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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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Maybe, I was really expecting him to run so fast that he disappears and we just see him staring at some buildings in National City. Seems like something they could've done if they really had wanted to, better then ending on that over dramatic scream.

Maybe, I was really expecting him to run so fast that he disappears and we just see him staring at some buildings in National City. Seems like something they could've done if they really had wanted to, better then ending on that over dramatic scream.

Agreed! When he ran off at the end I was hoping he ran so fast he found himself in National City not that screaming crap

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Is it bad that my first response was glee?

LOL, no. I'm indifferent, to be honest. It's clear that after TDK trilogy and MOS that the DC movie-verse is not my cup of tea so I had no intention of seeing this one. I think my reaction just stemmed from surprise that it's already getting spanked that hard.

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Is it bad that my first response was glee?

I'll be bad too, then. :P I'm tired of the hype for Batman in particular.


Although it's not like the reviews really matter beyond bragging rights. Enough presale tickets have been sold that the box office will be fine. The fanboys that will go back 10x ignore reviews anyway. And the sequel is going to start filming in April. 

Edited by lemotomato
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Yeah, I doubt the reviews are going to kill it. As has been mentioned, the die-hard fans will still go see it multiple times regardless. I can see the bad reviews maybe keeping the casual moviegoer away, but that could be only a very small portion of the total audience anyway. I'm sure it will be fine.

Currently 38% on Rotten Tomatoes with 50 reviews...Ouch.


Yikes! I do feel sorta bad that, since Batfleck is getting praised a lot for what should've been a Superman sequel, this might mean that Superman won't get his own movie for a very long time. Poor Superman. It seems like he's always in Batman's shadow when it comes to the DCCU. Eh. Whatever. I don't care about the dudes in capes, anyway. As far as I'm concerned, I'm fine with Henry Cavill just looking pretty while Batfleck broods like only Batman can. My main priority is Wonder Woman. And, from what I've read of reactions so far, she is, by far, the BEST thing about the entire movie. Which fills me with so much glee. I'll happily cheer every minute she'll be onscreen, however short it might end up being. I've waited so long to see Wonder Woman on the big screen.


Also, even if I do feel that Amy Adams is kinda miscast as Lois/doesn't have as much chemistry with Henry in MOS as I'd like, I can't help but like her in every movie I've seen her in. She'll always be Princess Giselle to me. And she seems like such a sweetheart IRL, too.


Although it's not like the reviews really matter beyond bragging rights. Enough presale tickets have been sold that the box office will be fine. The fanboys that will go back 10x ignore reviews anyway. And the sequel is going to start filming in April. 


Not exactly a fanboy (am fangirling Wondy hard, though!) but I am ignoring the reviews and am already set to watch this 2x, actually (once with family, another time with friends). But I read somewhere that the movie needs to make more than $1 Billion worldwide since the production budget for this was massive. Add in the marketing and promotions and, if the movie makes less than $1B then BvS might actually end up being a loss for the WB this year. This is totally unsubstantiated info, though, since I don't think the studio has officially released their budget for this yet? Good thing the WB still have Suicide Squad in their DCCU stable coming up in August, which looks like it might just make a killing in the box office.

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I was curious so I just went over to read a few. The Telegraph review was particularly brutal. After reading that, I'm starting to shift from "wait for rental" to "wait for Netflix." Wow.

Wow is right.  Although that review did remind me what an awesome word "meathead" is--I hadn't really considered how versatile it was as an adjective--and I plan to move that into heavy rotation in my vocabulary immediately.

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I don't really give a damn what the critics say...I always feel like they seem to miss the point of blockbusters/not overly dramatic Oscar bait movies. 


As for Flash...I read somewhere that it's actually the April 5th episode that'll have Barry blip over to Supergirl (but only like a minute of actual time on Flash)

Zack Snyder is a comic book fan, making comic movies for other comic book fans. He made 300 and Watchmen adhering very closely to the source material, and I guess WB likes that sort of thing? (And probably because they asked Christopher Nolan first and he turned them down. :P)

I don't really give a damn what the critics say...I always feel like they seem to miss the point of blockbusters/not overly dramatic Oscar bait movies. 

While do I think that people are better off watching and enjoying a movie they know they're going to enjoy and not letting the critics' opinions sway them, I disagree with your premise that critics "don't get" blockbusters. Here's a sampling of Rotten Tomato ratings for the most recent superhero movies:


Deadpool: 84%
Star Wars: Episode VII- 90%
Age of Ultron: 84%
Guardians of the Galaxy: 91%
Winter Soldier: 89%
Iron Man 3: 79%

Avengers: 92%

Dark Knight Rises: 87%
The Dark Knight: 94%
Batman Begins: 85%

Man of Steel: 56%

Edited by lemotomato
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I read some of the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Wow. Although it's kind of what I figured it would be. Trying to cram too much into one movie and too dark and dreary. DC sucking all the color and humor out of their movies was a huge mistake IMO. A movie can have dark undertones but still let the characters smile and breathe a bit. 


I've never been a fan of Snyder's style which was probably another turn off for me. 


I'm happy Wonder Woman is getting good reviews, I really want that movie to do well to lead to more female led super hero movies. However she's not enough for me to pay 10 bucks to see this movie. When it gets to Netflix I might check it out then. It has convinced me to check out Wonder Woman now so that's a plus. 

(And probably because they asked Christopher Nolan first and he turned them down. :P)


I'm so glad he did. He (and Joss Whedon, too) are too good for adapting comic books all the time. 


Glad to learn WW has been received well so far, hope her movie won't suck (although Chris Pine, ugh).

I can't believe it's worse than Man of Steel. How/Why?

BvS is by the same director and writer that made Man of Steel. They just added Batman to this one, which made it darker. From the reviews, it sounds like the same issues the critics had with MoS carried over to BvS.

I'm not a fan of Zach Snyder in general though I kind of enjoyed Watchmen. But I hated 300 and I utterly loathed Suckerpunch. That was 2 hours of my life I'll never get back and what a self indulgent, incoherent, teenage masturbatory fantasy crapfest that was. Christ, I'd rather spend 2 hours digging a tick out of my skin than watch that piece of garbage again.


There were moments of MoS that I liked; I thought the casting was mostly spot on. I actually liked the bits on Krypton and I enjoyed Russell Crowe as Jor-El and Eyelet Zurer as Lara. But the devastation of Metropolis at the end was nearly too much for me to bear. I kept getting 9/11 flashbacks and I had to cover my eyes. It seemed to go on forever and I felt ill.


Not sure if I'll go see BvS. We have 2 free tickets because a few drunk assholes were acting up when we went to see Deadpool and the theater gave them out as compensation. That experience made me wish you could actually break the 4th wall, because I so wanted Wade Wilson to look at the audience and say, "Hey pencil-dick! Yes, I'm talking to you, asshole. Listen to the lady and SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY! Enjoy the film."



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Went and read some of the BvS reviews and it seems that it really is more Batman's movie than the Superman sequel I was promised. 


But you weren't promised that and I think this is why people won't like the movie.  They went in expecting one thing even though it was billed as something else.  DC has been adamant that Man of Steel 2 is coming and this is NOT a Superman sequel.


What I find funny about this is NO ONE is going to be upset when Captain America: Civil War is as much Tony's movie if not more than Cap's.  As far as I can tell, RDJ is being paid more than anyone else on that project and it will end up being his vehicle more than anyone's else - but no one will think Captain America fans got screwed out of their independent trilogy.


I don't get it.  But whatever.  I expected bad reviews, but I also expect to love the movie and I know it will do well commercially.

So what if it is though? Wouldn't be the first time nor the last. If the ratings do end up being lower I doubt the network is going to see what happened with The Flash last night and conclude that any drop is because of Olicity. I could foresee them realizing their promotional machine dropping the ball re: returning shows after a 3-week hiatus wasn't such a great plan.

So what if it is though? Wouldn't be the first time nor the last. If the ratings do end up being lower I doubt the network is going to see what happened with The Flash last night and conclude that any drop is because of Olicity.

No one is saying they will? If you're referring to my comment, it was sarcasm based on what we can probably expect some of the commentary to be if the ratings do go down tonight.

No one is saying they will? If you're referring to my comment, it was sarcasm based on what we can probably expect some of the commentary to be if the ratings do go down tonight.

Actually there were multiple posts saying exactly that so since someone put it out there I just responded. If it was sarcasm then great, but that's not how it came across to me. No harm, no foul.

Actually there were multiple posts saying exactly that so since someone put it out there I just responded. If it was sarcasm then great, but that's not how it came across to me. No harm, no foul.

Maybe I should've been clearer that I was talking about general commentary about the show should the ratings dip, and not an actual reaction from TPTB as to why.

Maybe I should've been clearer that I was talking about general commentary about the show should the ratings dip, and not an actual reaction from TPTB as to why.

I knew you were talking about the general commentary. My post was to basically say what whatever overreactions or false conclusions doesn't matter because the network will likely see things very differently. My post wasn't directed at any particular person which is why I didn't quote anyone. Really, it's fine. Moving on...

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