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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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Last year, all four shows shot several scenes from the crossovers and the surrounding episodes out of sequence to try to accommodate everyone's schedules. It's very possible that EBR is doing this now with some of the Flash cast. 

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TVLine's Fall TV Predictions



PREDICTION: Vigilante — who has a “personal” agenda and will be revealed to have a “very close connection” to a series regular character — is either A) SCPD Captain Pike, B) Dinah’s “dead” partner/lover or C) Earth-2’s John Diggle. But for our final answer, we’ll go with… B, aka Vincent Sobel. 




PREDICTION: Only one of the show’s cross-Earths romances will survive into the new year. (Sorry, Wally/Jesse.)




PREDICTION: After returning from [wherever he is!], Mon-El will finally slip on a supersuit in Season 3.


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19 hours ago, Angel12d said:

Need to get my magnifying glass out to find the women in this writers room. So many white men. ?

If you click on the pic above, the user names of some people pop up, so you can identify some of them.

Larry Teng (@tengstagram) is directing the Supergirl crossover ep, James Bamford is probably directing the Arrow crossover ep, and I assume Gregory Smith and Dermott Downs (@belfastjesus) are directing the Flash/LoT crossover eps...


15 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Emily is still filming for The Flash?

Edited by tv echo
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Bamford and Smith,  yeah it's good to have friends among the EPs so you can practice your directing on their show. 

They're so proud of saying 50% of their directors are diverse, when what it is is 50% are white men.  It should be 25% or less so no gold stars for you.

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Looks like Wonder Woman 2 is going to have some serious box office competition (bold mine):


On the heels of J.J. Abrams taking over the directing reins of Star Wars: Episode IX, the final Skywalker family trilogy title will now open on Dec. 20, 2019 instead of May 24, 2019. This will certainly put in motion a domino effect as several studios will likely scurry to slot their pics over Memorial Day weekend 2019, and also move out of the way of Star Wars’ path as it barrels into December, 24 months from now.

The only other title that Episode IX leaves behind on Memorial Day weekend is Warner Bros. Minecraft. Episode IX enters a December where Wonder Woman 2 is scheduled to open a weekend before on Dec. 13 (will she move?). That Dec. 20 date is the pre-Christmas weekend that Force Awakens previously occupied. 


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'Arrow' Actor Auditions For 'Shazam!' Lead Role
by Megan Peters | September 20, 2017


DC Films is moving right along with its plans for Shazam! The film moved into pre-production this year, but Warner Bros. is still looking for a leading man to play Shazam. One Arrow actor thinks the superhero may just lie within him.

Thanks to Omega Underground, an audition tape for Shazam! was spotted on Vimeo today. The footage sees Arrow’s Parker Young audition for Shazam, and the clip even sees the actor reference DCEU heroes like Batman and Superman.

Young’s audition tape has since been made private, but it is only a matter of time before DCEU fanatics re-upload the clip. The original video was posted a week ago, so it looks like Warner Bros. is still searching for an actor who can play Shazam.

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On 9/19/2017 at 6:24 PM, ComicFan777 said:

I think Caitlin is a biomedical engineer.  I think she was a doctor in the Flashpoint timeline.


She's always been a doctor of some sort.  In the Flashpoint timeline, she was a pediatric optometrist.  

6 hours ago, LolaRuns said:

I'm really curious how the Legion storyline will work on Supergirl. I always thought to like Legion was considered pretty nerdy even for comic fan standards (and hence it's not surprising that Kevin is into it). 

They had it on Smallville so it's not too obscure anymore.  Hand out some time traveling rings and their set, lol.

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I'm glad they didn't do phantom zone because to me that didn't really fit with what the phantom zone was in season 1. 


There was also a Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes cartoon that I think ran for 2 seasons. So there are certainly more obscure characters, but I always saw them as pretty niche, more something for very devoted fanboys. That people kept doing them always struck me more as a testament to just how much the people who like them really like them, than their real potential or popularity.

They could do a version of the Smallville story fairly easily, but the way more interesting proposition would be if Kara got to visit the future for an episode or two.  


I also hope they do some other characters than Smallville did, like Triplicate Girl or Dreamgirl. 


And of course the big question is whether Brainac5 will have a presence considering that him and Supergirl are an item across several incarnations of the Supergirl character. It would be pure irony if Mon-El ended up bringing them together inadvertently. 

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34 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

If they're doing the Legion storyline, that must mean Mon-El did get sent to the future.  Which I think a lot of people guessed, but I know there was also Phantom Zone speculation.

That just reeks of more stealing/ripping off using from Superman stories to me.

1 minute ago, LolaRuns said:

I'm glad they didn't do phantom zone because to me that didn't really fit with what the phantom zone was in season 1. 

There was also a Superboy and the Legion of Superheroes cartoon that I think ran for 2 seasons. So there are certainly more obscure characters, but I always saw them as pretty niche, more something for very devoted fanboys. That people kept doing them always struck me more as a testament to just how much the people who like them really like them, than their real potential or popularity.

They could do a version of the Smallville story fairly easily, but the way more interesting proposition would be if Kara got to visit the future for an episode or two.  

I also hope they do some other characters than Smallville did, like Triplicate Girl or Dreamgirl. 

And of course the big question is whether Brainac5 will have a presence considering that him and Supergirl are an item across several incarnations of the Supergirl character. It would be pure irony if Mon-El ended up bringing them together inadvertently. 

Not just the cartoon titled Legion of Superheroes, but Superman: The Animated Series had an episode with the Legion, as did Smallville. But Justice League Unlimited also had one--and in that one, Supergirl/Kara remained in the future because she and Brainiac five fell in wuv. That's the explanation for how/why Supergirl disappeared. I hated that Supes/Clark and Kara never got to say goodbye.

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Well that would hardly be the first time Supergirl and The Legion of Superheroes had a story together. I think their first stories go back to the 1960s. So I'm not convinced that "stealing Superman's stories" really applies here. Or rather, if anything the comics did the stealing first, like in the Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes comic series, which hit upon a lot of the same beats as the Legion cartoon show. I would argue she has her own connection to the Legion as well, through the romantic connection with Brainiac. So there's certainly things they could do differently from Smallville. And even if they didn't, I think Smallville has been over for so long, it wouldn't hurt that much to do another version of that story. 

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7 minutes ago, LolaRuns said:

Well that would hardly be the first time Supergirl and The Legion of Superheroes had a story together. I think their first stories go back to the 1960s. So I'm not convinced that "stealing Superman's stories" really applies here. Or rather, if anything the comics did the stealing first, like in the Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes comic series, which hit upon a lot of the same beats as the Legion cartoon show. I would argue she has her own connection to the Legion as well, through the romantic connection with Brainiac. So there's certainly things they could do differently from Smallville. And even if they didn't, I think Smallville has been over for so long, it wouldn't hurt that much to do another version of that story. 

When I stated stealing, I was referring to any potential/speculative Phantom Zone plot; not the Legion of Superheroes.

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26 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

When I stated stealing, I was referring to any potential/speculative Phantom Zone plot; not the Legion of Superheroes.

I'm not sure what you mean. It just seems to me that Mon-El going to the phantom zone is a story just very tied to Mon-El and that happens to him regardless of whether he's around Superman or not. 

Very hyped about Alex and Sara meeting and Captain Cold being in the crossover. 

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No Mon-El in the crossover - that should relieve some fears. I hope J'onn is included though.

Oh, and Cold is in the crossover! Cool! (Pun not intended but there it is.) I wasn't expecting that.

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I just find it interesting that Captain Cold is in this episode and Alex has scenes with both him and Sara. So will there be a Captain Canary reunion in the crossover? I got the impression that Wentworth will probably be only in a few episodes this season. 

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Which half, I wonder? That he's married, but maybe not necessarily to Shadow Lass, or that he and Shadow Lass are together, but not necessarily married?

While I've been mostly neutral on Karamel, it'd be hard for me to support them at all if he turns out to be married. :/  I know it's a trope, but it's usually a pairing-killer for me.  

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I have a strong suspicion that it's together and not married (at least I hope not if only to spare us the extra angst) and it's going to lead into a long "finding their way back to each other" storyline that lasts into back half of the season. Or it could just be their way of adding drama while keeping him busy with the Legion? I've got nothing.

Besides Alex, it seems. She's meeting Sara and Captain Cold! Does he come back early in the season? Do the Legends drop into Supergirl? Or vice versa, since they're closing crossover? The scheduling must be ridiculous, it's going to be insane seeing how it all ties together. Particularly with Arrow following Supergirl. What's the throughline?

Edited by Karlophe
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