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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Well, the Advocate's feed was a disappointment.  😞  He was facing the other side of the street and with that cape, no joy on a good backside view for those interested.  lol  And the commentators had no idea who he was.  Come on guys, you're reporters, ever heard of research? (Dicks.) 

But, Jensen did look like he was having the time of his life!

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Cambion said:

Well, the Advocate's feed was a disappointment.  😞  He was facing the other side of the street and with that cape, no joy on a good backside view for those interested.  lol  And the commentators had no idea who he was.  Come on guys, you're reporters, ever heard of research? (Dicks.) 

But, Jensen did look like he was having the time of his life!

Apparently they were shocked by viewership - they were like people are tuning in from London, From Australia! Must be embarrassed by their lack of research of now.


  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, tessathereaper said:

Apparently they were shocked by viewership - they were like people are tuning in from London, From Australia! Must be embarrassed by their lack of research of now.


If I was Danneel, I'd be paying to take that outfit home with them. Oh, my, oh, my! Yummmmm!

  • LOL 2
  • Love 7
13 minutes ago, tessathereaper said:

Apparently they were shocked by viewership - they were like people are tuning in from London, From Australia! Must be embarrassed by their lack of research of now.


STUNNING!!!!!! Absolutely sublime. Oh King my King!

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, catrox14 said:


HA! I thought the same thing when I saw that shot, Catrox.

1 hour ago, Casseiopeia said:


And then there was this one...😍

And the official portrait is To. Die. For.

I wish this weekend would never end. It's been better than I ever could have imagined.

I SO! wish that we could see him act in a period piece now more than ever.

Edited by Myrelle
  • Love 9
27 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

I don't think that girl realizes Jensen is strapped to the float(there is even a picture of him from earlier or yesterday wearing his safety harness over his t-shirt).  It's obviously for safety purposes but I doubt it allows him that much freedom of movement.

  • Love 4
53 minutes ago, tessathereaper said:

I don't think that girl realizes Jensen is strapped to the float(there is even a picture of him from earlier or yesterday wearing his safety harness over his t-shirt).  It's obviously for safety purposes but I doubt it allows him that much freedom of movement.

I couldn't help myself but I responded to her on Twitter with Jensen doing the moonwalk and spin from the outtakes...like no, he can absolutely dance LOL

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I couldn't help myself but I responded to her on Twitter with Jensen doing the moonwalk and spin from the outtakes...like no, he can absolutely dance LOL

I saw that!  That was you?  Good one.  I get so sick of people always wanting to find reasons to mock him, "just jokingly" of course.  How often have we seen that man move, clearly if he was being serious about it, he could dance.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, catrox14 said:

I liked about 5 million posts on twitter between yesterday and this morning - so much to go back to and enjoy over and over and over again. Why must I have a life and have to get out of the house this morning?!? Waaaaaaaah!  I just hope all this beautiful attention translates into something big and wonderful for Jensen sometime down the line - hopefully sooner than later. Apparently the Bacchus theme this year was all about filming in NOLA and Louisiana overall.

Edited by PAForrest
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, catrox14 said:
57 minutes ago, PAForrest said:

I liked about 5 million posts on twitter between yesterday and this morning - so much to go back to and enjoy over and over and over again. Why must I have a life and have to get out of the house this morning?!? Waaaaaaaah!  I just hope all this beautiful attention translates into something big and wonderful for Jensen sometime down the line - hopefully sooner than later. Apparently the Bacchus theme this year was all about filming in NOLA and Louisiana overall.


And I'll be admiring The King for days and days, too.😍

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, catrox14 said:
57 minutes ago, PAForrest said:

I liked about 5 million posts on twitter between yesterday and this morning - so much to go back to and enjoy over and over and over again. Why must I have a life and have to get out of the house this morning?!? Waaaaaaaah!  I just hope all this beautiful attention translates into something big and wonderful for Jensen sometime down the line - hopefully sooner than later. Apparently the Bacchus theme this year was all about filming in NOLA and Louisiana overall.


And I'll be admiring The King for days and days, too.😍

  • Love 5

I don't have HBO so I didn't see This Week Tonight w/ John Oliver, but I'm guessing by Jared's tweet, he must have included him in a story. Based on his response here, I have to say -- he didn't just go after an airline, he went after individual employees by name (and not just airline employees, hotel and restaurant staff as well). Did anyone see it?

  • Love 1

John Oliver was doing a long bit making fun of Jared Kushner, and at one point he said something like, "and Jared Kushner, who even among Jareds, stands out as the Jared of the group" and flashed a picture of Jared Kushner and a few other famous Jareds (including JP).

Personally, I think JP needs to lighten up. The joke was very light, and he's making himself look bad by responding like it was a personal attack.

Here's the full thing on Youtube. The part that JP tweeted about is around minute 3:23.

Edited by rue721
  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, rue721 said:

John Oliver was doing a long bit making fun of Jared Kushner, and at one point he said something like, "and Jared Kushner, who even among Jareds, stands out as the Jared of the group" and flashed a picture of Jared Kushner and a few other famous Jareds (including JP).

Personally, I think JP needs to lighten up. The joke was very light, and he's making himself look bad by responding like it was a personal attack.

Here's the full thing on Youtube. The part that JP tweeted about is around minute 3:23.

Thanks, @rue721 Yeah, that seems pretty mild (although I would also be insulted to be included in any sentence that involved any of that family, too). I thought, by JP's tweet, that he must've been dragged for his multiple Twitter 'rants'.  I wouldn't even have known about this had he not tweeted, so yeah, he's definitely making it worse.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, ILoveReading said:

Jensen did a brief live stream

A much better view


This interview was The Best.

What a Class Act-every word.

And I loved how appreciative they were of him-they said that they've never had a larger online response before with any King. And he, of course,  attributed it all to "his mother", God love him.

And the Charlton Heston quote at the end was Aces-"It will not rain on Bacchus."

So proud to call myself a fan of his-yes indeed.

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

And the Charlton Heston quote at the end was Aces-"It will not rain on Bacchus."

All day I kept thinking: How dare you rain on Jensen's parade (both literally, and figuratively in some corners of social media, heh). And lo, the clouds parted!!  :)

Nice twitter collection here:


  • Love 8
1 hour ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Thanks, @rue721 Yeah, that seems pretty mild (although I would also be insulted to be included in any sentence that involved any of that family, too). I thought, by JP's tweet, that he must've been dragged for his multiple Twitter 'rants'.  I wouldn't even have known about this had he not tweeted, so yeah, he's definitely making it worse.

Was that Jared Fogle in the picture, too?!

I'd be more insulted by that comparison if I were him, and he should definitely ignore it so as not to draw any more attention to it at this point, IMO too.

That show is pretty well-known for it's sometimes questionable and tasteless humor anyway.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

A nice article written by Misha regarding a man who helped him and his brother through a tough part of their childhood. He (Misha) really is a fine example of someone rising above their circumstances.

What a lovely tribute. How'd it suddenly get so dusty in here?!

There was a man like Mr. Haigis on my street growing up. Everybody called him Shorty, and he was the street's de facto mayor. His hobby was to "treasure hunt" on trash day and then hold these big yard sales on the weekends (although he'd also just give you whatever you wanted if you couldn't afford it or even just asked nicely :P). Honestly, I think the junk trading was mostly an excuse for socializing and getting to know everyone and everything that was going on! Anyway, at one point a family moved in next door to mine, and their kids were in rough circumstances. To make things worse, this one wannabe thug a few doors down started spending all his time over there bothering the girls and women, very soon using their house as a new home base for the shitty stuff that he was into, like hard drugs and dog fighting. Shorty saw what was happening and as the street's honorary grandpa, tried to take the kids under his wing. Unfortunately, he didn't get a chance to get far with them before he had a heart attack and died right out on the sidewalk one day. A lot of us saw him collapse and at least five or ten people raced over to help him, my mom was on the phone with 911 already as she ran out the door -- but it happened so fast. He was probably dead before he hit the ground. No happy ending. His death was a huge loss for the whole neighborhood, not to mention his family. Still, it left an impression on me and probably on a whole lot of other people that he'd always tried to reach out and make a difference when and how he could. Every community needs someone like that in it. Hopefully a whole lot of someones.

Ugh, like I said, so dusty!

  • Love 2

Thanks, @RUE721 Yeah, that seems pretty mild (although I would also be insulted to be included in any sentence that involved any of that family, too). I thought, by JP's tweet, that he must've been dragged for his multiple Twitter 'rants'.  I wouldn't even have known about this had he not tweeted, so yeah, he's definitely making it worse.

I think it was just about coming up with enough at least vaguely known "Jareds" to make that joke about a group of "Jareds" work. It kinda made me think of the "council of Ricks" or the "citadel of Ricks" for some reason (nerd points who gets the reference :). The name Jared is not so common, I could think of a lot either. That is, I could come up with two, Padalecki and Leto. If he was John Kushner, I bet the picture would have shown twenty famous Johns. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Myrelle said:

Was that Jared Fogle in the picture, too?!

I'd be more insulted by that comparison if I were him, and he should definitely ignore it so as not to draw any more attention to it at this point, IMO too.

That show is pretty well-known for it's sometimes questionable and tasteless humor anyway.

I'm a fan of John's, but I will admit he does cross the line sometimes just like most working comedians. In this case I think it was just anybody famous named Jared, so for our Jared to leap to the conclusion that it was about his mean tweeting, really says more about him, in my opinion anyway. Guilty conscience maybe, LOL?

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

This really is the gift that keeps on giving.


Best. Pics. Ever.

What a way to close out this Amazing! week, both for them AND for us.

I feel like I have fallen in love with him all over again and that I still haven't come down from cloud nine over it all yet.🤗

  • Love 8

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