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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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I think movie makers have forgotten that movies are supposed to be fun.  Or at the very least the blockbusters are!  I did leave Guardian's smiling but during the movie I also cried a couple times too and like it was pointed out, destroying that huge army, that was pretty dark, honestly opening on the kid's mother's death scene was pretty stark too but they didn't leave us only with the low moments.  Honestly, the mix of both highs and lows make both more pronounced.  Just pilling pain upon pain becomes numbing after awhile (yeah I'm talking to you Arrow writers) and I just start to tune everything out. 

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Having dark moments or elements is fine. GotG is an excellent example. There were some low points but overall it was fun. You could sing to parts of it. Lots of people died in Avengers but overall it was "Holy crap look at all them standing together!" Batman is dark and cold and never lets up but you go in knowing that, it's part of what you sign up for. 

Edited by KirkB
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Wow!  The new Supergirl (Kara) looks even more like Felicity in this pic:



Our First Look at the New Jimmy Olsen and Supergirl Brings the Realism

by Kit Simpson Browne ⋅ Posted on March 12th, 2015 at 9:01am



If they ever do a cross-over...

Edited by tv echo
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Felicity is #1 on this list...


Ranking 'The Flash' & 'Arrow' Original Characters Who Help Complete DC Comics' TV Universe




 I don't like her reason as to why Sara wasn't high on the list. Apparently it's because she stole the spotlight from Laurel? smh

Ray Palmer is just so much fun

Okay.... not surprised that she has problems with Sara taking Laurel's glory.


Wow!  The new Supergirl (Kara) looks even more like Felicity in this pic:

I thought it was EBR till I read the title.  Blonde ponytail and s1 pink and all.

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Wow!  The new Supergirl (Kara) looks even more like Felicity in this pic:



Our First Look at the New Jimmy Olsen and Supergirl Brings the Realism

by Kit Simpson Browne ⋅ Posted on March 12th, 2015 at 9:01am



If they ever do a cross-over...


This is the first time I've seen that particular photo, but from a couple of others I have seen I wonder if that was pink dress Melissa's own clothing that she wore to work that day.  There were shots of her in a couple of other outfits, and she was wearing her Clarissa Kent (I just made that up) glasses in both, as well as flats.  The only shots of her in the pink dress that I've seen, she wasn't wearing the glasses and she actually had wool-lined Ugg boots on, and they all looked like she was away from the set at the time.  Plus, Mehcad doesn't look like a working professional news photographer in that photo; he looks like a guy who is on his way home from the construction site with an order of Chinese food.  So I'm thinking that the pink dress was Melissa's personal fashion choice, not Kara's, and we probably won't see it on screen.

This is really heartwarming...


The Collective Project: Robert Downey Jr. Delivers a Real Bionic Arm
Published on Mar 12, 2015
"Robert Downey Jr. and Albert Manero, a #CollectiveProject student who founded Limbitless, surprised a very special child with a new bionic 3D printed arm at no cost to the family. To learn more about Albert and the #CollectiveProject visit:
Microsoft Office Tumblr: http://of"

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The new looks for a bunch of the DC characters. (Brought over from Green Arrow in the Comics)


I have no words for what they've done with Batman.  He looks more like Blue Beetle than anything Batman related.  For Superman, I'd say lay off the steroids.  He looks like a thug. Very disappointing.   Honestly, most of the costumes look awful (and the heroes in them even worse)  The exception is Wonder Woman.  Her costume is a big improvement. It's functional finally.   Everyone else looks like their artists are too into Frank Miller. 

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The new looks for a bunch of the DC characters. (Brought over from Green Arrow in the Comics)


I have no words for what they've done with Batman.  He looks more like Blue Beetle than anything Batman related.  For Superman, I'd say lay off the steroids.  He looks like a thug. Very disappointing.   Honestly, most of the costumes look awful (and the heroes in them even worse)  The exception is Wonder Woman.  Her costume is a big improvement. It's functional finally.   Everyone else looks like their artists are too into Frank Miller. 


Oh, when will these berks stop trying to turn boyscout characters into bad boys to deal with their own adolescent issues? I gave up on X-Men comics in no small part because of the writers' determination to make Scott Summers a badass, and now DC are turning Superman into a jeans-wearing, stubble-sporting, street hero? So, so missing the point of him as a character.


And Robo-Batman? That just makes me laugh. It's like one of those goofy action figures you can buy, where Batman is kitted out in some garish, elaborate piece of kit that he'd never use, but appeals to kids. Oh, and he's carrying a gun. So... that's definitely a 'bold' move. Sigh.


This garbage could actually be worse than the New 52. That would be... an impressive achievement.


And now I just read the description of the Wonder Woman book. "Villain Donna Troy"? Villain? Fuck you, DC.

Edited by Danny Franks
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The new looks for a bunch of the DC characters. (Brought over from Green Arrow in the Comics)


I have no words for what they've done with Batman.  He looks more like Blue Beetle than anything Batman related.  For Superman, I'd say lay off the steroids.  He looks like a thug. Very disappointing.   Honestly, most of the costumes look awful (and the heroes in them even worse)  The exception is Wonder Woman.  Her costume is a big improvement. It's functional finally.   Everyone else looks like their artists are too into Frank Miller. 


I'm going to check back 6 months from now, because I don't believe for a second that these new costumes are even semi-permanent. Wonder Woman's is kinda decent; Superman and Batman? NO.

Edited by Trini

I really like Wonder Woman's costume and The Flash doesn't look that much different to me.

I was at my comic book store today and we we're talking about it. Everyone seemed to think WW was the best and hated Batbot and Superman with the Jeans/T-Shirt. Apparently it's been done before but I only recall seeing that outfit on Superboy.

Oh and they're all very excited for the Variant covers, it's all Joker covers

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Not very smart (even as a joke)...


Aquaman Jason Momoa  Attacks Marvel... What is Going ON?

by Rose Moore ⋅ Posted on March 16th, 2015 at 2:09am



From what I've seen, Jason Momoa isn't exactly the smartest guy in the world, so it doesn't really surprise me that he'd do something that daft.


At least Marvel know how to use a full colour palette, though.

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Okay for those of you who watch flash... I recently caught up with the season and I'm really frustrated with the love quadrangle thing going on...


So I was in the minority here about Westallen because I thought they had potential and I kind of liked them. I also don't mind Iris all that much. However, I adore Eddie. But after tonight's episode and watching the clusterfuck that is the love quadrangle going on there, I can officially say that I really hate Westallen. Iris makes Barry act like the biggest tool that I cannot root for. And Iris' feelings for Barry seems so forced. ugh. I hope they turn the ship around for Westallen and make me like them again, but right now they cause more harm than good tbqh.

I haven't watched The Flash in a while because I keep forgetting it's on but I don't ship anyone on that show. It makes it a lot easier. Haha.

I don't either. I was on the fence about all of them. Until tonights episode. I really don't have the energy to not like the main pairing of a series... I mean, Arrow fixed their mistake, but I know for sure Flash won't. 

THE EPISODE WAS PHENOMENAL. Westallen be damned. I thought whatever was happening with Cisco was gonna be permanent but was so confused at the same time. 


But yeah, I'm not invested in this show either. I think it's because I don't click with the characters... Hmm

I don't ship anyone, but I'm not liking WestAllen. I like Iris for the most part, but she plays Mean Girl around Linda. Barry gets straight up obnoxious around Iris/Eddie. I really thought Barry and Eddie would be friends so I hate that whole thing.


And I love Eddie. And West (thank you for pointing out the weirdness). Poor Cisco. Wells is freaky and I love him. 

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Will what happen on The Flash impact events on Arrow? Shared universe and all and something pretty darn big happened timeline wise. Or are they caught in a sort of bubble situation?


With time travel, they've got to be in some kind of bubble situation.

I can't imagine trying to keep those timelines synched up, but it seemed like Barry didn't go that far back in the past? IDK I tuned in way late. 

Edited by apinknightmare

Barry went back to the Christmas episode, I think.


If this were Arrow, I'd think Cisco was dead. But since it's The Flash, he's good to come back.  Loved the Harrison Wells twists; I'll miss him being on the team.


I didn't think any romance could be worse than on Arrow but Iris really opened my eyes tonight. So as soon as Barry tells her he loves her, she can't stop thinking about it but moves in with Eddie anyway? And then messes up Barry's date with Linda?  So rude of both of them.

No, he went back to the beginning of this episode. The lady hailing the cab is the main clue.

It's funny for me, actually, because she legit bothered me the first time. It felt like the scene ran long, because what the hell does a random woman hailing a cab have to do with anything? But then when Barry went back in time it made sense, she was there to establish the point in time he went back to. And what I thought was bad editing turned out not to be.

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Oh my word Cisco dying killed me. I had to pause the episode just to take a moment. The tears rolling down his cheeks. Oh.

As soon as I saw Barry return to a few days prior I burst out laughing. I was like "yes, Cisco lives! And Westallen hasn't happened."

I really don't like what they did with Iris and Barry. Won't this make Barry hang on again because apparently Iris has feelings for him? Poor Linda and Eddie though. This episode rushed the Westallen development. I'm reconsidering what Iris told Linda now about Barry loving someone else. I thought she was just babble-over sharing. But now...

So happy he went back in time.

Edited by Limbo

Found a down side to a crossover Flarrow universe.... realized my Tumblr feed is not a spoiler free zone. Looks like I know what happened in Flash tonight. Being stuck on night shifts has a way of killing your ability to remain spoiler free. But man, I thought I'd at least be spared a few hours of Tumblr perusing without being inundated with Flash clips/gifs/memes. Also there is no way to even avoid these spoilers on Tumblr. Its why I go dark on Twitter on nights I dont want to know what happened. At least I learned my lesson. And let's face it we knew

time travel

& people figuring out wells' being untrustworthy was coming.

No, he went back to the beginning of this episode. The lady hailing the cab is the main clue.

It's funny for me, actually, because she legit bothered me the first time. It felt like the scene ran long, because what the hell does a random woman hailing a cab have to do with anything? But then when Barry went back in time it made sense, she was there to establish the point in time he went back to. And what I thought was bad editing turned out not to be.

The second Barry saw himself only to then stop and hang out in the square where distinct but completely unrelated to the storyline things where happening, I knew he was going back in time which took a lot of the oomf out of the Wells / Cysco thing.  I was actually expecting throughout the whole episode to see people dying and was surprised that they limited the number...though I guess there are still a lot of lives at stake. 


Next week should be very cool. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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I dunno, I hated the episode, but then Wells was the only thing that kept me watching (well, I'm ok with Team Flash, but they're no Team Arrow), and he was basically revealed as a complete monster mustache-twirling villain. They may probably change something about it later, but I doubt it.


Also hated the Westallen stuff. Flarrow writers can't write a good romance if their lives depended on it.

The second Barry saw himself only to then stop and hang out in the square where distinct but completely unrelated to the storyline things where happening, I knew he was going back in time which took a lot of the oomf out of the Wells / Cysco thing.  I was actually expecting throughout the whole episode to see people dying and was surprised that they limited the number...though I guess there are still a lot of lives at stake. 


Next week should be very cool. 

I realized Barry seeing himself was setting up time travel but i thought it was going to flow into the bigger story with Nora's(?) death.  I figured it would be something they were slowly developing over the rest of the season and come to a head in the finale.  I didn't expect he'd jump time/timelines in this episode, so that was pretty cool.

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It dawned on me they were gonna reset this episode when Singh got seriously hurt. But it didn't bother me that I knew what was coming. I got legit invested in how they were gonna do it, and also how much information would Barry retain. I don't know, it worked for me really well.

It dawned on me they were gonna reset this episode when Singh got seriously hurt. But it didn't bother me that I knew what was coming. I got legit invested in how they were gonna do it, and also how much information would Barry retain. I don't know, it worked for me really well.

Singh is the Captain?  Why did that clue you in?  i actually figured they would use the Captain being out of commission to move Joe up the ranks.  Didn't think of it in relation to the need for a reset. What did I miss?

Singh is the Captain?  Why did that clue you in?  i actually figured they would use the Captain being out of commission to move Joe up the ranks.  Didn't think of it in relation to the need for a reset. What did I miss?


Yup, he's the Captain. I guess that's when I started adding up plot twists, with the fact that Barry had just seen himself while running a few scenes before. From that moment on I knew the episode was gonna ~DO ALL THE STUFF~, only to reset it in the end.


Edit: also, earlier in the day a couple of journos I follow on Twitter had used the words "time travel" while talking about this episode, so I guess that was also on my mind... I had forgotten about it when I started watching, but then it became obvious.

Edited by dancingnancy

I enjoyed the ep, but the thought of time travel in the hands of these people makes me nervous. I'm glad for the clues, and hopefully in the future if they're going to "erase" events we get those again. It just seems like a potential cheap trick for big OMG moments that don't mean as much as they could. I hope they use it judiciously.

Edited by apinknightmare

Yup, he's the Captain. I guess that's when I started adding up plot twists, with the fact that Barry had just seen himself while running a few scenes before. From that moment on I knew the episode was gonna ~DO ALL THE STUFF~, only to reset it in the end.


Edit: also, earlier in the day a couple of journos I follow on Twitter had used the words "time travel" while talking about this episode, so I guess that was also on my mind... I had forgotten about it when I started watching, but then it became obvious.

Interesting, I didn't pick it up until much later in the episode.  I knew once Cisco died it would all be reset and it does feel like a cheat. I'm annoyed by the fact that they're once again going with a death that doesn't stick, just for shock value (granted that's more Arrow than Flash at this point but same people involved).


However, I have to give props to Cisco's actor (blanking on the name), that scene with Wells, broke my freaking heart. 

You know, I might be seeing what I want to see here, because I'm a complete sucker for time-travel stories, but the one thing that stuck with me about the episode was that the tone was off. Barry/Iris was WAY too quick and ~dramarama high schoolish, Wells turned into a mustache twirling speechifying villain, everything felt a little lopsided to me... because what we watched wasn't supposed to happen.


Have you guys watched Farscape? Remember the concept of unrealized realities? This is what this episode was for me: an alternate reality that got realized -- by accident, by a wrong turn of events -- when it was supposed to stay an unrealized reality.


And it felt like thankfully Barry accidentally set it right in the end. But there'll be consequences too -- Barry now knows stuff that maybe he wasn't supposed to. It's gonna be good for stopping the Weather Wizard, and Singh getting hurt, and Joe getting kidnapped. But maybe Barry wasn't supposed to know about Iris. And now he does. And this is the *first time* I'm remotely interested in what will Barry do now about his love life.


As I said, it worked for me. :)

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 Also there is no way to even avoid these spoilers on Tumblr. 


It's not the best solution, but if you download the XKit extension for Tumblr, you can blacklist certain types of posts including spoilers. It only works if people tag their posts, but I love it. 

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This is an Arrow-Flash comparison comment...


So for Arrow, MG said that no mid-season 3 relationship is going to be permanent because he expects the show to last a long time and things will always change.  But on The Flash, it's only mid-season 1 and Barry & Iris have already confessed their feelings for each other?

Probably they'll break up again. I think MG was referring to Felicity and Ray because it wasn't going over well with Felicity fans.


I don't like Raylicity and thought Oliver/Sara should have been much better done but the way they set up Barry and Iris, both selfish and Iris crossing into bitchy territory, Greg Berlanti really needs to hire someone who can write decent adult relationships.

Another Arrow-Flash comparison comment...


Comic book spoilers, so I'm putting this whole comment in spoiler tags: 

There was an EP comment once along the lines of they learned from mistakes made on Arrow in developing The Flash.  I wonder if one of the corrections is this - on Arrow, Diggle and Felicity are being increasingly sidelined in favor of the costumed superheroes.  Diggle and Felicity do not have comic book superhero alter egos.  (Although Felicity Smoak is the name of an existing comic book character, the characters are completely different.)  On The Flash, Barry's team members are all existing or potentially future costumed superheroes or supervillains.  Harrison Wells is Eobard Thawne.  Caitlin Snow can become Killer Frost.  Cisco Ramon can become Vibe. That way, Barry's team members will never become 'irrelevant' in the EPs' universe where only costumes seem to matter.

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Another Arrow-Flash comparison comment...


There was an EP comment once along the lines of they learned from mistakes made on Arrow in developing The Flash.  I wonder if one of the corrections is this - on Arrow, Diggle and Felicity are being increasingly sidelined in favor of the costumed superheroes.  Diggle and Felicity do not have comic book superhero alter egos.

(Although Felicity Smoak is the name of an existing comic book character, the characters are completely different.)  On The Flash, Barry's team members are all existing or potentially future costumed superheroes or supervillains.  Harrison Wells is Eobard Thawne.  Caitlin Snow can become Killer Frost.  Cisco Ramon can become Vibe. That way, Barry's team members will never become 'irrelevant' in the EPs' universe where only costumes seem to matter

Maybe I'm sadly naive, but i would hope that they way to fix Diggle and Felicity becoming increasingly irrelevant on Arrow is to stop their fixation with comic book characters and start writing for interesting characters again.  At least on Arrow. On the other two show they can write what they want because they've set up the expectation that it's going to be all about the comic book characters and not character development and good storytelling.

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