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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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I never liked J/R. Sorry, @HeatLifer! I could not reconcile - and still can't and never will - that Robin, a person who wanted to be a doctor to help people, would willingly stick by a guy who, let's face it, was in the mob and whose job is to kill people. It just seemed counterproductive, and I had and still have no desire to see Robin reduce herself to a mob moll.


That's why I was proud of Robin for walking away, going to Paris, and following her dreams! I don't care about Sam, but her ride or die schtick seemed to mesh in terms of the guy Jason became, willing to embrace the mob life.

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Made it through 1996 and I have to say I'm a little confused about something. In later years Robin said that Jason didn't have any concept of right or wrong but the guy I see on screen clearly knows right from wrong and just doesn't care.


Case in point - hiding his affair with Carly. If Jason truly didn't think what he was doing was wrong - he wouldn't have taken so much effort to hide it from Robin.


Just saying...

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I never liked J/R. Sorry, @HeatLifer! I could not reconcile - and still can't and never will - that Robin, a person who wanted to be a doctor to help people, would willingly stick by a guy who, let's face it, was in the mob and whose job is to kill people. It just seemed counterproductive, and I had and still have no desire to see Robin reduce herself to a mob moll.


That's why I was proud of Robin for walking away, going to Paris, and following her dreams! I don't care about Sam, but her ride or die schtick seemed to mesh in terms of the guy Jason became, willing to embrace the mob life.


Not only that, but it seems to me like she moved past Stone's death awfully quickly (I know, WendyCR72, you hated Stone, too!), and poor Keesha! I know he had brain damage and couldn't remember his past life, but whenever I read about J&R's relationship and how they got together (this was WAY before I started watching), I just feel bad for Keesha, regardless of the fact that she and Jason were distant cousins and she wound up dating AJ. Plus, the fact that Robin had had a crush on Jason Q and only got to be with him after he had that accident--I don't know, it just seems kind of weird to me. 

Edited by UYI
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Well, not to defend Jason (because my loathing of him started when he let that SheBeast move into Brenda's cottage with him and Robin), but when Jason and Robin first got together, he wasn't enmeshed with the mob to the point where he was Sonny's enforcer/hitman. He was more than what Stone was, Stone just running errands. Robin even begged Sonny to fire Jason, the summer she returned in '97 after Jason got shot. This lead to their first break up, where Jason did some really UGLY crying and led with such an emotional wallop. At least for me.

And this may be my bias in favor of Robin, but I'm not going to blame her for her behavior during that first year with Jason...I don't think she was still fully over Stone's death...was so fucking grateful to Sonny for being good to Stone, that it put blinders on her. And she was still a teenager. I'm not going to hold her to a higher standard because she was an old soul or because of who her parents are. Anna did some shady stuff herself. You know, the whole double agent thing.

Can't remember about Jason and Shebeast affair thing.I thought they only had a one night stand?

I just thought awww, Robin had a crush on Jason Quartermaine, and look, full circle, she and Jason Morgan are falling in love...he helped her and she helped him, and well, Kimberly McCullough had chemistry with every damn body, and the chemistry she and Steve generated, just made me overlook him being a thug. Because Steve really sold Jason's love for Robin. No one will ever convince me that Robin wasn't the love of his life. NO.ONE. No matter how they imploded. I blame that on Cujo and Guzasshole, who just had to massacre Robin's character because Kimberly wanted to leave the show.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 7

Stone seemed to respect her more, though. Yes, have gave her HIV, and we don't know what would have happened with them had he lived, but there's something about her and Stone that I like SO much more than her and Jason. JMO, of course. :)



Oh absolutely! I much prefer Robin and Stone; Jason and Robin came second. I was just responding to why I loved Jason and Robin, since that was the conversation currently going on.  And though Robin got HIV through Stone, they thought they were okay, since he had tested negative. Of course, back then, they didn't know he had to get retested. I loved their story and I was beside myself when ET broke the news that Stone was going to get AIDS and leave the show.

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Quick question - I'm up to the point where Jason is telling Robin why he allowed Carly to tell everyone that he is Michael's father and whatever, heard it all before but before that Robin was with Brenda and Brenda was the one who gave Robin the news.


Why did Brenda go out of her way to hurt Robin - she was really cruel with how she told her. I thought they were always friends?

Quick question - I'm up to the point where Jason is telling Robin why he allowed Carly to tell everyone that he is Michael's father and whatever, heard it all before but before that Robin was with Brenda and Brenda was the one who gave Robin the news.


Why did Brenda go out of her way to hurt Robin - she was really cruel with how she told her. I thought they were always friends?


Brenda was mentally troubled at the time. She had either already had a mental breakdown, or was about to have one, when she told Robin. It was caused because Sonny dumped her at the alter earlier that year and had left town. She was also really angry at Jason, because Jason helped Sonny, and was the one who told Brenda Sonny left town, and so she was kinda trying to get Robin to hate Jason.

Another observation - I really don't get the impression that Carly really gives two shits about Michael, just what being his mother get her. Some things never change.

There are several clips missing and I still haven't figured out how Tony ended up kidnapping Robin.

Tony ran into her and Nik in the park, and he dropped a receit for baby supplies and she figured out he kidnapped Michael and confronted him.

Some Brenda and TB!Carly fights from VM's 2002 return. These two had great chemistry together. Warning on the second clip: VM's screaming/screeching may leave your ears bleeding. And it's right at the beginning, too.


Also: Did TB really burp in that second clip? Was the dialogue right after that part adlibbed?



Edited by UYI
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I originally posted this in the fan thread, but it might work here, too. I found this years ago, but I have to share it.


If you've ever wondered what the GH theme of the 90's would've sounded like if it were created for an arcade video game, well, here's your answer. An 8-bit version of the Faces of the Heart theme:


Back in 2002, was it well known that Jason had been promoted from Sonny's errand boy to mob enforcer? And Brenda had been away for a while, so maybe she didn't know the full extent of Jason's decline into immorality.

I didn't so much mind when characters were in denial about the true nature of Jason's work (up until the trying to kill Dante, when all that should have been blown out of the water). Jason and Sonny would have kept that secret from most people, and people like Robin and Monica understandably didn't want to admit what he'd become. Even though they should've known better.

What always made me want to bang my head on a wall was when people would say "Jason doesn't lie." Like, really dipshit? So I guess Jason really is Michael's father? And he confessed to everything the last time he was hauled in by the police? Oh that's right, he was LYING.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 4

KerleyQ's post in the main discussion thread made me wonder what Carly's reaction was when she found out Brook Lynn drugged Dante (answer: she never knew) and I came across a couple of good lines when I was searching the transcripts:


Sonny: It was the wrong thing to do, not just because you're my son, because you were unarmed. It's not a fair fight.


Dante: I didn't know there were rules when you kill someone in cold blood.


Nice of Awesome Writer to slip that in there. This was from the same episode though:


Dante: I am working at that. Especially after what happened with Claudia, I'm realizing maybe I shouldn't be rushing to judgment. So I am gonna give you the benefit of the doubt, and not because I'm your son either. I know firsthand how much Johnny hates you, and I know he would do anything to get justice for his sister, so I have no problem believing that he would actually walk up to you on a crowded street and try and fire off a few rounds. I just think you're smarter than that. If you wanted to kill Johnny, you'd do it in such a way that it can't be tied back to you, and you definitely would not leave him breathing. Your actions are those of someone who is acting in self-defense.


Sonny: I would have liked it better if you believed me because I'm your father, but, you know, what matters is you know I'm not lying to you.


That just cracks me up because you just know the first thing Sonny wanted to say was "blah blah blah".


Brook Lynn: Carly, you didn't tell me that he was so in love, okay?


Carly: Oh, my God. He's Sonny's son. He's available on some level. You couldn't make it happen.


Heh. And yet, Carly is with him. Bah.

  • Love 5

If nothing else, I didn't see Jason telling Liz he was going to murder her 'cause her dumb self can't read. Threats rate a bullet in the head, but her leaving the damn door unlocked doesn't? Pull my other leg, writers, its going to sleep.

I don't want to start up the wars again, but I'm certain the door was locked, and that Jake managed to unlock it and get out. I recall pages and pages of debates over on TWoP whether that was possible for small child to do.

I don't see why Liz should be blamed when she had locked the door and didn't know that Jake was fiddling with it and got out.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Yeah, countless kids manage to subvert the locks and things like that and scoot out the door without warning.  I don't see how that remotely equals (or surpasses??) hiring thugs to menace a toddler and a baby and standing by and watching while a baby is kidnapped without saying a word to stop it or let anyone know what you witnessed.  

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As much as I've had the proverbial "it" with Liz and love to say the writers are dumb- because beyond Awesome Writer, they are..... I have to go with Kid can open the locked door. But that's only because recently an old friend of mine, his 3 year old, during a storm unlocked the door literally while his mom was getting him a glass of milk. The kid was just a super fast escape artist who could bolt and get out of anything. Before- and literally in the blink of an eye- my friend's kid ran out into the storm and ended up in a storm drain. They called the police, etc. My friend found his son, drowned minutes later. So yeah, tragic accidents like that happen with kids all the time. It's imo, the whole Luke not caring about hitting the kid that made no sense.

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Yeah, countless kids manage to subvert the locks and things like that and scoot out the door without warning.  I don't see how that remotely equals (or surpasses??) hiring thugs to menace a toddler and a baby and standing by and watching while a baby is kidnapped without saying a word to stop it or let anyone know what you witnessed.  


I thought Sam hired her camera man so she could frighten Liz and "rescue" her? 

Did anyone ever explain why Sam kept being threatened with jail for not interfering with Jake's kidnapping? It was an awful thing to do but I didn't think it was illegal.

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Grrpants, how awful for your friend!  


I thought Sam hired her camera man so she could frighten Liz and "rescue" her? 


She had two guys to approach Liz, Cameron, and Jake in the park, pretending to be enemies of Jason, in the hopes that it would scare Liz off of any relationship with Jason.  They could have been guys from her show's crew, I'm not positive on that.  This was after she stood by and watched Jake's kidnapping and taunted Liz that he was probably dead. 

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I don't see how that remotely equals (or surpasses??) hiring thugs to menace a toddler and a baby and standing by and watching while a baby is kidnapped without saying a word to stop it or let anyone know what you witnessed.  


What I was actually responding to was the idea that Jake died so Sam could have a kid. Y'know, the kid she thought was the result of being raped, and the piece of shit rat bastard fuckwad who supposedly loved her suggested she get an abortion because he didn't know if he'd be able to love the kid once it was born, while "mourning" for his "real" son Jake, even though he gave up all rights to the kid.

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In "honor" (??) of SWSNBN's return, here she is getting stuck in a car accident with Gia and Liz in 2002! 


Also starring: The Police's "Every Breath You Take", and an honest to God traffic light. Leave it to JFP to find a place in the budget for one of those, because we ain't ever going to see one onscreen now.


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Is it wrong that I laughed at the slow motion car wreck with Courtney, Liz and Gia?   


Courtney really was just dead behind the eyes, wasn't she?   I never hated Courtney that much, I was just amused by how dumb and dull this character really was.  

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Is it wrong that I laughed at the slow motion car wreck with Courtney, Liz and Gia?   


Courtney really was just dead behind the eyes, wasn't she?   I never hated Courtney that much, I was just amused by how dumb and dull this character really was.  


I'm gonna be honest, her eyebrows really bugged me.

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I think there is logic to it. You always want to protect your kids, no matter how old they are, but your adult children can protect themselves and make their own decisions. It's not about them having the right to fuck up the kid's life, but trusting your kid to protect themselves. It's like Alexis with Sam. I thought it made absolute sense that she wanted to protect Sam from Jason, but eventually she had to let go and just respect her daughter's choice.


Except being Sonny's son kinda did fuck up Dante's life, didn't it? It fucked up Michael's and Morgan's too, but for now let''s stick to Dante. Dante sacrificed his principles as a cop to lie on the stand about Sonny shooting him because of.......reasons, I guess, and now he's still entirely too civil to him because of.....more reasons. You could say it was his choice to make, but I think he made the wrong choice, and I'm not going to handwave it just because Maurice wasn't leaving the show.


As for Sam, if she hadn't been Jason's ride-or-die chick for so long, she'd neither have gotten shot in the baby-maker or raped-and-then-not-raped by Franco. Sure, you could say that being targeted by a hitman's enemies (or crazed fans, which makes a hell of a lot less sense) will happen with that kind of lifestyle, but wasn't most of Jason's stupid man-pain based off of not being able to protect the people he loved, like Michael? If Sonny really loved Michael, would he have broken the truce with crazy Papa Z, which took away Michael's protection behind bars, which resulted in his violation? Sonny had a choice to make, to make sure his son was protected or to be his usual loose cannon self, and he chose the latter because he literally doesn't know how to be anything else at this point. Is that love, and if so, is it the kind of love people should want?

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Carly and SWSNBN meet for the first time, 2002. SWSNBN and the original Kristina are together for a meeting of the Long Lost Younger Sisters JFP Loves To Create Out of Thin Air club.


Also, BW!AJ and TB!Carly! <3


ETA: Oh hi there, Zander! This bitch is going to be indirectly responsible for your death in a few years! RAGE.


Edited by UYI

I've read a few comments how Laura Wright's Cujo never met SWSNBN? Not true. Laura joined in 2005 October, around the time Robin returned and that train crash.  Monkey Virus was in 2006; They weren't hip-to-hip, but they did share scenes, and no, I can't provide when, because they were fast forward material for me.  Just saying that Laura was on the show at the same time.

Although I'm pretty much a rabid Robert and Anna 'shipper, I totally get people who prefer Robert / Holly and Duke / Anna. All three couplings were so pretty, and got together through interesting, creative, very different stories.

For myself, I just love watching TR and FH play off each other. And the spy backstory. That's really the basis for my preference.

I agree the Ethan story was stupid. Holly and Luke - no matter what later writers turned them into - would never have cheated on their spouses at that point in time.

I wasn't wholly against Luke's lie to Robert about Ethan, to talk him down after Robins "death." It had some story potential, with different POV. You could see how Luke meant well, but his getting Robert out of town based on a lie and then dating Anna might look bad, especially if the truth came out in the wrong way. Robert would regret missing his daughter's funeral based on a lie and blame Luke, before everyone reconciled and later raced off to save Robin.

But since they didn't get their act together to put TR on contract, we never saw that play out or any Luke/Anna/Robert tension - the only real point to the Anna and Luke pairing.

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I hated how Luke called her "Ahna." TG and his idiotic accents and pretentious pronunciations.



I hated how he called her Slim.  Down with Ron nicknames!



And I hated how all of a sudden they were "old friends" and had known each other for "years", which, no, no they did NOT.  Anna knew of him. He wasn't on the show when she first appeared, and had already been "killed" when he and Laura returned in '93.


So their whole "relationship" grossed me out. UGH. You do NOT go from RobertFucking!Scorpio/Duke Lavery/David to...to...UGH Luke.

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