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S02.E13: Heritage

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This show makes me sick.  I might have to stop watching.

Nova and Charley have men who love them, and they’re saying. “Nope”.  They will regret that nonsense when they get older.  Although I gat Charley more than Novs.  “You’re a prison” seriously woman?  Nova should just join a convent and be done with it.  Nova just doesn’t think she deserves love.  Black women always think we have to take care of everyone , do everything.  Black women deserve to be loved and cherished, Nova needs to be one less soldier.  I want to shake these women and tell them to fucking enjoy life, you only get one.

Glad that Darla realized her parents didn’t shun her, she shunned them because she was a junkie.  Great to see Michael Michelle.

Edited by Neurochick
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I know the show wants me to feel sorry for Ralph Angel, but....I don't. He's been such a tremendous tool this season it's virtually impossible for me to summon any sympathy for him.

Even with the farm magically making more money than Prosper projected, Ralph Angel still pouts. The worst.

Michael Michele and Roger Guenveur Smith were their usual solid selves. Michael Michele, especially, was pretty great. The scene she shared with Tina Lifford was awesome.

Bianca Lawson is giving the performance of her career.

Greg Vaughan has matured into a believable actor. Who knew?

Edited by Dee
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I'm glad Nova sent Calvin away because she's right, it won't work for her, but seriously, lady, get off the cross, we need the wood. There's no need to be so dramatic. No one is asking you to make your activism the be-all and end-all of your life. You found a man who was all about the activism and that still wasn't good enough for you. Her reasons are really just excuses.

OMFG God. Seriously, Darla? If they don't get married, now it will be her fault. A shocking turn of events that makes me feel sorry for Ralph Angel, and I never thought I'd say that.

I laughed during Remy and Charley's scene. She's just trying to get down, and he's talking about "forever." She flipped from sexy to analytical in half a second.

1 minute ago, Dee said:

Greg Vaughan has matured into a believable actor.

I was incredibly impressed with his performance. It made me wish that Calvin ends up finding the happiness he seeks, with someone other than Nova.

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I know that a woman's happiness does not, cannot, and should not depend solely on a man, but damnit Nova and Charley! 

Learn to read a room!

Calvin was ready to quit the force for you AND you still find a way to be unhappy. Dr. Martin Luther King was happily married with kids and STILL managed to change the world. As someone said up thread, get off your cross.

And Charley, you were thisclose to getting some good loving from a GOOD man and ONE phrase turns you off?! 

Maybe being happily married is skewering my vision but these sisters, particularly Nova, appear to be afraid to be genuinely happy. SMH

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For two women who pride themselves on their supposedly progressive worldviews, I don't see why Nova and Charley feel it's absolutely necessary to be in monogamous relationships.

It's 2017, some people are just not built for conventional relationships.

And that's ok.

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Whew!!! This episode was popcorn-munching, jaw-dropping goodness tonight! Yes, indeed!

The actors they brought in for Darla's parents--- yes! I really hope they stick around for a while. They kinda acted Darla & RA off the screen while seemingly doing very little. The pain that registered on that man's face... I'm really glad the show finally called out Darla on her big bag of bullshit--- drug addicts inflict a tremendous amount of pain on their loved ones. That cliffhanger tho! Omg! I admit it crossed my mind in the beginning, but I dismissed it as a casting issue. Wow! What if it's true? I can't believe she waited this long to tell him. Darla throwing away happiness with both hands...

That was the theme of this episode.

Calvin was looking all extra good--- with his sideburns more filled in & less skin-head-ish. I finally saw his appeal; I never did before.

Remy's a widower. Charley hadn't fully considered that before. They were long overdue for a deep conversation. Sigh, I was soo ready for a good love scene tho...

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What irritates me most about Darla's story isn't Blue's paternity, but that it gives Ralph Angel another excuse to throw tantrums.

Nobody is supposed to take him to task, about anything, yet he can be as nasty and entitled as he likes.

I'm not looking forward to several weeks of Darla groveling as Ralph Angel unrepentantly sneers at her.

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3 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

I'm glad Nova sent Calvin away because she's right, it won't work for her, but seriously, lady, get off the cross, we need the wood. There's no need to be so dramatic. No one is asking you to make your activism the be-all and end-all of your life. You found a man who was all about the activism and that still wasn't good enough for you. Her reasons are really just excuses.


2 hours ago, Fairlily26 said:

Calvin was ready to quit the force for you AND you still find a way to be unhappy. Dr. Martin Luther King was happily married with kids and STILL managed to change the world. As someone said up thread, get off your cross.

For real.  Nova is getting on my last nerve. I don't think her and Calvin are right for each other, but damn. "You're my prison"....RME.  She acts like all her romantic partners are treating her like a prisoner. Sorry Nova, but you are really imprisoning yourself, hiding behind your passion for activism as an excuse to keep your romantic partners from getting close. If she were my  friend in real life, I would recommend her to go to Ernest's grave and just let it all out.....get all those years of pent up emotion out. And then I would recommend her getting therapy or the very least read some self-help books. She needs help.

Remy, come on now. The ink isn't even dry on her divorce and you mention the F word ("forever") during foreplay. Wrong move. Couldn't you let the woman get laid one good time before you go talking all that BS about kids/marriage.  Common sense would tell you to avoid those subjects until time created a good amount of distance from her divorce.

Loved the stuff with Darla's parents. Yes, everybody has their tipping point when dealing with BS, and it takes real work sometimes to make amends and to deal with forgiveness. I'm glad that we got to see that her parents were still supportive behind the scenes and glad that her father forced her to be real with RA.

Regarding Blue's paternity, I don't feel sorry for Ralph Angel in the least. If I were a man, and my drug-addicted girlfriend came around and told me she was pregnant, I would definitely have had a paternity test done back then.  I would not figure or expect a drug addict to be faithful. Its just another example of his stunning lack of common sense.  Annoying soapy plot twist, but I admit, I never thought twice about Blue's paternity, figuring that the show wanted us to believe that Darla's genes just came through stronger in Blue than RA's.

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There isn't an episode that goes by that I don't want to smack RA really hard, but I have to admit, I felt for him with the paternity thing. He truly loves that boy, and the precious few glimpses of maturity that we've seen from RA have usually been for Blue's benefit. And it seems that it just never occurred to him that Darla could have been with anyone else. In hindsight, the possibility should have occurred to him, but he was " young, dumb, and stupid" himself , so I get it.  For a change, he'll be entitled to his tantrum on this one- I just hope he doesn't inflict too much collateral damage until it blows over. And I really hope he does turn out to be Blue's father. 

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10 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Remy, come on now. The ink isn't even dry on her divorce and you mention the F word ("forever") during foreplay. Wrong move. Couldn't you let the woman get laid one good time before you go talking all that BS about kids/marriage.  Common sense would tell you to avoid those subjects until time created a good amount of distance from her divorce.


Yeahhhh. Talk about not reading the room. The time to talk about forever is not moments before getting it in. And you're right, too: Remy even broaching the topic of forever when the ink has barely dried on Charley's divorce papers was simply not smart. Personally, I wouldn't trust a man who was even open to the idea of forever with me if he was still in the first year of his divorce, let alone the first six or three months. It's too soon in my book. 

I'm glad, though, that it gave them the chance to actually talk about what it is they want.

As for Darla and Ralph Angel: First of all, I was really delighted to see Michael Michele and Roger Guenveur Smith. They aren't on my screen enough, and they're both tremendous actors. As far as Ralph Angel goes, I do feel for him even now having to doubt if Blue is biologically his. He annoys me a great deal of time, but he shouldn't have to deal with this mess. It was also good to see, that even though he was reluctant about outside work, he did actually get up and find a job to supplement what the farm was (slowly) bringing in. So yeah, he complained about even having to do it in the first place, but he did actually go and do it. 

Lastly Nova. I'm not mad at her choosing to let go of Calvin. She has her convictions and people expecting that she should keep a man just for the sake of having a man is how a lot of Black women end up in relationships that don't fulfill them--"But, girl, he has [degree title]!"; "But, girl, didn't you say he always hitting it right?!"; "Now, girl, just because y'all have different politics..." No. Nope. Nah. Non. Nein. 

Robert made it abundantly clear that he wasn't looking to be with Nova as she is, but as he hoped she would become (under his guidance, of course). Nova was right to let him go. She was also right to let Calvin go because she feels quite strongly about police as an institution. And even if he left his job, he would still be that in some capacity because what does it say that he willingly led a life he didn't want to because others expected him to? That man had a whole ass career, a whole ass wife, and a whole ass family that he didn't want all because others wanted it for him and he didn't want to speak up for himself. Yet people want Nova to essentially do the same? Nah, Nova good. 

Edited by Mozelle
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10 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

I'm glad Nova sent Calvin away because she's right, it won't work for her, but seriously, lady, get off the cross, we need the wood. There's no need to be so dramatic. No one is asking you to make your activism the be-all and end-all of your life. You found a man who was all about the activism and that still wasn't good enough for you. Her reasons are really just excuses.

OMFG God. Seriously, Darla? If they don't get married, now it will be her fault. A shocking turn of events that makes me feel sorry for Ralph Angel, and I never thought I'd say that.

I laughed during Remy and Charley's scene. She's just trying to get down, and he's talking about "forever." She flipped from sexy to analytical in half a second.

I was incredibly impressed with his performance. It made me wish that Calvin ends up finding the happiness he seeks, with someone other than Nova.

Laughed my butt off at the bolded. Nice!

To be fair, one of the key parts of the 12 steps program is to make amends, and keeping a huge secret like that isn't good for her continued sobriety. But yeah, that's not just going to mess RA up, but the entire family. 

9 hours ago, Fairlily26 said:

And Charley, you were thisclose to getting some good loving from a GOOD man and ONE phrase turns you off?! 

Forever is a pretty significant phrase, imo. 

6 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Remy, come on now. The ink isn't even dry on her divorce and you mention the F word ("forever") during foreplay. Wrong move. Couldn't you let the woman get laid one good time before you go talking all that BS about kids/marriage.  Common sense would tell you to avoid those subjects until time created a good amount of distance from her divorce.

Loved the stuff with Darla's parents. Yes, everybody has their tipping point when dealing with BS, and it takes real work sometimes to make amends and to deal with forgiveness. I'm glad that we got to see that her parents were still supportive behind the scenes and glad that her father forced her to be real with RA.

Regarding Blue's paternity, I don't feel sorry for Ralph Angel in the least. If I were a man, and my drug-addicted girlfriend came around and told me she was pregnant, I would definitely have had a paternity test done back then.  I would not figure or expect a drug addict to be faithful. Its just another example of his stunning lack of common sense.  Annoying soapy plot twist, but I admit, I never thought twice about Blue's paternity, figuring that the show wanted us to believe that Darla's genes just came through stronger in Blue than RA's.

Agree. Though I do feel sorry for RA. He was just an idiot kid at the time himself, and even as a "grown" man, he doesn't have a lot of sense. But he does have a lot of love for Blue. I think, ultimately, they'll be tested and Blue really will be his son. 

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So is Calvin divorced now?

Even if Blue is RA's kid, do we really think RA is going to forgive Darla for sleeping with someone when she was in her full blown junkie phase? I think not. He will make her life miserable for it. 

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21 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

So is Calvin divorced now?

Even if Blue is RA's kid, do we really think RA is going to forgive Darla for sleeping with someone when she was in her full blown junkie phase? I think not. He will make her life miserable for it. 

I thought he was a widower?


Came back to say I'm SO glad they gave Darla nice, warm parents.

Michael Michelle killed it! 

I was expecting that trope of cold, high browed parents that would look their nose down on RA. They seem like good people, even though you can see how Darlas dad is disappointed, the love is still there. Plus his reaction to Blues hug was so real.

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2 hours ago, Mozelle said:

Lastly Nova. I'm not mad at her choosing to let go of Calvin. She has her convictions and people expecting that she should keep a man just for the sake of having a man is how a lot of Black women end up in relationships that don't fulfill them--"But, girl, he has [degree title]!"; "But, girl, didn't you say he always hitting it right?!"; "Now, girl, just because y'all have different politics..." No. Nope. Nah. Non. Nein. 

Robert made it abundantly clear that he wasn't looking to be with Nova as she is, but as he hoped she would become (under his guidance, of course). Nova was right to let him go. She was also right to let Calvin go because she feels quite strongly about police as an institution. And even if he left his job, he would still be that in some capacity because what does it say that he willingly led a life he didn't want to because others expected him to? That man had a whole ass career, a whole ass wife, and a whole ass family that he didn't want all because others wanted it for him and he didn't want to speak up for himself. Yet people want Nova to essentially do the same? Nah, Nova good. 

That's also why a lot of black women end up with no relationships period, "nope you're not good enough, nope, your'e not okay, nope you're crowding me, nope you're not close enough to me". 

My issue is that she does love Calvin.  Life is too short for bullshit.  No relationship is perfect; Nova will never find that perfect person, male or female, because we're humans and humans aren't perfect.

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19 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

So is Calvin divorced now?

Even if Blue is RA's kid, do we really think RA is going to forgive Darla for sleeping with someone when she was in her full blown junkie phase? I think not. He will make her life miserable for it. 

Yes, he left his wife last season, and everyone in his circle knows it was to be with another woman. 

RA already knows Darla was tricking to feed her habit. But for him not to question Blue's paternity from the beginning Darla may not have outwardly showed signs of being an addict, and haven't become that bad where she had to sale her self to get high. 

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9 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

That's also why a lot of black women end up with no relationships period, "nope you're not good enough, nope, your'e not okay, nope you're crowding me, nope you're not close enough to me". 

My issue is that she does love Calvin.  Life is too short for bullshit.  No relationship is perfect; Nova will never find that perfect person, male or female, because we're humans and humans aren't perfect.

But are those really the only choices: Be in a relationship that doesn't fulfill you or be alone*? 

No one is perfect, and I don't think that Nova believes that she is perfect, either. However, I really can't fault her for backing away from Robert because it was always going to be a question of whether he was dating Nova as she is or if he was seeing way into the future, projecting something onto her that she isn't but that he hoped she'd be. I mean, in the end, Robert would have been setting himself up as well. 

As for Calvin--look, I've liked me some Greg Vaughan since his Malibu Shores and 90210 days lol and would love for him to be on Queen Sugar more, but, again, if Nova has particular political views that she knows she ultimately can't sit on a shelf for a man, then so be it. Nova may just be built for intense and fleeting relationships where her partners don't make demands of her to be who they want her to be...and that's cool, too. 

*I'll also be clear in saying that many women make the choice to be alone, and that's fine for them as well, if they don't view it as something negative. 

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Almost didn't recognize Roger Guenveur Smith. He's put on a lot of weight. Good casting though for Darla's parents.

Calvin was looking tasty. He certainly came correct but it looks like Nova's really not going back there. Can't blame her but she's only now got a problem with his being a Southern White cop? Whatever, hope this isn't the end of Greg Vaughan's role on Queen Sugar.

Yeah, maybe talking about "forever" to a woman who just went through a rough and public divorce probably wasn't a smart move for Remy. She knows there is no forever as far as today's marriage is concerned.

Oh, Darla. Poor Blue. Even if Ralph Angel does turn out to be his father there's always going to be a period of time when RA looked at him and had doubts. (And it kind of seemed to me like Darla's parents already know Blue isn't RA's child and therefore isn't really related to the Bordelons.)

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3 hours ago, Mozelle said:

Personally, I wouldn't trust a man who was even open to the idea of forever with me if he was still in the first year of his divorce, let alone the first six or three months. It's too soon in my book. 

Exactly. If Charley was eager to get married/have more kids at this point, I would be giving her the side eye. I don't think Remy/Charley are going to make it in the long run. I don't see Charley wanting more kids once Micah goes off to college.

I don't think Robert or Calvin were the The One for Nova, but that doesn't mean that Nova doesn't actively  find ways to push people away. She keeps everyone at distance from her. She needs to decide what she wants for herself. If she wants a long-term relationship, she is going to have to learn how to let down her guard, and to learn how to compromise.  If she wants to be alone or just in short-term relationships, that's cool. I just want her to be honest with herself. I personally couldn't be with a man that cheated on his wife with me because of the whole "How you get them is how you lose them" issue. The thought of him stepping out on me would always be in the back of my mind.   Calvin is obviously not a man of strong convictions if he let his whole life be dictated by others. Nah, I'll pass.

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Nova needs to realize, if she hasn't already, that her activism is her love. It's best that she let suitors know up front that she isn't interested in anything serious that might pull her away from work. Once she puts it out there, then there shouldn't be confusion. I felt Calvin's hurt when she called him a prison. I'm not sure if Nova is choosing unhappiness because she thinks that being loved will dilute her activism, or if she doesn't want to be with Calvin because he's bad for optics and her brand. 

I wasn't mad at Remy for bringing up his expectations. He isn't looking to just date or be coupled up for years with no endgame. He wants to remarry and have children. It may not have been the right time, but I'm glad they had a discussion.

I'm assuming that RA didn't question Blue's paternity because he didn't know that Darla was a hardcore addict. 

It's funny how both Darla and Charley built their parents up to be cold and difficult, but when they were introduced, they weren't that bad. 

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

(And it kind of seemed to me like Darla's parents already know Blue isn't RA's child and therefore isn't really related to the Bordelons.)

You have a point, there. Why would the father even know that Blu may not be RA's? It's not something a parent you have barely spoken to for years and have not been on good terms with would be privy to. 

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I actually appreciated Remy grilling Charley about her their potential as a couple.

Just last week Charley was claiming Remy was a 'big deal' to Davis, and was intimately affectionate with him, voluntarily, in front of everyone at her Brown Sugar festival; so it was nice to see her have to confront her mixed signals, even if they occurred at a very inopportune moment.

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Yeah, all I know is Nova has not looked at another man the way she looks at Calvin. I get what she was saying though, it would be hella complicated because of his badge first and foremost. But I could have sworn he got down on one knee and told her that he'd give her whatever she wanted. I know I heard that, then he listed how everything in his life including his children were not what he wanted except her. Damn, and she still could not find a way. I think he was ready to give up that badge and lay bricks for a living if she'd have him. He' fine.

I'll get to hot mess Darla ANC RA some other time, good lord.

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5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

So is Calvin divorced now?


Yes, Calvin left his wife and is divorced. Oprah was correcting people on twitter last night who were tweeting how Calvin is still married [as why they preferred Nova to be with Robert.] 


What irritates me most about Darla's story isn't Blue's paternity, but that it gives Ralph Angel another excuse to throw tantrums.

I go back & forth regarding my feelings on Ralph-Angel but I can see this happening and I'm also not looking forward to watching his reaction to Darla's news. His way of dealing with his feelings is so immature. I think he's got a right to be upset about this revelation - though I agree with the person who said he should've gotten a DNA test considering he knew Darla was using & not careful - but how he will handle it will likely get me reaching for extra wine. 

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47 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Then he listed how everything in his life including his children were not what he wanted except her.




That is precisely the reason I don't like Calvin. What man says something like that about his children? Sure, Calvin, everything you did your entire life was for everybody else, poor you.  Nope, he was a selfish cheater. Better for Nova not to go back there. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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It's funny how both Darla and Charley built their parents up to be cold and difficult, but when they were introduced, they weren't that bad. 

People in guest mode tend to be on their best behavior, especially around strangers.


I'm assuming that RA didn't question Blue's paternity because he didn't know that Darla was a hardcore addict. 

You don't have to be an addict to cheat or sleep with multiple people within a short time frame. I think RA just chooses not to pay attention to facts or details that he doesn't want to see.

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As much as I dislike Nova and Charley's actions at times; they're regularly shown making attempts to communicate effectively and to be accountable for, most of, their choices.

I see none of that with Ralph Angel (or any of the guys on this show really).

There's a reason the Bordelon Sisters share such a complex bond, yet neither of them are remotely close to Ralph Angel.

There is literally no one in Ralph Angel's life who doesn't lose their entire personality placating his childishness. Even Remy, the character QS treats as the unimpeachable source of truth & wisdom, essentially fell on his knees to kiss Ralph Angel's ass.

Edited by Dee
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27 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

You don't have to be an addict to cheat or sleep with multiple people within a short time frame. I think RA just chooses not to pay attention to facts or details that he doesn't want to see.

Of course not. But until we get some more information about it, I'm not going to fault him for not questioning, yet. Now if this was during her prostitution years, then ... yeah. 

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Now maybe I'm biased because I don't like Calvin and Remy is still on my shit list for his attitude in 2A, I don't see anything wrong with what Charley or Nova did this episode. Charley can't help the way her mind/body reacted to Remy's talk of forever, and besides, it was him that ultimately stopped it in the moment. As for Nova, she was totally right in everything she said and why I've always been against that relationship. Calvin has admittedly made some strides since the first time they called it off and why, but at the end of the day, they just can't work without Nova compromising a huge part of herself and what she stands for.

Poor Vi, that's gonna be tough. Her reaction broke my heart, as did that phone conversation with Darla. But it reinforced how much their relationship has grown and how much I enjoy it.


19 hours ago, Dee said:

What irritates me most about Darla's story isn't Blue's paternity, but that it gives Ralph Angel another excuse to throw tantrums.

Nobody is supposed to take him to task, about anything, yet he can be as nasty and entitled as he likes.

I'm not looking forward to several weeks of Darla groveling as Ralph Angel unrepentantly sneers at her.

I came here to say exactly the same thing. Ralph Angel has consistently been pretty shitty with her on and off this season (and to Charley), but now they just had to make Darla the bad guy and do something even worse so he has an excuse to be The Worst now. It's such a classic TV move when writers would rather just even the scales of Wrongness instead of actually dealing with the wrong doings of one party.

I also felt like this reveal was really unearned and one of the only 'soapy' twists I can remember from this show. I don't recall any kind of hints at this being a possibility, other than just the general knowledge of Darla being a former drug addict that worked as a prostitute at one point. Something about that scene/reveal just felt really off brand for this show and its usual tone, and I'm not looking forward to the fall out.

Edited by colorbars
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5 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

Darla's Dad:  You should really be honest with Ralph Angel about (something shady), Darla.  I think he can handle it.


LOL, this was me, too, exactly.  Hey, Darla's Daddy!  What the hell are you talking about???   As far as we know, you literally just witnessed the first five minutes of Ralph Angel's life when he wasn't being a self-centered dick.


I've always felt sorry and a little second-hand desperate on Darla's behalf because there's no escaping Ralph Angel, ever, no matter how much she mends and matures, because of Blue.  Now's your chance, sweetheart.  There's no way in the world Ralph Angel will ever pack his wounded pride away in his heart and not let it constantly eat at him about 'how he's been injured.'  And Blue's going to suffer from that, even if it manifests toward Darla and not directly at Blue.


So yesterday I watched L&O:SVU, with Brooke Shields as a grandmother, and today it was Grammy Michael Michele.  I feel like Methuselah.

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I've never been overly impressed with Michael Michele as an actress, but 2017 has been her year.

Star's Ayanna Floyd and Queen Sugar's Darlene Sutton couldn't be more different, but they were completely realized characters from the word go.

I'd welcome seeing more of her, and Roger Guenveur Smith, in future episodes.

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2 hours ago, Dee said:

I've never been overly impressed with Michael Michele as an actress, but 2017 has been her year.

Star's Ayanna Floyd and Queen Sugar's Darlene Sutton couldn't be more different, but they were completely realized characters from the word go.

I'd welcome seeing more of her, and Roger Guenveur Smith, in future episodes.

One of the cable channels has been showing ER from the beginning and we're up to Season 9.  I don't even know if her acting is any good--when she's onscreen, she's all I can look at. 

And that voice!  She doesn't speak, she purrrrrs.

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For some reason my TiVo didn't record last week's episode last week. It recorded them both yesterday.

2 hours ago, candall said:

So yesterday I watched L&O:SVU, with Brooke Shields as a grandmother, and today it was Grammy Michael Michele.  I feel like Methuselah.

Both actresses are in their early 50s so it's not far-fetched! It does sound weird though. (I saw Brooke Shields in person once in SoHo. She's beautiful, very tall, and she was wearing a pair of boots that I dream about to this day. Tall buttery soft caramel-colored boots.) Michael Michele is striking.

That was great casting for Darla's parents. I haven't seen either of those actors in a while but they were just perfect here. (Roger Guenveur Smith has put on a few.) I teared up when Blue hugged them both. I've watched a lot of Intervention and it sounds like they were just holding their bottom lines, not like they're villains.

I cracked up when Nova and Calvin were just staring at each other, successfully conveying that the air had changed in the room for them when they saw each other, and Nova's friend was just looking back and forth between them like "I don't know what this is, but it is SOMETHING." 

I also cracked up at Charley's "oh shit" face when Remy said he wanted her in his forever. That got unsexy REAL quick. I don't think it'll last for them. 

I think RA will be there for Blue no matter what a paternity test says, but he might be through with Darla. 

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Nova makes my head hurt. I’ve never seen Nova look at Robert the way she looked at Calvin. Robert never had a chance with Nova. Nova needs to get off it and stop using her causes as an excuse. ‘Fight for my people.’ When was she elected Queen? She act as if she’s a superhero who must sacrifice her relationships because they get in the way of her saving her people. She doesn’t have to date Calvin or Robert but be upfront with what she wants which I’m not sure she knows. I’m not feeling Nova labeling all cops as the same namely the enemy or bad people. There are bad and good cops and dating one doesn’t mean you can’t fight for justice for people who have been wronged by the bad cops.

What the hell Calvin? You tell Nova other people made decisions in your life for you. You tell Nova she’s the first choice you ever made and you will do whatever she says. Does he really think a woman like Nova wants a man like that? He was unhappy for years of other people making decisions for him. He won’t be happy with Nova doing it because no matter how much he loves her, there will be a time she wants him to do something he doesn’t want. He needs a therapist as much as Nova, RA and Charley.  

As much flirting and talking Charley and Remy have done, neither knows how to read the other and don’t see they both want different things. Charley has to be near 40 and she has been in a relationship with Davis since college. They have one child who’s almost out of the house. Charley was happy with Davis before his affair came to light. If she wanted more children, she would’ve had more already.  Remy has been too blind by his attraction to Charley and what he wants to see that. I’m not around Remy like Charley has been but with him talking about his wife and just his personality alone, even I picked up Remy wants a serious relationship like marriage and family in the near future.

The dinner scene was really awkward. Was RA jealous or upset at Darla’s father complimenting Nova and Charley and not praising Darla? I saw it as her father complimenting them and seeing them as a positive influence for Darla. He probably thought Darla could’ve been on a similar path if drugs and the wrong crowd didn’t get in the way.

In regards to Blue’s paternity, how dumb is RA? Even without Darla’s past with drugs and turning tricks, it was already implied RA and Darla didn’t know much about each other when they got together and yet RA never thought about getting a test done? Did Ernest, Nova, VI or even Charley in California ever suspect?

As others have mentioned, this will give RA more justification to be a jackass to Darla. I hope this puts the wedding on hold indefinitely because those two are not ready for marriage.

Sadly, Vi is falling into the same trap a lot of old people fall into. Get sick but don’t tell the family. Maybe that will change by the next episode but knowing something was already wrong she should’ve kept a family member in the loop. They would want to be there for her and not let her go through it alone. 

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5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

That is precisely the reason I don't like Calvin. What man says something like that about his children? Sure, Calvin, everything you did your entire life was for everybody else, poor you.  Nope, he was a selfish cheater. Better for Nova not to go back there. 

I get what Calvin was saying.  I knew a guy in college who was Irish; he loved Puerto Rican women, but his parents were dead set against him marrying a woman who wasn't Irish.  So he married an Irish woman, had a few kids with her, then divorced her and is now married to a Puerto Rican woman.  That sucks, I know; but I think his parents sucked more.  I don't know why people want to put THEIR hopes and dreams on their kids.  Now that's fucked up.

I hated that "you're my prison" bullshit Nova spewed to Calvin.  Why didn't she just tell him that her activism is her calling?  It's like a person who has a calling for a religious life.  Nova should not be in a serious relationship with anybody, and maybe that's okay for her, at least for now.

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Nova makes my head hurt. I’ve never seen Nova look at Robert the way she looked at Calvin. Robert never had a chance with Nova. Nova needs to get off it and stop using her causes as an excuse. ‘Fight for my people.’ When was she elected Queen? She act as if she’s a superhero who must sacrifice her relationships because they get in the way of her saving her people. She doesn’t have to date Calvin or Robert but be upfront with what she wants which I’m not sure she knows. I’m not feeling Nova labeling all cops as the same namely the enemy or bad people. There are bad and good cops and dating one doesn’t mean you can’t fight for justice for people who have been wronged by the bad cops.

I couldn't agree more, but tell that to AD, because I don't think Calvin will be back, which I don't like.

I got the prison analogy, but she didn't have to be so on the nose using that word in reference to their relationship. I  got that she feels like she would have to edit herself, maybe as to not offend him or have to explain things to him about her work that she wouldn't have to explain to the Dr. she just sent packing. But again, I still think those are all excuses to avoid a complicated relationship with a man she truly loves and actually has some real passion for, yes, Nova makes my head hurt also. And the man finally came to her and explained his journey, which I understood and still... Based on what he was saying, he was never in love with his wife, even before there was a Nova, sucks. People doing shit just to please their parents, not one thing in his life has been chosen because he had a passion for it except for Nova. It sucks most for his kids, I think he loves his kids but he doesn't love the act of parenting, because he didn't want to be a parent, I get it. If anything, I'm only annoyed that he became a parent knowing he didn't want children. You can take on shit that you  don't really want all the day long but don't bring kids into it, these are human beings. I totally admire people who don't have kids because they damn well know they don't want to raise them, and there's not a damn thing selfish about it. What Calvin did was selfish, having kids knowing he didn't want them just so he could paint the picture that his father wanted for him. It's sad and a waste.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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Nova is all about self immolation when it comes to intimate relationships.

She refused to be Robert's political pygmalion, she felt restricted by Calvin's lack of self awareness, she felt Chantal wanted to usurp her life, and she never even considered entertaining the feelings of any of her one night stands, even when they were clearly interested in her.

I don't know why it's so difficult for her to admit she prefers casual relationships. Not everyone is meant to have a grand fairy tale love story. Everything that's happened to her and her family, over the last two seasons, should be proof enough of that.

Edited by Dee
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3 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

Was RA jealous or upset at Darla’s father complimenting Nova and Charley and not praising Darla? I saw it as her father complimenting them and seeing them as a positive influence for Darla. He probably thought Darla could’ve been on a similar path if drugs and the wrong crowd didn’t get in the way.

Yes, I think he got annoyed that Darla's father was praising Nova and Charley so highly, and glossing over Darla.  I'm sure Darla's father was seeing "what could have been" of Darla in both Charley and Nova. I'm sure that while he's proud of Darla's sobriety, he can't help but feel a bit bitter about the unfulfilled dreams he had for Darla's future.

3 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

In regards to Blue’s paternity, how dumb is RA? Even without Darla’s past with drugs and turning tricks, it was already implied RA and Darla didn’t know much about each other when they got together and yet RA never thought about getting a test done? Did Ernest, Nova, VI or even Charley in California ever suspect?

Even if RA was too young/stupid to question Darla, I am especially surprised that Vi didn't jump all over the DNA test bandwagon. Or maybe she did and Ernest and RA shot it down. That seems likely, given what we know of the Bordelon men.

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I think that, while Nova is truly passionate about her activism, she also uses it to hide behind, so she doesn't have to actually deal with her life, or put her own feelings out there. Now, if Nova really has no desire to be in a serious romance and just wanted to focus on fighting the power, than thats fine. If that makes her happy and fulfilled, more power to her. However, I've never gotten that vibe from her. She wants love and to be in love, but she seems to be both afraid of opening up, as well as under the impression that, to support her community, she has to be the Black Lives Martyr or something who needs to sacrifice all to give all. I just want to stage an intervention at this point for Nova, I want her to just be happy! Let yourself be happy Nova! 

Look at her relationship with Calvin. She was having an affair with him for ages when he was married and nothing could ever get serious. Then he leaves his wife to be with her, and she heads for the hills. So, she was fine with him being a white cop when he was unavailable, but now that he is available, its a deal breaker? Calvin was a married cop, so he wasn't acceptable. Robert was also an activist, but they had different approaches to activism, so he didst work. Now Calvin, who Nova is so clearly in love with, shows up, willing to give up everything for her, but now hes her "prison" and unacceptable again? I can understand why neither Calvin or Robert weren't right for Nova. But the prison is Nova and her own issues self sabotaging her relationships. She can save the world, while also getting some! She isn't a superhero, she doesn't have to worry about the Green Goblin murdering her boyfriend, she just wants to find someone she loves. She loves Calvin. She just cant deal with that. 

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5 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I think RA will be there for Blue no matter what a paternity test says, but he might be through with Darla. 

I don't think he'd deliberately kick Blue to the curb, but if he goes sour on Darla and can't get over "what she did to him," he's not likely to strain himself keeping quiet about it--Ralph Angel is always quick to claim the victim role.  And one parent constantly ragging on the other makes a really crappy environment for a kid. 

Edited by candall
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8 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I think that, while Nova is truly passionate about her activism, she also uses it to hide behind, so she doesn't have to actually deal with her life, or put her own feelings out there. Now, if Nova really has no desire to be in a serious romance and just wanted to focus on fighting the power, than thats fine. If that makes her happy and fulfilled, more power to her. However, I've never gotten that vibe from her. She wants love and to be in love, but she seems to be both afraid of opening up, as well as under the impression that, to support her community, she has to be the Black Lives Martyr or something who needs to sacrifice all to give all. I just want to stage an intervention at this point for Nova, I want her to just be happy! Let yourself be happy Nova! 

Nova reminds me of one of my best friends, a serial monogamist commitment-phobe who picks men who are wrong for her so she has a reason not to commit to them. In her current relationship, she's with someone who IS good for her and she panics and sabotages it. She's in therapy to work this out. 

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On 10/26/2017 at 9:53 PM, Keepitmoving said:

I couldn't agree more, but tell that to AD, because I don't think Calvin will be back, which I don't like.

I got the prison analogy, but she didn't have to be so on the nose using that word in reference to their relationship. I  got that she feels like she would have to edit herself, maybe as to not offend him or have to explain things to him about her work that she wouldn't have to explain to the Dr. she just sent packing. But again, I still think those are all excuses to avoid a complicated relationship with a man she truly loves and actually has some real passion for, yes, Nova makes my head hurt also. And the man finally came to her and explained his journey, which I understood and still... Based on what he was saying, he was never in love with his wife, even before there was a Nova, sucks. People doing shit just to please their parents, not one thing in his life has been chosen because he had a passion for it except for Nova. It sucks most for his kids, I think he loves his kids but he doesn't love the act of parenting, because he didn't want to be a parent, I get it. If anything, I'm only annoyed that he became a parent knowing he didn't want children. You can take on shit that you  don't really want all the day long but don't bring kids into it, these are human beings. I totally admire people who don't have kids because they damn well know they don't want to raise them, and there's not a damn thing selfish about it. What Calvin did was selfish, having kids knowing he didn't want them just so he could paint the picture that his father wanted for him. It's sad and a waste.

This made me think about the woman on The Real who is either separated or in the midst of getting a divorce from her husband because of children. Before they got married, she was clear about not wanting children. At some point in the marriage, her husband began talking about children, wanting children, and that, coupled with family and friends also bringing up the question of "When?" and "Why not?", eventually led to where they are now: not together.

I say all that to say that wow that Calvin would really commit to bringing a whole human being into the world when it was not something he wanted for himself. 

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19 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Yes, I think he got annoyed that Darla's father was praising Nova and Charley so highly, and glossing over Darla.  I'm sure Darla's father was seeing "what could have been" of Darla in both Charley and Nova. I'm sure that while he's proud of Darla's sobriety, he can't help but feel a bit bitter about the unfulfilled dreams he had for Darla's future.

Even if RA was too young/stupid to question Darla, I am especially surprised that Vi didn't jump all over the DNA test bandwagon. Or maybe she did and Ernest and RA shot it down. That seems likely, given what we know of the Bordelon men.

True. Ernest would've been happy at the thought of a grandchild since Nova didn't have any. 

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Here's what bugs me about Nova and why I have issues with the show.  

There was a movie called, "A United Kingdom", about the king of Botswana and his marriage to a white, Englishwoman.  His attitude was, "this is my wife, deal with it," which to me was a healthy attitude.  To me, when it comes to black women, we're supposed to be like, "Nope, I have to give 100% of my time to my people," which to me isn't healthy.  Nova told Calvin, "your'e my prison because you're a white cop and I can't be in a relationship with you because...."  I don't even know why, but I don't know; I have a feeling I'll be done with this show pretty soon.

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5 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Here's what bugs me about Nova and why I have issues with the show.  

There was a movie called, "A United Kingdom", about the king of Botswana and his marriage to a white, Englishwoman.  His attitude was, "this is my wife, deal with it," which to me was a healthy attitude.  To me, when it comes to black women, we're supposed to be like, "Nope, I have to give 100% of my time to my people," which to me isn't healthy.  Nova told Calvin, "your'e my prison because you're a white cop and I can't be in a relationship with you because...."  I don't even know why, but I don't know; I have a feeling I'll be done with this show pretty soon.

Yeah, it's my problem too, all of this. It's all bullshit, AD and I will never be on the same page with this one.

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9 hours ago, Mozelle said:

This made me think about the woman on The Real who is either separated or in the midst of getting a divorce from her husband because of children. Before they got married, she was clear about not wanting children. At some point in the marriage, her husband began talking about children, wanting children, and that, coupled with family and friends also bringing up the question of "When?" and "Why not?", eventually led to where they are now: not together.

I say all that to say that wow that Calvin would really commit to bringing a whole human being into the world when it was not something he wanted for himself. 

Yeah I know about Jeannie Mae and I wish her all the best for a decision that is wise and anything but selfish. Theirs is a truly sad and unfortunate situation and IMO no one is the bad guy. He can't help that his "uterus" is aching even though at one time he thought he'd never want kids and she  can't help that hers isn't. 

Oh Calvin and Nova...

So what now?  I gotta see Nova in Zika  and BLM mode every damn episode with no love life, please.  Yes, that occurs in real life but it's not going to fly for tv enjoyment week after week. And I actually don't think I want to see her with someone who is an activist for the same causes as she's fighting for, too much, not interesting. But, she should maybe be with someone who is as passionate about their work as she is about hers.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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