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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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I don't have a link but you can always check wiki & the ABC daytime site. People are willing to answer questions so don't think you can't.

Donna Mills plays Nina's mother.
KG/ Dr Liesl Obrecht is her Aunt . Currently Chief of Staff
KT/Britt Westborne is her cousin. OB/GYN but doctors are catch all on GH.
RP/ James Nathan West is her cousin. Detective
Silas is her husband & there is spec that their 20 something year old child is still alive & kicking somewhere. Silas was having an affair with MW/Ava at the time. He is currently involved with Sam McCall Morgan.

Britt's been on the show around 2 years. Dr O a year: year & a half. Nathan about 6 months & Donna Mills even less *2 months*? Ava has been on around 1-1/2 years. Sam is the only vet in this story. I think she's been around over a decade or so.

Edited by Stinger97
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Well last I watched GH was when John Stamos and Rick Springfield were on it. Let's just say I know jack.


BUT from what I'm seeing Nina's mom is played by DM and her husband's current girlfriend is played by MW.....well count me in MS with those two, let the party of bitches begin bitches!


Could someone give a short list of legacy characters still in play?

  • Love 2

Luke Spencer is still around, but it's not Luke (some sort of character switch, which we're still learning about, so it's FauxLuke or Fluke). Monica and Tracy Quartermaine - Tracy has a bigger storyline right now, being engaged to FauxLuke/Fluke. Felicia, Mac, Lucy, Kevin, Scott, and Anna Devane are still around, as is Duke. Bobby has shown up a few times.


Not sure if that covers all you consider legacy, Cattitude. But it's a start!


BUT from what I'm seeing Nina's mom is played by DM and her husband's current girlfriend is played by MW.....well count me in MS with those two, let the party of bitches begin bitches!

Silas' current girlfriend isn't Ava/MW, it's Sam/KM. But Silas did have an affair with Ava way back in the day that preceded Nina falling into the coma. Silas/Ava had a child together, Kiki, who we all pretty much universally hate.

AJ is Michael's biological father but Sonny is the one who raised him. Sonny and Carly (the mother of Morgan and Michael) schemed to keep AJ away from Michael and AJ was eventually murdered by someone else. In 2012 he magically reappeared and it was revealed that he never really died. From this point on Michael and AJ bonded and Michael grew to think of him as a second father. 


Dante is the child Olivia had when she was a teen. Dante is the cop who is married to Lulu. 

Okay I need someone to explain who Sonny's children are. I know Morgan is and Michael is supposed to be his brother, but Michael also said AJ was his father and he looks nothing like Sonny or Morgan.

Olivia said she had a child by Sonny when she was 15 is that child around?

Michael is Carly and AJ's son, the product of a one night stand.  She was involved with another man (her stepfather at the time) and after an argument with him, she went looking for her friend, Jason, but found AJ.  Both got drunk and, tada, Michael.  But she told her boyfriend that the father was Jason and Jason went along with it.  Jason's girlfriend at the time, Robin, knew the truth and eventually, told AJ the truth.  Carly decided to marry AJ then ruin him and run back to Jason.  


But as that was going on, Jason got close to Elizabeth Webber, which Carly saw and ran into Sonny, who she got into hate sex with and was knock up again.  When she came clean to Sonny, she left AJ and as she was walking down the stairs at the Q mansion, got into an argument with AJ.  She pulled away from him and fell down the stairs, loosing the baby (but if you as Carly and Sonny, AJ pushed her down the stairs).  Eventually, she had to marry Sonny and they did eventually fell in love.  


A few years later, she got pregnant with Morgan, but was kidnapped by Sonny's brother, Ric, then rescued by an enemy of Sonny's, Lorenzo.  As she went into labor, Sonny found her and Lorenzo and, assuming she was being harmed, fired a gun.  It hit Carly in the head (but didn't kill the bitch, damnit) as she delivered Morgan.  Eventually the reconciled.


Sonny also has a daughter by Alexis, Kristina (off at college) from a one night stand that Carly witnessed.  Alexis hid the fact that Sonny was the father, but it came out when the little girl needed a bone marrow and a match was found in the unborn child of Sonny and his latest mistress, Sam, who eventually miscarried the baby (but I think they were able to use the marrow).  It was later revealed that Sam was Alexis' daughter (by now, revealed to be Julian's from a teen ONS).


His firstborn son is Dante, from his HS girlfriend (I think) Olivia (but he was also dating her cousin, Connie).  Dante grew up to be an undercover FBI agent trying to take down the mob.  He infiltrated the organization and when Sonny realized this, shot him, after which Olivia told him the truth.


Truth be told, I was on the barge around the time Dante was introduced.  But I was around for most of the rest of this shit.


Oh, and to round out the Corinthos Family Hour, Carly has a kid by her last husband, Jax, a little girl named Josslyn.  Not seen much, as Carly's busy screwing her latest POA, Franco, who was responsible for getting her son, Michael raped in prison, making it look like Sam was raped, tying someone else to a bomb and kidnapping Joss.  But it was ALL because of a brain tumah.  But someohow, Carly is still, the BEST MUTTER EVAH!  And Sonny is the best father too!  Except for the fact that he's shot one son, gotten another one shot (Michael), nearly blew his daughter up with a car bomb, screwed his son's girlfriend, 

  • Love 3

Okay well at least that all sounds really soapy...humm it may take longer to catch-up on all this than I thought. I would never have thought Michael is older than Morgan. Michael looks really young. I was still trying to grasp that Kiki is dating Michael and Morgan was dating her mom. gag.


So my big take on this is Sonny likes to have lots of ONS and hate sex and everyone seems to NOT want him to know he is anyone's father.LOL

  • Love 2

Kiki showed up in PC with Morgan, they were a couple then. Kiki was supposed to be Franco's daughter and Franco was supposed to be Jason Q.'s twin, which made Michael and Kiki first cousins. For some stupid reason, Michael and Kiki fell into forbidden love since they thought that they were cousins and tried to stay away from each other. Franco was revealed to be Scott's son and not a Q. Morgan tried to keep this information away from Michael and married Kiki. However Sonny told everyone at their wedding reception that Morgan knew that they weren't cousins.

Okay maybe I don't want to know too much. B/c now I know Morgan was married to the daughter and now is dating the mother, plus he kept Kiki from his brother yet now the brothers seem to get along fine. This all might be a little too incestuous for me plus I really don't like the name Kiki so it kind of grates when I have to hear it.


Maybe I'll try something easier. Is AJ really dead this time? and how is Tracy Q related to the original Quartermains?


For those of you who watched GH during the infamous A.J. kidnapping Mykill and shooting Alan era; what was the reaction of the Soap press/bloggers to that storyline? I'm assuming that fan groups like the NOLers thought Sonny could do no wrong, and A.J. was the root of all evil. What about the majority of fans? What about the Soap press? Did they see that storyline as ridiculous and offensive to the characterization of A.J?


From what I read on TWOP/watched on youtube, pretty much the only thing good that came out of that storyline was BW's acting, Skye's eulogy, and Alan confronting Sonny & his family over how they treated A.J. over the years (when everyone thought A.J. was dead for the first time).

Edited by ladybug

For those of you who watched GH during the infamous A.J. kidnapping Mykill and shooting Alan era; what was the reaction of the Soap press/bloggers to that storyline? I'm assuming that fan groups like the NOLers thought Sonny could do no wrong, and A.J. was the root of all evil. What about the majority of fans? What about the Soap press? Did they see that storyline as ridiculous and offensive to the characterization of A.J?


I don't remember the soap press giving a shit. They'd long since sold out to all things Guza - they never said boo about anything he did with the show until after he was gone and it was time to coronate Ron as the savior of yet another show. The only thing they decried was something they took a cue from the fans on, which was the outcry over Dylan Cash's Michael smothering A.J. in the hospital. That was reversed by the show due to fan outcry, not anything from the soap press.


Some fans were outraged by that whole era - I was - but GH and ABCD did not give a shit about any of that and went on ahead with their view of the way things should be. They'd been tuning out all audience complaints about Sonny, Guza and the mob for years; their stock response was always, "this show has had the mob and organized crime since the days of Luke and Laura!"


For whatever reason, though - I think it was a combination of reasons, most of it unrelated to that A.J. story - that year was a particularly rough one for GH, and they did ultimately end up shifting some of the focus and changing some of the course. They had lost Tamara Braun; the disastrous Carly recast, JFP favorite Jennifer Bransford, tanked; Nikolas and Emily was killed and the Nikolas/Courtney storyline the actors were supposedly keen on was poison; Kari Wuhrer as Sonny's new love interest, FBI agent Reese, was a disaster. All of that plus the Michael controversy left them kind of askew. Nothing was working, everything was a mess. So they went to what they knew fans would enjoy, and they brought Kimberly McCullough back as Robin, brought on Patrick for her, did some more vaguely hospital-related stories, and things got 'back on track' for them - or what that team considered back on track. And from then on they kept some semblance of the hospital around much more often, while staying the course with Sonny, Jason and the rest of their stories.


I think 2005 was probably the roughest, weirdest year the Guza/Frons collective ever had, not so much in terms of uniquely bad content - so much of what they did over the years was bad - but that was one year where not only were things really bad and disorganized, but everyone seemed to know it and the show actually worked to change course. It stayed bad, but it never looked that bizarre again under Guza, AFAIC. The one holdover from that year was something they had started in '05, which was the horrific Sonny and Emily pairing they thought could make him 'relevant' again after the Reese debacle - and they got rid of that as fast as they could the following year.

Edited by jsbt
  • Useful 1

I don't remember the soap press giving a shit. They'd long since sold out to all things Guza - they never said boo about anything he did with the show until after he was gone and it was time to coronate Ron as the savior of yet another show. The only thing they decried was something they took a cue from the fans on, which was the outcry over Dylan Cash's Michael smothering A.J. in the hospital. That was reversed by the show due to fan outcry, not anything from the soap press.


Thank you so much for the info!


What happened to Laura and Scorpio?


I didn't quite understand the deal with Britt. Do Dante and Lulu have her child or is Spencer her child?


When the press tried to ask about Rocco she got upset, but she also was worried about seeing Nik.


Nik and Liz seem to have a crush on each other, yet their children are cousins? I'm confused? I suspect this going to be more incestuous stuff so I'm not sure I WANT to know.

Edited by Cattitude

Going backwards; Liz was married to Lucky, Nikolas' half-brother. Nic and Liz had an affair at some point while she was with Lucky (although I'm not sure if Lucky & Liz were married at the time). So yes, Spencer and Cameron are half-cousins.


Rocco was previously named Ben; he was the baby that Britt carried, but the embryo was Dante and Lulu. This didn't come out until after Ben was born. It came out at Nikolas and Britt's engagement party (obviously, they are no longer engaged).


Laura is in Europe, getting treatment at a special hospital. Robert went to help Holly with a problem Ethan (Holly and Luke's secret love child) was having.


I'm sure this all just opens up more questions, of course...


I didn't quite understand the deal with Britt. Do Dante and Lulu have her child or is Daniel her child?


When the press tried to ask about Rocko she got upset, but she also was worried about seeing Nik


Rocco was previously named Ben; he was the baby that Britt carried, but the embryo was Dante and Lulu. This didn't come out until after Ben was born. It came out at Nikolas and Britt's engagement party (obviously, they are no longer engaged).



Britt and her mother Dr. O stole Dante and Lulu's embryo and she purposely had herself implanted with it without telling them. Everyone obviously assumed she was the mother and initially she tried to claim that Patrick Drake was the father. After her lies started to unravel she claimed Brad was the father and he went along with it for a few months. Then after her lies unraveled more she admitted she knew the embryo she had carried was fertilized by Dante's sperm but still claimed the egg that was used was hers. At the engagement party all of her lies were finally exposed.



One other thing. They said something about Silas having a twin who is a vampire. what? Was that a joke?


No. It was not. But I'm going to leave it to someone who was around for this storyline, because this happened when I wasn't watching. And I'm still not sure if he was a real real vampire, or a pretend real vampire, because I watched Port Charles back in the day, and I believe those were real real vampires.

The show did leave it open, however, by showing the presumed dead Stephen Clay/Caleb Morley waking up in the morgue, killing the medical examiner, and walking out. So, technically, I think we're still supposed to believe he was a vampire. 


From GH's wiki page


Lucy and Anna go to check on the body to make sure that he is indeed dead.  They both conclude that he is dead. However, after Lucy and Anna leave, Caleb's body on the table is shown as the medical examiner (who resembles Caleb) takes Caleb's ring off his finger, puts it on, and it's revealed that the body was none other than the medical examiner, while Caleb is revealed to still be alive walks away.


So yea, still a vamp. 

Liz and Nik's affair happened while she was engaged to Lucky. Poor Lucky sensed that something wasn't right and kept on offering Liz an easy out of the engagement that Liz didn't take. Nik tried to leave and go to France, twice. One time he was stopped by Liz and another Liz had Lucky go to Nik's pp to keep him in PC. Liz told Robin that Nik was great in bed. When Lucky finally found out, he saw them fucking at Nik's manse, he proceeded to get stinking drunk and comfronted them at Liz's. It was an epic rant and concluded with Lucky saying that they couldn't go to Carly's daughter's baptism because "they would be too busy to come because they were rutting like farm animals".


Of course, after that Liz finds out that she is pregnant and we get yet another WTD story for Liz with much DNA test tampering by Helena Cassadine.  Baby Aiden was kidnapped by Franco who gave the baby to his mother. Lucky was able to return the baby and got not so much of a thank you from Liz. Liz finally reads the result of the correct DNA test and the baby is Lucky's.


This leads to another horrible storyline.

  • Love 2

I didn't quite understand the deal with Britt. Do Dante and Lulu have her child or is Spencer her child?


Spencer is Nik's, Sonny's sister was his mother. She was married to Jax and thought she couldn't get pregnant. Liz was their surrogate, but had a miscarriage. So She Whose Name etc. had an affair with Nik and got pregnant. Jax and Carly changed the DNA results after SWN... died but it eventually came out that Nik was the father.



Nik and Liz seem to have a crush on each other, yet their children are cousins? I'm confused? I suspect this going to be more incestuous stuff so I'm not sure I WANT to know.


Nick, Liz, Lucky and Emily were the teen scene of their day. Liz and Lucky dated in high school, but then Lucky was "killed" in a fire. When he came back Helena had brainwashed him into not remembering his love for Liz. She wanted Liz for Nik, so they played along for a time but considered themselves to be more like brother and sister.


Emily came back as a recast, still in love with the ex she had dumped before she left (Zander). She didn't want him to know she had breast cancer, so Nik played her distraction. But then after Zander found out and married her anyway, Nik and Emily decided they had such a deep connection that he was able to cure her cancer by crying in a neighboring hospital room. Nik and Emily had an affair, and Zander had a ONS with Liz (Lucky #2 was gone by then, Liz had married and broken up with Ric). Liz named Cameron after Zander's father, Zander had already committed suicide by cop. Lucky #3 and Liz got married later and he adopted Cameron.


Well that doesn't sound as bad. At least they're not really related, b/c so far I kind of like Nik. What kind of bad things has he done?


I also want to know more about Nathan(I think that's his name) He is the son of that awful campy character Dr. O. He sure is Hott. MEOW!

Maxie needs her head examed being with that awful Levi instead of sexy hunk of man.

Edited by Cattitude

Well that doesn't sound as bad. At least they're not really related, b/c so far I kind of like Nik. What kind of bad things has he done?


I also want to know more about Nathan(I think that's his name) He is the son of that awful campy character Dr. O. He sure is Hott. MEOW!

Maxie needs her head examed being with that awful Levi instead of sexy hunk of man.


Well, technically, Nikolas and Lucky are kinda step cousins with Liz lol. Of a sort. Nikolas and Lucky's mother's stepfather Rick Webber is brother to Jeff Webber, Liz's father. There are a lot of those kinds of relationships on this show :)

Original Kristina? Was Alexis' sister, so another Cassadine 'bastard.' Grew up away from Alexis and company, then showed up and got involved with Ned. She died in an explosion, I believe caused by an Alcazar? Alexis was pregnant with her daughter, Kristina, at the time, and decided to name the baby after her late sister.

I remember really enjoying Kristina even though, looking back, she was kind of boring. But I enjoyed her relationship with Alexis and the scenes she had with Ned and Jax. That said, Kristina's death also provided this absolutely amazing scene at her funeral in which Nancy Lee Grahn got to really show her acting chops. It was also amazing watching Alexis get to rip Roy DiLucca, Sonny, Jason, and Carly new ones. 



Ted King played both Luis and Lorenzo Alcazar (Luis, then Lorenzo). I think of Luis as the generally more evil brother, and Alexis ended up pushing him off the balcony of the PC Hotel. He had found her in the snow giving birth to Baby Kristina and he refused to help her and she was justifiably pissed off. The whole death scene was done montage style over the Police's "Murder By Numbers" and, embarrassingly, I can say that it's one of my favorite GH montages. 



Luis' murder led into a story about Alexis faking Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). At one point I believe Alexis was wearing a long red wig, similar to that of her dead sister, Kristina. And then at one point Baby Kristina was taken away from her, custody was given to Skye and Ned (who were living in the Quartermaine mansion), and Alexis, to see the baby, dressed as "Dobson," a butler working for the Qs. It's just as ridiculous as it sounds.

  • Love 2

I hated the DID story, but the best part of it was, Alexis using her legal brain to remember a case in Llanview PA as her precedent:  Commonwealth V. Lord (or was it Carpenter by then?)  


The little tip of the hat and something else FrankenRon also ignored when they brought the OL3 over.  And two DID fakers shared at least ONE scene together (Todd and Alexis, after the "death" of Sam'd baby.)

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