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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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This clip of Morgan yelling at Dante after Michael was sentenced to prison popped up on youtube recommendations. So Morgan always kind of a douche after Aaron Refvem was replaced.


Morgan: I wish you'd died when dad shot you!


No wonder he thinks Michael is holding a petty grudge.


also, don't read the comments (or the description), unless you want your head to explode. (unless of course anyone reading this does think that Dante the sole person responsible for Michael going to prison, than sure, go ahead, read it, lol.)


Well, for cripes sake, Morgan. I don't even want to watch it. Morgan sucks horribly now, but at least I can still think he's hot. This version of Morgan, I just kept thinking that he was replacing Sonny and Carly's love with food. To go from little Aaron Refvem to this was just weird. Not a fan of this one at all, but he did get the bus crash accident. Otherwise, Morgan's never really in any danger, save my birthday episode where Julian ordered Carlos to kill him.

  • Love 1

Well, for cripes sake, Morgan. I don't even want to watch it. Morgan sucks horribly now, but at least I can still think he's hot. This version of Morgan, I just kept thinking that he was replacing Sonny and Carly's love with food. To go from little Aaron Refvem to this was just weird. Not a fan of this one at all, but he did get the bus crash accident. Otherwise, Morgan's never really in any danger, save my birthday episode where Julian ordered Carlos to kill him.


i do have to add, as asshole-ish as little Morgan is there though, it is super annoying how everyone is like NO NOT MICHEAL NOT PRISON ANYONE BUT MICHAEL SHOULD BE IN PRISON. blah.

  • Love 1

Monica tried to pass AJ off as Rick Webber's kid for a while, actually.  She had cheated on Alan with Rick, tried to hide it, but when Alan found out and went nuts about it, Monica wanted to leave him for Rick and told everyone the baby was Rick's for a while.  


I remember the Nikki Langton thing, for some weird reason.  She was the daughter of some guy Monica had known way, way before coming to PC ... might have been the same guy who sired poor, dead Dawn with Monica, but Nikki was only Dawn's half sister and not Monica's kid.  Anyway, said father of Nikki ended up in the hospital, Monica operated on him and he died, and then Nikki was trying to sue Monica for malpractice or something.  When her lawsuit fell apart, she somehow got involved with AJ.  He had been a completely bratty rich teen, but really did fall for her.  They were engaged, but Alan paid her off to leave town, because he believed Nikki was using AJ to still get back at Monica, and was just otherwise a bitch.  AJ tried to carbon monoxide himself in the garage after that.  I think Alan was the one to save him.  


AJ and Jason both got SORASed by a good 5-7 years when they reappeared from their offscreen boarding school in the early 90s.   


David Langton, who Monica went to medical school with. Nikki was his nickname for Monica, and yes, Nikki and Dawn were half-sisters, but Dawn was already dead by the time she got to PC. 


Robin is technically older than both AJ and Jason by a few years, which makes the fact that both were aged above her so she could have a hopeless crush Jason Q as a teenager really confusing.


Don't forget AJ sleeping with Nancy Eckard lol.I think that happened before the Nikki stuff though lol.


AJ lost his virginity to Nancy Eckert (Sly's mom) right before she murdered. 

Here's Robin trying to get Jason Q's attention as a teen in 1992. Didn't work out so well for her. She looks good in yellow, though!


Edited by UYI
  • Love 1
Robin is technically older than both AJ and Jason by a few years, which makes the fact that both were aged above her so she could have a hopeless crush Jason Q as a teenager really confusing.


That is the weird thing about Billy Miller. He is nearly a decade younger than SB, but his age matches up closer to what it should be relative to Robin. 

  • Love 2

Aw, teen Robin was so cute. This show can fuck itself for what it's done to this character in recent years. Grumble, grumble...

Yeah, poor Robin trying to get Jason's attention ... when he's preoccupied with thinking he, Jagger and Karen may have killed someone. Lol.

Never was a big Holly fan but she is very sweet in that scene!

  • Love 2

Going back a couple of days, today was a great example of why I dislike Spinelli, especially with Maxie, so much.  He has no regard for her feelings, and does shit like trying to tell her that she doesn't know her own feelings, trying to make her feel guilty for things she should not feel guilty about, and generally doing everything he can to manipulate her.  I was so proud of her for shutting him down.


That clip, ulkis - I can't even say "thanks" for posting it, it brought back so many terrible memories!  Awful second Morgan, that hair of Dante's, how totally fucked up it was that everyone blamed Dante for Michael going to prison even though it was 100% the fault of his parents and everyone else who thought that covering up self-defense was such a brilliant idea and that Sonny going to prison to "save" Michael wouldn't scar that poor kid for life.  So so so dumb.  

  • Love 2

There's just something about how Kimberly portrayed wee and teen Robin that made me believe that she (Robin) was a real person, not just a character, if that makes sense.



It is the same thing that JJ"s Lucky did. He was a real child when he first showed up at Ruby's diner. He just shone.


  • Love 1

To be fair, I think there's a big difference even between just 9 year olds and 11 year olds, and both JJ and Amber Tamblyn started off at 11, right? And the kid who plays Spencer seems small for 9 years old, and the Cam and Emma actors look as if they aren't 9 yet either.

Kimberly however, was 8 when she first appeared as Robin, and she was MILES ahead in the acting category. Even though Robin was supposed to be six.

Aside from the ridiculous and inappropriate storylines, I don't think these child actors (and even some of the adult ones) are good actors.

we will just have to agree to disagee b/c I'm not fighting about this, but I've never seen a scene where Sonny faught with a woman or threw a glass with his child in the room.




Sonny and Carly exchanging heated words.




Sonny discovers his girlfriend Brenda wore a wire 



Sonny humiliating his wife Claudia. She deserved it, but because Sonny decided to dress her down in public, she went nuts, took Carly hostage, and Michael ended up killing her to protect Carly. His daughter Kristina also is really shocked at his behavior.

  • Love 10

Thanks for those. Why is it I always am on Sonny's side:-p those first two the women are like goading him and he is trying to leave but they won't leave him alone. Plus I know Sonny isn't a good boyfriend/husband. I hope never to see romantic Sonny and Sam b/c the idea squeeks me out a little.(put that in the vault along with Dante's bad hair)


The last one is a little harsh but to be fair I liked it much better than that hell no wedding(at least the adults there got the kid out of the room). I would think if Kristina and Morgan's mothers were decent they would have gotten those kids out of the room for grown people's business. And actually I could see where Morgan and Kristina would see it as something positive. Sonny was doing it to get revenge on who caused their brother harm.

Edited by Cattitude

Thanks for those. Why is it I always am on Sonny's side:-p those first two the women are like goading him and he is trying to leave but they won't leave him alone. Plus I know Sonny isn't a good boyfriend/husband. I hope never to see romantic Sonny and Sam b/c the idea squeeks me out a little.(put that in the vault along with Dante's bad hair)


The last one is a little harsh but to be fair I liked it much better than that hell no wedding(at least the adults there got the kid out of the room). I would think if Kristina and Morgan's mothers were decent they would have gotten those kids out of the room for grown people's business. And actually I could see where Morgan and Kristina would see it as something positive. Sonny was doing it to get revenge on who caused their brother harm.


"Goaded him."  No.  Classic excuse, but...no.  Sonny chooses to get angry.  It is not the women's fault.


The mothers were at fault for not taking the kids out of the room.  Again, no.  It's Sonny's responsibility to keep his temper. 


Sonny losing his shit in a public place is ok as long as it's only adults.  I just can't.  smh


Sonny getting revenge being seen by his kids as positive.  If that statement alone isn't enough to make him unfit, then I don't know what is.  Since when is getting revenge a civilized, mature, healthy trait for someone to have? 

  • Love 16

Don't forget Sonny making SWSNBN's mom crawl on the floor and pick up cash he'd thrown there.


I was gonna post the transcript but I decided you can't really get the full impact of it just reading it. But what the hell, I'll post it here, just so we can marvel at Emily's absolute stupidity:


March 7, 2006



Sonny: What do you want from me, Janine?

Janine: Sonny, it's not about what I want. It's about what Courtney would want. She would want to know that I could come to you for help.

Sonny: You're -- you're serious? You expect me to support you?

Janine: We're family --

Sonny: We're nothing!

Janine: I wasted eight years of my youth on that worthless piece of garbage you call a father. I broke my back to support him and his gambling habit.

Sonny: Well, it's a good thing you got rid of him all those years, then, disappeared on him, telling Courtney he was dead. You tied up all the loose ends, though, didn't you?

Janine: See, here's the thing, Sonny -- I can still get Mike's attention when I want to because I know right where those buttons are, and I can send him back to the tables and the track and hocking everything he can beg, borrow, and steal to feed that little gambling habit of his. Or I can just go home and leave him in peace, and that is really up to you.

Sonny: Now you've made a serious error. Don't threaten Mike and never threaten me.


Sonny: You worked Courtney for money when she was alive, now you're cashing in on her death? You give trailer trash a bad name, Janine.

Janine: Sonny, the only difference between you and me is you take what you want at gunpoint and that's what all this stuff is, because you know as much about hard work and sacrifice as your father and you've got no business judging me.

Sonny: That would actually mean that I give you a moment's thought.

Janine: Well, maybe you should, because I raised your sister.

Sonny: Yeah, right, you --

Janine: And I stood up while Mike took every dime that I earned! So, yeah, I started a new life to support me and Courtney, and you're right -- I did eventually take money from my own daughter. And now you're going to help me, if not to ease your conscience about the way you treated her, then to help Mike, because I will take him on a gambling jag so deep that he will be in debt for the rest of his life!

Sonny: You want money? You want money? I'll give you money. Here you go. Here you go. Look at that. Look at that. You like that? Take it -- $100. Come on, take it! Take it! You want more? Take that. Go ahead, get on your knees. Take it! Get down there! Get on your knees. That make you happy? But I tell you what -- you show your face in this town again and I will see to it that you regret it!

Janine: You get off your high horse.  You're a thug in a fancy suit, that's what you are!

Sonny: Get the hell out of here, you greedy bitch! Go! Yeah, that's right! How much did you hear?

Emily: Enough to know you were both pretty upset.

Sonny: Janine came for some money and she was going to get what she came for.

Emily: It had to be more than that for you to be so angry.

Sonny: I never wanted to see that look in your eyes right now. You're afraid of me.


Sonny: I'm glad this happened now before we go any deeper. I'm going to go ahead and cancel the trip, ok?

Emily: Wait, wait, wait -- Sonny? Sonny? How about having this conversation with me instead of jumping to conclusions?

Sonny: Emily, I'm sorry that you had to see that.

Emily: I'm not afraid of you, Sonny, but I don't like someone that I care about being so upset. So why don't you try talking to me, not at me? What happened before I got here?

Sonny: Ah --

Emily: Sonny?

Sonny: Janine came by, ok, with her hand out ready to cash in on Courtney’s death. I did not play along, so she threatened mike. She said she was going to get him to start gambling again and then destroy his life.

Emily: And you reacted badly, which --

Sonny: Right.

Emily: In my opinion was more than justified. By the way, I've been known to kick in a wall or two.

Sonny: Don't make -- no, no, no. See, that's -- I don't want you making excuses for me, Emily. That's exactly what I'm -- you're better than that.

Emily: Sonny? Somewhere along the way, you decided that you have to be perfect for me, that I expected or deserved someone who isn't even real.

Sonny: I don't want you sugarcoating --

Emily: No, no, stop it.

Sonny: What I do.

Emily: Please listen to me. I am not looking for an idealized version of romantic love. I thought I had that once, and it didn't last. Who you are, what we are is real. It's honest and it's scary and it comes from someplace deep inside of me that I've never felt before. I don't want safe. I don't want perfect. Sonny, I want -- you. I want us to go away where we don't have to feel guilty or worried that we're going to be discovered. I want us to be someplace where -- where we can be silly or happy or whatever it is that we're feeling in that moment.



ew. soily.


I would think if Kristina and Morgan's mothers were decent they would have gotten those kids out of the room for grown people's business. And actually I could see where Morgan and Kristina would see it as something positive. Sonny was doing it to get revenge on who caused their brother harm.



Actually Alexis defended Sonny after his display to Kristina. Morgan wasn't there at all.


Sonny losing his shit in a public place is ok as long as it's only adults.  I just can't.  smh



Nowhere did Cattitude say it was okay for Sonny to lose his temper, or that it was okay as long as only adults. Just that at least the kids were out of the room. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

I was gonna post the transcript but I decided you can't really get the full impact of it just reading it. But what the hell, I'll post it here, just so we can marvel at Emily's absolute stupidity:


March 7, 2006




ew. soily.



Actually Alexis defended Sonny after his display to Kristina. Morgan wasn't there at all.



Nowhere did Cattitude say it was okay for Sonny to lose his temper, or that it was okay as long as only adults. Just that at least the kids were out of the room. 



."And actually I could see where Morgan and Kristina would see it as something positive. Sonny was doing it to get revenge on who caused their brother harm."


What Sonny was doing was losing his temper.  So, it being ok was implied.


There is nothing ok about abuse, and I am really upset that it is being excused in this way. 

  • Love 1
Actually Alexis defended Sonny after his display to Kristina. Morgan wasn't there at all.


Oh was that little boy Michael. See I don't even know which is which:)


I find it funny that "bipolar" Sonny is horrible for being terrible then loving towards his exs but yet they do the exact samething. I love Sonny I hate Sonny. He isn't the only one who goes back and forth all these ladies do too.

."And actually I could see where Morgan and Kristina would see it as something positive. Sonny was doing it to get revenge on who caused their brother harm."


What Sonny was doing was losing his temper.  So, it being ok was implied.


There is nothing ok about abuse, and I am really upset that it is being excused in this way. 


You do realize this is about fictional characters and not real life people. I personally don't know anyone as horrible as half of PC residents not just Sonny.

  • Love 1
."And actually I could see where Morgan and Kristina would see it as something positive. Sonny was doing it to get revenge on who caused their brother harm."

What Sonny was doing was losing his temper.  So, it being ok was implied.

There is nothing ok about abuse, and I am really upset that it is being excused in this way.


But she didn't say that it was positive. Just that Morgan and Kristina might see it that way, which is a completely different thing.


I don't agree with Cattitude about Sonny but she's never claimed he was a saint.


And I'll just leave it to Cattitude now, since I'm sure she can defend herself.

  • Love 2

Oh was that little boy Michael. See I don't even know which is which:)


Are you talking about the last clip with Claudia? I don't see any little boy in the clip, but I kinda skimmed through it. I suppose I could be wrong that morgan was there, because Michael was definitely a teen by that time. If it was a brown-haired boy, that's Morgan.

Edited by ulkis

What drives me nuts is that sometimes the show acknowledges that Sonny is abusive and violent and then they backtrack, like "nah, he means well!"

He might actually have been interesting to me if he had to stay in prison, we saw him a moderate amount, and he actually had to work on himself and his issues and mature. But, no.

Sonny's had so many wake up calls over the years that he needs to change - Lily blowing up, shooting Dante and realizing it's his son, shooting Carly in the head, Michael going to prison, going off his meds and hurting Robin, killing AJ based on Ava's lies and his own grudges and having Michael turn on him, etc. etc. etc

He never freaking learns! Get some damn therapy! Don't wave a gun around like a nimrod and then act sorry when people get hurt! The mob is dangerous! Try and learn even one of these lessons after 20 years of this shit, good grief.

The show doesn't even pretend to take his issues seriously anymore, which does a disservice to the story of his abuse as a kid and his bipolar condition.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 10

Are you talking about the last clip with Claudia? I don't see any little boy in the clip, but I kinda skimmed through it. I suppose I could be wrong that morgan was there, because Michael was definitely a teen by that time. If it was a brown-haired boy, that's Morgan.


There is a little boy with Kristina in I think some kind of school uniform too. I just assumed it was her brother. They are both hanging out at the door. yes it is the Claudia clip.

I find it funny that "bipolar" Sonny is horrible for being terrible then loving towards his exs but yet they do the exact samething. I love Sonny I hate Sonny. He isn't the only one who goes back and forth all these ladies do too.



I don't think Sonny's exes are terrible to him. He is terrible to them, so they hate him, then he decides to love them, and the women go back. That is basically the abuse cycle. Sonny emotionally (and occasionally physically) abuses these women, and they get trapped in the abuse cycle.

More than anything I would like this show decide to do a Battered Woman's Syndrome story and have Carly kill Sonny. It's a Carly I could support.

  • Love 7

Thanks for those. Why is it I always am on Sonny's side:-p those first two the women are like goading him and he is trying to leave but they won't leave him alone. Plus I know Sonny isn't a good boyfriend/husband. I hope never to see romantic Sonny and Sam b/c the idea squeeks me out a little.(put that in the vault along with Dante's bad hair)


The last one is a little harsh but to be fair I liked it much better than that hell no wedding(at least the adults there got the kid out of the room). I would think if Kristina and Morgan's mothers were decent they would have gotten those kids out of the room for grown people's business. And actually I could see where Morgan and Kristina would see it as something positive. Sonny was doing it to get revenge on who caused their brother harm.



To the bolded part - I have no idea!  :-)  But your comments add to the discussion, and they make me think a little more deeply about some of this stuff, and make me think more about some of the history that I sometimes forget.  It's good to have different opinions on the board.  Hell, I'm the one who actually likes Spencer, and lord knows that's a hard stance to maintain around here!


That said, I have to disagree with the second paragraph!  Sure, ideally, mothers would usher kids or teenagers out of the room when shit got nasty.  But when Sonny turned on Claudia, it all escalated very quickly and everyone was sort of surprised and caught flat-footed by the intensity of Sonny's rage and the level of his cruelty.  I still put all of the blame on that situation on Sonny.  If the mothers should have removed the kids from the situation, why wasn't Sonny responsible for not doing that in front of the kids to start with???  And as to Morgan and Kristina seeing it as a positive?  That's exactly why Sonny shouldn't be raising children - the kids he's raised all grew up with seriously distorted senses of right and wrong.

  • Love 9

He never freaking learns! Get some damn therapy! Don't wave a gun around like a nimrod and then act sorry when people get hurt! The mob is dangerous! Try and learn even one of these lessons after 20 years of this shit, good grief.

This is the main problem with Sonny. AJ, Michael, etc. they have learned. They've grown. They've changed for the better. And that's the kinda story I can get behind; people who have done bad things realizing they need to change and be better for their family and themselves. Sonny remaining the same disgusting person for 20 years and never having to pay for anything isn't interesting at all.


Is there a clip of Sonny making SWMNBN's mom crawl on youtube? I've never seen that. I've also never seen the stuff with Sonny and Karen, but I don't even want to because it'll just make my Sonny rage astronomical and will make me even more irate about this show's hero worship of him.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2

Ugh, that stuff between Sonny and Janine makes me skin crawl just reading it. Horrible, awful stuff. And Emily basically excusing it is just beyond the pale. 


no, that promo was pretty good. Too bad the story was mostly dreck.


They chose some great Carly shots. Hee.


Sonny remaining the same disgusting person for 20 years and never having to pay for anything isn't interesting at all.

He truly hasn't changed one iota. 


Is there a clip of Sonny making SWMNBN's mom crawl on youtube?

I tried to find one, but my (admittedly quick) search didn't come up with anything.

  • Love 2

At least AJ did have Keesha. What happened to her anyway?


Keesha left town way back in '98 to take care of her ill father David. She also dated pre-brain damage Jason, and he shoved her away right along with his parents when he went to work for Sonny, so you can add her to the moobster's casualty list in a way. A.J. was sober when he and Keesha started going out, but he must have fallen off the wagon because they broke up at some point.

I tried to find one, but my (admittedly quick) search didn't come up with anything.


No, I don't think it's there. Alas alas.


I think Sonny changed. And then he regressed again.


Here's another clip where Sonny grabs Brenda by the arm and refuses to let her go*




And here he calls her a whore (he says something to Miguel in Spanish, and Brenda asks for a translation, and Sonny says he calls her a whore. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but he didn't actually call her a whore in spanish, right? Something about Brenda having no class?)



*Which, at the time, I would not have condemned Sonny as a wholesale misogynist. And I think Brenda and Sonny were hot and dynamic back then. But in light of how he later turns out, it just makes him look even more of an ass now.

  • Love 2

Are there any clips of the stuff with Sonny and Karen? I know I said I didn't want to see it, but my Sonny hate is fueling me right now so maybe I do want to add more fuel to the fire.


Karen meets Sonny, 1993. I'm assuming this is his first scene ever:



This channel has more, just go to part 2 afterwards if you can handle it. :)

Keesha left town way back in '98 to take care of her ill father David. She also dated pre-brain damage Jason, and he shoved her away right along with his parents when he went to work for Sonny, so you can add her to the moobster's casualty list in a way. A.J. was sober when he and Keesha started going out, but he must have fallen off the wagon because they broke up at some point.


I know how popular J&R were, but it makes me VERY uncomfortable knowing poor Keesha had to lose her boyfriend who she loved because he couldn't remember her anymore, even if AJ WAS an upgrade for her.

Edited by UYI
  • Love 2


I think Sonny changed. And then he regressed again.



Guza's 2002 return screwed Sonny.  I still believe if TPTB went forward with a real Sonny/Alexis (Sexis) pairing, Sonny would not have had this regression.  I still feel they can pull him out of this death spiral if they try something different.  A repairing of Sonny/Carly ain't it. 

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