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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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1 minute ago, Starfish35 said:

Oh hell no.  I couldn't care less what they do with her on Arrow anymore, but keep her away from the one show I still do care about, please and thank you.  

LOL I was thinking if DD took out one Laurel, he could take out another. 

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As for Colton, I don't buy for a minute that his contract was only for two years.  I never did, actually.  I just thought they were covering for something else. But I totally believe they was covering for him needing to be written out due to his anxiety issues. 

3 minutes ago, Chaser said:

LOL I was thinking if DD took out one Laurel, he could take out another. 

Haha ok:)

Edited by Starfish35
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18 minutes ago, Chaser said:

LOL I was thinking if DD took out one Laurel, he could take out another. 

Nah. She'd blow his head off.

12 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Lol that seems oddly appropriate.

It is the superior show to anything Berlanti so good choice.

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15 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

What's a show nobody cares about? Can we send BS to Reign? Crazy ex girlfriend? 

Reign is ending this season. I'm almost curious to see if it ends with her death or not.

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23 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Nah. She'd blow his head off.


On 5/25/2017 at 6:10 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

That would be hilarious. I'd love to see them build on her "greatest hits"

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24 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Reign is ending this season. I'm almost curious to see if it ends with her death or not.

I kind of feel it should.

Maybe the last shoot is her walking to her death.

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5 hours ago, LeighAn said:

What's a show nobody cares about? Can we send BS to Reign? Crazy ex girlfriend? 

If she can't sing, she doesn't belong.  (Also, there is the little question of acting.)

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15 Arrowverse Fan Theories That Will FREAK YOU OUT
May 27, 2017 by Tara Marie


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Felicity is basically everyone’s favorite character in the entire Arrowverse. She’s the genius who helps Arrow find the baddies, she can hack anything, and oh yeah, for a little while she was in a wheelchair. Remind you of anyone? Yep, that’s right, she sounds almost identical to Oracle, the alter ego that Barbara Gordon (AKA Batgirl) took up after her tragic shooting and paralysis caused by the Joker.

One theory goes that eventually Felicity will earn the title Oracle and become the character, more or less. In addition to Batman, the Oracle worked with almost every single superhero out there, so for this theory to come true, Felicity is going to need to expand her reach and start helping out the Legends, Flash, and more. We’re down for that, because c’mon, who doesn’t want more Felicity?
*  *  *
.  .  .
What about flash-forwards? Instead of showing how he came to be where he is, what if the entire season shows where he will be? We see what the Arrow is doing in a season finale and then slowly build up to it. It would increase the drama and the sense of suspense. The show has done it before as well, showing a future funeral, that we worked our way to slowly, leaving fans wondering what might happen if it went from future to past. It was a high point of the show and doing that every season could work spectacularly.


Edited by tv echo
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Comic Book Resources are freaking me out with the pro Olicity/Felicity articles lately haha.

They were the ones who twisted Marcs quote into an article about Olicity being the writers biggest mistake on the show last season right? 

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A fan (JoAnne_Rowney) tweeted from the BR/MRS panel at HVFF-London today (rather than embed all the tweets, I'll just quote them)...

Brandon says he dresses up for a living but couple costumes were awesome. Camelot was his fav 

Maisie says she loved the modern take on the Vixen outfit. Wearing leather in the morning is great, and gets her ready 

Maisie says she looked at fan comments and many think she should be with Rory. Cheers 

Maisie says may be new characters for next season. 

Brandon says he loves both the ridiculous and silly but also the serious 

Brandon joked he broke his chair. Dude brings a new one, he had to explain it just made a noise ? 

"Rip will be around next season, but we can't say much more" says Brandon

There's Timemasters but not as we know them next season, says Brandon 

Brandon genuinely answering what it's like being tiny as a little kid asks him ?

Brandon says the most fun thing on set is even we get improv when it's a comedic scene. Or long day and we get the giggles. 

Maisie says when the ship shakes it's just the cameraman and they have to keep a serious face 

Maisie says she'd love a place for the animals on the waverider 

Can't compare Atom or Superman. One of a kind opportunities. Superman only slightly beats Atom because awesomeness and legacy 

That's Brandon's reply to being asked which is better!

Brandon says definitely 4 way crossover next season. Plus the #Supergirl show more involved 

Maisie says she loves @caitylotz and she does a lot of her own stunts. Says she's awesome 

Maisie says she sees Rory as flawed but loving. What he has at the centre is good 

Brandon says he would love Tom Cavanagh on #LegendsofTomorrow. Lot of love for #TheFlash actor 

Brandon says Sara is the better captain as she manages the whole #LegendsofTomorrow team well

Brandon says Ray's most successful rel was with Felicity. Someone shouted "what?!"  loudly ? 

Edited by tv echo
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Just now, tennisgurl said:

Seriously though, do we have the budget to have a tiny dinosaur pet traveling with the Legends? Because that would be awesome. I would donate to that kickstarter.

Now I want this. :)

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7 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Hawkgirl actress getting her WW on

I loved that!!

And in the last mashup, I kept thinking they they CGI'd in Lynda Carter, lol.   

Hawkgirl didn't really work out but boy oh boy can she sing!

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3 hours ago, tv echo said:


Brandon says Ray's most successful rel was with Felicity. Someone shouted "what?!"  loudly ? 

Haha there's a reason why I've always like BR!!!!

*Mourns Raylicity one more time*

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18 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Seriously though, do we have the budget to have a tiny dinosaur pet traveling with the Legends? Because that would be awesome. I would donate to that kickstarter.

Now I want a scene next season* of Tiny! Dino and Axel, Time Traveling Rat, in a full blown Mexican standoff while the Legends all grab popcorn and take bets. Who will win? Next season on...Legends. 

(*all in good fun, of course. No tiny creatures shall be harmed in the participation of this cuteness standoff. )

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I don't know if anyone here cares about the Netflix release dates (or doesn't already know) but just in case:

  • Supergirl Season 2 - available today
  • The Flash Season 3 - available tomorrow
  • Arrow Season 5 - available Thursday

Legends Season 2, of course, has already been available for several weeks. 

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He knew at least by the end of LoT, but that timeline didn't stick and DD got returned to the 80's with his mind erased. I'm pretty sure it was never confirmed that he knew about Barry's identity on Arrow and yet, Malcolm did know and he was working with DD toward the end of the season so it was possible he could have told him.  But DD is currently dead so maybe it doesn't matter?  

Edited by BkWurm1
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I'm incredibly grateful that This is Us is going to air on Tuesdays at 9pm now. It makes me feel a bit better about Arrow's ratings. :')

But that does suck for LoT... I wonder if it will even have a major effect on it. The two shows are so incredibly different that I'm not sure if it will or won't.

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29 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

He knew at least by the end of LoT, but that timeline didn't stick and DD got returned to the 80's with his mind erased. I'm pretty sure it was never confirmed that he knew about Barry's identity on Arrow and yet, Malcolm did know and he was working with DD toward the end of the season so it was possible he could have told him.  But DD is currently dead so maybe it doesn't matter?  

It would make sense that he would find out after hanging out with both Merlyn and Eobard, but if there's no direct confirmation, I'll just leave Dhark off.

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2 minutes ago, Trini said:

It would make sense that he would find out after hanging out with both Merlyn and Eobard, but if there's no direct confirmation, I'll just leave Dhark off.

In the LoT timeline that got undone, he had to know because he had Barry's cowl as a trophy.  (As he did with every hero's mask or helmet after he sent his girl goon squad to kill them.)  But does it count if the timeline is undone?  

Edited by BkWurm1
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Ha!  Just was watching iZombie and they are at a campaign party for a mayor and it's the same venue as where in Arrow's season two, Starling City's Mayor was killed by some copy cat hood gang.  All those red carpeted stairs.  

Even more funny, the would be mayor


was also shot.  Of course he was a zombie so no big.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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40 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

But that does suck for LoT... I wonder if it will even have a major effect on it. The two shows are so incredibly different that I'm not sure if it will or won't.

It was up against This Is Us for the second half of the season, and I'm not sure how much difference it made.  *shrug*  It would have been nice not to have the competition, but I think LoT will be ok.  

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1 hour ago, wonderwall said:

I'm incredibly grateful that This is Us is going to air on Tuesdays at 9pm now. It makes me feel a bit better about Arrow's ratings. :')

But that does suck for LoT... I wonder if it will even have a major effect on it. The two shows are so incredibly different that I'm not sure if it will or won't.

Personally, I couldn't care a less about This Is Us and when it airs. I don't think other tv shows need to fear it.

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

In the LoT timeline that got undone, he had to know because he had Barry's cowl as a trophy.  (As he did with every hero's mask or helmet after he sent his girl goon squad to kill them.)  But does it count if the timeline is undone?  

Yeah, it's iffy. I'm leaning towards leaving him off, he'd need so many asterisks by his name! Maybe I'll just make a note about it.

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What happened with Malcolm at the end of LoT's season? Was his memory erased like Darhk's or did he come back on Arrow with the full knowledge of what he was doing with the LoD?

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Since this article was mentioned in the News and Media thread, I thought I'd bring it here for discussion and/or mocking purposes.  

15 Arrowverse Characters Who NEED TO DIE


We chose our entries based on the state of their current story arcs, the scope of their character development and whether or not they ever belonged in the Arrowverse, in the first place.

15. Quentin Lance

14. Citizen Steel

13. Nyssa al Ghul 

12. Hank Henshaw

11.  Wild Dog

10.  Thea Queen

9.  Martin Stein

8.  Black Siren

7.  The Atom

6.  Killer Frost

5.  Maggie Sawyer

4.  J'onn J'onzz

3.  John Diggle

2.  Joe West

1.  Felicity Smoak


Plus, we don’t think he’s been tortured enough. Killing Diggle would hurt, but killing Felicity might just be the thing that breaks him.

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That being the case, Felicity should be target number one for any villain looking to take Green Arrow down.

I laughed at this, since mostly fans are the ones who logically argue this while the show really wants to shy away from the damsel-in-distress position up to the point where the villains just look like poor planners sometimes.

Some of their reasoning for the other characters made me cringe pretty hard as well, tbh.

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Oliver's baby sister, his best friend, and the love of his life. Ok ok ok. 

I can't believe people get paid to write these things. And his criteria for his choices is a joke. He should've titled the "article" 'Characters I Don't Like (and I Pay No Attention to the Show's Narrative)' At least that would've been honest.

Edited by lemotomato
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2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Oliver's baby sister, his best friend, and the love of his life. Ok ok ok. 

I can't believe people get paid to write these things.

Lol.  Yep, Oliver must be tortured, broken and alone. :)

Interesting that seven out of the fifteen choices come from Arrow.  Who does that leave besides Oliver? Just Curtis and Dinah?

Edited by Starfish35
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31 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

15 Arrowverse Characters Who NEED TO DIE


We chose our entries based on the state of their current story arcs, the scope of their character development and whether or not they ever belonged in the Arrowverse, in the first place.


Besides the fact that this is just post-season clickbait, I can't take them seriously when they misspell major character names. Also some (most?) of their reasons are dumb -- like, 'character x has been here a while, so they should go now'. Really?

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3 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

He killed off half the LoT crew too. 

He should just stick to watching Flash, if he dislikes the other shows so much.

Three from Legends (Nate, Martin, Ray), three from Supergirl (Hank, Maggie, J'onn), two from Flash (Caitlin, Joe).  Although I'm not really sure Hank should count.  

6 minutes ago, Trini said:

this is just post-season clickbait

Oh it totally is. :)

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55 minutes ago, Trini said:

Besides the fact that this is just post-season clickbait, I can't take them seriously when they misspell major character names. Also some (most?) of their reasons are dumb -- like, 'character x has been here a while, so they should go now'. Really?

Yeah, exactly. Learn to spell Caitlin's name right. And their reasoning for Felicity dying is pretty stupid. Not all of Oliver's love interests have died; it's only been Laurel, Shado, and Sara (temporarily).

I think that I get what their point was trying to be (which character deaths would impact the story the most; in which case, I'd almost agree with the list). But the title of the article doesn't make it seem like that's the case, or else Sara, Iris, and maybe even Rip would be on the list. 

But this just reminds me of that Worst to Best Arrowverse Couples article from the last week or two, where they had Olicity in the last slot, Sara/Oliver in the first slot, and for some reason, Nate/Amaya was deemed the best Legends couple (out of literally two) and above couples like Roy/Thea and even Laurel/Oliver. I may not like Lauriver, but they are more important to the verse than Nate/Amaya. And I like those characters individually, just not together (still holding out hope for Amaya/Mick). 

Not that the Screen Rant article is good anyway, because they have some really odd choices for the major Arrowverse couples, like Oliver/Shado and Oliver/Helena, while missing out on others (Sara/Nyssa, for example). 

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... really,  half of my favourite characters.   Clearly I'm watching a different show.  I saw Nyssa and got enraged, but then Martin!!  He can't have his maybe,  hopefully twenty years left?  These people are monsters. 

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2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yeah, exactly. Learn to spell Caitlin's name right. And their reasoning for Felicity dying is pretty stupid. Not all of Oliver's love interests have died; it's only been Laurel, Shado, and Sara (temporarily).

I think that I get what their point was trying to be (which character deaths would impact the story the most; in which case, I'd almost agree with the list). But the title of the article doesn't make it seem like that's the case, or else Sara, Iris, and maybe even Rip would be on the list. 

But this just reminds me of that Worst to Best Arrowverse Couples article from the last week or two, where they had Olicity in the last slot, Sara/Oliver in the first slot, and for some reason, Nate/Amaya was deemed the best Legends couple (out of literally two) and above couples like Roy/Thea and even Laurel/Oliver. I may not like Lauriver, but they are more important to the verse than Nate/Amaya. And I like those characters individually, just not together (still holding out hope for Amaya/Mick). 

Not that the Screen Rant article is good anyway, because they have some really odd choices for the major Arrowverse couples, like Oliver/Shado and Oliver/Helena, while missing out on others (Sara/Nyssa, for example). 

That screen rant article was really just what random couples can we put in front of Olicity to get that fandom angry enough to get lots of clicks. 

Like their reasoning was bs and had no merit much like the dead Arrowverse characters. 

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