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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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My guess is that, unfortunately, Jared has anger issues and a quick temper fueled by alcohol. Someone with authority (ex. producer, etc) should caution him to be more careful off set and in his personal dealings with other people. It really reflects poorly on him specifically, and perhaps on future acting contracts if word gets around. The whole thing is just a mess. 

I think Jared spouts off on SM more than he should, and I roll my eyes at his outbursts at the airlines and cell phone companies. I didn't think this came across as a ranty post but more thoughtful and specific whilst not overtly stating what was said or done. 

I can't quite put my finger on why this seems different, it just strikes me that way.  It's not about poor service that I can tell. It seems to be about something more personal and maybe not even solely about him, given in his longer reply he specifically said "our". I'm wondering if this maybe more about the person(s) he was with who this worker offended or belittled and he was deeply offended on behalf of his companion(s).

My first reaction after reading his longer comment was that maybe this was some kind of outright discrimination or bigotry directed towards him or his companion(s). That maybe what she said and did went beyond rudeness to outright abuse. Perhaps he contacted the management and wasn't satisfied, so he took to SM on top of it considering he called out the entire business and not just this person, (who's picture he should NOT have posted).  

Edited by catrox14
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I didn't think this came across as a ranty post but more thoughtful and specific whilst not overtly stating what was said or done. 

But quite frankly, that makes it worse to me. By leaving it so vague, anyone can make up anything about it. And the pitchforks come out. If it was a specific grievance, people would either fall on the side of "wow, that is beyond dastardly" or "hm, not THAT big a deal to warrant this". And if it was majorly the latter, well, you lose your support platform.

I wonder, any person who champions this as some great heroic tale, what would they say if a celebrity posted their picture and place of work on a social media platform to all of their followers with just a vague mention of what set them off but being sure to paint a gigantic target. I bet not a single one person who find that great then.      

  • Love 5

I'm heading deep into pop-psychology waters here, so feel free to take anything I say with a whole bucket of salt.

I wonder if Jared has a form of Bipolar disorder?  It seems to match symptoms, from the hyperactivity/incredibly fast talking I've seen in con/bts videos (even I, a native New Yorker, sometimes get whiplash trying to follow his conversations) to the major depressive incidents.  It can also include increased irritability (and sometimes feelings of grandeur, which can also be exacerbated by celebrity status, which can give him *true* feelings of importance, not just delusions.)  

Anyway, about this particular incident, it seems to me  that Jared, more than any of the other SPN people, heads straight to SM with any news, good or bad, without pausing to let things sink in or settle down.  That may be generational, or even a part of depression, wanting others to side with him/support him.

I believe that "normal" people have the right to post whatever they want (though I don't think it's fair under *any* circumstances to get personal:  no photos, names, or any identifiable information like emails or even twitter ids).  But celebrities *are* different, even though many don't want to be (or don't realize they are.)  Anyone who has an enormous following can cause a great deal of damage by a statement that might have been either a joke or a passing moment of anger/frustration.   So, silly as it may seem, celebrities *do* have to follow the "with great power comes great responsibility" and, unfortunately, *always* be aware of what they're saying in public.   I think all the SPN people understand the capability for good with this power (like GISHWES and AKF and YANA) but maybe Jared doesn't have the ability to sit back and wait when he's upset.  And again, that might be a function of bipolar or something similar.  

Just out of curiosity, I know he turned to the support of his family and friends when he was in that major depression, but does anyone know if he has ever had professional help/meds or even a diagnosis?  (That's another whole level of openness about mental health issues--not just acknowledging them, but admitting that *you can't always handle them on your own* (even with the support of family) and you have to know when to turn to professional help.)  I've been there, done that, and I know how hard it is for someone in the depths to even recognize that they can't do it alone, let alone be willing/able to seek out help.  

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

But quite frankly, that makes it worse to me. By leaving it so vague, anyone can make up anything about it. And the pitchforks come out. If it was a specific grievance, people would either fall on the side of "wow, that is beyond dastardly" or "hm, not THAT big a deal to warrant this". And if it was majorly the latter, well, you lose your support platform.

I wonder, any person who champions this as some great heroic tale, what would they say if a celebrity posted their picture and place of work on a social media platform to all of their followers with just a vague mention of what set them off but being sure to paint a gigantic target. I bet not a single one person who find that great then.      

FTR, I'm not one of those championing this as anything heroic (unless it comes out that it was but no that's not my viewpoint.

 I'm just trying to understand his motivations on the outside looking in you know? My first reaction was JFC Jared don't post someone's picture and that opinion hasn't changed as I've said.

I doubt anyone wants someone to their picture from their workplace especially if it's negative. If I was being unfairly maligned by a celeb, I'd probably post back and say, NOPE this is not what happened. This is what happened" Thus far I haven't seen this person do that. Maybe she will. Maybe she won't. 

When he's ranted at the airlines or ATT he generally said what his issue was. He wasn't vague about it. Maybe he's being vague about the exact nature of the offense for the sake of his companion(s). I don't know but I didn't get the impression this a drunken FB rant. 

It's all very strange.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Just out of curiosity, I know he turned to the support of his family and friends when he was in that major depression, but does anyone know if he has ever had professional help/meds or even a diagnosis?

He said at a recent con he sought professional help and he still receives that help (after someone asked him about inappropriate coping mechanisms which WTF people??) 

He didn't elaborate on whether that means meds or what his treatment plan consists and he didn't mention a specific diagnosis. Personally,  I think it's enough for him to say he deals with depression and anxiety. 

Edited by catrox14
3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

He said at a recent con he sought professional help and he still receives that help (after someone asked him about inappropriate coping mechanisms which WTF people??) 

He didn't elaborate on whether that means meds or what his treatment plan consists and he didn't mention a specific diagnosis. Personally,  I think it's enough for him to say he deals with depression and anxiety. 

I'm not asking about a specific treatment plan or diagnosis.  I was just curious if he did get professional help or was trying to tough through it himself (as a lot of guys do), and I'm glad that he did/is getting whatever help he needs.

Just now, ahrtee said:

I'm not asking about a specific treatment plan or diagnosis.  I was just curious if he did get professional help or was trying to tough through it himself (as a lot of guys do), and I'm glad that he did/is getting whatever help he needs.

Sorry, I wasn't suggesting you were asking about it. Just saying that he didn't elaborate on it beyond that yes he sought professional help.

He made an off-handed somewhat joking remark about telling his psychiatrist something during the Nerd HQ panel prior to s10. I took him to mean he did see a psychiatrist even then. 

Jared just posted:

In regards to my recent post, please please PLEASE do not send ill-will in anybody's direction. I felt it necessary to voice my opinion, as I have made a promise to myself that I will not let somebody mistreat me just to swallow it, as if I "deserve" it. It's a promise I hope y'all can make to yourselves as well. But it's in the past now. And I sincerely hope everybody involved will be better for it. Please, for the love of Chuck, don't send any hatred or ill-will in their direction. That is the exact OPPOSITE of what I want.

As far as I can tell he has removed the other post.

Edited by Diane
  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, Diane said:

Please, for the love of Chuck, don't send any hatred or ill-will in their direction. That is the exact OPPOSITE of what I want.

I'm sorry, but what? Dude, you're not new to Twitter. There has been a TON of stuff in the media lately about how people abuse others on that platform. I'm not saying he wanted anything bad to happen to this woman, but he can't act like he wasn't aware of the possibility of people going after her. Or that part of his venting online wasn't to get others to sympathize with his stance against the bartender. 

  • Love 8

Apparently the restaurant and the server were tracked down and harassed/threatened to the point that they had to take their page down and she got death threats. The fandom lost their collective minds. Hopefully he is more cautious about this kind of thing in the future. I understand not wanting to "take it" and unload frustrations but that is what his family/friends are for, IMO. 

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, Diane said:

Jared just posted:

In regards to my recent post, please please PLEASE do not send ill-will in anybody's direction. I felt it necessary to voice my opinion, as I have made a promise to myself that I will not let somebody mistreat me just to swallow it, as if I "deserve" it. It's a promise I hope y'all can make to yourselves as well. But it's in the past now. And I sincerely hope everybody involved will be better for it. Please, for the love of Chuck, don't send any hatred or ill-will in their direction. That is the exact OPPOSITE of what I want.

As far as I can tell he has removed the other post.

Ah, things always look clearer with a little bit of time to reflect. Glad to see he might have realized there was a problem there.

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It's kinda too late. Her picture and his post are all over Twitter and the restaurant is getting a TON of crap from SPN fans. I'm sorry- I think the fandom in some ways is really a good thing, but the level of overprotectiveness and adoration sometimes makes me cringe. Even on his most recent post people are still defending his actions. With his visibility I think it was inexcusable to post her picture. Sometimes I do think he acts way too impulsively. And...I can see him having a bit of a meltdown from the fallout of this. I don't like that he had such a terrible experience but I really disagree with how he handled this. 

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I stand by my original post.  Celebrities (and that includes politicians!) mustn't randomly vent in the public eye without thinking of the consequences FIRST, because there will always be someone (or many someones) who will take harmful actions, whether thinking they're helping the celebrity, or get publicity, or even with all good intentions, trying to stop what they perceive to be bad behavior.  "Oops, my bad, never mind," doesn't work when the damage has already been done.  And the fans shouldn't defend this.  Understand, forgive, but not condone it so it happens again.  

  • Love 6

I think probably a publicist got involved. That is the stuff they get paid for, too, to step in with a "fuck no, reverse that" when stuff like that happens.

That the bartended would be quickly identified and then would receive up to even death threats, come on, that was a given from the moment that was posted. Like, welcome to Planet Earth. 

  • Love 5

Celebrity is such a strange thing. And censorship is a sticky wicket. People need to be held accountable for their own choices. And that includes celebrities and their fans. I think it was stupid for Padalecki to have posted the pic, beyond that I really can't judge because I have no idea what happened. But I do know that noone should be issuing death threats over this, no matter what happened. But to my mind that's on the people issuing them.  Think about all the things we wouldn't know about if people censored themselves out of fear of causing a negative backlash.

I'm not sure how far I'm comfortable going with telling celebrities to watch what they say in public. I understand the sentiment behind that idea, and to a certain extent I do agree, but where is the line drawn? Who gets to decide what is or isn't okay for them to comment on?  Fans just have to make that decision themselves with their wallets, I suppose.

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I think he could have easily ranted about any issue that bothered him without including a picture and easily identifiable info to go with it. I mean, what`s next, a home adress and phone number?

And in terms of celebs not censoring themselves, well, everything has up-and downsides. Any "normal" person pissed off about rude statements or bad service can do what? Either complain to the management, complain to their family/friends  or maybe rant on their social platform as well. They might even include a photo and all their 20 followers or so will give them words of support. A celebrity can go on facebook and complain to their 2 million! followers what a mean person A is, helpful picture included. And hey, if only 10 of those followers decide to harass person A six ways from Sunday, job well done. You can`t use the power when it suits you but then not show any of the responsibility.  

Edited by Aeryn13
  • Love 7

Wow.  It's one thing to vent your frustrations on social media, but naming the person specifically and posting a picture of her are way beyond acceptable.  I don't care what she said to him.  If it was that awful, then talk to her boss and have her fired, but what he did was wrong.  He's not new at this fandom or social media, and he knows how over-the-top the fans are about some perceived slight to their favorites.  This was really poor judgment on his part.  Death threats...seriously??  WTF?  I've thought some of his earlier comments about airlines, etc. were a bit much, but this was really a bad decision on his part.

  • Love 10

What time of day did he post it? Like 3am or whatever right after it occurred or did he wait till this am to post it? Might be an indication if alcohol contributed (i.e. lowered his reactiveness and increased impulsivity) and then this am he realized what he had done and tried to fix it.  But I guess if he was writing fb responses to people who commented that doesn't make sense. 

I'm not really a fan of social media, and this is one reason why.  You can say absolutely anything, and it's taken at face value.  People comment and re-post and before you know it, it's everywhere.  There's a certain lynch-mob mentality that I find dangerous.  People are tried and convicted instantly without ever getting a chance to give their side of the story.  

I understand his comments about not just quietly taking whatever shit people dish out at him, because no one should have to put up with that.  But then he needed to either address the situation with this woman directly, or with her manager.  He just shouldn't have done what he did.  Hopefully, this will be a learning experience for him, and he won't be so quick to air his grievances so publicly the next time.

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50 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

I'm not really a fan of social media, and this is one reason why.  You can say absolutely anything, and it's taken at face value.  People comment and re-post and before you know it, it's everywhere.  There's a certain lynch-mob mentality that I find dangerous.  People are tried and convicted instantly without ever getting a chance to give their side of the story.  

I understand his comments about not just quietly taking whatever shit people dish out at him, because no one should have to put up with that.  But then he needed to either address the situation with this woman directly, or with her manager.  He just shouldn't have done what he did.  Hopefully, this will be a learning experience for him, and he won't be so quick to air his grievances so publicly the next time.

I would hope so, but his FB comment worries me:  

As far as "keeping future grievances" more private?Simply put, no. I will not let you silence or censor me and my feelings the same way those in the past have tried to silence or censor or ignore or belittle my feelings. I've worked too hard for too long on myself to be told to take negativity that's sent my way, and shut up about it, just because I'm a "celebrity". I'm truly sorry that the existence of my hurt disappointed you, and I wish you peace and happiness. With love, jp.


It sounds like he's equating "keeping future grievances more private" (which I would interpret as "talking to friends and family and not spreading it worldwide) with being  told to ignore his feelings and/or not talk about it at all.  It seems to me that he's got a hot button about being told not to make waves and so is overreacting and seeing censorship where it wasn't intended or doesn't exist.  So, on the one hand, I can understand not wanting to be told to suck it up, especially if it's "just" because he's a celebrity and should be grateful, but on the other hand, he's using his celebrity status to gain sympathy from millions of people, who are therefore *against* the other person, whether they know what happened or not.  And since she doesn't have the built-in audience that Jared has, she's been effectively silenced completely and (as you say) convicted without even a trial.  

Jared has to realize that having your feelings hurt/getting bad service/dealing with rude or "mean" people is part of normal life for *everyone,* not just celebrities, and everyone gets to choose how to deal with it;  but being famous gives you a power over others that shouldn't be misused.    (Personally, I think posting pictures, names and negative things--even if true--about people who can't defend themselves seems more like bullying than anything they could have done in the first place, but I've always had a problem with the "talk to the hand" model.)  

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The problem for me is that whatever this woman did or didn't do to him, it happened in front of a small group of people.  Even if what she did happened in front of the entire restaurant, it was still just a roomful of people.  He then took their argument to the internet where he knows thousands of his fans are hanging on his every word.  He was well within his rights to give her back her own attitude in spades, but it should have been done right then and there, in front of the same people.  Or if he didn't want to make a scene, he should have asked to speak with a manager, or written a letter to them after-the-fact.  As a celebrity, his complaint would probably have carried much more weight than just a run-of-the-mill customer.

I just really have a hard time getting past the fact that he named her and posted her photograph on his Facebook account.  That was just wrong on so many levels.  

Edited by MysteryGuest
  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Bessie said:

Celebrity is such a strange thing. And censorship is a sticky wicket. People need to be held accountable for their own choices. And that includes celebrities and their fans. I think it was stupid for Padalecki to have posted the pic, beyond that I really can't judge because I have no idea what happened. But I do know that noone should be issuing death threats over this, no matter what happened. But to my mind that's on the people issuing them.  Think about all the things we wouldn't know about if people censored themselves out of fear of causing a negative backlash.

I'm not sure how far I'm comfortable going with telling celebrities to watch what they say in public. I understand the sentiment behind that idea, and to a certain extent I do agree, but where is the line drawn? Who gets to decide what is or isn't okay for them to comment on?  Fans just have to make that decision themselves with their wallets, I suppose.

Sorry- replied to the wrong post. 

Edited by Binns
Replied to wrong post
46 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

The problem for me is that whatever this woman did or didn't do to him, it happened in front of a small group of people.  Even if what she did happened in front of the entire restaurant, it was still just a roomful of people.  He then took their argument to the internet where he knows thousands of his fans are hanging on his every word.  He was well within his rights to give her back her own attitude in spades, but it should have been done right then and there, in front of the same people.  Or if he didn't want to make a scene, he should have asked to speak with a manager, or written a letter to them after-the-fact.  As a celebrity, his complaint would probably have carried much more weight than just a run-of-the-mill customer.

I just really have a hard time getting past the fact that he named her and posted her photograph on his Facebook account.  That was just wrong on so many levels.  

Same. And I'm sort of amazed in a bad way at the reactions on his page now. Lots of fights and tempers are high. Might be a good idea to take his own page down for a few days. Someone did a visitor post where she said he was rude to her husband and how disappointed she was. I'm sure this was around that incident bc I've always heard they are delightful with fans when out in public. But this guy might have caught him in the midst of something ugly. My point is this is spiraling into a big mess. And he didn't apologize for basically doxxing this girl. She can't even go into work for fear of her safety (though this could be hearsay). 

hopefully he takes this and learns from it. An apology would go a long way to fans like me who are honestly taken aback at his actions. It sucks she treated him badly but he had about a hundred other remedies open to him rather than doxxing this girl. 

I'm agree with Catrox14 that there's something different going on here. It's not just a matter of an airline not allowing his carry-on. It sounds like this woman said something nasty to him and or the people he was with. Yeah, maybe he overreacted, but there was something else going on. Any nastiness from fans is on them, not him.

  • Love 4
18 hours ago, auntvi said:

'm agree with Catrox14 that there's something different going on here. It's not just a matter of an airline not allowing his carry-on. It sounds like this woman said something nasty to him and or the people he was with. Yeah, maybe he overreacted, but there was something else going on. Any nastiness from fans is on them, not him.

I have no doubt that whatever this woman did upset Jared very much.  And I'm sure it was something pretty bad, since from most accounts, Jared is a decent guy who doesn't act like an asshole in public because he's famous.  My only issue is that he should never have called her out the way he did on his Facebook page.  You don't name people and you don't post their picture.  Especially when you have a rabid following.  It's just not smart.

  • Love 3
On August 15, 2016 at 6:31 AM, Demented Daisy said:


On a better note, from Osric:


Supernatural version of Pokémon Go?  Sign me up!

A follow up:



Guys we have to talk. There's something I've been wondering for awhile and I'm hoping you can clear it up for me.

What team do you play for?

Team Yellow

Team Yellow believes that the key to success is following one’s intuition and believing in their own innate abilities. They can close their eyes before falling forward because they know that their teammates will be there to support them.
A fan of the underdog as that's the position they usually find themselves in, and they're oh so proud of it.
If you have faith and trust that things will work out in the end, Team Yellow is the team for you.

Team Blue

While Team Yellow is guided by trust and gut-feelings, Team Blue is guided by calmness, wisdom, and intellect.
Team Blue is a group that is defined by their ability in maintaining a cool collected demeanour in any situation rather than giving into their emotions which could cloud their judgement.
If you see adversity simply as a puzzle that needs to be solved, then Team Blue will be a good match for you.

Team Red

Finally, there’s Team Red, whose members are motivated by passion and strength above all else, as opposed to the tranquility of Blue and the faith of Yellow. If you’re in this game primarily to be the very best like no one ever was, this team is known for being the fiercest and most competitive of the three.
Though they may have some unrealistic goals, Team Red is not afraid to try anyways.
If you're not afraid of working hard and stubbornly working towards your goals, Team Red will be there to cheer you on.



Team Blue!

  • Love 1

Again just an interesting FYI:

It is indeed a bittersweet time, but one to really celebrate and bring down the house for: as Creation Entertainment's Official SUPERNATURAL Convention returns to Texas, Jensen and Jared's home state, for the very last time when we arrive in Houston on January 27-29, 2017.

Sounds like they are going to really slow down after 2017 and who could blame them, but I would think the Texas ones are the easiest to do and the get to visit home too.

Edited by Diane
6 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I guess I'm a Team Yellow - since I always cheer for the Underdog. (with a side slice of Team Red at times)   :)  I don't know about my teammates being there to support me, but I know I'll always be all right.

I'm a combo of Team Red and Team Yellow.


44 minutes ago, Diane said:

Again just an interesting FYI:

It is indeed a bittersweet time, but one to really celebrate and bring down the house for: as Creation Entertainment's Official SUPERNATURAL Convention returns to Texas, Jensen and Jared's home state, for the very last time when we arrive in Houston on January 27-29, 2017.

Sounds like they are going to really slow down after 2017 and who could blame them, but I would think the Texas ones are the easiest to do and the get to visit home too.

They might just replace Houston with Austin.  

They have more security at the cons who seem to dress in suit and ties that I have seen from gifs and such on Twitter and Tumblr.  Clif seems to always be wearing shorts and Tshirts LOL.

39 minutes ago, Demented Daisy said:


Yep, just got the e-mail.  Jensen will be there.

Are you going to VanCon?

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Ah. I was just gonna say well have a great time if you were going!

For what it's worth, I might go to the one in Hawaii next year.  Too early to say for sure.

Of course, if I do go, I will write a lengthy report and take as many pictures and video as I can.  :-)

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