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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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What exactly made any of you guys think Jason loved Sam? The few times I saw it were Sam having a conjugal visit with Jason as Brenda in Pentonville, Jason telling Sam that she could be a mother after she'd been reunited with Danny, and when Jason and Sam were home with Danny right before he died. Or "died". I feel like I'm missing something. Was it Steve Burton's portrayal of Jason? Or the writing?

What I'm getting is that Sam was raised by a conman and took care of her disabled brother, learned she was adopted, never really felt loved. She went from con to con, relationship to relationship, searching for a connection. All she wanted was a family, but never found it. Add that with Jason, who had a family, but was injured in a car accident and other brain injuries. He disowns his family and tries to get a new one, but it's destroyed by various lies, etc. Maybe deep inside he wants his real family back. He mourns his father, defends his sister, gets close to his mother. So you add him with Sam, who wants a family and that's enough love?

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Explain it to me like I'm Sonny, why Jason whom is/was an emotionally unavailable train wreck robot that carried torches and weird obsessions for Carly, Robin, and Liz was so damn desirable to Sam? Does she have low self esteem? The dude threatened to kill her. I've tried watching Jason the Jason again on you tube. I see Jason loved Robin. Jason liked sex with Carly. Jason liked the idea of Liz. Jason liked Sam's loyalty. I don't get love from him. I get this dude was comfortable and liked routines. Am I missing something?

I would say because Jason was the first person who truly loved her besides her brother Danny. Her adopted father used her in his con games and her adopted mother abandoned her.

Sam would then have a series of specialized relationships with men who were her marks whom she lied about her identity in order to marry them and steal their money.

She then gets involved with Jax but that relationship is easily disregarded by Sam with how she threw him over for Sonny.

Sonny ended up using her a revenge fuck you relationship when Carly got involved with Lorenzo and Sam ended up getting pregnant.

Jason started off taking care of Sam to get her out of Sonny and Carly's relationship. They became friends and she learned how to trust him with who she truly was. She didn't have to lie to him about who she was; their relationship did not become sexual until a year after living together; and Jason did love her and it was the first time she felt that she was truly loved.

Despite the danger of his job, she actually fit in Jason's world and her morality allowed her not to care that was a mob enforcer.

They were solid for years before she got shot in the uterus (Manny shoots her so of corse she can't have babies now). Jason dumps her at Alexis' urging and then Sam sleeps with Ric in revenge and Jason/Liz happens.

However I also believe that Sam is a moronic idiot with zero sel-esteem who was thrilled that the apparently golden boy hit man of Port Charles loved her that she accepted being a priority after Sonny, Carly, their children and his job.

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I never warmed up to Ethan, but the one thing I always liked is that he wasn't saddled with a tragic backstory. He bore Holly no ill will for giving him up, he never resented his adoptive parents, and he had a happy childhood.

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I never warmed up to Ethan, but the one thing I always liked is that he wasn't saddled with a tragic backstory. He bore Holly no ill will for giving him up, he never resented his adoptive parents, and he had a happy childhood.


I didn't like him much until he started sharing scenes with Kristina and Johnny.  But I did appreciate that he didn't fit the soap stereotype of the adopted kid showing up hellbent on revenge against his biological parents. 

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All I know is any time I tuned in in the last couple years before Frank and Ron took over, any Johnny/Ethan scene played like they were fucking, like Ethan's gotta have it. You got the sense that he would bend over for JZ at a moment's notice. I accept their down-low homosex as canon and no one can take it from me.

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Like that time that Ava broke his sunglasses?

Wait, what? when did Ava and Spinelli ever meet? Wasn't he long gone by the time she came to PC? Or did I just not pay attention (which is entirely possible)?

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Wait, what? when did Ava and Spinelli ever meet? Wasn't he long gone by the time she came to PC? Or did I just not pay attention (which is entirely possible)?


It was in summer of 2013 and they were in the hospital. I also forget why Spin was trailing Ava though.


ETA: Boo, there's no clip and the transcript for that day is missing, but this what a description says:


Elsewhere in the hospital, Ava recognized Spinelli, who was hiding behind balloons in an attempt to follow her. She told him that her assistant called her and gave her a description of a “pasty Amphibian-looking guy” asking personal questions about her at her gallery.


There is a clip for that day, but it's only with Ava scenes with Silas. Why.

Edited by ulkis
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It was in summer of 2013 and they were in the hospital. I also forget why Spin was trailing Ava though.


I think it was something about finding out more about her; I seem to recall Spinelli going to New York or something to find out more about her past by going to her gallery. Or something...As a favor to Cujo the shebeast.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I think Carly had Spinelli following Ava because… reasons (I can't remember, probably something to do with the SERIAL KILLER).


Isn't this true for so much of the show?  We can't remember why anyone wanted to do anything.  Sometimes it's because so much time passes before what they do becomes relevant again.  And at other times the whole point becomes moot.


Like why Ava killed Connie.


I couldn't even remember who it was who kidnapped Luke from the chupacabra boathouse.  Was that Heather? Someone working for Fluke? Was it Heather and she kidnapped him twice? Man, all I remember was Tracy bringing a fish net to the police department and Finola and Jane not breaking character when the net fell off the counter and banged on the floor.  The rest?  All a blur.  I better remember plot points from 1979!  And I was in the 3rd grade at the time!

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I couldn't even remember who it was who kidnapped Luke from the chupacabra boathouse.  Was that Heather?


Yup.  Luke stumbled upon her when she was holding Carly prisoner (gawd, I hated that whole "Love Franco, LOVE HIM!" story arc) and then had one of her goons (...that she was somehow able to finance) dump him at Miscaviage.

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Okay none of this is ringing any bells. Clearly my finger wS firmly planted on the FF button at the time lol!


Oh so was mine, trust me! But for some nonsensical reason, I didn't fast forward that part...I'm suuuuuure  you could find it on youtube!

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Yup.  Luke stumbled upon her when she was holding Carly prisoner (gawd, I hated that whole "Love Franco, LOVE HIM!" story arc) and then had one of her goons (...that she was somehow able to finance) dump him at Miscaviage.

Thanks.  Did he ever get out from that kidnapping?  Or did Fluke just take over?


And I completely forgot that Heather had kidnapped Carly. I do remember that Heather was trying to coax the kids into stabbing her kidnap victim, but when writing my last post, I thought to myself, "Wow, did Heather really try to kill Luke? Well, I guess she must have." 


There's just no more 'there' there to this show anymore. Nothing matters. Nothing sticks. YMMV.

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Thanks.  Did he ever get out from that kidnapping?  Or did Fluke just take over?


And I completely forgot that Heather had kidnapped Carly. I do remember that Heather was trying to coax the kids into stabbing her kidnap victim, but when writing my last post, I thought to myself, "Wow, did Heather really try to kill Luke? Well, I guess she must have." 


There's just no more 'there' there to this show anymore. Nothing matters. Nothing sticks. YMMV.


Yeah, Fluke took over after that.


Oh, I wish I could forget Heather kidnapped Carly. The denouement of it all was Franco rescuing Carly and probably the most atrocious display of acting from RoHo. "Caaawy"



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Thanks.  Did he ever get out from that kidnapping?  Or did Fluke just take over?


That's supposedly when the switch happened.  Luke was in Miscavage and Scotty found him (recall Wig!Luke).  Then, Scotty was taken prisoner there too.  And when the two were later rescued, Fluke had taken Luke's place.

Oh, I wish I could forget Heather kidnapped Carly. The denouement of it all was Franco rescuing Carly and probably the most atrocious display of acting from RoHo. "Caaawy"


Terrible.  So many rage blackouts.


It's also the story that really ramped up my loathing of Kiki.

Edited by TeeVee329
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It's also the story that really ramped up my loathing of Kiki.


My all-time favorite Kiki memory will be when she and Morgan (or was it Michael?) decided to live in the Quartermaine boathouse. 


Seriously, you're going to in a shack with no heat, no appliances, no running water, and no toilet?  And there's a mansion 50 yards away?  When I was little, that was called, "She ran away. Don't worry, she'll come home when she's hungry."


Scratch that.  My all-time favorite Kiki moment is when she did the below-knee splits into the (apparently) four feet of water that is the Port Charles Harbor.  But choosing to live in a van by the river, errr, shack by the lake, is a strong second.

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Yeah, Fluke took over after that.


So, Luke's master plan was to impersonate Luke, and it just happened that Heather kidnapped him and that's when he stepped in?  Oye, this show sometimes. 


Let me get this clear, there should be a scene out there somewhere that goes something like:


Fluke [to Julian, Johnny, Helena or accomplice to be later]:  And now I must find a time when Luke is alone and kidnap him and replace him without anyone getting suspicious.  This will take sharp cunning ....


[Goon No. 1]:  Hey, Heather Webber just kidnapped him and is holding him at Miscavaige Mental Asylum.


Fluke:  How opportune for me.  I knew we'd one day benefit from letting her join our Legion of Doom. Even if she only orders BLTs for the weekly staff meetings.

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So, Luke's master plan was to impersonate Luke, and it just happened that Heather kidnapped him and that's when he stepped in?  Oye, this show sometimes.


During that first Fluke vs. Luke scene, Fluke said some nonsense about how he had been watching Luke for years and that his imprisonment at Miscavage gave him the opportunity to replace him.


...because I guess all of Luke's walkabouts the last few years when nobody in his family could find him were inconvenient times for Fluke?

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Oh, I wish I could forget Heather kidnapped Carly. The denouement of it all was Franco rescuing Carly and probably the most atrocious display of acting from RoHo. "Caaawy"

That scene still cracks me up. It's so. terrible. on every level. It's RoHo's "NOOO SERVICE" moment.


And that GIF of Lauren jumping into the water is an instant classic. 

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My all-time favorite Kiki memory will be when she and Morgan (or was it Michael?) decided to live in the Quartermaine boathouse. 


Seriously, you're going to in a shack with no heat, no appliances, no running water, and no toilet?  And there's a mansion 50 yards away?  When I was little, that was called, "She ran away. Don't worry, she'll come home when she's hungry."


Scratch that.  My all-time favorite Kiki moment is when she did the below-knee splits into the (apparently) four feet of water that is the Port Charles Harbor.  But choosing to live in a van by the river, errr, shack by the lake, is a strong second.


Can I just say, after all the recent theories about Fluke/Luke, I've been imagining for a week or two now that whenever he's revealed, he's saying "and it's because of YOU, Luke and Bobbie, that we had to go live in a VAN down by the RIVER!" Those huge glasses that Tony Geary used to wear in some old 70s clips don't help me shake the imagery.

So, Luke's master plan was to impersonate Luke, and it just happened that Heather kidnapped him and that's when he stepped in?  Oye, this show sometimes. 


lol, to be fair they did throw in some line about how Fluke had been waiting for years for the opportunity to make the switch.

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lol, to be fair they did throw in some line about how Fluke had been waiting for years for the opportunity to make the switch.


I get that, but I just can't get over that Heather has goons working for her at Miscavaige, which in the same place where Luke happens to have some goons.


And when Heather kidnapped him the first time and left him alone in the shack, that wasn't opportune?

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Maybe Fluke is allergic to a rare plant found near the cabin lol.


Just another day of doing Ron's job for him la la.


Of course maybe if Fluke is just Cluke (crazy Luke) than the reason he picked that moment is cause that is when he snapped.

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It's amazing how Ron seems to just be pulling this Fluke storyline out of his ass as it goes along.  It reminds me of Guza with the Text Message Killer story -- both are/were complete and utter messes that make absolutely no sense when remembering how they actually started (if one can actually remember the beginning after all the subsequent convolution).

Edited by magnolia11
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Okay here is my take on  Sonny and Michael and what Dante said. First it seems most people didn't like AJ in general before he was killed so to me people still not caring about AJ is obviously whats going to happen. So I don't see people in general shrugging off AJ's death as propping Sonny. Second when Sonny killed AJ he thought he was avenging Connie's death so even though in the end he knows that isn't true and still isn't sorry he killed him what Dante was saying is he gets how Sonny in the heat of the moment could kill a man he thought killed his love.


Except we'd been there and done that with Sonny "avenging" Connie. And he killed the wrong guy then, too. Add in the fact that he slithered on top of Olivia five minutes after Connie stopped breathing, and I really think he should shut his face about how much he loved her.

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Only knew that Helena gifted it to Luke & Laura per an episode last week.


The boat was given anonymously to the city with the proviso it be given to L&L for saving the world.  If I remember correctly, Laura named it the Star and after she "died" Luke renamed it the Haunted Star.  

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Yeah, an anonymous donor gave it. PC might have decided to gift it to Luke on its own. And poor Luke is like "what the heck do I do with this thing?!" He tries to sell it and finds out there's no market for it.

Meanwhile, Robert gets canned by the WSB because he destroyed the weather machine instead of turning it over to the WSB for its own purposes.

So they're both broke and Luke and Laura now have an enormous boat that is expensive to maintain. Hee hee.

When Tiffany finds out Robert's alleged fabulous wealth was just a cover story for his secret agent work, she is ... displeased.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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When Tiffany finds out Robert's alleged fabulous wealth was just a cover story for his secret agent work, she is ... displeased.


It's such a great scene.  Tiffany was one of the few characters that could always make me laugh out loud.  



So the WSB has always been a bit shady.


Just like the CIA.  :)

Edited by LegalParrot81
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Yeah, the WSB as all "but we will use it only to threaten bad regimes" and Robert was all "nobody should have that amount of power." It was the Cold War when that story aired, so maybe the build up of nukes was on everyone's mind?

Yes, Tiff threw many many items at Robert's head. :)

While it might sound like she was money-obsessed, he did take his sweet time about telling her the truth about what their finances would be, and she had already moved to this average little city to be with him. So, she kinda had a point!

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Unpopular opinion, circa late 1981 episodes: Noah and Bobbie are like watching paint dry for me.  I can't get into them AT ALL.   Young Noah is just like his son -- blandly pretty, thinks he's hot shit, and just no depth.  Although somehow I can still enjoy the Rick Springfield prettiness, even as my eyes glaze over during Noah's dialogue.


Where I'm at in the episodes, Luke and Laura are trying to talk Robert out of taking a job offer in NYC.  D'oh!  If Robert had taken that job, he probably would've run into Anna and baby Robin a lot sooner (I think that's where they were living before Anna paid PC a visit / came to stalk Robert in '85 ...)

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That kind of amuses me though, that Patrick is like Noah. Can you post a link to one of the scenes please? I'd like to see that.


I kind of want Bobbie and Patrick to share a brief scene at the hospital. I don't really recall them having any at all together.

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This is actually a good episode all around - some fun Luke/Laura/Robert/Tiff scenes.    (Try to ignore Luke's peach Guess jeans).


And the actor who plays Lee Baldwin, Peter Hansen, does just a fantastic job in scenes where Lee falls off the wagon ... and burns Laura's divorce papers from Scotty that just arrived from Mexico!!  I guess Lee is really hurting because Scotty has been licking his wounds in Mexico for a year, refusing to contact his family; Lee blames Luke and Laura for Scott losing it and he is pissed that everyone in town is talking about Luke and Laura getting married as soon as she gets her divorce.  


There's another scene where Noah/Bobbie make out in a supply room, as well, which I might be able to dig up ... shades of early Patrick/Robin, with the supply room make outs!  

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This is actually a good episode all around - some fun Luke/Laura/Robert/Tiff scenes.    (Try to ignore Luke's peach Guess jeans).


And the actor who plays Lee Baldwin, Peter Hansen, does just a fantastic job in scenes where Lee falls off the wagon ... and burns Laura's divorce papers from Scotty that just arrived from Mexico!!  I guess Lee is really hurting because Scotty has been licking his wounds in Mexico for a year, refusing to contact his family; Lee blames Luke and Laura for Scott losing it and he is pissed that everyone in town is talking about Luke and Laura getting married as soon as she gets her divorce.  


There's another scene where Noah/Bobbie make out in a supply room, as well, which I might be able to dig up ... shades of early Patrick/Robin, with the supply room make outs!  

I think PH won an emmy for this story.Its too bad that soon Lee will be on the Luke and Laura train though.Theres this one scene where I think luke is missing it might have been during the ice princess story but Lee made a sacrastic comment about how David hamaltion and laura don't remeber the exact comment but it was hilarous lol.It was such an un Lee like thing to say lol.


I think Rick springfield was more popular than Noah if that makes sense lol.

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random snowstorm youtube watching. Lucky discovers Dante's real identity. JJ was back for about a month at this point and all of a sudden he re-discovered his computer genius. I loved the way he said "whoa, you're not going anywhere. What are you doing?" That made me buy him as a cop despite looking like he just graduated from high school. And then they both make fun of Lulu. It  was all adorable and all three of the characters/actors had great chemistry. I'm still mad I never got my Lante/LL2 double date (right behind my Lante/Jolivia double date).

Edited by ulkis
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I thought Dante and JJ's Lucky were an amazing team. They should have run the show frontburner together, like Luke and Scorpio back in the day.


But both were forced to tell Jason that they respected him. Why? For his monavie formula? Who knows! that was another "now JJ is playing Lucky" change - they used to hate each other and then after JJ came on the first scene he and Jason had together it was something like Lucky fucking with Jason in the interrogation room but then telling him how much he respected him bro or some shit like that. I appreciated Lucky becoming competent all of a sudden but having to kiss Jason's ass still burned.

Edited by ulkis
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But both were forced to tell Jason that they respected him. Why? For his monavie formula? Who knows! that was another "now JJ is playing Lucky" change - they used to hate each other and then after JJ came on the first scene he and Jason had together it was something like Lucky fucking with Jason in the interrogation room but then telling him how much he respected him bro or some shit like that. I appreciated Lucky becoming competent all of a sudden but having to kiss Jason's ass still burned.


Yeah, I remember that. They did it because they approved of Jonathan's Lucky and no one else. Suddenly because it's JJ, Lucky and Jason are cool (but Lucky still has to beta for Big Steve). Fuck that show. There's a lot of shit I miss about the old writing team's skills but that is not part of it.

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