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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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47 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

That actually look like their faces!

Sheesh, people have such high standards!  ;D  

After seeing that comic with Iris and the lampshade antennas, I think the artist just superimposed a few new details over the old faces for the new poster.  Compare the outlines of the faces.   

On 9/22/2017 at 5:02 PM, Trini said:

After years of being ignored during the crossovers, Iris (and Barry) is at the center of the poster!!



But no Kid Flash... did Keiynan get bumped to recurring? He's missed several episodes.


4 hours ago, lemotomato said:

Before the latest crossover spoilers got released, someone on another forum mentioned this Flash comic (The Flash Vol 1 165) as a possible hiccup for the Westallen wedding. According to the summary, "Professor Zoom changes places and identities with the Flash on the eve of Barry Allen’s wedding to Iris West." Not exactly a frog eating clone, but something in that vein.


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Reading the spoilers I don't really see it as Olicity tackling a milestone on another couple's big day because the reason for everyone to get together is Barry and Iris' wedding but it's more the premise than the focus of the crossover. It is their special day at the beginning of the crossover, their special day doesn't end as planned, huge mess that ends with a guy getting murdered and then they both decide to get married. Barry and Iris's day ended a while ago at this point. The thing that leaves me uneasy is both the couples deciding to get married right after a funeral. At least wait a while.

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5 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I think Craig from GATV is a good measure he is not a big Olicity fan even less of a fan of Olicity fans but he liked 4A Olicity and was pretty positive towards them as were a lot of the entertainment sites. It was only the drama and the fake weddings and hidden love children that turned Craig off and Matt (tvline) Chris (screener) were also pretty positive and welcoming of Olicity until 4x08 when they got pissed at the writing for giving Felicity an over dramatic reaction and for Oliver lying to her. 


Any legitimate entertainment sites reacted more to the forced drama then the anti-Olicity Reddit LL Stan crowd. And they've been shown that they can be won back over when the writing is good because at the end of the day nobody in the Arrowverse/Flarrowverse has chemistry as good as Stephen and Emily. Look at Natalie she is the biggest Lauriver fan and she loved 5x20 and the Olicity interactions. I think all the entertainment sites loved 5x20.


So its not like the anti Olicity crowd have influence it's just that the writing on the show during the Olicity drama phase got the entertainment sites to be critical of the writing conveniently at the same time anti Olicity fans were blaming Felicity and friends for everything.  But that didn't last long and that crowd are going to be very lonely voices in the crowd.


Plus the really negative articles about Olicity didn't even come from legitimate sites but from comic book sites and fan contribution sites. The only truly negative Olicity article from a legitimate site was the Forbes article and that was still a fan contribution since the guy who wrote doesn't actually work for Forbes and Forbes has that disclaimer that they don't claim those views. 

You're right, I'm just not particularly looking forward to the "Olicity is everything that's wrong with the DCTV verse!" memes that will be going around, because certain people do think that the longer and louder they shout the more legit it seems, although as I said some of the meltdowns I've seen about this news have been funny, especially CG who is technically supposed to be a professional.


Reading the spoilers I don't really see it as Olicity tackling a milestone on another couple's big day because the reason for everyone to get together is Barry and Iris' wedding but it's more the premise than the focus of the crossover. It is their special day at the beginning of the crossover, their special day doesn't end as planned, huge mess that ends with a guy getting murdered and then they both decide to get married. Barry and Iris's day ended a while ago at this point. The thing that leaves me uneasy is both the couples deciding to get married right after a funeral. At least wait a while.

Which is what is annoying a lot of WA fans I think. I can understand because the whole break up saga for Olicity was nothing more than a plot point and treated as such. But both couples did get or will get lead up to their weddings including romantic proposals, engagement/bachelorette parties etc.

I'm at acceptance for level of cheesiness it's going to bring, especially if everyone is in costume, though right after a funeral (which yes is really horrible timing) means like likelihood of formal but mourning clothes. Hopefully they can at least change first.

I'm currently more looking forward to it than I am the inevitable "Kara/Mon-El/Saturn Girl" mess that will happen on Supergirl. It has the potential to be *worse* than the BMD, or at least just as bad.

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I was having a smile to myself about the Olicity wedding news today and I actually feel so sheepish about the whole thing. After wailing like a banshee about a crossover wedding I hear them getting married and I'm like "Awwwww Squeeeeeeee"

As much as I have enjoyed the sex scenes *cough especially 520* and all their scenes together I realised probably one of the most iconic scenes for me was in S2 where Felicity puts the mask on him. 

O: How do I look?

F: Like a hero.

This marriage is going to be up there for me just like that scene. The news really brought me back to that scene and how big it was that she was the person who put on his mask. They did decide she was his one true love in S2.

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15 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I was having a smile to myself about the Olicity wedding news today and I actually feel so sheepish about the whole thing. After wailing like a banshee about a crossover wedding I hear them getting married and I'm like "Awwwww Squeeeeeeee"

As much as I have enjoyed the sex scenes *cough especially 520* and all their scenes together I realised probably one of the most iconic scenes for me was in S2 where Felicity puts the mask on him. 

O: How do I look?

F: Like a hero.

This marriage is going to be up there for me just like that scene. The news really brought me back to that scene and how big it was that she was the person who put on his mask. They did decide she was his one true love in S2.

It was scenes like that in season 2 that made me wonder how anyone could think Olicity "came out of no where". 

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1 hour ago, Featherhat said:

I'm currently more looking forward to it than I am the inevitable "Kara/Mon-El/Saturn Girl" mess that will happen on Supergirl. It has the potential to be *worse* than the BMD, or at least just as bad.

What's BMD again? 

I'm still very unclear how that Saturngirl stuff is even going to work. Is she a regular? Recurring? Guest star? The actress seems super busy, so how many Supergirl episodes is really gonna be in? And why are Mon-El and her the only Legion members we have heard about? Shouldn't we be hearing casting news about more of them? 

Her bio says: 


arrives on Earth to help Supergirl battle one of her biggest threats.

So what, she's here about Reign? But Reign isn't even a timetravel villain. (in Smallville the Legion showed up in pursuit of a timetravel villain and then stuck around for some other villain they came across). 

Edited by tofutan
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1 hour ago, tofutan said:

What's BMD again? 

I'm still very unclear how that Saturngirl stuff is even going to work. Is she a regular? Recurring? Guest star? The actress seems super busy, so how many Supergirl episodes is really gonna be in? And why are Mon-El and her the only Legion members we have heard about? Shouldn't we be hearing casting news about more of them? 

Her bio says: 

So what, she's here about Reign? But Reign isn't even a timetravel villain. (in Smallville the Legion showed up in pursuit of a timetravel villain and then stuck around for some other villain they came across). 

Baby Mama Drama as a badly written clusterfuck that took over mid season 4 of Arrow and among other things broke up Olicity, mainly due to Oliver's lying and leaves us with the kid Myson to this day.

She's supposed to be recurring but it doesn't specify for how many episodes, could be 3 could be 13 but they went to the trouble of flying in an actress who normally works in India so I would say a significant arc. I don't know about fighting Reign, a lot of Supergirl enemies are called "her greatest threat yet" but it seems she's going to be (probably) in a love triangle with Mon- El and Kara. I think other Legion members might well show up but not have big parts. The JSA were all included in LOT but some of them only had 1 or 0 lines. Since I doubt they are done with Kara/Mon-El I guess bringing in Lightening Lad as her canonical love interest and have them going back home would be much more preferable than her dying or nobly giving up when she realises how in love they are or something.

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But exactly if she lives in India, how much time is she really going to be willing to commit to Supergirl? I know a lot of actors fly back and forth to LA whatever, but India seems like a whole different beast. 

It just seems like an unnecessary risk, what if her flight gets delayed, what if she realizes she doesn't like the back and forth flying after all. Then again, I've never understood why they don't just hire more local talent. 

Edited by tofutan
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There was mention of the wedding(s) taking place at a nice location and Barry being with the Diggles in a park. Are they going to adapt this from comics? NGL, I'd probably laugh. Although now I realize Arrow repurposed that with the Olicity proposal in 409. I love it even more now.


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At what point do you expect Iris's traditional oh-my-God-Oliver-is-so-hot aside? First time it was seeing him in person, second time finding out he's the Green Arrow. Now, I'm expecting it when he's dressed up in a suit or tux at the probable interrupted wedding. 

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I'd forgotten about "Iris's traditional oh-my-God-Oliver-is-so-hot aside" but thinking about it, I hope the writers forget about it too. unless it's with a very delicate touch because this is Barry's wedding to Iris.

Given the current political controversy, I wonder how much kneeling there is going to be in the episodes (although Bam Bam is probably blind to it). On the other hand, by the time the episode airs it will have been replaced by the latest controversy.  Or probably the next five.

8 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I saw this on twitter and had a bit of a chuckle:


I didn't realize how much I resented all the publicity and build-up being about Barry and Iris until I saw that mock-up.  Sure, I'll feel better when I see the show if there is enough Olicity goodness but it will never not be a case of satisfying rather than giving their story its due.


6 hours ago, Featherhat said:

I'm currently more looking forward to it than I am the inevitable "Kara/Mon-El/Saturn Girl" mess that will happen on Supergirl. It has the potential to be *worse* than the BMD, or at least just as bad.

I think it will be much worse in terms of viewing pleasure because it's inevitable that Kara will end up with Mon El but they want to stall it as much as possible so there will be more bad drama, because Samantha was only around for two episodes in s4 while Saturn Girl is recurring, and because the proportion of viewers who don't like Kara/Mon El is larger than those who don't like Oliver/Felicity.

3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

If she wants to break into Hollywood she isn't going to be constantly going back to India. She'll probably stay in Vancuvor until her time is up and travel between long hiatus. 

Yeah.  She's probably thinking this is her chance to become a Hollywood actress like Piya Chopra.  Bollywood has a large audience but Hollywood is where the real prestige is.

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

At what point do you expect Iris's traditional oh-my-God-Oliver-is-so-hot aside? First time it was seeing him in person, second time finding out he's the Green Arrow. Now, I'm expecting it when he's dressed up in a suit or tux at the probable interrupted wedding. 

Maybe it'll happen after Barry and Iris are married and while Oliver and Felicity are getting married. J/K. Mostly. I hope.

9 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I didn't realize how much I resented all the publicity and build-up being about Barry and Iris until I saw that mock-up.  Sure, I'll feel better when I see the show if there is enough Olicity goodness but it will never not be a case of satisfying rather than giving their story its due.

I really do wonder if any of the promotion for the crossover will change all that much once the Arrow premiere airs and they can stop pretending that certain characters - but only certain characters, like Felicity and Diggle, since Dinah, Rene and Curtis were also all on the island - are dead. 

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20 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Yeah.  She's probably thinking this is her chance to become a Hollywood actress like Piya Chopra.  Bollywood has a large audience but Hollywood is where the real prestige is.

I don't think it's really comparable. She a British girl who lucked into a handful of Indian movies. 

Chopra was part of the Bollywood movie industry for 10+ years by the time she crossed over and she was nearing the end of her natural career in Bollywood by being 30+. 

And I don't consider being on a CW show really "Hollywood". 

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50 minutes ago, LolaRuns said:

And I don't consider being on a CW show really "Hollywood". 

"Hollywood" is generally used as short hand for "Los Angeles produced/financed."

Granted, most CW shows don't film in Los Angeles. However, all of them are produced by WB or CBS Television Studios, both based in Los Angeles, even though their parent companies Time Warner and CBS are based in New York. This makes all CW shows by definition "Hollywood."

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19 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

CW makes stars out of people. Leighton Meester and Blake Lively have had very good careers out of Gossip Girl. They're Hollywood. CW doesn't get huge ratings but it gets people noticed and can jump start a career. 

Ummm I don't know about that. I think the CW makes 'It' stars when their on air but very few of them have lasting careers that turn them into big stars after their show was on the air.


Blake and Leighton were it girls when the show was on the air but now I wouldn't call them big stars. Leighton has all but disappeared and Blake is probably now more famous for being Ryan's wife then she is on her own acting merits.

Edited by LeighAn
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I'd argue that the fact that Ryan Reynolds is more famous than Blake Lively is due to the fact that he's a man and she's not.

WB/CW doesn't make stars but it does provide the opportunity for someone good to get noticed.  Soap operas used to be the training ground for actors like Julianne Moore and Susan Sarandon (SS said that every young actor should be on a soap to learn their craft) before they made it to the big screen but there are now so few and they are so badly underfunded that it's a closing door.

If nothing else, she's going to get a wider audience on a CW show than in a Bollywood film.  Not necessarily more viewers, but a more world-wide audience.

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Blake is practically A-list, she's had several successful films and starred alongside A-list celebrities. Not to mention she is practically seen as a fashion icon.  

Ryan Reynolds only out shone her because of Deadpool. That is what blasted him to the level he is now. 

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16 hours ago, ruby24 said:

Ugh, I just got a load of the call sheet in the spoiler thread that the paps are getting their info from. That sounds TERRIBLE. 

WA is definitely getting the short end of the stick here. This totally cheapens their marriage and wedding, lol. 

Sorry but can I ask why WA are the only ones getting the short end of the stick here? No matter what wedding is being promoted, in the end both couples are being forced to not only share their day but get married on another show. Both are getting shortchanged here, IMO. 

Because as much as I'm cool with a last minute wedding for Olicity, I am absolutely not happy with it being on a crossover and taking place after a funeral or following on from WA. But I'm not suddenly going to start blaming WA for that.

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This may have been posted before, but given what we now know about the 'Crisis on Earth-X' crossover, it's worth watching again...

Freedom Fighters | The Ray Comic-Con® 2017 Trailer | CW Seed
Published on Jul 22, 2017, by CW Seed

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17 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I'm going to take a wild, wild guess and say it probably has something to do with comic canon.


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18 hours ago, ruby24 said:

Ugh, I just got a load of the call sheet in the spoiler thread that the paps are getting their info from. That sounds TERRIBLE. 

WA is definitely getting the short end of the stick here. This totally cheapens their marriage and wedding, lol. 

How does sharing their wedding day cheapen their marriage? 

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You could say that Olicity getting engaged in the MSF when the writers knew they were breaking them up 6-7 episodes later was cheap, especially as they made them fake their wedding for a poor storyline an episode later.

Neither couple is getting sole focus on their "big day" and both have had some traditional build up to it in other episodes, even if it was for a bad plot point. It might cheapen their wedding day (though the crossover as a whole will also contribute to that) but what happens *after* the wedding is what will or won't cheapen their marriage and AK is already hinting at trouble ahead for them, for which I am already blaming Dammit Barry. ;)

 Coming right after a funeral is the weirdest thing of all IMHO, even if Stein begs everyone to live life to the full with his dying breath.

Edited by Featherhat
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9 hours ago, bijoux said:

At what point do you expect Iris's traditional oh-my-God-Oliver-is-so-hot aside? First time it was seeing him in person, second time finding out he's the Green Arrow. Now, I'm expecting it when he's dressed up in a suit or tux at the probable interrupted wedding. 

I'm expecting it with popcorn and champagne! I would die of happiness if they managed to sneak that into the wedding somehow, even if it's something silly like Oliver shrugging and letting her squeeze his bicep before she walks down the aisle. While Barry stands up front, just giving the eyeroll of his life. I'd run from the torches and pitchforks with a smile. 

As to the rest of the now-old news, I'll admit I wasn't happy either. At all. I've only had a day to really process it, and it just seemed so disrespectful. Robbing two couples of having their own day and all of the little, special moments that come along with it, to then split that down the middle and anger their fan bases to boot. I don't know what they were thinking. It felt wrong to me. And knowing the inevitable anger and infighting it was going to encourage didn't help either. And while that's probably going on out there as we speak and will undoubtedly continue until the crossover itself, I've been really pleasantly surprised at just how well it's being taken in others. Far more than I expected, I'm seeing a willingness to work out the situation and make the best of things with alot of open humour and civility, and it's all been...pretty okay. Really that's  all I ever want, so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts  

The situation itself probably still isn't ideal. I think its fair to say that no one is exactly overjoyed at the prospect of missing out on things they want for their couple because of timing and circumstance. But with it being what it is, I still think it can work itself out. Flash has the lead up on it's own show for personal moments and pre-wedding shenanigans, and there's no reason why there shouldn't be all the hugs and warmth and bonding we could ever wish for.  The final crossover hour will likely be crazy, but axing the traditional first dances or epic kisses - no matter how tight the scheduling is I don't believe they'll do that to anyone. And where Oliver and Felicity are concerened, I really like what was said earlier in the thread about them having alot of personal moments and remembrances through the event, leading to living in the now with what you know you truly want and going for it at the wedding. That's a lovely idea that makes alot of sense, and I can now see them going that way.

 The only difference is it doesn't make me feel robbed - why should it? If anything, it's a really perfect way, especially on an interrupted/spur of the moment storyline, to honor what each couple has been through and means to each other, culminating in the actual weddings. It's sappy in the extreme and likely to send half of us into comas, but that, like the wedding, is something we'll all be experiencing together. If anything, it will at least serve as an ongoing reminder that these people are friends who (perhaps begrudgingly) do love each other, and the fanbases will stop tearing each other apart for a little while. Or not, I'm not expecting any miracles. Except Oliver offering up a pre-bridal march bicep squeeze for my own personal amusement. I'm still not letting that dream go. 

In any case, I still think this has a chance of being a lovely and memorable event for everyone, and even if there are disappointments, we all know we can somewhat rectify those and have our intimate celebrations after, back "home", and know it's going to be a hell of a crossover otherwise and regardless. There is just too much awesome coming outside of wedding concerns to ruin this event for me, and even that has a hope at working itself out unexpectedly. It might even be charming. I guess we'll see, but my excitement remains undiminished (and the wedding never was).

Edited by Karlophe
Holy text wall etc. and and so forth.
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but axing the traditional first dances or epic kisses - no matter how tight the scheduling is I don't believe they'll do that to anyone.

I'm confident on the kiss but I can see them sidestepping the dance and ending the crossover on the ceremony or a toast.

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@Karlophe you can join me in my pink dress and cheer on the wedding. I'm ridiculously excited and still excited today!!!!!

Unpopular opinion but I liked HR. I'm sad he won't he at the wedding. He  was always so cheerful and enthusiastic about everything. 

I wish the Earth X versions of them weren't Nazis and just evil. My fanficcy self would have loved to write some silly story about EvilOliver running into Felicity and being smitten but the Nazi thing kills it because well........Nazis.

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9 hours ago, bijoux said:

At what point do you expect Iris's traditional oh-my-God-Oliver-is-so-hot aside? First time it was seeing him in person, second time finding out he's the Green Arrow. Now, I'm expecting it when he's dressed up in a suit or tux at the probable interrupted wedding. 

What needs to happen is Oliver commenting on Iris' hotness, so this forbidden love square can be completed. ?

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15 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

you can join me in my pink dress and cheer on the wedding. I'm ridiculously excited and still excited today!!!!!

You should be wearing red because, you know...


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40 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm confident on the kiss but I can see them sidestepping the dance and ending the crossover on the ceremony or a toast.

Yeah, I'm not expecting any first dances either. If anything, we might see Oliver and Barry talking off to the side, watching while Felicity and Iris are on a (makeshift*) dance floor with everyone else. 

*If there even is one - aren't the weddings taking place in a park?

Edited by insomniadreams88
Remembered the spoilers about where the weddings are supposedly taking place
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23 minutes ago, Trini said:

What needs to happen is Oliver commenting on Iris' hotness, so this forbidden love square can be completed. ?

Iris is a beautiful girl but when it comes to being checked out by her Oliver reacts like this:


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Shots like that always make me wonder what would happen if there was no island and he ran into Felicity. Would he go from Ollie to baking souffles and trying to marry her.

Because they made it clear that he cheated with anyone and everyone in his youth but he's so freaking smitten with Felicity he perpetually looks at her like she hung the moon.

This is why I ship them so hard *happy sigh*

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