you've been waiting for years, with 2-3 other ships? Pedowitz said romance is in the air so I'm guessing there will be big things happening for each ship in the crossover episodes and that just really takes the spotlight off the couple getting married... 

Hope it doesn't happen for all our sakes. 

Edited by wonderwall
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CW President on Gender-Balance Shakeup: ‘We’re Trying to Bring More Women Back'
Ryan Gajewski | August 2, 2017 @ 11:35 AM


Executives at The CW are still working to find the right balance between male and female viewers.

Network president Mark Pedowitz told reporters during the Television Critics Association’s summer press tour on Wednesday that The CW, which recently said goodbye to a few shows key to the female demographic, is currently a bit more male-centric than he would like.

“When I got here, we were 70 percent female, 30 percent male,” Pedowitz said. “We’re now 50/50. Our linear age is 47; our digital age is 25, so we’re young.”

“That’s why ‘Riverdale’ was very important to us — we lost ‘Vampire Diaries’ and ‘Reign,'” he said about attracting female viewers to the network now known for “Arrow” and other superhero programming.

Pedowitz pointed out that certain shows on the fall schedule should help to course-correct a bit: “‘Dynasty’ is important to us, ‘Life Sentence’ and ‘Valor’ have become important to us.”

Where does the network ultimately want to be? “I think a better mix is 55/45 female-to-male, so we’re trying to bring more women back,” Pedowitz said.

Edited by tv echo
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Just now, tv echo said:

Where does the network ultimately want to be? “I think a better mix is 55/45 female-to-male, so we’re trying to bring more women back,” Pedowitz said.

LOL if he didn't try so hard to push them away in order to bring more men back he wouldn't have a problem. 


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The Hilarious Black Canary Accident That Never Made It In To Arrow's Blooper Reels


Laurel Lance may be dead, but her spirit lives on both through Katie Cassidy playing her Earth-2 doppelganger Black Siren and the memories of some embarrassing moments on the set of Arrow. Cassidy took some time at SDCC to share one particularly hilarious blooper from her time as Black Canary in Season 3 that, unfortunately, never made the blooper reel. Our Head TV Editor Nick Venable was in attendance to take down what Cassidy said in the quote below:

"In Season 3, we were doing these night scenes, and I have so much adrenaline rushing into it. I was supposed to take a punch and my stunt double was like, 'Make sure you go into it and give it all you've got. All this umph!' So I was like, 'Okay.' So I got to throw this punch and I threw it so hard that I actually belly-flopped, knocked myself over and belly-flopped onto the pavement. Luckily, I was as the Black Canary at the time, fully suited up, and so it was padded. So it didn't hurt at all. I was just hoping they'd make it at least into the bloopers, but I guess it didn't. It was really funny."

Not exactly the most graceful moment for Katie Cassidy, but hilarious and understandable all the same. Apparently, all those boxing lessons Laurel took from Wildcat in Arrow were all for show. Luckily, that superhero outfit she wore is real-life functional. If that suit was thick enough to make a self-body slam to the ground feel like no big deal, then it must have had crazy padding.

Katie Cassidy's on-set embarrassment as Black Canary is a far cry from her on-screen sister and former Black Canary Caity Lotz, who does many of her own fight scenes. The Legends Of Tomorrow actress has all the grace Cassidy lacked in her blooper moment (although few among us would probably fair much better), as much of what fans see of Sara Lance fighting is honest to goodness Lotz kicking ass. Perhaps Cassidy can learn a thing or two (if she hasn't already since Season 3 of Arrow) from watching Lotz in action in one of her videos.

Edited by tv echo
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13 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Katie Cassidy's on-set embarrassment as Black Canary is a far cry from her on-screen sister and former Black Canary Caity Lotz, who does many of her own fight scenes. The Legends Of Tomorrow actress has all the grace Cassidy lacked in her blooper moment (although few among us would probably fair much better), as much of what fans see of Sara Lance fighting is honest to goodness Lotz kicking ass. Perhaps Cassidy can learn a thing or two (if she hasn't already since Season 3 of Arrow) from watching Lotz in action in one of her videos.

This reminds me of @Morrigan2575 telling us about how the Supernatural stunt team couldn't stand KC's incompetence when it came to stunts. For a person who apparently did gymnastics she really has zero coordination.

Edited by wonderwall
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9 minutes ago, tv echo said:

Katie Cassidy's on-set embarrassment as Black Canary is a far cry from her on-screen sister and former Black Canary Caity Lotz, who does many of her own fight scenes. The Legends Of Tomorrow actress has all the grace Cassidy lacked in her blooper moment (although few among us would probably fair much better), as much of what fans see of Sara Lance fighting is honest to goodness Lotz kicking ass. Perhaps Cassidy can learn a thing or two (if she hasn't already since Season 3 of Arrow) from watching Lotz in action in one of her videos.

I may have made mental comparisons but it is kind of awkward for them to put it right in the article.  

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15 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

This reminds me of @Morrigan2575 telling us about how the Supernatural stunt team couldn't stand KC's incompetence when it came to stunts. For a person who apparently did gymnastics she really has zero coordination.

I've never watched an episode of Supernatural in my life. They only thing I know about the show is it's reputation, and that says more about the stuntmen. 

I love watching Doctor Who's BTS footage, and there's a lot of stunt set ups etc. never once is a woman, or a man for that matter, humiliated, or even made to feel bad because she couldn't do a stunt. 

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1 minute ago, Delphi said:

Grant,  you clearly aren't giving Barry enough credit.   He also ended up being the villain of seasons one and two. 

And S4 and S5.... ?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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30 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

This reminds me of @Morrigan2575 telling us about how the Supernatural stunt team couldn't stand KC's incompetence when it came to stunts. For a person who apparently did gymnastics she really has zero coordination.

Given how she comes off doing stunts, I expected her to be a total klutz. Then I saw a video from SDCC of her doing a back walkover, which she made look easy and it was legit impressive. I don't know how that never managed to translate on screen at all.

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12 minutes ago, AutisticSpoonie said:

I've never watched an episode of Supernatural in my life. They only thing I know about the show is it's reputation, and that says more about the stuntmen. 

It's a give and take - stuntmen don't/can't do all the work. It'd be easier if Ruby wore a hood or something that covered her face but she didn't. So KC had to put in a lot of work/effort as well. Which she should anyways because this is her job lol.

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KC did competitive rhythmic gymnastics IIRC.  But that's very different than doing the kind of stunts the Black Siren needs to do.

If Arrow is moving to before Supergirl, does that mean it goes on at 8 and Supergirl moves to 9?

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Just now, statsgirl said:

KC did competitive rhythmic gymnastics IIRC.  But that's very different than doing the kind of stunts the Black Siren needs to do.

Not saying they're the same... Just that both require good coordination and I'm surprised she didn't have more. That's all.

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1 minute ago, statsgirl said:

KC did competitive rhythmic gymnastics IIRC.  But that's very different than doing the kind of stunts the Black Siren needs to do.

If Arrow is moving to before Supergirl, does that mean it goes on at 8 and Supergirl moves to 9?

Supergirl is on at its normal time - Arrow comes on after at 9.

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1 hour ago, wonderwall said:

This reminds me of @Morrigan2575 telling us about how the Supernatural stunt team couldn't stand KC's incompetence when it came to stunts. For a person who apparently did gymnastics she really has zero coordination.

Kim Manners, Director and Producer for Supernatural among a ton of other shows (very long history in Hollywood before his Passing). It wasn't said by the Stunt crew. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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That's why I never got why KC didn't take martial arts classes instead of just lifting weights. If she was in the proper stance for throwing a punch she would not have done a belly flop.  She was just interested in looking good. 

And Caity Lotz is a cool girl. The vids of her flipping around without the use of wires and fighting are awesome to watch. Getting to see front shots of Sara fighting makes her fights so much better. From the latest vid she posted it looks like they are letting her do some of the wire work as well. 

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About possible comic crossover events used as inspiration, what about Zero Hour: Crisis in Time? (mind you, my comic book events knowledge is very, very limited and I only just stumbled upon this reading up on the Legion of Super-Heroes, so maybe it doesn't make sense at all or maybe this is not a very known/popular one). Here's (part of) the plot according to Wikipedia:


The story begins when characters from alternate realities such as Alpha Centurion, an alternate version of Batgirl, and Triumph suddenly started appearing in the main DC Universe, to everybody's confusion; this happens because time is being somehow "compressed." Then a wave of "nothingness" is seen moving from the end of time to its beginning, erasing entire historical ages in the process (an effect similar to the anti-matter wave that destroyed many universes in Crisis on Infinite Earths).


This is from DC Wikia:


At the end of time, a mysterious figure murders the Time Trapper. Metronunsuccessfully attempts to enlist Darkseid to help him against what he perceives to be a gigantic upcoming crisis. Batman and Robin are surprised to be aided in capturing the Joker by an alternate Barbara Gordon, still operating as Batgirl despite the fact that she was earlier crippled from the waist down. Matthew Ryder alerts the rest of the Linear Men when his observations of future timelines are mysteriously completely disrupted. The team arrives at the conclusion that a wave of entropy is working its way backwards from the End of Time, destroying everything in its path. Rip Hunter and Waverider are sent to investigate. 

Obviously it would only be the inspiration, but they could tie it in to time being broken from legends of tomorrow and Supergirl, if they're doing Legion of Super-Heroes. Anyway, back to reading up on events. If I find something else I'll post.

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8 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Not saying they're the same... Just that both require good coordination and I'm surprised she didn't have more. That's all.

I could do flips, handsprings, aerials, etc when I was younger but couldnt get to decent on Zumba.  I think It's a different kind of coordination, a different kind of rhythm for fight choreography.

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3 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I could do flips, handsprings, aerials, etc when I was younger but couldnt get to decent on Zumba.  I think It's a different kind of coordination, a different kind of rhythm for fight choreography.

Ahhh ok - I figured there'd be some similarities. I recall someone comparing them previously on this board and just went with it. My bad. 

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I have no doubt for some it goes hand in hand (CL, gymnasts on DWTS). I couldn't find any videos of KC doing rhythmic gymnastics, but she could have been a lot better at the gymnastic portion than the rhythmic part.

LOL I just think of the dancing in the Blank Space lip sync.

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Just now, Sakura12 said:

And Caity Lotz is a cool girl. The vids of her flipping around without the use of wires and fighting are awesome to watch. Getting to see front shots of Sara fighting makes her fights so much better. From the latest vid she posted it looks like they are letting her do some of the wire work as well. 

That's not what I meant by cool girl. Men use her to run down other women. I've no idea if she is okay with it or not, I suspect not. As far as I know she could've made her own digs at Katie and never did. 

I don't care how well Caity can move her fights on Arrow were always unconvincing because she look like she weighs about three stone and a strong wind would blow her over. To be fair that's not just Caity that's American TV/movies. They always look like they have really weak upper bodies, the only exception, I can think of is Gina Rodriguez, you can see that upper body power. 

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4 hours ago, leopardprint said:

I guess whatever event kicks off the crossover happens on Arrow? Putting my trope hat on, interrupted wedding? Kidnapping (of Myson, again)?

Supergirl is more involved in the crossover this year.

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What are you talking about Caity's plenty muscular and has to be to the stunts she does. You don't see abs like hers on most female action movie stars. 

Edited by Sakura12
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8 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Post-Arrow Season 4 DD? So, dead?

Did they actually introduce Ray's twin before or was there just a statue and mention?


Just a statue and mention - it was the episode with Jewel Staite.

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29 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

What are you talking about Caity's plenty muscular and has to be to the stunts she does. You don't see abs like hers on most female action movie stars. 

I'm not talking about her abs, I'm talking about her arms, particularly her upper arms and shoulders. Sara should have chunky arms and muscular shoulders. To be fair the criticisms I have of Caity apply to most female action stars. And I don't think it's their fault. I think Caity would totally bulk up like that for a role, I think she's also aware if she did bulk up Sara would have another misfortunate meeting with an Arrow. (wait can Sara die?)

Btw, she does look amazing.

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