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Opening Credit Sequences: From The Ridiculous To The Sublime

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On 8/28/2019 at 1:50 PM, pigs-in-space said:

I really dug the Good Omens credits!

Oh, me too! I was just about to add a note about that! They were really charming and creative and well-done.

I'm going to add something that's going to instantly paint me as the biggest nerd in the world, but here goes -- I also ADORE the opening credits to Campaign 2 of "Critical Role" (a group of adventurers called "The Mighty Nein"). It's a Twitch/YouTube series in which a bunch of voice actors who are real-life friends play a massive D&D campaign, creating a story that is as much improve/live storytelling as it is gameplay. You also get an increasing sense of the real-life friendship and love these people feelf or each other. It's an incredible series that began in Liam's living room and now just self-funded their own animated series based on Campaign 1 breaking all Kickstarter records for millions of dollars.

If you love fantasy or D&D, you should check it out. Each ep is 3-5 hours so it's definitely a time investment, but it's so worth it. Start with Campaign 1, Ep 1 (skip the earliest blurred credits) or if you want to skip forward, Campaign 1 Ep24 is a good medium place to jump in.

Note: The theme is sung by Laura Bailey and Ashley Johnson, with support vocals by Travis Willingham and Sam Riegel (all actors in the cast).

I've been through the thread, so apologies if these have been mentioned and I forgot, but I think these are brilliant and hold up so well:

I think the "Cheers" credits are so perfect, and so poignant. I know supposedly the network really hated these, but I'm glad they won out -- the combination of the song with the bittersweet images of the past is gorgeous and thought-provoking. I also love "Frasier's" too, especially its use of text.

BSG's credits were always gorgeous, but oh, man, I will always especially love that final and constantly changing percussive "flash-forward" segment. It was amazing.

And these, from one of my favorite miniseries of all time. Just so inspiring.

And I thought "Community" was frequently brilliant with its changing opening credits, as here:

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On 9/1/2019 at 8:27 AM, paramitch said:

I'm going to add something that's going to instantly paint me as the biggest nerd in the world, but here goes -- I also ADORE the opening credits to Campaign 2 of "Critical Role"

Not quite the biggest....

Because have you seen what happened at the episode recording live from GenCon?  The intro sounded a little different to those in the hall.

Edited by SilverStormm
Changed video embed to a link bc autoplay
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On 9/1/2019 at 8:37 AM, SVNBob said:

Not quite the biggest....

Because have you seen what happened at the episode recording live from GenCon?  The intro sounded a little different to those in the hall.

Yes! A friend of mine who was at GenCon shared that with me! It was AMAZING. (I... may have cried -- I adore the show so much). I'm currently at C2 Ep51, so I'm still not fully caught up -- I just started watching 4-5 months ago!)

Thanks for sharing it! I had so much fun revisiting it (and yes I totally sang along). I really think it's beautiful work, especially given their lack of a budget at the time. The editing and transitions are gorgeous.

Meanwhile, have you seen this tribute fan video, fashioned after the "Game of Thrones" opening credits? It's about C1 and is frankly amazing. Just beautiful work.

Because this was recently added to MeTV's schedule, and it was a show I watched faithfully and religiously along with Tom & Jerry, Popeye, Woody Woodpecker, I absolutely LOVE the opening and closing credits to The Flintstones. It's catchy! And I just learned that the first two seasons only had instrumental music! This was a change for the better! Though we only ever saw the Cat in the credits. And maybe once in an episode!😅

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I can't recall if I posted this or not, but since I just marathoned through both seasons on Disney+....

I LOVE the opening credits to Gargoyles! Both the first season with just the music and the second season with Goliath's voice over!

Season Two:

I LOVED how Shakespereian this series was! And we will NOT discuss the horrid, wretched "Season Three."

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I can't believe a couple of these haven't been mentioned!! With the exception of Pee-Wee, haven't even gotten to the kid shows/cartoons!

Nip/Tuck-to this day, the hand moving still freaks me out (note: this is NOT one of the best intros, IMO, but notable)

The Monkees

Dukes of Hazzard

Perfect Strangers

Knight Rider

incredible Hulk

Pee-Wee's Playhouse

Edit: I was hesitant to add, bc couldn't remember if they were mentioned...they're too good NOT to add!!

The Greatest American Hero

Mork & Mindy

Edited by punkypower
To add GAH
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I'm currently in love with the credits for HBO/BBC's "His Dark Materials," which manages to encapsulate the subtext of the story and its multiple universes with a beautiful score and with tantalizing glimpses of its characters and plot points.

I mean, there are SPOILERS everywhere in this gorgeous thing. If you know what you're looking at. So for people who've read the books, the credits are thrilling, and I hope -- for those who haven't -- they will inspire them to keep watching.





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On 12/19/2019 at 3:54 AM, paramitch said:

I'm currently in love with the credits for HBO/BBC's "His Dark Materials," which manages to encapsulate the subtext of the story and its multiple universes with a beautiful score and with tantalizing glimpses of its characters and plot points.

I mean, there are SPOILERS everywhere in this gorgeous thing. If you know what you're looking at. So for people who've read the books, the credits are thrilling, and I hope -- for those who haven't -- they will inspire them to keep watching.





The His Dark Materials Season 2 credits were honestly even more beautiful than season 1, and once again included subtle hints and spoilers for those of us who have read the books. Loved the expansion of the universe and the inclusion of the Subtle Knife (this isn't a spoiler, as each season is one book, and as Season 1 was "The Golden Compass" ("Northern Lights" in the UK), Season 2 is "The Subtle Knife." Next Season, Season 3, will finish the trilogy with the events of "The Amber Spyglass."

So this is just wonderful. The subtle location focus shift, the focus on the Tower and the Knife, the inclusion of Will, oh man. Just gorgeous.

Also, for those who haven't watched, season 1 was good, but season 2 was just fricking stunning. Cannot wait for S3.

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Also, for those who watch "Critical Role," the Campaign 3 opening theme is a lot of fun. It's total cheese, but it's a great song, and little moments kill me (everyone singing, Matt's fierce roar, Ashley's dimple, Laura's aim, Laura's hair wave, Matt's final single tear), and it's a lot of fun (my guess is they had a bit of trouble physically staging when it came to Liam/Taliesin at the table but it's still fun, and I love Marisha's clawfight with Travis, because Travis wigging out will always be worth watching -- the man is a hysterical genius. Seriously. He's this big gorgeous guy who just happens to be a relatively undiscovered comic genius.

Ultimately, I love the basic conceit that it's all Matt's world and they're just trapped there (accurate), and the song is fabulous. And we finally get solos from Liam, Travis, and Taliesin! We already had solos from Ashley, Laura and Sam, so I wish Marisha had sung (she has a lovely voice), but as CD, I think she tends to step back from featuring herself. But still, so much fun. Especially given this is just a humble little Internet show when you compare it to the big time network stuff (even given the Kickstarter/Amazon animated series money).

Also -- animated series THE LEGEND OF VOX MACHINA Jan 28, y'all! I am so there. And C3 is wonderful for those of you thinking of checking it out. (Okay, I'm done. Happy New Year!)


Edited by paramitch
forgot something

The opening credit scene for  Peacemaker is hysterical, which is exactly what James Gunn wanted.  Alan Tudyk's wife, Charissa Barton, a dancer and choreographer, was hired to put together a silly dance sequence.  She wanted something that would be easy for people all ages, shapes and sizes, who were not professional dancers, so she used Alan to work on the choreography since he's not a dancer.  Usually, we skip the opening credits, but this one is so much fun, we always watch it.




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