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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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My comment was eaten -- I think --

In summary, over at the spoiler thread there was discussion about how Fangasm has made a career out of Supernatural and "riding SPN coatails".  I just wanted to make a point of clarification.  Dr Lynn Zubernis (who is Fangasm), is a full-time professor at West Chester University and a licensed psychologist. She doesn't need book proceeds to pay the mortgage.  

Her bio:


Dr. Zubernis is a licensed clinical psychologist who teaches courses including Human Development, Group Dynamics, Fundamentals of the Helping Relationship and Counseling Theory and Techniques, as well as supervising Practicum and Internship students. She is the Program Coordinator for the Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program. Dr. Zubernis recently developed a new model of case conceptualization along with a colleague, and has published numerous articles and a textbook on Case Conceptualization and Effective Interventions. She has published four books based on her research on the psychology of being a fan, and she is a frequent contributor to radio, film and print media as an expert on fan psychology. Prior to coming to West Chester, Dr. Zubernis was Assistant Director of a college counseling center.

Supernatural is her hobby.  She's oftened stated that the book profits feed her fandom love.  Supernatural is NOT her career, it's her hobby.

And of course I love all the unique, psychology-based, observations she makes.  'Cause that's my jam. 

Edited by SueB
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5 hours ago, SueB said:

My comment was eaten -- I think --

In summary, over at the spoiler thread there was discussion about how Fangasm has made a career out of Supernatural and "riding SPN coatails".  I just wanted to make a point of clarification.  Dr Lynn Zubernis (who is Fangasm), is a full-time professor at West Chester University and a licensed psychologist. She doesn't need book proceeds to pay the mortgage.  

Her bio:

Supernatural is her hobby.  She's oftened stated that the book profits feed her fandom love.  Supernatural is NOT her career, it's her hobby.

And of course I love all the unique, psychology-based, observations she makes.  'Cause that's my jam. 

I agree. Fandom and this show are fascinating from a psychology standpoint. I really enjoyed reading Family Don’t End With Blood. The fact that she got so many of the cast and crew to contribute tells me that they respect what she does in the fandom and for the show. It seems weird to me to begrudge her for what she does, which like you pointed out, is her hobby. She’s voicing her opinion just like all of us on this board are doing. 

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On 10/7/2018 at 7:28 PM, Casseiopeia said:

 Paul McCartney sounds awesome btw..

Yes! My first Large Eyed, Long Lashed Love and my most recent(14 years and counting LOL)!! (and wow the most recent looks quite hot indeed in this vid:))  I'm not an Original Beatles Fangirl by any means, I was born after they broke up, but I fell in love with Paul McCartney as a little girl when he was a solo artist and he's my favorite musician ever, Beatles, Wings, Solo.  He's a genius and a treasure. We should all be so active and creative at 76 years old(he just put out a great album Egypt Station about a month ago).  This is awesome.  I was really hoping they'd go to his show.  

Edited by tessathereaper
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38 minutes ago, Ninamags said:

Ha! There's a link to an article on the MSN homepage showing which shows should end after this year. Our show is on the list. 

Can't say they're too far off the mark. 

I love the show, but I do think it's time to end it.  Part of the problem is that they keep having to try to outdo the last big bad and then it makes no sense, because awesome as S&D are, they are just human.  End it. Have the ending make sense and be an actual ending.  And, if I may dare to dream, happy ending.

  • Love 2
On 10/9/2018 at 2:44 PM, Jakes said:

Very cool--love both covers... gives the full spectrum between the 2.  Is this the subscription covers or ones that in the bookstores or both?

I got mine in the mail today *** and it was the J2M cover (cover 2 above). Inside the magazine with the article there is the third photo from above with some added graphics. It sounds like from what I did read so far of the article that both covers are potentially available in stores. the article says that if you are reading the magazine at the checkout counter to check for a second cover.

I haven't had a chance to read the entire article yet, but when I do, I can give some quotes and highlights if anyone is interested.

*** (I had a niece in Girl Scouts, and this was at least a semi-useful magazine subscription and it was fairly inexpensive, somehow over multiple magazine drives, I think I've built up a few years buffer of subscriptions to this thing.)

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12 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Not at all! I just thought it would save you typing out the quotes you want to talk about when you can copy/paste!

Oh, no problem! I didn't take it as a negative! I hadn't even planned on talking about it so much as just sharing the information.

... and I'm not one for wanting to compare Jared and Jensen as many fans here are. I'm actually somewhat uncomfortable about those kinds of discussions, since I enjoy the talent of both of them and get sort of bummed out by the negative comments about one's talent over the other or how one's personality is worse than the other's and such.

However, if after reading it all, I have a comment concerning the show itself, I'll make a copy / paste comment then.

And thanks again for the link.

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Okay, finally got to read the article, and now that my electricity is back on so I can post... (Quotes taken from @catrox14's link above:)

I think one interesting thing for me seems to be that Jared's favorite episode appears to have changed. If I remember correctly, for quite a while he was citing "Death's Door" as his favorite (Or was it "Weekend At Bobby's?" It was definitely one of those.) I think that "The French Mistake" is a good choice, however. I love that episode. I generally loved the quirky humor of the Gamble era (and miss it quite a bit).

I also like how Jared described the show as "What really drew me was, even though it’s set in that [horror] world, it’s about real emotions and thematic elements: sacrifice, loyalty and doing something for the greater good." That's how I generally see the show also.

Not so enamored with him citing Lucifer as a character that he'd want to play again, though. I liked his earlier portrayal and think that should just stand as it is.

I found it interesting that Jensen would want to play John though. And especially found this interesting: "I love what [Jeffrey Dean Morgan] did so much, I’ve been trying to emulate it for 13 years as an homage." I'm not sure what to make of that, since in general, I don't find Dean to be like John. It could be that Jensen is just referring to acting style though - which is also interesting.

I hope that the Halloween episode doesn't come across as cliched as it sounds. (Quoting the article):


"While Sam (Padalecki) has zero interest in Halloween, his brother Dean (Ackles), worships the spooky holiday"

has the potential to be a Sam the wet-blanket / Dean the over-enthusiastic spaz scenario that I've become tired of, so I hope that's not the case. What I see as an homage to Chucky though sounds interesting. At least for Sam's sake it isn't clowns ; ) .

Edited by AwesomO4000
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6 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Not so enamored with him citing Lucifer as a character that he'd want to play again, though. I liked his earlier portrayal and think that should just stand as it is.

I found it interesting that Jensen would want to play John though. And especially found this interesting: "I love what [Jeffrey Dean Morgan] did so much, I’ve been trying to emulate it for 13 years as an homage." I'm not sure what to make of that, since in general, I don't find Dean to be like John. It could be that Jensen is just referring to acting style though - which is also interesting.

Taking to the bitter spoilers thread...

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