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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Love all these pictures!  I love Jensen's tweet and that Jared retweeted it.  Boys :)


Jared is definitely thinner, but I really don't think he looks sickly or anything.  I saw him in person at NJ Con about a month and a half ago and I never once thought he looked ill.  I thought he looked fine.


Here's a cute one:



Edited by kimrey
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Is Jared Padalecki ill? He looks as if he's lost way more weight than he can afford to.

Most likely he isn't able to work out and he may be watching what he eats or he is still in the lucky stage he can eat what he wants and burn it off.  He is a tall guy and always has had a lanky build. 


Also I think he is a bit of a method actor and since Sam has been in  a terrible place, he might be not eating as much as he should which would help with the idea of how hard Sam is pushing himself to get his brother back.  He will need to watch doing this if he is doing that, Tom Hanks became diabetic from losing the weight and regaining it for roles but Jared is far from doing what Tom Hanks did to himself.  I would bet as soon as things return to normal with the brother's together again, Sam will start to put on weight and when Jared gets the all clear to work out, he will once again put back on the muscle. 


There was a picture with Jared in a ski jacket and he didn't look sick this summer and that was after he had hurt his shoulder.  I've seen him at Cons on the internet without wearing his brace, bad boy...lol but he has to be careful because once you dislocate a shoulder it can happen again, so right now no horseplay with Kevin or Jensen...lol

Maybe I'm the only one, but I actually think he looks fine. I don't really pay attention to these things much, but there was a period of time when I was sure he was on steroids and I didn't find it attractive at all nor did I think he looked at all healthy. I think he looks a lot more healthy lately, but that's probably just me.

It's not just you!  I don't think he looks THAT much different than he did before the injury.  I mean, here he is the day before it happened at JIB con in Rome and I think he looks pretty much the same. 



I mean, I can definitely see some weight loss now and it makes sense because he worked out a lot to keep up his bulk and had to stop pretty abruptly for months.  But I don't think he looks sick at all.  I stood next to him at NJ con and if I hadn't known about the shoulder injury I don't think I would have even noticed any difference, really.


...and back on the topic of media - I really hope some of those interviews start popping up!

Edited by kimrey
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Welp. I swear these showrunners do not understand the meaning of spinoff. And no, it's not introducing a new character over a couple of episodes.  It's using an established character that is popular...like anyone of the dozens of characters that already exist in the SPN verse.


The CW takes another stab at a Supernatural spin-off, the new characters may appear in more than one episode of the long-running drama.

RELATED The CW Grants Full-Season Orders to The Flash, Jane the Virgin

While last season’s attempt at an offshoot, Supernatural: Bloodlines, introduced its cast and plot during the course of one hour, showrunner Jeremy Carver tells TVLine that one of his takeaways from the backdoor pilot — which didn’t ultimately go to series — is to spend more time establishing the ensemble.

“I think maybe one lesson would be to take a couple episodes to introduce some of your new characters to the fandom so the fandom could get used to them and is rooting for them,” he says.

Supernatural Spin-Off SpoilersCarver may get his chance to win over the fans. Although Bloodlines was not picked up, the network “would love to get another Supernatural spin-off [on the air],” CW president Mark Pedowitz said during the Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour this past July.

“The support they give us is incredible,” creator Eric Kripke says, adding that Pedowitz “definitely” still wants to make the project a reality. “I think there’s a real opening if we can come up with it.”

Adds Carver: “It’s definitely something we’re actively discussing… So many stories have been told. So if anything, it makes it a bit more difficult to get it right. But it’s definitely something we keep on discussing.”
At the moment, the premise of a potential new series is just in the “thinking” stages, Kripke notes.

“Our feeling on the spin-off is we want to do it if the idea is right,” he explains. “We want to do it if it’s something we’re really excited about and it’s a corner of the universe we haven’t seen yet. We don’t want to do it just to jam a piece of business through. We want to do it if we’re going to come up with something that’s as good as the mothership… Me and [executive producer] Bob [singer] and Jeremy [Carver] and stars Jared [Padalecki] and Jensen [Ackles], we all decided that it just has to be idea first. If it’s not an idea that we’re all totally in love with, we’re not going to do it.”



This link has spoilery pics for the rest of the season.



Edited by catrox14

Welp. I swear these showrunners do not understand the meaning of spinoff. And no, it's not introducing a new character over a couple of episodes.  It's using an established character that is popular...like anyone of the dozens of characters that already exist in the SPN verse.


I don't really know how much it has to do with the showrunners. Mark Pedowitz said a few years ago that he didn't think any SPN characters could support a spinoff. After Bloodlines tanked, they seemed to hedge on that, but I wouldn't be surprised if he still feels that way.


Kripke has way way more to say about this than I remember him having to say about SPN in years. I don't think it's a bad idea to have him involved, although the plodding, posturing nothingness that was Revolution tells me he needs some help if he's going to do another series.

Edlund already said he wasn't coming back, I think, although I'd be happy to be wrong. 


Kripke - I tend to wonder if he's involved with the show, or just a possible spinoff.


I'd think that he would be writing the 200th episode if he was involved with the show. Who knows.

Kripke's involvement was the FIRST thing I noticed.  A part of me wonders if he got bored with Supernatural and now wants back in because it's maybe not as boring as he thought it was?  I like Eric but he's got an inner 12 year old that is both good and bad sometimes.  The other thing that struck me:


Me and [executive producer] Bob [singer] and Jeremy [Carver] and stars Jared [Padalecki] and Jensen [Ackles], we all decided that it just has to be idea first. If it’s not an idea that we’re all totally in love with, we’re not going to do it.”

I'm pleasantly surprised to see J2 in that list of names.  They've both apparently either never been offered Exec Producer credit or chosen not to take it but these two are so involved with this show and how it operates.  This is more evident in the last two years than before I think.  Personally I think they've made a great many "saves" in episodes when the writing just wasn't working.  Now they've also made some choices I didn't like but I'm kinda happy to give them this role.  I think they both are extremely protective of the show, the characters, and each other.  If they make a mistake, they make a mistake. But these two NEVER phone it in.  And that's very very tough after 10 years.  So, I'm glad they apparently have a voice in some of the spin-off discussions.  I suspect this article sources from the 200th party. It's possible there were some around-the-bar discussion going on and nothing more.  But I really hope they do a better job with the next outing than what they did last time.

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Every time I see Jensen in that t-shirt I can't help thinking that the White T-shirt must be so excited to be making an appearance behind the scenes.  #TWOPclothingwars #anyone?

Oh yes, I remember well, and so I'm bringing this over from the "Small Talk: The Impala" thread for you in case you didn't see it there a while back: A link to the TWoP text part of the Clothing Wars via the Wayback Machine:


"Letters to the Supernatural Characters: Text Me"  - the commentary that goes along with the TWOP clothing wars starts on page 10 here: Clothing Wars at post #291. My favorites were the Greyhound T-shirt and the Hoodies (The Woobie Hoddie and the Hoodie of Angst) and of course the Greyhound T-Shirt's protector, the Grey T-Shirt. ; ). (I so wish I had been a member and not just a lurker at TWoP then. I only jumped on board at the very end of that thread's active period).


In the "Small Talk" thread (page 2), I mention some of my other favorites. If I ever want to laugh my butt off, I find the section with the Armadillo (from Hell House) and the Cymbal Monkey.

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Misha is the best.  EW "Who Wore it Best " battle between Castiel and Constantine




Dearest E!

I am writing you because my friends at the NSA sent me a copy of [what] Matt Ryan [told] you in which he claims to wear the iconic trench coat/suit/tie trifecta better than me. I must confess, I do not know Mr. Ryan personally and while he obviously is a more strapping, more chiseled, better looking young man than yours truly, I think the question of who "wears the suit better" is moot. To my mind, this entire question is absurd. It's like asking which work of art is better? Piccasso's original "Seated Woman" or an excellent forged reproduction of the same work. No collector would ever seriously entertain this line of inquiry. The first would fetch tens of millions at auction, the second might only fetch a prison sentence. It's like comparing the dew-swept grasses on the bluffs of Scotland to the astroturf in the planter at a mini-mall. No sane person would draw a parallel.

All of that said, some readers might point out that when Castiel was introduced on Supernatural the script described his wardrobe as "a rumpled suit and trench coat… A la Constantine." In other words, Castiel's wardrobe was inspired by—or more accurately, stolen from—the comic book version of Constantine. I don't get bogged down in these trivial details, though.




I still voted for Castiel of course

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That was such a vacuous response from Matt Ryan; it makes me even less likely to watch Constantine. Then again I had no interest in that show anyway, considering the character has nothing to do with the man in the comics.


Apparently no one told Kristin that Cas doesn't even have the same coat anymore.

Edited by Pete Martell

Brought over from the media thread


Why is that when he only plays a crazy, mean version of Dean that people notice. I mean I'm glad at long last but C'MON PEOPLE. He's been playing variations of Dean throughout the run but not like he's a different person. I mean shouldn't other actors be able to see how great he is with finding just the right note to play things and not have to play two completely different characters like MegSam or Samifer. That's no dis to Jared because it was great but I think I appreciate the challenge of finding a believable  Dean in every version of Dean that Jensen has played. To me that's a really remarkable thing to do.


For example I was watching Constantine last night and Matt Ryan was okay but he during a BIG scene he got all SHOUTY and LOUD and I thought see now that is boring and typical. The rage turns into shouting. But with Jensen he plays rage more internally and even the growling wasn't so much about LOUD AND BIG as it was intense and strong in Jensen. Even with demon!Dean the growling wasn't actually shouty. It wasn't GARRRRRR!ARGGHHH! RAWWRRRRR only from the voice.  I was more like GARGGHHHH, I WILL KILL YOU because the eyes and face matched the GRRRR...ARGGH.


I have to say the bit where he ran he's fingers through his hair, made me laugh because Dean NEVER messes with his hair. But the best bit was how he got so quasi parental/big brother with the "Where are you Sammy" right after that.  I really did laugh because I think it was meant to be darkly comic.


At this point I'm not even sure what I'm saying but yeah for Jensen!

/rant over


Why is that when he only plays a crazy, mean version of Dean that people notice. I mean I'm glad at long last but C'MON PEOPLE.


From a show like Supernatural, you expect flashy "supernatural" storylines. So when an actor isn`t given those opportunities, like EVER,, they do seldom get noticed. In a reality-based drama where everything is (mundane) human problems, it`s that material that gets noticed. In comedy shows, it is obviously comedic stuff. Sure, there is some overlap but in genre shows you can play "other" in big flashy ways so this stands out.


In terms of playing different roles, I think Dark Angel offered Jensen a far better opportunity in two episodes than Supernatural did in nearly 200. Ben and Alec were like night and day different. In SPN he remains hobbled - three measly episodes for the only "other" thing ever vs. what feels like 700 hours for Jared`s ten thousand variations of "other" - which is why it can`t end soon enough for me. 

From a show like Supernatural, you expect flashy "supernatural" storylines. So when an actor isn`t given those opportunities, like EVER,, they do seldom get noticed. In a reality-based drama where everything is (mundane) human problems, it`s that material that gets noticed. In comedy shows, it is obviously comedic stuff. Sure, there is some overlap but in genre shows you can play "other" in big flashy ways so this stands out.


In terms of playing different roles, I think Dark Angel offered Jensen a far better opportunity in two episodes than Supernatural did in nearly 200. Ben and Alec were like night and day different. In SPN he remains hobbled - three measly episodes for the only "other" thing ever vs. what feels like 700 hours for Jared`s ten thousand variations of "other" - which is why it can`t end soon enough for me. 


Ben and Alec were totally different characters,with different personalities. And to me, it seems like would be easier to play totally different characters like LuciferSam or MegSam than to find the nuance that Jensen has with the variations of Dean. That's why I think what he's done with Dean deserves so much more recognition. Even here demon!Dean was not so different that he was not recognizable as Dean but he was not Dean at the same time. When I look at pictures of Alec and Ben I can immediately see beyond hair or clothing that which one it is just by the expressions. I can the difference between Alec and Dean right away. I can see the difference between Jake in Devour and Dean and Tom Hanniger and Dean just by the face and the way Jensen carries himself. 


Here with demon!Dean, he was still Dean. Like right before his eyes went black and he snarled at Sam after being capture, the smile/smirk was totally Dean. And then the change from the rage, and loathing and contempt for Sam and the world, to all the weight of the world showing back up in Dean in an instant...just remarkable.


To me that just takes all the chops in the world. And the fact that it's a genre show with Supernatural elements shouldn't preclude the recognition of amazing acting. 

Oh, I don`t disagree that it is IMO far more difficult to play the same character with nuance than to play several different characters - which is actually what an actor is supposed to do in various projects. I think Jared is good at mimicry, i.e. picking up mannerisms of other actors if he plays "their" character, like Meg!Sam and bringing in Nikki Aycox tics. Wasn`t a fan of Gadreel or Soulless on any account.


Jensen, I can`t recall if he ever had a role that picked up another actor already playing that role? So, I can`t judge any such performance yet. 



And the fact that it's a genre show with Supernatural elements shouldn't preclude the recognition of amazing acting.


It shouldn`t. But I freely admit that I personally watch genre shows for genre material. My favourites tend to be Supernatural characters with powers, CGI and the works. Unless, they are unfeasible to me as characters. Even "human" characters without that I want to see in larger than life "unrealistic" plots and not deal with mundane, human problems. The loss of a loved one? Can have that from any old dime a dozen soap/drama. Loved one staying as ghost, returning as a zombie or being vampified? I`m there.    .   


Ironically, I think with Jensen, I have the Michael Rosenbaum conundrum. The latter could do both comedy and drama but I personally vastly prefered him in drama whereas he said multiple times he prefered comedy. Jensen has often said he prefers lighter as well yet I love him in dark drama. Oh well. :)

{Excerpts} - From a show like Supernatural, you expect flashy "supernatural" storylines. So when an actor isn`t given those opportunities, like EVER,, they do seldom get noticed.... Sure, there is some overlap but in genre shows you can play "other" in big flashy ways so this stands out.


In terms of playing different roles, I think Dark Angel offered Jensen a far better opportunity in two episodes than Supernatural did in nearly 200. Ben and Alec were like night and day different. In SPN he remains hobbled - three measly episodes for the only "other" thing ever vs. what feels like 700 hours for Jared`s ten thousand variations of "other" - which is why it can`t end soon enough for me.


Jensen may not have gotten to play different Deans for long periods of time, but he has gotten to play numerous versions of Dean throughout the show's run. In the early seasons, he was often the one who got to play "other" versions of Dean. In the first 4 seasons Jared played Dr. Ellicot influenced Sam and possessed MegSam as his only "others" that I remember. Maybe the "other" Sam in "What Is..." might also count if you squint, though that wasn't really a supernatural difference, just another variation of "normal" Sam. Dean in those seasons played Shifter Dean, Demon Dean, and was Spirit Dean, and even though Sam had the "powers", when there was a special supernatural happening episode, it was much more likely to be Dean who was the focus of that episode and went on the supernatural journey while Sam stayed home and/or was barely in the episode. There was "In My Time of Dying," "What Is...", "In the Beginning", and "The End" in the early years with others later on. In addition to the incarnations already mentioned above, Jensen has played Hallucination Dean (in Sam's mind, and at least a couple of times), 2014 Dean, Dean Smith, Death Dean, Vampire Dean, Leviathan Dean, Purgatory Dean, Dog Dean, mark of Cain Dean, and now real Demon Dean (With likely more I'm forgetting). "Yellow Fever" influenced Dean may also count. So while he doesn't usually play them for extended periods of time, Jensen has played many variations of Dean with some of them legitimately "not Dean" (at least Shapeshifter Dean*, the first incarnation of Demon Dean, Leviathan Dean, and maybe 2014 Dean. Hallucination Deans also counts as not Dean in my book.) And truthfully, Jared didn't really play "not Sam" for long periods of time either. Meg Sam and Leviathan Sam were only in one episode and he was Samifer for was it 2 episodes? In that case, 2014 Dean should count just as much as Meg Sam did as playing an alternate character and likely Shapeshifter Dean as well since he was in "Skin" as long as Samifer was in "the End".


In the first half of season 8 Dean had the only supernatural plot arc, and for me it didn't really help my enjoyment of the show at all. For me it was the worst period of time of the show. (I personally found purgatory repetitive and not very compelling or suspenseful in the way it was presented - so much wasted potential). So it is definitely a mileage varies situation.


* Which I'm pretty sure was the first and only "other" either of them played in the first season and a half - until "Born Under A Bad Sign."

I hope no one is taking my enthusiasm over Jensens work as variations of Dean as a slight to jared or Sam because it's not. It's not really a competition.

Jared has said that he likes playing the dark stuff and villainy so I think that is why he excelled MegSam and Samifer and soulless Sam.

Edited by catrox14

I`m talking storylines as in actually something more than parts of a one-off episode. That means vision!Sam, demon-blood-Sam, Soulless!Sam, Lucifer!hallucination!Sam, Trial1Sam and Gadreel!Sam all qualify, covering each at least half a Season if not a full one or more than that.


As for Dean, I guess I can count the Mark of Cain as one but Demon!Dean with only three episodes also doesn`!qualify. 


As for the first half of Season 8, I don`t think it was perfect and Purgatory was a wasted opportunity - it should have been real-time action vs. flashbacks - but I thought the scenes were dynamic and fun. And while Jensen didn`t play "other" there, I did enjoy the badass aspect of it. Compared to the second half which was the biggest character-demeaning pile of shit the show ever released IMO, it was golden. I guess the acting challenge during 8.2 was to not completely fade into the scenery in the absence of any valid material whatsoever. Maybe if it were Downton Abbey, that would have been one of the servant storylines but this being SPN? Nah. Maybe in that regard, I have to give Jensen the highest credits there.


Misha is facing a similar albeit slightly different challenge now. He has a storyline but it is so godforsaken boring, I think it even affects the actor.

Edited by Aeryn13
Compared to the second half which was the biggest character-demeaning pile of shit the show ever released IMO,


For me that would be what they did to Sam in the first half of season 8, who not only didn't look for Dean, but abandoned Kevin and walked away from all of his responsibilities. This not only made him look uncaring of his brother, but cowardly as well since he apparently couldn't "handle" it and fell apart because he hit a dog. Meanwhile they contrasted this with numerous scenes of super badass and totally loyal Dean, so as to further make it apparent that Sam was a complete piece of cowardly crap who couldn't even make the relationship with Amelia that he abandoned everything for work and so was a failure at that too. I have no idea how Jared was supposed to play that plotline and be expected to make Sam not look like a complete ass and try to make that Amelia plotline at all interesting. It was an impossible task in my opinion. For me that was worse and more demeaning * than what they did with Dean in the second half of the season where Dean at least was still loyal and caring and in addition was pulling Sam's ass out of trouble every other episode to boot. But we'll just have to agree to disagree.


* To me there isn't much more demeaning than turning a character into a coward who runs away and abandons everyone they supposedly care about.


I`m talking storylines as in actually something more than parts of a one-off episode. That means vision!Sam, demon-blood-Sam, Soulless!Sam, Lucifer!hallucination!Sam, Trial1Sam and Gadreel!Sam all qualify, covering each at least half a Season if not a full one or more than that.


As for Dean, I guess I can count the Mark of Cain as one but Demon!Dean with only three episodes also doesn`!qualify.



I was mostly answering in relation to the second part of your post concerning playing different roles, because that was what the original post was about, so my point was that Jensen has played multiple supernatural versions of Dean and even "others" which were not just different versions of Dean, but were actually other characters that just happen to look like Dean and might have picked up some Dean characteristics but were really something supernatural and/or a monster.


These characters don't always correspond to long term plots, but that does not mean that Dean has not had long term supernatural plotlines. And I will take that part of my answer to the "Dean" thread.


Summary of Dean "supernatural" plots lasting around half a season or more:


Dean and the deal

Dean and the angels and the Righteous Man (doesn't matter that it got changed. Sam's trial plot got snuffed too, but since it counts, then so does this)

Dean and the Leviathans

Dean and Purgatory

Maybe Dean and Sam's soul


I hope no one is taking my enthusiasm over Jensens work as variations of Dean as a slight to jared or Sam because it's not. It's not really a competition.


Jared has said that he likes playing the dark stuff and villainy so I think that is why he excelled MegSam and Samifer and soulless Sam.


No, I didn't. But I may be a bit odd in that I almost always enjoy Jared's portrayal of Sam and in some ways prefer his acting choices under some circumstances to Jensen: mostly comedy which I sometimes prefer Jared's more deadpan to Jensen's overt comedy stuff like "Yellow Fever", but that is only my personal preference and by no means a slight on Jensen's abilities.


I liked Jared as the dark characters, but many of my other favorite Jared performances, such as "Mystery Spot", "A Very Supernatural Christmas" , "Bad Day..." (Ironically all in season 3), "Dark Side...", and "Hello Cruel World" are not when he's so called "dark." (and I'm likely missing some smaller moments - these are larger episode chunks here). The newest episode, "Soul Survivor" also counts, since I think Jared totally nailed that one, too.

So this is weird. They showed a promo for the CW for the "Heroes Within" featuring the stars of their shows.  They showed Sam but not Dean. I have never seen a promo for the show that did not have both Sam and Dean. 


I don't know why this bugs me but it does. LOL


ETA: It would have bugged me if it was just Dean too. 

Edited by catrox14

So this is weird. They showed a promo for the CW for the "Heroes Within" featuring the stars of their shows.  They showed Sam but not Dean. I have never seen a promo for the show that did not have both Sam and Dean. 


I don't know why this bugs me but it does. LOL


ETA: It would have bugged me if it was just Dean too. 


If it makes you feel any better, I'm pretty sure that was an abbreviated version. I seem to remember seeing a daytime one - either on TNT or during some court show on our local CW - that has both brothers. I just can't remember if this one focused on all of the shows or only on Supernatural and Flash and/or their other "core" shows. This one seemed to not only have been shorter, but stuffed in more shows than the one I think I remembered. Of course my brain is not what it used to be lately, so I could be entirely remembering it wrong.

I put this in the actor thread but I'll put it here too.  These multi-talented assholes are too damn much. Raw studio snippets for Jensen and Jared and the Jason Manns Christmas album


Guh. I LOVE Jensen's voice. 


And Jared is pretty great too


Dang wish I could see them singing.  Jensen's sounds really great, Jared's couldn't really tell but I don't think he's as comfortable as Jensen singing.  Wonder if we will soon have fans demanding that the boys sing together at cons?  :)

Misha's bow-legs are particularly adorable.

I must be asleep, until I saw this and enlarged the pic I didn't get what they had done.  It is a hoot.  I bet Misha hate's Sam showing Misha as so short.  I wish I could have as much fun as they do on the set in my job.  It does have it's good days  but....

Storified live tweets from the Paper Moon episode.  Interesting tidbit: Carver wrote the bro-stuff in the car



Adam Glass took a picture of the first two acts for Paper Moon when they were literally on the drawing board.  He tweeted that today: https://twitter.com/adamglass44/status/529000093307793408


Under the category of "because I can", bits I found interesting:

- Chill-ax scene originally set at some motel pool. Excellent change by whomever put them at a lake with a "No Hunting" sign.

- The notes say "two weeks" since de-demonizing (not those exact words)

- Tough to read a great deal but the barn exchange seems like Sam was questioning whether or not killing Kate was the right thing.

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