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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not, but I thought it was a really interesting article. I have nothing against shipping, and I was even pretty hardcore into Destiel for awhile, but food for thought.

When Fandoms Queerbait Themselves

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18 minutes ago, goyour-own-way said:

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not, but I thought it was a really interesting article. I have nothing against shipping, and I was even pretty hardcore into Destiel for awhile, but food for thought.

When Fandoms Queerbait Themselves

That's a great article. It's too bad that the people who need it most can't/won't see themselves in it. I don't ship anyone on the show (okay, maybe Dean/Baby) but I know that these are wise words for any aspect of hardcore fandom (including my Deangirl-ness):


But just because you can see a piggy bank in the clouds doesn’t mean there’s money in your bank account. Interpretation doesn’t mean intention.



Edited by gonzosgirrl
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42 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

That's a great article. It's too bad that the people who need it most can't/won't see themselves in it. I don't ship anyone on the show (okay, maybe Dean/Baby) but I know that these are wise words for any aspect of hardcore fandom (including my Deangirl-ness):


There are a lot of comments arguing about whether or not Destiel is teased by the writers vs fans seeing what they want to see. It's pretty entertaining!

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15 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

There are a lot of comments arguing about whether or not Destiel is teased by the writers vs fans seeing what they want to see. It's pretty entertaining!

I wouldn't argue that there has never been any 'winking' at the audience in the show, in early Castiel* seasons, I never considered for a moment that they would make this canon. And I think a good deal of the 'blame' (if there is blame to be assigned) for baiting rests on Misha encouraging his fans. At the least, he's the one who could have put a stop to much of the wank.

(*I will never, ever concede that there was any 'baiting' or even 'winking' about Wincest - that one is wholly and fully on the fans).

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26 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I wouldn't argue that there has never been any 'winking' at the audience in the show, in early Castiel* seasons, I never considered for a moment that they would make this canon. And I think a good deal of the 'blame' (if there is blame to be assigned) for baiting rests on Misha encouraging his fans. At the least, he's the one who could have put a stop to much of the wank.

(*I will never, ever concede that there was any 'baiting' or even 'winking' about Wincest - that one is wholly and fully on the fans).

The comments aren't about the early Castiel years. There are comments about Dean being a self-loathing closet case and his over the top homophobia being proof that he's bisexual along with them using examples of instances between him and Cas which other posters are countering with the same instances occurring between Dean and Sam. The point being that the examples are no more romantic between Dean and Cas as they were between Dean and Sam. There are a few arguing for the queerbaiting argument with one or two posters arguing against it. 

Edited by DeeDee79
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3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

That's a great article. It's too bad that the people who need it most can't/won't see themselves in it. I don't ship anyone on the show (okay, maybe Dean/Baby) but I know that these are wise words for any aspect of hardcore fandom (including my Deangirl-ness):


It was a nice read. Who knows with Dabb though. I would rather Dean have resurrected Benny and had a nice bro to hang with... solid respect between those too.

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1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

The tree topper one? 'Cause that would be... hypocritical? 

Probably would be, especially since I got the feeling she was still slightly pushing Destiel in this article at the same time she's slapping hands. Hm.

But there are a lot of good points, and the bottom line is that it's all fun and games until the shipping fandom becomes as militant as neo-Nazis walking the streets with tiki-torches and AK-47s. There's a reason Destiel fandom is often referred to now as DestiHell.

14 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I wouldn't argue that there has never been any 'winking' at the audience in the show, in early Castiel* seasons, I never considered for a moment that they would make this canon. And I think a good deal of the 'blame' (if there is blame to be assigned) for baiting rests on Misha encouraging his fans. At the least, he's the one who could have put a stop to much of the wank.

(*I will never, ever concede that there was any 'baiting' or even 'winking' about Wincest - that one is wholly and fully on the fans).

ITA that Misha bears a chunk of responsibility for riling up this particular faction of fandom, to point that they not only spend too much of their free time bashing Dean for not being a good submissive boyfriend, but also Jensen as if he is wholly in charge of whether or not Destiel becomes canon. For Chuckles' sake, if the man could get what he wanted for his character or the show overall, the series probably wouldn't be ending this year.

I agree that the producers never technically baited Wincest, but I do believe we have enough instances in the early seasons where they make fun of it. Like when the guys are checking into the hotel in season 2's Playthings and the woman thinks they're a gay couple; or in season 3's A Very Supernatural Christmas when Dean insinuates that Sam is gay (and likely his BF) and is wanting a special wreath to decorate with when they're trying to track down a certain pagan plant; and then of course in season 4's The Monster at the End of This Book when Sam discovers the slash fandom about them and Dean disgustingly asks if those fans understand that they're brothers. 

Those examples are just off the top of my head, I'm sure there are a few more. The point being that Kripke and the writers knew about Wincest and, IMO, they'd periodically make fun of it. But they certainly never intended that it would become a real thing. In fact, I believe Jim Michaels shut down a Wincester hard at a con several years ago, essentially telling her she was delusional.

Edited by PAForrest
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Yeah, that article is from the former spoiler sheet gal, and yes, she was imo, a Cas girl, or at least catered to the Castiel crowd. And she was a Destiel leaning gal, who got in a whole pot of hot water with Destiel shippers, be they low key or hardcore, because she, IMO, more or less implied Destiel was gonna be Canon.

Seems to me once she got her credentials as a "journalist" she is changing her tune. Maybe her piece is actually about herself.

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11 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Yeah, that article is from the former spoiler sheet gal, and yes, she was imo, a Cas girl, or at least catered to the Castiel crowd. And she was a Destiel leaning gal, who got in a whole pot of hot water with Destiel shippers, be they low key or hardcore, because she, IMO, more or less implied Destiel was gonna be Canon.

Seems to me once she got her credentials as a "journalist" she is changing her tune. Maybe her piece is actually about herself.

I also was going to say that maybe she had an "epiphany" somewhere along the way, catrox.

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2 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Yeah, that article is from the former spoiler sheet gal, and yes, she was imo, a Cas girl, or at least catered to the Castiel crowd. And she was a Destiel leaning gal, who got in a whole pot of hot water with Destiel shippers, be they low key or hardcore, because she, IMO, more or less implied Destiel was gonna be Canon.

Seems to me once she got her credentials as a "journalist" she is changing her tune. Maybe her piece is actually about herself.

To be fair, around the S8 mark I was one of those Destiel shippers who believed the show was hinting at canon Destiel and planned  to go that route.

People can change 😏

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2 hours ago, goyour-own-way said:

To be fair, around the S8 mark I was one of those Destiel shippers who believed the show was hinting at canon Destiel and planned  to go that route.

People can change 😏

I was a Destiel shipper up until the most recent episode. My pint is more that her tone changed when her visibility increased. I just find it interesting.

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32 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I was a Destiel shipper up until the most recent episode. My pint is more that her tone changed when her visibility increased. I just find it interesting.

Is she not the one who breathlessly promised THE MOMENT in the S13 finale, the moment that all the Destiel fans had been waiting for? If so, the accusation/condemnation of fans creating their own queer-baiting seems a little disingenuous. Even if she has grown/changed perspective, she was actually a part of the problem not so very long ago.

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2 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Is she not the one who breathlessly promised THE MOMENT in the S13 finale, the moment that all the Destiel fans had been waiting for? If so, the accusation/condemnation of fans creating their own queer-baiting seems a little disingenuous. Even if she has grown/changed perspective, she was actually a part of the problem not so very long ago.

The MOMENT? Jeez, what was that supposed to be? Or was it mysteriously cut? Talk about delusion.

Yeah, she does seem more than a little disingenuous at this point. Either she had a come to Jesus moment in her life, or she decided her shipping wasn't a good look for writing articles about fandom.

For a long time I thought we (one-time shipper) might at best get - and it would have been best, honestly - a due South-like ending. Two friends hit the road on an adventure. Maybe Sam gets married and goes back to school or takes over the Bobby role, cAsstiel becomes human and decides to ride shotgun in the Impala to become a full-fledged hunter. With an ending along those lines - doesn't have to be that, but something like it - Destielers could fantasize and write fan fiction to their heart's content, and everyone else (like the regular viewing audience) could take it all at face value. Everyone is happy.

Of course, that was when we had some decent writers, and there was a LOT more between the guys than there is now -  one-sided declarations of BFF'ing notwithstanding.

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6 hours ago, Castiels Cat said:

Eileen is the exception.

And Rowena.

I kinda also think Jodi, but I know miles vary there.

I fluctuate on Crowley. I like the combative relationship Sam and Crowley have... and back in the good years, Sam trying to kill Crowley all the time was never not amusing for me.

As for Destiel, I personally haven't really seen a logical place for Destiel in the show - at least not one that would head towards a healthy relationship. there really hasn't been a time on the show when it might have made sense that the two of them were on the same level... First Castiel was an angel, even when losing his powers... Season 6, Castiel was occupied. End of season 6, early season 7 would've been downright scary. End of season 7 might've worked if Dean hadn't been so driven and Castiel so ... not. And then when we finally get a more human Castiel, they are forced to be apart and soon after Dean gets the power up.

As you said though, it was pretty much too late after the mess that was season 8 anyway.

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On 1/24/2020 at 12:13 AM, AwesomO4000 said:

And Rowena.

I kinda also think Jodi, but I know miles vary there.

I fluctuate on Crowley. I like the combative relationship Sam and Crowley have... and back in the good years, Sam trying to kill Crowley all the time was never not amusing for me.

As for Destiel, I personally haven't really seen a logical place for Destiel in the show - at least not one that would head towards a healthy relationship. there really hasn't been a time on the show when it might have made sense that the two of them were on the same level... First Castiel was an angel, even when losing his powers... Season 6, Castiel was occupied. End of season 6, early season 7 would've been downright scary. End of season 7 might've worked if Dean hadn't been so driven and Castiel so ... not. And then when we finally get a more human Castiel, they are forced to be apart and soon after Dean gets the power up.

As you said though, it was pretty much too late after the mess that was season 8 anyway.

Taking to BvJ

Edited by Castiels Cat
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1 hour ago, Castiels Cat said:

Dean and Cas had amazing chemistry. They tried to push Sam and Cas but it never worked imo.


Dean and Cas still have good chemistry, it's just not the same tension that was there in the early seasons. It's weird, because they literally live more like a couple now and are definitely the parental figures for Jack, but the sexual tension is gone. The attention that Cas gives Dean just isn't as special as it was when Cas was taking time away from his angel duties specifically for Dean.

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7 hours ago, PinkChicken said:

I think you need an account to see stories & I’ve never figured out how people rip stuff off of Instagram, but Jensen’s current story is wishing Dean happy birthday with Yellow fever playing in the background 

unpopular opinion not spoiler:

  Hide contents

Way to compare last night to the golden days ey 


I don't really think that comment needs to be hidden, but you're right, how eye-opening that the clip Jensen chooses to use as funny Dean is from all the way back to season 4, his favorite season. You'd think he would have used a clip from this week's episode, but nothing, not even the dance number. Though I guess that's strictly for his sizzle reel as evidence he can pick up dance moves in his sleep.

But it's interesting how a lot of fans at the time hated Yellow Fever. I actually never did, I thought it was funny and yet still had that heartbreaking poignant moment with imaginary Lilith. Jensen was completely OTT, but in that episode it worked because the writing at the time was, you know, good. Compared to now it was really really REALLY good. And there was actually a point to the episode.

Happy Birthday Dean Winchester!

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1 hour ago, Casseiopeia said:

What's really weird is that Dabb wrote Yellow Fever! What the hell happened to him!

Well, three things.

First, he wrote this with Dan Loflin who was his writing partner at the time. Loflin kept the scripts balanced, and once Loflin moved on, Dabb's scripts weren't as tight or as good on his own.

The bigger element is the fact that he was simply a writer under Kripke. Kripke was the showrunner, he was a very hands-on showrunner, and so the producers were responsible for bringing his vision to the screen, not their own.

And finally, there was a writers room at the time. Scripts went through everyone, and changes were made, writing was tweaked.

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3 hours ago, PAForrest said:

Well, three things.

First, he wrote this with Dan Loflin who was his writing partner at the time. Loflin kept the scripts balanced, and once Loflin moved on, Dabb's scripts weren't as tight or as good on his own.

The bigger element is the fact that he was simply a writer under Kripke. Kripke was the showrunner, he was a very hands-on showrunner, and so the producers were responsible for bringing his vision to the screen, not their own.

And finally, there was a writers room at the time. Scripts went through everyone, and changes were made, writing was tweaked.

Loflin wrote Citizen Fang by himself and that script was pretty tight. 

Yes Reichenbach was excellent however I always had the feeling that Carver had a heavy hand in it since it drew heavily on themes from earlier Carver scripts and closely built on the premiere episode. I do not think Dabb had it in him to write something so good and nuanced and drenched in canon and subtext.

3 hours ago, PAForrest said:

Well, three things.

First, he wrote this with Dan Loflin who was his writing partner at the time. Loflin kept the scripts balanced, and once Loflin moved on, Dabb's scripts weren't as tight or as good on his own.

The bigger element is the fact that he was simply a writer under Kripke. Kripke was the showrunner, he was a very hands-on showrunner, and so the producers were responsible for bringing his vision to the screen, not their own.

And finally, there was a writers room at the time. Scripts went through everyone, and changes were made, writing was tweaked.

Don't forget Kim Manner. Things went uphill after Manners came on board and downhill after he died. The Manner years were the high point for Kripke.

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13 hours ago, Harleycat said:

Dean and Cas still have good chemistry, it's just not the same tension that was there in the early seasons. It's weird, because they literally live more like a couple now and are definitely the parental figures for Jack, but the sexual tension is gone. The attention that Cas gives Dean just isn't as special as it was when Cas was taking time away from his angel duties specifically for Dean.

Taking to BvJ

On 1/14/2020 at 6:56 PM, ILoveReading said:

Full disclosure.  This was my first though. If Hollywood ran on talent alone there should be a bidding war for Jensen. 

If I was trying to woo someone this is exactly what I would do.

If what I read was accurate this DPA even is invite only and exclusive

Jensen has been working full time as an act since 1996. That is a long time to be doing TV. I hope it would be something really worthwhile for him to agree to do any project while he is working on his album at the moment. He can afford to be choosy and has toddlers at home that he probably wants to be around for. It seems like he is trying to build a more diverse career after SN and I'm looking forward to seeing it.

On 1/14/2020 at 6:56 PM, ILoveReading said:



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On 1/6/2020 at 9:24 AM, ILoveReading said:

My dream is Deadpool 3.  Jensen and Ryan appear to have a similar sense of  humor and dry wit.  I think they would have such awesome chemistry. 

So the Disney party makes me very happy. 

That grey outfit is my new favorite

Yeah. The part they wanted him for in Deadpool 2 was a one, done and dead...

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On 1/8/2020 at 2:34 AM, mertensia said:

They do. But, people don't necessarily watch. Hannibal, The Exorcist, The Passage and Galavant were all excellent. No one watched.

I watched Hannibal and The Exorcist.  Both were excellent. They put the Exorcist in the Friday night death slot as I recall. 

On 1/10/2020 at 5:06 PM, Casseiopeia said:

 Gens post as an Eddie Bauer promotion (or whoever she is being sponsored by  atm) or Jensen/Dannneel promoting the  brewery or the album or whatever doesn't offend me. We don't know who these people are at all. What they share with us is just an image they want to portray to their fans/public anyway. I just like seeing pictures of their cute families.

As fans we are interested in the album and the brewery because it is an extension of their persona. 

Posting this is trading on their persona and exploiting their proximity to fandom. I see a difference. 

At least Sam is touting how his hunting has improved since he started wearing Eddie Bauer.

On 1/12/2020 at 2:48 PM, S Cook Productions said:

I thought he might be announcing that he’s “coming out” of the Winchester’s trunk. Because isn’t that where he’s been for a year? Lol. Seriously, did anything come after that to explain it....or is that a completely dropped plot line?? 

They sent Maggie to check on him. She let him out I guess.

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On 1/14/2020 at 10:32 PM, ILoveReading said:

I didn't realize that he was nominated this year. ???

He  totally deserves to be wooed (sp?) and wowed and treated like royalty though.


Edited by Castiels Cat
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18 hours ago, Castiels Cat said:

I didn't realize that he was nominated this year. ???

He  totally deserves to be wooed (sp?) and wowed and treated like royalty though.


You do have to be invited to the suite, so SOMEONE did him a solid:


DPA Luxury Lounge
Brentwood Suites at Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel, 11461 Sunset Blvd., Brentwood, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday
The invite-only luxury style retreat will feature De Marquet, Civetta Los Angeles, Naughty Girl, Le Taha’a Island Resort & Spa, Soori Bali, Tahiti Ia Ora Beach Resort, Sofitel’s Moorea Ia Ora Beach Resort, Artskül, Fazup, Haas Wellness Center, Cutera, TruSculpt Flex, Truth in Hand, Sway, Sheer Necessity, Maine Island Soap, AMT Global, Path Water, Carvery Kitchen, Dreamy Creations, Sünder, Topo Chico, Sunny Blue and charities Pablove Foundation, Lollipop Theater Network and Inner City Arts. 


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On 1/25/2020 at 10:33 AM, PAForrest said:

Well, three things.

First, he wrote this with Dan Loflin who was his writing partner at the time. Loflin kept the scripts balanced, and once Loflin moved on, Dabb's scripts weren't as tight or as good on his own.

The bigger element is the fact that he was simply a writer under Kripke. Kripke was the showrunner, he was a very hands-on showrunner, and so the producers were responsible for bringing his vision to the screen, not their own.

And finally, there was a writers room at the time. Scripts went through everyone, and changes were made, writing was tweaked.

On 1/25/2020 at 2:15 PM, Castiels Cat said:

Loflin wrote Citizen Fang by himself and that script was pretty tight. 

Yes Reichenbach was excellent however I always had the feeling that Carver had a heavy hand in it since it drew heavily on themes from earlier Carver scripts and closely built on the premiere episode. I do not think Dabb had it in him to write something so good and nuanced and drenched in canon and subtext.

Don't forget Kim Manner. Things went uphill after Manners came on board and downhill after he died. The Manner years were the high point for Kripke.

Taken to "B vs J."

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